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Fever of Unknown Origin: A Clinical Approach

Burke A. Cunha, MD,a,b Olivier Lortholary, MD, PhD,c,d Cheston B. Cunha, MDe,f
Infectious Disease Division, Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, NY; bState University of New York, School of Medicine, Stony Brook;
Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Centre d’Infectiologie Necker-Pasteur, IHU Imagine,
Paris, France; dUniversité Paris Descartes, Paris, France; eInfectious Disease Division, Rhode Island Hospital and The Miriam Hospital,
Providence; fBrown University Alpert School of Medicine, Providence, RI.


Fevers of unknown origin remain one of the most difficult diagnostic challenges in medicine. Because fever
of unknown origin may be caused by over 200 malignant/neoplastic, infectious, rheumatic/inflammatory,
and miscellaneous disorders, clinicians often order non-clue-based imaging and specific testing early in the
fever of unknown origin work-up, which may be inefficient/misleading. Unlike most other fever-of-
unknown-origin reviews, this article presents a clinical approach. Characteristic history and physical ex-
amination findings together with key nonspecific test abnormalities are the basis for a focused clue-directed
fever of unknown origin work-up.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  The American Journal of Medicine (2015) 128, 1138.e1-1138.e15

KEYWORDS: Adult fevers of unknown origin; Focused diagnostic approach; Fevers of unknown origin

CLASSIC FEVER OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN examination, and selective nonspecific laboratory tests
Prolonged fevers have been diagnostically problematic since rather than excessive overtesting.11-16
antiquity. Among the ancients, typhoid fever and malaria
were common causes of prolonged fevers.1 Few infections
are associated with prolonged fevers.2 Petersdorf and Bee- Diagnostic Approach to Classic Fever of
son3 developed criteria for prolonged fevers, that is, fever of Unknown Origin
unknown origin, defined as fever 38.3 C (101 F) for >3 First, verify the prolonged fever meets the fever-of-
weeks that remains undiagnosed after a hospital work-up. unknown-origin definition.3,16-21 The fever-of-unknown-
Fever of unknown origin work-ups may be done as an origin work-up should be symptom (history) and sign
outpatient.4 Petersdorf also classified fevers of unknown (physical examination) driven.12,13 Second, based on history
origin by category, that is, infectious, malignant/neoplastic, and physical clues, try to determine the appropriate category
rheumatic/inflammatory, and miscellaneous disorders for the fever.16,21,22
(Table 1).2,5,6 Fevers of unknown origin also may be Each fever of unknown origin category has clinical
considered in the context of host subsets, for example, organ hallmarks, for example, usually, malignant/neoplastic dis-
transplants, human immunodeficiency virus, returning orders are associated with early anorexia and significant
travelers.4 weight loss. With infectious fevers of unknown origin, chills
There is no standard diagnostic approach to fever of are common, but weight loss less pronounced and anorexia
unknown origin.7-11 Fever of unknown origin requires a late. Excluding vasculitis, synovitis is the rheumatic/
focused fever of unknown origin-relevant history, physical inflammatory hallmark. While hallmark features suggest
particular fever of unknown origin categories, some findings
Funding: No funding to report. essentially eliminate a fever-of-unknown-origin category,
Conflict of Interest: No conflicts of interest. for example, rigors eliminate the rheumatic/inflammatory
Authorship: All authors had access to this review and contributed to category of fever.11,13,21
writing the manuscript.
Third, within the fever-of-unknown-origin category,
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Burke A. Cunha, MD,
Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, NY and State University of
try to determine the pattern of organ involvement. Each
New York, School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY. disorder has a characteristic pattern of organ involvement
E-mail address: that suggests/limits diagnostic possibilities. For example,

0002-9343/$ -see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cunha et al Fever of Unknown Origin 1138.e2

pattern of organ involvement of systemic lupus erythe- predispose to particular pathogens, for example, cytomeg-
matosus involves multiple organs but importantly, spares alovirus, tuberculosis. Disparate multiple symptoms/signs
the liver. Similarly, while splenomegaly is a cardinal suggest multisystem disease, for example, miliary tubercu-
subacute bacterial endocarditis finding, hepatomegaly losis or Whipple’s disease, rather than several different
essentially rules out subacute bacterial endocarditis on disorders.5,21
the basis of pattern of organ involvement alone.
The most diagnostically difficult Rheumatic/Inflammatory Dis-
fevers of unknown origin have no orders. With prominent arthral-
localizing signs. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE gias/myalgias, a rheumatic/
Key clues may be overlooked  Fevers of unknown origin remain a diffi- inflammatory fever of unknown
with a thorough but not fever of cult diagnostic challenge because over origin is likely, but chills argue
unknown origin focused history against a rheumatic/inflammatory
200 disorders are in the differential
and physical examination.7-10 etiology.28-30 Dry cough also may
In the fever of unknown origin be a subtle clue of giant cell
focused physical examination,  The focused fever of unknown origin arteritis/temporal arteritis.31 With
special attention should be given diagnostic approach is based on hall- a fever of unknown origin, oral
to the eyes, skin, nodes, liver, and mark clinical features characteristic of ulcers suggest Behçet’s syndrome
spleen.8-10 Testing should be se- each disorder. Diagnostic significance of or systemic lupus erythemato-
lective and based on diagnostic nonspecific clinical findings is enhanced sus.28,29 The pattern of organ
probabilities, not possibilities, for involvement in a fever of un-
when considered together.
example, routine blood cultures.11 known origin with a history of
Blood cultures are useful for  The fever of unknown origin diagnostic joint symptoms and generalized
bacteremic fevers of unknown approach should be clue driven to narrow lymphadenopathy points to adult
origin, for example, brucellosis, diagnostic possibilities to direct the Still’s disease or systemic lupus
typhoid/enteric fever, intravas- work-up to avoid excessive non-clue- erythematosus.26,30 A history of
cular infections, and abscesses, directed testing. acalculous cholecystitis in a fever
but blood cultures are unnecessary of unknown origin is an easily
and may be misleading for non- overlooked clue of systemic lupus
bacteremic infections, malignant/neoplastic, rheumatic/in- erythematosus or periarteritis nodosa.26,30 A family history
flammatory, and miscellaneous fevers of unknown is important if Behçet’s disease is being considered.
origin.11,21 Subacute bacterial endocarditis is not an un-
common infection, but now is a relatively rare cause of fever Miscellaneous Disorders. If the history does not suggest
of unknown origin.14,18,22 a particular category, miscellaneous causes of fever of
unknown origin should be considered. Fever periodicity
may be the only clue to cyclic neutropenia.32 A history of
History lymphadenopathy may suggest Rosai-Dorfman or Kikuchi’s
Malignant/Neoplastic Disorders. Significant weight loss disease.33,34 Neck/jaw pain, easily dismissed as dental pain,
(>2 lbs/week), particularly if accompanied by early may be a clue to subacute thyroiditis.35-38 Factitious fever
anorexia, is a hallmark of malignant/neoplastic fevers should be considered in medical personnel.39 Specifically,
of unknown origin. Post-hot bath pruritus suggests a inquire about inflammatory bowel disease (regional enteri-
malignant/neoplastic disorder.23-26 A malignant/neoplastic tis), alcoholism (cirrhosis), and medications (pseudolym-
fever of unknown origin should be considered in those with phoma, drug fever).26,40 Some miscellaneous fevers of
a history of adenopathy or malignancy. unknown origin are familial, for example, familial Medi-
terranean fever or hyper-IgD syndrome.41,42
Infectious Diseases. The history should include prior/
invasive procedures or surgeries (abscesses), dentition
(apical abscesses, subacute bacterial endocarditis), ante- Physical Examination
cedent/concomitant infections, and tuberculosis.16,21 Animal Malignant/Neoplastic Disorders. Hectic fevers of lym-
or pet contact suggests Q fever, brucellosis, toxoplasmosis, phoma may resemble infection.23,25,43 Relative bradycardia
cat scratch disease, or trichinosis. Mosquito or tick may accompany lymphoma or central nervous system
exposure suggests ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, babesiosis, malignancy.26,44,45 Eye examination may be helpful, for
or malaria, while rodent exposure suggests rat bite fever, example, Roth spots (lymphoma, atrial myxoma), cytoid
relapsing fever, or leptospirosis.13,21,26 Blood transfusions bodies (atrial myxoma), or retinal hemorrhages (pre-
may be an important clue to ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, leukemia).45,46 A murmur is a key finding in subacute
babesiosis, cytomegalovirus, or human immunodeficiency bacterial endocarditis, noninfectious culture-negative
virus. In normal hosts, the only clue to cytomegalovirus may endocarditis, for example, marantic endocarditis or atrial
be secretion exposure.27 Immunosuppressive drugs myxoma.26,47 Sternal tenderness points to a bone marrow
1138.e3 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 128, No 10, October 2015

