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FALL 2010 - SPRING 2013

The Office of Catholic Campus Ministry

University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown


The Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown

Table of Contents

Mission Statement………………………………………………………………. Page 3

Vision Statement

Liturgy and Worship………………………………………….………….……. Page 4

Sunday Mass
Praise and Worship Adoration
Liturgical Seasons/ Programs………...……………………………….. Page 5
Other Programs

Ministry………………………………………………………………………… Page 6
Other Programs………………………………………………………… Page 7

Service…………………………………………………………………………. Page 8

Memberships/ Subscriptions…………………………………………………… Page 9

Finances………………………………………………………………………… Page 10
Ameriserv Account

Administrative…………………………………………………………………. Page 11

Goals Divided by Academic Semester................................................................ Page 12

Mission Statement

Inspired by Christ’s command to “make disciples of all nations,” The Office of Catholic Campus
Ministry at The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown is committed to building a Catholic
community through ministry, the Liturgy, catechesis, evangelization, and stewardship, so that
together we may come to better know God among us.

Vision Statement

We aim to significantly build our Catholic presence and participation on campus with the
intention of being recognized as an integral part of University life and the Universal Church.
Through an offering of diverse programs, opportunities and relationships, we hope to establish a
premiere program with the hopes of being a model for other universities.


We will strengthen the relationship between CCM and the Unive rsity of Pittsburgh at
Johnstown by:
 Co-programming with other offices and student organizations on campus
 Advertising and inviting Catholics and non-Catholics to our programs and events
 Regularly meeting with students and directors of university offices
 Asking for help and assistance from other organizations on larger projects

We will strengthen the relationship between CCM and the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown by:
 Regularly participating in diocesan and parish sponsored events
o Social, vocational, service, etc.
 Interacting with different parish communities through service and worship
 Inviting priests and religious from the diocese to speak and participate at UPJ
functions and events

We will strengthen the relationship between CCM and the Greater Johnstown Community by:
 Soliciting sponsorships and endorsements from local businesses
 Advertising community-based programs and initiatives
 Serving the needy and discouraged within our local community

We will strengthen the relationship between CCM and the Protestant Campus Ministry by:
 Meeting regularly to collaborate on programs, events, and services
 Offering a united, Christ-centered initiative for the students at UPJ
 Recognizing and using the Campus Minster, Pastor Jim Gay, as a resource

Liturgy and Worship

Because the Eucharistic celebration is the center of the Church’s life, each of the following
initiatives will be given priority throughout the academic year:
Sunday Mass
 The current 6p.m. Mass time will be reviewed and possibly changed beginning in the
Fall 2010 semester. Any permanent changes made to better fit the college student’s
schedule will be finalized for the Spring 2011 semester. After 3 years, the necessity
of adding additional Mass times will be revisited.

 Warranting interest, a new Catholic Chapel Choir will be formed under the direction
of Judy Kosmac. It will begin taking shape during the Fall of 2010. A weekly
practice time for student vocalists and student accompanists will provide for more
student involvement and thus a more communal celebration.

 Beginning in the Fall of 2010, the Liturgical Ministers will be trained at the
beginning and middle of every academic year. With this training, leadership roles
will be assigned accordingly. By increasing student involvement and by bettering
catechesis surrounding these ministries, more fruitful worship will be had.

 An inventory of the liturgical vestments, materials and furniture will be taken and a
“wish- list” will be compiled for Msgr. Michael Becker, the Diocesan Director of
Campus Ministry, during the summer prior to the Fall of 2010.

 The New Roman Missal will be implemented during Advent of 2011. Proper
catechesis and worship aids will be produced in order to help the worshipping
community. Seminars or “help-sessions” will take place prior to Advent in order to
prepare the community for these changes.

 A tabernacle will be installed on campus for daily prayer. This will also help
facilitate weekly adoration and Sunday Mass. Discussion with the diocesan Bishop
and Director of Campus Ministry as well as the University President will take place
prior to the Fall of 2011 in order for it to be in place for that academic year.

Praise and Worship Adoration

Beginning in the Fall of 2010, an hour of Praise and Worship Adoration will be held in the
campus chapel. It will be held every week for the students on campus, but advertisements for
religious communities and local parishes will be sent out as well.
 In order to facilitate this weekly adoration, a different priest will be contacted to
preside over Adoration. During the summer of 2010, a Visiting Priest Rotation
Schedule will be created and priests will be contacted accordingly.

