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Block of Optical Sensors - provides optical observation
of the surveillance area, during day and night. Includes thermal
camera, day camera, video tracking and image fusion boards,
together with the boards for images’ commands, editing and
Video Tracking Electronic Subsystem - is designed Command and Control Unit with Joystick ;
to provide automatic tracking of selected target. plays the following roles: • ensure command & control for:
LASER Rangefinder - to determine distances up to telescopic mast; Pan and Tilt platform; LASER rangefinder;
targets. block of sensors; video tracking subsystem; signalling the
Pan and Tilt Platform - provides: • support of optical current status of the system • signalling the current status of /
sensor block, laser range finder and field radar •  orientation of communication with:  telescopic mast; Pan and Tilt platform;
the block of sensors and radar on a certain position in azimuth LASER rangefinder; block of sensors; computing system
and elevation •  gyroscopic stabilization of sensors. •  transmission to computing system of the information
Telescopic Mast  - provides: • support for Pan and Tilt coming from: telescopic mast; Pan and Tilt platform; LASER
platform • lifting platform with block of sensors at a suitable rangefinder; block of sensors; video tracking subsystem;
height for the observation. proximity protection system; energy management system.
Proximity Protection System – secures the area close Computing and Displaying System designed
to MISS to ensure: • support for software applications • receiving
Field RADAR System  - provides: • detection of moving information signals from sensors • transmitting information
targets. including small one, with equivalent radiant surface signals generated by system software to the sensors • support
of about 0.1 square meters •  determination of Cartesian and for displaying information produced by the software
polar coordinates of detected targets. • providing output signals for the transmission of information
Geographical Bearing System – provides: • real-time over the wire or radio • support for storing data and images
reports of own coordinates for the purpose of positioning captured.
system map • real-time reports of orientation towards the Software application  plays the following roles:
North of the system in order to ensure correct positioning of •  processing of the information received from the Command
the detected targets. and Control Unit •  processing information received from
System for the Recognition of Authorized sensors •  storing information received from sensors •
Activities – allows a user to discern, by use of GIS management of the stored information • display the
applications, where are they located on a digitized map, the information received from sensors • working with GIS data •
people who are authorized to access certain areas on the map, positioning on the map of the data received from the sensors
by marking them with a characteristic graphic sign. • formatting the output signals for the purpose of transmission
Energy Management System - plays the following by wire or radio.
roles: • securing the energy supply of the SIMS: solar panels, Working space and life support for two
electric generator, electrical network • ensuring safe switching operators during 10 days.
between different sources of energy • battery charging Trailer with equipment container designed to
• monitoring of the functioning of the electricity supply. support the MISS.


171A Atomistilor street, Magurele, ILFOV, 077125, ROMANIA l l Tel./Fax: +4.021.457.45.92
The purpose of this system is to detect, recognize, locate and track a wide range of activities to a specific distance given by the
type of integrated sensors.
SIMS is a system designed for:
l  obtaining information from sensors of different types, namely radar, optical, distance measurement, positioning, recognition

l  processing and integrating information obtained from the sensors in the GIS system that runs on a ruggedized PC

l  transmission and receipt of information to/from a superior level structure l  monitoring the response activities and their results

l  storage of data and images required to bear witness to identified activities.

FEATURES & ADVANTAGES l Block of Optical Sensors l Video Tracking Electronic Subsystem l LASER
Rangefinder l Field RADAR System l Pan and Tilt Platform l Telescopic Mast l
l Increased efficiency of surveillance activities Geographical Bearing System l Proximity Protection System l System for the
l Mobility l High self-sufficiency l Operating in Recognition of Authorized Activities l Energy Management System l Independent
isolated conditions l Versatility l User-friendly power supply based on photovoltaic cells (solar panels)/Power generator l
and safety in l Quick troubleshooting l Very Command and Control Unit with Joystick l Computing and Displaying System
low obsolescence l High integration degree l GIS based System Software Application l Trailer with Equipment Container

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