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Event Detection and Encoding from News Articles

Wei Wang

Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

in partial fulllment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Computer Science and Applications

Narendran Ramakrishnan, Chair

Chang Tien Lu

Christopher North

Huzefa Rangwala

Ravi Tandon

September 11, 2017

Arlington, Virginia

Keywords: Event Detection, Event Encoding, Deep Learning, Multi Instance Learning,

Multi Task Learning

Copyright 2017, Wei Wang

Event Detection and Encoding from News Articles

Wei Wang


Event extraction is a type of information extraction(IE) that works on extracting the specic

knowledge of certain incidents from texts. Nowadays the amount of available information

(such as news, blogs, and social media) grows in exponential order. Therefore, it becomes

imperative to develop algorithms that automatically extract the machine-readable informa-

tion from large volumes of text data. In this dissertation, we focus on three problems in

obtaining event-related information from news articles. (1) The rst eort is to comprehen-

sively analyze the performance and challenges in current large-scale event encoding systems.

(2) The second problem involves event detection and critical information extractions from

news articles. (3) Third, the eorts concentrate on event-encoding which aims to extract

event extent and arguments from texts.

We start by investigating the two large-scale event extraction systems (ICEWS and GDELT)

in the political science domain. We design a set of experiments to evaluate the quality of the

extracted events from the two target systems, in terms of reliability and correctness. The

results show that there exist signicant discrepancies between the outputs of automated sys-

tems and hand-coded system and the accuracy of both systems are far away from satisfying.

These ndings provide preliminary background and set the foundation for using advanced

machine learning algorithms for event related information extraction.

Inspired by the successful application of deep learning in Natural Language Processing

(NLP), we propose a Multi-Instance Convolutional Neural Network (MI-CNN) model for

event detection and critical sentences extraction without sentence level labels. To evaluate

the model, we run a set of experiments on a real-world protest event dataset. The result

shows that our model could be able to outperform the strong baseline models and extract
the meaningful key sentences without domain knowledge and manually designed features.

We also extend the MI-CNN model and propose an MIMTRNN model for event extraction

with distant supervision to overcome the problem of lacking ne level labels and small size

training data. The proposed MIMTRNN model systematically integrates the RNN, Multi-

Instance Learning, and Multi-Task Learning into a unied framework. The RNN module

aims to encode into the representation of entity mentions the sequential information as well

as the dependencies between event arguments, which are very useful in the event extraction

task. The Multi-Instance Learning paradigm makes the system does not require the precise

labels in entity mention level and make it perfect to work together with distant supervision

for event extraction. And the Multi-Task Learning module in our approach is designed to

alleviate the potential overtting problem caused by the relatively small size of training data.

The results of the experiments on two real-world datasets(Cyber-Attack and Civil Unrest)

show that our model could be able to benet from the advantage of each component and

outperform other baseline methods signicantly.

Event Detection and Encoding from News Articles

Wei Wang


Nowadays the amount of available information (such as news, blogs, and social media) grows

in exponential order. The demand of making use of the massive on-line information during

decision making process becomes increasing intensive. Therefore, it is imperative to develop

algorithms that automatically extract the formatted information from large volumes of the

unstructured text data. In this dissertation, we focus on three problems in obtaining event-

related information from news articles. (1) The rst eort is to comprehensively analyze the

performance and challenges in current large-scale event encoding systems. (2) The second

problem involves detecting the event and extracting key information about the event in the

article. (3) Third, the eorts concentrate on extracting the arguments of the event from the

text. We found that there exist signicant discrepancies between the outputs of automated

systems and hand-coded system and the accuracy of current event extraction systems are far

away from satisfying. These ndings provide preliminary background and set the foundation

for using advanced machine learning algorithms for event related information extraction.

Our experiments on two real-world event extraction tasks (Cyber-Attack and Civil Unrest)

show the eectiveness of our deep learning approaches for detecting and extracting the event

information from unstructured text data.


First and foremost I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my wonderful advisor

Prof. Naren Ramakrishnan for the continuous support of my Ph.D. study and research. I

would like to thank you for your patience, ideas, and fundings to make my Ph.D. experience

productive and stimulative. You provided me not only the guidance on research but also the

wisdom of life which helped me get through tough times in the Ph.D. pursuit. Your advice

on both research and life have been invaluable to me.

I would also have to thank my committee members: Prof. Chang-Tien Lu, Prof. Chris

North, Prof. Huzefa Rangwala, and Prof. Ravi Tandon, for their brilliant comments, and

suggestions. Special thanks to Prof. Huzefa Rangwala, without your insightful guidance and

advice, I could not make it as much as I have.

I would also like to thank my colleagues in DAC: Dr. Hao Wu, Dr. Fang Jin, Dr. Huijuan

Shao, Yue Ning, Rongrong Tao, Sathappan Muthiah, Rupinder Paul, Parang Saraf, Saurav

Ghosh, Mohammad Raihanul Islam, Malay Chakrabarti, Yaser Keneshloo, Nikhil Muralid-

har, Siddharth Krishnan, Dr. Prithwish Chakraborty, Dr. K.S.M. Tozammel Hossain, Dr.

Patrick Butler, Dr. Brian Goode, Nathan Self, Peter Hauk, Juanita Victoria, Wanawsha

Hawrami, and Joyce Newberry. Thanks all for making DAC such a great place.

Finally and most importantly, my deep and sincere gratitude to my family for their unpar-

alleled love and support. I am especially grateful to my parents, thank you for raising me

and inspiring me to follow my dreams. I would also like to thank my beloved wife, Ying Ni.

Without your seless support and encouragement, the journey would not have been possible.


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Goals of the Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Organization of the Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Preliminaries 6
2.1 Deep Learning Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 Learning Paradigms for Event Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.3 Multi-Instance Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 Evaluation of Existing Event Encoding Systems 19

3.1 History of Event Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1.1 Early Event Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1.2 Current Event Coding Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1.3 More Recent Advances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.1.4 Should Event Data Processing be Fully Automated? . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.2 Reliability Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.2.1 Event Encoding Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.2.2 Correlation Between ICEWS, GDELT, and GSR . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.2.3 Correlation between ICEWS, GDELT and SPEED . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2.4 An Analysis of GDELT Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.3 Validility Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.3.1 GDELT Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.3.2 Data Clean Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.3.3 Event Deduplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.3.4 Protest Event Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.3.5 Experiments on ICEWS Protest Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.3.6 Correlations After Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.4 Errant Cases Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.5 Further Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.5.1 Correlation Analysis (GDELT vs. ICEWS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.5.2 Correlation Analysis (Militarized Interstate Disputes [MIDS]) . . . . 49

3.5.3 Duplication Analysis for All Cameo Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.5.4 Analysis of Event Coding Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4 Event Detection and Key Information Extraction 61

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.2 Problem Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.3 Proposed Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.3.1 Instance Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.3.2 Sentence- and Document-Level Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

4.3.3 Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.4 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.4.1 Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.4.2 Comparative Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.4.3 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.5 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

4.5.1 Event Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

4.5.2 Multiple Instance Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

4.5.3 Convolutional Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

5 Multi-Task Multi-Instance Recurrent Neural Network for Event Extrac-

tion 83
5.1 Notations and Problem Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

5.1.1 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

5.1.2 Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

5.2 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

5.2.1 Encoding Entity Mention and Sentence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

5.2.2 Multi-Task Multi-Instance Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

5.3 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.3.1 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.3.2 Baseline Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.3.3 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.4 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6 Conclusion and Future Work 105
6.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

6.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

List of Figures

2.1 A example of four layers feedforward neural network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Demonstration of the linear relations between word2vec: vec(King) - vec(man)

≈ vec(Queen) - vec(woman) and vec(families) - vec(family) ≈ vec(cars) - vec(car) 10

2.3 Architecture of Convolutional Neural Network (not including the output layer) 11

2.4 Two common RNN architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.5 Architecture of bidirectional Elman RNN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.6 Comparing traditional supervised learning an multi-instance learning . . . . 14

2.7 Example of a birectional LSTM network structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.1 Correlation plot between GDELT and GSR events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.2 Correlation plot between ICEWS and GSR events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.3 GDELT sources Rank Vs Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.4 GDELT sources Volume Vs Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.5 GDELT Protest records distribution over type of URLs . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.6 Domain experts predened protest keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.7 proportion of three types of sentences in training set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.8 Example of dependency parse tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.9 ROC for classication result on manually labeled set . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.10 Correlation matrix between ltered GDELT data and GSR data in weekly

counts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.11 Examples of errant sentences in GDELT (with explanation) . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.12 Examples of errant sentences in ICEWS (with explanation) . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.13 Correlation between GDELT and ICEWS Over 20 Categories . . . . . . . . . 43

3.14 CAMEO Category 01 - 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.15 CAMEO Category 05 - 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.16 CAMEO Category 09 - 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3.17 CAMEO Category 13 - 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.18 CAMEO Category 17 - 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.19 Duplication rate for ICEWS and GDELT Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.20 Event Tagging Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3.21 Accuracy of GDELT Coding Across Multiple Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.1 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.2 MI-CNN Model Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.3 The histogram of probability estimates for protest and non-protest articles for

test set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.4 Event Reference Accuracy for Protest Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.5 Top scored terms in dierent categories of event populations and event types.

All the articles are represented by the MI-CNN model selected key sentences. 79

5.1 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

5.2 Multi-Task Multi Instance RNN Model Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5.3 Top three key sentences extracted by models with and without auxiliary task. 101

5.4 A case study for the extracted cyber attack event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.1 The joint framework of representation learning and multi-instance learning . 108
List of Tables

3.1 Correlation between GDELT and the GSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2 Correlation Between ICEWS and GDELT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.3 Correlation Between ICEWS and GSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.4 Comparison of SPEED with Raw GDELT in Indicating and Event . . . . . . 28

3.5 Comparison of SPEED with GDELT “Root Event” Indicator . . . . . 29

3.6 Comparison of SPEED with ICEWS in Indicating and Event . . . . . . . . . 29

3.7 Examples of events categorized as protests, non-protests, and planned protests. 35

3.8 GDELT full event processing results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.9 GDELT root event processing results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.10 ICEWS event processing results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.11 Comparison of correlation between GDELT and GSR before and after ltering. 39

3.12 Comparison of All GDELT Events and MIDS Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.13 Comparison of GDELT Root Events and MIDS Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3.14 Comparison of ICEWS Events and MIDS Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.1 Event population and Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2 Hyperparameters for MI-CNN model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.3 Event detection performance. comparison based Precision, Recall and F-1

score w.r.t to state-of-the-art methods. The proposed MI-CNN method out-

perform state-of-the-art methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.4 Event detection performance using key sentences only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.5 List of positive and negative sentences selected by our model sorted by score:

The positive sentences show common patterns that include location references

and purpose-indicating terms. The negative sentences may contain protest

keywords, but are not related to a specic civil unrest event. The third and

forth columns show whether the titled methods also select the same sentence

as our approach as the key sentence. The pink color highlights the protest

participant, green for protest keyword and yellow for location . . . . . . . . . 76

4.6 List of events extracted using ExtrHech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5.1 Event record examples for Cyber Attack and Social Unrest. (Note: the event

sentences are not given in the dataset, we add the sentences here to give the

readers more context information about the event.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.2 Summary of Cyber Attack and Civil Unrest dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

5.3 Event Extraction performance. Comparison based on micro-average Precision,

Recall and F-1 Score w.r.t to baseline methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

5.4 Performance of dierent word embedding strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

5.5 Performance Comparison with and without additional features (Cyber Attack) 99

5.6 Prediction Error in cyber-attack event without entity type feature . . . . . . 100

5.7 Performance Comparison models with and without auxiliary task . . . . . . 100
Chapter 1


With the exponentially increasing amount of available text data such as news, blogs and

social media, it has become an urgent and critical matter to utilize the information from

these data in decision making process. The ability of ingesting large amount of information

from multiple sources could alleviate the problem of source bias and enable a quick response

to the emerging changes. However, a ubiquitous problem is that the most of the text data

are initially unstructured and are represented using natural languages. The form of natural

language is challenging to the machine's ability to read and understand the information

properly. On the other hand, human mind is limited by the amount of information that it

can process. As a result, automatic extraction of specic information from free texts has

become a popular area of research. By the means of Natural Language Process (NLP) and

Machine Learning (ML), the research aims to extract the knowledge from unstructured text

data and represent it in a structured way such as database record. As a special type of IE

tasks, event extraction targets structured incident information, which can be represented by

a combination of complex relations linked by entities from texts.

Here is an specic example of an event record. In a tuple (< Attacker[Organization]>,

<Attack>, <Target[Organization]>) that represents a cyber attack event, the organization

entities in the text might be assigned with the role of < Attacker > or < T arget >, and the

words describing cyber attack are associated with < Attack >. One example of text which

matches the event representation could be  The hacktivist Anonymous has taken down
the website of Microsoft Xbox. "


Event extraction from texts could be benecial to various domains. In news aggregation

application, the ability of determining events could enhance the performance of personal

news recommendation, since the news articles could be selected more accurately based on

the extracted events and user preference. For government policy makers, having the ability of

tracking the signicant international incidents eciently could help to make better decisions.

In cyber security domain, experts could be able to adapt to the rapidly evolving threats

by monitoring the ongoing cyber attack incidents. Another possible application of event

extraction lies in the area of algorithmic trading, which utilizes computer algorithms to decide

the stock trading strategies such as time, price and volume. The stock market is extremely

sensitive to the breaking news, thus eciently extracting the market-related information

from text could help the system to respond quickly to the emerging events.

A lot of eorts have been devoted to the event extraction area in the recent past. We decom-

pose prior works into two interrelated subproblems: (1) event detection (or recognition) 

identication of the documents describing a specic event; (2) event encoding (or extraction)

 identication of the phrases, tokens or sentences (with relationships) that provide detailed

information about the event e.g., type of event, location of event, people involved, and time

of the event. Event detection and encoding pose a multitude of challenges due to the variety

of event domains, types, denitions and expectations of the algorithms.

In general, the eorts on event encoding (extraction) can be categorized into two groups:

open information extraction and domain-specic event extraction. Open information extrac-

tion methods normally take text as input and output tuples that include two entities and

the relationship between them (e.g., Teachers (entity), government (entity), protest against

(relationship)). Domain-specic event extraction approaches rely on templates, dictionaries,

or presence of a specic structure within the input text. These input templates of events

vary dramatically based on dierent situations. For instance, an earthquake event template

might contain location, magnitude, number of missing people, damage to the infrastructure,

and time of the event. Whereas, a civil unrest event template might contain elds like par-

ticipants, purpose, location, and time. Most prior event extraction research [21, 86, 125]

has focused on extracting entities, detecting trigger terms (or keywords), and matching up

event slots on predened templates. For example, Huang et. al. [50] propose a bootstrap-

ping approach to learn event phrase, agent term, and purpose phrase for event recognition.

Entity-driven probabilistic graphical models [21, 86, 125] were proposed to jointly learn the

event templates and align the template slots to identied tokens. This study focuses on the

domain-specic event extraction.

1.1 Goals of the Dissertation

Given the huge potential of the applications of event extraction and current rapid devel-

opment of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies, it is worth to

re-investigate the current event encoding systems and enhance the event extraction per-

formance with the aid of the emerging technologies. In this dissertation, we aim to solve

following three research questions:

RQ1: Large-Scale Event Extraction System Evaluation

In the past decades, a great amount of research eorts has been devoted to text understanding

and information extraction. In the area of political science, two well-known event encoding

systems ICEWS and GDELT have been developed to automatically extract the international

political incidents such as protests, assaults and mass violence from news media. However,

very little work has been done to comprehensively evaluate the quality of the extracted

information from the large-scale event encoding systems. It is anticipated that the in-depth

analysis of the encoded events could help to nd the defects of current systems and to propose

new algorithms to overcome these challenges. How can we systematize the evaluation of the

current event encoding systems?

RQ2: Event Detection and Key sentences Extraction

Identifying and extracting relevant information from the large volumes of text play a critical

role in various applications. For the task of event detection, we need to identify the docu-

ments which describe a specic event. In addition to detecting the occurrence of a specic

incident, it is also important to extract the sentences which provide detailed information

about the event. The challenge is that it is extremely costly and time-consuming to manu-

ally label the articles at a sentence level. However, the labels at an article level are relatively

easier to obtain. How could we train a system to complete the two tasks (event detection

and key information extraction) simultaneously without the sentence level labeling?

RQ3: Event Encoding


Besides the event detection, event encoding is another task which aims to extract the event

arguments from an article which describes a specic event. Similar to the challenges faced

by key-sentence extraction task, it is challenging to annotate the event arguments at a token

or phrase level. Dierent to traditional classication problems, there is a strong correlation

between the labels of event arguments in the text. For instance, generally it would be more

possible to label two entity mentioning in one sentence as Attacker and Target than as

Attacker and Attacker. Previous works [21, 20, 69] in event extraction often ignore this

kind of dependency and classify each event argument candidate independently, while our

proposed approach utilizes the Recurrent Neural Network to encode this dependency into

entity mention embedding explicitly. Furthermore, the tasks of event detection and argument

classication are also strongly correlated. Thus, our nal research question is: How can we

collectively detect an event and extract the event arguments?

1.2 Organization of the Dissertation

The remaining dissertation proposal is organized as follows.

In Chapter 2, we will introduce the background information and some preliminaries that will

be useful to understand the technologies in our approaches. This chapter will cover some

basic concepts in feedforward Neural Network, word2vec, CNN, RNN and multi-instance


In Chapter 3, we investigate the performance of two well-known large-scale political event

encoding systems GDELT and ICEWS from both reliability and validity point of view. Our

study shows that correlations between GSR, GDELT and ICEWS are relatively weak at all

levels: daily, weekly, and monthly. The manual check of the GDELT dataset shows that the

quality of the system is not satisfying and the average accuracy is only around 16.2%.

In Chapter 4, the problem of event detection and key information extraction is addressed.

Specically, a Deep Multi-Instance framework was designed to transfer the article level label

to sentence level. The results of experiments on the real-world protest event dataset show

that our approach could outperform the strong baseline methods and extract the meaningful

event extents from the articles.


In Chapter 5, we study the problem of event encoding with distant supervision. We proposed

an MIMTRNN model which systematically integrate the RNN, multi-instance learning, and

multi-task learning into a unied framework. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of each

component in the model by a set of experiments on a real-world cyber attack event dataset.

Finally, in Chapter 6, we oer some concluding remarks as well as some thoughts on future

Chapter 2


In this chapter, we will introduce the background information of the technologies used in our

approaches. It would include preliminaries for deep learning and multi-instance learning.

2.1 Deep Learning Background

In this section, we will review the basic form of neural network model, explain how words

are represented in deep learning, and introduce two widely used deep learning modes (CNN

and RNN) in Natural Language Processing.