disorder (preleukemia, myeloproliferative disorders).23-26 bradycardia is a cardinal finding in typhoid/enteric fever,

Isolated hepatomegaly in a fever of unknown origin limits malaria, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, leptospirosis,
diagnostic possibilities to hepatoma, renal cell carcinoma, or and Q fever.44,45 Twice daily fever spikes (double quotidian
liver metastases.26,45 fevers) suggest malaria, miliary tuberculosis, or visceral
leishmaniasis.52,54 Two fever peaks per week (camel back
Infectious Diseases. The approach to infectious fevers of fever curve) may be one of the few clues to ehrlichiosis/
unknown origin begins with fever pattern analysis.48-51 anaplasmosis, leptospirosis, brucellosis, or rat bite
Morning temperature spikes suggest miliary tuberculosis, fever.26,45,52 Fundoscopic findings may be a clue to toxo-
typhoid/enteric fever, or Whipple’s disease.50,52,53 Relative plasmosis, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, or cat scratch

Table 1 Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO): Classic Causes

Type of Disorder Common Uncommon Rare
Malignancy/neoplastic Lymphoma* Preleukemia (AML)* Atrial myxoma
disorders Hypernephroma/renal Myeloproliferative Multiple myeloma
cell carcinoma (RCC) disorders (MPDs)* Colon carcinoma
Pancreatic carcinoma
CNS metastases
Liver metastases
Systemic mastocytosis*
Infectious diseases Miliary TB Intraabdominal/pelvic SBE†
Brucellosis*,† abscess† Periapical dental abscess*
Q fever* Intra/perinephric Chronic sinusitis/mastoiditis
abscess† Subacute vertebral osteomyelitis
Typhoid/enteric Aortoenteric fistula
fevers*,† Vascular graft infections†
Toxoplasmosis* Relapsing fever*
Cat scratch disease (Borrelia recurrentis)
(CSD)* Rat bite fever*,†
EBV (Streptobacillus moniliformis or Spirillum minus)
CMV Leptospirosis
HIV Histoplasmosis
Extrapulmonary TB Coccidiomycosis
(renal TB, CNS TB) Visceral leishmaniasis
Whipple’s disease*
Multicentric Castleman’s disease (MCD)*
Chronic prostatitis
Recurrent cholangitis*,†
(with Caroli’s disease)
Rheumatologic/ Adult Still’s disease Periarteritis nodosa/ Takayasu’s arteritis*
inflammatory (juvenile rheumatoid microscopic Kikuchi’s disease*
disorders arthritis [JRA])* polyangiitis Sarcoidosis (CNS)
Giant cell arteritis (GCA)/ (PAN/MPA)* Felty’s syndrome
temporal arteritis (TA)* Late-onset rheumatoid Gaucher’s disease
arthritis (LORA) Polyarticular gout
SLE* Pseudogout
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Behçet’s disease*
FAPA syndrome*
(Marshall’s syndrome)
Cunha et al Fever of Unknown Origin 1138.e4

Table 1 Continued
Type of Disorder Common Uncommon Rare
Miscellaneous Drug fever* Subacute thyroiditis* Pulmonary emboli
disorders Cirrhosis* Regional enteritis* (small/multiple)
(Crohn’s disease) Pseudolymphomas*
Rosai-Dorfman disease*
Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD)*
Cyclic neutropenia*
Familial periodic fever syndromes:
Hyper-IgD syndrome*
TNF receptor-1-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS)*
Schnitzler’s syndrome*
Muckle-Wells syndrome*
Hypothalamic dysfunction
Hypertriglyceridemia (type V)*
Factitious fever*
AML ¼ acute myelogenous leukemia; APS ¼ antiphospholipid syndrome; CMV ¼ cytomegalovirus; CNS ¼ central nervous system; CSD ¼ cat scratch
disease; EBV ¼ Epstein-Barr virus; ECD ¼ Erdheim-Chester disease; FAPA ¼ fever, aphthous ulcers, pharyngitis, adenitis; FMF ¼ familial Mediterranean fever;
GCA ¼ giant cell arteritis; HIV ¼ human immunodeficiency virus; LGV ¼ lymphogranuloma venereum; LORA ¼ late-onset rheumatoid arthritis;
MCD ¼ multicentric Castleman’s disease; MPA ¼ microscopic polyangiitis; MPDs ¼ myeloproliferative disorders; PAN ¼ periarteritis nodosa; RCC ¼ renal cell
carcinoma; SBE ¼ subacute bacterial endocarditis; SLE ¼ systemic lupus erythematosus; TA ¼ temporal arteritis; TB ¼ tuberculosis; TNF ¼ tumor necrosis
*May present as recurrent FUOs.
†If bacteremia suspected, obtain blood cultures.
Adapted from: Cunha BA. Fever of unknown origin (FUO). In: Gorbach SL, Bartlett JB, Blacklow NR, eds. Infectious Diseases in Medicine and Surgery.
(3rd ed.) Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2004:1568e1577.5 Cunha BA. Overview. In: Cunha BA, ed. Fever of Unknown Origin. New York: Informa Healthcare;
2007:1-16;2 Cunha CB, Cunha BA, Fever of unknown origin (FUO). In: Schlossberg D, ed. Clinical Infectious Disease. (2nd ed.) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press; 2015:1-6.6