 Similar to the choir created for Sunday Mass, a more contemporary choir, known as
the Praise and Worship Choir, will be established. Under the direction of Judy
Kosmac, this choir will meet and practice on a weekly basis and will be present at
every Wednesday night Adoration.

Liturgical Seasons/ Programs

 In the past, there has been a service and a Mass on Ash Wednesday. In the next
three years, this system will be reconsidered, but until then two services will remain
the norm for the UPJ campus.

 New to Advent and Lent will be Penance Services. By the end of 2013, there will be
a penance service on campus during each liturgical season, where visiting priests will
be asked to help administer the sacrament. They will be open to students, faculty,
staff and neighboring Catholics.

 Beginning in the Spring of 2011, UPJ will host its first Triduum celebration. With
the class/ exam schedule set as it is, most students will remain on campus for the end
of Holy Week and the beginning of the Easter season. To accommodate these
students and the UPJ community, we will have all three services on campus. Because
of the limited number of priests, a visiting priest, not assigned to a parish will
celebrate these services. After the first year of implementing this, a review will take
place and changes will be made accordingly.

Other Programs
 Mass on the Grass will continue for the 2010 school year. Depending on
participation, reverence, and affordability, the frequency of this program will be
considered. Review will take place at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year.

 The Bishop’s Mass will continue for the 2010 school year. Depending on
participation, reverence, and affordability, the frequency of this program will be
considered. Review will take place at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year with a
discussion of increasing involvement of the Bishop on campus.


 In conjunction with the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, we will attend, assist and aid
with the continued formation and implementation of Theology on Tap. Encouraging
students to attend will be done with a comprehensive advertising plan and will
become a normal event for students to participate in.

 By the end of Spring 2011, a comprehensive retreat program will be initiated and
started for UPJ students. Depending on location, cost, and frequency of the retreats,
they may be opened to all college students within the Diocese. To begin, two retreats
will be had per year, with the exception of the inaugural year. After the first retreat is
had, a review of the procedures, programs and process will be reviewed and changes
will be made accordingly.

 Small, faith-sharing communities, known as RENEW Groups, will meet on campus

starting in the Fall of 2010. The Gospel for the upcoming week will be the focus of
these meetings. The groups will follow the standard procedures for forming and
governing as outlined by RENEW International. Review of the groups will take place
at the end of the first year with considerations for reorganization.

 The Student Activities Fair will continue to be an important tool for evangelization.
Working under one name, Catholic Campus Ministry, the Newman Student
Association and the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry will solicit volunteers and
members for liturgical ministries, retreats, and other sponsored events. This will act
as a showcase for students to get involved and become active with the Catholic
community on campus.

 Stress Week will continue for the 2010 school year. Depending on participation,
practicality, and affordability, the frequency of this program will be considered.
Review will take place at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year.

 An offering of Weekly Programs will be considered on a regular basis. By the end

of the Fall of 2012, it would be ideal to have weekly programs offered by the Office
of Catholic Campus Ministry. On a need and want basis, this type of evangelization
will be considered at that time.

 The Newman Student Association will be renamed to avoid confusion and add to
cohesion among the Catholic Campus Ministry initiatives. With this change, a
restructuring of its purposes, goals and focus will take place. By considering all of
these components, a more comprehensive program for all UPJ students will be
formed. This restructuring will be done by the end of the Spring of 2011.

 Two we bsites will be revamped or created for the Catholic Campus Ministry program
at UPJ. The first will be through the University and will be both informational and
practical. This will lead students and the surrounding community to a more
comprehensive understanding of what we do as an office. The second will be for the
Newman Student Association (CCM) in order for them to advertise, connect and
evangelize. Both websites will be connected and will hopefully draw a large and
diverse crowd. This will be done by the end of the Fall of 2010.

 With the advent of Facebook/ Twitter, it is important for colleges and universities to
meet the students where they are at. In this respect, by the end of the Fall of 2010, the
Office of Catholic Campus Ministry will establish both types of accounts in order to
evangelize, publish and keep in touch with the students of UPJ.