Feedforward Neural Network

We begin by introducing the most basic form of neural network model, namely the feedfor-

ward neural network. Figure 2.1 shows a four-layers feedforward neural network with two

hidden layers. Each unit in the network is called neurons, and there are 7 input neurons in

the network shown in gure 2.1. Given the input x, weight matrix W, bias vector b, and

activation function f, the layer output a is computed by:

z = WT · x + b (2.1)

a = f (z) (2.2)

We usually call z as pre-activation and activation function f as nonlinearity, which often


Figure 2.1: A example of four layers feedforward neural network

uses the Sigmoid function:

f (x) = sigmoid(x) = (2.3)
1 + e−x
or the Rectier function.

f (x) = Rectif ier(x) = max(0, x) (2.4)

We use superscript to denote the dierent layer when multiple layers are stacked over each


z ` = W ` · a`−1 + b` (2.5)

a` = f (z ` ) (2.6)

In the last layer L, the output o is usually computed by applying a softmax function the

classication problem:

e zi
oi = sof tmax(ziL ) = P zL (2.7)

or a linear operation for regression problem. Finally, a minimized error function would be

applied on the last layer's output o. The most common used error function for classication

problem is cross-entropy loss:

1 XX
C=− yni log(oni ) (2.8)
N n i
or least square error for regression problem:

1 X
C= (on − yn )2 (2.9)
N n
here yn is the ground truth for the nth training example xn .

The standard learning algorithm in the neural network is stochastic gradient descent (SGD).

The pseudocode for the learning process of SGD can be presented as below:

Initialize the parameter vector w and learning rate η;

while until the stop condition meet do
Randomly shue the examples x in the training set;

for i = 1 to n do
compute the loss c for xi ;
compute the gradident ∆w := ∇c(w);
update the parameter w := w − η∆w ;

Algorithm 1: Pseudocode for SGD algorithm
Today, backpropagation [102] is the most common used algorithm to compute the gradients

in the neural network. It can make training with gradient descent much faster than a native

implementation, and make the training of deep models computationally feasible. Essentially,

backpropagation algorithm is an application of chain rule for calculating derivative. The

core of backpropagation algorithm in a feedforward neural network could be built on four

foundational equations [ 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13]. Let's dene the error in layer ` as δ` and

the loss as C. Then an equation of the error `L for the output layer L is:

∂C 0 L
δL = f (z ) (2.10)
The equation of the error in middle layer ` is:

δ ` = (W `+1 )T · δ ` f 0 (z ` ) (2.11)

Given the equations 2.10 and 2.11, we could compute the error for any layer, all the way

back through the network. The equation for the gradient with respect to the bias b in layer

` is:

= δ` (2.12)

And the equation for the gradient with respect to the weight W is given by:

= δ ` · (a`−1 )T (2.13)
∂W `

In traditional language processing algorithms, the words are usually represented by the one

hot representation, which has a single one at the position of the word index and all 0s

at other positions. The problem of one hot representation is that it can not capture the

context information. For instance, the word dog and puppy synonyms for each other, while

the similarity between the one hot representations can not reect this information.

In word2vec, each word is represented by a densely distributed representation. So instead of

one to one mapping between the elements in the vector and a word, each word is represented

by all the elements in the vector. The idea behinds the word2vec is that one word could be

described by its neighbors. Firth [36] rst introduced this idea in 1957 and it has been used

in the domain of NLP extensively. For instance, the Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) could

be considered as using a whole document as the context for the word in that document.

Bengio et al. [15] proposed a neural network language model which learned the distributed

representations for words with context-window information at the same time. Mikolov et

al. [80] proposed an ecient way to learn the distributed representation of words and

make it practical to apply on the large corpus. There are two architectures being proposed

in [80] : Continuous Bag Of Words (CBOW) and Continuous Skip-Gram. The CBOW

model predicts the current word based on the context, while the Skip-Gram model predicts

surrounding words given the current word.

The word2vec representation has shown several interesting properties. First, it could be

able to capture the semantic information, the words with similar context usually has close

representations in Euclidean space. Moreover, as shown in [80], there exist some linear rela-

Figure 2.2: Demonstration of the linear relations between word2vec: vec(King) - vec(man) ≈
vec(Queen) - vec(woman) and vec(families) - vec(family) ≈ vec(cars) - vec(car)

vec(King) -
tions between the learned representations. For instance, as shown in Figure 2.2,

vec(man) ≈ vec(Queen) - vec(woman) and vec(families) - vec(family) ≈ vec(cars) - vec(car).

Convolutional Neural Network
The architecture of Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) is similar to the aforementioned

feedforward neural network. They are both built on the forward stacked layers which are

consisted of nonlinear neurons. The dierence is that in feedforward neural network each

layer is fully connected to the previous and following layers, while CNN consists of some

convolutional layers which are followed by a subsampling layer. This dierence makes CNN

more powerful at capturing the spatial dependencies. Figure 2.3 shows an architecture of

the Convolutional Neural Network.

The convolutional layer is the core block to build CNN, and its parameters consist of a set

of learnable lters. Unlike the hidden units which are computed based on all the units in the

previous layer in feedforward neural network, the neuron in the convolutional layer is only

connected to a local region in the previous layer. The output of the neuron is computed by

the dot product of the lter and the connected local area followed by a nonlinear activation.

Figure 2.3: Architecture of Convolutional Neural Network (not including the output layer)

Given a lter parameter W ∈ Rm×m and a location region input X, and the activation

function f, the equation for computing the output o of a Conv neuron is:

X m−1
o = f( Wab · Xab ) (2.14)
a=0 b=0

Each lter would scan through the whole input matrix, and the outputs constitute a feature

map. The parameter sharing in feature map not only reduces the number of parameters

dramatically, but also makes sense to detect the pattern features no matter where they are


After each convolutional layer, there might be a downsampling or pooling layer. Similar

to the convolutional layer, the pooling layer takes a sliding window from the convolutional

layer and subsamples it to a single value. There are several common ways to do the pooling

operation, such as maximum, average or linear combination.

Recurrent Neural Network

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is one particular type of neural network where the connec-

tions between its neurons form a directed circle. In contrast to the traditional feedforward

network, RNN keeps track of its internal hidden state through recurrent connections. This

behavior makes RNN suitable to process the tasks with sequence data such as text and

Figure 2.4: Two common RNN architectures

speech. The idea behinds the RNN is to utilize the sequential information. For instance, it's

better to predict the next word in the sentence given all the words before that word.

We introduce two most common used RNN architectures in this section: the Elman RNN

[34] and Jordan RNN [56]. Figure 2.4 shows the time unrolling version of Elman-RNN and

Jordan-RNN. The dierence between these two types of RNN architecture is that: in Elman

RNN the hidden states connect to its previous state recursively, while in Jordan-RNN the

hidden states rely on the previous output. Mathematically, the dynamics of hidden states

in Elman RNN work as below:

ht = fh (Wh · ht−1 + Wx · xt + bh ) (2.15)

ot = fo (Wy · ht + bo ) (2.16)

And in Jordan-RNN the process works as:

ht = fh (Wh · ot−1 + Wx · xt + bh ) (2.17)


Figure 2.5: Architecture of bidirectional Elman RNN

ot = fo (Wy · ht + bo ) (2.18)


• ht : hidden state in time step t

• Wh , Wx , bh , bo , Wy : parameters

• ot : output at time step t

• fh : activation function for hidden state

• fo : output function

In event extraction, the information in future is also useful. It's not necessary to only

consider the sequence in a single forward pass. It is also possible to take into account future

information with a backward pass. Bidirectional RNN follows this idea exactly, and gure

2.5 shows the architecture for a bidirectional Elman RNN.

Long Short Term Memory networks (LSTM) One of the appeals of RNN is that

it can connect the previous information to current task. In theory, RNN is capable of

handling arbitary long-term dependencies, while the vanilla RNN suers from the problem

Figure 2.6: Comparing traditional supervised learning an multi-instance learning

of vanish/exploding gradient in practice when training the long sequence. LSTM network

is a variant of RNN and it is much better at capturing the long-term dependencies than

standard RNN.

The key of the LSTM is Memory Block which consists of three gates(Input, output and

forget) and one cell state. The LSTM has the ability to remember or remove the information

to the cell state. The gates are made of a sigmoid layer and a pointwise multiplication

opertion. Each gate outputs a value between zero and one, describing how much information

could pass through the gate. Figure 2.7 illustrates the an example of a birectinonal LSTM

network structure. Mathmatically, the output of the LSTM cell ht for input xt at time step

t is calculated through following equations:

InputGate : it = σ(Wi · [xt , ht−1 ] + bi ) (2.19)

F orgetGate : ft = σ(Wf · [xt , ht−1 ] + bf ) (2.20)


Figure 2.7: Example of a birectional LSTM network structure

OutputGate : ot = σ(Wo · [xt , ht−1 ] + bo ) (2.21)

CandidateState : Ĉt = tanh(Wc · [xt , ht−1 ] + bc ) (2.22)

CellState : Ct = ft ? Ct−1 + it ? Ĉt (2.23)

output : ht = ot ? tanh(Ct ) (2.24)

Here, Wi , Wf , Wo are gate coecient matrix and bi , bf , bo are bias parameters.

2.2 Learning Paradigms for Event Extraction

There are several learning paradigms(Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-Supervised and Dis-

tant Supervision) have been applied to the task of Event Extraction.

Supervised Learning In supervised approaches, the sentences in the corpus have been

manually labeled for the presence of the entities and their roles in the event. Labeling the

training data is an expensive and time consuming process and thus limits the amount and

quality of the dataset.


Unsupervised Learning An alternative approach to supervised approaches, unsuper-

vised event extraction, works on extracting a set of entities based on some predened

rules(such as Semantic/Dependency Parsing) and then clustering them to produce event

roles. Unsupervised learning approaches can use a very large amount of unlabeled text and

generate a large number of events, while it is hard to map the extracted results to a specic

event database.

Semi-Supervised Learning In semi-supervised learning, the methods can also approach

to a large size of unlabeled corpus in addition to the small set of labeled instances. The

labeled instances are used as seeds to do bootstrap learning. These seeds are used along with

a large unlabeled corpus to generate more patterns in an iterative process. One problem of

semi-supervised learning paradigm is that it may suer from semantic drift and low precision.

Weak Supervision In weak supervision, the training dataset is noise and not perfectly

accurate. The following examples can be thought as weak supervision:

• Domain heuristics: Generate training dataset according to domain knowledge such as

common patterns and rule of thumb

• Existing databse: We only have labels on high level. For instance, any sentence that

contains all entities of the event record might express that event in some way. This is

traditionaly called Distant Supervision

• Noise Labels: The labels might be quite noise, for instance, labeled by non-experts.

2.3 Multi-Instance Learning

In this section, we will introduce the Multi-Instance Learning (MIL) paradigm. MIL is one

type of supervised learning while handling the datasets which are more complicated than

commonly presented. Figure 2.6 demonstrates a comparison between traditional supervised

learning and Multi-Instance Learning. The traditional supervised learning could be called

single instance learning, since the observation used in traditional supervised learning is

usually a feature vector associated with an outcome. The learning object in MIL is called a

bag, which consists of a set of instances represented by the feature vector. The outcome only

associates with the bag, while the outcome in instance level is absent. The Multi-Instance

Learning paradigm can be naturally applied in following situations [46]:

• Distant Supervision: Distant learning is a learning paradigm in which the learning

algorithm is learned given a weakly labeled dataset. Multi-Instance learning could be

used to handle noisy labels. For instance, in event extraction given an event record,

it is natural to build each entity as a bag which consists of its mentions in the article

and assign the event argument in entity level.

• Compound Objects: Each compound object consists of several parts, while only one

or several parts of the object relate to the object label. For example, in an image with

the label human, while only the segment where the person locates really contributes

to the label.

• Alternative Representations: One object might have many alternative feature vec-

tors (instances) to describe it, and only one or subset of these instances may be respon-

sible for the observed object label. The task is to determine which representation leads

to the nal output. This is the original application of MIL in drug activity prediction


Algorithm Taxonomy
There are several attempts [28, 121, 39, 7] to categorize the algorithms for Multi-Instance

Learning. In this subsection, we will introduce the taxonomy proposed in [7].

• Instance Space Method: These type of algorithms work on predicting the label in

instance space. Then the bag level labels are derived from the linking function over

instances' labels. To infer the bag label without having access to the labeled instances,

some assumptions must be made about the relation between bag label and instance

label. In [7], two types of assumptions (Standard Multi-Instance assumption and

Collective assumption) are introduced. The Standard Multi-Instance assumption states

that every positive bag contains at least one positive instance, while all the instances

are negative in every negative bag. On the other hand, the Collective assumption

states that all the instances contribute equally to the bag label. The Instance Space

approaches might not work well if the inferring of bag label need the information

beyond the single instance. The Diverse Density(DD) [77], Expectation-Maximization

Diverse Density (EM-DD) [129], MI-SVM [8], Sparse MIL [17] algorithms fall into this


• Bag Space Method: These type of methods work in the bag space and try to

determine the classes of the bag through the similarity between bags. In contrast to

the Instance Space approaches which only consider the local information, the Bag Space

approaches treat each bag as a whole. To dene the similarity between bags, a distance

function is usually dened to compare any two bags. Then the distance function can

be plugged into any distance-based classiers such as SVM and KNN. The common

distance functions used in Bag Space approaches are the minimal Hausdor distance

[116], the Earth Movers Distance (EMD) [128] and the Chamfer distance [14].

• Embedding Space Method: These algorithms work in embedding space and try to

map the entire bag to a vector space. Then the traditional single instance learning

algorithms could be able to apply on the learning object with bag embedding and

outcome. The mapping function could be a simple average or min/max function [31, 40]

over all instances in the bag. Another type of mapping function is built by analyzing

the pattern of instances in the bag [113, 106, 7]. The dierent types of mapping

function could have a great impact on the performance of the method.

Chapter 3

Evaluation of Existing Event Encoding


3.1 History of Event Data

In this section, we will attempt to give a succinct account of the development of event data

over time. We will also discuss some of the legal issues surrounding GDELT and how they

illustrate the need for action by government agencies to promote eective event data analysis.

For a more complete analysis of the history of event data, we refer the interested reader to


3.1.1 Early Event Coding

Scholars have long recognized that news reports were a goldmine of information on global

events. Academic eorts to turn news reports into systematic event data date back to the

1960s and 1970s [10]. The U.S. Department of State and DARPA sponsored large-scale event

data collection projects during this time [104]. These early projects were limited by their

reliance on expensive human coding and a lack of long-term impact on the formulation of

foreign policy. Because of these issues, all but a few event data collection eorts ceased in

the 1980s. In the early 1990s, the rise of more powerful personal computers revived scholarly


and government interest in event data collection, this time through use of automated coding

techniques. Most of these data collection eorts were limited in scale and focused on a

particular region [104].

Moreover, while some prominent publications in political science came from these data collec-

tion eorts, the community involved in event data collection and analysis remained relatively

small. As Schrodt and Gerner [104] discuss in the provenance of their online event data book,

even after more than a decade of research into computer generated event data, it still suered

from a lack of a commercially-viable audience. For most computer scientists, the concern

of producing reliable event data was generally peripheral to the goals of the discipline, while,

for most political scientists, the lack of training in computer programming was a barrier.

3.1.2 Current Event Coding Projects

Two recent data collection eorts have dramatically expanded the scope of news resources

utilized and produced global event data coverage across a range of events. Moreover, these

datasets are updated in near-real-time, making them useful for real-time conict analy-

sis. The Integrated Crisis Early Warning Systems (ICEWS), developed with support from

DARPA, extended earlier event coding frameworks using a broad range of news resources

[89]. ICEWS data is currently maintained by Lockheed-Martin and a portion of the data was

recently released to the public on Harvard's Dataverse [3]. One of the issues with ICEWS

is that the code utilized for generating the event data from the news sources is not open


The Global Database of Events, Language and Tone (GDELT) was built as a public and more

transparent version of ICEWS. Its release in April 2013 was met with widespread enthusiasm

[61, 45]. One of its authors was even named a top-100 global thinker by Foreign Policy

magazine [2]. Unfortunately, controversy over how it obtained some of its news resources

dampened academic interest in the project and resulted in several of the project’s co-

authors to distance themselves from the project. The data, however, continues to be utilized

for analysis of international events [66, 65], is still highly inuential in public-policy circles

[1], and was recently incorporated into Google's services [43].

While the legal issues surrounding GDELT are opaque (the request of one author for clar-

ication was met with an ambiguous response of it's a touchy subject), it appears that

one of the main developers of GDELT may have utilized copyrighted resources purchased

by the University of Illinois' Cline Center for developing the SPEED dataset. It should be

noted that we only utilize the aggregate historical data for comparing GDELT with other

event data projects, and only utilize the publicly available articles for our validity analysis.

In no way have we accessed any copyrighted material purchased by either the Cline Center

or GDELT. As far as we are aware there is no ongoing litigation surrounding the use of

GDELT and the data has since been re-established on the web. It has also been utilized by

government agencies, Google, and continues to produce reports for Foreign Policy and other

publications [66, 65, 1, 43].

Nonetheless, the GDELT controversy illustrates the importance of having a corpus that

can be utilized freely by event data teams. A collective eort, organized by a government

agency or consortium, to collect such a corpus would help to avoid the use restriction issues

that prevent all but the very best funded teams from working on event data projects and

would avoid the legal ambiguity that gave rise to the GDELT controversy. Unlike many

text analysis projects, such as analyzing the collected works of Shakespeare, copyright issues

loom large in analysis of news articles. The GDELT case demonstrates just how dicult

navigating some of these issues can be.

3.1.3 More Recent Advances

As outlined in [103, 26], there is now an additional event data program under way - the Open

Event Data Alliance (OEDA). The OEDA is attempting to produce a more transparent

and open event data format than ICEWS, without the baggage that came with GDELT.

It functions as a professional organization to promote open and transparent event data

collection. There are currently four pieces of software being produced by the OEDA [26].

EL:DIABLO is designed as a modular system for acquiring web-based news sources and

coding them into event data. PETRARCH is a program, originally started around the same

time as the launch of GDELT, which is an open source Python-based event coder. Finally,

the OEDA has developed a scraper and pipeline to collect news information and move the

data through the process.


This eort is fantastic and need to be supported, but it is insucient for producing data

on the scale of that produced by ICEWS and GDELT. While the increasingly online nature

of news media is quickly allowing more and more access to the corpus resources needed

to compile event data, large-scale eorts will still need support in dealing with copyright

issues and massive downloading. Moreover, OEDA's eorts still have not reached the scale

necessary to overcome many of the known issues. Finally, there is the question of timeframe.

