Adi Shakti Sant Mat 2012 Final

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Special  2012  Edition  

Adi Shakti Sant Mat
  Maha Shivratri 2012 Anandpur
Inside this Special 2012 Edition of Adi Shakti Sant Mat
• Satsang Daegu October 22, 2011
• Satsang Seoul November 11, 2011
• Q&A Session Seoul November 7, 2011
• Truth
• Maha Shivratri Tour Report
• Universal Prayers
• Satsang Harpada February 22, 2012
• Ramayana
• Who is Mother Kali?
• Satsang Chirla February 26, 2012
• Shiva Lingam
• Satsang Haridwar June 2011
• Satsang Haridwar January 2012
• Aarti to Lord Shiva
• Songs of Devotion

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Sant  Mat  means  the  Path  of  the  Saints.  The  competent  living  Guru  of  Sant  Mat  teaches  us  the  method  to  
attain  God-­‐realization  through  meditation  on  inner  Light  and  Sound.  Adi  Shakti  Maa  has  come  to  earth  
during  this  dark  age  to  help  sincere  souls  reach  to  God  by  uniting  them  with  the  Shakti  or  creative  power  
of   God.   The   meditation   on   inner   Light   and   Sound   is   the   basic   spiritual   practice   for   tapping   within   and  
connecting  with  this  Shakti  power,  which  is  the  same  power  working  through  the  Guru.  Adi  Shakti  Sant  
Mat   is   the   Path   of   Truth,   offered   to   sincere   seekers   or   devotees   willing   to   undergo   inner   purification   and  
attain   true   spiritual   power,   which   will   reveal   the   inner   realms   of   human   existence   and   bring  
transformation  in  this  world.  Awaken  as  Soul,  connect  with  this  power  and  realize  your  true  Self  in  God.  

Om  Sarva  Mangal  Manglaye  Shivay  Sarvaarth  Sadhike  

Sharanye  Trayambake  Gauri  Narayaani  Namostu  Te  
O  divine  couple  Shiva  Shakti  !  O  Thee,  the  protectors  of  this  universe,  
Along  with  Brahma  and  Vishnu,  we  pray  to  You  for  our  well-­‐being,  prosperity  and  enlightenment.  
It  is  told  in  Devi  Purana  that  the  Supreme  Lord  Shiva  got  all  his  powers  by  worshipping  MahaShakti.  
With  her  power  the  half  body  of  Shiva  has  became  that  of  Devi,  and  the  name  "Ardhanarishvara"  has  
became   famous,   representing   the   synthesis   of   masculine   and   feminine   energies   of   the   universe  
(Purusha  and  Prakriti).  Shakti,  the  creative  principle  of  God,  is  inseparable  from  (or  the  same  as)  Shiva,  
the   awareness   principle   of   God.   The   union   of   these   principles   is   exalted   as   the   root   of   all   existence.   To  
reach  this  union,  and  merge  in  the  ocean  of  consciousness,  is  the  aim  of  meditation.  

Maa hi Brahmani, Maa hi Narayani,

Maa hi Devi Maheshwari,
Maa hi Saaksaat Param Brahma Parmeshwari,
Tasmai Sri Guru Matay Namaha.

Bolo Adi Shakti Maa ki Jai

Bolo Har Har Mahadev ki Jai
True  Devotees
“The   flavor   of   patience   is   always   sweet.   The   Dooths   (messengers   sent   from   God)   always   help   the  
devotees   who   patiently   wait   for   the   good   times,   and   keep   Prabhu   Parameshwar   (God)   in   their   hearts.  
Those  who  can  communicate  from  inner  power  without  speaking  any  words,  are  very  dear  to  God.  Such  
devotees  have  the  competency    to  know  the  desires  in  another  person’s  Mann  (higher  mind  where  all  the  
desires  arise).  They  also  never  complain,  and  they  accept  whatever  comes  to  them  in  their  destiny  with  
an  open  heart.    Antragyani  (the  one  who  knows  what  is  in  other’s  mind),   Divya  Mahagyani   (the  one  with  
supreme  divine  knowledge),  and  Antramukhi  (the  one  who  sees  within  himself);  they  can  all  experience  
the  spiritual  planes  within  the  universe.  Whatever  has  happened  in  the  past,  and  whatever  will  happen  in  
the   future,   they   can   speak   from   their   inner   divine   voice;   whatever   God   shows   them   they   can   see   and  
speak.   Our   inner   attainments   are   permanent   and   will   stay   with   us   until   we   reach   Satya   Lok   (abode   of  
Truth)  and  Devya  Lok  (abode  of  Shakti).  This  higher  knowledge  is  always  true  and  eternal,  whereas  the  
outer   knowledge   only   breeds   pride   in   our   mind.   Whatever   we     appear   to   achieve   on   the   outside   –  
knowledge,  money,  relations  –  is  only  temporary  and  cannot  remain  with  us.”  MAA,  December  2011  

Satsang  Daegu,  South  Korea  October  22,  2011  

“Om  Adi  Shakti  Param  Pita  Parmeshwaraye  Namah.  I  praise  the  Lord  and  bless  all  my  children;  may  they  
live  a  happy  life.  May  their  life  be  full  of  love  and  happiness.  Today  Maa  is  here  among  all  her  children.  

Who   is   Maa?   Where   did   Maa   come   from?   Maa   has   the   Power   of   God.   Devtas   (Gods   and   Goddesses)   call  
her  Shakti,  devotees  called  her  Maa,  and  many  call  that  same  Power  by  different  names.  Today  Maa  is  
with   you   in   Korea.   Maa   is   living   here   in   the   material   world,   but   has   also   reached   the   Kingdom   of   God.  
There  is  no  difference  between  Father  God  and  his  powers.  I  and  my  Father  are  One,  we  have  merged.  
Today  I  would  like  to  tell  you  how  you  can  start  your  journey  within.   How  can  you  find  Parampita  (Father  
God)?  How  you  can  be  one  with  Him?  Through  meditation  and  Bhakti  (devotion)  you  can  find  everything.  
Before  starting  with  meditation,  you  must  know  who  you  are  and  where  you  came  from.  What  are  you  
doing   here?   Why   have   you   come   here?   If   you   know   all   these   things,   then   there   is   no   hidden   secret    
anymore.  We  are  part  of  Father  God,  and  he  has  sent  us  here  to  do  his  duty  -­‐  this  is  how  you  should  feel.  
Try  to  awaken  yourself  and  find  the  knowledge  of  God’s  Kingdom  within.  

What  was  that  power  that  sent  us  here?  What  is  that  power  that  is  guiding  us  in  the  world?  It  is  the  
power   within,   which   you   must   awaken   in   yourself   through   meditation.   When   we   are   sleeping   we   are  
resting,   and   it   is   very   important   for   our   body.   When   we   are   awake   we   are   doing   worldly   duties;   both   are  
the  same  as  one  another.  After  finishing  these  duties,  we  must  go  to  Father  God  through  meditation.  Our  
desire  should  be  to  find  Him,  not  the  material  things  of  this  world.  But  you  desire  the  materialism  -­‐  here  
today   and   gone   tomorrow.   Why   don’t   you   desire   something   permanent?   Why   don’t   you   desire  
something   beneficial?   If   our   desire   is   good,   the   world   will   benefit,   and   we   will   also   benefit.   Everything  
depends   on   our   desires.   God   provides   us   all   we   want.   You   must   always   keep   in   mind   what   you   are   asking  
for.  What  is  our  responsibility  to  God?  We  must  pray  to  him  that  he  grant  our  wish  to  be  one  with  him.  
This  should  be  our  primary  wish,  not  all  the  lower  desires.  

I   have   found   One   and   left   the   rest.   By   finding   the   One,   I   have   found   everything.   But   if   there   would   be   any  
anger,  lust  and  greed  in  me,  then  I  would  stand  to  lose  everything.  By  sacrificing  everything  I  found  the  
One.  If  I  had  not  found  Father  God,  I  would  not  be  sitting  here  before  you.  If  I  would  still  be  lost  in  the  
material  world,  I  would   not   be   sitting   here.   My   yearning,   my   desire   is   for   Father   God   only,   and   this   is   how  
you  should  also  be.  I  have  merged  in  Him;  from  my  eyes  He  looks,  from  my  ears  He  listens,  with  my  tongue  
He   speaks,   with   my   legs   He   walks   –   the   whole   universe   is   mine   and   I   am   for   everyone.   There   is   no  
difference  between  God  and  His  devotee.  
When  your  thoughts  are  good,  you  will  perform  good  actions  in  life  and  everything  will  be  successful.  Our  
comings  and  goings  are  always  taking  place  in  the  cycle  of  birth  and  death.  Today  one  comes,  tomorrow  
one   has   to   go,   but   the   power   of   soul   will   remain   the   same,   because   the   source   is   God   and   it   is   never  
changing.  We  must  focus  on  our  soul  in  whatever  we  are  doing.  True  living  is  when  we  live  in  love  and  
peace,  not  in  cheating,  because  God  is  love.  Love  dissolves  disagreement  and  anger.  Love  teaches  us  how  
to  live;  our  desire  should  be  for  Father  God  because  he  is  all  love,  not  anger  and  ego.  We  love  our  loved  
ones,  friends  and  relatives,  but  we  only  love  God  when  others  cheat  on  us.  Only  then  we  have  love  for  
God,   and   as   a   result   we   recognize   what   real   love   is.   Love   in   this   material   world   is   not   true,   it   is   only  
temporary  -­‐  we  must  remember  Father  God  who  is  eternal.  People  only  remember  God  when  in  pain  or  
sorrow.    Why  don’t  you  remember  God  in  your  happiness?  Remember  him  in  your  happiness  and  see  that  
he   is   forever   with   you.   Why   do   you   have   to   wait   for   the   moment   when   you   are   in   misery,   before   you  
remember  him?  We  must  remember  him  at  all  times;  during  both  good  and  bad  times.  Love  Father  God  
in  every  situation;  learn  to  live  for  him  and  you  will  see  your  life  change.  We  have  both  love  and  anger  
within  us.  How  can  we  control  our  anger?  Through  Bhakti  (devotion),  Sadhana  (spiritual  practice),  Seva  
(selfless  service)  and  through  regular  meditation.  Anger  is  darkness,  and  to  control  this  anger,  you  have  
to  do  bhakti.  When  we  are  angry  we  make  so  many  mistakes,  and  we  separate  ourselves  from  the  others.    

My  children,  awaken  love  within  yourself;  with  love  you  can  win  the  heart  of  every  enemy.  With  love  you  
can  win  over  anything,  but  not  with  anger  and  ego.  Whatever  is  achieved  in  anger  and  ego  will  last  only  
for   a   few   days.   Throughout   your   life,   the   lesson   is   to   receive   and   accept   everything   in   an   honest   and  
loving   manner.  Neither   have   arguments   with   anybody   over   material   things,   nor   feel   any   anger   or  
animosity  towards  anyone.  Control  your  anger,  and  awaken  love  in  yourself.  If  you  have  love,  then  you  
can  radiate  love  to  everyone  and  follow  the  Path  of  Truth.  If   you  are  cunning  and  full  of  lies,  then   you  
teach  that  same  example  to  others.  Ask  yourself  which  path  you  are  choosing  to  walk  in  life.  In  this  age  
every   household   has   so   many   problems,   and   anger   and   ego   are   increasing.   God   is   not   happy   with   the  
situation;  our  Supreme  Father  wants  the  world  to  change  to  a  Golden  Age.    

Where  does  Truth  reside?  Truth  lives  in  our  heart,  Truth  resides  with  Father  God.  Lust,  anger,  lies,  ego  
and  cunningness  reside  in  hell,  interfering  with  God’s  work.  You  have  to  follow  the  Path  of  Truth,  to  go  to  
Sach  Khand  (Kingdom  of  God)  and  sit  in  your  Father’s  lap.  If  you  have  Truth  within,  then  you’ll  merge  in  
Truth,  as  Parampita  is  all  Truth.  We  must  perform  our  duties  well.  We  must  never  hurt  any  one’s  heart,  
never   hurt   any   one’s   feelings,   never   lose   any   one’s   trust,   never   insult   anyone;   because   this   is   all   a   sign   of  
the   negative   power   at   work.   Be   trustworthy,   and   help   and   respect   others.   Always   remember   God   is  
happy  when  you  respect  others,  because  he  is  with  you,  he  walks  with  you  and  is  watching  you  all  the  
time.  We  must  keep  in  mind  what  duties  we  are  performing  or  what  karmas  we  doing,  because  God  is  
always   with   us.   We   can’t   see   with   our   physical   eyes,   but   we   should   always   remember   someone   is  
watching.   We   should   have   only   good   thoughts   and   desires.   I   desired   to   be   His,   and   for   Him   to   become  
mine.   I   became   His   and   He   became   mine,   then   during   my   meditation   I   obtained   the   power.   Now   Maa   has  
come  to  you.  It  is  crucial  to  inculcate  good  thoughts  and  desires.  Don’t  lose  hope  because  your  mind  is  
still  very  active  and  does  not  stick  to  one  place;  you  have  to  control  the  mind  and  listen  to  your  soul.  

With  my  heart  and  soul,  I  prayed  to  Father  God,  that  my  only  desire  was  to  have  Parampita.  He  heard  my  
voice,  appeared  within  and  accepted  me.  The  way  he  accepted  me,  the  same  way  he  will  accept  you  too;  
it  all  depends  on  your  karma  and  desires.  You  must  become  like  me,  my  children.   Through  love,  I  have  
realized  myself  and  attained  the  power  of  Parampita  and  Shakti.  You  can  do  it  too.  I  am  giving  you  my  
blessings.   I   want   you   to   be   awakened   too,   I   want   you   to   become   like   me.   The   enlightenment   I   have  
attained,   I   will   give   to   you.   Father   God   has   given   it   me   to   distribute   to   others.   The   power   of   the   whole  
universe   I   have   achieved.   If   you   indulge   in   cheating,   you   won’t   find   Father   God.   The   material   world   is  
covered  in  darkness.  When  you  realize  yourself  as  soul,  then  the  whole  world  will  be  enlightened.  Change  
yourself  and  merge  in  him,  then  you  will  see  the  joy.  It  will  be  happiness  and  happiness.  If  you  merge  in  
him,  your  coming  and  going  will  stop,  then  you  won’t  have  to  come  back  here;  your  place  will  be  in  God’s  
Kingdom.  But  you  can  observe  that  people  have  their  own  wants  and  aspirations.  Maa  knows  that  every  
living   being   has   Father   God’s   extraordinary   power,   but   there   is   still   so   much   difference   between   the  
human  and  God.  The  human  being  has  so  many  desires,  whereas  God  is  formless;  he  is  the  image  of  a  
Saint,  he  is  Light  and  he  is  the  Supreme  Lord,  full  of  power.  

Learn   to   surrender   yourself,   learn   to   reduce   your   wants.   Your   lower   desires   are   inconsequential,   you   will  
get  them  anyway.  Surrender  yourself  to  Father  God  and  all  your  desires  will  be  satisfied,  because  he  is  
watching.   Your   surrender   will   be   your   victory;   your   desires   are   misery.   Whatever   is   happening,   it   is   he  
who  is  doing  it.  Everything  is  his,  nothing  is  yours.  He  gave  it,  he  can  take  it  away.  Father  God  is  not  a  
male  or  female;  he   is   immense,   above   and   beyond   this   world.   If   you   find   him   you   will   find   everything.   He  
is   father   and   mother   too.   The   power   can   take   the   form   of   father   and   mother   to   perform   its   duties,   but   it  
is  not  male  or  female.  Keep  him  in  your  thoughts  and  do  seva,  bhakti,  simran  and  surrender  your  life  to  
God   with   love.   That’s   what   Maa   wants   to   tell   her   children.   You   must   remember   this.   Awaken   yourself;  
with  honesty  you  can  find  him,  with  seva  you  can  find  him,  with  love  you  can  find  him,  with  meditation  
you  can  find  him.  You  must  watch  your  actions  and  karmas.    

This  all  Maa  wants  to  tell  you  today.  Next  time  if  God  is  willing  and  if  you  want,  we  will  meet  again.  Maa  is  
giving   you   lots   and   lots   of   love   and   blessings   -­‐   may   Father   God   fulfill   all   your   desires.   May   your   life   be  
successful  and  may  all  your  wishes  come  true.”    

Satsang  Seoul,  South  Korea  November  5,  2011  

“Hum  oos  Parampita  Paramatma  ko  Param  Devya  Shakti  ko  pranaam  karte  hai  aur  tum  sab  ko  aashirwat  
dete  hai.  Maa  is  paying  her  respects  to  the  Almighty  God  and  the  Supreme  Shakti,  and  blessing  us  all,  and  
giving  love  to  her  children.    

God   loves   us   all   and   blesses   us   according   to   our   karmic   actions,   whereas   the   Shakti   gives   power   and  
blessings   immediately,   and   gives   Truth   to   those   who   are   near   and   dear   to   Maa.   We   should   search   to  
achieve   the   knowledge   about   how   to   attain   enlightenment,   and   gain   intimate   knowledge   of   the   Shakti  
power  within  ourselves.  This  knowledge  can  be  acquired  through  Maa’s  guidance.  Maa  shows  us  how  to  
follow  the  true  Path  which  will  provide  us  with  maximum  spiritual  power  and  energy.    

What   is   the   meaning   of   Shakti?   Shakti   is   the   power   or   manifested   form   of   God.   The   whole   world   is  
running  on  some  energy,  some  power.  Everyone  is  doing  something  because  of  some  energy,  and  that  
energy  is  provided  to  us  by  God.  God  is  the  Supreme  Power;  and  that  power  is  known  as  Shakti.  So  we  
should  all  try  to  recognize  that  power  and  become  one  with  that  power  of  Shakti.  Whatever  we  speak,  or  
whatever   we   think,   plan   or   do;   everything   is   controlled   by   some   power   or   energy.   That   power   of   God  
directs  every  action  during  our  life,  guiding  us  as  to  what  to  do  and  what  to  say.  So  Shakti  power  is  the  
real  face  or  form  of  God.  We  should  try  to  discover  this  power  which  can  assimilate  us  into  God.  It  can  
supply   us   with   the   highest   spiritual   energy,   show   us   the   true   Path   and   guide   our   soul   on   its   journey  
through   this   human   life.   That   power   can   give   us   salvation   and   bless   our   soul.   God   gets   all   the   energy   and  
power  from  this  Shakti,  so  we  should  try  to  understand  what  this  power  is.    

How   did   Maa   achieve   enlightenment   and   attain   this   Shakti   power?   It   was   through   her   devotion   and  
bhakti   that   she   achieved   the   level   of   becoming   one   with   that   power.   We   should   also   try   to   focus   our  
whole  energy  on  that  power  and  recognize  the  true  form  of  God.  This  power  is  simultaneously  visible  and  
invisible.  Everybody  wants  their  third  eye  to  open.  But  what  is  the  third  eye?  It  is  the  Shiva  Netra,  the  eye  
of  Lord  Shiva,  and  it  can  only  be  opened  when  we  reach  the  stage  of  inner  enlightenment.  With  this  third  
eye,   we  can  see  everything   that  is  happening  around  the  world  and  in  other  people’s  body  and  mind.  So  
the  third  eye  can  be  opened,  only  when  we  are  pure  and  have  reached  the  highest  level  of  meditation  
and   devotion.   The   third   eye   is   opened   in   a   few   selected   souls,   who   are   completely   devoted   from   the  
heart   and   are   blessed   by   God.   When   the   inner   eye   opens,   we   can   see   the   whole   universe   and   everything  
that  is  happening  in  the  world,  we  can  also  see  into  the  future  and  the  past.  

Everyone   has   energy   inside   themselves,   and   that   energy   is   given   to   us   by   God.   The   power   of   God   has  
provided   many   different   things   to   us.   Some   have   been   supplied   great   prosperity,   some   have   high  
intellect,  some  have  a  strong  mind  and  ego,  some  have  lots  of  anger,  some  are  proud,  some  carry  truth,  
some  falsehood;  but  everyone  has  been  filled  with  something.  There  is  no-­‐one  who  is  empty.  This  is  all  
due  to  God’s  power,  and  that  is  the  same  power  and  strength  within  our  own  soul.  We  should  awaken  
our  soul  and  use  that  power  optimally  for  the  benefit  of  ourselves  and  for  humanity.  We  should  never  
listen  to  our  heart  and  mind,  because  they  are  restless  and  worldly,  and  will  mislead  us  with  thoughts  and  
actions  which  are  detrimental.  We  must  listen  to  our  soul  which  is  pure,  it  will  always  provide  the  true  
answer  to  all  our  queries.  Always  follow  the  guidance  coming  from  the  soul,  because  that  is  the  voice  of  
the   power   and   it   is   the   source   of   positive   energy   which   leads   us   on   the   right   path.   If   we   realize   our   inner  
strength,   develop   our   inner   vision   for   the   benefit   of   mankind,   and   perform   good   deeds,   then   God   is  
always  with  us  and  blessing  us.  We  should  apply  our  inner  knowledge  and  strength  for  the  good  of  others  
and   for   the   work   of   God   only.   We   should   try   to   focus  on   the   Light   and   Power   of   the   soul,   because   that   is  
the  real  strength;  with  this  strength  we  will  find  the  true  path  and  fulfill  our  destiny   or  purpose  in  this  
human   life.   However,   if   we   listen   to   the   mind   and   other   negative   thoughts,   they   will   mislead   us   away  
from  our  true  purpose.  Always  follow  the  direction  given  by  the  soul  which  is  coming  from  Shakti  or  God.  

