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Suggestions for Negative Educational Impact Statements

1. Student’s Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

(or whatever) significantly impacts his/her progress both academically and
socially. Student’s issues of inattention, inability to focus, and impulsivity have
consistently impacted his learning based on assessment and teacher data.

2. Student has difficulty establishing and maintaining friendships in school, has

difficulty keeping his materials organized, completing and turning in assignments
according to timelines, and adjusting to changes in routine.

3. Student’s ADHD (or whatever) characteristics have significantly impacted his rate
of learning compared to peers because of the lack of task completion.

4. Specially designed instruction is needed to support student’s ability to focus and

attend to direct instruction and independent learning activities.

5. Student needs multiple instructional methods and repetitive teaching strategies to

acquire and maintain skills.

6. Student needs direct strategy instruction with the opportunity to apply these skills
in the general classroom/curriculum.

7. Student lacks skills necessary for independent participation in a large group


8. Student needs specialized instruction with skill practice, repetition, and guided
instruction in assigned goal areas.

9. Student needs an educational program tailored to his/her instructional level and

learning rate.

10. Student’s deficits negatively impact his achievement in reading, reading

comprehension, reading fluency, communication, math, written language and
adaptive behavior.
11. Student requires extensive modifications and accommodations to learn core
content concepts and to participate in social activities including riding the bus,
eating in the cafeteria, participating in PE and gym activities, engaging in
reciprocal conversations, and understanding appropriate interactions with adults
and peers.

12. Student requires significant adaptations and modifications to his environment and
instructional delivery modalities to support his ability to benefit from direct
instruction and independent/functional learning activities.

13. Testing/ongoing informal assessment/data collections indicate that student

exhibits deficits in reading, reading comprehension, reading fluency, math, and
written language.

14. Cognitive deficits in acquiring, retaining, and applying knowledge negatively

impact student’s learning in core content classes.

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