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Product Details
Below 37 is one of those great capsules that deal with heat in best manner. The capsules helps in fighting cough, cold, influenza and other ailments
caused by body heat. The capsule as well aids in sweating in a natural way, cools the body efficiently and reduces pains and aches that caused by this
infection. The herbs in this capsule are carefully chosen and react quickly. Additionally, the herbal components in the capsule boost immunity and have
anti-infective properties. Ayurvedic properties such as Tulsi, Kalmegh, Bilva and Guduchi keeps our liver protected in these conditions.
Benefits of Below 37
 It acts on TRC to regulate body temperature.
 Anti Viral and Anti Bacterial Formula (E.G. COLD, FLU WITH FEVER)
 Boosts Immunity for faster healing and resistance against future infections
 Promotes liver function while fighting fever
 No side effects like contemporary drugs
 Adverse events of toxaemia to liver reported for Paracetamol
Important Note
 Do not exceed stated dosage
 Not to be combined with paracetamol
 If fever does not come down in 2-3 days , consult physician
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY Chirayata,Kalmegh,Guduchi,Triphala mix and 1
100% Natural Actives to help fight influenza and
related symptoms
FOR WHOM Body Heat with Cough and Cold
WHAT AGE 10 Years and above
Confirm with physician; 1 capsule every 8 hours
HOW MUCH for first two days, followed by 1 capsules twice
daily for next 3 days
WHEN As per symptoms
MRP 640
Elements Cof-Nil Cough Relief Formula 100ML MRP Price ₹195

Product Details
With Elements Cof-Nil, fighting cold is now much easier. The tonic contains some of the very effective herbs like Vasaka, Tulsi, Banafsha, Kantakari
and Yashti that helps in soothing and anti-allergic activities. The tonic is mildly flavoured with mint and helps easing phlegm and reduces coughing to a
great extended without causing drowsiness to the user. Additionally, this Ayurvedic Cough syrup is utterly safe to take without causing any side effects
and also, keeps you active around the clock despite cold.
Benefits of Cof Nil
 Can be used for all types of cough except for infected sore throat
 Novel action on MAST cells to prevent release of histamines
 Additionally builds immunity to fight infection
 Does not harm CNS nor cause any drowsiness
 Though the syrup is sweeter, they can as well be used by diabetic patients without fear.
 It is highly safe, effective and works great on children.
Important Note
 Not to be used for Dry infected sore throat
 Not meant for sever pneumonic conditions or whooping cough and cough due to pulmonary TB
 If cough persists after one week, please consult physician
 Not suitable for treatment of dry cough since that is a side effect of anti hypertension medicines.
 Not to be combined with allopathic remedies for the same symptoms
 Not suitable for children below 5 years
 Not suitable for adults over 65 years with other pre existing conditions
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
Tulsi, Vasaka, Yasthimadhu, Kantkari, Pippali
BENEFITS Provides relief in most kinds of common cough
Cough and Cold, Dry and Wet Cough except
infective dry cough
Adults and Children over 5 years HOW MUCH 2
tsp twice daily or as directed by Physician
Morning and before bedtime or as directed by
Product Details
Certainly, detoxification of our body is needed now more than ever especially what with increased level of stress, improper and imbalanced diet,
unhealthy food consumption and improper sleep. Over a period of time, all the aforementioned issues accumulate toxins in our various organs and
affect our overall body resistance. To deal with this, Daily Detox from Elements helps in improving body metabolism reduces and eliminates toxins and
helps building body resistance. Daily Detox as well takes care of the performance of digestive system and helps maintaining our health. With Elements
Daily Detox, we can as well detoxify our body on a daily basis.
Who can use Daily Detox?
Anyone who is past 18 years of age.
Why Daily Detox
 Promotes excretion of toxins from body in safe, yet powerful manner.
 Action on multiple organs like stomach, kidney, intestine, pancreas, liver, heart.
 Works on endocrine glands and builds immunity.
 Powerful internal cleanser- can be used regularly for upto 4-6 months.
 Its action helps you feel more energetic and younger.
 Excretes unmetabolised compounds at cellular level.
 Removes lactic acid in muscles (lactic acid leads to muscular pain and cramps).
 Removes excess sugar accumulation by increasing pancreatic activity.
 Modulates kidney function (prevent sodium accumulation that causes swelling and oedema in legs).
 Helps neutralise effects of habits like tobacco consumption.
Important Note
 This product is not meant for those with single or multiple organ failures
 Not suitable for dialysis patients
 Not suitable for those with peptic and intestinal ulcers and hyper acidity
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetaria
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Punarnava, Varun, Kalmegh, Amla

BENEFITS Internal cleanser and detoxifier, revitaliser for men and

General weakness, loss of energy, often consume outside food and water; Exposure
to chemicals and polluting environment

WHAT AGE 18 Years and Above

HOW MUCH 1 capsule, twice daily

WHEN Preferably after food


MRP 685.00
Elements Fealing Iron 60 Capsules MRP Price ₹650
Product Details
What are the benefits of the product?
To reverse anaemia: a condition that makes a person ill, unable to do day to day course properly, lack of energy, breathlessness, pale skin, feeling
tired, improper working of mind and brain: due to lack of or low level of haemoglobin in the body. Haemoglobin is an important component of blood
especially related to the red blood corpuscles. Haemoglobin has an important element- iron- in its structure. There is a need for nutrient iron to be taken
every day and this iron through food needs to be absorbed and converted to haemoglobin. If this does not happen then slowly the RBC count in the
blood and haemoglobin level goes down. It is the haemoglobin that absorbs fresh oxygen from the lungs and gives away the carbon dioxide which is
very important for normal functioning. Low levels of haemoglobin causes anaemiaand its severe ill health conditions. Taking Fe'ALING syrup or capsule
work to reverse the condition and make a person healthy and achieve required levels of haemoglobin in the body.
What are the ingredients of EW Fe'aling?
EW Fe'aling is made with a block buster novel ingredient that is rich in iron and in a form which is highly absorbed named "Ferrazone".
This ferrazone in the product does not get bound to any of the food ingredients and has a relative absorption of above 90% compared to other iron
salts. In one serving size of this food supplement product, one gets 33% of daily requirements of iron assuming that the rest of the iron the person gets
from the food and juices they consume daily. In addition EW Fe'aling contains glycine-an important amino acid which is a building block of life that
provides energy and also promotes absorption of iron. In addition EW Fe'aling is enriched with herbs known in Ayurveda, namely Mulethi and beetroot
for additional support.
How is EW Fe'aling different from other iron supplements available in the market?
As explained , iron supplements in the market contains various forms of iron (like iron sulphate, iron ammonium citrate, iron gluconate and other salts)
whose absorption is much lower compared to ferrazone present in EW Fe'aling. This ferrazone form in EW Fe'aling is made with a block buster novel
ingredient that is rich in iron and in a form which is highly absorbed. This ferrazone in the product does not get bound to any of the food ingredients and
has a relative absorption of above 90% compared to other iron salts. Additionally other salts of iron are known to have undesirable attributes like
blackening of stools, causing stomach irritation, causing constipation in some users and needing longer periods of consumption to provide complete
relief. Compared to this, EW Fe'aling with ferrazone does not stain teeth, does not blacken stools, does not get bound to food, gets highly absorbed,
causes very little constipation and hence gives relief from the anaemic problem quickly. Additionally it has supportive ingredients glycine, Mulethi,
beetroot to help promote health.
What is the major difference between EW Fe'aling liquid and EW Fe'alingcapsule?
Answer: All the ingredients of EW Fe'aling liquid and capsule are same. EW capsule in addition provides additional nutrient namely calcium and
phosphate that are required for good health. Liquid has been offered as a product to make convenient usage amongst children and younger age
consumers and for those who cannot swallow capsules.
EW Fe'aling is a food supplement. What are the requirements for stocking and selling the same?
Answer: Any distributor of these products should register or obtain necessary license with the Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSA) in the state
where the stocking and sales are undertaken. Please consult the commercial department of MI lifestyle Marketing or India Shoppe or
your upline leader to find out whether you need a simple registration or a regular sale license under FSSAI which is linked to the financial turnover the
individual distributor does per month.
What dosage should I recommend depending on each customer type? And how long should the product be taken?
 For boys and girls -1 capsule per day after food.
 For adults (both men and women) 1 capsule per day after food.
 For pregnant women and lactating mothers -2 capsules full per day after food
 For capsule do not exceed the above usage level. Consume for 2-4 weeks and then get haemoglobin level tested. Stop usage
if haemoglobin level has reached desired range. If not continue for another 2-4 weeks. Taking half teaspoon full daily or 1 capsule on alternate days for
2 weeks can also be done for maintenance of haemoglobin levels.
Which type of customers can be sold EW Fe'aling?
 who complains of anaemia: a condition that makes a person ill, unable to do day to day course properly, lack of energy, breathlessness,
pale skin, feeling tired, improper working of mind and brain: due to lack of or low level of haemoglobin in the body.
 The customer and user can be a child above 5 years, boys and girls, men and women including old people, pregnant women and mothers
who are feeding their babies.
 Anyone who has recently tested their blood for haemoglobin content and the same is lower than 10
Product Faq's
Provide adequate amount of elemental iron in a highly absorbable form required for
normal health, provide 33% of recommended daily requirements / allowances (RDA)
Benefits of iron which may not be available from normal food and especially in case of
hemoglobin content (Hb) low in anemic conditions, provide additional nutrition of
calcium required for normal health and bone formation.