To  know  the  different  spiritual  planes,  we  have  to  develop  and  progress  on  the  journey  of  our  soul.  We  
are   made   of   five   elements,   and   in   the   human  form   we   can   go   up   to   the   fifth   plane.   But   there   are   further  
spiritual  planes  that  can  be  reached  through  the  right  practice.  These  are  all  the  planes  of  Shakti,  and  it  is  
only   with   Maa’s   blessings   that   we   can   proceed   beyond   the   lower   planes   and   rise   to   highest   level.   We  
should   try   to   know   what   out   real   aim   is   in   life,   and   know   the   true   purpose   of   our   soul.   Through   the  
meditation  practice  we  can  follow  the  Path  to  Self-­‐realization.  Shakti  is  the  source  of  energy  in  this  world  
and  everything  happens  due  to  this  power.  Whatever  is  happening  around  the  world  is  due  to  Shakti.  We  
should   connect   to   this   power   through   the   process   of   meditation   on   inner   Light   and   Sound.   The   Shakti  
power   is   controlling   and   maintaining   the   whole   world   and   providing   us   with   everything   we   need.   This  
earth  is  a  place  of  karmic  actions  =   whatsoever  we  sow,  so  shall  we  reap.  If  we  perform  bad  actions,  then  
we  will  reap  bad  karma  and  get  negative  results.  We  have  to  be  very  careful  what  we  think,  and  what  we  
say  or  do.  Our  thoughts  should  be  pure  and  positive,  and  we  must  avoid  any  actions  which  will  increase  
our  karmic  burden.  We  should  make  every  effort  to  achieve  true  knowledge  and  realize  our  higher  self.  
Never   do   anything   to   hurt   or   offend   others.   Always   show   respect   and   affection   to   everyone,   then   love  
and  affection  will  flow  to  us  from  God.  If  we  perform  only  good  karma,  then  we  complete  our  spiritual  
journey  very  quickly.  

Dharam  Lok  is  the  plane  of  religious  or  righteous  duty.  Here  we  have  to  perform  the  right  actions  that  are  
destined  for  us,  purify  ourselves  and  progress  on  the  path  of  spirituality.  Dharma  means  we  help  those  in  
need,  and  do  rightful  actions.  We  should  never  hurt  anyone,  and  we  must  always  be  careful  in  what  we  
do.   If   we   do   everything   in   a   righteous   and   religious   manner   and   uphold   our   Dharma,   it   will   help   us   reach  
our   goal   easily.   Gyana   Lok   means   spiritual   knowledge.   This   knowledge   expands   our   awareness   of   what   is  
right  and  what  is  wrong.  This  abode  of  knowledge  shows  us  the  right  way  and  right  path,  and  provides  
the  understanding  how  we  should  lead  our  life.  With  this  knowledge  we  learn  how  to  live  in  Truth  and  
lead   a   healthy,   happy   and   peaceful   life.   Our   energy   and   our   deeds   are   a   form   of   God’s   energy.   If   our  
deeds   are   positive,   that   means   we   are   doing   the   work   of   God   and   following   the   Path   of   God.   So   our  
energy  and  our  actions  should  always  be  positive,  supportive  and  true  to  the  guidance  of  God  power.   Sat  
Lok   is   the   plane   of   Truth,   where   everything   is   true   and   nothing   is   untrue.   We   must   try   to   reach   up   to   this  
plane  of  Truth,  which  is  Sat  Lok,  and  after  that  it  is  the  work  of  Shakti  to  carry  us  on  our  further  journey  
into  the  higher  realms.  Only  Shakti  can  bring  us  above  the  fifth  plane,  and  it  is  the  duty  of  this  power  to  
take  the  soul  up  and  provide  the  blessings,  energy  and  higher  experience.  

We  have  to  analyze  what  we  are  doing  in  our  life,  what  is  inside  us,  and  what  we  are  meant  to  be  doing  in  
this  life-­‐time.  The  Shakti  power  gives  us  the  strength  to  ask  the  soul  about  our  purpose  in  life  and  how  to  
achieve   it.   The   answers   will   come   from   within,   as   all   the   answers   are   within   the   soul.   If   we   develop  
ourselves  in  the  proper  way,  we  can  complete  our  spiritual  journey,  and  God  will  help  us  and  bless  us,  
and  bring  us  to  our  destination.  Today  God  is  asking  all  the  souls  to  be  truthful,  and  to  help  others  and  
bring  about  the  change  in  the  world  to  save  humanity  from  the  hard  times  which  are  about  to  come.  Maa  
is  blessing  and  reminding  us,  that  we  should  all  follow  the  Path  of  God  and  the  Path  of  Truth.  Maa  will  
help  us,  guide  us,  bless  and  protect  us.  

Disasters  are  of  two  kinds;  the  localized  natural  disasters  which  occur  regularly  around  the  world,  and  the  
major   destruction   which   will   bring   about   a   complete   transformation   in   the   universe.   When   that   great  
deluge   occurs,   the   Shakti   takes   the   world   back   into   herself.   Only   those   souls   who   have   achieved  
enlightenment,   liberation   and   oneness   with   God   will   be   saved.   To   become   eternal   as   soul,   we   have   to  
conquer  the  five  elements  and  rise  above  the  body,  and  free  ourselves  from  the  cycle  of  reincarnation.  
Then  we  will  be  saved  from  the  great  destruction.  All  the  other  souls  will  be  stuck  in  the  change  that  is  
happening,  and  they  will  have  to  start  the  karmic  cycle  from  the  beginning.  The  souls  who  are  protected  
and  guided  and  blessed  with  enlightenment,  will  be  able  to  rise  out  of  this  dissolution.  They  will  reach  the  
place  from  where  they  originated,  and  repose  in  the  lap  of  Father  God.  The  body  and  the  world  we  live  in  
are  both  made  up  of  five  elements,  but  the  Kingdom  of  God  is  beyond  these  five  physical  elements.  We  
have  to  separate  from  this  material  world,  and  rise  up  to  God  while  living  in  the  human  body.  Don’t  be  
attracted  to  the  world,   this   is   not   belonging   to   us.   It   is   given   to   us   to   complete   our   karma   only.     We   are   a  
particle  of  God,  and  we  have  to  complete  our  karma  and  earn  the  benefit  of  performing  good  actions.  Be  
virtuous  and  do  good   deeds;   surrender   to   God.   Earn   merit   through   sacrifice,   truth   and   love   -­‐   then   rise   up  
to  God  and  merge  into  Him.  For  this  purpose  we  were  born  here  on  earth.  We  think  that  we  have  love,  
but  that  is  just  a  show.  We  try  to  do  bhakti,  but  this  is  just  for  satisfaction  of  the  mind.  Whatever  we  do,  it  
should  be  done  in  such  a  way  that  we  are  uplifted  and  become  his  only.    

My   dear   children   if   you   want   to   live,   live   by   love   -­‐   believe   in   yourself,   have   faith   and   confidence   in  
yourself,   and   live   for   others.   God   has   given   you   everything   you   need,   you   are   lacking   nothing.   But   you  
don’t  really  love  others,  and  you  act  only  to  fulfill  your  own  desires.  But  if  you  live  to  help  others,  it  will  
ultimately  benefit  your  soul.  We  have  two  sides  to  ourselves:  the  inner  knowledge  and  the  external  life.  
We  have  to  do  inner  meditation  and  outer  meditation,  so  that  we  can  reach  to  the  level  of  God.  With  this  
practice   we   are   able   to   develop   positive   virtues,   which   is   what   God   wants,   because   the   whole   world  
needs  our  love,  honesty  and  righteous  qualities.  We  should  be  completely  transparent  with  no  anger  or  
aggression  towards  others.  Never  criticize  anyone,  because  if  we  create  anger  in  our  minds,  it  is  a  form  of  
negative  power.  If  we  have  anger  in  our  minds,  we  will  be  disconnected  from  God.  We  have  to  unleash  
the   power   within   ourselves,   by   living   in   love   and   with   a   pure   heart.   God   only   wants   from   us   that   we  
should  love  everybody.  Don’t  break  anyone’s  heart.  Trust  is  the  most  important  quality  to  develop,  never  
break  anyone’s  trust.  If  we  live  our  life  in  love,  then  God  will  always  be  with  us.  That  is  all  I  want  to  say  to  
my  lovely  children;  be  love,  be  good,  be  one.  

My   children,   unleash   this   power   within,   to   connect   with   God   through   the   power   of   love.   This   is   the   need  
of   the   times.  We   have   to   ask   ourselves   what   is   the   real   life   of   a   human   being.   The   reason   we   have   taken  
birth  in  this  human  body  is  to   realize  ourselves  as  soul  through  meditation.  We  should  know  the  purpose  
for  which  we  have  come  here,  and  we  should  try  to  reach  up  to  God  through  meditation  and  by  leading  a  
pure   and   ethical   life.   Saints   and   Mahatmas   (great   souls)   perform   bhajans,   discourses   and   meditation   just  
to  connect  with  God.  Only  through  meditation  can  we  fully  connect  to  God.  

This   is   Maa’s   message   to   everybody.   Maa   has   come   here   to   bless   her   children   and   lead   them   to   the   Path  
of   Truth.   We   can   connect   with   God   by   taking   the   initiation   and   meditating   on   inner   Light   and   Sound,   and  
following   the   spiritual   path   which   reveals   the   true   knowledge   within.   Maa   has   received   so   much   love  
from   the   people   here   in   Korea.   The   Korean   people   have   a   strong   tendency   to   do   meditation   and   go  
within.  Maa  wants  to  bless  you  all  with  spiritual  power  and  energy,  so  you  can  experience  who  you  really  
are,  and  discover  the  treasures  which  lie  hidden  within.  God  told  Maa  in  2007  that  she  will  go  to  Korea,  
for  that  reason  only  she  is  here  with  you  now.  Then  the  children  in  Korea  themselves  desired  that  Maa  
visit  and  bless  them,  and  now  Maa  has  fulfilled  their  wish.  Similarly  all  the  wishes  we  have  in  life  will  be  
fulfilled   through   God’s   blessings.   If   we   connect   to   God   through   meditation,   then   all   our   desires   will   be  
granted.  That  is  not  a  dream  but  a  reality.  It  can  be  achieved  by  everyone.  

My   dear   children,   whether   our   physical   body   remains   or   not   (as  our   human  body   is   only   temporary),   the  
power  of  God  will  always  exist  -­‐  it  is  eternal  and  omnipresent.  All  our  wishes  will  one  day  be  satisfied,  but  
Maa   wants   us   to   desire   only   things   that   benefit   mankind   and   bring   a   positive   change   in   society.   We  
should   sincerely   wish   for   such   a   positive   transformation,   and   this   wish   will   be   blessed   by   the   God   power.  
Maa   has   experienced   enlightenment   on   the   Path   of   God,   and   she   wants   to   bless   the   children   with   her  
power,  so  that  they  can  also  connect  with  God  and  reach  to  the  third  eye.  Then  you  will  be  able  to  heal  
the   world   and   help   the   other   people   to   achieve   the   same   power   and   energy.   Maa   has   come   to   bless   you  
all   with   these   powers,   with   which   God   has   blessed   her.   She   wants   to   pass   this   power   on   to   the   people   of  
Korea,   and   she   also   wants   to   help   the   whole   world   and   reach   out   to   every   soul   searching   for   love   and  
truth.  Maa  is  blessing  us  all  and   praying  that  God  will  remove  all  our  sorrows  and  suffering,  so  we  can  
lead  a  happy  and  healthy  life.  Maa  is  blessing  all  her  children  and  the  people  of  Korea.”  

[After  initiation]  

“Today   you   have  become  one  with  the  Shakti  power  and  you  are  on  the  Path  of  God.  As  you   progress  
with   your   meditation   on   inner   Sound,   you   will   start   to   hear   different   sounds   from   the   different   inner  
planes.  With  sincere  practice  on  Light  meditation  your  will  start   experiencing  the  inner  realms.  As  we  see  
the   outer   world   with   our   physical   eyes,   similarly   our   inner   vision   will   show   us   the   world   of   God.   We  
should  see  with  the  inner  eye  and  hear  with  the  inner  ear,  and  experience  God’s  love  and  blessings.  From  
today  you  are  Maa’s  children,  and  Maa  is  your  true  mother.    

You  need  to  do  three  things:  love  the  people  around  you,  love  yourself,  and  love  God.  If  you  have  any  
problems  you  can  share  them  with  Maa.  Maa  will  always  protect  you  and  bless  you  from  the  inside.  You  
are  Maa’s  children,  and  you  all  had  some  positive  energy  and  blessings  from  God  which  brought  you  here  
today,   to   connect   with   the   power   of   Shakti   and   Maa.   Maa   is   blessing   you  to   always   remain   connected   to  
that  power  and  have  good  inner  experiences,  and  help  other  people.  Maa  will  always  support  and  protect  
you.  I  bless  you  all  to  be  good  on  the  Path  of  God  and  be  lovable  children,  full  of  love  and  devotion  to  
God.  May  all  your  heart-­‐felt  desires  be  fulfilled.”  
Question  &  Answer  Session  in  Seoul  November  7,  2011  
“I  would  like  to  give  blessings  to  all  my  children.  Some  of  you  would  like  to  ask  me  questions  regarding  
your  purpose  in  life.  You  can  all  find  happiness  within,  because  you  are  Shakti,  you  have  Shakti  power.”  

Q:  What  is  the  best  way  to  meditate?  

“The  way  to  meditate  is  to  discover  the  power  hidden  within.  One  Shakti  is  here  (in  third  eye),  one  Shakti  
is  behind,  one  is  on  the  top  of  the  head,  and  one  Shakti  is  above  and  beyond  the  body.  The  Guru  is  a  soul,  
also  a  Shakti,  and  the  servant  of  God.  He  is  the  one  who  can  help  you  to  merge  with  God.  The  one  who  
surrenders   to   God   and   does   seva   with   love,   and   brings   happiness   through   meditation;   that   Guru   can  
perform  the  duty  assigned  by  God.”  
Q:  How  can  we  find  a  true  Master?  

“We  all  need  a  Guru  to  show  us  the  right  path  in  life.  You  find  a  Master  when  the  time  is  right,  it  depends  
on   your   prayers   and   your   desire   to   find   him.   It   is   the   responsibility   of   initiates   to   be   disciplined.   If   any  
mistakes  are  made,  not  following  the  path  correctly,  then  the  Master  cannot  help  his  initiates.  Master  is  
power,   not   the   body.   If   a   Master   has   the   power   and   does   the   work   properly,   his   sincere   initiates   will  
merge   back   into   Father   God.   Then   there   would   be   no   need   for   other   Masters.   But   if   a   Master   makes  
mistakes,  then  the  souls  have  to  reincarnate  in  a  human  body  again.  Maa  is  Shakti,  Maa  is  Guru,  Maa  is  
an  image  of  God.  Maa  is  nature,  Maa  is  the  preserver,  and  from  time  to  time  she  is  a  destroyer.  Prayers  
and  meditation  will  keep  you  safe  and  close  to  God.”  

Q:  Are  you  the  last  Guru  during  these  times?  

“There  are  many  Gurus.  Maa  is  the  power  of  all  the  Gurus.  Gurus  use  the  power  of  Shakti  to  help  other  
souls.  Shakti  is  the  creator  and  sustainer  of  this  world,  and  she  can  also  destroy  when  transformation  is  

Q:  When  I  have  a  short  sleep,  I  sometimes  feel  that  I  have  gone  to  a  dark  and  empty  void.  This  makes  
me  feel  very  scared,  even  more  fear  than  for  death.  Why  do  I  feel  like  this?  

“There   are   two   types   of   sleep.   One   is   when   the   body   sleeps  and   everything   is   taking   rest.   In   the   other  
form  of  sleep  just  the  physical  body  is  sleeping,  but  the  soul  is  travelling  inside.  Your  experience  is  this  
journey   of   the   soul,   and   your   soul   goes   to   this   dark   area   inside.   But   after   your   soul   progresses   and   learns  
to   travel   inside,   then   you   will   start   to   experience   the   light   behind   the   darkness.   Don’t   be   scared.   One  
should  never  be  scared  of  death.  We  don’t  yet  realize  that  there  is  light  behind  the  veil  of  darkness.”  

Q:   What   about   the   people   who   are   handicapped   or   have   a  very   hard   destiny?   How   can   they   overcome  
this  destiny,  is  it  possible  to  change  it?  

“According  to  the  previous  karma  you  have  performed,  the  body  is  chosen  by  the  Shakti  power.  When  
you  are  going  through  very  hard  times,  God  is  testing  you.  You  should  not  lose  hope  -­‐  then  you  will  be  
able  to  pass  the  test.  It  is  only  when  we  suffer  a  very  difficult  situation,  that  we  turn  away  from  the  world  
and  try  to  find  God.  So  suffering  can  also  be  a  huge  blessing,  and  it  in  turn  teaches  us  many  lessons  in  life.  
If  God  has  given  us  these  hard  times,  he  will  give  us  happy  days  also.  Turn  the  sad  days  into  happy  days,  
by  merging  into  God  -­‐  he  is  always  with  you.”  

Q:    I  am  allergic  to  the  sun  and  cannot  go  outside  during  the  day.  Is  it  because  of  my  past  life  karma?  Is  
it  possible  for  my  condition  to  improve?  
“You  can  get  better  -­‐  there  is  a  sun  outside  and  also  one  within  the  body.  When  the  internal  energy  and  
outer   energy   clashes,   then   this   problem   happens.   Just   to   be   safe,   cover   your   head,   then   you   will   feel  
better.  Do  more  meditation  and  be  close  to  God.  Your  situation  will  improve.”  

Q:   I   have   major   problems   in   relationship   with   other   people.   This   must   also   be   my   past   life   karma,   I  
must  have  committed  some  bad  sin.  What  can  I  do?    

“Soul  is  very  pure.  Your   soul   is   very   good   and   wants   love,   but   you   are   lacking  understanding.   You   have   to  
try   to   understand   others,   and   become   softer   in   your   actions   and   attitude.   Then   your   relationships   will  
improve.   We   all   need   meditation,   because   we   all   have   very   good   energy   within   our   soul,   and   other  
people  will  feel  that  energy  and  be  attracted  to  this.  So  you  need  more  meditation  and  your  energy  will  
become  more  positive.  

Q:  How  can  I  balance  my  spiritual  life  with  my   worldly  obligations?  I  want  just  to  meditate,  but  I  need  
to  earn  a  living,  and  this  disturbs  my  meditation  practice.  

 “This  balance  will  come  through  meditation  and  by  following  the  Path  of  Truth;  calm  yourself  first.  You  
need  to  earn  your  living  in  this  world,  but  try  and  find  a  job  that  is  more  in  harmony  with  your  spiritual  
life.  The  only  purpose  of  life  is  to  meditate  and  find  God.  So  we  need  to  always  have  the  attitude,  that  
whatever  we  are  doing  in  the  world,  it  is  only  for  the  purpose  of  meditation  so  that  we  can  attain  oneness  
with  God.  If  you  think  that  this  job  and  money  is  for  God  only,  and  then  you  will  be  happy.  Even  if  your  
situation  is  difficult,  you  will  feel  happiness,  because  you  are  fulfilling  your  purpose  in  life.  Follow  the  Path  
of  God  and  Truth  in  all  that  you  do.”  

Q:  How  can  we  help  mankind?  Is  it  just  through  our  meditation?  

“Mankind   is   one   family,   this   we   should   understand.   We   have   to   love   all   the   people,   as   we   are   all   one  
family.  Love  can  manifest  in  three  ways:  one  is  financial,  the  other  is  caring  for  those  who  are  sick  and  
suffering,  and  the  third  way  is  to  help  people  find  a  spiritual  purpose  in  life.  Maa  has  come  here  to  help  
the  people  suffering  in  this  world,  and  Maa  wants  to  remove  their  suffering  by  showing  them  the  spiritual  
life.  Maa  is  here  to  connect  you  to  God  and  to  give  love;  to  teach  you  how  to  meditate  and  show  you  the  
Path  of  Truth.  In  the  Kingdom  of  God,  we  gets  God’s  blessing.  This  is  very  happy  place,  but  there  are  no  
opportunities   to   do   good   things,   because   all   is   perfect.   But   in   this   world   people   are   suffering,   so  here   we  
can  help  everyone.  God  is  giving  us  here  a  chance  to  perform  good  deeds  and  show  love  to  people.  

We   must   improve   our   listening   skills,   then   we   can   explain   the   path   to   the   people   more   easily   without  
criticizing  them.  If  you  say:  ‘I  don’t  agree  with  your  attitude  or  actions,  but  I  like  you,  and  love  you  as  soul.  
Correct  your  mistakes,  and  do  meditation,  then  you  can  achieve  real  energy.’  Everyone  will  then  agree  to  
what  you  are  saying.  Don’t  think  of  that  as  work,  or  that  you  are  doing  someone  a  favor  -­‐  try  to  think  of  it  
as  selfless  service  to  God.  They  will  feel  better  if  you  are  doing  it  with  love  and  compassion.  If  you  try  to  
do   work   as   a   friend,   it   will   bring   difficulties.   Doing   seva   with   love   and   humility,   being   honest,   and   also  
doing  your  meditation  will  fulfill  your  inner  yearning,  and  your  physical  life  will  be  so  much  easier.  We  can  
share   our   feelings   with   others.   We   can   support   the   work   of   God   with   the   power   of   our   soul,   and   also  
financially.  Sadness  and  happiness  are  both  for  this  outer  world  only,  not  for  the  inner  self.  We  can  only  
experience   good   and   bad   here.   You   can   do   seva   for   people   while   you  are   in   the   human   body.   Over   there  
you  are  in  the  form  of  Light  with  Father  God.  So  do  good  things  while  you  in  the  body  over  here.”  

Q:  In  a  past  life  I  lived  in  India  as  a  lame  person.  At  that  time  I  had  a  relationship  with  Maa.  In  this  life  I  
saw  Maa  in  a  dream,  and  in  this  dream  Maa  was  a  young  girl  and  we  went  to  eat  candy  together.  

 “Very  good,  do  you  know  me  from  your  previous  life?  If  you  were  in  India,  then  you  would  not  be  here  in  
Korea.  God  keeps  us  in  the  same  place  for  three  lives  to  finish  our  karma.  In  a  past  life  we  did  meet,  but  
we  separated.  But  you  desired  to  be  with  me,  so  in  this  life  you  have  had  another  chance.  We  think  that  a  
physical  handicap  is  real,  but  the  true  handicap  is  in  the  heart,  when  we  have  negative  feelings.  That  is  
real  handicap.  We  think  a  lame  person  is  suffering,  but  it  is  the  heart  which  matters.  Your  desires  have  
been  fulfilled  in  this  life.  I  bless  you  child  because  you  have  loved  me  and  felt  me  from  inside.”  

