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Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 2018
WMF 12 – 12:50 PM

Dr. Jiling Zhong (Bill)

Phone: 334-670-3388

MW 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, others by appointment.

Office Hours Location: MSCX 128.

Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, etc. 3nd edition. Mcgraw-Hill

Text Higher Education ISBN-13: 978-0262033848

Daily attendance is strongly encouraged. Any student missing a lesson

Attendance is responsible for all material assigned or covered in class during his or
policy her absence.

This course will provide a rigorous introduction to the design and

analysis of algorithms. We will discuss classic problems (e.g.,
sorting, traveling salesman problem), classic algorithm design
Goal of this strategies (e.g., divide-and-conquer, greedy approaches), and classic
course algorithms and data structures (e.g., hash tables, Dijkstra's
algorithm). We will also analyze algorithm complexity throughout,
and touch on issues of tractibility such as "NP-Completeness".

Aug 20, Monday, is the last day to Drop a Course Without Financial
Oct 22, Monday, is the last day to drop the course.

Midterm 35% Assignments 90—100 : A

Final Exam 35% 80— 89 : B
70—79 : C
Grading 60—69 : D
Below 60: F
Total Weight 70% Total Weight 30%
Any student whose disabilities fall with ADA must inform the
instructor at the beginning of the term of any special needs or
equipment necessary to accomplish the requirements of this course.
Additional Service: Students who have or may be dealing with a
Amecians with
disability or learning difficulty should speak with the instructor, contact
Disabilities Act
the Office of Adaptive Needs Program (Wright 226), or call 670-
3220/3221. Various accommodations are available through the
Adaptive Needs Program.

 All the assignments are due in the beginning of the class on the due
date. An assignment that is turned in after the class on the due date is
considered one day late. An assignment will be penalized 10 points for
each of a maximum of two days late, after which it will be given a 0.
 There will be no make up test. A missed test or exam will result in
0 points. Contact me in advance in case of emergency such as illness.
An original letter address to me on a letterhead paper from a physician
or hospital stating that you could not take the test or exam as scheduled
Other Policy
is necessary for me to consider your case.
 Students with special needs should report to Office of Disability
 All material submitted for grade must be the student’s own work.
 Anyone found cheating and/or copying will receive an automatic 0
for that assignment or exam or dismissal from the course. This goes for
the person who copies as well as the person who allows their work to
be copied. And the Dean of Students Office will be notified.

Midterm Undecided
Test Dates
Thursday, Dec 6th 2-4 pm

This syllabus represents a general plan for the course and deviations
from this plan may be necessary during the semester.

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