Specially formulated iron preparation in a vegetarian capsules. Provides 33% of

RDA of iron from a special salt of iron namely "Ferrazone". This salt
binds phytates in the diet that we consume which otherwise reduce or prevent the
absorption of iron from the gut. Hence ferrazone provides 100%
Features more bioavailable form of iron that additionally does not give metallic taste, does not
stain teeth and causes nil or very low constipation that is associated with other iron
salts / preparations. Additional features include additional calcium as
nutrient, glycine amino acid to provide energy and ayurvedic herbs like muleti and
beet root along with folic acid required for proper assimilation of iron.

Ferrazone, Tri calcium phosphate, Glycine, Muleti, Beet root and Folic acid.
Contains permitted additives.

1 capsule per day after food for maintenance of health, 2 capsules/day after food for
Usage levels Adults
those suffering from anemia or whose Hb levels are low.

Child Age Limit Not meant for children as they cannot swallow capsule. However children above 8
years and up to 18 years who can swallow capsules can take the same usage
levels as that for adults.

Since the RDAs for pregnant women and lactating mothers are higher than that for
adults during the 2nd and 3rd trimester either 2 or even 3 capsules a day can be
Pregnant Female taken after food in consultation with health care professionals. This consultation is
required so that if other iron preparations or iron rich diets are prescribed the usage
level needs to be adjusted.

All healthy diet consisting of fruits and vegetables to be consumed. Consumption of

Diet Advise green leafy vegetables which are normally not recommended in case of other iron
preparations can be consumed as ferrazone does not interfere.

As advised by healthcare professionals. Avoid sedentary life style, reduce or avoid

Lifestyle Advise
alcohol intake, smoking and chewing of tobacco and lead a stress free life.

Types of Diseases Controllable / Curable Mild, moderate and severe anemia

Do not consume this capsule immediately after consuming milk. Get blood sample
Additional Information to Users tested for Hb content and basis the results reduce the usage level or stop taking the

NATCIUM 60 Caplets MRP Price ₹950

Product Details
Calcium is a mineral that primarily functions in the body by strengthening bones and teeth. As per Ayurveda, adequate levels of calcium promote
development of healthy hair and prevent hair loss as well.
Deficiency in calcium in the body can create problems like osteoporosis, joint pain and even fractures . ICMR and FSSAI have published daily
requirements of calcium for children, adults, women and pregnant women . Many a time, our diet does not provide us the requisite quantity of calcium
and hence the need for calcium supplements. Elements Wellness Natcium is the first of its kind calcium supplement in the market: for more reasons
than one. 1. It provides natural calcium sourced from milk 2. It is fortified with Magnesium, Potassium and Phosphorus to aid better absorption in the
body 3. Elements Wellness Natcium also contains proven herbs like Gokshur that enables dissolution of kidney and renal stones as well as Pipalli that
increases absorption of calcium by the body Elements Wellness Natcium is therefore much more than a calcium supplement- your true companion for
healthy bones, teeth and hair.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)
 What is Calcium and what are its uses ?
 Calcium is a mineral that primarily functions in the body by strengthening bones and teeth. As per Ayurveda, adequate levels of calcium
promote development of healthy hair and prevent hair loss as well.
 What happens if the body does not have enough Calcium?
 Deficiency in calcium in the body can create problems like osteoporosis, joint pain and even fractures.
 How much Calcium is required to be healthy?
 ICMR and FSSAI have published daily requirements of calcium for children, adults, women and pregnant women . Many a time, our diet
does not provide us the requisite quantity of calcium and hence the need for calcium supplements.
 What is Natcium and how is it different from other products in the market ?
Elements Wellness Natcium is the first of its kind calcium supplement in the market: for more reasons than one. 1. It provides natural calcium sourced
from milk 2. It is fortified with Magnesium, Potassium and Phosphorus to aid better absorption in the body 3. Elements Wellness Natcium also contains
proven herbs like Gokshur that enables dissolution of kidney and renal stones as well as Pipalli that increases absorption of calcium by the body
Elements Wellness Natcium is therefore much more than a calcium supplement- your true companion for healthy bones, teeth and hair.
Elements Fealing Iron Syrup 200 ml MRP Price ₹375

Product Details
What are the benefits of the product?
To reverse anaemia: a condition that makes a person ill, unable to do day to day course properly, lack of energy, breathlessness, pale skin, feeling tired, improper
working of mind and brain: due to lack of or low level of haemoglobin in the body. Haemoglobin is an important component of blood especially related to the red
blood corpuscles. Haemoglobin has an important element- iron- in its structure. There is a need for nutrient iron to be taken every day and this iron through food
needs to be absorbed and converted to haemoglobin. If this does not happen then slowly the RBC count in the blood and haemoglobin level goes down. It is
the haemoglobin that absorbs fresh oxygen from the lungs and gives away the carbon dioxide which is very important for normal functioning. Low levels
of haemoglobin causes anaemiaand its severe ill health conditions. Taking Fe'ALING syrup or capsule work to reverse the condition and make a person healthy
and achieve required levels of haemoglobin in the body.
What are the ingredients of EW Fe'aling?
EW Fe'aling is made with a block buster novel ingredient that is rich in iron and in a form which is highly absorbed named "Ferrazone". This ferrazone in the
product does not get bound to any of the food ingredients and has a relative absorption of above 90% compared to other iron salts. In one serving size of this food
supplement product, one gets 33% of daily requirements of iron assuming that the rest of the iron the person gets from the food and juices they consume daily. In
addition EW Fe'aling contains glycine-an important amino acid which is a building block of life that provides energy and also promotes absorption of iron. In
addition EW Fe'aling is enriched with herbs known in Ayurveda, namely Mulethi and beetroot for additional support.
How is EW Fe'aling different from other iron supplements available in the market?
As explained , iron supplements in the market contains various forms of iron (like iron sulphate, iron ammonium citrate, iron gluconate and other salts) whose
absorption is much lower compared to ferrazone present in EW Fe'aling. This ferrazone form in EW Fe'aling is made with a block buster novel ingredient that is
rich in iron and in a form which is highly absorbed. This ferrazone in the product does not get bound to any of the food ingredients and has a relative absorption of
above 90% compared to other iron salts. Additionally other salts of iron are known to have undesirable attributes like blackening of stools, causing stomach
irritation, causing constipation in some users and needing longer periods of consumption to provide complete relief. Compared to this,
EW Fe'aling with ferrazone does not stain teeth, does not blacken stools, does not get bound to food, gets highly absorbed, causes very little constipation and
hence gives relief from the anaemic problem quickly. Additionally it has supportive ingredients glycine, Mulethi, beetroot to help promote health.
What is the major difference between EW Fe'aling liquid and EW Fe'alingcapsule?
Answer: All the ingredients of EW Fe'aling liquid and capsule are same. EW capsule in addition provides additional nutrient namely calcium and phosphate that are
required for good health. Liquid has been offered as a product to make convenient usage amongst children and younger age consumers and for those who cannot
swallow capsules.
EW Fe'aling is a food supplement. What are the requirements for stocking and selling the same?
Answer: Any distributor of these products should register or obtain necessary license with the Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSA) in the state where the
stocking and sales are undertaken. Please consult the commercial department of MI lifestyle Marketing or India Shoppe or your upline leader to find out whether
you need a simple registration or a regular sale license under FSSAI which is linked to the financial turnover the individual distributor does per month.
Which type of customers can be sold EW Fe'aling?
 who complains of anaemia: a condition that makes a person ill, unable to do day to day course properly, lack of energy, breathlessness, pale skin,
feeling tired, improper working of mind and brain: due to lack of or low level of haemoglobin in the body.
 The customer and user can be a child above 5 years, boys and girls, men and women including old people, pregnant women and mothers who are
feeding their babies.
 Anyone who has recently tested their blood for haemoglobin content and the same is lower than 10
What dosage should I recommend depending on each customer type? And how long should the product be taken?
 For boys and girls -1 capsule per day after food.
 For adults (both men and women) 1 capsule per day after food.
 For pregnant women and lactating mothers -2 capsules full per day after food
 For liquid do not exceed the above usage level. Consume for 2-4 weeks and then get haemoglobin level tested. Stop usage if haemoglobin level has
reached desired range. If not continue for another 2-4 weeks. Taking half teaspoon full daily or 1 capsule on alternate days for 2 weeks can also be done for
maintenance of haemoglobin levels.
Provide adequate amount of elemental iron in a highly absorbable form required for normal health, provide 33% of recommended daily
Benefits requirements / allowances (RDA) of iron which may not be available from normal food and especially in case of hemoglobin content (Hb)
low in anemic conditions.

Specially formulated iron preparation in a vegetarian capsules. Provides 33% of RDA of iron from a special salt of iron namely "Ferrazone".
This salt binds phytates in the diet that we consume which otherwise reduce or prevent the absorption of iron from the gut.
Hence ferrazone provides 100% more bioavailable form of iron that additionally does not give metallic taste, does not stain teeth and
causes nil or very low constipation that is associated with other iron salts / preparations. Additional features include glycine amino acid to
provide energy and ayurvedic herbs like muleti and beet root along with folic acid required for proper assimilation of iron. Specially
formulated palatable liquid with strawberry fruit powder and strawberry flavor.

Ingredients Ferrazone, Glycine, Muleti, Beet root, strawberry fruit and Folic acid. Contains added permitted preservatives and permitted additives.

Usage levels Adults 1 tsp per day after food for maintenance of health, 2 tsp/day after food for those suffering from anemia or whose Hblevels are low.