One of the most exciting aspects of ICEWS and GDELT was their temporal coverage (from

1940 in the case of GDELT and from 1991, although only since 1995 is available publicly, in

the case of ICEWS). These resources are not readily available online as of yet.

3.1.4 Should Event Data Processing be Fully Automated?

One of the outstanding issues in this eld is to what extent event data coding should be

automated. Some have argued that a semi-automated approach, which combines computer-

generated codes with human supervision will produce more accurate results [44, 108]. This

is the basis, for example, of the framework that generates SPEED.

The two options are clearly not mutually exclusive. One of the reasons why GDELT and

OEDA have emphasized openness of their corpus (at least when hyperlinks are available) is

because of the ability for others to evaluate their coding decisions and recommend modica-

tions. One could even imagine a system where a dedicated group of analysts are continually

able to modify the coding of events to make continuous improvements to the learning algo-

rithm underlying event data generation.

Producing a less autonomous system may improve accuracy, but it does come at a cost. First,

the speed and scope of events coded would vary proportionately to the level of automation.

Having individuals examine and re-code a large number of event reports is likely to be costly

and potentially slow. Second, to the extent that the analysts are analyzing a large number

of events with a large number of coding options, the results could actually be less accurate

than machine coding. This is especially true in the normal circumstances of human event

coding, where relatively lightly trained (and poorly paid) undergraduates attempt to code

across the entire CAMEO coding scheme [28]. As we note in the discussion of the GSR below,

using professional coders across a limited range of events is an expensive undertaking.


3.2 Reliability Experiments

3.2.1 Event Encoding Dataset

The Integrated Crisis Early Warning System (ICEWS) is a proprietary system and was in-

tended to forecast international crises for US analysts. It was created by Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2007, and has been funded by Oce of Naval Re-

search (OCR) since 2013. The ICEWS project is currently maintained by Lockheed Martin

Advanced Technology Laboratories. It is currently available on the Harvard Dataverse with

a 1 year delay in posting new events.

The Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) was created by Kalev Lee-

taru, Philip Schrodt and others. The entire GDELT database is fully free to access. Cur-

rently, it includes approximately 270 million events since 1979. Since April 1, 2013, GDELT

provides daily updated event data les with updates posted at 6 AM EST, 7 days a week.

The Social, Political and Economic Event Database (SPEED) from the University of Illinois'

Cline Center for Democracy uses a combination of human and automated coding, along with

an expansive Global News Archive. The hybrid system starts with humans coding thousands

of news articles. These are then used to formulate a statistical model for whether an article

identies a particular type of event. This model is then utilized to analyze millions of other

articles from the Global News Archive. Articles which fall above the statistical threshold are

kept and those below the threshold are discarded. The internal evaluation of these systems

suggests a false negative rate of 1- 3%, depending on the source. Further information can

be found in the SPEED whitepapers [44, 37, 38].

The Gold Standard Report (GSR) dataset is provided by MITRE corporation. It was devel-

oped as a ground truth dataset for the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's

(IARPA) Open Source Indicators (OSI) program. The GSR focuses on protest events cov-

ering 10 Latin American countries, and includes event description, location and timestamp

of the rst mention by major news source. All the events are manually encoded by pro-

fessional MITRE analysts (not students) from a set of English and Spanish-language news

sources. The development of the GSR is also an indication of the need for a coordinated

policy eort to improve event data. For most event coding studies, the baseline comparison

is against a small team of undergraduate coders who are coding across the entire CAMEO

coding scheme [60]. This is because almost all programs involving event data coding cannot

aord to develop a ground truth dataset like the GSR, with professional coders focused on

a particular set of events.

3.2.2 Correlation Between ICEWS, GDELT, and GSR

In this section, we study the correlation between GDELT, ICEWS, versus hand-coded protest

sets (GSR). The GSR dataset is generated by a team in MITRE, who hand code the news

report from local and international newswires for protest events in Latin America since 2011.

The GSR dataset covers 10 Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,

El Salvador, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.

We start with the correlation between GDELT and GSR. As shown from Table 3.1, the level

of correlation depends heavily on the country being investigated and the level of aggregation.

Countries with a larger degree of Western media coverage (e.g. Argentina, Brazil, and

Venezuela) have a higher level of correlation between GDELT and GSR, which should not be

surprising, given the reliance on English- language news sources in GDELT. The correlation

also improves if we look at the monthly versus the weekly or daily correlations.

Figure 3.1 illustrates these correlations for all countries. The y-axis is the GDELT weekly

count of events and the x-axis is the GSR weekly count. This gure illustrates some of the

central problems in the cases where GDELT disagrees substantially with the GSR. First, the

English language corpus results in fewer events being detected in places where there is not

a lot of Western interest. Second, there are severe outliers, which are likely the result of the

duplication process, which magnies the errors.

We also study the correlation between ICEWS and GDELT. The results shows relatively

higher correlation than the correlation between ICEWS and GDELT than between GDELT

and the GSR. The reason may be that both ICEWS and GDELT primarily use international

English newswires as their sources and operate on relatively similar coding frameworks. The

ICEWS and GDELT correlation is shown in Table 3.2.

Finally, Table 3.3 reports the correlation between ICEWS and GSR events. The results are

very similar to the comparison with GDELT. This is not surprising, given that they use

Table 3.1: Correlation between GDELT and the GSR

GDELT VS GSR Correlation

Country Daily Count Corr Weekly Count Corr Monthly Count Corr
Argentina 0.0409 (0.0366) 0.3200 (0.0284) 0.4638 (0.1480)

Brazil 0.2012 (0.1574) 0.4146 (0.1498) 0.6061 (0.4583)

Chile 0.0196 (0.0053) 0.0986 (0.0365) 0.3445 (0.3835)

Colombia 0.0126 (0.0013) 0.3034 (0.0652) 0.3906 (0.2816)

Ecuador 0.0001 (0.0001) 0.0042 (0.0001) 0.0543 (0.0423)

El Salvador 0.0070 (0.0001) 0.0021 (0.0120) 0.0736 (0.0619)

Mexico 0.0776 (0.0722) 0.2998 (0.2457) 0.4315 (0.3361)

Paraguay 0.0001 (0.0001) 0.0019 (0.0001) 0.0481 (0.0324)

Uruguay 0.0003 (0.0006) 0.0157 (0.0532) 0.1486 (0.0311)

Venezuela 0.4523 (0.2406) 0.7583 (0.5201) 0.8539 (0.6589)

Table 3.2: Correlation Between ICEWS and GDELT

GDELT VS ICEWS Correlation

Country Daily Count Corr Weekly Count Corr Monthly Count Corr
Argentina 0.0424 0.0841 0.1393

Brazil 0.3561 0.5706 0.6769

Chile 0.237 0.4057 0.2204

Colombia 0.3034 0.6333 0.6041

Ecuador 0.0066 0.006 0.0414

El Salvador 0.0738 0.3919 0.6136

Mexico 0.0766 0.2457 0.4189

Paraguay 0.0012 0.0007 0.003

Uruguay 0.0046 0.0047 0.1165

Venezuela 0.6813 0.827 0.9613

ostensibly similar coding frameworks and primarily English-language corpuses.

Figure 3.2 shows these correlations on the weekly level graphically. Again, the results high-

light the diculty ICEWS has picking up events in states without signicant Western re-

Figure 3.1: Correlation plot between GDELT and GSR events

porting and the magnication of errors due to duplication.

In sum, these results suggest major discrepancies between automated systems that use a

primarily English-language corpus and a hand-coded system that uses news sources in both

English and Spanish. This emphasizes several of the points made in the main article. While

these data eorts are heroic, there are some predictable blind spots that need to be addressed

in a systematic way in future event data eorts.


Table 3.3: Correlation Between ICEWS and GSR

ICEWS VS GSR Correlation

Country Daily Count Corr Weekly Count Corr Monthly Count Corr
Argentina 0.0135 0.0453 0.0004

Brazil 0.2827 0.7242 0.8416

Chile 0.0053 0.0538 0.0763

Colombia 0.0375 0.3403 0.2374

Ecuador 0.0207 0.0861 0.3133

El Salvador 0.0003 0.0053 0.0641

Mexico 0.0051 0.0629 0.0044

Paraguay 0.0004 0.0004 0.0104

Uruguay 0.0005 0.2210 0.4625

Venezuela 0.4101 0.7534 0.8601

3.2.3 Correlation between ICEWS, GDELT and SPEED

This analysis compares the SPEED dataset - a hybrid human-coded and automated dataset

of civil unrest from 1946 to 2005 - against ICEWS and GDELT. The data for both of these

were processed so that they would only cover the same countries and the same years: 1991-

2005 for ICEWS and 1979-2005 for GDELT. The unit of analysis is country-day.

The key element of this analysis is that we are not going to be looking at raw correlation (for

which results are equally bad), but rather whether the datasets report any event on the day

that another dataset reports a protest. This is because SPEED focuses on whether an event

matching its criteria occurs on a particular day. We would expect for these datasets to be

rather similar in recording whether any event happens on a particular day. We might suspect

that ICEWS and GDELT would have more false positives. As shown below, however, there

is a surprising absence of such a pattern in the dierences between the datasets.

To start, we compare whether the datasets recorded an incident of civil unrest in a particular

day. Table 3.4 looks at a comparison of when GDELT records a civil unrest event versus

when SPEED records a civil unrest event. We do not record true negatives, since this

would encompass all days for which neither records a civil unrest event for any country (by

Figure 3.2: Correlation plot between ICEWS and GSR events

denition, a large number and one that is relatively uninteresting to policy-makers).

Table 3.4: Comparison of SPEED with Raw GDELT in Indicating and Event

Event Recorded Event Not Recorded

SPEED Event Recorded 47989 (17.2%) 87323 (31.3 %)

Event Not Recorded 143578 (51.5%)

GDELT also provides a lter to indicate whether a recorded event is a “root event.”

This is designed to only capture events that are particularly important in news reporting

and is meant to help address the false positive problem. Table 3.5 does the same comparison

only looking at those events labeled as root events.

Table 3.5: Comparison of SPEED with GDELT “Root Event” Indicator

Event Recorded Event Not Recorded

SPEED Event Recorded 36793 (15.2%) 98519 (40.7 %)

Event Not Recorded 106942 (44.1%)

Finally, it is possible that the number of reports in GDELT gives some indication of the

issues involved. One interpretation of GDELT counts is that the more recorded events in a

particular day, the more important that event was. Perhaps SPEED, because of the human

coding aspect, only records the events that are very important. If so, there should be a

positive correlation between the count of events in GDELT and the recording of an event in

SPEED. In fact, the opposite is true. There is a correlation of - 0.124 for the raw GDELT

counts and -0.146 for the root event counts. This is substantially better than the correlation

just using the indicator variables, meaning that higher numbers of reports is a somewhat

better predictor of whether SPEED records an event than raw counts, but the negative

correlation is still troubling.

ICEWS already applies several lters to avoid false positives. Table 3.6 shows the results

comparing ICEWS to SPEED in recording events.

Table 3.6: Comparison of SPEED with ICEWS in Indicating and Event

Event Recorded Event Not Recorded

SPEED Event Recorded 8764 (10.3%) 35704 (31.9 %)

Event Not Recorded 40745 (47.8%)

Again, thinking that perhaps the number of recorded events, indicating the salience of the

event, might give us a good predictor of when SPEED would record an event, we looked at

the correlation. In this case, it was -0.257.

The SPEED dataset is primarily constructed for accuracy and validation, it is therefore quite

conservative in what it records as a civil unrest event. With that being said, these results

are troubling; even-more-so for the large numbers of false negatives in both ICEWS and

GDELT  days in which SPEED recorded a signicant civil unrest event, but the computer

coded sources did not. Considering that SPEED and GDELT use similar sources, this is

problematic and suggests that the problems may be more than in yielding false positives.

3.2.4 An Analysis of GDELT Sources

In addition to relying on an English-language corpus, we also noted the GDELT is signi-

cantly reliant on a few sources within this corpus. Our analysis of the news sources listed by

GDELT shows that a small number of domains contribute most of the events in GDELT. As

shown in Figure 3.3, the rst 10% domains contribute more than 80% of the events in our

experiment set. As shown in Figure 3.4, the events to domains distribution follows a power

law distribution. Most of the domains generate very few events, but some sites generate a

huge number of events.

Figure 3.3: GDELT sources Rank Vs Volume


Figure 3.4: GDELT sources Volume Vs Domains

3.3 Validility Experiments

3.3.1 GDELT Data Set

We download the GDELT daily les starting from 2013-04-01 to 2014-06-02 and extract all

the events with EventRootCode 14 (protest). We obtain a total of 431,539 records. Among

these records, we remove those events with invalid SOURCEURL not starting with http

or https (eg. BBC Monitoring, MENA news agency, Cairo/BBC Monitoring) and obtain a

total of 416,336 records. This may be caused by restrictions due to the news copyright. For

each remaining event, we are trying to access the source url and extract the author, title,

summary, lead paragraph and full text. During the content extracting process, we nd that

a lot of URLs are not valid anymore and return the 404 (Page not founded) HttpErrors.

Figure 3.5 show the summary of the protests records over URL. Finally, we obtain 344,481

records with proper content extracted from the source url.


Figure 3.5: GDELT Protest records distribution over type of URLs

3.3.2 Data Clean Up

We use a list of 55 protest keywords designed by the domain experts for keyword ltering.

The keywords we use are listed in Figure 3.6

Figure 3.6: Domain experts predened protest keywords

We combine the title, summary and the content as the full text of the event and divide them

into sentences. If none of the sentences of the event contain any one of the protest keywords,

then we label the event as false positive and remove it from the candidate event set. After

the keywords ltering step, we obtain 253,720 (73.7%) out of 344,481 records in which the

full text of the event contains at least one of the protest keywords.

After keyword ltering, we utilize the Stanford Temporal Tagger (SUTime) to perform the

temporal entity ltering. For each sentence containing the protest keywords, we extract

the neighbor sentences and use SUTime to extract the temporal entities from them. If the

sentence doesn't have any temporal entities surrounding the event, we infer that the event

sentences only mention the protest topic and label it as a false positive. Once we get the

temporal entity, we can compute the relative date according to the date of the article's post.

Moreover, we are more interested in the recent events, so we only keep those sentences with

temporal entity within the one month time window since the article posted. If none of the

event sentence satisfy the temporal ltering, we would label the event as false positive. We

obtain 178,987 out of 253,720 records which pass both the keywords and temporal entity

ltering stages.

3.3.3 Event Deduplication

Previous research on the GDELT event set have demonstrated a serious problem of event

duplication. Especially when the same event is reported by more than one media source,

GDELT often encodes them as multiple events. For example, there was a post in FiveThir-

tyEight trying to utilize the GDELT event set to analyze kidnapping trends in Nigeria. One

problem of the report is that it interpreted the media reports of kidnapping as the number

of kidnappings due to the event duplications in GDELT set. In this case, the duplicates

would inevitably give an inated estimate of the real events when there are one or more high

prole incidents. The situation becomes even worse as events grab more media attention.

Even when more than one event is derived from a single url, the duplications still exist in

some cases. Moreover, in some cases, the consecutive reports for the same event will also be

encoded as multiple events.

In this work, we propose a method to conduct the event deduplication based on the similarity

between events. We consider two events are duplicated if their similarity is higher than a

specic threshold. We use eventDate, ActorCode, ActionType, ActionGeoFullName and

event sentences as features for each event. We set up a time window w, and for all the events

in that time window, we rstly group the events by the locations. We then compute the

similarity between each pair of events in the location group and utilize a greedy strategy to

remove the duplicated events. For this study, we set the similarity threshold as 0.8 and we

obtain 113,932 out of 178,987 unique events.

3.3.4 Protest Event Classication

Among these remaining events ltered by the previous steps, we randomly choose 1000 event

sentences for manual inspection. We found that the sentences could be classied into three

categories: protest, non-protest and planned protest. The proportion of each category is

shown in Figure 3.7. Examples of each of these types of events are shown in Table 3.7.

Figure 3.7: proportion of three types of sentences in training set

We use the Stanford Dependency parser to extract the collapsed typed dependency tree for

each event sentence. These dependencies provide a tree structure to represent the gram-

matical relations between words in a sentence. They comprise a set of triplets: relation

name, governor and dependent. Specically, we use the collapsed typed dependencies tree

to represent the sentence structure. A typical example of the collapsed typed dependencies

tree of the sentence is shown in Figure 3.8.

Since all the sentences contain the protest keywords in this stage, the words surrounding

the keywords would take an important role to distinguish the sentences among these three

Table 3.7: Examples of events categorized as protests, non-protests, and planned protests.

Event Category Sentences

Hundreds of bank workers protested outside parliament on Thurs-

protest day, worried that they could lose much of their pension savings

under the terms of the bailout deal.

Several protesters were wounded in the clashes on Wednesday, the

rst in about three months in the oil-rich Gulf state which under-
went violent protests late last year against the amendment of an

electoral law, witnesses said.

The police had on Wednesday contacted Mr Goh regarding his Face-

non-protest book post calling on the public to deface a poster of Prime Minister

Lee Hsien Loong at the demonstration.

non-protest On Saturday, it said further protests would not be allowed.

A new protest has been scheduled for Tuesday at the Zlatograd

planned protest
border crossing point on the border with Greece.

In a further sign of tension, Istanbul's governor said Sunday that a

planned Protest planned demonstration in Taksim Square would not be allowed to

go ahead.

categories. For each sentence, we extract the k-depth neighbor words of the matched protest

keywords as candidate features. However, we are not interested in all possible types of

relation in the Stanford dependencies. We only use the edges with grammatical relations

like obj, dobj, iobj, pobj, subj, nsubj, nsubjpass, csubj, csubjpass, amod, advmod, neg, aux

and nn. Moreover, we do not perform any stemming or lemmatization to the words, since

the tense of the words may indicate the type of the events.

Once we extract the features from training set, we use a SVM classier to classify the

remaining event sentences into three categories: protest, non-protest and planned protest.

Joachims [53] has discussed the advantages of using SVM for text classication:

• SVM provide overtting protection and would be able to handle a large number of


Figure 3.8: Example of dependency parse tree

• In text classication, there are very few irrelevant features and it is preferable to begin

with as many features as possible.

• The document vectors are sparse and SVM is well suited for problems with sparse


• Most text classication problems are linearly separable.

In our case one event may involve multiple sentences, so we would label the event as protest

if any one of the sentences is classied as protest. We compared the use neighbors in the

dependency tree as features with two other methods: using all the words in the sentence and

using neighboring word based on their location in the sentence. We utilize a linear kernel

SVM and conduct 3-fold cross validation on the manually labeled sentences. We obtain the

best performance when using the neighbor words in the collapsed typed dependency tree as

feature. The result is shown in gure 3.9.