Q:  I  love  you  Maa.  

“Your  soul  is  very  pure,  and  you  desire  to  be  with  God.  So  you  feel  this  love  from  Maa.  We  all  have  to  
meditate  daily  and  connect  with  this  power  within.  This  power  will  bless  us  so  we  can  receive  the  mercy  
of  God  working  through  this  power.  If  you  have  love,  then  you  can  feel  love  in  others;  if  you  are  honest  
then  you  can  trust  others.  Do  meditation,  prayers  and  love  God.  If  you  have  awakened  yourself,  then  you  
will  feel  good.  I  bless  you  all  to  make  yourself  like  this,  and  merge  with  God  and  feel  the  power  within.”  

“If   you   want   to   know   the   Truth,   you   should   come   to   Maa,   only   Maa   can   lead   you   to   the   Supreme   Power.  
Live   with   goodness   and   for   the   Supreme   Power   Shakti.   Love   is   life   which   is   within   us.   So   instead   of  
binding  it,  distribute  it  freely  to  everyone,  as  it  is  an  expression  of  God.  Love  thyself  and  love  others,  as  
you  are  all  part  of  the  Supreme  Power.  With  love  and  dedication  you  can  attain  a  state  or  level  where  you  
can  see  and  feel  the  power  of  God,  which  can  even  turn  a  bad  person  into  a  good   human  being.  Keep  
good  health,  good  thoughts  and  good  behavior.  Be  happy  and  keep  others  also  happy.  Blessings  to  all.”  
March  2011
Shakti   already   exists   as   a   seed   in   Father   God,   or   Absolute   God.   Shabd   or   Naam,   the   light   and   sound  
current,  came  out  of  Shakti  who  created  everything.  Maa  power  originates  from  the  top  of  all  creation.  
We  should  only  come  to  Maa,  if  we  want  to  live  in  Truth  at  the  deepest  of  our  hearts,  otherwise  we  will  
not  be  able  to  withstand  it.  The  path  of  Adi  Shakti  Maa  is  about  serving  the  Truth,  and  serving  God.  

Poem  by  HAFIZ  

Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,
Break all our teacup talk of God.
If you had the courage and
Could give the Beloved His choice, some nights,
He would just drag you around the room by your hair,
Ripping from your grip all those toys in the world
That bring you no joy.
Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly
And wants to rip to shreds
All your erroneous notions of truth
That make you fight within yourself, dear one,
And with others,
Causing the world to weep
On too many fine days.
God wants to manhandle us,
Lock us inside of a tiny room with Himself
And practice His dropkick.
The Beloved sometimes wants
To do us a great favor:
Hold us upside down
And shake all the nonsense out.
But when we hear
He is in such a "playful drunken mood"

Most everyone I know
Quickly packs their bags and hightails it
Out of town.

Hafiz  was  born  in  Shiraz  in  south-­‐east  Persia  in  1320  A.D.
Maharashtra  Tour  Mahashivratri  2012  
Mahashivratri   is   the   Great   Night   of   Lord   Shiva,   the   Mahadev.   Lord   Shiva   married   Parvati   Devi   on   this  
night,  and  so  it  is  on  this  night  that  the  eternal  union  took  place  between  Shiva  and  Shakti.  Any  devotee  
who  worships  the  Supreme  Mahadev  with  intense  devotion  on  this  day  will  be  granted  the  fruits  of  this  
worship  to  attain  enlightenment.  On  this  day  both  Shiva  and  Shakti  are  being  worshipped.  

A  group  of  sixteen  people  from  Korea,  India  and  New  Zealand,  accompanying  Maa  on  her  Mahashivratri  
tour,   departed   from   Mumbai   on   19th   February   for   Anandpur.   Anandpur   is   a   village   in   Nashik   District   in  
Maharashtra   State;   a   distance   of   240   km   from   Mumbai.   Approaching   Anandpur   are   the   plains   at   the   foot  
of   the   Mangi-­‐Tungi   which   are   breath-­‐takingly   green   and   fertile;   it   is   a   productive   area   for   local   food  
agriculture.   The   Lingakar   Mangi-­‐Tungi   peaks   are   considered   sacred   by   both   Hindus   and   Jains.   It   is  
described  as   Siddha   Kshetra,   meaning   a   gateway   to   the   state   of   enlightenment.   Maa   referred   to   the   twin  
peaks   as   Nandi   and   Shiva,   and   said   that   they   a   manifestation   of   Shiva   and   Shakti.   This   mountain   is   a  
naturally   occurring   Shiva   Lingam.   Anandpur   has   special   significance   to   Maa,   as   this   is   the   first   village   that  
she   visited   in   2007   after   leaving   Pimpalner,   at   the   time   when   God   directed   Maa   to   personally   go   out  
among  the  people  and  spread  the  message  of  Truth  and  connect  everyone  to  the  power  of  Shakti.  All  the  
people  living  in  this  village  are  devoted  to  Maa,  and  they  have  built  a  simple  house  for  her  there.  Maa  
visits  Anandpur  every  year  and  she  has  also  lived  there  for  longer  periods  of  meditation.    

Mangi-­‐Tungi  is  a  prominent  twin-­‐pinnacled  peak  of  the  Galna  

mountain  in  the  Selbari  range.  Mangi,  1324m  above  sea  level,  is  the  
western  pinnacle,  and  the  eastern  pinnacle  Tungi,  is  1331m  high.  
We   arrived   in   Anandpur   after   our   seven   hour   drive   through   the   state   of   Maharashtra.   Many   women  
dressed   in   bright   yellow   saris,   lined   the   roadway   leading   to   Maa’s   small   house.   Maa   walked   along   the  
road  as  they  performed  Aarti  with  small  lamps  and  flowers.  The  natural  landscape  is  beautiful  is  this  area,  
and   a   small   river   flows   through   the   grounds.   Many   colorful   tents   had   been   erected   for   the   Bhandara  
(celebration),   and   also   to   provide   accommodation   for   villagers   travelling   from   other   regions.   Everyone  
followed  Maa  to  the  temple  where  Maa  paid  her  respects  to  the  Nandi,  Shiva  and  Ganesha  statues.  We  
sat   together   in   the   tent   next   to   the   open   temple,   while   Maa   gave   a   short   satsang   to   the   people   who   had  
gathered  to  welcome  her  to  their  village.    

“The  one  who  is  worshipped  by  Brahma  and  Vishnu,  that  one  is  Shiv-­‐Shakti.  Now  the  Shivratri  of  Shiva-­‐
Shakti  is  ahead.  So  my  dear  children,  today  I  will  bless  you  all  to  spread  love  and  harvest  spirituality  on  
this  day.  Har  Har  Mahadev.”  MAA  

After   the   talk   the   women   moved   across   to   an   adjoining   area   and   started   preparing   the   food   for   the  
evening   meal.   It   was   a   vibrant   spectacle   and   Maa   herself   joined   them   to   watch   in   fascination   as   they  
prepared  the  Puran  Poli,  a  traditional  sweet  flatbread  made  in  this  area.  The  grain  is  produced  locally  and  
ground  by  hand,  then  mixed  with  the  other  ingredients  to  make  a  dough,  which  is  first  rolled  and  then  
shaped  by  rotating  the  arms  in  a  circular  motion  to  form  a  large  Roti  (flat-­‐bread).  This  is  carefully  placed  
over  a  large  dome-­‐shaped  griddle  kept  hot  over  an  open  fire.  The  foreign  guests  were  lovingly  served  the  
first   warm   offerings   dribbled   with   melted   Ghee   (clarified   butter)   and   rolled   up   into   a   tube,   while   Maa  
happily   watched   over   the   proceedings.   It   was   sweet   Prashad   (blessed   food)   filled   with   love   and   devotion  
to  God  and  Maa.  

The  atmosphere  in  the  village  was  very  festive  and  full  of  excitement  and  happiness  that  Maa  would  be  
joining  them  to  celebrate  the  holy  occasion  of  Mahashivratri.  After  Maa  retired  to  her  room  to  rest,  the  
people   gathered   to   perform   large   circle   dances   to   loud   music   which   could   be   heard   all   over   the   grounds.  
The  love  for  Maa  could  be  felt  everywhere,  and  the  people  sang  and  danced  in  joy,  knowing  that  Maa  had  
arrived   and   was   now   in   their   midst.   Although   this   is   simple   rural   village,   the   devotees   had   completed  
many  beautiful  arrangements  for  Mahashivratri.  The  stairs  leading  from  Maa’s  house  down  to  the  temple  
area  were  lined  with  fairy  lights  and  silver  decorations.  Rangoli  (designs)  made  with  flower  petals,  flour  
and   colored   sand   had   been   created   around   the   house,   as   well   as   in   the   temple   and  near   the   stage   inside  
the  bhandara  tent.  

Mahashivratri  commenced  early  the  next  morning  on  February  20th,  with  sunrise  Aarti  (worship)  in  the  
temple.  At  5am  while  everyone  was  still  sleeping,  Maa  had  performed  the  Abhishek,  which  is  the  ritual  
bathing  of  the  Shivling  (Shiva  statue)  using  milk,  yoghurt,  honey,  sugar  and  ghee.  The  Shivling  was  then  
decorated   with   flowers   including   roses,   lotus   flowers   and   bel   leaves.   Each   element   used   has   a   specific  
meaning  in  this  process.  

At  9am  the  main  program  commenced;  Maa  arrived  looking  radiantly  beautiful.  All  the  local  women  were  
wearing   pink   saris   on   this   day,   and   Maa   was   dressed   in   gorgeous   shimmering   pink.   Maa   looked   so   happy  
to  be  with  her  many  devotees  from  this  region,  all  gathered  together  in  honor  of  Lord  Shiva.  Maa  poured  
milk   and   water   over   the   Shivling   and   then   invited   everyone   present,   to   individually   pour   water   while  
chanting  “Om  Namah  Shivay”  (Shiva  mantra).  Hundreds  of  people  lined  up  as  everyone  chanted  together,  
and  the  atmosphere  was  electric.  Much  water  is  used  on  this  day,  as  bathing  the  Shivling  with  water  is  
performed   as   a   ceremony   to   purify   the   inner   self.   Devotees   fast   during   the   day   and   spend   the   whole   day  
and   night   singing   bhajans   and   remembering   God.   This   is   the   day   to   practice   “less   eating,   less   sleeping,  
less   talking”,   as   an   important   factor   in   attaining   the   inner   purification   needed   for   God-­‐realization.   The  
cleansing   rituals   of   fire   and   water   are   also   essential   to   helps   us   connect   to   the   power   of   God.   A   few  
people   prepared   bel   leaves   writing   Sanskrit   on   the   leaves   with   vermillion   paste.   These   leaves   are   an  
important  offering  during  Shivratri  worship.  At  least  1108  (1000  plus  108)  repetitions  of  the  mantra  were  
made   with   everyone   chanting   in   unison.   The   number   108   contains   the   universal   power.   The   distance  
between   the   earth   and   the   moon   is  
108  times  the  size  of  the  moon,  and  
the  same  for  the  earth  and  sun.  So  it  
has  immense  spiritual  power.  

Every   month   in   India   a   small  

Shivratri   is   celebrated,   but   once   a  
year   the   great   Mahashivratri   is  
celebrated   and   many   devotees   visit  
temples   (the   twelve   Jyotirlingas  -­‐  
lingams   of   light   -­‐   are   sacred   shrines  
of   Lord   Shiva   and   centers   for   his  
worship),  to  have  Darshan  (vision)  of  
Lord   Shiva.   In   ancient   times,  
Mahashivratri   was   celebrated   at   a  
higher   level,   as   the   method   for  
worship   has   been   described   exactly  
in   the   Shiva   Purana   (Holy   scripture).   However   now   in   these   times   everything   has   become   more  
commercial.  It  is  possible  for  the  power  to  reach  very  high  levels  when  many  people  gather  together  to  
perform   the   rituals;   the   more   people,   the   more   spiritual   power.   The  Havan   (fire   ceremony)   is   also   a   very    
important   part   of   Mahashivratri.   It   symbolizes   the   Light   of   God,   and   the   fire   helps   to   purify   us,   so   we   can  
attain  enlightenment.  Maa  decorated  the  Havan-­‐Khund  (fire  pit)  with  colored  powders  and  flowers,  and  
sprinkled   water   around   the   area   while   chanting   some   sacred   mantras.   While   the   people   were   seating  
themselves  around  the  Khund,  the  Havan  fire  was  lit  using  wood  with  the  aid  of  small  pieces  of  camphor.  
The   two   main   Havan   mantras   were   chanted   together   108   times,   and   the   offerings   of   ghee   and   a   grain  
mixture   were   given   into   the   fire.   Several   groups   of   people   were   invited   to   perform   the   Havan,   with  
everyone   else   joining   in   the   chanting   lead   by   one   of   the   Pundits   (priest).   At   the   end   of   the   Havan,  
coconuts  were  offered  to  the  fire  which  kept  burning  all  day  and  throughout  the  night.  After  the  Havan  
ceremony,  Lord  Shiva  was  worshipped  by  everyone  singing  the  Aarti  songs  together.  Two  or  three  people  
performed  the  Aarti  by  circling  a  plate  of  lighted  lamps  in  front  of  the  Shivling.  During  the  worship  people  
started  performing  the  Aarti  to  Maa,  as  she  was  seated  next  to  the  Shivling.  At  the  close  of  the  Aarti,  Maa  
reminded   everyone   that   Mahashivratri     is   the   day   dedicated   to   the   worship   of   Lord   Shiva.   Jai   Shiva  
Omkara   –   Shiva   and   Shakti   are   one.   Maa’s   love   for   the   Supreme   Lord   Shiva   is   so   great,   that   she   didn’t  
wish  the  attention  to  be  directed  to  her  on  this  auspicious  day.  There  was  a  great  intensity  of  emotion,  as  
the  importance  of  this  message  was  understood  by  everyone.  Shiva  and  Shakti  are  one,  but  at  the  same  
time   they   manifest   in   separateness   for   the   sake   of   love.   The   Lover   and   the   Beloved   are   two   forms   of   the  
same   power,   yearning   to   unite   with   one   another   in   their   pain   of   separation.   This   is   the   essence   of   bhakti  
devotion   to   God,   and   Maa   is   showing   us   that   our   love   for   God   should   be   so   pure   and   so   intense,   that   we  
would  willingly  surrender  everything  to  the  Lord,  and  even  offer  our  lives  to  God  and  the  Path  of  Truth.  

People  spent  the  rest  of  the  afternoon  around  the  temple  performing  worship  of  the  Shivling  and  singing  
bhajans.  A  continuous  stream  of  people  came  to  give  offerings  and  pay  their  respects  to  Lord  Shiva.  The  
energy   of   love   and   devotion   was   very   strong.   In   the   late   afternoon   the   Shobha   Yatra   (parade)  
commenced,  as  Maa  took  her  place  in  the  chariot  decorated  with  flower  garlands.  The  parade  stretched  
for   3-­‐4   kms   through   the   village   of   Anandpur,   with   several   thousand   devotees   either   lining   the   narrow  
streets,  or  dancing  alongside  the  chariot.  Maa  threw  flowers  and  fruits,  and  even  the  occasional  coconut,  
to  the  happy  crowds  expectantly  waiting  for  a  glance  from  Maa,  or  a  flower,  to  fall  upon  them.  Just  as  the  
sun   was   setting   on   the   horizon,   Maa   returned   home   to   rest   and   prepare   for   the   evening   bhandara.   A  
large   tent   had   been   erected   on   a   small   hill   overlooking   the   temple   grounds.   Many   devotees   gathered  
early   to   sing   bhajans   and   listen   to   talks   given   by   local  dignitaries.   Finally   Maa   arrived   at   the   satsang   tent,  
walking   gracefully   down   the   aisle   to   the   stage,   followed   by   three   women   dressed   in   saffron-­‐colored  
clothes.   Maa   gave   a   satsang   in   honor   of   Mahashivratri   and   after   more   bhajans   were   enjoyed,   Maa  
introduced   three   Adi   Shakti   Sant   Mat   Sadhavi-­‐saints   using   the   names   Sadhavi   Kadambari,   Sadhavi  
Geeteshwari  and  Sadhavi    Kamaleshwari.  Maa  asked  them  to  sing  three  bhajans  together  for  the  Sangat  
(spiritual   gathering).   Maa   told   everyone   how   her   Sadhavi   daughters   had   renounced   their   worldly   lives,  
and  were  now  here  for  meditation,  seva,  bhakti,  bhajans  and  to  serve  Maa  Shakti  in  her  mission.    

The   rest   of   Mahashivratri   was   spent   listening   to   continuous   bhajans   performed   throughout   the   whole  
night,   while   many   devoted   souls   also   sat   in   meditation   and   remembrance   of   God.   At   6am   the   next  
morning  Maa  come  down  to  the  temple  to  wash  and  decorate  the  Shivling,  and  perform  the  sunrise  Aarti.  
At  11am  the  Mahashivratri  program  continued  with  bhajans  and  talks,  while  waiting  for  Maa  to  arrive  for  
the   morning   satsang.   At   midday   Maa   arrived   dressed   in   white,   again   followed   by   her   three   Sadhavi  
daughters.  Maa  gave  a  powerful  satsang  on  the  significance  of  Mahashivratri.  Around  80  blankets  were  
distributed  to  elderly  husbands  and  wives;  and  with  the  assistance  of  her  Sadhavis,  Maa  lovingly  placed  
each   blanket   over   the   shoulders   of   its   happy   recipient.   Maa   is   encouraging   us   to   support   this   charity  
work,  and  dedicate  our  lives  to  serving  and  making  others  happy.  Maa  left  the  tent  to  bless  the  food  at  
the  outdoor  Langar  (common  kitchen)  and  everyone  followed  to  partake  of  the  blessed  food.  Pracharak  
(initiation)  was  being  offered  during  this  time,  and  to  the  surprise  of  the  people  attending,  Maa  quickly  
returned  to  personally  conduct  the  initiation.  Many  good  experiences  were  made  during  the  meditation.    

Private  meetings  were  held  with  Maa  during  the  late  afternoon.  Finally  at  8.30pm  we  left  Anandpur  for  
the   next   destination.   Everyone   lined   the   street   to   receive   a   final   darshan   from   their   beloved   Maa   and  
wave  everyone  good-­‐bye.  Approximately  15,000  attended  this  year’s  two-­‐day  Mahashivratri  celebration  
in   Anandpur.   At   10pm   we   arrived   at   the   top   of   the   mountain   above   the   village   of   Harpada.   There   a   small  
temple   had   been   built,   as   well   as   a   simple   house   for   Maa.   Many   were   gathered   to   welcome   Maa   to   their  
village,   and   they   sang   bhajans   with   faces   beaming   in   joy   to   see   Maa   once   again.   Maa   gave   a   satsang  and  
again   introduced   her   three   Sadhavis   daughters   to   the   people.   After   some   food   was   taken,   slideshows  
were  projected  onto  a  large  outdoor  screen;  one  showing  the  photos  of  Maa’s  tour  in  Korea  last  October  
and   a   second   slideshow   introducing   Maa’s   first   Adi   Shakti   Sant   Mat   Sadhavi-­‐saints.   Although   it   was  
already   quite   late   by   this   time,   Maa   unexpectedly   invited   everyone   to   gather   for   an   outdoor   dance  
celebration,   and   that   she   would   also   be   in   attendance.   The   atmosphere   was   joyful   and   energetic   as  
everyone  performed  circle  dances  together  in  the  traditional  India  manner.    

The  following  day  commenced  with  a  short  satsang  from  Maa  before  departing  for  a  pre-­‐arranged  tour  of  
some   local   villages   in   the   Sakri   Tehsil   region.   In   Babulpada   village,   Maa   was   welcomed   by   a   large  
gathering  of  people  from  surrounding  villages  including  children  dressed  as  Shiva,  Hanuman  and  Parvati.  
All   gathered   under   a   tent   to   honor   Maa,   receive   darshan   and   hear   her   satsang.   Again   she   introduced   her  
three   new   Sadhavi   daughters   to   the   crowd.   Maa   then   conducted   some   private   visits   in   the   Nandurbar  
area,  blessing  another  50-­‐60  devotees  with  roses  before  returning  to  Harpada  at  7pm.  A  stage  had  been  
erected   for   the   evening   satsang;   as   Maa   arrived   at   9pm   the   people   were   singing   bhajans.   Maa   gave  
another  powerful  satsang  to  the  attending  crowd.  More  blankets  were  distributed  by  Maa  to  local  elderly  
couples;  in  total  around  100  blankets  were  donated  by  Maa  for  the  Mahashivratri  event.  After  partaking  
of   the   langar   food,   the   people   gathered   again   for   another   dance   celebration.   There   were   even   more  
people  this  time,  and  the  feeling  was  very  harmonious  as  everyone  danced  together  under  the  starry  sky.    

The  next  morning  we  arose  very  early  to  prepare  for  our  departure  to  Mumbai.  Maa  gave  a  short  satsang  
to  those  who  were  awake,  and  at  6am  just  as  the  golden  sun  was  rising  in  the  pink  sky,  we  drove  past  the  
line   of   devotees   all   smiling   and   waving   good-­‐bye.   It   was   an   amazing   tour,   packed   full   to   the   brim   with  
activities   and   festivities.   The   devotion   and   love,   the   energy   and   beauty   of   it   all,   will   remain   as   lasting  

Sadhavi  Kadambari  Maa     “I  feel  so  blessed  to  be  here.  O  Maa,  please  imbue  me  with  confidence  to  
live  up  to  your  vision  of  who  I  am.  You  have  empowered  me  to  reach  to  God;  to  become  the  phoenix  rising  
from   the   ashes   of   my   illusions,   which   you   destroyed   with   your   own   hands.   Shape   me   into   something  
useful.   My   desire   to   serve   you   and   your   children   yearns   to   blossom   and   bear   fruit,   for   the   sake   of   all  
humanity.   You   are   the   Savior,   you   are   the   Great   Mother,   who   can   only   shower   love   on   her   children;  
though   your   love   may   take   on   many   and   varied   forms   to   achieve   its   end.   I   am   so   blessed  to   be   here.   I   can  
only  bow  in  reverence  at  your  holy  feet  and  plead  for  forgiveness  for  all  the  pain  that  I  have  caused  God,  
by   not   turning   my   face   to   him   sooner.   Only   God   knows   the   reason   why   it   is   so.   I   cry   tears   of   joy   and  
happiness  to  be  close  to  you  inside  and  outside.  May  we  never  part.”  