Product to be given for children above 5 years only. Usage level to be half the levels given for adults for children from 5 years to 8 years
Child Age Limit
age. For those from 8 to 18 years the same usage levels as for adults may be given.

Since the RDAs for pregnant women and lactating mothers are higher than that for adults during the 2nd and 3rd trimester either 2 or even
Pregnant Female 3 tsps a day can be taken after food in consultation with health care professionals. This consultation is required so that if other iron
preparations or iron rich diets are prescribed the usage level needs to be adjusted.

All healthy diet consisting of fruits and vegetables to be consumed. Consumption of green leafy vegetables which are normally not
Diet Advise
recommended in case of other iron preparations can be consumed as ferrazone does not interfere.

As advised by healthcare professionals. Avoid sedentary life style, reduce or avoid alcohol intake, smoking and chewing of tobacco and
Lifestyle Advise
lead a stress free life.
Types of Diseases
Mild, moderate and severe anemia
Controllable / Curable

Additional Information Do not consume this liquid immediately after consuming milk. Get blood sample tested for Hb content and basis the results reduce the
to Users usage level or stop taking the product.

Elements Immuno 3 Plus 60 Capsules MRP Price ₹720

Product Details
Elements Triphala Plus 60 Caps
Rightly called as Nitya Rasayana (Daily Rejuvenator), Elements Triphala Plus is specially triturated with Triphala quath to provide extra potency and
anti-oxidant availability. This special process not only enriches but fortifies the product multi fold. Regular consumption of this unique formula will give
multiple benefits like strengthening of digestive system, building resistance to common ailments, management of eye health as well as promotion of
skin health.
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Amla, Baheda, Haritaki, Mulethi

Bowel movement regulator, Rasayana and anti-oxidant, promotes skin and eye
health with regular usage

General problems of stomach (gas, acidity, indigestion, pain) and problems with

WHAT AGE 15 Years +

HOW MUCH 1 capsule twice daily or as directed by Physician

Morning and Evening 2 hours before bedtime. DO NOT TAKE ON EMPTY



Elements Multi Gard Blood Purifier 200 ml MRP Price ₹330

Product Details
Elements Multi-Gard Blood Purifier 200ML
Our blood accumulates Doshas due to improper metabolism. Elements Multi-Gard Blood Purifier, enriched with herbs
having Katu, Tikta and Rasayanaactions help improve metabolism, balance working of GI, liver, kidneys and other organs of the body, thereby purifying
blood. This novel blood purifier is formulated with honey and specific herbs that ensure goodness of the herbs reach all target organs.
Benefits of Blood Purifier
 Purifies blood by working on metabolism of key organs
 Powerful herbs that act on Liver, Kidney and Pancreas
 Punarnava enhances blood formulation
 Improves bone marrow function and immunity
 Purified blood results in clear and glowing skin
Important Note
 Not meant for treating anemia
 Not a substitute for blood transfusion
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Manjistha, Haridra, Pippali, Nimba, Bibhitak

BENEFITS Cleanses, Revitalises and Rejuvenates Multiple Body Organs

FOR WHOM Skin blemishes, Weakness, Low Energy,To Maintain General Organ Health

WHAT AGE 15 years +

HOW MUCH Two tsp, twice a day or as directed by Physician

WHEN After Meals


Elements Liv a Gain 60 Capsules MRP Price ₹700
Product Details
Elements Liv-a Gain 60 Caps
For anyone dealing with liver issues, Liv-a'Gain is one of the best capsules you can always turn to. Filled with herbal compounds, Liv-a'Gain are best
known for promoting and enhancing the healthy functioning of liver and healthy secretion of liver enzymes. This inturn improves body
metabolism. Revanchini, one of the compounds present in the capsule is best known for cleaning liver from Hepatisis B and E Virus.
Benefit of Liv A Gain
Revandchini, that's present in Liv a Gain helps in fighting Heptatis B and E, Sluggish Liver, Fatty Liver, Helps in enzyme activity and normalises the
function of liver.
Why Liv A Gain Capsules?
Strong herbs in Liv A Gain capsule help the resistance of liver against alcohol abuse, unhealthy food and oily food.
Herbs are better absorbed by titurating powders with Quath.
When you use Liv a Gain?
When suffering from gas, indigestion, belching (Khatti Dakkar), Fatigue and tiredness, Loss of Appetite, Sleep pattern disturbance and bloated
Results of Liv a Gain
Reduces gastric issue, enhances digestion and increases appetite, energy level is increased, sound sleep, reduction in distended tummy.
Important Note:
 Not to be recommended for patients with severe liver damage (e.g. cancer of liver, liver transplant, alcohol abuse )
 Damaged liver due to chronic diabetes
 No claim to be made to treat Hepatitis C infection
 Not to recommended in cases of obstructive jaundice
 Not to be recommended for those with severe jaundice (bilirubin levels greater than 10- yellowing of face , forehead and eyes)
General Points to remember:
 All EWPL products: give a gap of at least 1 hour between this and other contemporary medicines (drugs)
 Preferably avoid taking on empty stomach
 During pregnancy or breast feeding , consult physician before taking the product
 Refer to package information while giving to children
 Do not combine with alcoholic beverages
 Product work better when supplemented with a healthy life style
 Drink adequate quantity of water ( 1-2 glasses) after consuming these products
 These are products for maintaining good health and preventing illness and not a cure for severe conditions like diabetes, cancer,
rheumatism, jaundice)
 Please refer pack to confirm that these products are not for external use only
 If you are unsure about the product benefits, please consult an Ayurvedicphysician
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Sarpunkha, Kasani, Revandchini, Haritaki, Amaltas

BENEFITS Helps normalise liver and liver enzyme functioning

FOR WHOM Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Nausea, ,symptoms of sluggish/fatty liver

WHAT AGE 8 years +

HOW MUCH 1 veg capsule, twice daily

WHEN 1 capsule twice daily with meals


Elements Liv a Gain Liquid 200 ml MRP Price ₹235

Product Details
Elements Liv-aGain Liquid 200ML
For anyone dealing with liver issues, Liv-a'Gain is one of the best tonics you can always turn to. Filled with herbal compounds, Liv-a'Gain are best known for
promoting and enhancing the healthy functioning of liver and healthy secretion of liver enzymes. This in turn improves body metabolism. Revanchini, one of the
compounds present in the capsule is best known for cleaning liver from Hepatisis B and E Virus. This tonic can be consumed by everyone including elderly people
and children who are above 8 years of age.
Benefit of Liv A Gain
Revandchini, that's present in Liv a Gain helps in fighting Heptatis B and E, Sluggish Liver, Fatty Liver, Helps in enzyme activity and normalises the function of
When you use Liv a Gain?
When suffering from gas, indigestion, belching (Khatti Dakkar), Fatigue and tiredness, Loss of Appetite, Sleep pattern disturbance and bloated stomach.
Results of Liv a Gain
Reduces gastric issue, enhances digestion and increases appetite, energy level is increased, sound sleep, reduction in distended tummy.
Why Liv A Gain Liquid?
 Helps build mood and mental strength
 Provides energy and aids better digestion and appetite
 Protection against unhygienic and junk food/water
 Specialist for children
 Builds back concentration and improves productivity
Important Note:
 Not to be recommended for patients with severe liver damage (e.g. cancer of liver, liver transplant, alcohol abuse )
 Damaged liver due to chronic diabetes
 No claim to be made to treat Hepatitis C infection
 Not to recommended in cases of obstructive jaundice
 Not to be recommended for those with severe jaundice ( bilirubin levels greater than 10- yellowing of face , forehead and eyes)
General Points to remember:
 All EWPL products: give a gap of at least 1 hour between this and other contemporary medicines (drugs)
 Preferably avoid taking on empty stomach
 During pregnancy or breast feeding , consult physician before taking the product
 Refer to package information while giving to children
 Do not combine with alcoholic beverages
 Product work better when supplemented with a healthy life style
 Drink adequate quantity of water ( 1-2 glasses) after consuming these products
 These are products for maintaining good health and preventing illness and not a cure for severe conditions like diabetes, cancer, rheumatism,
 Please refer pack to confirm that these products are not for external use only
 If you are unsure about the product benefits, please consult an Ayurvedicphysician
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please discontinue and
consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Sarpunkha, Kasani, Revandchini, Haritaki, Amaltas

BENEFITS Improves Digestion and Appetite, helps during gas and acidity

FOR WHOM Having low appetite, indigestion, gas, stomach burns. Weakness, loss of energy, debility,
sleepiness. Hepatitis B or E infection

WHAT AGE 8 years +

HOW MUCH 1 tsp twice daily for Children, 2 tsp twice daily for adults, or as directed by Physician