Finally, we apply the SVM model to the remaining event set and obtain 72,210 protest

events. We list event reduction of each steps in Table 3.8. The number of percentage in the

parenthesis is the ratio of number of records after each operation to the original size of data

set (431539).

Figure 3.9: ROC for classication result on manually labeled set

Table 3.8: GDELT full event processing results

Number of Records Number of Records

Before Operation After Operation
Url Validation 431539 344481 (79.8%)

Keyword Filtering 344481 253720 (58.8%)

Temporal Entity Filtering 253720 178987 (41.5%)

Event Deduplication 178987 113932 (26.4%)

Event Classication 113932 72210 (16.7%)

Intuitively the most important event would appear in the beginning part of the news. The

GDELT system uses the isRootEvent ag to indicate whether the event is extracted from

the lead paragraph of the document. We perform the same sequence of experiments on these

Root Events and obtain the results shown in Table 3.9.

The results show that only 16.7% for all events and 15.7% for Root Events are nally labeled

as positive protest events. These results give us insight into the noisiness of GDELT for

protest event encoding.


Table 3.9: GDELT root event processing results

Number of Records Number of Records

Before Operation After Operation
Url Validation 286475 225809

Keyword Filtering 225809 173442

Temporal Entity Filtering 173442 132889

Event Deduplication 132889 65836

Event Classication 65836 44937 (15.7%)

3.3.5 Experiments on ICEWS Protest Events

The ICEWS data set provides the sentence from which the event was encoded. So we perform

a similar data cleaning experiment to assess ICEWS events. Since we can't access the full

content of the news article from which ICEWS events are being extracted, we are unable to

verify the portion of the article from which the event date is being determined. Therefore

we only apply the keywords ltering, event classication and deduplication stages on the

ICEWS events set. Table 3.10 shows the experiment results.

Table 3.10: ICEWS event processing results

Number of Records Number of Records

Before Operation After Operation
Keyword Filtering 58489 48574

Event Deduplication 48574 39186

Event Classication 39186 31718

The classication result shows that around 80% of the keywords ltered events are classied

as protest events, which implies that the ICEWS encoding system has signicantly high

precision over GDELT. There are around 20% duplicated events in ICEWS set, one common

reason being that dierent websites often report the same event(s) with dierent usage of


3.3.6 Correlations After Filtering

A natural question to ask is whether the event data from GDELT and ICEWS have a closer

correlation with the GSR after they have gone through the ltering process described above.

Interestingly, we do not nd a consistent improvement. As the reader will note in Table

3.11, the correlation, based on weekly event counts, improves in some cases and worsens

in others. The average correlation is actually somewhat lower after ltering (although it is

wholly dependent on the result in Colombia, and reverses if this outlier is excluded). While

it is frustrating to note that we cannot solve GDELT's issues with some further processing,

it is not completely surprising, given, as we note above, that much of the problem lies in the

corpus used to create GDELT.

Table 3.11: Comparison of correlation between GDELT and GSR before and after ltering.

Country Before Clean After Clean

Argentina 0.32 0.4041

Brazil 0.4146 0.3672

Chile 0.0986 0.1257

Colombia 0.3034 0.0713

Ecuador 0.0042 0.0651

El Salvador 0.0021 0.0054

Mexico 0.2998 0.2174

Paraguay 0.0019 0.004

Uruguay 0.01575 0.031

Venezuela 0.7583 0.7667

3.4 Errant Cases Analysis

Table 3.11 shows errant cases using the root events listed by GDELT. These are the events

listed in lead paragraphs and are considered the most likely to actually represent a true

event. In the Table, we list the error type, the event ID, the lead paragraph, a comment on

the error and the (at the time of this writing) valid URL for the article.

Figure 3.10: Correlation matrix between ltered GDELT data and GSR data in weekly counts.

Table 3.12 repeats this exercise for ICEWS. Since ICEWS only reports the event sentence,

this is included instead of the lead paragraph and URL. Again we provide the error type,

event ID, event text, the sentence from which it is drawn, and some comments on the error.

Figure 3.11: Examples of errant sentences in GDELT (with explanation)

Figure 3.12: Examples of errant sentences in ICEWS (with explanation)

3.5 Further Analysis

Some readers may wonder if the issues found in the protest category apply to other CAMEO

categories, given that terms like protest and strike are ambiguous. We do not have ground

truth event data sets and keywords terms for other type of events, so we cannot do some of

the analysis that we conducted for protest events. There are, however, other ways we can

analyze the other 19 types of events dened in the CAMEO codebook.

We conduct four tests to analyze the reliability and validity of the event data sets in the other

CAMEO event types. First, we look at the correlation between GDELT and ICEWS, both

of which code the same types of CAMEO events, generally (although ICEWS did make some

modications to how a couple of event categories are classied). While the correlations vary

substantially between categories and aggregations, the correlation between the two datasets

is generally poor.

Second, we compare ICEWS and GDELT to the Militarized Interstate Dispute (MIDB)

dataset, which is a long-standing human coded event dataset in international relations [90].

While we do nd some signal in both datasets, there are a large number of months in which

major militarized interstate disputes (MIDs) occur but there are no similar events recorded

in either event data set.

Third, we conduct a duplication analysis on both ICEWS and GDELT using the same

method outlined above for protests. We nd that there is substantial duplication across all

of the event areas, not just in the protest events.

Finally, we conduct an analysis of the quality of coding in the other event code areas, with

both the authors and a set of trained graduate students evaluating the coding using an

automated system. We nd that, while the maladies identied in the protests category

aect the other 19 CAMEO categories to dierent degrees, they are all severely impacted by

the validity issues outlined above.

3.5.1 Correlation Analysis (GDELT vs. ICEWS)

For each category, we choose the top 50 countries (by reported location of event) with most

number of events and compute the daily, weekly and monthly correlation between GDELT

and ICEWS for the other CAMEO categories. Table 3.13 shows the statistics of correlations

over all categories. The correlations between GDELT and ICEWS are very weak for all three

levels. The average of mean correlations across all categories are 0.0639, 0.1206 and 0.2223

for daily, weekly and monthly level respectively.


Figure 3.13: Correlation between GDELT and ICEWS Over 20 Categories

Figures (3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18) plot the correlations for each category across each

location country. The results show that the correlation in some areas (e.g. Egypt) are

reasonably consistent, but the correlations drop o signicantly after the top few cases.

This suggests a similar problem to what was identied above – these event datasets agree

more when there are major events in areas likely to gain coverage in English-language media.

Figure 3.14: CAMEO Category 01 - 04


Figure 3.15: CAMEO Category 05 - 08


Figure 3.16: CAMEO Category 09 - 12


Figure 3.17: CAMEO Category 13 - 16


Figure 3.18: CAMEO Category 17 - 20


3.5.2 Correlation Analysis (Militarized Interstate Disputes [MIDS])

As a further check of the reliability of GDELT and ICEWS in the other event categories, we

compare the reported events of these event data sets against the long-standing Militarized

Interstate Dispute (MIDB) dataset [90]. This dataset is currently in its fourth full iteration,

covering major interstate disputes in several categories from 1816 to 2010. This dataset has

been a core dataset in international relations for more than two decades and has undergone

thorough revision throughout.

We utilize MIDB 4.01 version of the data, which records events on the participant level, with

one record per militarized dispute. We kept only the cases in which the reported participant

originated the dispute. The data also provided a start and end date for each dispute.

There are three areas of overlap between the MID dataset and the CAMEO coding framework

of GDELT and ICEWS: (1) threats - 13 in CAMEO (threaten) and 2 in MIDs (threat

of use of force); (2) display force - 15 in CAMEO (exhibit force posture) and 3 in MIDs

(display of force); and (3) use of force - 17, 18 and 19 in CAMEO (coerce, assault,

and ght) and 4 and 5 in MIDs (use of force and war). Since we are using the origin

countries from MIDB, this is compared with Actor 1 (or the source actor) in GDELT and


There are three expectations. (i) Since MIDB records the most prominent events of these

types, we would expect many more reports of such events during the months in which

militarized interstate disputes (MIDs) are reported. (ii) For a similar reason, we would

expect the proportion of months in which an incident is reported by GDELT and ICEWS

to approach 1 during months in which a MID is ongoing. (iii) We expect much lower counts

and proportions during periods in which MIDs are not reported. Since we are measuring

these at the country-month level, we would expect this to be a relatively easy test for the

computer-generated event datasets.

Table 3.12 reports the results comparing all the GDELT events to the MIDB dataset. The

results, as we might expect, are quite mixed. Comparing any reported events in GDELT

against the months in which any type of comparable MID is reported seems to suggest some

success. The number of reported events in MID months is indeed higher than in months

where MIDs were not recorded. With that being said, GDELT only picks up MID events in

about 40% of MID months. Breaking this down by category, GDELT does a much better job

picking up acts of force than threats or displays of force  which is not surprising, since these

are the ones likely to generate greater attention. Table 3.13 conrms this for root events as

well. Put simply, as with the protest category, there is some signal to the computer-generated

event data, but it also seems to be missing quite a bit of information about the duration of

events, even when measured at the monthly level.

Table 3.12: Comparison of All GDELT Events and MIDS Datasets

All Events GDELT >0

Avg. Count = 2.30
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.40

Avg. Count = 0.61

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.17

Threats GDELT >0

Avg. Count = 0.45
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.15

Avg. Count = 0.25

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.10

Displays GDELT >0

Avg. Count = 0.09
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.05

Avg. Count = 0.03

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.02

Use of Force GDELT >0

Avg. Count = 1.51
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.33

Avg. Count = 0.48

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.15

Table 3.14 conducts a similar test for ICEWS. Again, ICEWS seems to have some signal

for shows of force, but does much worse with threats and displays of force. Indeed, with

threats, the number of articles recording threats is higher in non-MID months than in MID

months. ICEWS also fails to record any MID-related event in several months in which the

Table 3.13: Comparison of GDELT Root Events and MIDS Datasets

Root Events GDELT >0

Avg. Count = 1.48
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.33

Avg. Count = 0.41

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.17

Threats GDELT >0

Avg. Count = 0.28
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.11

Avg. Count = 0.16

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.10

Displays GDELT >0

Avg. Count = 0.06
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.04

Avg. Count = 0.02

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.02

Use of Force GDELT >0

Avg. Count = 0.97
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.27

Avg. Count = 0.33

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.15

MIDs dataset records a MID event.

All of these results suggest, again, that there is some signal in the computer-generated event

data, but they are far from being either completely reliable in picking up events when they

are happening or in not recording events when they are not occurring. This was a relatively

easy test, given that the analysis occurred at the month level and the MIDs dataset is likely

to only cover the most prominent examples of such disputes.


Table 3.14: Comparison of ICEWS Events and MIDS Datasets

All Events ICEWS >0

Avg. Count = 2.58
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.34

Avg. Count = 0.22

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.09

Threats ICEWS >0

Avg. Count = 0.08
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.06

Avg. Count = 0.11

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.04

Displays ICEWS >0

Avg. Count = 0.012
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.011

Avg. Count = 0.004

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.003

Use of Force ICEWS >0

Avg. Count = 2.22
MID = 1
Pct. Report = 0.33

Avg. Count = 0.21

MID = 0
Pct. Report = 0.08

3.5.3 Duplication Analysis for All Cameo Categories

To analyze the duplication of GDELT and ICEWS events for other CAMEO categories, we

collected all GDELT events with corresponding news articles during the period April 2013

to May 2014 and full set of ICEWS events in the same period. The duplication rates of

each category for ICEWS and GDELT are both between 10% to 30%, which is consistent

with our above duplication analysis over protest events. Figure 3.19 shows the duplication

rate for each categories. This suggests that there is no improvement in de-duplication in the

non-protest event codes.


Figure 3.19: Duplication rate for ICEWS and GDELT Events

3.5.4 Analysis of Event Coding Quality

While we were limited by time constraints in our ability to qualitatively evaluate the validity

of a large number of examples from other event categories, we did attempt to look at a large

number of examples. To do this, we constructed a program on Amazon Web Services which

displayed the GDELT coding of the events and the associated article used by GDELT. Three

graduate students and two of the co-authors embarked on checking whether the type of event

reported matched the type of event in the article and if it occurred within a reasonable

window around the reported date. We did not check the location, source country or target

country. Thus, we are providing a relaxed test of the validity of these events. Figure 3.20

shows what the program looks like. To improve human coding accuracy, we grouped the

examples by event code, so that coders would see consecutive examples of the same CAMEO

category and would not need to memorize the entire sequence.

Note: The Figure 3.20 also gives an example of errant coding. The events described in this

article do suggest engagement in ethnic cleansing, but the events described are from the

ctional Left Behind series - a set of books about the apocalypse based on The Book of

Revelations in The Bible.

It became immediately clear that there were issues throughout the event categories - in-

cluding severely misreported timing of events, lack of context, and other issues like those

reported in the protest category. For example, in the Use Unconventional Mass Violence

category there is a severe problem with the reported timing - most of the events reported as

Figure 3.20: Event Tagging Program

occurring in 2014 occurred much earlier. This makes sense, since mass violence is relatively

rare, but news outlets regularly mention past instances of mass violence. We found refer-

ences to events from World War II, Vietnam, the Stalinist period in the Soviet Union, the

1990s civil war in Yugoslavia, etc. Only a few cases were actual uses of mass violence within

the 2-year period of when GDELT recorded it. Even more strangely, the category Make

Optimistic Statement seems to pick up on job advertisements on a regular basis.

We randomly chose 150 example articles from all of the 20 CAMEO categories in GDELT,

reported during the period between March and May 2014, for a total of 3,000 articles.

Overall, 4,100 events were coded, so several of the articles were classied by more than one

coder. When events were coded by more than one coder, they agreed 75% of the time,

with the nal label decided by majority rule. When an article was classied by two coders

who disagreed, one of them was chosen at random. All of the 3,000 sampled articles were

classied by at least one coder.

Figure S14 shows the summary statistics for the dierent classes. The average accuracy is

about 16.2%. The most accurate category was protest events, with about 35.3% accurately

classied. Some of the categories, such as Express Intent to Cooperate (03), Reject (08),

and Use Unconventional Mass Violence (20) have less than 10% accuracy. We hesitate to

say that these are rm numbers, given the low number of total cases sampled, especially in

certain categories, but it is certainly discouraging for anyone who might suspect that the

problems identied above are limited to protest events.

Figure 3.21: Accuracy of GDELT Coding Across Multiple Categories

3.6 Discussion
There have been serious eorts over the past 40 years to use newspaper articles to create

global-scale databases of events occurring in every corner of the world, in order to help

understand and shape responses to global problems. Although most have been severely

limited by the technology of the time , two recent groundbreaking projects to provide global,

realtime “event data” that take advantage of automated coding from news media

have gained widespread recognition: International Crisis Early Warning System (ICEWS),

maintained by Lockheed Martin, and Global Data on Events Language and Tone (GDELT),

developed and maintained by Kalev Leetaru at Georgetown University [67]. The scale of

these programs is unprecedented, and their extraordinary promise has been reected in

the attention they have received from scholars, media, and governments. However, as we

demonstrate below using newly available data, they suer from major issues with respect

to reliability and validity. Opportunities exist to use new methods and to develop an in-

frastructure that will yield robust and reliable big data to study global events from conict

to ecological change [67].

Automated event coding parses individual sentences into SUBJECT VERB OBJECT format

and categorizes the action using a framework like CAMEO (Conict and Mediation Event

Observations). So a statement like Secretary of State John Kerry complained about Russia's

support of Syria's Ba-shar al-Assad would be coded as US GOVERNMENT/DISAPPROVE/RUSSIAN

GOVERNMENT. This can then be further rened into a numeric level of hostility or co-

operation by using scales like the Goldstein Score. Whereas CAMEO focuses on categories

for international and domestic conict, similar frameworks could be developed for almost

any kind of interaction in news media (e.g., transactions between businesses or debates over

scientic ndings).

Uses for the resulting data have been manifold. In international relations, hand-coded and

automated event data have been used to anticipate conict escalation [107]. When com-

bined with statistical and agent-based models, ICEWS claims a forecasting accuracy of 80%.

GDELT has been used to track, e.g., wildlife crime and the rise of hate speech following the

U.K. Brexit vote.

There are several challenges in the current approach. First, the focus on sentences removes a

great deal of context. Event occurrences do not neatly partition into sentences. This lack of

context, for example, often fails to distinguish rereporting of historic events, and this results

in high rates of duplication.

Second, event data programs can have inconsistent corpuses over time. For instance, GDELT

has expanded the number and variety of its sources. Although expansions are generally

positive-incorporating, for example, more non-Western news sources-they result in diculty

interpret-ing what a spike in GDELT data at a particular time means; the project has not

been entirely transparent on how these expansions have taken place. ICEWS has been more

consistent about maintaining a common set of sources across nearly 25 years.

Third, the text-processing systems used in event coding are still similar to ones de-veloped

more than 20 years ago. Although ICEWS has recently begun leveraging a machine learning

approach, GDELT still relies on dictionary-based pattern matching that leads to overly

simplied or misclassied coding instances. The eld of text processing has developed a

range of tools to address these issues [49]. Finally, although there are a few large event-

coding programs, the academic groups working on these problems are surprisingly diuse

and isolated.

RELIABILITY Our rst set of experiments deals with the reliability of event data,

whether programs ostensibly using similar coding rules produce similar data. We used four

sources of event data [ICEWS, GDELT, Gold Standard Reporgrot (GSR), and Social, Po-

litical and Eco-nomic Event Database (SPEED)], all designed with the capability to detect

protest events. GDELT and ICEWS are fully automated and are the best attempts so far

at realtime global event data. The GSR data set, generated by the nonprot MITRE Cor-

poration, is hand-coded from local and international newswires in Latin America since 2011

[94]. SPEED is a semiautomated global event data system by the University of Illinois that

uses a combination of human and automated techniques for identifying events. It touts the

high validity of its event coding [44]. GSR and SPEED were developed to provide a ground

truth, but their methods would be dicult and expensive to scale. Although these systems

have dierent origins (e.g., ICEWS was meant to encode strategic interactions, often among

nation-states, and GSR was meant to focus on tactical, local issues), we anticipate that

overall there should be a high correlation between the time series of events generated by

these projects, even if the event counts are not comparable.

We nd that the correlation between event data collections is in the area most consider

“weak” [correlation coecient (r) < 0.3]. The average correlation between GDELT

and the GSR across Latin American countries is 0.222, and the correlation between ICEWS

and the GSR is 0.229. SPEED and GDELT records only match (i.e., both data sets recorded

a protest happening on the same day) 17.2% of the time. SPEED and ICEWS only agree

on 10.3% of events. ICEWS and GDELT also rarely agree with each other, producing an

average correlation across Latin American countries of 0.317.


