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Preliminaries for the Drafting of Magna Carta and the Break-out Session

a. Jonas Pampilon
b. Micah Lucero
c. Mary Christine Longabela
d. William Estrada
e. Karizza Cruz
f. Herculano Capute

A. Drafting of Magna Carta; November 29 [2pm-5pm]

Type of discussion: PLENARY


Three hours will be allocated for the drafting of magna carta, however we will
divide the discussion into three parts:
1. First part [2pm-3pm]
a. We will divide the plenary into 5 groups, composed of atleast 20
delegates per group, which will depend on the total number of
b. Each group will be headed by one facilitator. You can choose your group.
c. Each group will be discussing certain portion of the draft magna carta,
which was uploaded in the google drive. [see the
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d. These are the topics for the group discussion:
1. Group 1, General Provisions and Fundamental Rights of Law Students
2. Group 2, Academic Rights
3. Group 3, Right to Adequate, Accessible and Safe Facilities and Right to
4. Group 4, Right to Organization, Right to Security, Rights of Students in
Disciplinary Proceedings
5. Group 5, Enforcement of the Magna Carta
e. The role of the facilitator will be to assist each group in formulating the
policy for such particular topic/provision. Encourage the delegates to
participate during the discussion. Give them your insights and
suggestions about the topic.
f. A final working draft for each topic is expected. You can use the draft
magna carta as your guide or the student manual of the school if
g. Each group is not limited on the provisions included in the draft magna
carta. You can explore other possible provisions needed in order to fully
protect the interest of the law students.

2. Second part, [3pm-4:30pm]

a. This will be the plenary discussion. Each group is expected to present
their final working draft in the plenary. A leader from such group may be
chosen to present the draft.
b. The floor will be open for critiquing. Everyone is allowed to ask question
during the presentation. We encourage the use of parliamentary
procedure for an orderly discussion.
c. Due to time constraints we will limit the presentation to 1.5 hours for all

3. Last part, [4:30pm-5:00pm]

a. If there will be no more questions, the final working draft of each group
will be consolidated.
b. Each group is required to submit their soft copy to their facilitator.
c. The final draft of the magna carta will be presented on the last day.

B. Break-out session; November 30 [1pm-2pm]

Type of discussion: Per group


a. There will be three areas of discussion.

a. Tuitition and Miscellaneous fees; [Possible discussion on: a. updating the
existing LEBMO on tuition increase policy; b. List down necessary
miscellaneous items which should be charged to the law students; c.
Thesis fee etc.]
b. Mental Health, [are they open for mandatory guidance counselling in
school?; are they open to incorporate this on one of the subjects in law
c. Hazing, [what are their thoughts about this? How it should be regulated
in or outside school?]
d. Working students, [guidelines for those schools offering executive
e. Mandatory drug testing for law student, [what are their thoughts?]
f. Law Student Government in the school, [standard procedure in the
creation of LSG for those school who doesn’t have one; or policy on
choosing their student representative if they don’t have LSG]

Possible discussion on the following:
a. Lack of better mechanism in addressing the grievances of the students
b. What is the proposal of the students in order to expedite resolution of
their grievances, which can be againts school policy, academics, professor
c. Standardized procedure in resolving grievances, what mode can you
d. You can touch on the student affairs issues.
Possible discussion on: [this area will be discussed during Atty. Domondon
a. Revision of 4th year curriculum
b. Only review subjects for 4th year
c. Lecture – Exam type class for 4th year
d. Legal Aid Subject, what are the sentiments of the students about this?

b. Delegates can choose their preferred area, but those who voted in the facebook
poll created last time, will be given priority for such group.
c. Facilitators will be divided into three groups, 2 facilitators each. Same thing on
what you did during the drafting of magna carta, you will be assisting the
discussion of the delegates. Please encourage the delegates to participate in the
d. The expected output here is the consolidated concerns of the students with
respect to such chosen area.
e. Again, for orderly discussion, the use of parliamentary procedure is highly

Thank you.

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