disease.17 Spinal tenderness points to subacute vertebral arteritis, systemic lupus erythematosus).8-10,44-46 In a fever
osteomyelitis, typhoid/enteric fever, spinal tuberculosis, or of unknown origin, oral ulcers suggest Behçet’s disease or
brucellosis.21,55 Hepatomegaly alone suggests Q fever, systemic lupus erythematosus.5 Lymphadenopathy suggests
typhoid/enteric fever, visceral leishmaniasis, brucellosis, rat systemic lupus erythematosus, late-onset rheumatoid
bite fever, or relapsing fever.21,45 Splenomegaly narrows arthritis, or sarcoidosis.21,45 In a fever of unknown origin
diagnostic possibilities to miliary tuberculosis, Epstein-Barr with systemic lupus erythematosus, a murmur with negative
virus, cytomegalovirus, typhoid/enteric fever, brucellosis, blood cultures suggests possible Libman-Sacks endocardi-
histoplasmosis, ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, malaria, Q fever, tis.28 Hepatomegaly without splenomegaly argues against a
subacute bacterial endocarditis, cat scratch disease, and rat rheumatic/inflammatory fever of unknown origin etiology.
bite fever.21,45 Epididymo-orchitis/epididymal nodule is Epididymitis/epididymal nodules are subtle clues to peri-
an easily overlooked sign of Epstein-Barr virus, renal arteritis nodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus, or
tuberculosis, or brucellosis.21,45 sarcoidosis.29,30,45

Rheumatic/Inflammatory Disorders. Morning tempera- Miscellaneous Disorders. Miscellaneous fevers of un-

ture spikes are an important clue to periarteritis nodosa known origin are more likely to be diagnosed by historical
while a double quotidian fever is a key finding in adult Still clues rather than physical findings. Relative bradycardia is a
disease.45,51,54,55 In a fever of unknown origin, rash, if clue to drug fever or factitious fever.39,40,44 Lipemia retinalis
present, suggests sarcoidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, may be the only sign of hypertriglyceridemia. Lymphade-
or adult Still’s disease.54 Unequal pulse suggests Takayasu’s nopathy may be due to pseudolymphoma or hyper-IgD
arteritis.21 Lacrimal gland enlargement is a clue to late-onset syndrome.21,45 Cirrhosis is an often-overlooked cause of
rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, or systemic lupus erythe- fever of unknown origin. Splenomegaly is an important clue
matosus.26,45 External eye/fundi may provide many diag- to regional enteritis, cirrhosis, or hyper-IgD syndrome.21,45
nostic clues in rheumatic/inflammatory fevers of unknown
origin, for example, cytoid bodies (systemic lupus erythe-
matosus, giant cell arteritis/temporal arteritis, periarteritis Nonspecific Laboratory Tests
nodosa, adult Still’s disease), Roth spots (systemic lupus In each fever of unknown origin category, nonspecific
erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa), or retinal artery tests often provide useful diagnostic clues.51,56-58 Elevated
occlusion (Takayasu’s arteritis, giant call arteritis/temporal erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum ferritin, alkaline
1138.e5 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 128, No 10, October 2015

phosphatase, and rheumatoid factor titers are particularly osteomyelitis and malignancies. Cardiac echocardiography
useful in fever of unknown origin diagnosis.51,59 Diagnostic is important in culture negative endocarditis, and atrial
specificity of nonspecific laboratory abnormalities is myxoma. Positron emission tomography-computed tomog-
increased when considered together. Degree of test abnor- raphy scans are most useful in detecting obscure infectious/
mality itself limits diagnostic possibilities, for example, an neoplastic fevers of unknown origin, for example,
elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate is very sensitive/not lymphomas, Erdheim-Chester disease, Q fever endocarditis,
specific, but a highly elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or aortic graft infection.63
(>100 mm/h) narrows diagnostic possibilities to very few
entities. Similarly, 6% atypical lymphocytes (drug fever,
toxoplasmosis) have a different differential than 36% atypical Invasive Tests
lymphocytes (Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus). Lymph node biopsy is the most frequent invasive test.59 If
Nonspecific findings may be exclusionary clues, for example, possible, anterior cervical, axillary, or inguinal node
eosinophilia argues strongly against typhoid/enteric fever. biopsies should be avoided because biopsies of these nodes
Complete blood count often contains easily overlooked are usually unhelpful/nondiagnostic and are often reported
clues, for example, leukopenia, monocytosis, as “non-specific inflammatory changes, cannot rule out
lymphocytosis-relative lymphopenia, eosinophilia, baso- infection/malignancy.” More likely to be diagnostic are
philia, atypical/abnormal lymphocytes, thrombocytosis, and posterior cervical, supra/infraclavicular, or epitrochlear node
thrombocytopenia,.21,45,51 In a fever of unknown origin, an biopsies.5,21,26 Hilar, mediastinal, or retroperitoneal node
isolated alkaline phosphatase elevation suggests lym- biopsies have a high diagnostic yield.23 If bone involvement
phoma.21,23,26 Serum protein electrophoresis also may pro- is likely, bone marrow biopsy may be diagnostic, for
vide diagnostic clues, for example, elevated a1/a2 globulin example, myeloproliferative disorders, preleukemias (due to
elevations (lymphoma, systemic lupus erythematosus); acute myelogenous leukemia), Gaucher’s disease, lym-
monoclonal gammopathy (multiple myeloma, hyper-IgD phoma, Erdheim-Chester disease, miliary tuberculosis,
syndrome, multicentric Castleman’s disease); and poly- disseminated histoplasmosis, multicentric Castleman’s dis-
clonal gammopathy (human immunodeficiency virus, cyto- ease, Whipple’s disease, or typhoid/enteric fever
megalovirus, cirrhosis, sarcoidosis, malaria).45 Microscopic (Table 3).64 When blood cultures are negative, bone
hematuria may be the only clue to subacute bacterial marrow biopsy or culture may be positive in subacute
endocarditis, renal tuberculosis, brucellosis, periarteritis bacterial endocarditis or typhoid/enteric fevers.65 Epidid-
nodosa, lymphoma, or renal cell carcinoma.23,45,51 A com- ymal nodule biopsy may be diagnostic of brucellosis,
mon error is to order numerous non-clue-directed specific tuberculosis, leptospirosis, rat bite fever, relapsing fever,
tests early in the work-up without considering the value of lymphoma, systemic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis
hallmark clinical and characteristic nonspecific laboratory nodosa, sarcoidosis, or familial Mediterranean fever. Ileal
clues in narrowing the differential diagnosis. Specific biopsy can be done for suspected ileocecal tuberculosis or
diagnostic testing should be ordered later in the fever of regional enteritis. With image directed percutaneous bi-
unknown origin work-up and based on narrowed diag- opsies, exploratory laparotomy is now rarely needed for
nostic possibilities (Table 2).26 fever of unknown origin diagnosis.66,67
A common clinical problem is to differentiate infectious
from malignant/neoplastic fevers of unknown origin. While Fever of Unknown Origin Subsets
the work-up is in progress, the Naprosyn test may be done
Aside from the classical fevers of unknown origin, there are
early to differentiate infectious from malignant fever of
important subsets—for example, human immunodeficiency
unknown origin.21,26 During the 3-day Naprosyn test, if
virus, organ transplants, and returning travelers that present
temperatures decrease markedly, then a malignant/
especially difficult diagnostic challenges.
neoplastic disorder is likely (positive Naprosyn test).
However, if fevers remain elevated/only slightly decrease,
an infectious etiology is likely (negative Naprosyn test).60,61 Fever of Unknown Origin in Human
Immunodeficiency Virus
Acute human immunodeficiency virus may present as a
Imaging Studies fever of unknown origin with a mononucleosis-like
Imaging studies should be clue directed and should be syndrome with fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy. Human
selected on the basis of fever of unknown origin category immunodeficiency virus patients often present with fever of
and likely pattern of organ involvement.62 With hepatic/ unknown origin as their initial clinical manifestation of
splenic enlargement, abdominal computed tomography opportunistic infection or malignancy.68-71
scans are helpful in detecting other abnormalities, for Highly active antiretroviral therapy has reduced human
example, retroperitoneal adenopathy or intra-abdominal/ immunodeficiency virus associated fevers of unknown
pelvic abscesses/masses.62 Gallium/indium scans are origin in the Western world, but has not altered its etiologic
useful, but indium scans are relatively insensitive (false spectrum.72 The relative frequency of causes in human
negative) with bone infections, for example, chronic immunodeficiency virus fevers of unknown origin is
Cunha et al Fever of Unknown Origin 1138.e6