These correlations vary dramatically between countries and improve when there are large

upticks in event counts. For example, the large uptick in protests in Venezuela in January

2014 is well captured by both ICEWS and GDELT. They also improve when the time scales

are made rougher (from daily to weekly or monthly). Reliance on English language news

coverage results in stronger correlations for states that receive more coverage in the Western

press (e.g., Brazil) [118].

VALIDITY To assess the validity of event-coding projects-the degree to which they reect

unique real world events, we leveraged a special characteristic of the GDELT data set.

Since its launch on 1 April 2013, GDELT has provided URLs for most of its coded events.

We looked at all protest events up to 2 July 2014 (431,549 records), extracted content for

records with a valid URL (344,481 records), and ltered them to assess the validity of their

classication as protest events. This yielded 113,932 unique, nonduplicated events, articles

that are highly probable to be about protests at the time reported.

Even for these ltered records, only 49.5% are classied as referring to actual protests,

roughly in line with what we found in 1000 human-coded records. After keyword and tem-

poral ltering, de-duplication of events, and machine learning classication of real events

from nonevents or planned events, only 21% of GDELT's valid URLs indicate a true protest


The ICEWS system was more robust (about 80% of keyword-ltered events were classied as

protest events) but still vulnerable to duplicate events (<20% of the recorded events). The

bottom line is that computer automated event data often duplicate and misclassify events,

and there are tools, including ones used here, to deal with many of these issues. Similar tests

for the other 19 event categories in GDELT and ICEWS found similar problems.

POLICY IMPLICATIONS Coding interactions in news media is com-plex, as it in-

volves actor recognition and normalization, time-frame detection, geocoding, event encoding,

and classication, multilingual support, and other issues. Yet the history of event data has

generally been one of small teams and underfunded re-search. It has not helped that much

of the development has taken place in political sci-ence, a discipline under constant threat

of having its National Science Foundation (NSF) funding cut by Congress.


As scholars and government agencies create the next generation of large-scale event data, two

goals should shape their eorts. First, new eorts must develop a multidisciplinary commu-

nity of scholars, including computational linguists, data analytics professionals, information

extraction practitioners, and domain experts. Although there have been improvements in

the natural language processing used for ICEWS (9), innovation in the event data eld has

generally been slow, especially in handling contextual features and temporal and geographic

information. Neither ICEWS nor GDELT were designed to try to deduplicate events; in

fact, multiple occurrences have sometimes been used to denote event signicance and to sup-

port improved modeling. The one sentence per event model is not sucient for predictive,

diagnostic, or abductive reasoning. Research on probabilistic databases can help one reason

about inconsistency issues in information extraction and how best to integrate imprecise

information into event coding (10, 11). It is time to develop a strong community of teams

competing to create the best possible event data, and their event-coding software should,

ideally, be released publicly to encourage community engagement.

Second, the corpus used to create event data must be made explicit, and, to the greatest

extent possible, shared between teams. As demonstrated by legal issues faced by GDELT [a

dispute over use of source materials resulted in major scholars abandoning the project and

obstacles to us-ing the data for publication], the current system, where corpus development

can only be done by well funded individual teams with exclusive rights to material, is deeply

problematic and encourages atomization of the eld. Such a corpus should include more

non-English sources to avoid some of the issues observed above.

We recommend development of open test beds of event data against which dierent ap-

proaches can be tested. These test beds should be composed of a representative set of

textual data, where some portion has been carefully hand-coded. Such a test bed can be

used in contests, along the lines of those sponsored by DARPA (Defense Ad-vanced Re-

search Projects Agency) or TREC (Text Retrieval Conference), where dierent approaches

to text analysis compete to produce the best automated coding for event data. This would

allow scholars to test tools already developed for text analysis in other areas of study and

to produce new tools to deal with the specic problem of tracking interactions from media


A consortium should be developed to provide real-time controlled access to a comprehensive


array of copyrighted material, to protect the business interests of news agencies, and to elicit

broader social interest in event data. The UN Global Pulse initiative and Flowminder in

Sweden, which address similar issues with regard to cell phone data, could provide a model.

Programs like that proposed here have been tried in other areas, such as social media analysis

and search-engine technology, with strong results. Such an eort can go a long way toward

settling the debate over the extent to which fully automated approaches, like those of GDELT

and ICEWS, can compete with semiautomated approaches like that of SPEED.

Event data can provide insights into a range of global problems such as national security,

economic instability, environmental concerns, and the spread of diseases. Our ability to

reason about world aairs would be signicantly improved by the availability of highquality

event data.
Chapter 4

Event Detection and Key Information


4.1 Introduction
Identifying and extracting relevant information from large volumes of text articles play a

critical role in various applications ranging from question answering [119], knowledge base

construction [115] and named entity recognition [101]. With the rise and pervasiveness of

digital media such as news, blogs, forums and social media, automatically detecting the

occurrence of events of societal importance, further categorizing them by performing event

classication (i.e., type of event) and automatically/manually encoding them are popular

areas of research. As a case in point, Muthiah et al. [83] use a dictionary-based approach to

rst identify news articles pertaining to planned civil unrest events, extract key indicators of

these events and later use this information to predict the onset of protests. Other applications

include event forecasting [95], social media monitoring [51] and detecting nancial events [6].

In this study, we view the twin problems of event detection and extracting key sentences to

enable event encoding and classication in a unied manner as a form of multiple instance

learning (MIL) [29]. This enables us to identify salient event-related sentences from news

articles without training labels at the sentence level and the use of manually dened dictio-

naries. Our motivation stems from the practical contexts in which event extraction systems


Figure 4.1: System Overview

CNN Module MIL Module r1

context (rg) r3
KMaxPooling context …
Sentence Convolution

local (r1l) local (rjl) local (rMl)

KMaxPooling local rM
Word Convolution
error back
W1 W2 W3 … Wi Wj Wk … Wn-2 Wn-1 Wn propagation
document sentence1 sentencej sentenceM document (bag)

Figure 4.2: MI-CNN Model Overview.

operate (see Figure 4.1). In a typical news article, there exist a small set of key sentences

that provide detailed information for a specic event. Identifying these sentences automati-

cally is useful for succinctly summarizing the news article. Highlighting such key sentences

within a visualization tool will enable a human analyst to quickly locate important informa-

tion, rapidly scan the contents of the article, and make timely decisions. Additionally, as

we will demonstrate, key sentences can form the basis of automated event encoding and we

can extract the nal event based on the identied salient sentences. Figure 4.1 provides an

overview of the methods developed in this work.

In more detail, we propose an MIL approach based on convolutional neural networks (CNN)

that incorporates a distributed representation of documents to extract event-related sen-


tences. Specically, we consider each individual sentence within a document to be an in-

stance and the collection of instances within a document as a bag. We are provided with

labels at only the bag (document) level. A positive label indicates that the news article

refers to a protest related event. Our model seeks to predict the labels at the document and

sentence levels but with no available sentence-level labels during training. Traditional MIL

formulations [29, 9, 73] treat each instance (sentence) within a bag (document) as indepen-

dent of each other. Our model relaxes this strong assumption by combining local and global

context information to construct a continuous sentence level representation. We evaluate

our proposed model on the specic domain of civil unrest events such as protests, strikes

and occupy events, with data obtained from ten Latin American Countries.

The major contributions of our work can be summarized as follows:

• We propose a novel framework which views event detection and identication of key

sentences as a form of multiple instance learning.

• We develop a novel sentence representation that combines local and global information

using convolutional neural network formalisms.

• We propose a new MIL-based loss function that encourages selection of a small set of

salient sentences for the protest articles.

4.2 Problem Denition

Given a set of N news articles, {xi }, i = 1..N , each news article is associated with a label

yi ∈ {0, 1} indicating whether the article refers to a protest event or not.

Our goals here are twofold. First, we aim to predict the event label ŷi for each news arti-

cle xi . This is the standard text classication formulation for solving the event detection

(recognition) problem. Our second goal is to extract a small set of salient sentences that are

considered as indicative (key) of event related information. The dynamic number k = |xi |×η
of sentences to extract is decided by the length of the article, where η in (0, 1] is a predened
value. We dene the second task as key sentences extraction problem. The extracted

key sentences are helpful for related tasks such as event detection, classication, encoding,

summarization, and information visualization.

4.3 Proposed Model

We propose a multiple instance learning (MIL) model based on convolutional neural networks

(MI-CNN) for our task. Each text article is considered as a bag and sentences within the

bag are individual instances. We have labels only for the article-level (bags) and do not

have individual ground truth labels available for each sentence (instances). Similar to MIL

formulations [73, 62], we seek to predict the document-level labels and transfer the labels

from the bag-level to individual sentences to identify the key sentences summarizing the

protest-related information.

We utilize CNN to construct a distributed representation for each instance (sentence), that

are the input to the MIL framework. Using the feedback from MIL training process, the

CNN module updates the instance representation. For every sentence within an article,

our model estimates a sentence-level probability that indicates the belief of the sentence

indicating event related information. The MI-CNN applies an aggregation function over the

sentences to compute a probability estimate for an article referring to a protest. Figure 4.2

provides an overview of our proposed model.

4.3.1 Instance Representation

As seen in Figure 4.2, the raw word tokens from the article are input into the network.

Given that a sentence s consists of D words s = {w1 , w2 , ..., wD }, every word w is converted

to a real value vector representation using a pretrained word embedding matrix W. The

individual word representations are then concatenated for every sentence. The embedding

matrix W ∈ Rd×|V | , where d is the embedding dimension and V is a xed-sized vocabulary,

will be ne-tuned during the training process.

The rst convolution and k-max pooling layer are used to construct the local vector repre-

sentations for every sentence referred by rj l for the j-th sentence. The convolutional layer

scans over the text, produces a local feature around each word and captures the patterns

regardless of their locations. The k-max pooling layer only retains the k-most signicant

feature signals and discards the others. It creates a xed-sized local vector for each sentence.

Given a sentence, s, the convolution layer applies a sliding window function to the sentence

matrix. The sliding window is called a kernel, lter, or feature detector. Sliding the lter over

the whole matrix, we get the full convolution and form a feature map. Each convolution layer

applies dierent lters, typically dozens or hundreds, and combines their results. The k-max

pooling layer applied after the convolution layer output k values for each feature map. In

addition to providing a xed-size output matrix, the pooling layer reduces the representation

dimensionality but tends to keep the most salient information. We can think of each lter as

detecting a specic feature such as detecting if the sentence contains a protest keyword. If

this protest-related phrase occurs somewhere in the sentence, the result of applying the lter

to that region will produce a large value, and small values in other regions. By applying the

max operator we are able to keep information about whether or not the feature appears in

the sentence.

The local features, rj l , aim to capture the semantic information embedded within the scope

of the j -th sentence. These local representations are then transformed using another convo-

lution and k-max pooling layer above to construct the article-level context representation,

denoted by rg . The context features rg capture the information across all the sentences

within the article and are shared by all the sentences. For every sentence, it's specic local

representation is concatenated with the context representation and used for the MIL-based

optimization. This combined representation is denoted by rj for the j -th sentence.

rj = rj l ⊕ rg , (4.1)

where ⊕ is the concatenation operator. Intutively, the context feature vector encodes topic

information of the document and is useful for distinguishing the theme and disambiguating

polysemy encoded in local features, rj l . For instance, a sentence containing the token strike
may refer to a civil unrest event, but it is also often related to a military activity. Without

context information, it is very hard to make this decision.


4.3.2 Sentence- and Document-Level Estimates

Given the distributed representation rj i of the j-th sentence in the document xi , we compute
a probabilistic score pij using a sigmoid function:

pij = σ(θT rj i + bs ) (4.2)

where θ is the coecient vector for sentence features and bs is the bias parameter. Intuitively,

pij is the probability that the j -th sentence within article xi refers to information pertaining

to a protest. Aggregating these estimated probabilities over these indicative sentences will

provide an estimate for a document to indicate a protest event. To alleviate the bias of

varying lengths of dierent articles, we choose a predened ratio, η (set to 0.2), to choose

the dynamic number of key sentences. We choose the set of top highly ranked sentences Ki
as key sentences in each article xi . |Ki | = max(1, b|xi | × ηc). Generally, we will select one

or two sentences each article given η as 0.2 in our dataset.

We compute the probability Pi of an article referring to a civil unrest event as the average

score of the key sentences:

1 X i
Prob(yi = 1) = Pi = p (4.3)
|Ki | k∈K k

There are several other common options to aggregate the instance probabilities to bag-level

probability. Averaging is one of the most common aggregation functions. It is suitable for

the cases where the bag label is decided by majority rule. Another common option is the

max function. In this case, the bag probability is decided by the most signicant instance.

Noise-OR is also a aggregation function used often in MIL. It tends to predict bags to be

positive due to its natural property. In protest news articles, there often exists a small set

of sentences indicating the occurrence of a protest event and remaining sentences are often

related to the background or discussion about that event. In this case, using the average over

all sentences makes the salient sentences indistinguishable from the background sentences.

However, using the max function makes the model sensitive to longer documents. We ran

preliminary experiments based on these dierent aggregation functions.


4.3.3 Multiple Instance Learning (MIL)

During training, the input to the MIL module is a document xi consisting of individual

sentences; label yi ∈ {0, 1} provided for the document. To encourage the model to select

meaningful key sentences, we design a compositional cost function that consists of four

components: bag-level loss, instance ratio, instance-level loss, and an instance-level manifold

propagation term. The loss function is given by:

1 X
L(x, y; θ, W, F, b) = (1 − yn ) log Pn + yn log (1 − Pn )
N n
| {z }
bag-level loss

α X
+ yn max(0, |Kn | − Qn ) + (1 − yn )Qn
N n
| {z }
instance ratio control loss

N Mn
β X 1 X
+ max(0, m0 − sgn(pnm − p0 )θT rm
N n Mn m
| {z }
The instance-level loss

N X Mi
Mn X
γ X n i 2
+ P (pnm − pij )2 e(−krm −rj k2 )
( n Mn )2 n i m j
| {z }
instance-level manifold propagation

1(pnm > 0.5)

where Qn = m is an indicator function that returns the number of instances

with a probability score greater than 0.5. N is the number of documents and Mn is the

number of sentences in n-th document. Hyper-parameters α, β , and γ control the weights of

dierent loss components. Dropout layers are applied on both word embedding and sentence

representation to regularize the model, and Adadelta [126] is used as the model optimization

algorithm. We used a dropout rate of 0.2 in the word convolutional layer and 0.5 in the

sentence convolutional layer. α, β and γ are 0.5, 0.5 and 0.001, and are chosen by cross-

validation on training set, respectively.

• Bag Level Loss: this component is the classical cross-entropy loss for classication

which penalizes the dierence between predictions and the true labels for bags.

• Instance Ratio Control Loss: this component encourages no sentence in the nega-

tive article to have a high probabilistic estimate and pushes the model to assign high

probabilistic estimates to a smaller set of sentences in the positive articles.

• The Instance-Level Loss: this part is a standard hinge loss that encourages wider

margin (m0 ) between positive and negative samples. Here sgn is the sign function.

The hyper parameter m0 and p0 control the sensitivity of the model. p0 determines

positiveness of instance. We set m0 as 0.5 and p0 as 0.6 in our case.

• Instance-level Manifold Propagation: Inspired by [62], the manifold propagation

term encourages the similar sentence representations to have similar predictions/estimates.

To optimize the cost function we use mini-batch stochastic gradient descent. This approach

was found to be scalable and insensitive to the dierent parameters within the proposed

model. A backpropagation algorithm is used to compute the gradient in our model. In our

experiments, the MI-CNN model was implemented using the Theano framework [12].

4.4 Experiments

4.4.1 Dataset
In our experiments, we use a manually labeled dataset (GSR; Gold Standard Report) of
Spanish protest events from ten Latin America countries from October 2015 to Jan 2016.

The dataset consists of 19795 news articles that do not refer to a protest (negatives) and

3759 articles that are protest-related (positives). For each positive article, the GSR provides

the population and event type of the protest event. The event population indicates the type

of participants involved in the protest. The event type identies the main reason behind the

protest. The set of event population and event types are listed in Table 4.1. Each annotated

sample is checked by three human analysts and the labels are conrmed if two of them agree

on the assignment. We use 5-fold cross validation for evaluation. On average, we have 18844

1 Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela

Table 4.1: Event population and Type

Event Population
General Population








Event Type
Government Policies

Employment and Wages

Energy and Resources

Economic Policies


articles for training and 4710 for test in each fold. Since the dataset is imbalanced we report

precision, recall, and F1 score computed for the positive class for our experiments.

During the data pre-processing phase, we augment a special token ( padding ) by

T −1

to the beginning and the end of the sentence, where T is the window size of lter in word

convolution layer. For the mini-batch setting in Theano, we dene two variables max s and

max d to control the maximum number of tokens for each sentence and maximum number of

sentences for each document. The special token ( padding ) is appended to the end of each
sentence until max s is achieved. Likewise, the padding sentences are attached to the end of
a document until maxd achieved. We set maxs as 70 and 30 for maxd in our experiments.

Pretrained Word Embedding For the initial word embeddings, we use a training corpus
consisting of 5.7 million Spanish articles ingested from thousands of news and blog feeds

covering Latin America area during the time period of Jan 2013 to April 2015. The open

source tool word2vec [80] is used for pretraining word embeddings in our experiments. We

set the word embedding dimension as 100. Tokens appearing less than ten times are removed

and we use the skip-gram structure to train the model.

4.4.2 Comparative Methods

Support vector machines (SVM) are known to be eective for the standard text classication

problem [53, 112]. We use SVM as one of the baseline models for the article classication

problem. We remove Spanish stop words, apply lemmatization on tokens, and use TF-IDF


The second comparative approach used in our study is a CNN with a softmax classier. The

CNN model rst constructs a sentence vector by applying convolution and k-max pooling

over word representations. Then a document vector is formed over sentence vectors in a

similar way. Finally, the softmax layer uses the document vector as input and predicts the

nal label.

Although the SVM and CNN model can classify whether an article refers to a protest or not,

they do not directly output the key sentences referring to the events. Both SVM and CNN

models construct a document level representation (global information) and use it as input

to nal classier; we refer to them as global methods.


Table 4.2: Hyperparameters for MI-CNN model

N Batch size 50

max w Max number of words in sentence 70

max s Max number of sentences in a article 30

fw Number of feature maps in word Conv layer 50

fs Number of feature maps in sentence Conv layer 100

kw k-max pooling parameter in word Conv layer 3

ks k-max pooling parameter in sentence Conv layer 2

Tw Filter window size in word Conv layer 5

Ts Filter window size in sentence Conv layer 3

η The ratio of choose key sentences 0.2

α The control parameter of Instance ratio control loss 0.5

β The control parameter of Instance level loss 0.5

γ The control parameter of Instance level manifold propogation 0.001

drop w Dropout rate in word Conv Layer 0.2

drop s Dropout rate in sentence Conv Layer 0.5

d Pretrained word embedding dimension 100

As opposed to global methods, local methods assign credit to individual sentences and make

the nal decisions based on an aggregation function applied over the individual sentences.