WHEN After Meals


Elements Uri Flush 3 Liquid 200 ml MRP Price ₹380

Product Details
Elements Uri Flush 3 Liquid
 The herbs in Elements Wellness Uri flush-3 help dissolve most of the major urinary stone over time with regular usage.
 They also have a diuretic action that helps a smooth flow of urine and helps flush out stones faster from the urinary tract over time
 The novel combination also helps in keeping the urinary tract free from microbial infection and helps prevent further formation of stones
1. What are the benefits of the product?
 Prevent formation of stones in the kidneys or ureters in those customers who are susceptible for such stone formation
 Help reduce the size of stones of all types if already formed in the kidneys or ureters
 Promotes slow but effective reduction in the size of stones of all types and help them to be flushed out through the urine
 Relief from pain in the abdomen and low back normally felt due to kidney stones
 Promote increased output of urination to maintain urinary health
 Provide relief from infection of the ureters and urinary tracts.
2. Which type of customers can be sold Elements Wellness Uriflush 3?
 People who complain of pain in the stomach or low back which does not get relieved by use of pain killers and or local application of pain
removing products.
 People who complain of pain during passing of urine.
 People who complain of very low quantity of urine output daily.
 People who complain of mild and frequent fever.
 People who have been declared to have stones in the kidney or urinary tract after an ultra sound testing.
3. What are the ingredients of Elements Wellness Uriflush 3?
 A novel herbal formula Contains
 Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Pashanabhed (Rotula Aquatica), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata Gumoleoresin),
Mountain knot grass (Aerva lanata), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Kulathi (Macrotyloma uniforum), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Shuddha Shilajit
(Asphaltum), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) , Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi)
 Novel combination of herbs that are shown to promote urination, help dissolve stones, help dislodge stones and move them to bladder,
reduce inflammation, and provide anti - infective activity.
4. How is EW Uriflush 3 different from other products available in the market ?
 It is a novel combination of herbs that have been shown in scientific laboratory studies for efficacy in dissolving, promoting dissolution and
passing of stones to the bladder, preventing stone formation on all the 3 types of stones known to form to cause problems.
 It is a novel combination that in addition to working on stones, provides anti-infective activity
 It has a well known ayurvedic ingredient which is also used commonly called kulath which is very effective in dissolution of stones and
prevention of stone formation as a superstar herb.
 No product in the market has this type of composition.
5. What dosage should I recommend depending on each customer type?
 1 teaspoon full twice a day after food.
 Recommend drinking of adequate quantities of water and fruit juices additionally.
 The product to be consumed till the symptoms vanish.
 It is recommended to take the product for at least 2 months as dissolving stones within the body and helping in moving them to bladder for
throwing away with the urine is a bit slow process and takes time.
 Recommend getting an ultra sound of the abdomen done to confirm complete removal of stones before stopping the consumption of
Elements Wellness Uri-flush even if symptoms disappear.
Main Ingredients


Shuddha Shilajit

Mountain Knot Grass


Ajwain oil with other natural actives

Helps dissolve and expel stones of 3 different types formed in kidneys or in
ureters, helps fight infections in urinary tract, helps promote more urine
formation and excretion thereby helping in flushing out toxins and stone
forming substances from the kidney and ureters.

Novel combination of selected ayurvedic herbs at right levels and quality in a

Features specially formulated palatable liquid to fight urinary stones of 3 different types
and urinary infections.

Contains extracts derived from carefully selected potent ayurvedic herbs

namely gokhru, punrnava, pashanabedh, shallaki, mountain knot grass,
muleti, kulathi, haridra, guduchi. Additionally processed in shuddha shilajit
extract that is apart from enhancing bioavailability potentiates the activities.
Contains added ajwain oil I a solubilized form that gives specific antiinfective
property. Contains added permitted preservatives and sweeteners.

1 tsp full twice daily (Please check training ppt to confirm before or after food)
Usage levels
or as suggested by health care professional or a physician.

Child Age Limit Not applicable as kidney stones do not form in children normally.

1 tsp full twice daily (Please check training ppt to confirm before or after food)
Pregnant Female
or as suggested by health care professional or a physician.

Reduce consumption of fruits like tomato, banana, leafy cabbage, cheese,

high quantity of yogurt. Also reduce salt intake. Stop taking calcium or other
Diet Advise
mineral supplements for some time. Reduced consumption of coffee
excessively is recommended.

Drink 2 to 4 liters of water a day. Consume fruit juices adequately. Personal

hygiene to be improved. As advised by healthcare professionals. Avoid
Lifestyle Advise
sedentary life style, reduce or avoid alcohol intake, smoking and chewing of
tobacco and lead a stress free life.

Urinary stone formation, urinary tract infection. Burning sensation during

passing of urine, pain in the stomach on left or right side sometimes acute and
Types of Diseases Controllable / Curable
severe, reduced number of times and quantity of urine. Yellow colored or urine
containing puss cells

Consume for at least 2 months if the symptoms mentioned in 8 above are
felt and monitor the progress and symptoms reduction and disappearance. if
required get a physician to prescribe a ultra sound examination of abdomen to
Additional Information to Users
diagnose presence and extent of urinary stones. Also get a physician to
prescribe urine examination including for culture if required. Based on the
results continuation of consumption may be decided.
On On 9E5 Premium Health Drink 1 Litre MRP Price ₹3000
Product Details
ON & ON 9E5 Premium Health Drink - 1 Litre
CHERRY : Contains low calories yet rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Cherry contains Anthocyanins which reduce chronic painful gout arthritis, fibromyalgia (painful
muscle condition) and sports injuries. Cherries are rich in Melatonin - a powerful anti oxidant that can cross the blood-brain barrier easily and produce soothing effects on the
brain neurons, calming down nervous system irritability which helps relieve neurosis, insomnia and headache conditions.
CRANBERRY : An excellent source of Vitamin C. Its infection fighting properties helps in Asthma & Urinary Tract Infection. It reduces Ulcer and prevents peptic Ulcers.
RED CURRANT : Low in fat and calories, Rich in Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium, & Magnesium, Red Currants help digestion, regulate bowel movements, and treats constipation.
It helps regulate blood pressure and improves muscle cramps, weakness and irregular heart beat.
ELDERBERRY : Packed with strong anti-viral properties, Elder berries helps fight flu & cold, reduces phlegm, strengthens upper respiratory system & reduces inflammation.
Elder Berries are useful in curing Mouth Ulcers, Tonsilitis and Sore Throats.
GOJI BERRY : Also known as Wolf Berry, the medicinal benefits of Goji Berry is unlimited. It is especially used in the treatment of Diabetes and improves the eye sight and the
functioning of the brain. Goji Berries are an excellent source of immune system booster and helps relieve sleep dis-orders.
ACAI BERRY : Avery strong source of anthocyanins, Acai berry strengthens the functioning of the heart. It is also a rich source of protein and dietary fiber and Omega 6 &
Omega 9 fatty acids that help in lowering the cholesterol in the blood.
ON & ON 9e5 Premium health drink contains Pro-Anthocyanins & several other Biologically active substances that improves our body's immune system and offer protection
against various life style related dis-orders.
Good health is natural & Good health is available to everyone.
Ask Your Self this question
Every second when you breathe-in, millions of germs, viruses & bacteria enter into your body.
Who destroys these? Modern day chemicals or your body'sown IMMUNESYSTEM?
Did our fore-fathers use synthetic chemicals to live healthier & longer?
Why do you want to suffer?
ON & ON 9e5 Premium health drink is the natural alternative solution to chronic health problems.
Be Naturally Healthy
ON & ON 9e5 Premium Health Drink is an active formulations of natural key ingredients like Amla, Noni, Aloe Vera, and a unique combination of 13 different berries - Wild Berry,
Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Blue Berry, Cherry, Cranberry, Red Currant, Elderberry, Goji berry, Cranberry, Acai Berry - Collectively possess all key
Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Metals, Amino Acids, etc, that are required to compensate for the shortage caused by modern living conditions and bring the body to its natural
ON & ON 9e5 Premium health drink strengthens your immune system. Then, your Immune system fights various diseases, germs, viruses bacteria, etc.
What is a Immune System?
We are always surrounded by bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, fungus, pollution and parasites to enter into our body every second when we breathe in. They are very
powerful that they can even dismantle our entire body.
Look at a dead body - within a few weeks the entire body is decayed and destroyed.
Don't panic. We have a attentive doctor inside our body who works 24 x 7 daily - An amazing natural protection mechanism called the Immune system.
Have you ever seen your immune system working? You can notice it when it fails for some reason.
A cut in your body heals very quickly most of the times but sometimes it becomes a wound. Why? If your immune system works, it heals quickly; If it fails, then the bacteria have
entered your body to cause damage.
When you breathe in, millions of germs, bacteria and viruses that are floating in the air go into your body. Your immune system defends your body against its attack.
Occasionally a germ gets past the immune system and you catch a cold orflu -Avisible sign that your immune system failed to stop the germ.
The fine line between healthy and diseased body is crossed when the immune system fails or slows.
TODAY'S LIVING CONDITIONS HARM US MORE Stress, Pollution, Radiation, poisonous Insecticide & Pesticides, Chemical Fertilizers and Medicines, Smoking, Alcohol, Lack
of exercise, bad eating habits, junk foods, synthetic preservatives, colors and additives -These actually harm our body more than ever before.
Some immune system disorders are evident immediately; others exist for years before any signs or damage occur.
Modern medicines advocate that most diseases are caused by "germs" and that, in order to get well, we must kill these germs. So, we take drugs, antibiotics, chemotherapy,
radiation and even surgery but these not only kills the germs but also the good cells in our body.
When Our Cells Are Weak, Our Immune System Cannot Destroy The Bacteria, Viruses, Microbes, Toxins, & Parasites That Are All Around Us.
An effective Immune-System booster, multi-nutritional, natural supplement is the need of our daily requirement-much like brushing ourteeth everyday!!!
Why it is not recommended for children?
The safety of sucralose is documented by one of the most extensive and thorough safety testing programs ever conducted on a new food additive. More than 100 studies
conducted and evaluated over a 20-year period clearly demonstrate the safety of sucralose. Foods made with low-calorie sweeteners are not normally a recommended part of a
child's diet, since calories are important to a growing child's body. Hence, considering the developmental requirements of growing Children and as recommended by the Food
Safety & Standards Authority of India, we do not recommend 9E5 for Children.
What are its benefits for our health?
When association between changing lifestyle and increasing incidence of these disorders was studied in details the culprit was found be oxidative stress that is generated in the
human body. Medicinal sciences have proved the role of oxidative stress in the development of lifestyle related disorders. Oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of
variety of disorders. Some important and common disorders that are related to oxidative stress are as follows: Heart diseases, Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis, Alzheimer,
Parkinson's disease, Digestive dysfunctions, AIDS etc. Oxidative stress is also associated with the process of aging. "Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food"
was advised by the father of medicine, Hippocrates, over two millennia ago. Herbal and natural products of folk medicine have been used for centuries in every culture
throughout the world. Scientists and medical professionals have shown increased interest in this field as they recognize the true health benefits of these remedies. Plants have
been used worldwide in traditional medicines for the treatment of diseases. It is estimated that even today approximately two-thirds to three-quarters of the world's population
rely only on medicinal plants as their primary source of medicines. Antioxidants rich 9E5 is the substances that can take of the free radical and manage the oxidative stress.
Antioxidants can be defined as substances whose presence in relatively low concentrations significantly inhibits the rate of oxidation of the targets. 9E5is not a medicine and can
be effectively used in management of oxidative stress and for maintenance of the day to day activities. 9E5 contains a unique blend of Super Berry Fruits (Goji Berry,
Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Blue Berry, Cherry, Cranberry, red Currant, Elderberry, Acai berry), Amla, Noni & Aloe Vera] that are known for their healthy
properties, which are known for their health-promoting properties due to their high content of anthocyanins, flavonoids, polyphenols, polysaccharides etc.
What are its side effect?
If pregnant or lactating women, it is recommended to consult physician before taking this product. Less than 1% of population may be allergic to one or many ingredients present
in 9E5. Some of the known experiences of such sensitivity are rash, itching, mild diarrhoea, or slight belching or trouble with breathing. Most of these symptoms are part of the
body reaction to the sensitive ingredients or cleansing process of 9E5. It is recommended to skip a dose or two and consume lots of water. Most allergic symptoms disappear
within 24 hours of discontinuing 9E5 and after the gap of 4 to 5 days, re enjoy the benefits of 9E5.
Why the benefits are not printed in the package?
9E5 is a food product and not a medicine. Having said that, antioxidants are helpful to manage oxidative stress and the benefits are broad spectrum and vary from person to
Why Caution is not printed?
Caution is printed on the Carton.
Drinking Suggestions:
Empty the entire content of one Sachet in a glassful of clean water or fruit juice (150-200 ml), stir and drink twice a day preferably before meals.
Key Features:
 ON & ON 9e5 Premium Health Drink is an active formulations of natural key ingredients :

