Index ACCA IFRS 2019

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ACCA DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING ed ad) T E x T PP Learning Medias an toa Aproved Conte Provier. 1 ‘lose with AGCA to ensure this Study Text contains the information your ex . In this Study Text, uc bar . ee tel Fs ae Se Feral frp opin nde FOR EXAMS IN DECEMBER 2018 AND JUNE 2019 BPP LEARNING MEDIA Fourteenth etn June 2018 |SON 9781 5097 1927 3 (Previous ISBN 9781 5097 1292 2) ‘eISBN 9781 £097 19297 Bris Library Cataloguing in-Publction Data ‘Acatatogue ceo fr this book Is avalate om the Bish Library Published by BPP Learning Media Lis [BPP House, Aine Place London W12 BAA ‘wor bpp comfearningmedia Printed inthe Unites Kingdom ‘Your learning mata, published by BPP Leaning dia Lid, ae printed on pape obtained om ‘waceable sustainable source, [Aig reserved. No part ofthis publction may be ‘reproduced, sled Ina Yee! system or Wane, In any frm o by any means, electonc, mechaica, Photocopying recording or otharwise, without the por ‘witten persion of BPP Leeming Woda Lis Wie are grateful tothe Associaton of Chartered Cros ‘Accountants for parmision to repaduce past. ‘xarrination questions, The sugested solution inthe practice answer bank have been pesared by BPP earing Media Lid, unless eerie sate, ‘BPP Learning Mei raat tothe IASB for Dermission 9 reproduce extracts rom the International Financial Reporting Sardar including al ernatenal ‘counting Standards, SIC and IFRIC lterpretations (the Standards). The Standards togser wlth her sccompanying documents are issued by: The International Accounting Standards Board (ASB) 20 Gennen See, London, EC4M Gi, United Kingdom. Email: infois. or Webs ww org Disclaimer: The ASB, the Internationa Faas Reporting Standarss (IFRS) Foundation the authors and the publishes do not accept espe fr sy loss caused by acting or retaining fom acing a rllance onthe mate inthis publeation, whether such ssf caused by egigene or tharnise tthe ‘maximum extent pert by aw ° BP? Learning Media Lid 2018 ‘Aste about copyright ear Customer What does the title © mean and why desi matter? ‘You sarketehg BPP books, cours mates sha & leaming materials do not wre and update themeshes. People wit them on their un Beal ras employees of ‘an ongerisation that vests inthis activity. Copyright aw tet ther vetihonds. I does so by erating rights over ‘be use ofthe conten ‘Breach of copra form oftheft~ as wal as being criminal effence in some jason, ie potty @ saris beach of prclessionl eis. 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Copyright © IFRS Foundation [ght ese. Reproduction and use rights are stitly limited. No par ofthis pubeaton may be transit, ‘eprnted or reproduced or usd in any form either n ‘whale on part or by any electronic, mechanical or other ‘oans, ow known or neater Invente, ilucing Photocopying and recoding, of nan ifrmation traps and teteval system, without pie permission In waiting from the IFRS Foundation. Contact the IFRS Foundation ‘or fuer cea. ‘The IFRS Foundation log, the IAS logo, the IFRS for SMES logo, the "Hexagon Deve’, "IFRS Foundation, "AIFRS, "IAS, “IASB, IFRS for SMEs, “ASS, "FRS', "interational Acounting Sanda and “itomatioal Financial Reporing Sardar", “IFRIC* “SIC and TFRS Tannoy” ae Trade Mark Of the IFRS Foundation. Further dts of the Trade Marks including deta of counties wher the Trade Marks ar elsteed or apled for are avaiable rm the Licensor on request WESIFRS’ Contents Page Introduction Helping you to pass a ‘Studying rhe Diploma in nematonal Financial Reporting wi Sylabus and Study Guide vil Part A International sources of authority 1 The IASB and the regulatory ramework 3 2 Thecanceptual framework a Part B Elements of financial statements 3 Revene 39 4Aecourtng frangible now cure assets 9 5. Impairment of assets 89 8 Accounting for eases 101 7 _nangiie asses and good 2 8 Provisions, contingent ibe and contingent assets 135 9. Enployee benefits 149 40-_Firancial instruments mn 11 Accounting for taxation 2 12 Foreign curency tansactons 2a 18. Ober asses: agricul, mineral esources and inventories 251 14 Share-basod payment 287 Part C Presentation of financial statements and additional disclosures 15 Presentation of published financial slatements 285, 46 Reporting nancial performance 307 17 Eamings pershare 323 18 Related party disclosures and segment reporting 339 19 Reporting for small and meciunsizd entiies 2353 Part D Preparation of external financial reports for combined entities and joint arrangements 20 Constnton ofa grup 387 21 Theconslted statement of nancial poston a7 22 The consoled statement of profit or ss and other comprehensive income 419 23 Accounting for associates 43 24 Aocourting froin rrangarnents 451 Practice Question Bank 409 Practice Answer Bank 493, Bibliography 535 List of Key Terms and Index 539 Review form BPI

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