Table 2 FUOs: Laboratory Clues by FUO Category Table 2 Continued

WBC abnormalities Basophilia Malignant/neoplastic: Preleukemia
Leukocytosis Infectious: Most infections (AML), acute leukemias, lymphomas,
Rheumatic/inflammatory: Adult Still’s MPDs
disease (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis RBC abnormalities
[JRA]) Erythrophagocytosis Malignant/neoplastic: Lymphomas,
Miscellaneous: Drug fever acute leukemias, multiple myeloma,
Leukopenia Malignant/neoplastic: Leukemias MPDs
Infectious: Miliary TB, typhoid/enteric Infectious: HIV, EBV, CMV, malaria,
fever, malaria, brucellosis, visceral babesiosis, toxoplasmosis, visceral
leishmaniasis (kala-azar), EBV, CMV, leishmaniasis (kala-azar),
histoplasmosis, relapsing fever, histoplasmosis, typhoid/enteric fever,
ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis SBE, Q fever, Miliary TB, brucellosis
Rheumatic/inflammatory: RA (Felty’s Rheumatic/inflammatory: SLE,
syndrome), Gaucher’s disease, SLE, sarcoidosis, LORA
sarcoidosis Platelet abnormalities
Miscellaneous: Cyclic neutropenia Thrombocytopenia Malignant/neoplastic: Leukemias,
Relative Malignant/neoplastic: ALL, lymphomas, lymphomas, carcinomas, MPDs,
lymphocytosis carcinomas, multiple myeloma multiple myeloma
Infectious: Whipple’s disease, miliary TB, Infectious: EBV, CMV, ehrlichiosis/
brucellosis, histoplasmosis, EBV, CMV, anaplasmosis, malaria, babesiosis,
visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar), histoplasmosis, visceral leishmaniasis
toxoplasmosis, typhoid/enteric fever (kala-azar), HIV, miliary TB, relapsing
Rheumatic/inflammatory: LORA fever, brucellosis
Relative lymphopenia Malignant/neoplastic: Lymphoma, Rheumatic/inflammatory: Gaucher’s
cirrhosis disease
Infectious: CMV, HIV, Miliary TB, Miscellaneous: Drugs, cirrhosis
typhoid/enteric fever, Q fever, Thrombocytosis Malignant/neoplastic: Malignancies,
brucellosis, malaria, babesiosis, MPDs, lymphomas
histoplasmosis, ehrlichiosis/ Infectious: Miliary TB, chronic
anaplasmosis, Whipple’s disease infections (eg, osteomyelitis,
Rheumatic/inflammatory: Sarcoidosis, abscess), SBE, Q fever
SLE, LORA Rheumatic/inflammatory: GCA/TA, PAN
Miscellaneous: Cirrhosis Miscellaneous: Drugs
Monocytosis Malignant/neoplastic: MPDs, Pancytopenia
lymphomas Pancytopenia Infectious: Miliary TB, brucellosis,
Infectious: Miliary TB, SBE, histoplasmosis, ehrlichiosis/
histoplasmosis, brucellosis, visceral anaplasmosis, CMV, HIV
leishmaniasis (kala-azar), malaria, Rheumatic/inflammatory: Gaucher’s
typhoid/enteric fever, babesiosis, disease, sarcoidosis, SLE
EBV, CMV Serum test abnormalities
Rheumatic/inflammatory: Sarcoidosis, [ Erythrocyte Malignant/neoplastic: Malignancies
Gaucher’s disease, LORA, SLE, PAN, sedimentation rate Infectious: SBE, osteomyelitis, abscess,
GCA/TA (highly elevated) Q fever
Miscellaneous: Regional enteritis Rheumatic/inflammatory: GCA/TA, adult
(Crohn’s disease), ulcerative colitis Still’s disease (JRA), SLE, LORA, PAN
Atypical lymphocytes Infectious: EBV, CMV, toxoplasmosis, Miscellaneous: Cirrhosis, drug fever
brucellosis, malaria, babesiosis, SPEP (polyclonal Malignant/neoplastic: Atrial myxoma
ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis gammopathy) Infectious: HIV, malaria, visceral
Miscellaneous: Drug fever leishmaniasis (kala-azar), LGV, rat
Eosinophilia Malignant/neoplastic: Lymphomas, bite fever, Q fever
MPDs Rheumatic/inflammatory: SLE, PAN,
Infectious: Trichinosis, histoplasmosis, Takayasu’s arteritis
coccidioidomycosis Miscellaneous: Cirrhosis
Rheumatic/inflammatory: PAN, SPEP (monoclonal Malignant/neoplastic: Multiple
sarcoidosis gammopathy) myeloma, Waldenström’s
Miscellaneous: Hyper-IgE syndrome, macroglobulinemia
drug fever, regional enteritis (Crohn’s Infectious: CMV, visceral leishmaniasis
disease), ulcerative colitis (kala-azar), typhoid/enteric fever
1138.e7 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 128, No 10, October 2015