“My  first  meeting  with  Maa  was  the  happiest  moment  of  my  life;  to  recognize  the  love  of  my  true  Mother  
and   receive   the   blessings   that   I   had   been   searching   for   all   my   life.   I   just   wanted   to   stay   with   Maa   and  
serve  God.  But  it  hasn’t  been  easy  to  be  around  Maa.  Her  blessings  are  like  a  fire  to  burn  away  illusions  
and   false   beliefs.   Courage   is   needed   to   withstand   the   pain   of   purification   which   casts   aside   ego   and  
attachments  to  the  world.  Maa  carries  the  sword  of  Truth  to  cut  asunder  all  that  is  false  and  reveal  the  
Truth   behind   the   Maya   of   this   world.   Maa   wants   us   to   change.   Maa   is   here   to   empower   us   to   change,   so  
that   can   find   peace,   love   and   happiness   within   ourselves.   Maa   has   shown   me   that   I   have   to   believe   in  
myself,  be  true  to  myself  and  trust  in  my  own  power.  Honesty,  simplicity,  selfless  service  and  devotion  to  
God  are  the  keys  to  the  kingdom.  Maa  wants  me  to  find  peace  and  be  happy  in  every  situation;  and  to  
remember  God  and  see  God  in  everyone  and  everything.  I  surrender  myself  to  God  and  Maa.    
Om  Namah  Shivaya,  Jai  Jai  Maa.”  

Sadhavi  Geeteshwari  Maa     “Dear  brothers  and  sisters,  I  lived  in  suffering  before  I  met  Maa.  There  
was  no  passion  in  my  life  to  live  anymore.  I  just  wanted  the  time  to  pass  quickly,  so  that  the  moment  of  
the   end   of   my   life   would   come   early.   When   I   met   Maa,   she   looked   at   me   like   she   already   knew  
everything,   and   then   she   hugged   me   tight.   I   cried   a   lot   and   felt   all   the   bad   things   wash   away   through  
Maa’s   love.   I   recognized   it   as   God’s   love.   The   light   of   hope   lightened   in   my   life,   like   a   spark   of   light   at   the  
end  of  the  tunnel.  I  didn’t  want  to  waste  time  anymore,  and  I  wanted  to  follow  this  path  with  Maa  and  to  
do  seva  for  God  within  Maa.  At  the  end  of  the  time  I  had  spent  with  Maa  in  India,  I  took  a  picture  of  Maa.  
I  caught  a  special  form  of  God  in  the  pictures.  Because  humans  are  always  suspicious,  God  showed  us  the  
Jyoti  (light)  form  beside  Maa  on  the  pictures  that  I  took.  It  was  as  if  God  removed  any  doubt.  Why  were  
we  born  on  this  earth?  Why  are  we  living  here  with  suffering?  We  should  know  the  reason;  God  is  always  
waiting  for  us  to  come  closer.  As  that  picture  shows  us;  we  should  recognize  that  God  is  always  with  us.  
God  doesn’t  want  us  to  live  with  suffering.  Now  finally  I  have  come  near  to  God  and  have  found  peace.  
God  and  Maa  want  you  all  to  be  like  that.  You  should  always  remember  God  and  go  towards  God.  Love  
God  and  have  faith,  and  love  each  other  and  serve  other  people.  I  also  want  us  all  to  be  good  always.    

Om  Mangalam.  Bolo  Adi  Shakti  Maa  ki  Jai.  Bolo  Shiv  Shankar  Bhagwan  ki  Jai.  Ek  Onkar  Sat  Naam.”  
Sadhavi   Kamaleshwari   Maa     “The   first   time   when   I   arrived   in   India   by   car   to   meet   Maa,   I   felt   a  
strong  power.  At  different  times  after  I  received  the  initiation  with  Maa,  I  could  also  feel  the  same  power.  
While  Maa  was  staying  in  Korea,  I  spent  the  whole  month  with  Maa.  When  Maa  gave  public  talks  to  the  
Korean   people   I   felt   very   touched,   and   could   feel   her   love   filling   every   inch   of   the   hall.   She   saw   all   of   me;  
she  knew  all  of  my  problems.  It  cleared  quickly  through  Maa’s  love.  I  had  lost  my  way  in  the  dark  world.  I  
had  been  missing  God  in  the  world.  I  wanted  to  finish  my  worldly  life.  Now,  Maa  has  given  me  the  chance  
to  surrender  to  God  completely.  If  my  past  life  was  like  the  rocky  boat,  my  present  life  is  like  a  solid  post.  
Maa  has  given  me  the  instructions  how  to  surrender  to  God.  I  will  follow,  I  will  devote  my  life  to  God.  
Thank  you  for  Maa’s  love.”  

Story  of  Chirla  

Several  years  ago  Maa  built  a  small  temple  at  the  top  of  a  hill  on  the  outlying  area  of  Navi  Mumbai.  This  
place  has  a  special  significance  to  Maa.  Seven  generations   ago  the  owners  of  this  land  had  a  vision  which  
instructed   them   to   build   a   temple   to   Lord   Shiva   on   this   site.   Although   they   neglected   to   follow   this  
instruction,   the   story   of   this   vision   was   passed   down   from   generation   to   generation.   God   told   Maa   about  
this  land  and  its  purpose,  and  in  2006  she  met  with  the  owners  of  the  land  to  ask  whether  they  would  sell  
it   to   her.   They   refused   to   pass   the   property   to   Maa.   Some   time   later   Maa   again   went   to   the   owners,   and  
this  time  she  related  that  a  temple  dedicated  to  Lord  Shiva  should  have  been  built  on  this  land  by  their  
ancestors,   and   that   she   wished   to   build   this   temple   herself.   The   land-­‐owners   were   shocked   that   Maa  
could  know  everything  about  this  story  and  immediately  agreed  to  donate  this  land  to  Maa.  They  are  now  
devotees   of   Maa.   On   top   of   the   hill   there   is   a   large   rock,   where   Maa   used   to   sit   and   meditate.   Slowly   she  
built  a  temple  around  this  rock,  and  after  leveling  the  surface  of  the  rock,  installed  a  Shiva  Lingam  on  it.  
Maa  told  that  this  place  is  very  powerful  and  there  is  an  immense  Shakti  power  radiating  from  here.  

On   26th   February   Maa   held   a   program   at   the   Chirla   temple.   Maa   arrived   around   midday   and   was  
welcomed   by   the   singing   of   bhajans   and   a   shower   of   flower   petals.   Maa   was   very   happy   to   see   the  
temple   decorated   so   beautifully   with   flower   garlands   and   many   offerings   of   fruit,   coconuts   and   sweet  
prashad.  After  an  hour  of  private  darshan  sessions  inside  the  temple,  Maa  came  outside  to  the  satsang  
tent   and   gave   an   hour   long   talk   to   a   crowd   of   approximately     100   people.   Maa   introduced   her   three  
Sadhavi   daughters   to   the   sangat,   and   explained   the   significance   and   role   of   these   devotees   who   have  
taken   renunciation.   Maa   appeared   happy   and   relaxed   to   be   with   her   Mumbai   sangat;   a   large   group   of  
devotees   here,   have   been   strong   supporters   and   Sevadars   (volunteer   workers)   for   Maa   over   the   past   ten  

At  the  end  of  the  Chirla  program,  one  devotee  showed  Maa  several  photos   which  were  taken  last  year  at  
the  Bonny  School  in  Mumbai.  On  26th  January  2010  Maa  was  invited  to  join  the  flag-­‐raising  event  being  
held  at  the  small  primary  school.  Maa  presided  over  the  happy  occasion  and  a  local  photographer  came  
to  photograph  the  event.  The  devotee  who  is  a  teacher  at  the  school,  received  the  printed  photos  and  to  
her   surprise   Maa   had   completely   disappeared   from   the   pictures.   She   was   stunned   and   dismayed   and  
cried  tears  of  anguish  at  how  this  could  happen.  She  showed  us  several  photos  and  described  the  unusual  
occurrence.   Maa   confirmed   that   she   had   attended   this   event,   and   had   indeed   been   physically   present  
when  the  photographs  were  taken.  
The  Oneness  of  God  
The  mystic  poets  have  described  the  self-­‐manifestation  of  the  One  with  a  profusion  of  splendid  imagery.    
The  Sufi  mystic  JAMI  says:  
   "From  all  eternity  the  Beloved  unveiled  His  beauty  in  the  solitude  of  the  unseen;  
   He  held  up  the  mirror  to  His  own  face,  He  displayed  His  loveliness  to  Himself.  
   He  was  both  the  spectator  and  the  spectacle;  no  eye  but  His  had  surveyed  the  Universe.  
   All  was  One,  there  was  no  duality,  no  pretence  of  mine  or  thine.”      
Universal  Prayer    
O  Adorable  Lord  of  Mercy  and  Love,  
Salutations  and  prostrations  unto  Thee.  
Thou  art  Omnipresent,  Omnipotent  and  Omniscient.  
Thou  art  Satchidānanda.  
Thou  art  Existence,  Knowledge  and  Bliss  Absolute.  
Thou  art  the  Indweller  of  all  beings.  
Grant  us  an  understanding  heart,  equal  vision,  
Balanced  mind,  faith,  devotion  and  wisdom.  
Grant  us  inner  spiritual  strength  to  resist  temptation  and  to  control  the  mind.  
Free  us  from  egoism,  lust,  anger,  greed,  hatred  and  jealousy.  
Fill  our  hearts  with  Divine  virtues.  
Let  us  behold  Thee  in  all  these  names  and  forms.  
Let  us  serve  Thee  in  all  these  names  and  forms.  
Let  us  ever  remember  Thee.  
Let  us  ever  sing  Thy  glories.  
Let  Thy  name  be  ever  on  our  lips.  
Let  us  abide  in  Thee  for  Ever  and  Ever.  
(by  Swāmi  Sivānanda)  
There  is  a  Light  that  shines  beyond  all  things  on  earth,  
Beyond  us  all,  beyond  the  heavens,  
Beyond  the  highest,  the  very  highest  heavens.  
This  is  the  Light  that  shines  in  our  heart.      
(from  Chandogya  Upanishad)  
Be  a  lamp  to  yourself.  
Be  your  own  confidence.  
Hold  to  the  truth  within  yourself,  
As  to  the  only  Truth.  
(The  Buddha,  quoted  in  The  Enlightened  Mind)    
Even  the  Spirit  of  Truth;  whom  the  world  cannot  receive,    
because  it  seeth  him  not,  neither  knoweth  him:    
but  ye  know  him;  for  he  dwelleth  with  you,  and  shall  be  in  you.  
(Bible  King  James  Version  John  14:17)  
Satsang  Harpada  February  22,  2012    
“Maa   is   offering   her   respect   and   salutations   to   the   Guru   of   all   the   Gurus,   Mahadev   Shiv   Shankar,   and  
blessing   all   the   beloved   children   of   God.   Today   you   all   want   to   understand   the   God   who   created   this  
wonderful   world,   and   who   is   also   blessing   this   creation   in   order   that   it   stay   in   equilibrium.   We   should  
develop  greater  willingness  to  know  about  our  Creator.  Our  desire  to  know  God,  and  our  love  towards  
God,   should   be   always   alive   and   present   within   us.   Wherever   there   is   Satsang   (gathering   in   the   company  
of  Truth),  in  which  God’s  name  and  love  is  shared  among  the  people;    there  is  the  true  existence  where  
the   Supreme   Power   resides.   That   Power   appears   among   those   gathered   devotees,   in   either   Roop   (form),  
performing  its  work  within  us.  The  nectar  of  Bhakti  (devotion)  illuminates  us  and  help  us  to  connect  to  
that  Supreme  Power.  

When  we  reach  to  Paramatma  (Supreme  Divine  Power),  our  third  eye  will  open.  That  Power  knows  the  
purest   part   of   our   Self   and   always   wants   to   connect   with   it.   Are   we   able   to   do   that;   have   we   ever  
considered  the  purpose  of  our  inner  spiritual  eye?  What  is  that  Divine  Light?    What  is  the  Shakti  Power?    
The  supreme  form  of  that  Supreme  Power  is  also  known  as  Parampita  Parmeshwari,  which  is  Shakti  in  a  
Supreme  Divine  form.  We  can  understand  that  Divine  Light  as  either  father  or  mother.  We  should  come  
to  know  the  Divine  Power  within  -­‐  this  is  the  same  power  maintaining  the  whole  universe  and  performing  
a   multitude   of   tasks   in   a   versatile   manner.   If   our   third   eye   were   to   open,   we   would   see   this   whole  
universe   and   experience   how   Shakti   is   working.   All   the   devotees   pray   to   God   that   they   may   reach   this  
level   of   spiritual   development,   to   experience   the   true   power   within.   Every   Saint   has   completed   long  
periods  of  Sadhana  (spiritual  practice)  in  order  to  attain  that  Maha  Gyan  (higher  knowledge)  and  open  
their   inner   eye.   We   should   have   the   glow   of   Divine   Light   within.   But   how   will   this   come?   If   we   remain  
incomplete,  we  will  not  achieve  anything;  but  when  we  attain  Sampuran  (perfection),  we  get  everything.    

The   blessings   we   receive   from   God   can   take   on   many   forms,   because   that   Power   always   wants   the  
children  to  be  happy  and  complete  in  every  way.  Our  desires  are  always  fulfilled  by  that  Power,  but  we  
are  usually  praying  to  God  to  give  us  material  comforts.  If  we  would  desire  only  to  go  to  the  divine  abode  
of   that   Divine   Power   residing   in   the   spiritual   planes   of   this   universe,   then   we   would   understand   true  
happiness  far  beyond  any  pleasures  of  this  material  world.  The  Divine  Light  is  running  this  whole  world.  
Where   does   it   originate   from?   The   different   forms   of   Divine   Light   are   interconnected   in   a   chain   which  
controls  this  world.  One  of  those  forms  of  Divine  Light  is  located  within  us.  Another  form  of  Divine  Light  
surrounds  us,  and  it  is  due  to  that  form  that  we  achieve  everything  in  this  world.  Where  is  the  highest  
form  of  Divine  Light  coming  from?  Who  is  sending  that  Light?  This  form  of  Divine  Light  originates  from  a  
Dham   (place)   where   the   Shakti   exists   in   its   unmanifested   form.   If   we   desire   liberation   and   wish   to  
connect   to   the   divine   form   of   Shakti,   we   must   first   renounce   all   our   small   desires   for   this   world.   All   these  
Shaktis  are  immortal  powers  who  incarnate  on  this  earth,  only  for  the  purpose  of  guiding  us  to  the  path  
of  the  Supreme  Divine  Power.  By  holding  Maa’s  hand,  you  will  be  guided  to  this  divine  abode  and  attain  
salvation  after  leaving  this  worldly  existence.  We  have  to  purify  our  inner  selves  and  reduce  our  desires  
to  a  minimum;    just  enough  to  sustain  ourselves  in  this  world.  We  should  make  every  effort  to  see  the  
Divine   Light   which   surrounds  us,   and   also   the   Divine   Light   within   ourselves.   Only   then   we   can   connect   to  
the  Divine  Light  which  has  its  source  in  the  abode  of  Divine  Shakti.  Until  you  have  achieved  inner  purity,  it  
is  not  possible  to  reach  up  to  that  Power;  no  matter  how  many  hours  you  spend  in  meditation.  So  it  is  
essential  to  maintain  inner  cleanliness  through  good  thoughts  and  good  actions.  

Whenever  we  awake  from  sleep,  we  should  do  Pranaam  (pay  our  respects)  to  Maa  Devi  in  her  radiant  
form,  and  show  gratitude  for  what  we  are  receiving  in  this  world.  If  we  desire  for  that  Power  to  appear  
within,   we   will   surely  achieve   this   goal,   but   our   desire   should   be   so   pure   that   the   Divine   Form   can   reside  
within  us.  We  can  get  anything  we  desire,  when  it  arises  from  an  unselfish  motive  which  will  bring  benefit  
to   others.   When   we   perform   devotion   to   God,   we   should   focus   on   one   aim   -­‐   the   wish   to   attain   God   only.    
We   should   perform   all   God’s   good   actions   and   divine   work   for   the   benefit   of   this   world.   Our   mind   is   very  
spontaneous,  it  roams  around  and  creates  many  thoughts.    We  should  try  to  calm  our  mind.  The  path  we  
are  following  is  very  tough  and  full  of  tests.  God  tests  us  so  that  we  are  capable  of  becoming  just  like  him.  
He  wants  to  make  us  very  strong.  The  world  of  illusion  exists  everywhere  and  you  may  never  know  if  God  
is  testing  you;  so  no  matter  what  is  happening  around  you,  always  do  good  for  the  benefit  of  others  in  
order  to  attain  God’s  grace.  When  you  reach  God  your  body  starts  to  take  on  a  subtle  form,  so  you  can  
connect  to  the  Power  with  the  help  of  bhakti.  For  the  benefit  of  this  world,  many  Dharmatmas  (Saint-­‐like  
Souls)   are   standing   by,   waiting   to   come   to   our   aid   in   support   of   our   good   actions.   The   Paramatma  
(Supreme  Soul)  is   true   only,   and   will   not   stand   beside   a   person   who   has   ego,   anger   or   any   other   negative  
qualities.  If  we  always  do  good  karma  without  any  selfish  thinking,  then  we  will  surely  complete  the  aim  
of   this   life   and   ultimately   attain   liberation.   If   we   have   truth  in   our   voice,   we   will   have   the   Power   of   Truth  
and  the  Power  of  Paramatma  behind  us,  and  we  will  only  be  capable  of  performing  good  deeds.  God  can  
make  us  walk,  God  can  make  us  laugh,  he  can  make  us  do  anything…so  can  God  even  help  us  to  meet  
him?   Yes,   he   will   unite   with   all   the   children   having   a   pure   heart   and   carrying   Truth   within   themselves.  
Always  respect  Parampita  Parmeshwar  and  show  gratitude  for  what  God  has  provided  us.    Always  try  to  
be  perfect  like  God.  Don’t  spoil  yourself  by  defiling  your  divine  nature  through  bad  habits.  Never  cheat  or  
lie  to  anyone;  if  you  offend  a  Divine  Soul  of  God,  you  will  be  hurting  God  only.  You  should  experience  that  
Divine  Light  around  you  and  see  that  Divine  Light  within  yourself,  and  also  feel  that  the  Supreme  Power  is  
standing  beside  you.  The  era  and  times  are  passing  by,  and  so  the  one  who  is  true  and  pure  will  receive  
the  blessings  from  God.  The  person  who  lives  for  others  will  attain  true  love  from  God.    

Whenever  that  Divine  Light  manifests  on  earth  it  brings  the  methods  to  complete  its  work,  and  it  assists  
those  who  have  a  true  heart  and  feeling  to  fulfill  God’s  work.  Just  as  Lord  Rama  came  with  Hanuman,  and  
Lord   Krishna   came   with   Arjuna,   all   these   powers   incarnate   on   earth   with   their   own   Sevaks   (servants).    
When   we   only   have   thoughts   and   desires   to   do   God’s   work,   then   God   stands   alongside   and   helps   us  
accomplish   the   duties,   which   were   assigned   to   us   in   this   human   existence.   Always   make   these   desires  
good  for  all.  Only  if  you  make  yourself  like  God,  can  you  attain  him.  This  world  is  in  a  state  of  equilibrium,  
through  which  all  the  power  flows  to  maintain  the  balance.  That  Divine  Power  in  us  departs,  when  we  
leave  this  body  made  of  five  elements.  Even  if  everything  is  destroyed,  and  there  is  nothing  left  in  this  
world,  that  power  will  always  remain  in  this  world.  The  pure  Divine  Power  in  us  is  waiting  to  go  back  from  
whence  it  came.    

The  cycle  of  day  and  night  was  created  for  us  to  understand  the  two  phases  of  that  power.  The  strength  
that  we  get  for  our  body  to  function,  also  comes  from  this  same  power.  That  Divine  Power  is  within  us,  
from  the  moment  we  are  born,  until  the  time  we  discard  the  human  body  again.  Our  mind  is  connected  
with  our  senses  and  perception.  Trying  to  connect  to  that  Divine  Power  by  means  of  the  mind  will  cause  
difficulties.   However,   when   you   achieve   the   real   connection,   you   will   start   to   experience   more,   and   think  
less.   That   moment   you   achieve   a   state   of   zeroness   within,   you   are   at   the   purest   place   from   where   we   all  
originated.  The  purer  the  connection,  the  more  you  will  experience  of  your  divine  pure  soul.  Just  like  a  
burning  fire;  the  bigger  the  fire,  the  more  heat  and  light  emanating  from  it.  So  try  to  increase  the  purity  
of  your  soul.  Remove  the  blanket  of  dishonesty,  and  fully  experience  this  state  of  pureness.    

In   these   times,   people   leave   their   wives   for   another   women.   This   is   very   wrong   behavior,   and   should  
never   be   done   just   to   satisfy   your   selfish   nature.   Hurting   someone   who   cares   for   you   with   their   divine  
love,  is  hurting  your  own  self.  Feel  this  pain  in  yourself,  when  you  see  it  in  others.  In  that  moment,  your  
heart   and   soul   is   at   its   purest,   and   this   will   make   you   divine   from   inside   and   outside.   Don’t   do   wrong  
things  that  will  reduce  the  power  of  your  soul,  because  your  actions  affect  that  pure  bright  Divine  Light  
that  surrounds  you.  Be  a  good  person  who  does  God’s  work,  or  at  least  be  a  person  who  lives  for  their  
family.  To  see  our   family   members   as   divine   souls,   and   care   for   them   all   with   love   and   respect,   is   just   the  
same  as  Parampita  (Father  God)  who  takes  care  of  everyone.  By  doing  this  you  become  like  him,  and  at  
the  end  of  your  life  you  attain  liberation.  In  order  to  reach  that  Divine  Lok  (abode),  change  yourself  and  
follow  the  Path  of  Truth.  Don’t  spoil  your  divine  soul.  Try  to  make  your  soul  strong  enough  to  follow  the  
Path  of  Truth,  and  it  will  spread  kindness  and  love  on  the  outside,  and  Divine  Spirit  from  inside.    