 Amla, Noni, Aloe Vera, and a unique combination of 13 different berries - Wild Berry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Blue Berry, Cherry,
Cranberry, Red Currant, Elderberry, Goji berry, Cranberry, Acai Berry - Collectively possess all key Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Metals, Amino Acids, etc,

Elements No Vedana 60 Capsules MRP Price ₹920

Product Details
From body pain to relaxing your joints and muscle stiffness, this No Vedana capsule is one of the best capsules out there! This capsule is made using a
combination of Ayurvedic ingredients that are best known for reducing inflammation. This capsule as well takes care of easing muscle aches, relieving
pain and discomfort of joint. It is scientifically proven that the ingredients used in this capsule are exclusively for anti-inflammatory purpose and
analgesic activity. Apart from relieving pain and easing stiff joints, No Vedana as well promotes smoother movements of the body.
Benefits of No Vedana Capsules
 Aids anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic action
 Promotes excretion of toxins to reduce pain
 No side effects like liver damage and gastric problems
 Does not damage any organs but actually helps build immunity and kidney functions
 100 % AS EFFECTIVE, 200% SAFE
 MUST use in combination with No Vedana Gel
Important Note
 Does not treat migraine and cluster headaches
 Not to be taken by people who have peptic and intestinal ulcer
 Not be taken by those with piles
 Not to be taken for taken on empty stomach
 Does not cause acidity but not suitable for those with hyper acidity
 Not to be used during pregnancy and by lactating mothers
 Not to be used for patents having rhematism
 Avoid using along with allopathic NSAIDS
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
Boswellia, Curcuma, Moringa, Punarnava
BENEFITS Relieves pain, relaxes swollen and stiff joints
FOR WHOM Muscular or joint pain, headache or bodyache
WHAT AGE 18 Years and Above
1 capsule, twice daily or as directed by

Elements No Vedana Gel 50Gms MRP Price ₹260

Product Details
Elements No -Vedana Gel
Elements No Vedana Gel brings a unique experience based tested combination of 100% Ayurvedic ingredients that not only works on muscular pain
but also works on small and large joints. This gel has been specially formulated to provide wide and deep penetration with light massage and provide
quick and prolonged relief from all types of pain.
Benefits of No Vedana Gel
 For Joint Pain, Muscle Pain and Headaches- one stop solution
 Deep penetrating herbs for long lasting relief
 Reduces swelling and inflammation
 Lubricates joints for faster and long term recovery
 Does not contain any ingredients that can damage internal organs ( as in case of CD)
 100 % AS EFFECTIVE, 200% SAFE
 Gel Formulation helps deep penetration without any oily residue
Important Note
 For external use only. Not to be used for burns, cuts and wounds.
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
KEY INGREDIENTS Taila of Gandhpura,Devdaru,Kayaputi and Pudina and Rasna

BENEFITS Relieves muscular and joint pains, including headache

FOR WHOM Pain in joints or bodyache; frozen shoulder, swelling in joints; FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY

WHAT AGE 10 Years and above

HOW MUCH As required; WHEN 2-3 times a day on affected body parts


Elements PHYT STRESS 60 Capsules MRP Price ₹775
Product Details
Dealing with stress has certainly become a serious challenge these days. When we are exposed to continuous and brutal stress, our body is put to test
constantly our health and performance is affected. Well, of course there is a way to deal with this and the answer is Phyt Stress. This capsule has
scientifically studied and proven compounds such as ursolic acid, piperine, cardiosides and withanolides that can deal with stress. These combinations
in Phyt Stress helps us to deal with stress and at the same time maintain our health. The capsule as well promotes good sleep, calms mind and builds
Impact of Stress
Damages organs, gives headaches, unclear thinking, lower productivity, anxiety and depression, diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart
problems in the long run.
How Phyt Stress help here?
Improves your tolerance towards stress.
Who can use Phyt Stress and what are its benefits?
 Any person over 18 years with stressful lifestyle and unhealthy habits
 Unique 4 Herb Formula that reduces Stress Hormone levels
 Increases levels of Youth Hormone
 Works sharply on brain to increase Stress Tolerance Level
 Safe for long term use with no side effects
When you need Phyt Stress?
 When you are sleeping less at night
 When your thinking is unclear
 When your actions are slower than necessary
 When you experience frequent headaches
 When you are worried about a lot of unnecessary things
 When your productivity is diminished
 When you are breathless often
 When you want to keep eating or drinking something
 When you suffer from High BP and giddiness
 When you are feeling unnaturally tired and weak
Important Note
 Works better when incorporated with other measures for stress management
 This is not a treatment for severe depression, bipolar disorders and anxiety neurosis; consult a doctor
 This is a product to help improve stress tolerance levels and not cure the diseases resulting from stress ( e.g. cancer, diabetes)
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Guduchi, Pippali

BENEFITS Helps improve levels of stress tolerance

FOR WHOM Anxiety, feeling stressed, sleep problems, lack of mental energy
WHAT AGE 12 years and above

HOW MUCH 1 Capsule, twice daily or as directed by Physician

WHEN Preferably with meals; take evening dose at bed time for best results


Elements Wound Healing Cream 25Gms MRP Price ₹195

Product Details
Elements Wound Healing Cream
Elements Wound Healing Cream is enriched with natural bio actives that provide anti-microbial activity, moisturising activity, promotion of mitosis and
building of skin to help heal the wound and slowly seal the cuts and bruises, reduction of inflammation at the wound site, reduction of pus formation and
soothing sensation post use. Elements wound healing cream is enriched with special Ayurvedic herbs known to promote effective wound healing even
among diabetes.
Why one must use Wound Healing Cream?
 Because it is much more than Normal Creams
 Promotes Clotting and reduces loss of blood
 Enhances cooling activity to reduce pain and inflammation on account of wound
 Multiply skin cells to quickly close wounds
 Fewer scars and marks after healing
 The cream includes a special herb called Manjistha and thus diabetic wounds are healed faster.
Important Note
 For external use only
 Avoid contact with eyes
 Use for 2nd degree to 4th Degree burn wounds only under medical supervision
 For Diabetic wounds, consult doctor if wound does not show signs of healing after 2-3 applications.
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Sal, GhritKumari, Manjistha, Karanj, DaruHaldi

BENEFITS Cuts, bruises, burns, wounds; safe for diabetics

FOR WHOM For small and general cuts, burns and wounds; FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY

WHAT AGE 5 Years +

As much as required to be fully absorbed into skin, apply locally and cover with clean

