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Question 1-12

The symtomps of hay fever include watery and itchy eyes and a runny, congested nose. People
suffering from hay fever may experience occsional wheezing and repeated bouts of sneezing and may
even lose their semse of smell. Some victims of hay fever may develop the symptomps associated with
periodic asthma or a sinus infection. The allergen-antibody theory does not fully explain allergic
reactions because the membranes and glands in eyes and ears are controlled by the independent
nervous system, which keeps these organs in balance. But in the independent nervous system itself is
part of the emotional-response center and may cause the feelings of anger, fear, recentment, and lack
of self-confdence in reaction to allergy-causing substances.

The most common cause of hay fever is the pollen of ragweed, which blossoms during the
summer and autumn. When airbone pollen particles, as well as mold, come into contact with the
victim’s membranes, they can cause allergic reactions that release histamine and result in a virtual
blockage of air passages. To prevent hay fever or to decrease the severity of its symptomps, contact
with the ragweed pollen should be reduced. Although some communities have attempted to eliminate
the plants that cause the reactions , elimination programs have not been successful because airbone
pollen can travel considerable distances. Antihistamine can help with short but severe attacks. Over
extended periods of time, however, patiens are prescribed a series of injections of the substance to
which they are sensitive in order to increase immunity and thus be relieved of the seasonal allergy.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that phrase “hay fever” refers to
A. Fodder for cattle
B. A seasonal discomfort
C. Viral bacteria
D. A lung disease
2. According to the passage, the symptomps of the allergy are predominantly
A. Abdominal
B. Intestinal
C. Respiratory
D. Chronic
3. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. Hay fever may cause severe allergic reactions and even death
B. The cause of allergic reactions has not been determined
C. The nervous system balances allergic reactions
D. People should not have an emotional response to allergic reactions
4. According to this passage, patients suffering from hay fever may also experience
A. Hunger pains
B. Mood swings
C. Nervous blockages
D. Sensory perceptions
5. In line 7, the word “resentment” is closest meaning to
A. Reprieve
B. Reprisal
C. Acrimony
D. Grief
6. It can be inferred from the passage that are frequent source of allergy-causing irritants can be
A. Organic matter
B. Larynx infections
C. Human contact
D. Ear membranes
7. According to the passage, the irritants are transported by
A. Wind
B. Food
C. Travelers
D. Air passages
8. In line 12, the word “blockage” is closest meaning to
A. Obstruction
B. Bleeding
C. Enlargement
D. Dryness
9. According to the passage, to avoid incidents of hay fever, patients need to
A. Avoid interactions with other patients
B. Avoid axposure to pollen
C. Increase their self-confidence
D. Take doses of prescribed medicine
10. Which of the following is not mentioned n the passage as a cause of allergies?
A. Pollen
B. Mold
C. Flowers
D. Injections
11. It can be inferred from the passage that hay fever
A. Has no effective antbodies
B. Has no known cure
C. Is rooted in the human psyche
D. Can be likened to a breakdown
12. A paragraph following this passage would most probably discuss
A. How the nervous system alerts patients
B. How the immune system reacts to allergens
C. What other diseases can be relieved by vaccines
D. What flowers are harmless to hay fever patients

Question 13-24

Because conducting censuses requires detailed planning, the organization conducting a

census decide on and narrows the topics to be addressed and, more specifically, determines how to
word the question, tabulate the responses, and report the findings.

Statistically analyzing the information is a work- intensive process that may sometimes take
up to a year. Censuses examine such issues as population size and density, employment and industrial
affiliation, migration, formal education, income received, housing, marital status, relatoinship of each
individual to the head of the family, and age. A detailed series of queries sample the data associated
with the quality of housing, transportation, the level of industrial production, water and electricity
consumption, or the fucntioning of the local goverment. Major censuses taken by the federal
goverment are conducted every 10 years, in the years that end in zero. Surveys of agriculture take
place every 5 years and cover the years ending in 4 and 9, manufacturing cencuses in the years that
end in 3 and 8, governmental units in the years ending in 2 and 7, and drainage and irrigation systems
in the years ending in 9.

To ensure that the census information is complete, the organization conducting the census
attempts to contact every individual residing or employed in a particular geographic area. To be
consistent, information is ghathered at approximately the same time. Because it is practically
impossible to reach every person to the some day, censuses question the individual about conditions
as they were on a certain date. Following the data gathering, the information is analyzed to determine
the extent of social and economic change and problems, as well as the resources available to deal with
them. During the years between censuses, the census bureau engages in monthly interviews and
gueries from a sample population to update its statistics. The issues of statistical abstract of the...
sumarise all the information that is collected by 50 federal agencies and by private and public agencies.

