Exercitiu Command Prompt

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Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.


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Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is 6A18-7623

Directory of C:\Users\Acer

07/31/2018 09:21 PM <DIR> .

07/31/2018 09:21 PM <DIR> ..

07/31/2018 09:21 PM <DIR> .eclipse

07/31/2018 09:03 PM <DIR> .metadata

07/31/2018 09:21 PM <DIR> .recommenders

07/31/2018 09:03 PM <DIR> .tooling

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> 3D Objects

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Contacts

08/02/2018 08:28 PM <DIR> Desktop

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Documents

07/31/2018 09:00 PM <DIR> Downloads

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Favorites

07/20/2018 03:48 PM <DIR> Intel

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Links

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Music

07/31/2018 09:14 PM <DIR> MyFirstProject

07/20/2018 01:12 PM <DIR> OneDrive

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Pictures

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Saved Games

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Searches

07/20/2018 01:05 PM <DIR> Videos

0 File(s) 0 bytes

21 Dir(s) 214,823,108,608 bytes free

C:\Users\Acer>cd Desktop


Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is 6A18-7623

Directory of C:\Users\Acer\Desktop

08/02/2018 08:28 PM <DIR> .

08/02/2018 08:28 PM <DIR> ..

07/24/2018 08:37 PM 2,651 Courrier.lnk

08/02/2018 06:21 PM 2,307,427 Curs 2.pdf

06/20/2018 08:15 AM <DIR> eclipse

07/31/2018 06:17 PM 361,832,808 eclipse-jee-photon-R-win32-x86_64.zip

08/02/2018 08:27 PM 281 JavaApp.java

08/02/2018 08:28 PM <DIR> JavaAppProject

07/22/2018 09:34 PM 895 µTorrent.lnk

5 File(s) 364,144,062 bytes

4 Dir(s) 214,823,686,144 bytes free

C:\Users\Acer\Desktop>cd JavaAppProject

C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\JavaAppProject>javac JavaApp.java

C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\JavaAppProject>java JavaApp
I've started learning Java!

My name is Cristina and I am 25 years old.



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