WHEN 2-3 times a day, depending on extent of problem


Elements Woman Companion 200ML MRP Price ₹300
Product Details
Elements Woman Companion 200ML
Women typically experience mood changes, stress, headache, pain and other disturbances month after month. Elements Women Companion has
been formulated with herbs that in Ayurveda are known to address and provide help in relieving these very problems and symptoms. Elements Woman
Champion helps in leading a life of minimum discomfort during those difficult days every month.
Benefits of Women Champion
 Regulates hormonal levels for smoother cycles
 Reduces pain and inflammation
 Stimulates ovaries and uterus for proper functioning
 Anti stress activity to manage moods better
 Boosts immunity and iron absorption to help manage future cycles better
 Totally safe- No harmful effects as in the case of HRT
 Optimises flow- lesser flow and excess flow
 Useful for those with no cycles
 Good for problems in Peri Menopause
Important Note:
 Not to be used during pregnancy and menopause
 Mothers who are breast feeding may start using towards end of breast feeding phase
 If cycles do not start even after 3-4 months, see your gynecologist
 This is not a product to help fertility or conception
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Ashok Chhal, Gokshuru, Lodhra, Manjistha, Honey Punarnava

BENEFITS Works naturally with body for comfort during difficult days

FOR WHOM Women-Problems of and during menstruation, PMS, stomach pain, mood changes

WHAT AGE After onset of cycles

HOW MUCH 2 tsp twice daily or as directed by Physician


Elements Man Shakti Man 60 Capsules MRP Price ₹1050
Product Details
Elements Man-Shakti-Man 60Caps
Man Shakthi-Man from Elements is designed to improve inner strengths that are linked to performance in a balanced and carefully chosen composition.
Extracts present in this novel combination promote micro-circulation, sense of well-being, vital energy for regular and superior performance.
Benefits of Man Shakti Man
 Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
 Quality and Quantity of Sperm Formation and Sperm Motility
 Solving problems of premature ejaculation
 Derive Greater Pleasure in Love Making
 Attacks Root Cause of Loss of Ability to Make Love
 Enhances Both Desire and Performance
 Powerful ingredients and novel combo not present in competition
Important Note
 This is not a VIAGRA; it works effectively over a few weeks
 Not to be combined with VIAGRA or similar drugs
 Not to exceed stated dosage
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
SafedTil, SafedMusli, Arjun, Kesar
Stimulates micro-circulation, helps improve vitality
and performance
FOR Males, who experience loss of libido and feel
WHOM inactive
Adults, 18-60 years
HOW 2 capsules in morning, 1 in evening or as directed by
MUCH Physician
WHEN Morning and Evening (1 capsule only in evening)
Elements Melt Fat 420 gms MRP Price ₹2500
Product Details
Elements Wellness Melt Fat granules is a novel blend of active herbs that are known to promote metabolism as well as thermogenic activity (to create necessary
warmth to increase metabolism of lipids / fat, carbohydrates) at cellular level.
The granules contain isphagula which is known to swell in the stomach giving a sense of fullness, thereby reducing tendency to over eat. Vrikshamla, Trikatu,
Amalthas, Haritaki and Guggulu are known to promote metabolism of fat and carbohydrates.
Synergistic presence of Tea catechins enhances this activity and published scientific studies have demonstrated catechins to promote fat metabolism( which is the
reason for the product name).
Regular consumption of Elements Wellness Melt Fat granules hence effectively supports weight management. For best results of weight management,
complement consumption of this product with a healthy life style, supportive diet and adequate exercise .
Novel combination of selected ayurvedic herbs at right levels and quality in a specially formulated as granules with Catechins, Vrikshamla, Guggulu, Haritaki and 7
potent herbs.
The granules with its herbal and cardamom flavor helps you to avoid over eating, achieve better evacuation and promotes metabolism of fat and carbohydrates
that are known to be causes of body weight.
Contains processed isphagula husk powder potentiated with standardized tea catechins. Has added extracts of Vrikshamla, Guggulu, Haritaki, trikatu
(Shunti+black pepper+long pepper), Amalthas, Methi powder and Vidanga powder.
The granules taste is improved with sucralose and cardamom flavor. This novel combination is granulated and filled in to a sachet to provide free flowing granules
of 14g per sachet.
Lifestyle Advise
Drink 2 to 4 liters of water a day. Consume fruit juices adequately. Personal hygiene to be improved.
As advised by healthcare professionals. Avoid sedentary life style, reduce or avoid alcohol intake, smoking and chewing of tobacco and lead a stress free life.
Exercises that you are comfortable like jogging, walking, specific gym, yoga for at least 45minutes a day for 5 days a week is required.
While exercising maintain a right rhythm to prevent injury to muscles or joints as well as excessive load on heart. Support additionally where possible with suitable
Additional Information to Users
It is common that weight management seekers expect rapid reduction in body weight consistently. This is possible only when Melt Fat is taken along with diet and
life style advice followed fully. Proportionate reduction in benefits will be seen if dietary and life style recommendations have low or poor compliance.
Weight management seekers would get tremendous benefit if there is commitment in mind followed by Melt Fat intake + diet and life style management. The first
signs of benefits are one or more of the following - feeling light, active, energetic feeling, better potty habits regularly, reduced bloating, and improved sleep.
Consider each of these as motivating factors and which should help you to increase commitment resulting in bulk and weight reduction. It is common to lose
interest in about 2 months from consuming Melt Fat and not follow diet and life style which will result in reduced benefits.
Diet Advise
Consume a low calorie, low carbohydrate and low fat and fiber rich diet. Consuming millets, corns, oat and such other non- rice grains is recommended. Wheat
can be taken. Supplement with plenty of fruit juices, vegetable salads, and protein rich diet. Consume milk and water adequately. Avoid too much of coffee,
alcoholic drinks.
Usage levels
One sachet (14g) once a day or as advised by the
physician. Take it 10-20 minutes before breakfast in the
morning. One can also take it in the evening before food.
Disperse the contents of 1 sachet fully into a Glass of water
about 250 to 300 ml and drink quickly the complete
suspension. Follow up with another glass of water
Not to be given for children up to and below 10 years age.
Consult a health care expert or a physician.
Not to be given for pregnant women.
Swirl contents of one sachet in a glass of water, drink entire
contents, before breakfast on a daily basis. Follow with
another glass of water. Consume Melt Fat for 3 months at a
General stretch. Recommend to give gap of about a week before
beginning to repeat usage. Of the product without changing
the diet and Lifestyle adopted. Do Not increase the usage
as it may lead to excess laxation.

Benefits of Ingredients
Chayapati ghan
Tea catechins standardized to 40%
Published scientific studies have shown efficacy to
metabolize fat at cellular level by promoting
Catechin content
adequate metabolism. Catechins are known to have
thermogenic activity.
Extract of this fruit rich in hydroxyl citric acid
promotes fat metabolism.
Is a bulk former, swells in the stomach as much as
Isphagula 25 times its volume, providing fullness to stomach
and reduce over eating chances.
A special gum resin that is specially described in
Guggulu ayurveda to be “medohar” meaning fat
reducer and fat fighter.
A potent and novel ayurvedic herb that metabolizes
food and helps excretion.
Amalthas,Trikatu A combination that metabolizes both carbohydrate
and Vidanga and fat and are also thermogenic.
Sit Burn Faat Sugar Free Nutritional Supplement 420 gms MRP Price ₹2200
Product Details
Sit & Burn Faat Sugar Free Nutritional Supplement:
A Complete blend of soluble & insoluble fibre for positive weight management
Made of 100% food products, mixed in right proportion to give results. No complicated, unknown or magic ingredients.
Sit & Burn FAAT an important part of VITRIMIN'S ACCLERATED NATURAL FAT BURN PROGRAM, takes your worry away - makes you taste the
correct food! It consists of a COMPLETE Blend of soluble & Insoluble fibre supplement for POSITIVE weight management.
Sit & Burn FAAT achieves "fat loss-weight loss" thro SEVEN different ways through FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD, PATENTED PRODUCT.
FIRST - fills the stomach physically on consumption and give "full stomach feel" -"satiety".
SECOND - reduces the carving for fatty/ carbohydrate food whole day.
THIRD - reaches the stored fat in blood vessels, stomach, sub cutaneoustissue and mobilizes away to blood stream.
FOURTH - burns the fat into energy even while you are not physically active - naturally.
FIFTH - absorbs the cholesterol / fat from the small intestine and holds it from re absorption into the body, there by lowers blood cholesterol level.
SIXTH - removes the cholesterol / fat thro feces equivalent to 5 - 7 hours of rigorous gym workout / day.
SEVEN - increases the insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes - there by reduces the intake of medicines in them.
SIT & BURN FAAT helps you to achieve fat loss and positive weight management
NATURALLY without starving.
What else you wait for - just start sit and burn your fat right now...
Key Features:
 Product Research & Development done on Indians, over seven years with various centres / hospitals across India. "PATENTED
 Product exactly fits for the Rice eating, Wheat Eating & Fast food eating Population
 Though immediate weight loss is slow, the results are consistent, and need not consume life long.
 Ingredients are claimed and used world over by the rice eating population - who make 70% of world's population as day to day food
 Confers to food safety and standards authority specifications -100% safe and natural.
 Does not contain proteins -100% safe on kidneys and No chance for Allergic reactions.
 No Cholesterol / Fat containing Ingredients - easy for LIPOLYSIS -Process for break down of fats and lipids. Weight management is smooth
and easy.
 Physically fills the stomach with the help of soluble and insoluble fibre. No head aches.
 100% relieves from any bowel problem like constipation / irritable bowel syndrome.
 Ingredients help to mobilize and burn fat from blood vessels and sub cutaneous tissue. Fat Burning Process is 100% natural - no artificial
stimulants like caffeine / amphetamines added.
 Ingredients capable of bringing out fat & cholesterol through feces - only one of its kind in the world. Two sachets per day can bring out fat /
cholesterol equivalent to 5 - 7 hours of rigorous gym workout/day.
 Ingredients capable of bringing out fat & cholesterol through feces - only one of its kind in the world. Two sachets per day can bring out fat /
cholesterol equivalent to 5 - 7 hours of rigorous gym workout/day.
Nutritional Information
Ingredients Per serving (14 gms)