13. with what aspect of conducting census is the passage mainly concerned?
a. Content and timing
b. Inquiring and analyzing
c. Tallying and updating
d. Reporting and publicizing
14. In line 2, the word “ narrows” is closest meaning to?
a. Delimits
b. Delines
c. Defiays
d. Deffects

15. according to the passage, censusses take a great deal of?

a. funding
b. publicity
c. insight
d. time

16. the author mentions the censuses gather data about all of the following EXCEPT?

a. household size
b. agricultural production
c. industrial output
d. social network

17. in line 7, the word “queries” is closest in meaning to?

a. entities
b. terms
c. quandaries
d. questions
18. it can be infered from the passage that a census of industries took place in?
a. 1990
d. 1997

19. in line 16, the word “ consistent” is closest in meaning to?

a. constant
b. uniform
c. assorted
d. conjectural

20. to gather complete information, the organization conducting the census contacts all
people who?
a. speak at the same time
b. have asimilar economic status
c. are involved in similar activities
d. are concerned about a specific problem

21. where in the passage does the author describe how census information is colected?
a. lines 1-3
b. lines 7-14
c. lines 15-19
d. lines 21-24

22. it can be inferred from the passage that census data are necessary to?
a. rebuild urban infrastructure
b. determine arising needs
c. analyze the electoral outlook
d. identify sources of criminal activity

23. the author of the passage implies that most cencuses are conducted by?
a. private agencies
b. public organization
c. the central government
d. the statistical bureau

24. in line 21, the word “ statistics” is closest in meaning to?

a. equations
c. questionnaires

Question 25-33
The organization of the family system in the united states emphasizes monogamy, neolocal
residence, an extended family linkage, and a retively free choice in the selection of mates. Comparet
to those in many other countries, american families are usually small and isolated. Family and marital
roles for mrn and women overlap considerably, with little differentiation. Marriage and divorce rates
are high , and according to demographic estimates, 95 percent or more of the adult population marry
in the course of their lives. The rise in the divorce and remarriage rates has made definitions of family
increasingly complex, although several basic patterns have remained stable.
The smallest family consists of two persons: a husband and a wife, a parent and a child, or a
sister and a brother. Nuclear familes include two or more persons who are related by marriage, blood,
or adoption and who share a common household. A wide range of appropriate kinship patterns have
developed in the pas two decades, but marriage, an exclusive relationship between two people, is
predominant. The only norm that is universally recognized by the society and by law permits a person
to have only one spouse in a monogamous family. Serial monogamy has become ubiquitous, and it
assumes that persons can have more than one spouse in the course of their lives, as long as there is
only one spouse at a time.
Social norms pertaining to the choice of marriage partners prescribe appropriate and
unacceptable characteristic. Most societies, including the U.S., grant acceptance to endogamous
partners who marry within their own racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, educational, age, and religious
groups. Traditonallu, such norms are justified by common beliefs that those who share similiar role
expectations, values, attitudes, and customs are less likely to find them selves in conflict. On the other
hand, an outcome of endogamous marriages may be the partners’ similiar socioeconomic levels tend
to keep wealth and power within the same religious grouping may serve to retain the number of its
members and, therefore, its political power and influence in the society as a whole.

25. According to the passage, a typical family unit in the U.S.

a. has a free selection of mates
b. shares a residence with other families
c. lives close to other family members
d. resides apart from its extended family

26. in line 4, the word “overlap” is closest in meaning to

a. coincide
b. consign
c. collide
d. concur

27. The outhor or the passage implies that american family relationships
a. have remained stable
b. have undergone changes
c. have few disparities
d. have little definition
28. what is the basis for the definition of a nuclear family in the U.S.?
a. blood relationship or adoption
b. two persons
c. households
d. marriage

29. in the line 13, the word ‘’kinship’’ is closest in meaning to

a. ownership
b. sponsorship
c. family connection
d. family services

30. the author of the passage implies that the law in the U.S. permits a person to have
a. one spouse in the course of a lifetime
b. several spouses in sequential order
c. a series of spouses at one time
d. two spouses during their lifetime

31. in line 16, the word ‘’prescribe’’ is closest in meaning to

a. medicate
b. limit
c. determine
d. legalize

32. according to the passage, what marriage partners are considered acceptable in most societies?
a. those that have similiar social characteristics
b. those that have a broad range of life experiences
c. those that have a good socioeconomic foundation
d. those that have similiar attitudes to having children

33. it can be inferred from the passage that endogamous marriages

a. help to diversify the society
b. help to preserve the existing social order
c. increase social mobility of individuals
d. decrease the number of conflicting signals

Qestions 33-41

The killdeer is a commonly found shore bird that inhabits the area between shouthern canada
and south america. As with all plovers, its soft contour feathers with barbs and barbules impart a sleek
appearance to its body while its down feathers insulate it form the winter cold and the summer heat.
The males’s loud shrill, which seems to say kill-deer, warns other males away from his territory.
Omithologists do to consider the killdeer a true songbird because its throat muscles are not structured
to make melodious notes.
Killdeers are distingushedby the two black bands that mark their chest and neck. Camouflaged
by their protective grayish brown pigment, killdeers builds nests that cradle the eggs and the young in
shallow depressions in fields and open meadows. Because their nests lie derectly on the ground, the
young are able to run about as soon as they hatch. Killdeer are incubatory creatures and brood their
own babies. When a predator approaches the nest or the brid’s young, the mother tries to distract
the intruder by dragging one of her wings as if it were injured. Farmers are particularly fond of killdeers
because they feed on insects that damage crops. Because whole flocks of killdeers in the wild have
vanished due to overhunting, game laws have been enacted to protect these plovers from poaching.