Our  mind  attracts  us  to  the  worldly  pleasures  that  satisfy  our  senses.  Please  rise  above  these  weaknesses,  
and  perform  no  wrong  actions  which  would  spoil  the  inner  self.  Dharmatma  (righteous  or  saintly  souls)  
come   into   this   world   for   spreading   knowledge   and   truth   amongst   us.   The   person   who   is   strong   in  
devotion   and   goodness   inside,   is   the   one   who   connects   most   easily   to   this   power.   By   eradicating   all  
negativity  inside  of  us,  automatically  we  will  have  thoughts  of  doing  actions  for  the  benefit  of  all.  When  
we   connect   to   that   power,   then   we   start   to   ask   questions   like   “why   are   there   differences   between   us,  
although   God   made   us   all   equal?”   The   differences   are   created   by   our   thoughts,   not   by   God.   If   we   change  
our  thinking,  we  can  remove  the  differences  among  the  people.  The  sins  that  we  commit,  will  sooner  or  
later  give  us  bad  results.  So  my  dear  children,  don’t  do  anything  wrong.  Accept  the  blessings  of  the  ones  
who   have   connected   to   that   power,   and   who   know   the   Path   of   Truth,   then   you   can   clean   yourself   of  
these  wrong  tendencies.  By  serving  one  another  in  love,  the  flow  of  divine  thoughts  will  radiate  out  to  
everyone.  God  has  not  just  sent  us  here,  he  has  sent  billions  like  us,  so  don’t  be  selfish.  Try  to  help  and  
serve  others  as  much  as  you  can,  and  treat  everyone  with  respect  and  love.      

This  life  is  not  meant  for  hating  one  another,  but  rather  to  share  love  and  live  a  righteous  life.  In  doing  so,  
your   divine   soul   will   progress   throughout   your   life.   After   the   birth   cycle   of   8.4   million   living   forms,   we  
finally   get   the   life   of   a   human   being.   We   don’t  receive   this   life   form   every   time,   and   so   now   we   have   the  
chance  to  feel  that  power  and  connect  to  it.  Please  my  children,  don’t  waste  this  opportunity  by  being  a  
bad  person.  We  humans  have  the  tendency  to  make  mistakes,  but  we  are  also  able  to  choose  between  
right  and  wrong.  So  my  dear  children,  always  do  good  for  everyone.  Maa  will  always  show  you  the  right  
path.   In   the   beginning   it   will   be   difficult   for   you   to   get   connected,   but   if   you   have   blessings   and   pureness  
in  your  heart,  you  can  start  experiencing  the  power,  and  you  will  understand  the  purpose  of  that  power  
flowing  as  pure  energy.  Maa  stands  for  the  Truth,  and  she  is  here  to  take  all  the  dear  children  along  the  
Path   of   Truth   to   attain   liberation.   Try   to   rid   yourself   of   anger   -­‐   it   causes   you   to   react   negatively.   Some  
people   have   love   for   family   and   those   dear   to   them,   but   they   betray   and   hurt   the   other   people   by  
cheating  or  deceiving  them.  Our  human  nature  is  a  result  of  the  thoughts  that  we  cultivate  in  our  mind.  
This  selfishness  was  also  observed  in  disciples  of  Maa   –  those  people  do  bhakti  and  seva  only  for  their  
own  benefit.  Unless  and  until  you  have  only  good  thoughts  for  all,  and  can  see  everyone  as  equal,  you  will  
not  gain  liberation,  no  matter  how  much  good  you  try  to  do  in  this  world.  The  Divine  Power  teaches  us  to  
care  for  all,  and  stand  by  everyone,  even  during  the  worst  times.    

If  you  feed  a  poor  or  hungry  person,  their  soul  will  pray  for  you  and  will  be  always  grateful  to  you.  The  
love   and   affection   of   other   souls   will   help   you   come   closer   to   God.   If   we   offer   financial   support   for   a  
marriage  which  was  prevented  due  to  a  lack  of  means,  then  we  are  helping  them,  and  their  family  will  be  
thankful   that   we   are   doing   God’s   work.   Never   think   that   she   is   not   my   daughter,   then   why   should   I   help?  
No.  never  think  like  that.  If  you  have  the  capability  to  help  someone  ,  you  should  help  them.  Treat  them  
and   help   them,   as   if   you   are   all   one.   If   you   want   to   live   a   good   life   and   attain   liberation,   then   take  
everyone   along   with   you.   Your   good   meditation,   and   the   final   liberation   of   your   soul,   will   affect   your  
seven  upcoming  generations.  Your  bright  Divine  Light  that  surrounds  you,  will  glow  more  and  more,  and    
it   will   plant   the   seed   of   Paramatma’s   love   in   the  heart   of   everyone.   If   there   is   a   poor   person,   help   him.   If  
there  is  an  ill  person  in  your  village,  help  him  so  that  he  recovers  quickly.  Make  hospitals  that  provide  free  
treatment  to  everyone.  Share  joy,  as  well  as  sorrow,  with  each  other.  This  will  increase  love  and  kindness  
within  you.  Don’t  waste  your  money  on  drinking  alcohol,  this  will  spoil  your  consciousness  as  well  as  your  
body.  Your  children  need  you  to  supply  their  daily  needs,  and  some  of  you  spend  your  money  on  liquor  
rather  than  providing  for  the  well-­‐being  of  your  family.  We  need  to  have  knowledge  how  to  utilize  the  
things  of  this  world,  and  how  to  save   ourselves  from  turning  evil.  We  have  to  make  the   Yuga  (era  or  age)  
in  which  we  live,  into  the  Satyuga  (Golden  Age).  Spread  love  and  Truth  everywhere.  God  can  only  give  
you  what  you  desire,  according  to  the  kind  of  thoughts  you  entertain  in  your  mind.  So  keep  your  thoughts  
good   always.   If   you   ask   for   any   desires   to   be   fulfilled,   Maa   will   give   you   that.   Desire   and   wish   for   the  
welfare   of   all.   Maa   is   like   a   Mahasagar   (great   ocean),   vast   and   infinite   in   power.   So   wish   good   for   all   and  
pray   for   the   upliftment   of   all   the   divine   souls.   Try   to   spread   goodness,   even   for   the   people   you   don’t  
know.  Otherwise  if  you  betray  your  family  or  other  people,  it  will  send  you  far  away  from  God’s  love.    

Spend   your   life   in   service   to   your   parents.   The   relationship   between   Guru   and   disciple   will   become   more  
pure,  and  the  flow  of  Divine  Energy  will  be  there  for  the  goodness  of  mankind.  Pray  that  Maa  will  give  you  
infinite  strength  to  withstand  any  test,  that  you  will  have  to  undergo  to  help  bring  in  the  future  Golden  
Age.  Materialistic  desires  only  give  temporary  happiness,  but  if  you  desire  this  strength,  it  will  give  you  
everything   you   need   to   suffer   and   endure   all   the   toughest   of   tests.   This   treasure   of   pure   desires   will  
provide   inner   peace.   Remember   that   we   humans   never   stay   in   this   world   forever,   but   our   karmic   actions  
and  material  possessions  will  remain  a  long  time  after  we  leave.  Build  a  Shivalaya  (home  of  Lord  Shiva)  
that  will  bring  peace  and  love  to  all.  Never  live  in  a  world  where  you  think  it  belongs  to  you.  Nothing  is  
yours.  Everything  belongs  to  Paramatma,  the  power  that  connects  us  from  the  top  and  spreads  its  Divine  
Light  around  us.    

I  am  very  happy  to  see  that  my  poor,  but  very  strong-­‐willed  devotees,  have  built  a  temple  here.  Just  like  
you   donated   your   land   and   time   to   the   Lord,   also   give   him   a   place   in   your   heart.   This   effort   will   bring   joy  
and  love  among  everyone  in  the  village.  By  performing  worship  in  love  and  affection  towards  the   Shivling  
(symbol   of   Lord   Shiva),   all   my   dear   children   here   will   rise   up   and   make   a   mark   in   this   world.   Where   there  
is   Shiva,   the   Shakti   also   resides.   So   keep   them   both   in   your   heart   always.   All   your   wishes   and   desires   will  
be  fulfilled  from  this  temple,  today  on  this  holy  day  of  Shivratri.  So  all  my  dear  children,  remember  that  
where  Shiva  resides,  the  Shakti  is  also  there.  There  is  a  reason  that  Maa  came  to  the  village  of  Anandpur.  
All   my   children   also   came   there,   to   connect   to   the   Shakti   power,   and   surrender   themselves   to   the   Divine  
Light  within,  which  yearns  to  connect  to  that  Supreme  Power.  If  this  temple  would  not  have  been  built,  
then   neither   Maa   would   have   come   here,   nor   you.   Make   your   heart   and   mind   an   abode   of   Lord   Shiva,   so  
that   God   will   always   reside   in   it,   and   you   will   be   able   to   do   God’s   work   in   this   world.   No-­‐one   watches  
what   we   use   in   our   homes,   and   everything   there   is   temporary.   But   if   even   one   single   brick   is   used   for  
God’s   temple,   then   you   will   be   remembered   for   that   effort,   and   all   the   souls   who   visit   the   temple   will  
send  you  their  good  wishes.  All  of  you  in  this  village,  in  which  this  holy  temple  of  Shiva  was  built,  will  gain  
spiritual  benefit.  By  meditating  here,  it  will  help  you  connect  to  God.  No  trouble  can  ever  come  near  to  
you,  unless  you  do  any  wrong  karma.    

HAR   SANKAT   MUKTAESHWAR   MAHADEV   MANDIR   (name   of   the   new   temple   to   Lord   Shiva).   Don’t  
misjudge  this  symbol  of  Shiva  made  from  rock.  It  is  a  holy  and  sacred  place,  where  Lord  Shiva  has  blessed  
the  rain  of  spiritual  drops  which  are  falling  on  us,  to  make  us  all  good  children  of  that  Divine  Power.  The  
rock  will  not  lie  or  cheat,  but  we  can.  This  place  can  be  a  source  of  benefit  for  everyone,  and  those  who  
have  lost  the  path  will  also  come  along  with  others.  By  opening  your  third  eye  you  could  see  what  and  
how  the  power  works  inside  us  all.  So  my  dear  children,  focus  on  your  good  thoughts  and  actions.  Act  for  
the  whole,  not  for  yourself.  Even  our  homes  will  rot  and  fall,  just  like  our  body,  so  do  all  this  work  for  the  
sake  of  God’s  other  human  souls.  Blessings  to  you  all.”  

A  sadhu,  a  saintly  or  good  person,  is  one  who  follows  Dharma.  If  a  soul  is  devoted  to  God,  then  he  has  
understood   the   purpose   in   life   and   becomes   a   Dharma-­‐atma   (righteous   soul),   and   attains   ever-­‐lasting  
peace.   The   Dharma   is   touched   upon   at   length   in   Bhagavadgita   (Song   of   God).   Krishna   explains   the  
meaning  of  righteousness  in  sustaining  the  world  order.  It  is  implied  that  everyone  has  a  path  that  they  
must  follow  in  order  to  uphold  righteousness,  and  which  leads  to  their  individual  salvation.  Krishna  stated  
that  of  the  three  paths  that  lead  to  salvation  -­‐  yoga  practices,  bhakti,  and  dharma  -­‐  it  was  the  latter  that  
was  most  effective  because  it  contributes  to  both  the  individual  and  the  world  as  a  whole,  whereas  the  
two   former   practices   are   for   the   individual.   Dharma   encapsulates   the   universal   laws   of   this   creation,  
which   are   assigned   to   us   individually;   a   duty   we   must   perform   for   the   benefit   of   our   own   human  
existence.  Bhagavadgita  also  tells  us  that  dharma  is  meant  to  assist  the  real  goal  of  life:  understanding  
the  eternal  soul  and  its  relationship  with  the  Supreme  Soul.  Thus,  surrender  to  God  is  the  highest  duty  of  
the   soul,   and   therefore   the   Supreme   Dharma.   All   other   individual   dharmas   are   preliminary   duties,   meant  
to  bring  one  to  the  highest  spiritual  understanding  of  God  consciousness.  Such  conventional  dharmas  are  
useful  until  one  comes  to  the  point  of  total  surrender  to  God.  “Renouncing  all  dharmas,  take  refuge  in  Me  
alone.  Have  no  regret,  for  I  shall  free  you  from  all  sins.”  (Bg.  18.66)  
Ramayana  –  The  exile  of  Lord  Rama  
Ramayana  is  the  story  of  Rama,  a  prince  of  Ayodhya,  who  lived  five  to  six  thousand  years  or  more  ago.  His  
father,   King   Dasaratha,   had   three   wives   –   Kausalya,   Sumitra   and   Kaikeyi.   Rama,   the   eldest   of   the   sons,  
was   born   to   Kausalya.   Kaikeyi’s   son,   Bharata,   and   Sumitra’s   sons,   Lakshmana   and   Shatrugna,   followed.  
Rama’s  wife,  Sita,  is  the  heroine  of  the  Ramayanam.Rama  was  an  epitome  of  virtue  and  valour,  as  were  
all  his  brothers.  As  Rama  was  the  eldest,  King  Dasaratha  planned  to  coronate  him.  Kaikeyi,  who  wanted  
her     son   to   be   the   king,   reminded   Dasaratha   that   he   had,   when   she   had   saved   his   life   long   ago,   promised  
to   grant   her   two   wishes   whenever   she   wanted   them.   Kaikeyi,   invoking   that   promise,   listed   her   two  
wishes,   namely   that   Rama   should   be   exiled   for   fourteen   years   and   that   her   son,   Bharata,   should   be  
crowned  king.  Though  Dasaratha  tried  to  dissuade  Kaikeyi  from  demanding  that  her  wishes  be  fulfilled,  
Rama  would  have  none  of  it.  He  did  not  want  the  sin  of  a  broken  promise  to  sully  the  noble  name  of  his  
father  and  happily  agreed  to  give  up  the  throne  and  leave  the  kingdom  of  Ayodhya  for  fourteen  years.  
Bharata  and  Shatrugna  had  gone  to  a  neighboring  kingdom,  to  meet  their  uncle,  but  Lakshmana  was  in  
the  palace  when  this  crisis  occurred.  He  immediately  made  up  his  mind  to  go  with  Rama  to  the  forest.  
Sita,  similarly,  decided  to  accompany  her  husband.  Soon,  Rama,  Sita  and  Lakshmana  left  the  kingdom  of  
Ayodhya   for   the   forests.   In   the   course   of   their   wanderings,   the   princes   and   Sita   met   many   sages   and  
made   many   friends   among   both   humans   and   in   the   animal   kingdom.   The   princes   also   fought   several  
demons  to  protect   those   who   sought   their   help.   As   they   moved   southwards   from   their   kingdom,   word   of  
their   sojourn   in   the   forest   spread   to   the   island   kingdom   of   Lanka,   which   is   to   the   south   of   the   Indian  
peninsula.  Lanka  was  ruled  by  the  demon  king,  Ravana,  who  desired  to  possess  Sita.  He  made  elaborate  
plans  and  successfully  kidnapped  her  when  both  the  princes  were  away  and  imprisoned  her  in  his  island  
kingdom.  Rama  and  Lakshmana  were  distraught  when  they  found  that  Sita  had  ‘disappeared’.  They  had  
few   clues   about   who   could   have   been   responsible   for   this   and   where   she   could   be   found.   However,   they  
kept  searching  for  Sita  relentlessly  and  in  due  course  befriended  the  monkey-­‐king,  Sugriva,  whose  trusted  
lieutenant,   Hanuman,   the   powerful   son   of   the   Wind-­‐God,   Vayu,   ultimately   found   Sita   imprisoned   in  
Ravana’s  garden,  with  demons  guarding  her  round  the  clock.  Hanuman,  being  the  son  of  the  Wind-­‐God,  
had  the  power  to  fly  across  the  ocean  to  Ravana’s  island  kingdom.  But  if  Rama  had  to  rescue  Sita,  he  had  
to  cross  the  ocean  that  separated  the  southern  tip  of  India  from  the  island  of  Lanka.  He  also  had  to  take  
an  army  with  him  to  fight  the  powerful  demon  hordes  of  Ravana.  A  bridge,  called  Rama  Setu,  now  known  
as  Adam’s  Bridge,  was  built  across  the  ocean  under  the  supervision  of  Sugriva’s  talented  engineer,  Neela.  
After  a  fierce  battle,  Ravana  was  killed  by  Rama  and  Sita  was  rescued.  With  the  fourteen  years  of  his  exile  
over,  Rama  returned  to  his  kingdom  with  Sita  and  Lakshmana.  Bharata,  who  had  castigated  his  mother  
for  her  evil  designs  and  refused  to  take  the  throne,  gladly  welcomed  Rama  back  to  Ayodhya.  Dasaratha  
had   died   soon   after   Rama   had   left,   unable   to   bear   the   separation   from   his   favorite   son.   The   kingdom,  
which   had   been   without   a   king   for   fourteen   years,   rejoiced   to   have   the   popular   prince   Rama   crowned   as  
the  king  of  Ayodhya.  Here  ends  the  story  of  Rama,  prince  of  Ayodhya.  
The   Ramayana   is   one   of   the   two   great   Indian   epics,   the   other   being   the   Mahabharata.   The   Ramayana  
tells  about  life  in  India  around  1000  BCE  and  offers  models  in  dharma.  The  hero,  Rama,  lived  his  whole  
life  by  the  rules  of  dharma;  in  fact,  that  was  why  Indian  consider  him  heroic.  When  Rama  was  a  young  
boy,  he  was  the  perfect  son.  Later  he  was  an  ideal  husband  to  his  faithful  wife,  Sita,  and  a  responsible  
ruler  of  Aydohya.  "Be  like  Rama,"  young  Indians  have  been  taught  for  2,000  years;  "Be  like  Sita."  
Who  is  Mother  Kali?  
Kali  comes  from  the  Sanskrit  root  word   Kal  which  means  black.  Kali  brings  the  death  of  the  ego  as  the  
illusory   self-­‐centered     view   of   reality.   Hindu   mythology   shows   Kali   killing   the   demons   to   protect   and  
sustain  peace.  Both  Kali  and  Shiva  are  said  to  inhabit  cremation  grounds  and  devotees  often  go  to  these  
places  to  meditate.  This  is  not  to  worship  death,  but  rather  it  is  to  overcome  the  I-­‐am-­‐the-­‐body  idea  by  
reinforcing  awareness  that  the  body  is  a  temporary  condition.  Shiva  and  Kali  inhabit  these  places  because  
it  is  attachment  to  the  body  that  gives  rise  to  our  ego.  They  both  grant  liberation  by  removing  the  illusion  
of  the  ego.  They  destroy  unreality  and  illuminate  Truth,  to  show  that  we  are  eternal  as  soul  and  not  the  
body.  Of  all  the  forms  of  Devi,  Kali  is  the  most  compassionate  because  she  provides  Moksha  (liberation)  
to  Her  children.  The  mind  sees  Mother  Kali  and  trembles  with  fear,  because  the  ego  sees  in  Her  its  own  
eventual  demise.  A  person  attached  to  their  ego  will  not  be  receptive  to  Mother  Kali,  and  she  will  appear  
fearsome  to  their  mind.  A  sincere  soul  who  engages  in  spiritual  practice  to  remove  the  illusion  of  the  ego,  
sees   Mother   Kali   as   very   sweet,   affectionate,   and   overflowing   with   incomprehensible   love   for   Her  
children.  Ego  arises  out  of  identification  with  the  body,  but  in  truth  we  are  beings  of  spirit  and  not  flesh.  
So   liberation   can   only   proceed   when   our   attachment   to   the   body   ends.   Thus   the   garland   and   skirt   are  
trophies  worn  by  Kali  to  symbolize  having  liberated  her  children  from  attachment  to  the  limited  body  and  
the   material   world.   Her   black   skin   represents   the   womb   of   the   unmanifest   from   which   all   of   creation  
arises  and  into  which  all  of  creation  will  eventually  dissolve.  She  is  depicted  as  standing  on  Shiva  who  lays  
beneath  Her  with  white  skin  (in  contrast  to  her  dark  skin).  Shiva  represents  pure  formless  awareness  Sat-­‐
Chit-­‐Ananda   (being-­‐consciousness-­‐bliss)   while   she   is   "form"   eternally   supported   by   the   substratum   of  
pure  awareness.    
It  is  easy  to  misinterpret  the  power  of  Mother  Kali;  in  the  same  way  one  could  question  the  religion  of  
Christianity  in  which  the  disciples  drink  the  blood  of  Jesus  and  eat  his  flesh.  But  of  course,  we  know  this  is  
not  the  proper  understanding  of  the  communion  ritual.    
"Who  is  there  that  can  understand  what  Mother  Kali  is?  
Even  the  six  darshanas  are  powerless  to  reveal  Her.  
It  is  She,  the  scriptures  say,  that  is  the  Inner  Self  
Of  the  Yogi,  who  in  Self  discovers  all  his  joys;  
She,  that  of  Her  own  sweet  will,  
inhabits  every  living  being.  
When  man  aspires  to  understand  Her,  
Ramprasad  must  smile;  
To  think  of  knowing  Her,  he  says,  is  quite  laughable,  
As  to  imagine  one  can  swim  across  the  boundless  sea.  
But  while  my  mind  has  understood,  alas!  My  heart  has  not;  
Though  but  a  dwarf,  it  would  still  strive  to  make  a  captive  of  the  moon."  
 (Ramprasad  Sen  (1718  -­‐  1775)  was  a  Bengali  poet-­‐saint  who  worshipped  the  Divine  in  its  female  aspect,  as  Kali  or  
the  Mother  Goddess.    His  was  the  path  of  unrestrained  Bhakti  and  he  composed  many  ecstatic  songs  of  love.)  

