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Office of Student Affairs

Regina M. Robinson, M.A., Dean

Cambridge College
500 Rutherford Avenue, Boston, MA 02129

January 3, 2019

Dear BPS students,

I want to share how grateful I am to have served on the Boston School Committee.

I'm taking the opportunity to say farewell and hope you will remember three goals I sought to
accomplish during my tenure.

1. I tried to speak up for truth - on your behalf, your teachers, parents and guardians, and school leaders
in order to increase community engagement with every decision or policy brought before us.
2. I tried to stand up for equity - to raise awareness, close achievement gaps, and increase access
specifically for students of color, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners, knowing
personally the challenges that many of you and your parents face on a daily basis.
3. I tried to step up in leadership to represent your voices in many ways and encourage you to do the
same, whether it’s taking on a bigger role or tackling a tougher project.

While I will not continue serving on the Boston School Committee, I will continue to support your

I am so proud of your courage, conviction, and care for one another in the midst of these challenges.
I am also proud of your light that continues to shine as you carry the Boston brand of excellence towards
high school completion, college, and beyond. To you, I say, keep shining as you speak up for truth, stand
up for equity, and step up to lead. I will be cheering for you each step of the way!


Regina M. Robinson, M.A.

Dean of Student Affairs

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