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Die Rede des jungen Hediger

Work done in 4th year of typesetting appren

ticeship, Gewerbeschule der Stadt Bern, 1947.
Die Kirchen am Thunersee
Final submission for typesetting apprenticeship,
with woodcuts by Adrian Frutiger; text,
setting and printing by Adrian Frutiger,
Otto Schlaefli AG, printers, Interlaken 1948.
Schrift � �criture � Lettering. Die Entwicklung
der europ�ischen Schriften, in Holz ge
schnitten � Bois originaux illustrant l��volution
de l��criture en Europe � The development
of European script carved in wood
Final submission at the Kunstgewerbeschule
Zurich, published by the Bildungsverband
Schweizerischer Buchdrucker, Zurich 1951.
Au commencement
Text from the first chapter of Genesis,
hand set in Univers 55, 24 pt, with 15 woodcuts
by Adrian Frutiger, printed in a run of 140
copies, Atelier Frutiger, published by
Pierre Ber�s, �ditions Hermann, Paris 1962.
26 woodcuts by Adrian Frutiger, printed in
a run of 75 copies, published by Pierre Ber�s,
�ditions Hermann, Paris 1962.
With contributions by Adrian Frutiger and Emil
Ruder, Ernst Gloor (ed.) handsetting room,
Zurich 1966.
Cantique des Cantiques de Salomon � Das
Hohe Lied Salomos � The Song of Songs
??? ????? ??? ?????? � which is Solomon�s
With illustrations by Adrian Frutiger, typography
by Bruno Pf�ffli, Winterthur Printing Press AG,
Winterthur 1966 / Flamberg-Verlag, Zurich 1967.
Im Anfang � Au commencement � In the
beginning � ??????
With illustrations by Adrian Frutiger, typography
by Bruno Pf�ffli, Winterthur Printing Press AG,
Winterthur 1966 / Flamberg-Verlag, Zurich 1969.
Typographic Training for Technicians and
Technical Training for Typographers
Booklet, Copenhagen 1973.
Der Mensch und seine Zeichen
Edited: Horst Heiderhoff. D.Stempel AG
Frankfurt am Main / Heiderhoff Verlag, Echzell.
First edition, Volume 1: Zeichen erkennen
Zeichen gestalten, 1978. Volume 2: Die Zeichen
der Sprachfixierung, 1979. Volume 3:
Zeichen, Symbole, Signete, Signale, 1981. �
now in 10th edition (three volumes combined):
Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2006.
Translations: Spanish: Signos S�mbolos Marcas
Se�ales, Barcelona 1981. French: Des signes
et des hommes, Lausanne, 1983; L�Homme
et ses signes, Reillanne 1999. English: Signs
and Symbols: Their Design and Meaning,
London 1989 and 1998; NewYork 1998. Italian:
Segni & Simboli, Viterbo 1996. Portuguese:
Sinais & S�mbolos, S�o Paulo 1999. Polish:
Czowiek i jego znaki, Warsaw 2003. Korean:
l�Homme et ses signes, Der Mensch und
seine Zeichen, both Seoul 2007.
Type � Sign � Symbol
With articles by Maurice Besset,
Emil Ruder and Rudolf Schneebeli, ABC-Verlag,
Zurich 1980.
Zur Geschichte der linearen,
serifenlosen Schriften
Brochure by Linotype AG, c.1986.
Der Prophet Jona
Picture cycle, K�nizer Gallery, K�niz,
Switzerland 1988.
Design: Jost Hochuli, Typotron AG, St. Gallen
1989 (Issue 7 from the series Typotron-Hefte).
Adrian Frutiger, son �uvre typographique
et ses �crits
Exhibition catalogue, text by Jost Hochuli
and Adrian Frutiger with articles by Andrew
Blum, Roger Chatelain, Martin Enzensberger,
Horst Heiderhoff, Emil Ruder, Hans Schneebeli
and Kurt Weidemann, Maison du Livre, de
l�Image et du Son, Villeurbanne 1994.
Adrian Frutiger. Denken und Schaffen
einer Typografie
Exhibition catalogue, text by Jost Hochuli and
Adrian Frutiger with articles by Andrew Blum,
Roger Chatelain, Martin Enzensberger,
Horst Heiderhoff, Emil Ruder, Hans Schneebeli
and Kurt Weidemann, Maison du Livre,
de l�Image et du Son, Villeurbanne 1994.
Eine Typografie
New edition of Adrian Frutiger. Denken und
Schaffen einer Typografie, Vogt-Schild-Verlag,
Solothurn 1995 � 5th edition, Syndor Press
GmbH, Cham 2001.
Schriften des Abendlandes in Holztafeln
Reprint of final diploma submission from 1951,
Syndor Press GmbH, Cham 1996.
Gesang der Wandlungen
Symbols by Adrian Frutiger,
turned into watermarks by Markus M�ller,
Basler Papierm�hle, Basel 1996.
Song of Changes
Symbols by Adrian Frutiger,
turned into watermarks by Markus M�ller,
Basler Papierm�hle, Basel 1996.
Symbole Zeichen. Wanderungen
Fold-out map of symbols, fashioned after the
standardised Hallwag street map symbols, self
published / personal distribution, Bern 1996.
Symbole Zeichen. Wanderungen
Fold-out map of symbols, fashioned after the
standardised Hallwag street map symbols,
Syndor Press, Cham, 1997.