Table 2 Continued Table 2 Continued

[ Ferritin levels Malignant/neoplastic: Preleukemias [ Antinuclear Infectious: HIV, EBV, CMV, TB, SBE,
(highly elevated) (AML), leukemias, lymphomas, antibody titers (ANA) visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar),
multiple myeloma, Waldenström’s malaria
macroglobulinemia hepatomas, liver/ Rheumatic/inflammatory: SLE, LORA,
CNS metastases sarcoidosis
Infectious: EBV, CMV, malaria, [ Angiotensin- Malignant/neoplastic: Multiple
ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, HIV, converting enzyme myeloma, lymphoma
miliary TB levels (ACE) Infectious: Miliary TB, coccidiomycosis
Rheumatic/inflammatory: LORA, adult Rheumatic/inflammatory: Gaucher’s
Still’s disease (JRA), SLE, GCA/TA, disease
Kawasaki’s disease Miscellaneous: Cirrhosis
Miscellaneous: Cirrhosis AML ¼ acute myelogenous leukemia; CMV ¼ cytomegalovirus; EBV ¼
[ Cold agglutinins Malignant/neoplastic: Lymphomas, Epstein-Barr virus; FUO ¼ fever of unknown origin; GCA ¼ giant cell
multiple myeloma, Waldenström’s arteritis; HIV ¼ human immunodeficiency virus; LGV ¼ lymphogranuloma
macroglobulinemia venereum; LORA ¼ late-onset rheumatoid arthritis; MPDs ¼ myelopro-
Infectious: EBV, CMV, malaria, Q fever, liferative disorders; PAN ¼ periarteritis nodosa; RA ¼ rheumatoid
HIV arthritis; RBC ¼ red blood cell; SBE ¼ subacute bacterial endocarditis;
Rheumatic/inflammatory: SLE SLE ¼ systemic lupus erythematosus; SPEP ¼ serum protein electro-
[ Lactate Malignant/neoplastic: Malignancies phoresis; TA ¼ temporal arteritis; TB ¼ tuberculosis; WBC ¼ white blood
dehydrogenase (LDH) Infectious: Malaria, babesiosis,
Adapted from Cunha CB. Infectious disease differential diagnosis. In:
ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, SBE,
Cunha BA, Ed. Antibiotic Essentials, 14th ed. New Delhi, India: JP Medical
histoplasmosis, miliary TB, Publishers; 2015:475-506.45
toxoplasmosis, trichinosis, CMV
Rheumatic/inflammatory: Adult Still’s
disease (JRA) influenced by highly active antiretroviral therapy, CD4
Miscellaneous: Pulmonary emboli count, geographical area, and endemic infection prevalence,
Liver test abnormalities which may provide clues to the diagnosis. Most cases of
[ Alkaline Malignant/neoplastic: Multiple human immunodeficiency virus fevers of unknown origin
phosphatase (AP) myeloma, pre/acute leukemias, liver
are due to infection, and common noninfectious causes are
mildly elevated metastasis, lymphomas, carcinomas
Infectious: liver abscess, EBV, CMV, Q
malignancies and drug fevers.70,71
fever, ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, Worldwide, tuberculosis is the most common adult im-
malaria, histoplasmosis, HIV, miliary munodeficiency syndrome defining illness. With human
TB, relapsing fever immunodeficiency virus fevers of unknown origin, extra-
Rheumatic/inflammatory: Gaucher’s pulmonary or disseminated disease is common, which
disease become more frequent as human immunodeficiency virus
Miscellaneous: Drug fever, cirrhosis, progresses.73 Disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intra-
ulcerative colitis (UC) cellulare was a leading cause of human immunodeficiency
[ Serum Infectious: Q fever, relapsing fever, virus fevers of unknown origin in the Western world. Other
transaminases (SGOT/ brucellosis, ehrlichiosis/ mycobacteria causing human immunodeficiency virus fe-
SGPT) anaplasmosis, liver abscess, EBV,
vers of unknown origin include M. kansasii and
mildly elevated CMV, malaria
Rheumatic/inflammatory: Adult Still’s
M. genavense. In human immunodeficiency virus fevers of
disease (JRA) unknown origin, a single positive blood culture or myco-
Miscellaneous: Drug fever, cirrhosis, bacteria recovered from a sterile body site is considered
ulcerative colitis (UC) evidence of disseminated M. avium-intracellulare.70,73
[ GGT (GGTP) Malignant/neoplastic: Hepatoma, liver While cryptococcosis may present as human immuno-
metastases, hypernephroma/renal deficiency virus fever of unknown origin, concomitant
cell carcinoma (RCC) meningoencephalitis is frequent and justifies cerebrospinal
Infectious: EBV fluid analysis.74 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia accounts
Miscellaneous: Cirrhosis for 5%-13% of human immunodeficiency virus fevers of
Rheumatic test unknown origin, depending on regional prevalence/varia-
tions.70 P. jirovecii pneumonia often presents as a fever of
[ Rheumatoid Malignant/neoplastic: Malignancy
factors (RF) Infectious: SBE, miliary TB, visceral
unknown origin before respiratory symptoms with very low
leishmaniasis (kala-azar), EBV, CD4 counts.70 Interestingly, in France (2004-2011) among
typhoid/enteric fever 1259 patients diagnosed with P. jirovecii pneumonia, 666
Rheumatic/inflammatory: Sarcoidosis, (53%) were subsequently diagnosed with human immuno-
LORA, Behçet’s disease, SLE deficiency virus, while 593 (47%) were known human im-
Miscellaneous: Cirrhosis munodeficiency virus infected.70
Cunha et al Fever of Unknown Origin 1138.e8

Table 3 FUO: Further Focused Testing (Nonimaging Tests)

FUO Infectious Disease Tests FUO Neoplastic Disease Tests FUO Rheumatic/Inflammatory Tests Miscellaneous Other Tests
Blood tests (if suspected by history
and physical examination)
 Q fever IgM/IgG titers  Ferritin*  ANA*  TFTs
 Brucella IgM/IgG titers  LDH*  Ds DNA (Thyroid function tests)
 Bartonella IgM/IgG titers  B12 levels  ACE* If subacute thyroiditis suspected
 Salmonella IgM/IgG titers  ACE*  Antiphospholipid antibodies ATAs
 EBV IgM/IgG titers  b2 microglobulins  Anti-CCP titers (Antithyroid antibody tests)
 CMV IgM/IgG titers  Ferritin* If subacute thyroiditis suspected
 HHV-8 IgM/IgG titers  GGTP
Culture-positive endocarditis If alcoholic cirrhosis
(SBE) suspected
Blood Cultures  B12 levels
Culture-negative endocarditis If alcoholic cirrhosis suspected
(CNE)  MEFV gene studies
TTE shows a vegetation If FMF suspected
negative blood cultures
peripheral signs of SBE present
Noninfectious CNE (marantic
If infectious CNE work-up
negative /
proceed with marantic
endocarditis work-up
(malignancy, lymphoma, etc.)
Infectious CNE
If vegetation on TTE/TEE and
blood cultures are negative,
and peripheral signs
of SBE present / proceed with
infectious CNE workup (Q fever,
Brucella, Bartonella, etc.)
Radiologic tests (if suspected by
history, physical examination,
or nonspecific tests)
 TTE  CT/MRI abdomen/pelvis  CT/MRI abdomen  Abdominal CT scan
If blood cultures positive for If intra-abdominal/ pelvic If hepatomegaly/ splenomegaly or If regional enteritis (Crohn’s
endocarditis pathogen neoplasm suspected retroperitoneal adenopathy disease) suspected
 TEE  Gallium/indium scan suspected  Gallium/indium scan
If PVE, atrial myoma, or CNE If neoplasm suspected If regional enteritis (Crohn’s
marantic endocarditis  PET-CT scan disease) suspected
suspected If occult neoplasm  Chest CT (pulmonary embolus
 CT/MRI abdomen/pelvis† suspected protocol)
If intra-abdominal/pelvic If pulmonary emboli suspected
infection suspected  CT-PET scan
 Gallium/indium scan If Erdheim-Chester disease
If occult infection suspected suspected (bone involvement,
 Panorex film of jaws periaortic fibrosis or “coated
If apical root abscess aorta”)
 PET-CT scan
If Q fever endocarditis,
infected graft/ focal vascular
infection suspected
Other tests (if suspected by
history, physical examination,
or nonspecific tests)
1138.e9 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 128, No 10, October 2015