“Risk!  Risk  anything!  Care  no  more  for  the  opinions  of  others,  for  those  voices.  Do  the  hardest  thing  on  
earth  for  you.  Act  for  yourself.  Face  the  truth.”  

Katherine  Mansfield  
New  Zealand  author  (1888  -­‐  1923)  
This   is   a   personal   perspective   written   by   a   incense, or paint an OM with sandalwood paste….then
judge for yourself how you feel after several weeks. God is
Maa  devotee  from  the  West…   a power, and wherever you can worship God and bow
before God, God will appear before you as Shakti power.
People from the Western cultures are apprehensive about
Kali, Durga, Shiva and other fierce or destructive forms of Kali is Nature in her raw, exuberant power. To the Western mind,
God that are worshipped in the more nature-based Mother Nature evokes visions of abundant harvests, forests teeming
religions. Depending on their social background, they will with wildlife, majestic mountains and sunsets; only when she goes on a
have learned that this represents the devil, negative power rampage in the form of a natural disaster do we remember and fear
or Maya (illusion). I personally cannot judge one way or the her other side. Traditions like Hinduism are more able to recognize
other. But what I have myself experienced is this; if the Mother’s auspicious and destructive aspects in equal measure.
you can see God everywhere and in everything, then And why is Kali black and fierce-looking? The color
you have discovered the secret of this world. To realize black is a color of nothingness, so Kali is a blank screen
that the Maya is also a form of God which is testing our onto which we project our inner self. Whatever we see on
attachments to the illusionary world, is very empowering. that screen, that belongs to us. She is a mirror of our own
When you understand Maya, then there is no need to be purification process. If she appears scary, then we are full
afraid of Maya. If you understand Kali, then there is no of fear and attachments. If she appears loving, then we are
reason to be afraid. These are all powers of God, assigned full of love. Just imagine Kali as your own loving mother
holy duties to help us along our spiritual path. The only who gave you “pain” on the occasions when you needed a
fear we should inculcate is fear of our own desires and scrubbing, inside or out! If your negativity is placed in the
attachments, and how these are holding us prisoner in this fire of purification, then everything turns black in the ash
world. Maya cannot tempt you if you have no desire for of those burnt offerings. Kali is the fire to purify us, she is
materialism. Kali cannot harm you if you are free of ego willing to accept her dark form by taking on and burning
and attachments. Shiva will grant us inner vision if we yearn the negativity within us. Kali is so pure that she can reflect
for God. Those who are pure of heart, will only see God, back to us, what we are inside. So if we pray to Kali or
and feel the love and support of God working through Shiva, and worship Kali or Shiva, our inner transformation
these powers. will definitely take place. For transformation to happen,
But why do the Hindus worship Shiva in the form of a something has to die before new growth can occur. The
stone? To intellectually know the answer to that question process of death and decay is well known to us, but the fear
you will need to read the Shiva Purana several times and of death in the Western mind holds us back from our new
investigate the meaning of the Shiva Lingam. The form of growth. To surrender to the ultimate process of death is
the Lingam as a symbol of Shiva is strangely phallic, and the first step if you want transformation. “Life” and
this causes concern to the Western mind. But if you finally “Light” is the focus of this practice, and the most effective
come to accept that the union of these male and female way is to meditate using Maa’s mantra given at initiation,
principles lies at the foundation of Eastern spirituality, then and do daily worship and prayer to Kali or Shiva. But
it becomes clear. The Lingam sits on a base which please understand that purification is a form of de-
represents the female principle. The union of the two, is toxification that requires stamina, courage and
the cosmic union, the mystical love-making of God in the endurance. If you don’t finish the detox program, you
plane of duality. God has separated into the forms of Lover may feel worse than before you started. If you don’t follow
and Beloved, and yearns passionately to unite again and feel the guidelines and accept support from those who have
that oneness. completed such a process, you may assume incorrectly that
this process is harming you. Be conscious that without this
My advice is, if you want to know the answer, then try it purification, the poisons of our negative thinking and
out for yourself. Some Lingams are stones that came from actions are harming us every day, and we don’t even realize
a meteorite which landed in the Narmada river. Some it. It is time to stand up and walk into the fire. Pray to God,
Lingams are made of ice, others made of crystal or communicate with God, stay connected to God, and have
mountain formation….but you can find a stone or make the courage to move forward towards Truth. Maya is fiction,
your own Lingam. Install a Lingam and pour water and but the one who created Maya is Truth. To rise above the Maya, we
milk over it every day while chanting OM NAMAH just have to see the Truth residing in the illusion.
SHIVAY, or decorate it with flowers, burn candles and

Maa has given two practices as fundamental on this Path:

1. Worship of God, and 2. Sadhana (spiritual practice) of MahaShakti
For Hindus it is easier to accept Maa’s teachings, because they already understand the Shakti principle. But Maa is here for
people of all races and religions, and her teachings are the unification of all these “separate” traditions. The Shakti Power is
universal, God power is universal, and all the ancient scriptures are based on inner experience and knowledge of the
mystics. Although Maa’s teachings are not intended to promote any particular religion, my acceptance of the Hindu
tradition has helped me to break out of my old belief systems, based to a large extent on judgmental thinking. This life-
style in India embraces all in God. I wish to do the same, and every day I learn new ways to recognize God everywhere
enjoying his own creation. I embrace this all-embracing attitude! My open mind and heart are the only pre-requisites.
Satsang  Chirla  February  26,  2012  
“Pranaam   (special   form   of   reverential   salutation)   from   Maa   to   the   Guru   of   all   Gurus,   Mahadev   Shiv  
Shankar,  and  blessings  to  all  the  beloved  children  of  God.    

MahaShakti  (the  Great  Shakti)  created  the  whole  world,  and  this  Shakti  Power  is  supported  by  Lord  Shiva.  
If  we  want  to  reach  to  both  of  them,  we  have  to  worship  Lord  Shiva  and  do  Sadhana  (spiritual  practice)  of  
MahaShakti.  This  is  because,  Shakti  is  Shiva  and  Shiv  is  Shakti.  They  are  one,  but  they  have  taken  different  
forms,   just   for   doing   the   different   work   on   this   planet.   If   we   have   that   Divine   Light   of   Paramatma  
(Supreme  Soul)  illuminated  within,  and  we  have  a  pure  Atma  (soul),  then  we  can  become  a  Dharmatma  
(righteous  soul).  The  good  soul  will  be  attracted  towards  Paramatma,  so  it  can  become  a  Dharmatma.  Our  
soul   should   be   free   of   all   negativity,   as   we   need   to   be   pure   to   attain   liberation.   We   have   been   given   free  
will   to   choose   our   karmic   reactions   and   the   desires   that   we   cultivate.   We   should   use   this   freedom   to  
choose  a  path  that  will  be  good  for  us,  and  one  which  will  also  benefit  those  around  us.  God  is  watching  
us  in  all  our  karmic  actions.  It  is  of  great  importance  that  we  perform  good  karma  for  the  welfare  of  this  
world   and   humanity.   If   we   do   not   have   any   good   karma,   then   we   are   not   treated   well   in   this   world.   If  
husband  and  wife  begin  to  argue  with  each  other,  then  it  results  in  anger  and  conflict.  Even  if  the  Saints  
perform  bad  karma,  they  will  be  treated  with  disrespect.  So  we  have  to  save  ourselves  from  this  difficulty,  
and   follow   a   path   guided   by   Godly   virtues,   if   we   want   to   become   a   Saint-­‐like   soul.   Then   we   can   also   help  
others  to  reach  God.  If  we  become  a  Divine  Soul,  then  we  will  go  to   Param  Divya  Lok  (abode  of  divine  
brilliance).  What  is  a  divine  plane?  What  is  divine  vision?  It  is  Divine  Light  in  its  Jyoti  (flame)  form.  If  we  
could   reach   up   to   that   level,   we   could   see   ourselves   from   above,   and   the   Divine   Light   within   us   would  
awaken.  The  soul  within  is  a  true  particle  of  God,  the  Supreme  Soul.    

For  the  sake  of  fulfilling  a  desire  to  hurt  someone,  we   end  up  hurting  a  part  of  God.  God  is  residing  in  
everyone.   We   should   not   commit   any   deeds   which   will   cause   us   to   feel   guilty.   We   all   live   with   our   family  
members,   and   it   is   imperative   that   we   never   hurt   them   in   any   manner.   Be   a   good   example   and   show  
them  the  right  path  -­‐  have  love  and  respect  for  all  God’s  creatures.  Through  your  own  actions  you  can  
show  your  children  how  to  live  righteously,  how  to  respect  the  Saints,  and  how  to  follow  the  true  path.  
This  will  increase  the  level  of  thinking  in  your  children,  and  in  the  future  they  will  themselves  be  able  to  
discriminate   between   good   and   bad,   right   and   wrong.   If   you   want   to   realize   God   within   yourself,   you  
must  clean  your  basic  character  and  become  a  true  soul.  “Only  true  can  connect  with  true”.  God  will  take  
care  of  those  who  take  care  of  others.  You  should  always  respect  your  parents  and  all  other  elders;  it  is  
because  of  them  that  you  are  here  in  this  world.  Try  to  keep  them  happy  always.  The  seed  of  love,  that  
you  will  plant  in  your  children,  will  give  you  the  fruits  of  truth  and  love  towards  God  as  you  become  older.  
The   most   important   thing   you   should   do,   is   to   try   and   keep   your   soul   in   a   stable   condition.   This   stable  
state  comes  when  you  are  no  longer  conscious  of  your  own  body.  When  you  reach  that  zero  level  of  your  
body,   then   you   can   connect   to   the   God   Power   very   easily.   Just   as   we   are   observing   and   improving  
ourselves,   so   we   should   share   our   knowledge   with   others,   so   that   they   can   also   improve.   If   we   have  
discovered  a  path  to  brighten  our  own  life,  then   the  same  path  will  also   help  our  family  and  the  other  
souls.  Performing  selfless  service  for  the  benefit  of  others,  is  the  purest  action  we  can  do,  to  clean  and  
prepare   our   soul.   By   serving   others   we   are   surrendering   ourselves   to   the   Power   which   maintains   this  
universe.   Serve   your   parents   in   love,   and   this   will   help   to   clear   all   the   previous   sins   that   you   have  
committed;   then   you   can   begin   a   new   and   brighter   life.   We   should   be   grateful   for   whatever   God   has  
given  us.  God  wants  us  to  all  live  happily  together.  Always  be  happy  and  say  Namaskar  (salutations)  to  all  
that  is  provided,  because  what  we  receive  will  also  depend  on  how  we  accepted  the  things  which  have  
been  given.  We  should  show  respect  to  the  five  elements  from  which  everything  manifested  in  this  world.    

Try  to  make  yourself  just  like  God,  and  follow  the  path  that  he  is  directing  you  towards.  We  should  spend  
time   listening   to   the   voice   that   sounds   from   within.   We   may   not   hear   this   voice,   until   we   have   been   able  
to  silence  all  unwanted  thoughts,  which  serve  to  confuse  us  along  the  path.  Spread  the  message  of  love  
coming  from  God;  this  will  bring  you  closer  to  this  inner  voice  which  you  have  been  missing  in  your  life.  
The  joy  of  giving  is  much  sweeter  than  the  pleasure  of  receiving.  Sacrificing  yourself  and  giving  to  others  
will   bring   immense   happiness   to   your   soul.   But   try   to   keep   your   good   deeds   hidden   and   seek   no  
recognition  for  your  actions,  otherwise  it  will  serve  to  raise  your  ego.    

So   my   dear   children,   you   have   to   see   to   see   this   world   as   one,   then   you   would   not   differentiate   between  
the   things   of   this   world.   We   have   to   understand   the   main   distinction   -­‐   everything   is   equal   in   God’s   world.  
Try  to  see  God  from  your  eyes,  because  you  need  to  understand  why  you  are  here  in  this  world.  If  you  
want  to  express  purity  with  your  voice,  the  words  that  you  say  should  be  like:  OM  NAMAH  SHIVAY,  HAR  
would  uplift  you  and  others  in  a  very  true  and  divine  manner.  If  you  don’t  hear  the  name  of  God  by  some  
other   means,   then   it   should   be   recited   by   you   only.   Try   to   brighten   up   your   divine   future   for   God   and   for  
the  others.  If  we  desire  this  materialism,  then  we  will  get  stuck  in  the  web  of  Maya  (illusion)  of  this  world.  
A   true   soul   that   wishes   only   for   that   one   Supreme   Divine   Power,   gets   cleaned   of   all   its   materialistic  
desires,  and  stands  up  to  act  for  the  good  of  everyone.    

Why  are  we  here  in  this  world?  Are  we  here  just  for  living  out  all  the  8.4  million  life  forms  in  our  birth  
cycle?   We   get   the   human   form   once   after   every   complete   cycle.   We   are   here   just   for   the   purpose   of  
paying   off   our   sins.   Why   are   we   not   achieving   that   power,   through   which   we   could   access   the   divine  
knowledge  -­‐  to  know  the  difference  between  lies  and  truth,  right  and  wrong?    We  would  decide  between  
right  and  wrong,  if  we  had  that  power  inside  of  us.  Our  power  is  that  Divine  Vision  that  we  work  towards  
in  our  meditation  practice.  Increasing  and  improving  the  power  within,  will  help  us  awaken  the  third  eye.  
By  worshipping  Shiva  and  Shakti,  you  will  increase  that  power  within  yourself.  This  will  benefit  you,  and  
the  children  who  come  after  you.  Your  past,  present  and  your  coming  future  is  positively  affected,  when  
you  worship  that  power.  This  power  is  with  everyone  and  is  connected  to  the  One  which  is  the  highest  of  
all,  and  which  has  no  end  and  no  beginning.  It  is  constant  and  stable  and  never  changing.    

We   have   to   teach   our   children   to   follow   this   Path   of   God.   We   should   take   everyone   along   with   us   on   this  
path,   with   love   and   peace   all   around.   The   ones   that   follow   this   path   with   us,   should   also   show   mutual  
respect  and  love  to  everyone.  What  wrong  things  are  we  saying  with  our  voice?  What  wrong  things  are  
we   seeing   with   our   eyes?   By   avoiding   these   things,   you   will   decrease   the   level   of   negativity   inside  
yourself.  It  will  boost  you  upwards  towards  your  spiritual  awakening,  and  also  liberation  when  you  leave  
this   world.   Try   to   connect   with   that   power,   even   if   just   by   means   of   your   voice.   The   voice   of   Truth   and   of  
God  is  always  strong.  When  Lord  Rama  was  told  to  live  in  the  jungle  for  14  years,  he  accepted  everything,  
thereby  teaching  us  the  lesson  that  he  respected  his  parent’s  word  and  obeyed  their  instructions.  Nourish  
yourself  with  the  things  that  makes  you  strong  from  both  within  and  without.  Don’t  partake  of  the  things  
which  would  hurt  any  of  God’s  souls.  The  world  is  constantly  changing,  and  the  pot  of  sin  is  now   filling  up  
day  by  day.  How  much  money  will  you  take  from  this  world  when  you  leave  the  body?  It  will  stay  here  
only.  Try  to  make  yourself  fragrant  like  flowers,  so  that  you  are  worthy  to  reside  in  good  places.  Try  to  
make  yourself  so  clean,  that  you  become  sweet  like  the  flowers.  Remove  the  anger,  lust,  and  attachments  
that  you  have  inside  of  yourself.  When  this  will  significantly  decrease,  then  you  will  be  able  to  see  your  
real   self,   and   judge   the   change   that   has   occurred.   If   you   get   the   blessings   of   God,   all   your   wishes   will  
come  true;  but  make  sure  that  you  cultivate  good  desires  that  bring  happiness  to  everyone.  All  this  we  
have  to  decide  for  ourselves,  because  everything  we  get  from  God  is  according  to  our  own  desires.  

If  some  voice  comes  from  within,  we  cannot  deny  it.  If  we  feel  any  desire  from  within,  we  do  whatever  
we   can   to   make   it   come   true.   So   we   have   to   think   first,   what   we   are   desiring;   is   it   good   or   not?   The  
actions  that  we  take  for  the  fulfillment  of  our  desires,  completely  depend  on  this  decision.  The  true  desire  
coming  from  our  soul,  is  to  attain  liberation  and  connect  with  God,  and  live  in  total  surrender  to  God.  You  
can  reach  to  Lord  Shiva,  who  is  the  creator  and  the  destroyer  of  everything.  The  reason  you  are   all  here,  
is   that   your   Holy   Soul   wants   to   fulfill   its   desire.   Today   we   are   sitting   here   in   front   of   Lord   Shiva,   who  
makes   Mangal   (happiness)   even   in   the   jungle.   If   you   get   the   blessings   from   him,   then   your   divine   soul  
would  feel  all  the  knowledge  and  power  that  flows  in  the  universe.  You  could  also  have  the  knowledge  
about  what  makes  this  body  of  five  elements  function.  If  you  will  give  this  knowledge  to  your  children,  
then  even  they  could  benefit  from  the  flavor  of  true  power.  Elder  parents  are  at  home  suffering,  while  
the  younger  ones  are  enjoying  outside.  All  the  Sadhus  and  Saints  are  hiding  themselves  from  this  artificial  
world,  singing  their  life  to  the  rhythm  of  that  Divine  Power.  Sadhus  and  Saints  can  show  you  the  path,  but  
the  rest  you  have  to  do  with  your  own  efforts.  The  good  and  bad  we  receive,  is  given  by  Him.  Whatever  
we  have  now,  is  given  by  Him  only.  So  accept  everything,  and  try  to  improve  yourself  both  socially  and  
spiritually.  Whatever  times  have  come,  it  is  God  who  has  brought  is  here.  It  is  He,  who  is  making  us  do  His  
work.  If  you  don’t  have  devotion  and  trust  and  love  for  that  Power,  then  only  bitter  thoughts  and  words  
will  come  out  of  you.  Then  you  will  be  accompanied  by  false  people,  who  will  spoil  your  inner  self  which  
was  once  good.  Try  to  make  it  good  now.  We  easily  get  caught  up  in  wrong  thoughts  and  desires,  which  
increase  the  separation  between  us  and  that  power.    

Some  people  have  a  false  personality,  and  they  appear  to  get  blessings  from  the  power  of  the  Saint.  But  
the   third   eye   of   Lord   Shiva   is   always   open,   and   watches   what   is   the   Truth.   When   the   Divine   Power   inside  
our   body   finally   leaves,   it   shows   to   everyone   all   the   karma   that   we   performed   during   our   life,   and   judges  
how   pure   our   soul   is.     Always  remember  this,   and  restrain  yourself  from  doing  any  wrong  actions.   Our  
soul  is  a  part  of  God,  and  our  body  was  created  by  God.  So  try  to  awaken  yourself  by  reciting  the  name  of  
“Ram  Naam  ati  pyara”  (be  like  the  love  of  God’s  name).  Lord  Rama  left  this  world,  and  the  whole  world  
watched   him   leaving.   But   what   Lord   Rama   taught   us,   is   remembered   by   his   name.   His   name   is   what  
remained   (Ram   Naam).   People   say   the   gods   are   not   in   the   statue.   But   if   we   clear   and   improve   our  
perception,  then  we  can  see  God  everywhere,  through  clear  Divine  Vision  filled  with  love  and  devotion.    

Husbands  and  wives  should  be  in  a  relationship,  where  there  is  always  love  and  caring  for  one  another.  
Trust   is   the   most   important   thing   we   should   have   for   each   other.   All   my   children,   you   can   change   the  
times  and  bring  the  dawn  of  Truth,  which  will  lead  us  to  Satya  Lok  (abode  of  Truth).  The  secret  that  will  
transform   everything,   resides   within   us.   If   we   do   not   recognize   that   power   working   within,   then   how   can  
we  do  God’s  work?  Try  to  understand  and  realize  yourself.  Try  to  find  the  hidden  power  residing  inside  of  
yourself.  By  doing  Aradhana  (worship)  of  that  Divine  Power,  you  will  get  the  blessings  that  will  lead  you  
to   the   path   from   whence   everything   starts   and   ends.     Try   to   be   good   sons   and   daughters   of   Lord   Shiva.   If  
you  will  be  good  to  everyone,  that  Power  will  stand  by  you,  to  support  and  protect  you  always.  Keep  love,  
trust   and   devotion   towards   that   Divine   Power   always   in   equal   measure,   and   try   to   see   that   power   in  
everyone.  We  have  to  keep  ourselves  connected  to  that  power,  no  matter  how  hard  the  situations   might  
be  that  come  upon  us.  The  hard  times  appear  in  our  life  to  teach  us  what  life  is  really  about  –  we  came  
here   to   do   good   for   everyone.   Just   like   we   take   a   bath   to   clean   our   outer   body,   we   should   take   a   bath   in  
the  name  of  that  Supreme  Divine  Power,  which  will  clean  our  soul.  We  will  feel  rejoiced  and  connected  to  
God.  Taste  the  sweetness  of  the  Amrit  (immortal  holy  nectar)  that  God  has  flowing  within  himself,  and  
also   desire   that   all   the   children   should   have   the   same   when   they   leave   this   body.   You   will   never   be   freed  
from  all  your  sins  by  taking  a  bath  in  holy  water,  while  your  heart  is  not  clean,  or  if  you  continue  to  do  the  
wrong  things.  So  don’t  just  clean  your  outer  face,  try  to  clean  your  inner  self.  O  Lord  clean  us  from  all  our  
sins  and  make  us  pure  like  you!  Pour  water  on  the  Shivling  (Shiva  Linga  stone)  everyday  and  pray  to  God  
that   your   soul   be   purified.   This   will   open   the   doors   of   Kripa   (blessings)   for   you,   and   it   will   help   you   to  
awaken  as  soul.  Always  repeat  God’s  name,  because  that  name  is  a  divine  rhythm  that  flows  within.  OM  
is  the  purest  name  of  all.  By  the  Simran  (remembrance  of  God),  Dhyan  (meditation)  and  Bhakti  (devotion)  
of  Shiv-­‐Shakti,  you  will  be  lead  to  final  liberation.    

