Quiz XII

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Quiz XII - 15th December 2001

1. Which film is based on the harrowing real-life experience of IOC executive

Doraiswamy Iyengar?

# Roja

2. 2. How are Irina, Marsha and Olga collectively known as in literature?

# They are the three sisters in Anton Chekhov's "The Three Sisters"

3. What is the difference between Syeds and Ansars in Islamic society?

# Syeds are direct descendants of Prophet Mohammed; Ansars are direct descendants
of those who accompanied Prophet Mohammed on the Hegira

4. What is Karen Lunel's claim to fame in the Indian ad world?

# She was the first "Liril Girl"-the models who have featured in the Liril advertisements

5. What term, coined by the demographer Ashish Bose, is now extensively used by
economists, sociologists, politicians and bureaucrats?

# Bimaru, which is an acronym for Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar
Pradesh-the four states which are characterised by low literacy rates, poor health care
facilities, and a high birth rate

6. If it is Newspeak in George Orwell's 1984, what is it in Anthony Burgess'

Clockwork Orange?

# Nadsat

7. What is the claim to infamy of Ali Ben Nasser in the field of sports?

# He was the controversial Tunisian referee in the semi final match between Argentina
and England in the 1986 World Cup football match who allowed the infamous "Hand of
God" goal

8. Two major changes were introduced in the polity of the British Empire by the
Statute of Westminster, 1931. What were they?

# The British Commonwealth was established; legislative independence was granted to

the British dominions

9. What is the name of the independent film festival organised by Robert Redford,
which is named after one of the most memorable screen roles played by Redford?

# Sundance Festival

10. By what name is Ibrahim Rezak, who has been accused of terrorist activities in
India, better known?
# Tiger Memon

11. What role did Epeiros play in the Trojan War?

# He was the artisan who fabricated the famous Trojan Horse

12. It is known as Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in India. What is a similar legal action
in the USA called?

# Class Action Suit

13. Which leading executive of the IT world has coined the term "e-business"?

# Lou Gerstner, CEO of IBM

14. Which son-in-law of Lord Krishna fought for the Kauravas in the Great War?

# Kritavarman

15. It was formerly known as Flagstaff House. By what name do we know this building

# Teen Murti Bhavan-it was the official residence of the Commander-in-Chief of the
Indian Armed Forces during the British Raj

16. The Bollywood film "Rafoo Chakkar", co-starring Rishi Kapoor and Paintal, is
loosely based on which Hollywood film?

# "Some Like it Hot"

17. BPL is the brand name of a well-known range of brown and white goods. What do
economists and planners refer to by the initialism BPL?

# "Below Poverty Line"-APL stands for "Above Poverty Line"

18. Which film starts with an enactment of the play "A School for Scandal" by Richard

# "Shakespearewallah"

19. Name the title, which is common to a 19th century poem and a 19th century novel,
both written in English. While the poem was written by one of the great British
poets of the 19th century, the novel was written by someone who became more
famous in another field of life.

# "Endymion"-the poem was by Keats, the novel by Benjamin Disraeli

20. Two famous scientific works were first published in 1513. One of them was
Copernicus' "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium", meaning "Concerning the
Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres". What was the other?

# "De Human Corporis Fabrica" meaning "On the Structure of the Human Body", by
Andeas Vesalius. It was the first scientific work on human anatomy

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