Table 3 Continued
FUO Infectious Disease Tests FUO Neoplastic Disease Tests FUO Rheumatic/Inflammatory Tests Miscellaneous Other Tests
 Naprosyn test  Naprosyn test  Temporal artery biopsy
If FUO DDx infection vs If FUO DDx infection vs If GCA/TA suspected
Malignancy suspected malignancy suspected  Low-dose steroids
 Anergy panel/PPD or T-spot  BM biopsy If PMR suspected (prednisone 10
If TB suspected If myelophthisic anemia/ mg/day diagnostic for PMR)
 BM biopsy/culture abnormal WBCs  ASA therapy
If miliary TB, SBE, brucellosis,  b-2 microglobulins If adult Still’s disease (JRA)
Q fever, typhoid/enteric fevers If lymphoma suspected suspected
ACE ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme; AML ¼ acute myelogenous leukemia; ASA ¼ acetylsalicylic acid; BM ¼ bone marrow; CCP ¼ cyclic citrullinated
peptide; CMV ¼ cytomegalovirus; CT ¼ computed tomography; DDx ¼ differential diagnosis; EBV ¼ Epstein-Barr virus; FMF ¼ familial Mediterranean fever;
FUO ¼ fever of unknown origin; GCA ¼ giant cell arteritis; GGTP ¼ gamma glutamyl transpeptidase; HHV-6 ¼ human herpes virus; HIV ¼ human immu-
nodeficiency virus; IgG ¼ immunoglobulin G; IgM ¼ immunoglobulin M; JRA ¼ juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; LDH ¼ lactate dehydrogenase; LGV ¼
lymphogranuloma venereum; LORA ¼ late-onset rheumatoid arthritis; MEFV ¼ Mediterranean fever; MPDs ¼ myeloproliferative disorders; MRI ¼ magnetic
resonance imaging; PAN ¼ periarteritis nodosa; PET ¼ positron emission tomography; PMR ¼ polymyalgia rheumatica; PVE ¼ prosthetic valve endocarditis;
PPD ¼ purified protein derivative; RA ¼ rheumatoid arthritis; RBC ¼ red blood cell; SBE ¼ subacute bacterial endocarditis; TA ¼ temporal arteritis; TB ¼
tuberculosis; TEE ¼ transesophageal echocardiogram; TFT ¼ thyroid function test; TTE ¼ transthoracic echocardiogram; WBC ¼ white blood cell.
*Repeat if already done.
†Chest/head CT/MRI (if head/chest infectious etiology suspected).
Adapted from Cunha CB. Infectious Disease Differential Diagnosis. In: Cunha BA (Ed.) Antibiotic Essentials. 14th ed. New Delhi, India: JP Medical
Publishers; 2015:475-506.45 Cunha BA. A focused diagnostic approach and non-specific tests in the diagnosis of FUO. In: Cunha BA, ed. Fever of Unknown
Origin. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007:9-16.50 Cunha BA. Nonspecific tests in the diagnosis of fever of unknown origin. In: Cunha BA, ed. Fever of
Unknown Origin. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007:151-15851 and Cunha CB, Cunha BA. Fever of unknown origin (FUO). In: Schlossberg D. Clinical In-
fectious Diseases. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2015:1-9.6

Cytomegalovirus accounts for 5% of human immuno- may present as human immunodeficiency virus fevers of
deficiency virus fevers of unknown origin.75 Cytomegalo- unknown origin.81-86
virus is the most common human immunodeficiency virus Malignancies represent about 8% of human immunode-
associated viral opportunistic infection, typically manifest- ficiency virus fevers of unknown origin. Lymphomas,
ing when latent cytomegalovirus reactivates with CD4 especially non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, occur in 4%-7%.87
counts <100/mm3. Serum cytomegalovirus deoxynucleic A higher risk of Hodgkin’s disease occurs even in highly
acid is present in 55% with CD4þ count <100/mm3. Both active antiretroviral therapy-treated human immunodefi-
cytomegalovirus deoxynucleic acid and viremia are strong ciency virus. Fevers of unknown origin due to primary brain
predictors of death.76,77 Cytomegalovirus chorioretinitis re- lymphoma or Kaposi’s sarcoma (associated or not with
mains the most common initial manifestation in 30% of Castleman’s disease) are less common. Other cancers, such
adult immunodeficiency syndrome. as bronchogenic carcinoma and hepatoma, are increasingly
Disseminated Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum common in human immunodeficiency virus and may present
accounted for 7% of cases of human immunodeficiency virus as fever of unknown origin, even in those receiving highly
fevers of unknown origin in the US, but there have been active antiretroviral therapy.87 In contrast to classic fevers of
imported cases in Europe.78 Histoplasmosis should be unknown origin, rheumatic/inflammatory disorders are rare.
considered in human immunodeficiency virus fevers of In human immunodeficiency virus fevers of unknown
unknown origin in endemic areas/previous history of travel to origin, drug fever is common (3%-20%). Drug-related
endemic areas, however remote.79 Other endemic mycoses rashes are estimated to be 100 more common in those
such as coccidioidomycosis and Penicillium marneffei may infected with human immunodeficiency virus than in the
present as fevers of unknown origin in advanced human general population. Isolated drug fever is responsible for
immunodeficiency virus patients who have traveled/lived 1.7%, and maculopapular/pruritic rash for 17% of all
in endemic arid areas of the Western US, Central/South adverse drug reactions.88,89 Multiple drugs, including highly
America, Southeast Asia, South China, and India.80-82 Skin active antiretroviral therapy, increase risk for adverse
lesions, most commonly papules with central necrotic reactions. Drugs commonly involved include antimicrobials
umbilication, in 70% of human immunodeficiency virus fevers (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, beta-lactam antibiotics,
of unknown origin are due to disseminated P. marneffei.82 sulfonamides, Sulfa containing laxatives (Colace) and di-
Visceral leishmaniasis accounts for <5% of human uretics [Lasix]), but highly active antiretroviral therapy
immunodeficiency virus fevers of unknown origin reported drugs have become increasingly important.88-90
in 35 countries.83 Central nervous system or pulmonary Early in highly active antiretroviral therapy, immune
toxoplasmosis, Aspergillus sp. or Bartonella sp. infections reconstitution inflammatory syndrome may occur. Immune
Cunha et al Fever of Unknown Origin 1138.e10