So  my  dear  children,  always  do  worship  and  devotion  of  Shiv-­‐Shakti.  Don’t  live  for  yourself,  live  for  others  
and   keep   everyone   happy.   So   my   dear   children,   God   wants   me   to   say   this   to   you,   so   I   will   say   some  
words:  [Maa  sings  these  words  with  everyone]  

Nothing  is  separate  from  Shiv.  This  whole  world  is  enclosed  within  it.  Shiv  is  the  Parampita  Paramatma  
(Supreme   Soul   Father   God).   God   has   blessed   this   place   Chirla,   and   the   reason   why   we   all   are   here,   is  
because  we  all  are  also  blessed  by  Him.  All  of  you  will  be  blessed  in  this  place,  and  all  your  desires  will  
come  true.  The  only  rhythm  that  flows  here  is  that  of  Shiv.  May  all  of  you  stay  happy.  Har  Har  Mahadev.”  

[Maa  introduces  three  Sadhavi  daughters  to  the  Sangat]  

“They   have   taken   Sanyas   (renunciation).   They   have   left   the   materialistic   love   for   this   world,   by  
renouncing  their  family  life  and  accepting  God  completely.  By  doing  Bhakti  and  Simran  they  will  lead  a  
perfect  life,  and  attain  liberation  in  the  end.  With  love  and  devotion  towards  God,  they  will  in  the  future  
do  God’s  work.  They  are  Sadhavi  Kadambari,  Sadhavi  Geeteshwari  and  Sadhavi  Kamaleshwari.  They  will  
perform  God’s  work  and  will  do  intense  meditation  to  attain  God  and  awaken  their  souls  completely.  Not  
even  kings  can  take  you  to  God;  only  Sadhus  and  Saints  who  are  close  to  God,  can  take  you  along  with  
them   and   show   you   the   right   path.   So   my   dear   children,   even   you  must   achieve   this   goal,   all   of   you   have  
to  follow  this  path.  Cultivate  kindness  and  a  feeling  to  serve  others  inside  of  yourself.  Stay  patient  always.  
In  the  coming  times  we  don’t  know  what  will  happen  to  our  lives,  but  these  three  Sadhavi  daughters  have  
stood  up  in  the  world,  and  will  spend  their  lives  for  God.  My  blessings  to  all  of  them.  Har  Har  Mahadev.”  

[Maa  asks  Sadhavi  Kadambari  to  speak  to  the  Sangat]  

 “Pranaam  to  Maa.  Why  am  I  sitting  here  with  Maa?  Because  I  asked  God,  I  prayed  to  God,  that  I  should  
become  one  with  God  and  reach  to  God,  and  that  is  all  I  desired.  God  sent  me  to  Maa.  Maa  is  here  to  help  
all  of  us  fulfill  our  deepest  desires.  Whatever  we  have  in  our  heart,  Maa  will  fulfill  that  for  us.  If  we  wish  
to  have  God,  Maa  will  help  us  to  achieve  that  goal.  If  we  have  other  worldly  desires,  or  other  things  we  
have  to  do  to  fulfill  our  karma,  Maa  can  also  help.  Whatever  you  wish  in  your  heart,  whatever  you  pray  to  
God  for,  Maa  is  here  to  provide  that  for  you.  It  is  not  always  easy.  If  you  want  God,  God  will  test  you  to  
find  out  how  much  you  really  want  God.  So  you  have  to  have  a  lot  of  courage,  you  have  to  follow  Truth  in  
your  life,  you  have  to  be  true  to  yourself  and  believe  in  yourself.  Pray  to  God  and  do  your  meditation  and  
Maa  will  help  you.  I  am  very  blessed  to  be  here  with  Maa,  and  share  Maa’s  love  with  everyone.  She  is  the  
source  of  love.  Maa  Shakti  is  here  to  provide  love,  bring  peace  to  this  world,  and  help  all  of  us  reach  to  
our  Higher  Self.  So  I  wish  that  for  all  of  you,  I  wish  that  soon  for  myself  also;  that  I  can  become  one  with  
God,  and  help  people  who  are  suffering.  I  wish  to  have  so  much  love,  that  I  can  bless  everyone;  that  is  my  
one  desire.    

This  is  the  song  that  I  sang  to  Maa  for  many  years.  This  was  my  prayer  to  Maa:  
You are love, a love divine
You are love, o mother mine
You are my true mother, from you I’ll never part
You are inside me, you know what’s in my heart
I surrender to you, I bow before your power
I pray that you will clean me with your holy shower
You are all compassion for creatures great and small
You are bringing beauty and harmony to all
You’re an endless river of motherly love
I pray to you this very day, “Please make me like you are
I pray to you in earnest, “Maa make me like you are”
I pray to you my mother, “Please open up my heart”
Fill me with your love and let your light shine in
I want to be one with you and only you
I want to be one with you and only you. Jai Maa”
[Maa  concludes  the  Satsang]  
“See  how  my  daughters  are  already  dyed  in  the  color  of  Shakti.  I  want  the  same  for  all  of  you.  May  your  
heart-­‐felt  wishes  be  fulfilled.  Blessings  to  all  of  you.“  

Note:   Ram   Naam   means   "the   name   Ram",   which   can   imply   either   devotion   to   Rama,   the   avatar   of  
Vishnu,  or  as  a  name  given  to  the  ultimately  formless,  all-­‐embracing  Absolute  Brahman.  

Note:   The   word   Namaskar   is   derived   from   the   root   'namaha',   which   means   paying   obeisance   or  
salutation.  The  salute  is  a  gesture  used  to  indicate  respect  and  reverence.  It  means  "I  salute  the  Supreme  
Consciousness  that  resides  within."  Namaskar  is  a  denial  of  one's  ego  and  a  declaration  of  one's  faith  in  
God.  Not  me  but  Omkar  is  the  essence  of  Namaskar.    

Shiva  Lingam  (Swami  Nirmalananda  Giri)  

It  is  believed  that  during  his  life,  Jesus  was  instructed  in  the  Himalayas  in  yoga  and  the  highest  spiritual  
life,   receiving   the   spiritual   name   Isha.   This   means   Lord,   Master,   or   Ruler,   as   in   the   Isha   Upanishad.   Isha   is  
also  a  particular  title  of  Shiva.  The  worship  of  Shiva  centered  in  the  form  of  the  natural  elliptical  stone  
known  as  the  Shiva  Lingam  (Symbol  of  Shiva)  was  a  part  of  the  spiritual  heritage  of  Jesus,  for  his  ancestor  
Abraham,   the   father   of   the   Hebrew   nation,   was   a   worshipper   of   that   form.   The   Lingam   which   he  
worshipped  is  today  enshrined  in  Mecca  within  the  Kaaba.  The  stone,  which   is  black  in  color,  is  said  to  
have  been  given  to  Abraham  by  the  Archangel  Gabriel,  who  instructed  him  in  its  worship.    
Such  worship  was  practiced  by  his  grandson  Jacob,  as  is  shown  in  the  twenty-­‐eighth  chapter  of  Genesis.  
Because   of   the  dark   night,   Jacob  used   a   Shiva  Lingam  for   a   pillow   and   consequently   had   a   vision   of   Shiva  
standing  above  the  Lingam  which  was  symbolically  seen  as  a  ladder  to  heaven  by  means  of  which  Devas  
(shining  ones)  were  coming  and  going.  Recalling  the  devotion  of  Abraham  and  Isaac,  Shiva  spoke  to  Jacob  
and   blessed   him   to   be   an   ancestor   of   the   Messiah.   Upon   awakening,   Jacob   declared   that   God   was   in   that  
place  though  he  had  not  realized  it.  The  light  of  dawn  revealed  to  him  that  his  pillow  had  been  a  Shiva  
Lingam,  so  he  set  it  upright  and  worshipped  it  with  an  oil  bath,  as  is  traditional  in  the  worship  of  Shiva,  
naming   it   Bethel:   the   Dwelling   of   God.   (In   another   account   in   the   thirty-­‐fifth   chapter,   it   is   said   that   Jacob  
"poured  a  drink  offering  thereon,  and  he  poured  oil  thereon."  This  is  traditional,  both  milk  and  honey  -­‐  
which   Shiva   promised   Moses   would   flow   abundantly   in   Israel     -­‐   being   poured   over   the   Lingam   as  
offerings).  That  place  became  a  place  of  pilgrimage  and  worship  of  Shiva  in  the  form  of  the  Lingam  stone.  
Later  Jacob  had  another  vision  of  Shiva,  who  told  him:  "I  am  the  God  of  Bethel,  where  thou  anointedst  
the  pillar,  and  where  thou  vowedst  a  vow  unto  me."    

Although  this  tradition  of  Shiva  Linga  worship  has  faded  from  the  memory  of  the  Jews  and  Christians,  in  
the   19th   century   it   was   evidenced   in   the   life   of   the   mystic   Anna   Catherine   Emmerich,   an   Augustinian  
Roman   Catholic   nun.   On   several   occasions   when   she   was   deathly   ill,   angelic   beings   brought   her   crystal  
Shiva   Lingas   which   they   had   her   worship   by   pouring   water   over   them.   When   she   drank   that   water   she  
would   be   perfectly   cured.   Furthermore,   on   Christian   holy   days   she   would   have   out-­‐of-­‐body   experience   in  
which  she  would  be  taken  to  Haridwar,  a  city  sacred  to  Shiva  in  the  foothills  of  the  Himalayas,  and  from  
there  to  Mount  Kailash,  the  abode  of  Lord  Shiva,  which  she  said  was  the  spiritual  heart  of  the  world.  
Satsang  Haridwar  June,  2011    
“God  does  not  reside  in   the  temple.  Whenever,  and  wherever  we  worship,  the  Shakti  is  present  there.  
God  himself  comes  there.  Maa  only  went  once  to  the  temple  in  Kedarnath,  after  that  she  would  sit  in  her  
room   and   meditate.   You   should   have   the   true   feeling   and   desire   to   meet   God.   When   this   desire   matures  
fully,  then  God  comes  to  you,  and  for  this  you  can  be  located  anywhere  in  the  world.  

How  do  we  see  God?  Sometime  we  see  God  in  meditation  or  bhajans;  or  in  dance  we  can  also  receive  the  
feelings  and  blessings  of  God.  God  takes  many  tests  from  us  through  the  different  stages  of  our  spiritual  
development.  God  wants  to  make  us  like  himself,  and  give  us  his  Roop  (form  or  face).  If  we  are  able  to  
visualize   God   and   truly   connect   with   him,   then   all   the   nine   doors   of   the   body   are   open,   and   we   can  
directly   come   in   contact   with   God.   God   resides   at   the   tenth   door,   and   he   is   in   peace,   sitting   there   calmly  
and   quietly.   We   have   to   leave   this   body   one   day.   Whatever   we   eat   or   drink,   we   just   do   to   sustain   our  
human  body.  God  has  given  us  eyes  just  for  seeing  the  work  of  God;  to  experience  and  connect  with  God.    
Although  God  gave  us  eyes  just  to  see  God,  and  the  work  of  God  in  the  world,  we  see  other  things  with  
our   eyes.   These   things   are   not   meant   for   us   to   see.   The   third   eye   has   been   given,   to   allow   us  to   find   God  
on   the   inside.   God   is   within   us,   and   inside   our   third   eye   also.   If   we   want   to   become   like   God,   then   we  
have  to  act  like  God.  We  should  not  worry  about  happiness  or  sorrows.  When  Maa  did  meditation  and  
tried  to  reach  God,  she  faced  many  difficulties.  Everyone  was  concerned  that  Maa  was  having  so  much  
power  of  Shakti.  Maa  could  sit  and  tell  everything  about  anybody.  God  took  many  tests  from  Maa,  she  
had  to  “walk  on  coals”  and  pass  through  many  difficult  times.  God  had  given  everything  to  Maa   in  life,  all  
the   facilities   and   comforts   of   this   world,   but   she   renounced   everything   and   went   to   the   Himalayas   for  
meditation.  To  walk  on  the  Path  of  God,  and  do  the  work  of  God,  is  the  best  thing  in  the  world,  and  we  
should  not  falter  on  this  path.  We  should  use  our  eyes  only  to  see  God,  and  the  good  work  of  God.  This  
body   is   no   longer   Maa’s   body.   This   body   was   discarded   on   September   18th,   2001   when   Maa   got  
enlightenment.  This  body  is  now  working  only  due  to  God,  and  for  God’s  work.  Maa  literally  left  the  body  
on  September  18th,  2001.  It  takes  many  hard  years  to  get  near  to  God.  That  is  why  we  should  always  keep  
ourselves   focused   towards   God,   and   not   be   concerned   about   what   we   are   having,   or   where   God   is  
keeping  us.  This  is   all  the  wish  and  will  of  God,  and  he  guides  us  along  this  path.  If  we  follow  the  Path  of  
God,  and  fully  believe  in  his  guidance,  then  we  will  become  like  God.  To  become  like  God,  we  have  to  rise  
above   the   body,   only   then   God   makes   us   like   him.   Every   man   and   every   women   can   attain   God.   We   only  
need  a  burning  desire  to  reach  to  God  and  to  gain  salvation.  We  should  have  immense  love  for  God.  At  
every  step  there  is  God,  everywhere  there  is  God;  if  we  fall  then  God  will  pick  us  up.    

For  many  years  Maa  didn’t  take  much  food  or  speak.  She  used  to  avoid  the  people,  and  only  spoke  with  
God.  It  was  after  she  started  the  ashram,  that  she  started  talking  with  the  people.  We  should  not  become  
disheartened   or   turn   away   from   God.   We   should   not   worry   about   any   suffering,   because   the   coming  
times  will  be  very  good.  Our  vision  is  meant  just  to  see  the  positive  things  and  the  work  of  God,  so  that  
we   can   help   everybody   through   God’s   grace   and   blessings.   Similar   to   the   eyes,   God   has   given   us   the  
mouth  and  the  power  of  speech.  We  should  always  speak  well  about  others,  and  only  talk  about  God.  If  
we  use  bad  language  and   criticize  others,  that  means  we  are  disrespecting  God  only.  God  has  given  us  
hands,  and  we  do  many  things  with  these  hands;  good  things  but  bad  things  also.  Whatever  we  do,  we  
are  using  the  power  of  God,  so  we  should  try  to  do  only  good  things  with  our  hands,  to  promote  the  work  
of  God.  From  morning  to  evening  we  work  with  our  body,  and  when  the  human  body  is  tired,  God  gives  
us   the   process   of   sleep   to   rest   and   recover.   We   wake   up   fresh,   to   work   again   the   following   day.   God  
makes  us  ready  to  start  a  new  day,  to  do  all  the  daily  jobs.  When  we  start  doing  the  work  of  God,  then  we  
no  longer  have  control  of  our  body.  The  body  is  then  belonging  to  God,  and  God  makes  us  do  his  work  
with  our  body.  We  are  blessed  by  the  Shakti  power,  so  we  should  never  feel  disappointed.  We  should  just  
aim   for   our   spiritual  target,  and  try  to  achieve  our  goal  through  these   blessings.  The  negative   power   is  
nothing  but  our  human  desires,  and  they  act  to  take  us  away  from  God’s  path.  God  doesn’t  see  the  outer  
body,  God  only  observes  our  feeling  and  passion  for  God,  and  our  innermost  desires.    
People   are   sometimes   afraid   of   Maa,   and   they   think   that   Maa   will   disclose   their   future   and   all   their   inner  
secrets.   Only   those   people   are   afraid,   who   have   something   to   hide.   If   they   are   doing   something   wrong   in  
their  life,  they  will  be  anxious,  otherwise  there  is  no  reason  to  feel  afraid.  Some  children  sit  in  front  of  
Maa  and  pray  inside,  that  Maa  may  not  disclose  their  secrets  in  front  of  everybody.  Then  Maa  talks  to  
those  people  alone,  when  nobody   else  is  there.  Everyone  is  created  by  God,  and  God  loves  everyone  and  
Maa  also  loves  them  all.  Maa  wants  them  to  improve  in  life.  When  the  blessings  of  God  start  working  in  
our  body,  all  our  human  desires  come  to  an  end,  and  only  the  will  of  God  works.  All  the  human  desires  
are  finished.  

If  Maa  could  attain  God,  then  we  can  all  do  the  same.  Maa  wants  us  all  to  do  well  in  this  pursuit.  God  has  
given  us  two  hands:  one  to  do  the  worldly  work,  and  the  other  to  serve  God.  Use  the  one  hand  for  the  
worldly  jobs,  and  also  open  your  other  hand  for  God.  Pray  to  God:  “God  give  me  the  path  which  I  should  
follow   to   serve   you   and   humanity”.   Maa   is   requesting   you   all,   to   ask   God   for   seva   and   to   serve   God’s  
work.   God   will   definitely   give   it   to   you.   God   is   always   looking   for   his   children   in   the   world,   who   are   ready  
to   do   God’s   work,   and   he   is   continually   on   the   search   for   such   people.   God   wants   only   those   children,  
who  are  pure  and  clean  and  not  indulging  in  deceit,  lies  or  negativity.  God  wants  them  to  stay  pure  and  
connect  with  the  power  of  God.  If  you  want  to  walk  on  the  path,  you  are  never  to  be  worried  about  the  
opinions  of  others.  We  need  not  even  be  happy  with  our  happiness.    

What  is  the  reason  to  try  and  attain  God’s  blessings?  There  are  only  two  reasons:  one  is  that  we  want  
something   from   the   material   world,   the   other   is   that   we   want   spiritual   achievements.   Everybody   asks   for  
the  materialistic  things,  but  very  few  ask  to  do  seva  for  God.  Very  few  good  children  are  there  who  ask  for  
God  from  God.  God  protects  those  children  and  saves  them  from  the  worldly  things,  and  when  the  child  is  
completely  surrendered  to  the  path,  one  day  God  brings  that  child  in  the  open  and  shows  them  to  the  
whole  world.  Then  God  makes  them  competent  to  do  the  holy  work  of  God.  If  we  want  to  become  like  
God,   we   should   accept   the   wish   of   God   and   do   our   seva   with   humility.   We   never   know   what   God   will   ask  
of  us,  or  what  seva  he  will  want.  In  this  field,  our  own  wishes  will  not  work,  only  the  wish  and  will  of  God.  
When  we  submit  our  body  to  God,  then  the  God  power  controls  our  body.  We  are  no  longer  in  control  of  
our  human  vesture,  only  the  will  of  God  is  there.  Even  if  we  cry,  it  means  that  God  is  providing  the  tears  
which  are  coming  out  and  cleaning  the  soul  from  inside,  so  that  we  can  become  clean  and  pure.  If  we  are  
laughing,   that   is   also   God’s   wish,   because   God   is   doing   the   work   of   synchronizing   the   whole   universe  
according  to  his  system.  When  the  Holy  Sound  of  God  is  working  inside  us,  we  can  feel  it.  Then  we  feel  
happy,  because  that  sound  has  a  positive  effect  on  our  body  and  soul.  When  the  Light  or  Power  of  God  
burns   inside   our   body,   we   feel   a   change.   We   feel   a   burning   desire   for   God.   Our   body   starts   to   speak   only  
the  Truth.  It  takes  time  to  awaken  the  soul,  and  enlighten  the  soul  with  God’s  power.  It  takes  time,  but  it  
definitely  will  happen.  When  the  Light  of  God  burns,  it  creates  a  different  feeling  inside  us.  Although  we  
can   still   feel   pain,   the   pain   also   has   some   happiness.   All   our   human   desires   come   to   an   end.   Only   the  
burning   desire   to   meet   God,   and   to   walk   on   this   path,   remains.   We   should   always   have   the   question  
burning  in  our  heart:  “are  we  going  on  the  right  path  to  attain  God’s  blessings?”    

Never   get   disheartened,   just   stay   connected   and   pray   to   God.   When   God   makes   our   human   body  
competent  enough  to  accept  the  power  of  God,  then  God  blesses  us  with  his  immense  power.  Then  we  
obtain  the  blessings  of  God,  which  benefit  us  and  the  rest  of  humanity.  So  you  should  not  feel  lonely  or  
depressed,  you  have  to  make  yourself  strong  from  inside  and  continue  on  your  path.  To   withstand  the  
blessings   and   power  of  God,  you  need  to  have  a  very  strong  human  body,  and  the  soul  should   also   be  
strong.  A  person  who  is  patient  and  can  bear  the  pain  and  sorrow,  the  distress  and  miseries;  only  they  
can  sustain  the  power  of  God.  Maa  gives  you  what  you  desire,  whatever  it  is  that  you  want.  Maa  wants  
nothing  material  in  return.  To  seek  the  Truth,  to  progress  on  the  Path  of  Truth,  and  to  give  everybody  the  
Truth  –  that  is  the  work  of  Maa,  and  Maa  wants  you  all  to  do  that  work.  If  we  have  bitter  feelings  in  our  
heart,   God   is   not   happy.   We   should   have   respect,   obedience   and   courage   to   go   towards   God.   We   should  
not  be  disheartened  along  the  path,  definitely  one  day  we  will  get  the  power.  After  sleeping,  only  then  
we   awaken.   After   the   dark,   only   then   there   is   some   light.   After   pain   and   misery,   the   happiness   comes.  
Once   we   become   a   good   human   being,   then   we   are   respected   in   this   world.   You   never   know   what  
changes  God  will  bring,  and  how  quickly  it  will  come:  that  is  called  a  surprise.  We  should  always  remain  
happy  that  after  so  many  years,  we  have  found  the  right  path.    