Symbols and Signs. Explorations
Map of symbols, fashioned after the
standardised Hallwag street map symbols,
Syndor Press, Cham, 1997.
de Symboles en Signes. promenades
Fold-out map of symbols, fashioned after the
standardised Hallwag street map symbols,
Syndor Press, Cham, 1997.
Formen und Gegenformen � Formes et
contreformes � Forms and Counterforms
Text by Ronald Schenkel, printed in a run of
1400 copies in 17-colour offset printing,
98 copies signed and numbered by the author,
accompanied by an embossed colour print on
handmade paper. Produced to celebrate
Adrian Frutiger�s 70th birthday. Published by
Erich Alb, Syndor Press GmbH, Cham 1998.
Paperback edition: Syndor Press GmbH, Cham
Worte f�r einen Strich � Paroles pour un trait �
Words for Line Drawings
Supplement to Formen und Gegenformen, text
by Adrian and Simone Frutiger, published
by Erich Alb, Syndor Press GmbH, Cham 1998.
Geometrie der Gef�hle � G�om�trie des
sentiments � Geometry of Feelings
Published by Erich Alb, Syndor Press GmbH,
Cham 1998.
Lebenzyklus � Cycle de la vie � Life Cycle
Extract from Formen und Gegenformen,
published by Erich Alb, Syndor Press GmbH,
Cham 1999.
� b�tons rompus. Ce qu�il faut savoir
du caract�re typographique
Text by Adrian Frutiger, Roger Chatelain,
Marcelle Charri�re, Horst Heiderhoff,
Yves Perrousseaux and Emil Ruder, Atelier
Perrousseaux, Reillanne 2001.
Ein Leben f�r die Schrift
Verlag Schlaefli & Maurer AG, Interlaken 2003.
Entstehung und Wandel unserer Schrift
Text by Adrian Frutiger and Hans Fl�ck,
Verlag Wegwarte, Bolligen 2003.
Une vie consacr� � l��criture typographique
Based on Ein Leben f�r die Schrift,
Atelier Perrousseaux, Reillanne 2004.
Nachdenken �ber Zeichen und Schrift
Haupt-Verlag, Bern 2005.
Adrian Frutiger�s Buch der Schriften
Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2005.
Woodcuts, drawings and collages by Adrian
Frutiger, Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2006.
Symbole: Geheimnisvolle Bilder-Schriften,
Zeichen, Signale, Labyrinthe, Heraldik
Haupt-Verlag, Bern 2008.
�Der Werdegang der Univers� in Typographische
Monatsbl�tter, Univers special edition,
1/1961, page 10a.
�Die Herstellung einer Drucktype� in
Typographische Monatsbl�tter, Univers
special edition, 1/1961, page 13 � in
Typorama. Rund um das graphische Gewerbe,
Basel 1964, page 39 ff.
�How I came to design Univers� in Print in Britain,
January 1962, vol.9, page 263.
�un livre jeune et courageux sur la typographie�
in Informations TG, no.134, 25 March 1962,
page 3.
Foreword to: Emil Ruder: Typographie � Ein
Gestaltungslehrbuch. Typography � A Manual
of Design. Typographie � Un Manuel de
Cr�ation, Sulgen /Zurich 1967.
�OCR-B: normalisierte Schrift f�r optische
Lesbarkeit� in Typographische Monatsbl�tter,
1/1967, page 29.
�Composeuse Multipoint� in Typographische
Monatsbl�tter, 1/1967.
�OCR-B: A Standardized Character for Optical
Recognition� in The Journal of Typographic
Research, vol.1, no. 2, 1967, page 137 ff.
(with Andr� G�rtler and Nicole Delamarre).
�Typography with the IBM Selectric Composer�
in The Journal of Typographic Research, vol.1,
no. 3 1967, no page details available.
�Brief aus Indien�, offprint from Typographische
Monatsbl�tter, 6�7/1967.
�Les alphabets pour la lecture automatique
magn�tique et optique� in Caract�re, 12/1967,
page 47 f. � in Arts et Techniques Graphiques,
no.75, 3�6/1968, page 198 ff.
�IBM Composer� in IBM Journal, New York,
USA 1968.
�Letter Forms in Photo-typography� in: The
Journal of Typographic Research, Cleveland,
Ohio, Vol.4, no.4, 1970.
�The Evolution of Composition Technology�
in IBM Journal of Research and Development,
vol.12, 1/1968. Also available as an offprint,
�Die Herstellung von Schrifttr�gern f�r Fotosatz
systeme mit hohen Belichtungsgeschwindig
keiten� in Typografische Monatsbl�tter,
01/1969, page 9 ff.
��ber die Zukunft der Schrift f�r automatische
optische Lesbarkeit� in Typografische
Monatsbl�tter, 3/1970, page 203 ff.
�La forme des caract�res � l��ge de la photo
composition�, in Informations TG,
no.500, 1970, page 3 ff. � in Typografische
Monatsbl�tter, 2/1970, page 141 ff.
�Neugestaltung des Air-France-Flugplans� in
Typografische Monatsbl�tter, 1/1971, page 9 ff.
(with Bruno Pf�ffli).
�L��volution des caract�res pour la lecture
optique automatique� in Informations TG,
No. 535, January 1971, page 3 ff.

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