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Speak Du-ple, and Tri-pe-let in tempo.

Step with each beat and syllable.

Keep a consistent 1/8th note pulse

Conduct with the phrase while modeling the phrase.
Triple vs. Duple
Meter Changes Draw pictures on the board that show the
Stand/Crouch to show loud vs. soft
mathematical timing and relationship
Dynamics between the two meters.
Do a conducting exercise where they
follow your gesture. Have them react Subito dynamics
Possible trouble spot:
suddenly to simulate subito dynamics.

Expression Work this rhythm into

sight reading warmups.
Play a video or recording of this song being
traditionally sung. Discuss the performance
practices used in this tradition. Draw the rhythm on the board and break it
Cultural Style down into subdivisions.
Dotted 1/8th + 16th
Have a native Samoan record
themselves singing the melody. As a Rhythm Rhythm
Teach the rhythms by
class, discuss what makes it unique. rote.

Solfege warmup: Break the choir in two. Have

each side follow a hand. Use hand sign solfege Have the students compose rhythm
warmups to introduce them to close harmony examples using this figure.

Teach the rhythms by rote with a metronome beating the

Teach them a barbershop tag that has strong beats.
similar close harmonies. Close Harmony
Tuning Work syncopation into warmups. Ex: The teacher tells the
Chordal warmup: Give each section a note of a chord students what beat to clap on while they keep a steady
and sing it on [mi, me, ma, mo, mu]. Can use this with pulse. "Clap on 1 and the and of 2".
tuning any type of chord from the piece.

Explain that it can be read like 4/4. The 2/2 is
Possible trouble spot: Time Signature
m.7-8 SSA
Minoi Minoi noted so that it is conducted in 2 instead of 4.

Introduce chromatic steps

into sight reading examples
and solfege warmups. Students can research Samoan dances online and
Chromatics we can share in class. These could potentially
added to the performance.
Analyze harmonies with the class
and have them write in what Meaning
solfege the chromatic notes are. Talk about the history of the
poem and the poet.

Contact a native Samoan and

discuss timbre color and style. Go through the translation on the back page and

Vocal Translation have the students put it into terms they relate
with. As a class we can come up with our own
Do a vocal warmup that has the Technique Text translation that fits.
students go very bright and very dark
to explore various timbres.
Contact a native Specifically paying
Samoan speaker to attention to diphthongs
Use a projector or visual record the text. and glottal stops.
aid to navigate the
score with the class.

Repeat in m. 22
Score Speak the text in
Pronounciation rhythm using correct
Write out the transition Navigation pronounciation.
measures of m.22 to
m.8 on the board to
show how the align. Write out the text on the board to separate it
from other information. Speak through it
slowly, breaking down tricky spots.

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