Other Programs
 In order to build relationships and increase involvement in CCM, a Ministry of
Presence will be implemented by everyone associated with Campus Ministry.
Listening, good counsel and friendly relationships will be key to establishing
credibility and lasting relationships. This will be of utmost importance for retention
in CCM programs.

 By the Fall of 2011, we will begin implementing Room Blessings. Open to students
of all denominations, faiths and creeds, we will offer the chance to have their dorm
rooms blessed. Pastor Jim Gay, the Protestant Campus Minister will work in
collaboration in order to ensure the most number of students are reached. Review of
this program will take place after it is implemented.

 Starting in the Fall of 2010, the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry will work with
the Office of Student Life to help facilitate and participate in the Freshme n
Orientation. This will happen by being present to the incoming students throughout
the weekend, offering help when needed and by giving a 10 minute presentation
during the survey. Two non- freshmen Catholic students will come back early to help
facilitate and talk up the CCM experience on campus. A more involved approach to
the Orientation program will be considered at the end of the first year and will be
discussed with the Office of Student Life.

 The College Student Mass in Loretto will be implemented for the 2010 school year.
Depending on participation, practicality, and affordability, the frequency of this
program will be considered. Review will take place at the end of the 2010-2011
school year and will be discussed with Msgr. Michael Becker, the Diocesan Director
of Campus Ministry and the other diocesan campus ministers.

 Beginning in the Fall of 2010, students will be brought back to campus early to help
facilitate freshmen orientation. This will serve as the foundation for a future Student
Minister Program. Although not a complete or comprehensive program, this
process will be reviewed annually with the hopes of expanding it within the next three


In conjunction with the other service opportunities on campus, the Office of Catholic Campus
Ministry would like to start offering some of the following programs:
 Beginning in the Spring of 2011, we will start an MLK Day of Service. This “Day-
On, Not a Day-Off” initiative will be offered to all students and a special invitation
will be sent to all sport teams. Before this can happen, a comprehensive list of
service organizations that are willing to accept volunteers must be compiled. This
should be done by the end of the Fall of 2010.

 Extraordinary Ministry to the Sick will be implemented by the Spring of 2012.

This will warrant the installation of the University tabernacle and a growing interest
among students on campus.

 We will encourage students and regularly support their participation in different UPJ
service initiatives. These are included in the Helping Hand Booklet published by the
Office of Student Life. Becoming familiar with these programs will allow us to better
serve the needs of the community and the interests of our students.

 In January 2011, we will begin attending the March for Life. Held each year in
Washington, DC to promote the pro- life message and combat the culture of death,
members of the UPJ community will journey to join in the prayer for the unborn,
those considering abortion and individuals on death row.

 By the Spring of 2012, a Catholic Summe r Mission Trip will take place.
Significant research about locations, funding, and risks must be done before this can
take place. Ideally this mission trip will take place in another country, will be filled
with Catholic and non-Catholic students alike and will be an annual endeavor. By the
end of the Fall of 2010, a more comprehensive plan should be compiled.

Memberships/ Subscriptions

 An ongoing review of the following organizations will take place and a decision will
be made about which the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry at UPJ will (continue
to) join:
o National Catholic Student Coalition
o Catholic Campus Ministry Association
o USCCB Office of Higher Education and Campus Ministry
 Although it has been recommended that the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry at
UPJ continue to participate in the National Catholic Student Coalition, review of
this organization will take place during the Summer of 2010 and a decision about
further participation will be made. In order for this office to support the program, the
cost and effort to attend their annual event must somehow show that it benefits all
UPJ students and that it is worth our attention. Review of this matter will take place
again during the Summer of 2011.

 An ongoing review of the following subscriptions will take place and a decision will
be made about which the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry at UPJ will (continue
to) subscribe to:
o U.S. Catholic Magazine
o OCP (Today’s Liturgy, Music Catalog, etc.)
o St. Anthony Messenger
o Liguorian
o Ave Maria Press
o The Printery House
o Liturgy Training Publication
o 2011 Sourcebook


 The first way we will solicit money will be through the parents of the Catholic
students. This will happen through a bi-annual newsletter sent home encouraging
donations, but also updating on the status of CCM on campus. This will begin the
summer prior to the Fall 2010 academic year and will be reviewed on an annual basis.