Table 4 FUO: Clinical Clue Summaries of Common Easily Missed Diagnoses (Malignant/Neoplastic Disorders)
Lymphomas (HL/NHL) History clues: Treatment for HL, primary immune deficiencies, post-transplant immunosuppressive, HIV,
hectic/septic fevers (Pel-Ebstein in some), night sweats, weight loss, pruritus,
malabsorption symptoms (NHL), bone pain (NHL)
Physical clues: Regional adenopathy (Hodgkin’s lymphoma), hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
Laboratory clues: Relative lymphopenia; monocytosis; eosinophilia; basophilia; thrombocytosis;
thrombocytopenia (if ITP); [ alkaline phosphatase, SPEP ([ a1/a2 globulins or
hypogammaglobulinemia), [ ferritin, þ cryoglobulins, [ cold agglutinins, [ LAP,
[ haptoglobin, [B12 level, [b2 microglobulins, [ a1-antitrypsin, þ Coombs test, Y folate,
[ uric acid, [LDH
Hypernephroma History clues: Von Hippel-Lindau disease, adult polycystic kidney disease, excessive phenacetin use, flank
(renal cell carcinoma) pain, hematuria
Physical clues: Flank mass, left hydrocele
Laboratory clues: Gross/microscopic hematuria, [ alkaline phosphatase, [ GGT, [ calcium
Preleukemia (AML) History clues: Night sweats, weight loss
Physical clues: Sternal tenderness
Laboratory clues: Metamyelocytes, nucleated or teardrop RBCs, [ ESR, [ LDH, [ ferritin, [ uric acid
Atrial myxoma History clues: Heart murmur, weight loss
Physical clues: Cytoid bodies (cotton wool spots), Roth’s spots, heart murmur, splinter hemorrhages
Laboratory clues: [ ESR, SPEP (polyclonal gammopathy), TTE/TEE (vegetations with negative blood cultures)
Infectious culture- History clues: Night sweats, weight loss, arthralgias, heart murmur, recent dental or surgical (below waist)
negative endocarditis or urologic procedure, recent or unexplained LUQ pain, back pain, recent or unexplained
Physical clues: Roth’s spots, conjunctival hemorrhages, heart murmur, splinter hemorrhages, Osler’s nodes,
Janeway lesions, splenomegaly, spinal tenderness, joint pain or effusion
Laboratory clues: Leukocytosis, monocytosis, thrombocytosis, [ ESR, [ RF, þ VDRL, microscopic hematuria
Miliary TB History clues: Previous TB or exposure, immunosuppressive disorder or drugs, night sweats, weight loss
(with intact appetite)
Physical clues: Morning temperature spikes, choroid tubercles, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, generalized
Laboratory clues: Leukopenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, [ LFTs, þ CT/MRI or gallium/indium scans, -
PPD (anergic), þ AFB smear or culture of liver or bone marrow
Typhoid/enteric fever History clues: Recent contaminated food or water exposure, recent foreign travel, headache or mental status
changes, night sweats, weight loss
Physical clues: Morning temperature spikes, relative bradycardia, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly
Laboratory clues: Leukopenia, relative lymphopenia, eosinopenia, [ LFTs, þ CT/MRI or gallium/indium scans,
[IgM titers, Salmonella sp., þ blood, urine, stool or BM cultures
CMV History clues: Recent body secretion exposure, blood transfusions
Physical clues: Palatal petechiae, adenopathy, splenomegaly
Laboratory clues: Leukopenia, relative lymphopenia, atypical lymphocytes, [ LFTs, gallium/indium scans,
[ IgM titers, þ CMV PCR
SLE History clues: Photosensitivity, alopecia, eye symptoms, seizures, headache or mental confusion, sore
throat, arthralgias, chest or abdominal pain, tender fingertips, rash, testicular pain,
acalculous cholecystitis
Physical clues: Alopecia, oral ulcers, scleritis, iritis, uveitis, Roth’s spots, cytoid bodies (cotton wool spots),
heart murmur (if Libman-Sacks endocarditis), Osler’s nodes, adenopathy, splenomegaly,
Laboratory clues: Leukopenia, relative lymphopenia, monocytosis, [ ferritin, [ ANA, cryoglobulins,
Y complement, thrombocytopenia, SPEP (polyclonal gammopathy), [ DsDNA, [ anti-SM
antibodies, [ antiphospholipid antibodies, proteinuria
GCA/TA History clues: Depression, amaurosis fugax, headache, eye pain, myalgias, jaw pain
Physical clues: Scalp nodules, temporal artery tenderness, episcleritis, optic disc pallor, cytoid bodies
(cotton wool spots), cranial nerve palsies
Laboratory clues: Monocytosis, [ ESR, [ alkaline phosphatase
Adult Still’s disease (JRA) History clues: Eye symptoms, sore throat, truncal rash (evanescent), arthralgias
Physical clues: Conjunctival suffusion, double quotidian fever, uveitis, arthritis (late), if rash,
dermatographia, (Köebner’s phenomenon), adenopathy, splenomegaly
Laboratory clues: Marked leukocytosis count, [ ESR, [ alkaline phosphatase, [ ferritin
1138.e11 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 128, No 10, October 2015