34. it can be inferred from the passage that killdeer usually live
a. in the brush
b. in mountains
c. near oceans
d. near cities

35. in line 2, the word ‘’impart’’ is closest in meaning to

a. give
b. import
c. link
d. imprint

36. what is the reason given for the bird’s name?

a. it has distinctive bands
b. it has a peculiar song
c. it kills young deer
d. it easts deer fedder

37. in the line 6, the word ‘’melodious’’ is closest in meaning to

a. memorable
b. musical
c. mellow
d. marvelous

38. it can be inferred from the passage that killdeers are

a. inarticulate
b. inconsipicuous
c. irreverent
d. irresolute

39. how does the mother bird misload its enemies?

a. by pretending to be volnarable
b. by blending it with the background
c. by building low-lying nests
d. by scaring them away with her cry
40. according to the passage farmors
a. form foundations to protect killdeers
b. appreciate the effects of killdeers
c. cumcuflage killdeer nests and eggs
d. provide killdeers with food and insects

41. which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward the killdeer?
a. menacing
b. warm
c. decached
d. humorous

Question 42-50

Psychologistists who work on motivation research a wide range of human traits and
physiological characteristic that include the effects of hunger, reward, and pumishment, as well as
desines for power, tangible achievement, social acceptance, belongingness, self-esteem, and self-
actualization. Plethora of hypotheses developed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have the
goal of identitying causes of an organism’s behavior that can be both conscious and unconscious.
Hierarchical organization of human needs is a theoretical model, originally established by an American
psychologist, Abraham Maslow, in 1954. The needs located at the bottom of the pyramidare the
essentials of physiological servival that encompass oxygen, water, nutrition, rest, and avoidance of
pain. Maslow’s theory, grounded in research, also stipulated that these are variable and, at leastto
some extent, my explain, for exsemple, food gratification. The scon tier is rooted in the human need
for safethey, stability, and protection.
In the human life cycle, the needs for belonging ar manifested in the desirers to marry, have a
family, belong in a community or among similarty minded people. In part, the need to belong can also
show up in a search for particular types of occupations or careers. The next level of the hierarchy in
effect deals with subtrata, where the first presumes the need for status, prestige, recognition,
apreciation, and dominance and the higher division includes a conglomeration of emotionally
centered traits that pivot on competence, confidence, mastery, achievemen, independence, an
The top tier is different from all others, and maslow refrrend to it as growth motivation and
selft-tualization. At the higherst level, individuals seek to realize and put to use theirs creativity, talent,
dership, curiosity, and understanding, at this level people can reach their full potentials and urately
perceive and accept reality , seel privacy and depth in personal relationship, resist ulturation, and
develop social interests, compassion, and humanity. In many cases, self-actualizers do not lead
ordinary lives, choose growth over saftey, and cultivate peak experiences that leave their mark and
change one for the better.

42. According to the passengge, what does psychology of mitivation attempt to uncover?
A. Reacitions to hunger and desires for power
B. Developments of human physiology and mind
C. Reasons for human conduct and moving forces
D. Organization of human sociecty and hierarchies
43. the word “plethora” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. Oversimplification
B. Overlap
C. Overreach
D. Overabundance
44. it can be inferred from the passage that in Maslow’s hierarchy
A. The fiest layer of needs dominates other tiers
B. The highest level of the model supercedes the lower lovels
C. The second layer of needs is more urgent than the first
D. The third level of the model is embedded in the fourth
46. the word ‘gratification’ in line 10 is closest in meaning to
A. Gratitude
B. Pleasure
C. Gratuity
D. Pleasantry
47. it can be inferred from the passage that in modern-day terms, the second layer of needs can be
reflected in people’s desire for
A. A hose in an upscale neighborhood
B. A pratected existence and dependence
C. A measure of job and financial
D. A degree of friendship and family life
48. the word “conglomeration” in line 16 is closest in meaning to
A. Complex
B. Congress
C. Conjunction
D. Connotation
49. which of the following in NOT mentioned as a factor in human motivation?
A. Esteem
B. Participation
C. Accomplishment
D. Conformism
50. which of the following conclusions is supported by the passage?
A. Genuine self-actualizers may attain self-satisfaction.
B. Sincere self-promoters can achieve full contentment
C. Real self-starters can achieve their lives’ desires.
D. True self-actualizers may lead complicated lives.

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