As such, these approaches can extract the set of signicant sentences along with an article-

level label prediction. The multiple instance support vector machine (MISVM) [32], group

instance cost function (GICF) [62] (discussed in Section 4.4.3), and our proposed approach

(MI-CNN) are all local methods. To train the GICF and MISVM models, we use the sentence

representation learned from the CNN model as instance features. Table 4.2 shows the hyper-

parameters used in the model MI-CNN.


Table 4.3: Event detection performance. comparison based Precision, Recall and F-1 score w.r.t
to state-of-the-art methods. The proposed MI-CNN method outperform state-of-the-art

Precision(Std.) Recall(Std.) F1(Std.)

SVM 0.818 (0.019) 0.720 (0.008) 0.765 (0.009)

MISVM 0.724 (0.030) 0.584 (0.017) 0.646 (0.018)

CNN Model 0.732 (0.033) 0.783 (0.026) 0.756 (0.007)

GICF 0.833 (0.019) 0.421 (0.09) 0.553 (0.086)

MI-CNN (max) 0.685 (0.030) 0.730 (0.029) 0.706 (0.018)

MI-CNN (avg) 0.731 (0.069) 0.789 (0.042) 0.759 (0.026)

MI-CNN (context +
0.742 (0.036) 0.813 (0.041) 0.775(0.006)

4.4.3 Experimental Results

Event Detection (Article Classication)

Table 4.3 shows the classication results for MI-CNN and comparative approaches for iden-

tifying whether a news article is protest-related or not. We report the mean precision,

recall and F1 score along with standard deviation across ve folds. The MI-CNN approach

outperforms all other baseline methods. Both MISVM and GICF models have relatively

poor performance on this dataset. Specically, the MI-CNN model outperforms GICF by

40% and MISVM by 20% with respect to the F1 score. One possible explanation for the

poor performance of MISVM and GICF is that the sentence vectors learned from CNN

model only capture the local information (sentence level) but ignore the contextual infor-

mation important for article classication. In contrast to the GICF model, which uses xed

sentence representation learned from the CNN model, MI-CNN updates the sentence repre-

sentation during the training process according to the feedback from the multiple instance


Importance of Context Information To show that context information is helpful when

encoding the sentence representation, we performed a set of experiments based on the vari-

ants of our MI-CNN model. We trained a model referred by MI-CNN (max), which does

not add context information to the sentence vector. The maximum score of sentences in

the article is used as the probability of an article to be positive. Dierent from MI-CNN

(max) model, the second variant MI-CNN (avg) model infers the probability of a positive

article as the average score over all the sentences. In the model referred by MI-CNN (context

+ k-max), the context information encoded into the sentence level representation and the

dynamic top k sentences are used to infer the probability a given article to be positive (i.e.,


As shown in Table 4.3, the MI-CNN (max) model has worse performance when compared

with SVM, CNN and two other MI-CNN models, which all use the global information to

some extent. This experiment shows that exclusively using the local information is not

benecial for the classication task. Further, MI-CNN (context + k-max) achieves the best

performance conrming the importance of context information.

Probability Distributions Figure 4.3 presents the distribution of the estimated document
level probability estimates for protest and non-protest articles based on the aggregation of

key sentence-level probability estimates. Within the MIL formulation, the sentence-level

(instances within each bag) loss function attempts to separate the margin between the pos-

itive and negative sentences. The results show the stability of our predictions, because the

majority of estimated probabilities for the protest articles are greater than 0.8, whereas for

the non-protest articles are smaller than 0.2.

Identifying Key Sentences

In addition to classifying whether an article is reporting a civil unrest event or not, our

model also extracts the most indicative sentences for each article. We perform a qualitative

and quantitative evaluation of the indicative sentences.

Quantitative Evaluation
Since we do not have available ground truth data for the key sentences, we evaluate the

quality of our identied sentences by comparing with sentences selected by several methods.

We assume that key sentences should be discriminative about protest references. If we

only use the selected sentences to represent the whole document and apply an article label

Figure 4.3: The histogram of probability estimates for protest and non-protest articles for test set

classier on these documents, we expect that the selected sentences with higher quality will

have better classication performance. In our experiment, we try three other methods for

extracting the same number of sentences and apply the SVM classier. The rst baseline

method ( Random) randomly chooses sentences from a given article. News articles generally

organize important information at the start and end of a document. As such, we select
k k
the rst sentences from the start and from the end of an article as another baseline
2 2
( The third method ( Keywords) selects sentences containing protest-related
keywords such as demonstration, march, protest based on an expert-dened dictionary.

Table 4.4 shows the comparative results of the above outlined approaches. The MI-CNN

approach outperforms all other methods with respect to F1 score. As expected, all meth-

ods show better performance than randomly choosing sentences. Using the sentences with

protest-related keywords has the highest recall. However, this approach has a higher chance

of false positives due to polysemy. For example, the term march can refer to the protest

movement as well as the month of year. A signicant strength of our proposed model com-

pared to the keyword approach is that our model does not require any domain experts to

curate a dictionary of protest keywords and is easier to adapt to new and unknown domains

with minimal eort.

In addition to using the classier to evaluate the quality of the sentences extracted by our

model, we randomly choose 100 protest articles represented by key sentences for manual

Table 4.4: Event detection performance using key sentences only.

Prec.(Std.) Recall(Std.) F1(Std.)

Keywords Protest 0.755 (0.021) 0.638 (0.017) 0.692 (0.018)

Random Sentences 0.681 (0.026) 0.433 (0.019) 0.551 (0.018)

Start/End Sentences 0.751 (0.022) 0.555 (0.026) 0.638 (0.019)

MI-CNN 0.761 (0.015) 0.635 (0.024) 0.693 (0.019)

evaluation. We ask three annotators to determine whether the extracted sentences refer to

a protest event. If the sentence contains the participant and protest action information, we

consider that the method correctly identied a sentence referring to a protest event. In case

of inconsistencies amongst the human evaluators, the nal decision is decided by a simple

majority. The annotators agreed with each other 95% of the time in our labeling process.

Figure 4.4 presents this human-based evaluation result. Our model has the highest average

accuracy and least variance. The average accuracy that our model achieves is approximately

10% higher than keywords approach and 80% than Start/End approach.

Figure 4.4: Event Reference Accuracy for Protest Articles

Qualitative Evaluation and Case Studies


Table 4.5: List of positive and negative sentences selected by our model sorted by score: The positive
sentences show common patterns that include location references and purpose-indicating
terms. The negative sentences may contain protest keywords, but are not related to a
specic civil unrest event. The third and forth columns show whether the titled methods
also select the same sentence as our approach as the key sentence. The pink color
highlights the protest participant, green for protest keyword and yellow for location
Positive Sentences Score Keywords Start/End
The protesters began their demonstration in Plaza Juarez , advanced by 16 September to Hidalgo. 0.9992 Yes No
From the early hours of Saturday morning was locked by a protest the
Francisco Fajardo highway from Caricuao , neighbors of the sector demand security 0.9991 Yes No
The mobilization was convened by teachers unions , but the national March of public colleges and private
(MNCPP), the National Federation of high school students (Fenaes) and the Center Union of secondary 0.9991 No No
students (Unepy) joined the activity.
Manifestation of truckers paralyzed the trac in the section clean- Roque Alonso 0.9991 Yes Yes
Close Street in protest for not having water three months those who protested pointed out that the 0.9991 Yes Yes
problem was reported to the go, but have not resolved them nothing.
Protesters are demanding the resignation of President Cartes , since they consider that - as they 0.9991 Yes No
understand - no rules for the sectors poorer, and the installation a patriotic junta in power.
Adhering to the party Paraguay Pyahura troops in the Eusebio Ayala Avenue heading to downtown 0.9991 No Yes
Asuncion, demanding the resignation of President Cartes.
From 09:00 hours, tens of inhabitants of the municipal head were concentrated
at the entrance of Arcelia and almost 10 o'clock began a March toward the Center, which showed 0.999 Yes No
banners against sta of the PF.
A group of taxi drivers protested this Monday morning in the central town of el Carrizal municipality,
in Miranda State , according to @PorCarrizal the demonstration is due to that, he was denied the 0.9988 Yes Yes
circulation to the drivers who beneted from the transport mission.
Negative Sentences Score Keywords Start/End
Bled some guardians, also protesters, friends and family that went with them. 0.172 Yes No
The parade by the 195 years of independence of Ambato yesterday (November 12) had a dierent conno- 0.0125 Yes No
This morning, the situation is similar, as already record barricades and demonstrations in the same place, 0.0109 Yes No
by what police is already around the terminal.
The young man asked that they nicely other costume to so participate in the parade. 0.0097 No No
Employees announced that they will be inside until you cancel them owed assets. 0.0093 No No
Workers arrived Thursday to the plant where the only person who remained on duty in the place who 0.0088 No No
has not claimed his salary joined the protest.

A useful application of identifying the key sentences is text summarization and visualization.

Our model can assist a human analyst in quickly identifying the key information about an

event without reading an entire document. Case Study 1 shows a demonstration of this

practical application where key sentences within a news article are highlighted. From the

highlighted sentences, we can easily nd key information such as the which entity ( who )
against which entity, the details and reason behind the protest ( what, why ) and the location
and time of the protest if available ( where, when ).
Table 4.5 shows the set of top positive sentences ordered by probability scores, as well as

the set of negative sentences. Dierent event roles are also being highlighted with dierent

Case Study 1: Key sentences are highlighted within a protest news article.

colors in the text. We report common patterns among the positive sentences. For instance,

most of them contain the location information such as in Plaza Juarez, in the Eusebio
Ayala Avenue. Another common pattern is that the indicative sentences often contain some

purpose-indicating words such as demand, against. From analyzing the negative sentences,

we nd that they may include some protest related words such as protest, protestor, parade,
but are assigned lower scores because of the lack of protest action pattern and contextual


Further, in the last two columns of Table 4.5, we show whether the keywords and start/end

methods also select our high ranked sentences as key sentences. We nd that the keywords

method has a high overlap with our method for the positive sentences. However it also

introduces false positives as shown for the negative sentences.

Event Type and Population-Specic Tokens

For every protest article, the GSR provides a specic classication as it relates to the event

population and type. Representing the protest articles by the identied key sentences

we extract the most frequent words within these sentences and report them in Figure 4.5

in descending order of the normalized frequency score. Specically, for each class cp and

ce in event population and event type, we assign a score to each word w to evaluate it's

contribution to a given class. The score function is a normalized word frequency given by:

Scorec (w) = fc,w log , (4.4)

where, c ∈ {cp , ce }, fc,w is the frequency of token w for class c, n w is number of documents

containing w. N is the total set of articles. From Figure 4.5, we see that many of these

terms are recognizable as terms about Business, Media and Education (event population)

and Housing and Economic (event type). For instance, terms such as sellers and commer-

cial have been chosen as top words in the key sentences in business articles. Students,

education and teachers are selected with higher weights in news articles in education

category although some neutral words such as national are also identied.

2 The text examples listed in this section are translated from Spanish to English using Google Translate


Figure 4.5: Top scored terms in dierent categories of event populations and event types. All the
articles are represented by the MI-CNN model selected key sentences.

Event Encoding

As a downstream application, we explored the capability of encoding (extracting event in-

formation) events from the identied key sentences. Since, the event encoding task is not

the main focus of our work, we try previously developed open information extraction tools

for this purpose.

We use ExtrHech [131], a state-of-the-art open information extraction tool. ExtrHech is

a Spanish Open IE tool based on syntactic constraints over parts-of-speech (POS) tags

within sentences. It takes sentences as input and outputs the relations in the form of tuples

(argument 1; relation; argument 2). Table 4.6 shows a list of events extracted by ExtrHech.

We notice that ExtrHech is good at capturing the event population and action information,

but not good for the event type information. The reason might be that the syntactic rules

in ExtrHech are more suitable for capturing the pattern (Subject, Predicate, Object). For

instance, ExtrHech captured entity words such as campus (indicating education), pension

, producers (indicating business), mayor, gendarmes (indicating Legal).

4.5 Related Work

4.5.1 Event Extraction

Event detection/extraction with online open source datasets has been a large and active area

of research in the past decades. In political science eld, there have been several systems such

as GDELT [67], ICEWS [89], and EL:DIABLO [103] working on extracting political events

Table 4.6: List of events extracted using ExtrHech

Argument 1 Relation Argument 2

the retired require pension Social Security Institute Servers

the protesters complain Guerrero campus

the manifestation cause trouble passangers

the district organize carnival

the protesters are required councilors

Antorcha Campesina organization agglutinated the capital

the situation annoy producers

the mayor demand expulsion colonists

gendarmes ensure conicts

from online media. Supervised, unsupervised, and distant supervision learning techniques

have been developed to tackle dierent domains and challenges.

Supervised learning approaches often focus on handcrafted ontologies and heavily rely on

manually labeled training datasets at the sentence, phrase, and token levels. Chen and Li et
al. [21, 70] utilize the annotated arguments and specic keyword triggers in text to develop
an extractor. Leveraging social network datasets, Social Event Radar [48] is a service plat-

form that provides alerts for any merchandise aws, food-safety related issues, unexpected

eruption of diseases, or campaign issues towards the government through keyword expan-

sion. Social streams such as Twitter [120, 99] have been used for event records extraction and

event detection. Event structure in open domains are mostly complex and nested. Super-

vised event extraction [78],[64] has been studied by analyzing the event-argument relations

and discourse aspects of event interactions with each other. Even though, these methods

often achieve high precision and recall, they do not scale to large datasets due to the limited

availability of low level labeled data. Dierent from these approaches, our method utilizes

the multi-instance formulation to propagate the labels from article level to sentence and

phrase level. The proposed method is suitable because training data is easily available at

the document level rather than per-sentence level.

In the unsupervised setting, approaches have been developed [74, 87] that model the under-

lying structure by jointly modeling the role of multiple entities within events or modeling

an event with past reference events and context. Approaches [18, 84] extract the event

without templates based on probabilistic graphical models. The advantage of unsupervised

approaches is that they don't require any labeled data and might be able to use the large

quantities of unlabeled data, available online. The disadvantage of unsupervised methods is

that they might suer due to noisy information and concept drift.

Between supervised and unsupervised approach, distant supervision methods try to mitigate

their disadvantages and often utilize the public knowledge base to generate training samples.

Mintz et al. [82] use Freebase relations and nd sentences which contain entities appearing

in these relations. From these sentences, they extract text features and train a classier for

relation classication.

4.5.2 Multiple Instance Learning

Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) [29] is developed for classifying groups of instances called

bags. In standard MIL formulation, individual instance level labels are not available and

labels are provided only at the group/bag level. Each bag is labeled positive if it contained

at least one positive instance and negative otherwise. This MIL formulation makes strong

assumptions regarding the relationship between the bag and instance-level labels. There

are approaches that extend Support Vector Machines (SVM) for the MIL problem [9, 41]

which include: (i) modifying the maximum margin formulation to discriminate between bags

rather than individual instances and (ii) developing kernel functions that operate directly

on bags (MI-SVM, evaluated in this work). Specically, the generalized MIL [117] assumes

the presence of multiple concepts and a bag is classied as positive if there exists instances

from every concept. Relevant to our work, besides predicting bag labels, Liu et al. [73]

seek to identify the key instances within the positively-labeled bags using nearest neighbor

techniques. The recent work of [62] focuses on instance-level predictions from group level

labels (GICF) and allows for the application of general aggregation functions while inferring

the sentiment associated with sentences within reviews. Similar to our idea, Homann and

Surdeanu et al. [47, 110] utilize external knowledge base to extract relation from text in

MIL framework. Dierent from traditional distant supervision, they assume that if two

entities participate in a relation, then at least one sentence that contains these two entities

might express that relation. Dierent from these work, we don't have an external source to

determine the involved entities in the events.

4.5.3 Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have found success in several natural language pro-

cessing (NLP) applications such as part-of-speech tagging, chunking, named entity recog-

nition, and semantic role labeling [24]. Kim [59] applies CNN to text classication for

sentiment analysis. Kalchbenner et al. [57] propose a CNN approach to model the sentence

vector based on dynamic k-max pooling and folding operation. Shen et al. [105] propose a la-

tent semantic model based on CNN to learn a distributed representation for search queries.

In our work, we use CNN to learn sentence representations by combining both local and

global information and couple this representation within a relaxed MIL formulation.

4.6 Summary
We propose a novel method to extract event-related sentences from news articles without

explicitly provided sentence-level labels for training. Our approach integrates a convolution

neural network model into the multi-instance learning framework. The CNN model provides

a distributed sentence representation which combines local and global information to relax

the independence assumptions of standard MIL formulations. We perform a comprehensive

set of experiments to demonstrate the eectiveness of our proposed model in terms of classi-

fying a news document as a protest or not and extracting the indicative sentences from the

article. Using the identied sentences to represent a document, we show strong classica-

tion results in comparison to baselines without use of expert-dened dictionaries or features.

The strengths of our proposed model is highlighted by integrating with visualization and

summarization applications as well as detection of ner patterns that are associated with an

event type and population.

Chapter 5

Multi-Task Multi-Instance Recurrent

Neural Network for Event Extraction

Along with the exploding number of digital data sources, the demand of making use of

extracted information during decision making process becomes increasing intensive[11, 51, 88,

4]. In various applications such as algorithmic trading, media monitoring and risk analysis,

extracting information has played a crucial part in the whole system. As a special form of

Information Extraction, Event Extraction (EE) has attracted growing research interest in

recent years. Li [70] proposed a successful joint model which is based on the structured

perceptron algorithm with a rich set of global and local features to simultaneously predict

the event trigger and arguments. Most traditional approaches usually rely on domain and

language knowledge to design the features. This might limit the application of models

developed in one domain to other domains. In recent years, deep learning approaches [21,

85, 114, 5] have been widely applied in the task of event extraction and achieved the state

of art performance. One key benet of deep learning is that the algorithms automatically

learn the representation of input and avoid manually engineering and carefully crafting the

features. However, most of these approaches require accurate annotation in entity mention

level, which is complex and time-consuming to label. To address this challenge, we propose

a distant supervision based approach which utilizes the existing event database to substitute

the requirements of accurate labeling. We assign the label to the entity level rather than

directly give each entity mention a label.


Figure 5.1: System Overview

It is common in event extraction task that the entity mentions belonging to the same entity

might take dierent event roles in one article.

To motivate our approach, consider the following two sentences that refer to the entity

Github but in dierent contexts.