Psyllium Husk Powder 10.5 g

Garcinia campogia extract 300 mg

Papaya fruit powder 500 mg

Korean Ginseng Extract 200 mg

Green tea extract 400 mg

L Carnitine Tartrate 100 mg

On On KavachPrash 1 kg MRP Price ₹1275
Product Details
 Helps build physical stamina and mental strength.
 Provides energy and aids better digestion and appetite.
 Protection against every day wear & tear of the body.
 Specialist for children.
 Builds back concentration and improves productivity.
 Rejuvenates all tissues in the body.
 Support healthy immune system and encourages elimination of toxins from the body.
 Supports overall strength and energy.
 Promotes muscle mass.
 Builds ojas for supporting a healthy immune response and youthfulness.
 Supports healthy function of the heart and respiratory systems.
 Tonifies the reproductive system.
 Kindles agni (digestive fire).
 Gently encourages elimination
 Supports optimal urinary health
 'Kavach' means Shield 'Prash' means food hence Kavach Prash is a shield for your body from everyday unseen enemies like microbes,
stress etc. that could harm your health.
 For anyone dealing with compromise immunity, it is a tonic you can always turn to. Filled with herbal compounds, which are best known for
promoting and enhancing the healthy functioning of the body.
 1 tsf full twice daily for Children (6-18 years),
 2 tsf twice daily for adults, or as directed by Physician
Diet Advise
 Best when followed by milk.
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Amla, Bala, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Bilva, Nagkesar etc.
Benefits of Ingredients
Is a known source of Vitamin 'C' and helps in building immunity and prevent
recurrent cough and cold infection.

Bala It provides physical strength, stamina and energy

Ashwagandha It's a nervine tonic and relaxes the brain and muscles.

Shatavari Has anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulatory property.

Bilva It is a brain tonic and support immunity.

Nagkesar It rejuvenates and rich and anti-oxidant.

Elements Champi Champion Tailam 200 ml MRP Price ₹465
Product Details
Elements Champi Champion Tailam 200Ml
Elements Champi Champion Taila offers a unique rejuvenation process of massage of the body and its parts after application of medicated oils. The oil
is processed by slowly boiling sesame oil with added herbs such as Masha and other ingredients which are good for hair, muscles and skin. Massaging
skin using this oil promotes blood circulation, de-stress and improves the sense of well being, reduces stiffness and muscular pain, rejuvenates and
tones the body. This oil can as well be used for massaging legs, face, hands and whole body.
Benefits of Champi Champion Tailam
 The process of Champi Champion Tailam is made effective by using a unique process called Taila Pak Vidhi
 Delays premature ageing of body THROUGH TOTAL REJUVENATION
 Reduces pain and stiffness by promoting circulation of blood
 Gives instant energy on account of toning whole body
 Improves muscle suppleness and strength
 Can be used for Hair, Face and Body with all round benefits
 Promotes better sleep for days after the process
 It is for full body application but equally effective for scalp and hair
 Will deliver results even with moderate pressure
 Reduces Hair Fall and delays premature ageing
Important Note
 For external use only; if you have swallowed a large quantity, please try to vomit and throw out from system.
 Avoid contact with eyes.
 It is important to take a bath within 30-60 minutes of application of Champi Champion Tailam.
 This is not a cure for serious disorders of skin muscles and scalp (like psoriasis, alopesia and muscular dystrophy)
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY Masha, Bala, ShashtikSaali, NimbaTaila,
INGREDIENTS Haritaki, Dugdha,Tea Tree Oil
Provides relief from muscular pains, improves
skin luster, reduces hair fall with regular usage
Those with muscular pains and dull skin; those
seeking rejuvenation; for those with mild skin
AGE Adults (male and female) and children over
3 ears
As required to spread evenly on body; massage
locally on affected parts or whole body including
scalp and hair WHEN Twice weekly, followed by
bath in slightly warm water after 30 minutes
WELL HART 60 Capsules MRP Price ₹650
Product Details
This modern formulation combines the use of carefully chosen ingredients with a scientific process to deliver superior results. Arjuna's cardio tonic
properties are known in Ayurveda for centuries and validated by today's scientific tools. Uniquely combined with Pushkarmool and specially processed
Fenugreek, Elements Well Hart is designed to provide lipid profile management and reduction of elevated triglycerides. This formula incorporates a
special Bhavna processing step involving Munakka, Shatavariand Guduchi that potentiates the benefit of these herbs.
Who needs Wellhart?
 It's a MUST for anyone who is over 30 and leads hectic life style
 Helps align biological age to actual age by rejuvenating the heart
 Maintain Healthy levels of Cholesterol and Triglycerides
 It is a Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor ( PAI is responsible for blocks )
 Keeps Heart Functioning Stronger for Longer and Helps strengthen heart muscles ( no such medicine in Contemporary Drugs)
 Works to prevent hardening of arteries
 Reduces probability of re-stenosis
 Ideal for those with diagnosed heart conditions ( stent, heart attack)
 Specially made formulation is equally beneficial for women
 You can see the difference through Echo/ TMT and Lipid Profile assessment after 8 weeks.
Important Note
 Is not a cure for heart attack (angina pectoris or coronary thrombosis)
 Cannot be used to dissolve blockages in arteries
 Cannot replace aspirin or other blood thinning patients
 In case of patients who have undergone bypass, please consult physician before incorporation with other medication.
 All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
 All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
 Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
 All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
 All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
 Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
 Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please
discontinue and consult with Physician
 Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
 If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
 All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
 Please use regularly as advised to get best results
 Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products
KEY INGREDIENTS Arjuna, Pushkarmool and Fenugreek

BENEFITS Helps'Hrudaya' functions and micro-circulation of blood

FOR WHOM Blood Pressure, family history of heart problem, overall heart health

WHAT AGE 40 Years +, or 30 YEARS + with stressful lifestyle

HOW MUCH One Capsule twice a day or as directed by Physician

WHEN After Meals


On On Spirulina Gold 60 Capsule MRP Price ₹1300
Product Details
On - On Spirulina Gold Capsule
Spirulina : Miracle High Protein Super food
According to a study done by the Department of Aquataculture in Taiwan, spirulina shows significant immune-boosting properties.
On & On Spirulina Gold - Capsules Description
On & On Spirulina is Pure Veg
On & On Spirulina capsules are Pure Veg Capsules (and NOT Gelatin Capsules). Most of us remain uninformed about the nature of ingredients that makes up the capsule.
Many of us knowingly or unknowingly consume non-veg shiny shells derived from cows, pigs and other animals. On & On Spirulinais not only rich in its nutrient profile, but is
also made with Pure Veg Capsules and is absolutely safe for consumption.
What is Spirulina.?
In today"s fast forward life, when often the major nutrients are lacking Spirulina is the simple solution for well being. Scientifically, Spirulina is simple one-celled microscopic blue-
green algae with the scientific name Arthrospiraplatensis. Under a microscope, spirulina appears as long, thin, blue-green spiral threads.
Spirulina is a bliss to human being for various reasons and is found in many freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. It thrives best under pesticide-free
conditions with plenty of sunlight and moderate temperature levels. It is all natural way for overall wellbeing.
Candida If you have an autoimmune disease such as Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lupus or fibromyalgia, chronic Candida yeast can both cause and worsen your
symptoms. Spirulina has been shown to encourage and support the growth of healthy bacterial flora in your gut, which can help keep Candida overgrowth under control.
Drugs such as AZT used to treat HIV and AIDS patients can actually cause the symptoms they are supposed to cure. However, spirulina has been shown to help inactivate the
human immunodeficiency virus associated with HIV and AIDS.
Nothing to Sneeze At
If you suffer from seasonal or perennial allergies, you're not alone. Millions of people are allergic to pollen, ragweed, dust, mold, pet dander, and a myriad other environmental
contaminants, ensuring the makers of Kleenex will always stay in business.
Unfortunately, many people who have allergic rhinitis treat it with prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that often do more harm than good. Antihistamines are designed
to suppress your immune system, which leads to decreased resistance to disease and dependence on the drug. Certain asthma drugs have been linked to serious side effects
as well. This is where natural methods such as the use of spirulina come in. According to one study, patients treated with spirulina reported relief of symptoms commonly
associated with allergic rhinitis, such as nasal discharge and congestion, sneezing and itching, when given spirulina.
Protein Supplement
Amino acids make up 62% of spirulina. Because it is a rich source of protein and other nutrients, spirulina has been used as a nutritional supplement. However,
although spirulina contains a certain level of protein, you would need to take very large quantities to see any effect. Other sources of protein, such as nuts, legumes, whole
grains, and meat, provide protein in smaller servings.
Oral Cancer
In one placebo-controlled study, taking spirulina seemed to reduce a precancerous lesion known as leukoplasia in people who chewed tobacco. Lesions were more likely to go
away in the spirulina group than in the placebo group.
Liver Disorders
Preliminary evidence suggests that spirulina may help protect against liver damage and cirrhosis (liver failure) in people with chronic hepatitis.
Spirulina; is the richest source of Omega Fatty Acids, Protein, vital minerals and Vitamin B Complex Benefits are.
Benefits are
Reduces bad cholesterol,Helps Lower blood pressure,Loaded with antioxidants,Stimulates Immune system,Detoxify body
Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid found throughout the body. It is a major structural fat in the brain and retina accounting for up to 97% of
the omega-3 fats in the brain and up to 93% of the omega-3 fats in the retina. It is also a key component of the heart. Numerous studies confirm that everyone, from infants to
adults, benefits from an adequate supply of DHA.
• For mothers-to-be, DHA can help support a healthy pregnancy.
• For infants, DHA is important for brain and eye development.
• For children, DHA is important for ongoing brain and eye development.
• For adults, DHA supports brain, eye & heart health.
DHA is used as a supplement for premature babies and as an ingredient in baby formula during the first four months of life to promote better mental development. This practice
probably started because DHA is found naturally in breast milk. DHA is used for treating type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease (CAD), dementia, and attention deficit-
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Some people use DHA is for improving vision, preventing an eye disease called age-related macular degeneration (AMD), preventing and treating depression, and reducing
aggressive behavior in people in stressful situations.
How does it work?
DHA plays a key role in the development of eye and nerve tissues. DHA may also reduce the risk of heart and circulatory disease by decreasing the thickness of the blood and
lowering blood levels of triglycerides.
Bioflavonoid is a generic term used to describe biologically active members of the group of plant-derived compounds known as flavonoids. Bioflavonoidswere first discovered in
1936 by Nobel-prize winning scientist and vitamin C research pioneer Albert Szent-Gyorgi, who originally named the group of compounds "vitamin P." Since then, over
4,000 flavonoids have been identified and classified according to chemical structure. Bioflavonoid supplements are available as individual flavonoids, such as quercetin (derived
from onions), and as multiple bioflavonoid complexes (derived from citrus fruits), which are often combined with vitamin C. Compounds commonly featured in citrus bioflavonoid
supplements include hesperidin, rutin, naringin, and quercetin.
Health Applications
Antioxidant protection,Circulatory health,Circulatory health
Primary Uses
Most of the health benefits attributed to citrus bioflavonoids relate to their antioxidant activity, which has been demonstrated in numerous in vitro and animal studies.
Citrus bioflavonoids are derived from fruits high in vitamin C, and they appear to act synergistically with the vitamin to neutralize free radicals. Bioflavonoids' antioxidant
properties are thought to be particularly beneficial for capillary strength.
Benefits and uses of citrus bioflavonoids
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti allergic,Help maintain normal blood pressure,Anti-Cancer,Anti-diarrheal.,Protects against diabetes.