Maa  has  seen  the  worldly  people,  and  also  many  of  the  so-­‐called  spiritual  people,  and  there  is  no  power  
of  Truth  or  God  with  them.  People  are  selfish  and  work  for  their  own  goal,  no-­‐one  is  working  for  God.  The  
person  who  seeks  God  power  and  salvation,  is  a  true  soul  seeking  the  Path  of  God.  If  you  want  to  tread  
that   path   and   achieve   that   goal,   you   should   not   stray   from   the   path.   You   have   all   suffered   and   had   much  
pain,   but   in   the   future   when   the   doors   of   the   Kingdom   of   God   are   open,   there   will   be   true   happiness.  
Don’t  look  at  today’s  sun  –  look  at  the  rising  sun  which  will  bring  a  new  dawn  and   new  light  to  the  world.  
It  will  bring  immense  happiness  to  the  world,  so  wait  patiently  for  that  great  time  to  come.  Make  yourself  
strong   and   competent   enough   for   that   time,   and   that   blessing.   Maa   doesn’t   want   you   to   travel   only   half-­‐
way.  She  wants  you  to  complete  the  journey.  If  we  all  do  good  in  the  world  and  bring  happiness  to  others,  
then   everyone   will   get   to   know   what   Maa   can   do.   If   we   leave   half-­‐way,   it   means   we   haven’t   obtained  
what  we  wanted,  and  it  will  create  mistrust.  If  God  wishes,  and  it  is  destined  for  you,  then  one  day  soon  
you  will  achieve  your  goal.  You  just  have  to  be  patient  and  wait.  If  we  are  sitting  here  in  front  of  Maa,  that  
is  the  wish  of  God.  God  has  sent  us  here  and  only  his  will  is  working.  God  is  looking  through  our  bodies,  
and  wants  to  find  someone  who  can  do  the  work  of  Maa.  Even  after  Maa  leaves  the  body,  the  work  has  
to   continue   through   some   other   human   form.   God   doesn’t   want   anything,   except   to   give   us   what   we  
desire.   God   loves   his   children,   and   he   longs   to   embrace   all   his   beloved   children.   Only   one   lucky   person   in  
a  million,  or  hundreds  of  thousands;  only  one  person  is  lucky  to  experience  the  feeling  of  oneness  with  
God.   When   Maa   got   enlightenment,   she   asked   God   what   is   Maa’s   position   in   the   world.   God   replied   that  
Maa’s   position   is   number   one.   And   still   Maa   wants   to   give   her   position   to   somebody   else,   because   when  
Maa  finally  leaves  the  body,  the  work  of  Maa  will  continue,  and  someone  should  be  competent  enough  
to  do  the  same  work.  Somebody  should  rise  up  and  recognize  the  real  face  of  God  and  the  power  of  Maa.    

After   seven   births,   Maa   could   attain   enlightenment   and   God.   Some   people   will   try   to   bring   down   the  
power   and   position   of   Maa.   God   is   testing   all   the   disciples   that   nobody   should   cheat   the   mission   of   Maa,  
and   the   work   of   Maa.   God   will   make   the  devotees   doing   seva   for   Maa,   so   strong   that   nobody   can   defeat  
them   or   bring   them   down.   If   Maa   took   seven   births   to   reach   to   God,   we   all   must   have   taken   so   many  
births  on  the  path  to  salvation.  That  is  why  in  this  dark  age,  we  are  sitting  here  in  front  of  Maa.  There  is  
no   reason   not   to   be   connected   with   God.   We   should   all   do   what   Maa   is   saying,   and   follow   her   teachings.  
If   Maa   could   attain   God,   then   why   not   Maa’s   children?  With   our   human   eyes   we   should   only   see   the  
Shakti  of  Maa,  and  the  power  of  God,  and  we  should  only  speak  Truth  from  our  mouth.  Always  act  for  the  
good  of  everybody,  and  in  praise  of  God.“  

 [After  Havan]  

“Havan  is  best  performed  at  night.  To  meet  God  within  yourself,  you  need  either  of  two  conditions:  the  
first   is   to   find   a   place   where   you   can   be   alone   where   there   is   no-­‐one   to   disturb   you;   the   second   way   is   to  
stay  awake  at  night,  when  nobody  else  will  disturb  you.  During  the  early  hours  the  spiritual  things  of  God  
happen;  during  the  day  we  see  the  world  only.  

Many   powers   appear   during   the   fire   ceremony,   and   it   is   experienced   by   people   in   different   ways.   The  
power   residing   at   the   navel   should   be   awakened.   This   immense   power   is   lying   dormant,   and   when   we   sit  
for  meditation  after  doing  Havan,  that  power  will  open  and  rise  up  to  the  third  eye.  That  power  works  
from  two  places:  the  navel  and  the  third  eye.  When  it  starts  working  we  get  the  mantras  from  inside,  and  
they   come   up   automatically.   When   our   power   is   awakened   from   within,   then   recitation   of   the   mantra  
becomes  automatic  and  continuous.  Until  the  power  is  fully  awakened,  we  will  have  difficulty  in  reciting  
the  mantras.  All  the  names  and  mantras  reside  at  the  navel.  If  you  are  having  good  experience  with  the  
OM  mantra,  then  you  can  continue  to  recite  it.”  
Satsang  Haridwar  January  25,  2012    
 “If  we  love  God  and  do  our  devotion,  then  we  will  attain  God.  We  have  to  do  our  meditation  every  day,  
and  eventually  the  power  will  come  to  us.  It  will  take  some  time,  but  it  will  have  to  come.  We  can  get  God  
easily;  if  we  understand  the  truth  of  this  world,  then  we  will  get  it  very  easily.  It  isn’t  hard  to  attain  God,  
we  just  have  to  keep  moving  towards  him.  So  we  just  have  to  uncover  the  truth  and  reach  to  God.  God  is  
one,  but  this  power  can  be  found  everywhere.  We  have  to  find  our  friend  and  go  towards  him,  then  we  
will   all   become   one   and   merge   with   God.   It   is   one   Power,   it   is   Light,   it   is   Sound.   It   all   depends   on   the  
power  when  it  will  come  to  us.  That  power  can  come  in  our  body  at  any  time,  but  we  have  to  do  some  
hard  work  for  that  to  happen.  We  need  to  sit  for  meditation  whenever  we  can,  and  ultimately  that  power  
will  come  to  us.  We  need  to  maintain  regular  time  for  meditation  to  reach  to  God.    

God   is   Light,   God   is   Sound,   so   we   have   to   surrender   to   God   and   give   everything   we   have   to   God.   Our  
possessions,  money,  mind,  efforts,  everything  should  be  offered  to  God,  and  only  then  we  will  reach  our  
goal.   We   have   to   maintain   concentrated   efforts   to   attain   the   highest   goal   in   life.   When   God   will   bless   us,  
we  cannot  say.  Whenever  God  so  wishes  he  will  give  it  to  us.  If  we  surrender  ourselves  to  God,  then  we  
will  not  suffer  any  more  pain.  If  we  have  given  ourselves  to  God,  then  it  doesn’t  matter  anymore  what  
people   say   about   us.   Don’t   listen   to   anybody   else,   just   be   one   with   God.   Then   you   will   have   no   more  
suffering  and  your  body  will  also  be  at  peace  and  free  of  pain.  Whenever  you  do  anything,  always  think  
that   “God   is   with   me”   and   “my   power   is   with   me   and   behind   whatever   I   am   doing”.   So   whatever   you   do,  
whether   it   be   working,   eating   or   sleeping;   always   think   “God   is   with   me”.   Each   and   every   moment   of   the  
day   we   should   be   thinking   like   that,   and   then   we   will   have   lots   of   energy   and   feel   that   we   have   some  
power  with  us.  We  will  never  suffer  if  we  have  God  with  us  at  every  moment.  When  God  comes  to  us,  we  
don’t   want   to   get   up   from   meditation,   we   just   want   to   do   more   and   more   meditation,   because   that  
power   is   with   us   and   we   don’t   want   to   leave   that   power.   That’s   the   reason   for   wanting   to   do   more  
meditation.   Because   of   that   power   we   get   positive   energy,   and   we   want   to   enjoy   the   benefits   of  
meditation.   To   gain   control   of   that   power,   we   have   to   become   good   and   pure;   only   then   we   will  
accomplish   our   purpose.   Just   calm   your   mind,   and   then   your   body   will   become   filled   with   Light.   When  
you   meditate   this   Light   will   show.   We   have   to   make   our   ego   and   negative   tendencies   quiet,   and   then   we  
will  become  like  God.  Whenever  you  think  about  God,  you  will  want  to  do  more  meditation.  Your  body  
will  become  like  God  and  your  soul  will  go  towards  God,  and  then  you  will  become  illuminated  like  God.  
You  will  appear  the  same  as  Maa,  people  will  recognize  you  and  perceive  your  radiant  inner  Light.  

 You  can  tell  the  others  that  we  don’t  have  many  facilities  in  India,  but  we  have  the  God  power  over  here.  
So  just  do  seva  and  meditation,  and  clean  yourself  and  calm  yourself,  and  go  towards  God.  So  you  all  will  
reach  the  destination.  But  take  care  of  yourselves  also.    

It   is   good   to   take   a   purifying   bath   and   fully   submerge   yourself   in   the   Ganga.   It   flows   from   Lord   Shiva’s  
head,  and  it  washes  away  our  sins  and  cleans  us.  It  is  full  of  power  and  can  heal  our  physical  conditions  

Maa’s  path  is  an  effective  way  to  reach  to  God.  When  we  get  married  and  have  family,  we  will  have  many  
tensions   with   children   etc.   So   before   that,   it   is   a   good   opportunity   to   work   on   our   spiritual   development.  
When   we   are   still   free   of   responsibilities,   it   is   much   easier   to   focus   on   reaching   to   God.   When   we   are  
sitting   in   a   cage   it   is   not   possible   to   go   anywhere,   but   when   we   are   outside   the   cage   we   can   reach   to   any  
place  we  desire.  Even  children  can  meditate  and  accomplish  this  goal.  God  likes  innocent  and  pure  souls  
like   children,   so   it   is   easy   for   them   to   progress.   A   mother’s   heart   is   very   soft   towards   her   children,   so   she  
will  feel  some  pain  also.  When  Maa  got  close  to  God,  her  mother  also  cried  a  lot  for  her,  but  when  she  
became  one  with  God,  Maa’s  mother  began  praying  to  her,  which  means  that  she  is  giving  her  respect  to  
Maa.   So   it   is   like   that,   if   a   child   becomes   one   with   God,   then   the   mother   will   do   worship   of   the   child.  We  
just   have   to   be   free   of   the   material   world,   and   walk   the   path   towards   God.   The   person   who   has   given  
birth  to  Maa  is  also  worshipping  Maa,  so  that  is  what  this  power  is  capable  of  doing.  Whenever  a  child  
becomes  a  Saint,  the  parents  will  achieve  recognition  and  popularity  because  of  their  children.  They  will  
not  suffer  for  their  efforts,  they  will  receive  great  blessings  from  God.  If  we  want  to  be  one  with  God,  we  
have   to   detach   from   family   and   friends.   We   have   to   become   calm,   we   have   to   eat   less,   sleep   less   and  
speak  less;  when  we  are  alone  we  can  meditate  better.  You  will  no  longer  want  to  sleep,  because  you  will  
enjoy   the   meditation.   These   are   the   people   that   God   values,   the   ones   who   apply   his   methods.   Like   a  
Sadhu,  if  we  walk  alone,  then  God  will  go  with  us.  If  we  have  family,  then  we  are  obliged  to  think  about  
them   and   care   for   them.   So   to   reach   to   God,   we   need   to   be   alone   and   not   think   about   anyone   except  
God.  If  we  leave  everything,  then  we  can  go  towards  God.  God  will  love  us  and  give  us  whatever  we  want.    

We  should  become  strong  from  inside.  It  is  beneficial  to  do  daily  Havan  (fire  ceremony)  for  half  an  hour  
and   then   sit   for   meditation.   It   will   impart   Shakti   power.   We   can   meditate   wherever   we   find   it  
comfortable,   and   during   seva   we   should   remember   God   in   our   mind.   Never   let   your   mind   disturb   you,  
just  think  about  God  and  keep  moving  forward.”  

The   term   Sādhanā   means   spiritual   exertion   towards   an   intended   goal.   A   person   undertaking   such   a  
practice  is  known  as  a  Sadhu  or  a  Sadhaka.  A  sādhaka  is  a  practitioner  of  a  particular  sādhanā.  The  term  is  
often   synonymous   with   "yogini"   or   "yogi".   The   Sanskrit   terms   Sādhu   (good   man)   and   Sādhvī   (good  
woman)  refer  to  renunciates  who  have  chosen  to  live  a  life  apart  from  or  on  the  edges  of  society  in  order  
to   focus   on   their   own   spiritual   practice.   The   words   come   from   the   Sanskrit   root   sādh,   which   means   to  
"reach  one's  goal",  "make  straight",  or  "gain  power  over".  The  same  root  is  used  in  the  word  sādhana,  
which  means  spiritual  practice.  The  goal  of  sādhanā  is  to  attain  some  level  of  spiritual  realization,  which  
can  be  either  enlightenment,  Prema  (pure  love  of  God),  Moksha  (liberation  from  the  cycle  of  birth  and  
death),  or  a  particular  goal  such  as  the  blessings  of  a  deity  as  in  the  Bhakti  traditions.  Sādhanā  can  include  
meditation,   hatha   yoga,   karma   yoga   (seva),   chanting   of   mantra   (also   with   japa   mala),   bhajans,   puja  
worship  to  a  deity,  fire  ritual  or  havan,  gaining  knowledge  of  scriptures,  etc.  

He  said,  "Where  is  there  safety?"  I  said,  "In  service  and  renunciation."    
He  said,  "What  is  there  to  renounce?"  I  said,  "The  hope  of  salvation."  
He  said,  "Where  is  there  calamity?"  I  said,  "In  the  presence  of  your  love."    
He  said,  "How  do  you  benefit  from  this  life?"  I  said,  "By  keeping  true  to  myself.”  
Now  it  is  time  for  silence.  If  I  told  you  about  His  true  essence  You  would  fly  from  your  self  and  be  gone,  
and  neither  door  nor  roof  could  hold  you  back!    
(Excerpt  from  the  poem  “Who  is  at  my  door?”  -­‐    The  Arms  of  The  Beloved  by  Maulana  Jalaluddin  Rumi)  
Whatsoever  you  want  of  me  
I  am  here  for  that  purpose  only.  
I  willingly  give  up  my  desire  for  liberation  from  this  world;  
Instead  I  give  you  my  service.  
The  outcome  Is  yours  to  determine.  
I  willingly  bind  myself  to  the  world  in  the  fetters  of  good  actions,  
To  create  a  paradise  on  earth  of  your  choosing.  
Lead  me  to  the  work  you  wish  me  to  complete.  
My  life  is  your  life,  in  you  I  repose.  
(poem  written  by  a  Maa  devotee)  
Om  jai  Shiv  onkara,  Swami  jai  Shiv  onkara,  
Brahma  Vishnu  Sadashiv,  Brahma  Vishnu  Sadashiv  ardhangi  dhara,  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Ekanan,  chaturanan,  panchanan  raje,    Swami  panchanan  raje,  
Hansanan  Garudasan,  Hansanan  Garudasan  Vrishvahan  saje,  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Do  bhujay,  char  chaturbhujay,  dashbhujay  ati  sohe,    Swami  dashbhujay  ati  sohe  
Tinon  rup  nirakhate,  Tinon  rup  nirakhate  tribhuvan  jan  mohe,  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Akshamala,  vanamala,  mundamala  dhari,  Swami  mundamala  dhari,  
Chandan  mrigmad  sohai,  Chandan  mrigmad  sohai  bhale  shashidhari,  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Shvetambar  Pitambar  Baghambar  ange,  Swami  Baghambar  ange,  
Sanakadik  Brahmadik,  Sanakadik  Brahmadik  bhutadik  sange,  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Kar  ke  madhye  kamandalu  chakra  trishul  dharta,  Swami  chakra  trishul  dharta,  
Jagakarta  jagaharta,  Jagakarta  jagaharta  jagapalan  karata  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Chousatha  yogini  mangala  gavat  nitya  karata  bhairu,  Swami  nitya  karata  bhairu,  
Bajat  tai  meeganga,  Bajat  tai  meeganga  aru  bajat  damaru  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Lakshmi  va  savitri  Sri  Paravati  sanga,  Swami  Paravati  sanga,  
Ardhangi  rudri  bhangi,  ardhangi  rudri  bhangi  shirsohat  ganga  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Brahma  Vishnu  Sadashiv  janat  aviveka,  Swami  janat  aviveka,  
Pranavakshar  ke  madhye  Pranavakshar  ke  madhye  ye  tinon  eka,  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Kashi  me  vishwanath  virajai  te  nanda  bramhchari,  Swami  nanda  bramhchari,  
Nit  utha  darshan  pavai,  nit  utha  darshan  pavai  mahima  ati  bhari  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  
Triguna  Shiv  ki  arti  jo  koi  nar  gave,  Swami  jo  koi  nar  gave,  
Kahat  Shivanand  swami,  kahat  Shivanand  swami  man  vanchhit  phal  pave,  
Om  Har  Har  Har  Mahadev....  

Glory  be  to  Shiva  who  is  Om  and  is  represented  by  Omkara  ...  Hey  Shiva!  Hey  Omkara!  Hey  Prabhu!  
Glory  be  to  You.  May  Brahma,  Vishnu  and  other  devatas  who  are  forever  congenial,  along  with  
Mahadeva,  remove  my  problems.    
Songs  of  Devotion  –  written  by  devotees  of  Maa  
“O  Mother  Divine,    
Thou  art  my  salvation,  and  freedom  is  mine!  
I  am  not  anymore...    
I  melt  as  a  pearl  in  wine,  
as  a  pearl  in  sweet  sweet  wine...  
O  Mother  Divine!  
This  heart  only  joys  and  beats  in  boundless  freedom!    
Eternal  Emancipation!  Fulfillment  of  Incarnation...”  
“It’s  time  for  that  power  to  rule,  in  the  temple  of  my  body  
Come  and  sing  and  dance  in  me  
Come  and  take  your  seat  in  me,  Ek  Onkar  Sat  Naam  
Sing  and  dance  and  rule  supreme,  in  the  temple  of  my  body  
It’s  time  for  that  power  to  rule,  in  the  temple  of  my  body  
The  Shakti  is  the  power  of  God  
I  bow  to  the  power  of  God,  Ek  Onkar  Sat  Naam  
Ek  Onkar  will  rule  supreme,  in  the  temple  of  my  body  
It’s  time  for  that  power  to  rule,  in  the  temple  of  my  body  
Sing  and  dance  and  rule  supreme  
Come  to  me  O  Mother  dear,  Ek  Onkar  Sat  Naam  
Come  o  come  and  rule  me  here,  in  the  temple  of  my  body”  
“Refrain:  Rose  of  Roses,  Flower  of  Flowers,  Mother  of  Mothers,  Father  of  Fathers.  
You  are  a  flower  so  delicate  and  pure,  
Your  perfume  throughout  the  ages  will  endure.  
Jasmine  of  jasmine  
Fragrance  of  God  above  
Flower  of  devotion  and  divine  love.  
Full  of  beauty  and  magnificence  you  are,  
Your  divine  glory  radiates  afar.  
Rose  of  roses    
Perfume  of  God  above  
Rose  of  beauty  and  divine  love.  
With  your  power  you  gave  creation  its  birth,  
You  nurture  all  heaven  and  earth.  
Mother  of  mothers  
Power  of  God  above  
Your  divine  fragrance  is  motherly  love.”  
(with  Heartbeat  Rhythm  and  Call  and  Response  Voices)    
“Om  Mother  of  Creation,  Your  time  has  come...    
aaaaa  uuuuu  mmmmm  Mama  Love!    
Om  Shakti  Maa,  Your  time  has  come...    
aaaaah  uuuuu  mmmmm  Mama  Love!  
Divine  Incarnation  Mercy  and  Revelation!    
Ending  separation  with  Soul  Meditation!    
It's  the  Sadhu  Inspiration!  
Om  Mother  of  Creation  Your  time  has  come...    
aaaaa  uuuuu  mmmmm  Mama  Love!    
Om  Shakti  Maa  Your  time  has  come...    
aaaaah  uuuuu  mmmmm  Mama  Love!  
With  Your  Flame  of  Truth,  take  us  to  our  Roots!  
With  Your  Waters  so  clean,  purify  everything!  
Now  all  the  seen  and  invisible  Beings  can  feel  what  this  means.....  
Om  Mother  of  Creation  Your  time  has  come...  
aaaaah  uuuuu  mmmmm  Mama  Love!  
Om  Shakti  Maa  Your  time  has  come...  
aaaaah  uuuuu  mmmmm  Mama  Love!  
Om  Children  of  the  Most  High!    
Vedas  declare  Awake  and  Arise!  
It's  the  end  of  the  night  and  our  Dawn  has  arrived!  
Om  Mother  of  Creation  Your  time  has  come...  
aaaaah  uuuuu  mmmmm  Mama  Love!  
Om  Shakti  Maa  Your  time  has  come...  
aaaaah  uuuuu  mmmmm  Mama  Love!”  
“O  Supreme  Power,  Thy  celestial  regions  are  full  of  peace  and  harmony;  peace  reigns  on  Thy  earth  and  
Thy   waters.   Thy   herbs   and   trees   are   full   of   peace.   All   Thy   forces   of   nature   are   full   of   peace   and   harmony.  
There  is  peace  and  perfection  in  Thy  eternal  knowledge;  everything  in  the  universe  is  peaceful,  and  peace  
pervades  everywhere.  O  God,  may  that  peace  come  to  me!”  (Swami  Shivananda)  

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti hi


“O  God,  O  Maa,  what  charisma  you  have,  that  without  eyes  or  speech  you  
can   attract   our   attention   to   you   only!   If   your   outer   form   is   so   beautiful,  
then  how  beautiful  you  must  be!  O  man,  empty  your  stomach  so  that  God  
can  fill  it  with  love.  O  man,  control  your  tongue,  so  that  your  eyes  can  open  
to  behold  the  Lord.  God  truly  adores  the  person  who  inculcates  a  life  of  less  
eating,   less   sleeping,   less   talking;   and   sincerely   devotes   time   to   daily  
meditation  practice.”  Maa,  December  2011  

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