S1: Github has been hit by another distributed denial-of-service attack launched by the hacker
group Anonymous on March 11 at 14:25 PTDT
S2: As most Github users will tell you, DDoS attacks against the service are highly common.
In both sentences S1 and S2, Github is considered as a entity reference or mention and the
objective of our work is to determine it's role/context. Github is the Target of a DDoS

attack in S1. However, in S1 of the same article Github does not take any role in this event.

In this study, we view the classication of event arguments as a form of Multi-Instance

Learning (MIL). It enables us to identify the entity mentions involved in the event without

the phrase level labeling. A pertinent challenge in training machine learning models for

domain specic event extraction is that the size of the training dataset for domain event

is usually small (hundreds events). Inspired by the successful applications of Multi-Task

learning (MTL) in natural language processing [23, 22, 97], we design a Multi-Task strategy

to alleviate the problem of limited training data. In addition to the main task of identifying

event arguments, we design an auxiliary task of extracting event-related sentences (referred

by event extents ) from the document. The tasks of classifying event argument and identifying

event extents are strongly correlated to each other. The event extents should contain at

least one event argument. Moreover, the MIL strategy also works for the extraction of

event extents from the article without sentence level labeling. Figure 5.1 demonstrates the

overview of our proposed approach. Given a typical news article, we rst identify all the

entities; and then extract the event arguments as well as the key sentences (event extent) as

a byproduct. As shown in Figure 5.1, the highlighted event extents can help users quickly

locate the key information within an article of interest.

We propose a Multi-Instance, Multi-Task RNN (MIMTRNN) approach for event extraction

with distant supervision. The distant supervision will reduce the eort and cost for event

labeling. The MIL module will handle the noise labels from distant supervision. The MTL

module benets the framework from two ways. First of all, the MTL increases the number

of samples that we are using to train the model. Secondly, Modeling the two related tasks

together reduces the risk of over-tting for each task and makes the learned representation

more general. As a proof of concept, we validate our method on two real-world event datasets:

cyber-attack and social unrest event set.

5.1 Notations and Problem Setting

5.1.1 Problem Statement

In this work, we aim to extract the interested event for specic domains, such as cyber-attack

event. In the training phase, we are given a set of event records for a specic domain and

corresponding news articles reporting the event. Each event record consists of a set of event

arguments. Each entity might have multiple entity mentions in the article, while we do not

have the ground truth label for each entity mention. We do not know which entity mention

is really contributing to that event argument. In the test phase, the task is to assign the

event roles to the entities if the article refers a specic interested event. Taking the Cyber

Attack event extraction task as example, the arguments of a cyber-attack event consist of

Attacker, Target and Time. After training, the model will assign one of the four classes

(Attacker, Target, Time, None) to each entity in the test article.

5.1.2 Notations
We follow the same concepts dened in the ACE (Automatic Content Extraction) event

extraction task [30].

• Entity: An Entity is dened as an object or set of objects in the world. E.g., Micor-
soft is a company entity and Anonymous is a organization entity.
• Entity Mention: Entity mention is a reference to the entity in the text. E.g., each

appearance of Micorsoft in one article is a mention for Microsoft entity.

• Event Extent:: An Event extent is a sentence within which a specic event is de-


• Event Argument: Event argument is an entity mention, which will be a participant

or an attribution in the event.

5.2 Model
We propose a Multi-Instance Multi-Task Learning model based on Recurrent Neural Net-

work (MIMTRNN) for our task. We utilize the Recurrent Neural Network to construct the

distributed representation of entity mentions and sentences. The Multi-Instance Learning

module takes as input the instance representation and via backpropagation forces the RNN

module to learn better representation. For each entity mention/sentence instance, the model

estimates a probability distribution over the target classes; and then an aggregation function

is applied on the instances to infer the probability distribution of the bag over classes. In

addition to sharing the underlying token embeddings, the argument prediction module and

event extent identication module are trained together to overcome the small size of training

data and overcome over-tting risk for each task. Figure 5.2 provides an overview of our

proposed model. xi to xN are the input representations of the tokens in each sentence, and

Figure 5.2: Multi-Task Multi Instance RNN Model Overview


the tokens with the black ground are the specic entity mentions. In addition to the word

embedding features, other types of information, such as entity type can be easily integrated

into this framework.

5.2.1 Encoding Entity Mention and Sentence

Context Word Window

The main input to the system is a one hot representation of the tokens and the entity

mentions' positions in the sentence. By looking up the word embedding matrix, each token

is transformed into a continuous space representation. Typically the word embedding matrix

is pre-trained using large external corpus such as Wikipedia by shallow neural model. The

learned word embedding has some interesting properties [81] and tends to cluster the words

with similar semantic [24].

As suggested in [79], the context word window captures short-term temporal dependencies

surrounding the word of interest. Before feeding the input into the Bidirectional LSTM

layer, we replace each token in the sentence with a context word window. Given a window of

size 2d + 1 and the dimension of the word embedding e, the context word window xt is built

by the concatenation of the previous d words followed by the current word and d following


xt = [wt−d ...wt ...wt+d ] ∈ R(2d+1)?e

For the rst and last word, we add a special token padding d times to the begin and end of
the sentence. The following is an example of context window of size 3 for word Anonymous
in the sentence S3.

S3: The online hacktivist Anonymous has taken down the ocial website of Fullerton
police department in retaliation for the arrest of protesters.

xAnonymous = [whacktivist , wAnonymous , wtook ] ∈ R3e


Bidirectional LSTM

The proposed model seeks to learn representations of both, the entity mention and sentence.

We use RNN [91] to encode the entity mention and sentence into dense vectors. RNN has

been widely used in dierent NLP tasks [79, 123, 85] to model sequential dependencies

within text data.

For event extraction case, the label of entity mention is not only related to previous tokens

in the sentence but also the following ones. For instance, in sentence S3 the tokens has taken
down Anonymous
after and the one hactivist before it are strong surrogates that suggest

Anonymous is the attacker for the cyber attack incident. Similarly, assigning the label

Attacker Anonymous
to helps the system correctly classify Fullerton police department
and vise versa. Follow this idea, we use bidirectional LSTM to encode sentence from both

directions with dierent hidden layers. The nal output h̄t at time step t is the concatenation

− ←

of forward output ht and backward output ht .

− ← −
h̄t = [ ht , ht ]

Representation for Entity Mention and Sentence

We treat each entity mention as a token, and the representation of the entity mention is the

output of the Bidirectional LSTM at its position in the sentence. In the case of multi-tokens

entity mention, we transform the entity mention into one new token by concatenating all

the original tokens. For instance, the GPE entity mention United States" is replaced by the

new token United_States.

The most common way to build the sentence embedding in Bidirectional LSTM is to con-

catenate the representation of the last token in both forward and backward directions. The

output of the last LSTM cell encodes everything we need to know about the sentence. In

some cases, the key information indicating the occurrence of target event might be far away

from the start and end of the sentence. For example, in the following sentence:

S4: As a result of arrest and acquittal of police ocers, Anonymous decided to take revenge
in the form of taking down the ocial website Fullerton police department, which at

the time of publishing this article was still down and was showing error.
The key phrase taking down indicating the cyber attack event is far from the begin and end
of the sentence. In theory, LSTM can deal with arbitrary long sequences, but in practice,

the long-range dependencies are still problematic. Alternatively, we utilize the attention

mechanism to learn the sentence representation. With the attention mechanism, we no

longer rely on the output of the last LSTM cell to include all the information of a sentence.

Rather, we allow the model to put particular attentions on dierent parts of the sentence.

As shown in Figure 5.2, the sentence representation rs is a weighted combination of all the

LSTM cell outputs.

rs = αt ht (5.1)

exp(wα · ht )
αt = PN (5.2)
j=1 exp(wα · hj )

Here, wα is the attention parameter which is a vector with the same length as ht . α denes

contribution that a token makes to the sentence embedding. Higher value of α implies that

the sentence embedding pays more attention on that part.

5.2.2 Multi-Task Multi-Instance Learning

In the context of event extraction, it is common that not all the mentions of one entity in

the text belong to the same event argument. For the argument entity, only few of mentions

take the event role and the remaining take the role of " None". Similar to the case of entity

mention, the sentences containing the argument entities may not be all event extents. Based

on these ideas, it is natural and exible to use Multi-Instance Learning paradigm to model

the entities and sentences.

The main goal of this work is to identify the event and extract the event arguments from

the text. We consider the task of classifying the entities into dierent argument roles as our

main task. We design an auxiliary task of identifying event extent in addition to the main


We consider each entity as a bag and all its mentions in an article as instances. Similarly,

in training phase, we consider all the sentences containing at least one event argument as

a positive bag and the remain sentences constitute the negative bag in one article. As

shown in the Figure 5.2, the main and auxiliary tasks share the word embedding layer and

Bidirectional LSTM layer. The intuition behind this task pair is following. On one hand, the

sentences which are event extents must include at least one event argument. On the other

hand, the entity mentions which are event arguments must appear in the event extent.

Given a article with n entities and m sentences, the training set D is [(E, LE ), (S, LS )], where
E = hE1 , ..., En i is a set of entity bags and S = hS1 , S2 i is a set of sentence bags. LE , LS are

sets of labels for entity and sentence bags, respectively. The i th training entity is represented
by hEi , `Ei i, where the entity bag Ei is associated with the label `Ei . Ei = hei1 , ..., eini i is a

collection of ni entity mentions described by re the output of one Bidirectional LSTM cell.

Each sentence bag Si = hsi1 , ..., sini i is a set of sentences and each sentence is represented

by rs the weighted combination of the LSTM cell outputs with attention mechanism.

Classical MIL algorithms [7] follow two types of approaches. An instance-based model infers

the instance level labels rst and then derive the bag level labels from instances' labels. On

the other hand, a bag based model attempts to directly obtain the bag level label based on

bag discrimination information. In this work, we take the instance based paradigm to infer

the bag level labels.

Given the representation re of the entity mention, we compute the probability pe of the entity
mention over argument labels by a softmax function.

exp(θk · re + bk )
pke = sof tmax(re ) = PK (5.3)
j=1 exp(θj · re + bj )

The probability ps of the sentence mentioning an event is calculated by a sigmoid function

given the sentence embedding rs .

exp(β · rs + bs )
ps = σ(β · rs + bs ) = (5.4)
1 + exp(β · rs + bs )
Here, θ, β and b are model parameters.

We consider the bag level probability distribution as the aggregation output of the instance

level probability distribution and apply a Noise-OR mechanism on the bag level aggregate

function. The Noise-OR strategy assumes that the positive bag contains at least one positive

instance, while all the instances in the negative bag are negative. However, it is not known

that in positive bag which instance is positive and whether there are more than one positive

examples in the bag. The probability of the bag being positive is decided by the most positive

instance. On the other hand, the probability of the bag being negative is determined by the

least negative instance. For sentence bag (binary case), the probability of the bag being

positive (include event extent) is calculated by:

p(`Si = 1) = max p(`s = 1) (5.5)


For the multi-classes case with |L| types of labels, we assume that the rst |L| − 1 classes are
positive and the last one is negative class. In the context of cyber attack event extraction,

we consider the argument classes ( Attacker, Target and Time) are positive and None as
negative. We compute the unnormalized bag probability for class i by:

 max p(`e = i) if i ∈ [1, ..., |L| − 1]
p̃(`E = i) = (5.6)
 1 − max p̃(`E = j) Otherwise

Then, the bag probability over classes is estimated by:

p̃(`E = i)
p(`E = i) = P|L| (5.7)
j p̃(`E = j)

We use E for the entity bags, S for the sentence bags and y for the labels in one article.

With the auxiliary task, we dene the loss function for one article as below:

1 X
L(E, S, y; θ) = λ −ye · log(p(e; θ))
NE e∈E
(1 − λ) X
+ −ys · log(p(s; θ)) (5.8)
2 s∈S

where θ represents all the model parameters, NE is the number of entity bags in that article

and λ is the loss weight with the value between 0 and 1. The rst part of loss function is

the cross-entropy loss for the main task based on the entity labels. The second part is the

cross-entropy loss for auxiliary task based on the sentence bag labels.

The training objective is optimized using mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and

we use one article as a batch during the training. We also apply Dropout on model layers

to further reduce the overtting. There are several common used optimization methods

when training with SGD, including AdaGrad [33], AdaDelta [126] and RMSprop [111].

Empirically, RMSprop works the best on our dataset, so we only report the results with


5.3 Experiments

5.3.1 Datasets
We evaluate the performance of our proposed approach on two real-world datasets: (i) Cyber

Attack Event Set and (ii) Social Unrest Event dataset.

Cyber Attack Events We collect a set of distributed denial of service (DDoS) events

from the website Each DDoS event consists of three event

related elds (Attacker, Target, Time) and the news articles referring the event. For the

training set, we rst extract all the entities with types: (i) Person, (ii) Organization, (iii)

Geopolitical Entity (GPE) or (iv) Time in the article and then map the event arguments to

these entities. Finally, the unmatched entities are assigned the N one label.

Social Unrest Events In our experiments, we use a manually labeled civil unrest dataset
from news article. Each protest event provides the population, protest type and location of

the event, as well as the article reporting the event. Each annotated sample is checked by

three human analysts and the labels are conrmed if two of them agree on the assignment.

In this task, we will predict whether the location mentioned in the news articles is involved

in a protest or not.

Table 5.1 shows two examples for the events used in our experiments. We use 5-fold cross

validation for evaluation and report the mean precision, recall and F1 score along with

standard deviation across ve folds. Table 5.2 shows the summary statistics for one of the

5 folds for these two datasets.


Table 5.1: Event record examples for Cyber Attack and Social Unrest. (Note: the event sentences
are not given in the dataset, we add the sentences here to give the readers more context
information about the event.)

Cyber Attack Civil Unrest

Type DDoS Type Government Policy

Attacker Anonymous Location London

Victim Angola

Time Sunday

Sentence Anonymous take down Angola Sentence Around 20,000 pro-refugee demonstrators

government website on took to London streets on Saturday.


5.3.2 Baseline Methods

In this section, we discuss a number of strong baseline approaches which are evaluated in

our experiments.

Baseline 1: SVM with Text-based Features

Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) [53], which is widely regarded as one of the best text

classication algorithms. In addition to the entity token itself, we design four other types of

features to represent the entity mentions.

Token Context Window The surrounding tokens of the entity mention in the sentence

with window size 3.

Dependency Parsing Tree The neighbor of the entity mention in the dependency parsing

Entity Type The type of the entity, such as Organization, Time and so on.
Title information Whether the entity appears in the title or not.

Table 5.2: Summary of Cyber Attack and Civil Unrest dataset

Cyber Attack
Events Sens Entities Entity Ments

Train 100 1636 1206 1772

Valid 20 299 288 437

Test 35 566 478 757

Civil Unrest
Train 612 5658 3238 10064

Valid 203 1884 1084 3326

Test 204 2011 1089 3235

Baseline 2: Hierarchical RNN

Lin et al. [71] proposed a Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network (HRNN) approach to

model the document. Inspired by this idea, we use the HRNN to build the representation

for an entity. We represent each entity mention by concatenating the token and its relative

position to the entity mention in the sentence. After adding the relative position to the

tokens, each entity mention could be considered as a dierent sentence. Then similar to the

application of HRNN on the document, we apply one LSTM layer on entity mention tokens

to get the entity mention embedding and apply another LSTM layer on mention embedding

to get entity embedding. Finally, a softmax layer is applied on the entity embedding to

compute the probability distribution over event argument labels.

Baseline 3: Hierarchical CNN

Denil el at. [27] proposed a hierarchical CNN document model to build the document

representation and extracted the salient sentences. The approach involved use of two CNN

layers to encode sentence and document. Both RNN and CNN are frequently used in text

related tasks. RNN is a more `natural' approach as it is able to capture the sequential

dependence prevalent within natural language. Compared with RNN, CNN models are

Table 5.3: Event Extraction performance. Comparison based on micro-average Precision, Recall
and F-1 Score w.r.t to baseline methods.

Cyber Attack Civil Unrest

Precision(Std.) Recall(Std.) F1(Std.) Precision(Std.) Recall(Std.) F1(Std.)

SVM 0.77(0.037) 0.79(0.028) 0.78(0.031) 0.84(0.012) 0.85(0.29) 0.84(0.031)

H-RNN 0.76(0.020) 0.71 (0.041) 0.73(0.018) 0.85(0.031) 0.86(0.076) 0.85(0.022)

H-CNN 0.75(0.031) 0.74(0.018) 0.74(0.025) 0.86(0.007) 0.86(0.066) 0.86(0.013)

MI-RNN 0.71(0.034) 0.69(0.008) 0.70(0.007) 0.85(0.038) 0.85(0.042) 0.85(0.056)

MI-CNN 0.78(0.070) 0.77(0.038) 0.77(0.040) 0.84(0.068) 0.85(0.036) 0.86(0.035)

MIMT-RNN 0.83(0.036) 0.81(0.090 0.82(0.013) 0.89(0.033) 0.90(0.088) 0.89(0.045)

more often than not used in the cases where the feature detection is more important. Based

on this idea, it's natural to replace the RNN layer in the baseline 2 CNN layer to encode the

entity mention and entity bag.

Baseline 4: Basic MI-RNN

In the context of Multi-Instance Learning framework, the rst three baseline methods all

belong to the category of bag-based approaches. In more detail, they are mapping-based

classiers [46], which transform each bag into a single-instance representation such that any

single-instance classiers can be trained to predict bag labels. We use another MIL paradigm

instance-based approach to infer the bag level probability over labels. We make use of the

rst RNN layer to encode the entity mention representation. Rather than continue to build

the entity representation, we directly determine the instance labels and use them to derive

bag label with an aggregation rule and refer to this approach by Basic MI-RNN

Baseline 5: Basic MI-CNN

Similar to the basic MI-RNN approach, the basic MI-CNN model also takes the instance

based paradigm to infer bag level label. We use the same rst CNN layer of the Hierarchical

CNN model to build entity mention representation rather than RNN.


5.3.3 Results and Discussion

Table 5.3 shows micro-average of precision, recall, and f1 for our approach MIMTRNN and

other comparative methods on cyber-attack and civil unrest dataset. The results show that

our proposed MIMTRNN approach signicantly outperforms other comparative methods on

both datasets. As expected, the SVM baseline method also demonstrates a strong result on

both dataset. In the cyber-attack dataset, SVM approach outperforms other deep learning

baseline approaches and achieves the second best performance. The size of cyber-attack data

set is relative small and the simple SVM model with hand-crafted features generalizes better

than the complex deep models without proper regularization. For the civil unrest dataset,

along with the increasing data size, the deep learning models start to achieve close or even

better performance than the SVM model. However, the SVM approach requires substantial

eort on feature engineering. This kind of requirement also makes the same model hard to

apply on other domains. More importantly, the hand-crafted context features might fail to

capture the long distance dependencies, which are important in event extraction.