Energy 1.97 kcal

Protein 0.28735 g

Carbohydrate 0.12g

Sugar 0.0155g

Fat 0.03860g

Saturated fat 0.013g

Trans Fat 0g

Cholesterol 0mg

DHA (20%) 75 mg

Spirulina 500 mg
Citrous Bioflavonoids(40%) 100 mg

Diabalife 30 Capsules MRP Price ₹2100

Product Details
ON & ON Diabalife
New, improved ON&ON Diabalife capsules contain 100% stabilized Allicin. This novel formulation contains well-known Ayurvedic actives
like Gudmar, Arecanut, and Neem, indicated in Ayurveda to work in metabolic syndrome. Published scientific studies have corroborated these benefits
in human subjects. Regular consumption of the herbs present in this product is known to help by managing the body's natural sugar management
process and help build immunity from common ailments. For best results, recommended regular consumption for 60 days. Consume New
ON&ON Diabalife along with your regular medication ensuring that you are keeping a minimum gap of 1 hour between your regular medication
and Diabalife.
How is New Diabalife different from the current product? Have we removed any ingredients from the current product? Is the allicin the same
as what was used earlier?
New Diabalife is different in composition from the current Diabalife as more new ingredients have been added to improve the functioning benefit of the
product. None of the earlier ingredients in the composition have been removed and all of them continue to be present in the new Diabalife. More over,
the new Diabalife contains the same stabilized allicin at the same level as was present in the earlier product. It may be noted that scientifically proven
and known ayurvedic ingredients that promote efficacy in diabetic persons namely gudmar, neem and arecanut have been added to enhance the
efficacy of the product. The content of the product (capsule) has gone up to 510mg from 210mg earlier.
Will New Diabalife work on both HbA1C as well as blood sugar levels
Yes, there are many clinical/lab studies conducted on the different herbs in New Diabalife that demonstrate action on HbA1C as well as Blood Sugar
Levels ( BSL)
What are the ingredients of this product ?
100% Stabilised allicin, Elephantous scaber, karela, Spinacia oleracea, Cinnamomum zeylanicum (dal chini) along with additional new ingredients
added namely gudmar, neem and arecanut.
How is this product different from other products for sugar management available in the market?
New Diabalife is one of those few products in the market for sugar management that contains 100% stabilized allicin along with scientifically proven
and ingredients known in ayurveda in a novel potent combination, packed in 100% vegetarian capsules
Should this product be given for normal customers, pre-diabetic customers or diabetic customers? Will the dosage be different in each
New Diabalife capsules are meant for both prediabetic and diabetic customers. It is required to be taken by diabetic customers in addition to their
regular medication with a gap of 1 hour between them. As with all products consumed by diabetics periodical determination of blood sugar levels and
HbA1C is recommended and review with their physicians. New Diabalife is not intended for normal customers.
Main Ingredients
 100% stabilized Allicin
 Cinammon
 Karela
 Elephantous scaber
 Neem
 Arecanut
 Gudmar & Cheera along with suitable excipients in a 100% vegetarian capsule.

On On Maha Bhringraj Herbal Hair Oil 200 ml MRP Price ₹380

Product Details
On - On Maha Bhringraj Herbal Hair Oil
From stopping hair fall to preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth, you just have one solution right here On & On Maha Bhringraj Herbal Hair Oil.
Unlike many other hair oils, this one is not only perfect to your hair but is complete herbal. That means, zero side effects! Another advantage of On &
On Maha Bhringraj Herbal Hair Oil is that they give a very good herbal smell. Similarly, when it comes to this herbal hair oil, the Bhringraj root is added
to the oil offering more authenticity and strength to your hair.
Regular application of this oil make your hair not only smooth but more lustrous looking and healthy

On On Nutrilife Powder 750 gms MRP Price ₹1900

Product Details
On & On NutriLife Description:
Minerals are essential for proper growth & good health.
The important minerals in Nutrilife are :- Calcium : Essential for proper development of bones and teeth. Iron : Essential for formation of haemoglobin in blood.
Requirements of iron increase in excessive bleeding, pregnancy & lactation. Deficiency leads to anemia, Folic Acid : Essential for prevention of growth retardation,
infertility, weakness and anemia Zinc : Essential for maintaining proper skin, hair, eye, sexual and growth functions.
Proper nutrition leads to a healthier body and mind. Proper intake of food in right proportion provides the right kind of nutrition for health. ON & ON Nutrilife
provides balanced Nutrition to the family.
How to Use:
Take it daily with milk or warm water. Add sugar to taste. On & On NutriLife Can be added to Milkshakes, Juices, Soups, Flour etc for fortification.
Children (4years & Above) : 12gm (1 spoon a day)
In the modern lifestyle, high pollution, poor diet, drug abuse, high stress level, poor eating habits, etc. deteriorate the quality of life. Food consumed does not have
the required amount of essential vitamins and minerals, making it difficult to meet the daily requirements. Over a period this leads to deficiency disorders.
About 50% of children in India suffer from nutritional deficiency. UN report confirms that 40% illness are a due to nutritional deficiency. Children in the age group of
10-19 years are suffering from nutritional deficiencies globally. 19% of adolescents accounting to 1,200 million suffer due to poor nutrition. This in turn hinders their
growth and development.
ON & ON is an easy way to add to a healthy lifestyle.
ON & ON Nutrilife is a wonder food for adults. It contains Proteins, Carbohydrate, Dextrose, Vitamins, Fats, Minerals etc in right proportion to fulfill the nutritional
requirement of body. It is a balanced nutrition for good health.
ON & ON Nutrilife helps in meeting the daily requirement of nutrients. It helps in boosting immunity along with nourishing the body. It helps in compensating for the
daily nutrition requirement. It may prevents vitamin and mineral disorders.
The ingredients are Protein, Carbohydrates, Dextrose monohydrate, Skimmed Milk Powder, Vitamins, Fats, Minerals, Iron, Calcium & Zinc.
Nutrilife Contains:
ON & ON Nutrilife is enriched with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and skimmed milk powder.
Every ingredient in this product contributes towards healthy life.
Proteins : Building blocks of the cells of the body. It is made up of 20 amino acids. They are essential for the growth and repair of the body.
Dextrose : Dextrose is D-glucose. It is required for energy production.
Vitamins are necessary in very small amounts for normal growth, health and activities of our body. They catalyze biological processes occurring in the body.
Vitamins though taken in micro quantities are of mega importance in life. The deficiency of vitamins causes many serious diseases.
Brand On & On
Product Type Energy Drink Powder
Nutritional Ingredients Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates

Nutritional Values Per 100g (Approx.)

Energy Value 352.5 Kcal
Protein 12g
Carbohydrates 75g
Sugars 60g
Fat 0.5g
Calcium 900 mg
Iron 27 mg
Folic Acid 500 mg
Vitamin B1 1.5mg
Vitamin B2 3mg
Vitamin B3 30mg
Vitamin B5 6mg
Vitamin B6 1mg
Vitamin B12 4 mg
Vitamin C 36 mg
Vitamin D 900 I.U
Vitamin A 1000 I.U
Vitamin E 28 I.U
Zinc 15 mg
Sodium 500 mg
Chloride 500 mg
Potassium 500 mg
Magnesium 1000 mg
Dietary Fiber 600 mg

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