Table 4 Continued
PAN History clues: Hearing loss, watery eyes, acalculous cholecystitis, hypertension
Physical clues: Morning temperature spikes, watery eyes, episcleritis, cytoid bodies (cotton wool spots),
optic neuritis (with “macular star”), Roth’s spots, cranial nerve palsies,
mononeuritis multiplex
Laboratory clues: [ ESR, [ alkaline phosphatase, SPEP (polyclonal gammopathy)
Drug fever History clues: Often atopic, usually sensitivity during prolonged exposure (not a recent/new drug).
Physical clues: Relative bradycardia, look “inappropriately well” for degree of fever, no rash
Laboratory clues: Leukocytosis, atypical lymphocytes, eosinophils (eosinophilia less common), [ ESR,
mildly [ LFTs, blood cultures negative (excluding contaminants)
Subacute thyroiditis History clues: Often a history of antecedent viral infection, no history of thyroid disease, often history
of multi-nodular goiter, headache, neck/jaw pain common, sore throat
Physical clues: Thyroid (isthmus) tenderness
Laboratory clues: Relative lymphocytosis, [ ESR
Factitious fever History clues: Personality disorder common, usually medical personnel, multiple hospitalizations for obscure
Physical clues: Relative bradycardia, look “inappropriately well” for degree of fever
Laboratory clues: Normal CBC, LFTs, ESR, normal urine temperature <body temperature
Cyclic neutropenia History clues: Recurrent fevers, systemic symptoms occur at varying intervals but fevers always occur
At 7 day multiples (usually every 21 or 28 days).
Physical clues: Unremarkable, completely well during fever free intervals
Laboratory clues: Leukopenia during febrile intervals, but WBC normal between attacks
AML ¼ acute monocytic leukemia; ANA ¼ antinuclear antibody; BM ¼ bone marrow; CBC ¼ complete blood count; CMV ¼ cytomegalovirus;
CT ¼ computed tomography; CVA ¼ cerebrovascular accident; Ds DNA ¼ double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid; ESR ¼ erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
GCA ¼ giant cell arteritis; GGTP ¼ gamma glutamyl transpeptidase; HIV ¼ human immunodeficiency virus; HL ¼ Hodgkin lymphoma; IgM ¼ immunoglobulin
M; ITP ¼ idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; JRA ¼ juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; LAP ¼ leucine aminopeptidase; LDH ¼ lactic acid dehydrogenase;
LFT ¼ liver function test; LUQ ¼ left upper quadrant; MCD ¼ multicentric Castleman disease; MPA ¼ microscopic polyangiitis; MPDs ¼ myeloproliferative
disorders; MRI ¼ magnetic resonance imaging; NHL ¼ non-Hodgkin lymphoma; PAN ¼ periarteritis nodosa; PCR ¼ polymerase chain reaction; PPD ¼
purified protein derivative; RBC ¼ red blood cell; SLE ¼ systemic lupus erythematosus; SPEP ¼ serum protein electrophoresis; TA ¼ temporal arteritis; TB ¼
tuberculosis; TEE ¼ transesophageal echocardiogram; TTE ¼ transthoracic echocardiogram; VDRL ¼ Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test.
Adapted from: Cunha CB. Infectious disease differential diagnosis. In: Cunha BA, ed. Antibiotic Essentials. 14th ed. New Delhi, India: JP Medical
Publishers; 2015:475-506.45 Cunha BA. A focused diagnostic approach and non-specific tests in the diagnosis of FUO. In: Cunha BA, ed. Fever of Unknown
Origin. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007:9-16.50 Cunha BA. Nonspecific tests in the diagnosis of fever of unknown origin. In: Cunha BA, ed. Fever of
Unknown Origin. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007:151-158.51 Cunha BA. Fever of unknown origin (FUO). In: Gorbach SL, Bartlett JB, Blacklow NR, eds.
Infectious Diseases in Medicine and Surgery. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2004:1568e15775 and Cunha CB, Cunha BA. Fever of unknown origin (FUO).
In: Schlossberg D. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2015:1-9.6

reconstitution inflammatory syndrome occurs in 8%-45% of of immunosuppression time of posttransplant fever of un-
human immunodeficiency virus with tuberculosis, 35% with known origin, recent/remote epidemiological exposure
disseminated M. avium-intracellulare, 8%-31% with Cryp- (health care-related or community-acquired infections), and
tococcus neoformans, and 18%-62% with cytomegalovirus. clinical manifestations.92
Most immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome cases Immunosuppression status is not based on a single
occur <60 days after initiating highly active antiretroviral specific biomarker, for example, CD4 counts as in human
therapy.91 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome is immunodeficiency virus, but is related to the additive
often associated with more specific, infection-associated immunosuppressive effect of underlying disease requiring
signs such as respiratory symptoms or inflammatory ade- transplantation, magnitude/type of immunosuppressive
nopathies with tuberculosis or raised intracranial pressure therapy, renal failure, diabetes, associated neutropenia, and
with cryptococcosis, which are clues to the diagnosis of co-infection with immunosuppressive viruses (cytomegalo-
immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in human virus, Epstein-Barr virus, human immunodeficiency virus).
immunodeficiency virus fevers of unknown origin.90 Unal- Three different posttransplantation periods are recognized
tered in the highly active antiretroviral therapy era, the cause to approach the differential diagnosis of solid organ trans-
of human immunodeficiency virus fevers of unknown origin plant fevers of unknown origin, from 1-6 months and
remains unknown in 6%-14%.91 >6 months.92-95
Clinical symptoms should direct the diagnostic approach.
Subacute/chronic meningitis suggests tuberculosis, crypto-
Fever of Unknown Origin in Solid Organ coccosis, or endemic fungi while focal brain lesions suggest
Transplants nocardiosis, toxoplasmosis, aspergillosis, or lymphoma.
The diagnostic approach to solid organ transplant fevers of Meningoencephalitis suggests a viral cause (cytomegalo-
unknown origin is based on 4 major factors: degree/duration virus, varicella-zoster virus, West Nile virus). Skin lesions
Cunha et al Fever of Unknown Origin 1138.e12

(umbilicated papules) may suggest disseminated fungal separated by at least 2 weeks of fever free intervals.103
infections (Fusarium sp.). Noninfectious causes of solid Miscellaneous disorders are more likely the longer the
organ transplant fevers of unknown origin include drug duration of recurrent fevers of unknown origin.104-108 The
fever/rash. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders diagnostic approach to recurrent fevers of unknown origin is
and transplant rejection may present as solid organ trans- based on clues from serial observations/testing during/
plant fevers of unknown origin.70,94,95 between febrile episodes, as new findings become apparent,
the work-up should be redirected based on new clues.107 If a
recurrent fever of unknown origin remains undiagnosed for
Fever of Unknown Origin in Returning Travelers >1 year, a definitive diagnosis is unlikely.108 Some fevers
Specific fever of unknown origin etiologies in returning of unknown origin remain undiagnosed even after a focused
travelers is determined by geographical areas visited/dura- diagnostic work-up. The longer that a fever of unknown
tion of stay, eating exposures (uncooked meat/fish, shellfish, origin remains undiagnosed, the less likely infectious or
unpasteurized milk products), insect exposure (mosquitos, neoplastic etiology or a definitive diagnosis.103
tick bite), and time interval after return.96,97 Ingestion of
unpasteurized milk suggests possible brucellosis. In fevers
of unknown origin, tick or louse-borne relapsing fevers Therapy of Fever of Unknown Origin
should be considered with headache, conjunctival suffusion, Fevers of unknown origin are a diagnostic challenge and not
and liver/spleen enlargement.98-100 In returning travelers a therapeutic problem. Until a definite fever-of-unknown-
from malarious areas, malaria should be suspected, but other origin diagnosis, antipyretic or antimicrobial therapy may
causes should be considered, including viral hepatitis, mask, delay, or obscure clinical manifestations and should
typhoid/enteric fever, leptospirosis, endemic mycoses, and be avoided.109 Empiric therapy is prudent in a few difficult-
rickettsial diseases (Rickettsia africae or R. typhi, R. conorii, to-diagnose life-threatening fevers of unknown origin, for
Orientia tsutsugamushi, depending on geographical area), example, central nervous system or miliary tuberculosis, or
amebic liver abscess, schistosomiasis, African trypanoso- giant cell arteritis/temporal arteritis.110
miasis, endemic arboviral infections (dengue fever,
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