The representation learning module (RNN) in our approach is able to learn the context fea-

ture automatically. As shown in Table 5.3, the MI-CNN approach is close in performance

to the SVM approach for the Cyber Attack dataset and H-CNN approach has better per-

formance than SVM for the Civil Unrest dataset. The convolution neural network learns

meaningful embedding for the entity mention. The overall CNN baseline models performs

better than the RNN baseline models under the same setting, and the MI-RNN model

achieves the poorest result among all the approaches.

The proposed MIMTRNN model, instead of modeling each entity mention independently,

encodes all the entity mentions in one sentence together. Furthermore, the Bidirectional

LSTM is able to capture both past and future information. Compared with HCNN model,

the MI-CNN model attains a signicant performance improvement by applying the noise-

or mechanism to infer bag label from instance labels on the Cyber Attack dataset. This

improvement conrms our MIL assumptions that not all the mentions of one entity share

the same label, and the label of the bag is decided by the most positive instance in our case.

In addition to the model structure, we run a set of extensive experiments to analyze the

impact of dierent strategies for training word representations, use of additional features

and auxiliary tasks.


Table 5.4: Performance of dierent word embedding strategies

Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1

Random Pretrained

Dynamic 0.82(0.019) 0.81(0.034) 0.81(0.028) 0.83(0.036) 0.81(0.090) 0.82(0.013)

Static 0.69(0.023) 0.70(0.011) 0.70(0.008) 0.72(0.017) 0.74(0.023) 0.73(0.030)

Dynamic 0.86(0.101) 0.90(0.046) 0.87(0.029) 0.89(0.033) 0.90(0.088) 0.89(0.045)

Static 0.82(0.058) 0.85(0.011) 0.83(0.047) 0.85(0.098) 0.88(0.043) 0.86(0.033)

Impact of word representations

We investigate the impact of dierent strategies for training and using word embeddings. We

focus on the two types of strategies: using pre-trained word embedding (Pre-trained) or not

(Random) and updating the word embeddings during training (Dynamic) or not (Static).

There are several popular pre-trained word embeddings [92, 80] from large corpora such as

Wikipedia and Google News. Specically, we report the result for 50 dimension Glove word

vectors pre-trained on Wikipedia and Gigaword. Table 5.4 shows the performance of the four

combinations on the two type of strategies. The rst observation is that updating the word

embedding parameters during the training process has a great impact on the performance

for the cyber-attack and civil unrest datasets. Given the pre-trained word embedding, the

model which updates the word embedding during training process achieves 9% and 3% f1-

score improvement for cyber-attack and civil unrest dataset in comparison to the same model

structure without updating word embeddings, respectively. Updating word embedding in

our framework benets further in the case where the input word embeddings are randomly

initialized. The second nding is that the Random initialization of word embedding has

a comparable performance to the Pre-trained word embedding. One possible explanation

might be that the event arguments might have a strong correlation to a small set of frequent

keywords which can be learned well from the training corpus itself.

Impact of Additional Features

Although the representation learning module is able to automatically learn features for entity

mentions, the model benets from the input of domain knowledge. We will demonstrate later

that it is easy to integrate additional features into our framework. Initially, our model only

Table 5.5: Performance Comparison with and without additional features (Cyber Attack)

Token Feature Token + Entity Type Feature

Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score

Attacker 0.44(0.004) 0.63(0.016) 0.52(0.020) 0.45(0.021) 0.53(0.011) 0.49(0.020)

Target 0.70(0.023) 0.56(0.019) 0.62(0.008) 0.64(0.022) 0.73(0.061) 0.68(0.081)

Time 0.73(0.031) 0.49(0.019) 0.58(0.028) 0.69(0.029) 0.85(0.043) 0.76(0.022)
None 0.85(0.008) 0.90(0.010) 0.88(0.021) 0.91(0.008) 0.85(0.003) 0.88(0.012)

Avg / Total 0.80(0.023) 0.80(0.018) 0.80(0.021) 0.83(0.036) 0.81(0.090) 0.82(0.013)

(a) (b)

incorporates the context window of the entity mention as input. Table 5.5 (a) shows the

model performance for all event roles on cyber-attack dataset. Without using any other

features except the context window, our model obtains a performance 0.80 F1-Score which

outperforms all other baseline methods. Adding entity type feature for the cyber-attack

event extraction task leads to a further improvement.

Table 5.6 shows the prediction errors for each event role for the cyber-attack dataset. As

expected, the most common type of errors is that the event roles are falsely predicted as

None and vice versa. There are several Time roles that are predicted as Target. This type
of error can be avoided by introducing the entity type features, since the Time role must be

the time expression entity. The Attacker and Target are usually the entities with types as

Organization, GPE and Person.

There are two ways to integrate the entity type feature into our framework. (i) We use the

one-hot representation for each entity type and concatenate it to the end of each instance

representation in the bag. (ii) We dene an entity type embedding which maps each entity

type into a dense vector; and the type embedding is updated during the training process. We

use the rst approach to dene entity type feature in the experiments to reduce the model

complexity due to the small training size. Table 5.5 (b) shows that the F1-Score increases

18% for Time, 6% for Target, and nally 2% for the overall performance after introducing
the entity type feature.

Table 5.6: Prediction Error in cyber-attack event without entity type feature

False Positive False Negative

Target 1 Target 3
None 7 None 6

Attacker 3 Attacker 1

Target Time 3 None 27

None 8

None 7 Target 3
None 22

Attacker 6 Attacker 7

None Target 27 Target 18

Time 22 Time 7

Table 5.7: Performance Comparison models with and without auxiliary task

Without Auxiliary Task With Auxiliary Task

Cyber-Attack Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score

Attacker 0.50(0.019) 0.32(0.014) 0.39(0.017) 0.45(0.021) 0.53(0.011) 0.49(0.020)

Target 0.65(0.019) 0.71(0.052) 0.68(0.042) 0.64(0.022) 0.73(0.061) 0.68(0.081)

Time 0.54(0.014) 0.49(0.024) 0.51(0.019) 0.69(0.029) 0.85(0.043) 0.76(0.022)

None 0.87(0.007) 0.88(0.019) 0.87(0.008) 0.91(0.008) 0.85(0.003) 0.88(0.012)
Avg / Total 0.79(0.043) 0.80(0.038) 0.79(0.029) 0.83(0.036) 0.81(0.090) 0.82(0.013)
(a) (b)
Civil Unrest 0.84(0.029) 0.87(0.049) 0.85(0.018) 0.89(0.033) 0.90(0.088) 0.89(0.45)

Figure 5.3: Top three key sentences extracted by models with and without auxiliary task.

Impact of auxiliary task

To reduce the risk of over-tting due to the limited training data, we design an auxiliary task

of identifying the event extent along with the main task of event extraction. We systemat-

ically investigate the impact of the auxiliary task by comparing the performance between

enabling and disabling the Multi-Task module. Table 5.7 shows the performance com-

parisons between two version of models trained with and without auxiliary tasks. For the

cyber-attack task, the f1-score increases by 10% for Attacker, 25% for Time and 3% for over-

all performance. For the civil unrest experiment, the model improves around 4% on f1-score

due to the auxiliary task.

To further analyze the aect of the auxiliary task, we compare two sets of top key sentences

from models with and without auxiliary task for the cyber-attack dataset. The sentences

are ranked by the probability of the entity mention being an event argument. Figure 5.3

lists the set of top key sentences from ve randomly chosen articles in the test set. First of

all, both models seem to learn patterns of the event-related sentence that contain keywords

like DDoS and attack. Moreover, the model with auxiliary task extracts more key sentences

than the one without auxiliary task. The multi-task learning framework assists in learning

common patterns among dierent event sentences. This could be specially useful for the

case that the event sentence only contains reference of one single entity mention.

A Case Study

Figure 5.4: A case study for the extracted cyber attack event

The output of our MIMTRNN model can be used for event Summarization and visualization.

The highlight sentences are the event extents extracted by our model and font colors are

used to represent event roles. The scale of the color reects the condence of the prediction.

As shown in gure 5.4, we use green color to highlight the event extents and the red font

color for Target. The rst and third sentences have high condence of mentioning a DDoS

incident, while the last sentence gets the low condence to be event extent even it contains

the cyber attack related keywords. The red bold GitHub in the rst and third sentences

clearly indicates that it is the Target of a cyber attack event with high condence.

5.4 Related Work

Distant Supervision for Event Extraction There has been considerable interest in ex-
tracting the event information from news and social media. However, usually these prior

approaches use a supervised learning framework [21], or take a very coarse representation of

event at the level of a sentence or tweet [93]. One of the limitations of supervised framework

for event extraction is that it needs manual labeling of large number of instances that involve

annotation of sentences within a text. Consequently, there has been increasing interest in

distant supervision [25, 109], which allows for augmentation of existing events/knowledge

bases from unlabeled text. Our work is related to [58], which uses the distant supervision to

extract information about airplane crash events from news text. In [58], the argument labels

are directly assigned to the entity mention level. However, in this work we do not assume

the knowledge of labels at the entity mention level. Instead, we utilize the multi-instance

learning framework to infer the event arguments.

Deep Learning in Event Extraction Inspired by the success of deep learning for image
representation [63] and natural language processing [130, 122, 54], there has been increasing

interest in applying deep learning to the task of event extraction [42]. Chen et al. [21]

rst utilize the pre-trained word embedding to capture lexical level features and apply a

dynamic multi-pooling convolution neural network to capture sentence level features. Finally,

a softmax operation is applied to classify the event trigger and arguments. Rather than

classify each argument independently in [21], our approach makes use of RNN to encode

entity mentions and implicitly models the correlation between labels of entity mentions in

one sentence. Nguyen et al. [85] proposed a joint model which identies the event trigger

and arguments simultaneously. The joint model utilizes the Bidirectional LSTM to build the

representation for entity mentions. A memory matrix is used to capture the dependencies

between argument roles and trigger sub-types. In our work, instead of explicitly storing

the previous predictions by the memory matrix, we rely on Bidirectional LSTM to capture

the dependencies between entity mentions. Moreover, we utilize the Multi-Task Learning

module to further regularize the learning process.

Multi-Instance Learning in information extraction To avoid the laborious work of

manually labeling the dataset at a ne level, distant supervision paradigm [82] has been

widely applied in the domain of information extraction, especially for relation extraction.

These methods are based on the assumption that if a relation exists in a pair of entities in

knowledge bases, then every document containing the mention of the entity pair expresses

the same relation. To alleviate the strong assumption of distant supervision, Riedel et al. [98]

proposed a Multi-Instance Learning based approach to model the problem. In [98], each

entity pair is considered as a bag which consists of all the sentences that contain the mention

of the entity pair. Due to the strong power of representation of the neural network, it is

natural to integrate deep learning model within multi-instance learning framework. Zeng

et al. [127] proposed a piecewise convolution neural network (PCNN) model for relation

extraction. Our work is very close to [72, 127], while to the best of our knowledge, our

work is the rst attempt to jointly applying Multi-Task, Multi-Instance Learning and Deep

Learning on the task of event extraction.

5.5 Summary
We propose a novel approach to extract event from news article using distant supervision.

Our approach integrates a Bidirectional LSTM module, Multi-Task, and Multi-Instance

Learning framework into one unied model. We avoid the manually intensive work to label

the text with distant supervision. To alleviate the problem of noisy labels, we model the

event extraction task under the Multi-Instance Learning framework, wherein each entity is

considered as a bag which consists of mentions of the entity. The LSTM module learns a

distributed representation for the entity mention and is useful for encoding the dependencies

between entity mentions in a sentence. To reduce the risk of overtting, we design an

auxiliary task of identifying event extent within the Multi-Task framework. We perform

a comprehensive set of experiments on two real-world datasets and demonstrate that our

approach signicantly outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods.

Chapter 6

Conclusion and Future Work

As the exponentially increasing amount of news articles being posted every day, it becomes

more and more critical to develop algorithms to process the information from the text auto-

matically. On the other hand, with the tremendous amount available data it also provides

an excellent opportunity to utilize the invaluable event information in the news. In this

dissertation, we investigated three data mining and information extraction problems in the

domain of event detection, and encoding from newswire: (1) Comprehensively evaluate the

quality of the extracted event from the large-scale event encoding system; (2) Detect in-

terested event and identify the key sentences mentioning the story without sentence level

labeling; (3) Encode event and extract event arguments with distant supervision.

6.1 Conclusion
To fully understand the challenges and pitfalls of the task of event extraction on the newswire,

we start by an in-depth investigation of the current two well-known large-scale event extrac-

tion systems (ICEWS and GDELT) in political science domain. We investigate both systems

from two dierent points of view: reliability analysis and validity analysis.

In the reliability analysis, we compute the Pearson Correlation between the protest event

counts from ICEWS, GDELT, and GSR in daily, weekly and monthly level. Since GSR

dataset is manually generated by human analysts, we consider it as the ground truth in our


experiments. The idea is that the higher correlation between the system's output and GSR

indicates the better quality. Our results show that both ICEWS and GDELT have weak

correlations with GSR in all three level. Furthermore, the correlation between ICEWS and

GDELT is also at a very low level. These results suggest signicant discrepancies between

the outputs of automated systems and the hand-coded system.

In the validity analysis, we run a set of validations on both ICEWS and GDELT to evaluate

the accuracy of these systems. First, we utilize the URL provided in the GDELT dataset and

extract all the articles corresponding to the events. After keyword and temporal ltering,

de-duplication operation, and a SVM based event classication, only 21% of the original

GDELT records indicate a real protest event. Then, we apply the similar operations on

ICEWS and around 80% of the keyword-ltered records are referring to real protest events.

The common types of errors in both systems are Location Error, Polysemy Error, Planned

Protest, Cancelled Protest, and Without time information. Duplication is also a signicant

pitfall in both systems. The duplication rates of each category of ICEWS and GDELT range

between 10% and 30%.

We also do the further analysis on GDELT by manually check 3000 events from all 20

CAMEO categories(150 events for each group). The results show that the average accuracy

over all categories is only around 16.2%. The most accurate category is Protest, which has

the accuracy around 35.3%.

In short, while the eorts on event encoding are heroic, some predictable blind spots need

to be addressed systematically in future event data eorts.

Inspired by the recent successful application of deep learning in Natural Language Processing,

we proposed a MICNN model to detect the protest event and extract the key sentences from

the news article simultaneously. To avoid the laborious work of labeling sentences, we model

the problem under a multi-instance learning paradigm. We consider each news article as a

bag, and each sentence is an instance. A hierarchical CNN is used to encode the local and

global information for representation of the instance.

We design a compositional cost function which consists of four components: bag-level loss,

instance ratio loss, instance-level loss, and manifold propagation loss. The bag-level loss is

the major component which is a cross-entropy loss over entity bag labels. The instance ratio

loss controls the number of positive instances being selected in each bag. The instance-level

loss is a variant of hinge loss which prefers the maximum margin solution. Moreover, the

manifold propagation loss component is often used in unsupervised learning and make sure

that the instances of similar representation would have same labels. The experiment results

demonstrate the eectiveness of our model in protest event detection and key sentences ex-

traction. The case study shows that our model could be able to capture the patterns of

protest sentences, such as the mention of location and the existence of protest keywords.

Through the highlighted example, we notice that the identied key sentences could be con-

sidered as the event summary and it could also help the human analysts quickly locate the

essential information.

Finally, we extend the joint model into the domain of event encoding. Compared with

sentence labeling, it is even much harder to label event arguments in word/phrase level

manually. To avoid manually labeling the event arguments, we create the training dataset

using distant supervision. One problem of applying distant supervision paradigm is that it

assumes that if one entity takes a role of an event, then all the mentions of the entity in the

article would take the same roles. It is easy to realize that this assumption is too strong.

To alleviate the problem caused by the strong assumption in distant supervision, we model

the task as a multi-instance learning problem. Every entity denes a bag, and the bag consists

of the mentions of the entity in the text. We follow the instance based paradigm and work

on deriving the bag label from the instance' labels. In the context of event encoding, the

labels of event arguments are heavily depended on each other. Follow this idea; we build the

embedding of entity mention with a Bidirectional LSTM which encodes the dependencies

between entity mention labels implicitly. Inspired by the idea of multi-task learning, we also

design an auxiliary task of identifying event mention to reduce the risk of overtting further.

Results using two real world Cyber Attack and Protest datasets indicate that the proposed

MIMTRNN model achieves better predictions than the strong baseline methods.

6.2 Future Work

As shown in this dissertation, the approach of combining representation learning and multi-

instance learning demonstrates a promising result on the task of event detection and ex-

traction. Through the representation learning module, we could avoid designing features

Figure 6.1: The joint framework of representation learning and multi-instance learning

manually and make the model easier to adapt to other domains. On the other hand, the

multi-instance learning paradigm could allow the model being learned without ner level

labels. The experimental results presented in this dissertation indicate several directions of

future research on event extraction:

• Figure 6.1 shows the joint framework of representation learning and multi-instance

learning. In this dissertation, we only tried two types of model (CNN and LSTM) for

representation learning. The CNN model is good at detecting feature and capturing

the spatial dependencies, while RNN does a good job at modeling the long distance de-

pendencies. Inspired by the ideas from [21, 127], one promising direction is integrating

the characteristics of event encoding into the process of representation learning. We

will extend the representation learning module to exploit more types of neural network


• In this dissertation, we followed the instance-based paradigm to solve the multi-instance

learning problem. The process of deriving bag label only involves a small set of in-

stances and might ignore the useful information in the discarded instances. In future

work, we will extend the multi-instance learning module to fully utilize all the in-

stances in the bag. For instance, we could introduce the attention mechanism into

MIL by modeling the bag probability as the weighted sum of instance probabilities.

The weights are decided by a score function in which the parameters are learned by

the model.

• Building the fully annotated training dataset is another challenge for the task of event

extraction. On the other hand, it is relatively easy to annotate on document level

that whether it mentions an event or not. It would be a good extension by integrating

the semi-supervised learning and multi-task learning into a unied model. The semi-

supervised learning module is designed to utilize both labeled and unlabeled data, and

the multi-task module aims to improve the model by reducing the risk of overtting.

For instance, we could try to model the two tasks event detection (large dataset) and

event encoding(small dataset) at the same time.

• In this dissertation, we only consider the events within the scope of one document.

However, in the real world, one event is often reported by dierent news medias at the

same time. Moreover, one news media might also publish a series of articles to follow

up the updates of one event. Considering the event information from multiple sources

might help the model make the robust prediction. As a future work, we plan to extend

the scope of event extraction from one single article to multiple articles.

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