 Donations will also be solicited from local businesses. The monetary donations or
prize giveaways will be used to help solicit interest for a variety of projects and
events that the Newman Student Association (CCM) organizes or that the Office of
Catholic Campus Ministry is supporting.

 The annual Daffodil Sale will be implemented for the 2010 school year. Francine
Cooper of UPJ will help with this. Depending on participation, practicality, and
affordability, the frequency of this program will be considered. Review will take
place at the end of the 2010-2011 school year.

AmeriServ Account
 After the 2010-2011 academic year has concluded, a review of the services and
procedures offered by the Ameriserv Account will be conducted. This will ensure
that the most efficient and accessible account is being used for the Office of Catholic
Campus Ministry fund.

 During the summer of 2010, a debit-credit card will be applied for. It will be known
as the UPJ-Catholic Campus Ministry Purchasing Card and will mostly replace
the checks that are currently used for purchases.

 Beginning in the Fall of 2010, unused money will be put away in the account in order
to start saving. Building up a reserve account will ensure that money exists to fund
future endeavors and programs that the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry wants to


 By the Summer of 2011, a new filing system will be established for the office.
With the revamping of the way files are stored and kept, a better more accurate
transmission of information will take place.

 Beginning in the Fall of 2010, a more consistent and frequent record of student
participation will be kept. This will help to better predict the feasibility and
necessity of certain events and programs. By the end of the three years, a more
accurate picture of participation and interest will be available for review and

 Beginning in the Spring of 2011, a survey will be sent to the Catholic students on
campus asking about their needs, wants and interests in Catholic Campus
Ministry. This may be a joint effort between the Catholic Campus Ministry
Office and the Protestant Campus Ministry Office, but review of this effort will
take place prior to and after the survey is administered.

 By the end of the Spring of 2013, discussion of having Federal Work-Study
Student(s) in the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry will take place.
Implementing this program would allow for a more professional office on campus
as well as more programming and planning to take place. This idea will be
reviewed at the time of the discussion to see if the amount of work warrants work-
study students to be hired.

 By the end of the Spring of 2012, discussion of having a part-time Sacristan for
the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry will take place. This paid position would
be responsible for upkeep of the Catholic components of the Chapel, the linens
and the scheduling of visiting priests for all liturgical events on campus. This
idea will be reviewed at the time of the discussion to see if the amount of work
warrants a part-time Sacristan to be hired.

 By the end of the Spring of 2012, we will also have a discussion about a full-time
Director of Liturgy and Wors hip for the Office of Catholic Campus Ministry.
This permanent paid position would be responsible for all Liturgy and Worship
that took place on campus. This idea will be reviewed at the time of the
discussion to see if the amount of work warrants a full-time position to be created.

Goals Divided By Academic Semester

Fall 2010
Review Mass Time
Catholic Chapel Choir Fall 2011
Praise and Worship Adoration* New Liturgical Minister Training
New Liturgical Minister Training New Roman Missal
Chapel Inventory Tabernacle Installed*
Triduum* Room Blessings*
Mass on the Grass* Freshmen Orientation*
Theology on Tap Subscription/ Memberships Review*
RENEW Groups* Review of Ameriserv Account
Student Activities Fair New Filing System
Stress Week*
Websites Spring 2012
Facebook/ Twitter Ash Wednesday Service and Mass
Freshmen Orientation* Catholic Summer Mission Trip*
College Student Mass in Loretto* EMC to the Sick*
Student Minister Program* Part-time Sacristan*
Subscription/ Memberships Review* Full- time Director of Liturgy and Worship*
National Catholic Student Coalition*
Fundraising Initiatives*
Ameriserv P-Card Fall 2012
Savings* New Liturgical Minister Training
Record of Student Participation* Weekly Programs
Freshmen Orientation*
Spring 2011
Ash Wednesday Service and Mass Spring 2013
Bishop’s Mass* Ash Wednesday Service and Mass
UPJ Retreat* Advent/ Lent Penance Services*
NSA Restructuring* Federal Work-Study Students*
MLK Day of Service*
March for Life * -- Will be reviewed
Survey Sunday*


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