January 2019

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On December 18, 2015, Congress reauthorized and extended both the health program There is a presumption that
and compensation fund available to 9/11 first responders. Here are the highlights: these illnesses were caused
by WTC toxic exposure:


Cell, Squamous
• A total of $7.3 billion has been made • Medical care for 9/11 first
Cell, and
available to fully compensate claimants responders has been extended 75
who have pending claims, as well as years.
• Prostate Cancer
future claimants diagnosed with certified • Active and retired responders have
• Thyroid Cancer
WTC illnesses. Over $4 billion has been the right to free health care for
• Breast Cancer
awarded to 22,000+ people. WTC-certified illnesses from the
• Blood Cancers:
• The VCF deadline is December 18, FDNY’s Bureau of Health Services
• Lymphoma &
2020. and the WTC Health Program
Leukemia Lung
• VCF claimants with pending claims, and (which has clinics throughout the
those who have already received awards, country).
• Kidney Cancer
have the right to "amend" their claims if • Make sure you take advantage of
• Colon Cancer
their duty status changes as a result of this free exam and go to your
• Bladder Cancer
their 9/11 illnesses and/or if they are annual WTC physical.
• Rare Cancers
diagnosed with new WTC-certified • A skin cancer screening is not
illnesses. performed at the WTC Health
• All claims MUST be registered within 2 Program physical; therefore, you
years of the date of certification by the should go for a full body skin exam MOST COMMON
World Trade Center Health Program. at least once per year. Skin cancers NON-CANCERS
• VCF awards range from $125,000- are the most common WTC- LINKED TO THE WTC
$340,000 for certified cancers, and more related cancers. TOXINS
for economic loss if the claimant has been
There is a presumption that
found disabled by a WTC illness. Altogether, 68 cancers have been these illnesses were caused
by WTC toxic exposure:
• VCF awards range from $20,000-$90,000 linked to the WTC toxins. If you have
for non- cancer certified illnesses. been diagnosed with a cancer that is • Interstitial Lung
• All VCF awards are tax free. not on the list, you may still be eligible. Diseases,
Pulmonary Fibrosis
and Sarcoidosis
• Chronic
• Asthma
• Sleep Apnea
• Chronic
Disorder - Fumes /
• Chronic
Making a false or fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is a felony subject to up to five years in prison or a fine Pulmonary
up to $50,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or both imprisonment and fine.
Disease (COPD)
Team Buzzard Bait
22nd Annual

Hwy 10

• We invite you, your family & friends to Palm Springs



VEHICLE AREA.which is located in EAST SAN DIEGO CO.

• WIN C ASH AND PRIZES, in an off-road :::

adventure ride. Bring motorcycles, quads, buggies
or four-wheel drives.
CAMP Blu Inn
• LOOK for red and black "B" signs ON HIGHWAY
78 South Side between Split Mountain Rd and the
Blu Inn. Follow green course markers. January 18 - 21, 2019
• The family ride will be on Saturday the 19th. (MLK Holiday weekend)
Raffle starts at 3:00 PM sharp. The ride should MIKE REITMAYER FS 29-C OR CELL 760-822-1641
take about 2-4 hours, figuring out the clues ?????? DOUG WEBER FS 17-C OR CELL 951-453-2520

Fee for the ride will be $20.00 PER PERSON.

All proceeds benefit the

On the cover: Greater Alarm Structure Fire - By Adam VanGerpen

Inset LAFD photo by: Jacob Salzman

Structure Fire - North Hills
2 • January 2019

8 Easy New Year Resolutions
Discover easy to remember, doable resolutions to make 2019 the
best year yet • ..................................................................................06

Dave Moorman—Over the Line Tournament

”It’s All Good” when it comes to softball and sand to raise some
money for the WODFF • .................................................................08

California Honors Their Fallen

Another LAFD name added to the wall in Sacramento • ..............11

Wildland Fuel Management

Where the blades meets the road in saving life & property • .......44

President’s Message • ............................................................................05
Battalion News • ....................................................................................13
Retired Guys • .......................................................................................31
Department in Action • ...........................................................................32
Station Fridge • ......................................................................................35
Medal of Honor • ....................................................................................37
Retirement Dinners • ..............................................................................38
Taking Your Service Pension Soon? • ……………………………………39
Sandbags for Fitness • ………………………………………..…..……….40
LAFD Merit Scholarships Fund Award • ………………………………….42
2018 Turkey Burner Tournament • …………………………………………46
Skid Row Handball Tournament • …………………………………………47
Memorials • ...........................................................................................48
Life Balance—5 tips for Reducing Stress • .............................................49
Mailbox • ...............................................................................................50
LAFD History • .......................................................................................53
Minutes of the Board of Trustees • .....................................................56
Classifieds • ...........................................................................................58
Fire Station 7 • ....................................................................................61

Notice: Production of The Firemen’s Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazine’s costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association.
No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
January 2019 • 3
owned and published by the
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
7470 N Figueroa Street, Los angeles CA 90041

Dave Wagner • Managing Editor..........................................editor@lafra.org
John Hicks • Associate Editor..............................................jhicks@lafra.org
Eric Santiago • Creative Editor...............................................eric@lafra.org
Display Advertising.................................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231

Amy Bastman, Margaret Stewart, Brian Humphrey

Art Sorrentino, Matt Mickey, Frank Borden, Jim Stiglich, Steve Ruda

David Blaire, Greg Doyle, Harry Garvin,
Steve Gentry, Juan Guerra, Brian Haimer, Ryan Ling, Rick McClure,
Mike Meadows, Lloyd Payne, Jeff Zimmerman, Yvonne Griffin


Robert Steinbacher................................................President
Jeff Cawdrey ..................................................Vice-President
Andrew Kuljis ................................Community Affairs Liaison
Chris Stine Gene Bednarchik Rich Moody
Craig White Henry Gasbarri Rick Godinez
Danny Wu Jim Duffy Steve Berkery
David Peters Joe Vigil Steven Domanski
Doak Smith John Jacobsen Tim Freeman Jr.
Frank Aguirre Kenny Breskin Tim Larson
Gayle Sonoda Mike Sailhamer Tyler Tomich

To contact a chaplain, please call Senior Chaplain Rick Godinez at (213)
797-2404 or the MFC Floor Captain at (213) 576-8920
Greg W. Gibson...................Chaplain Hershy Z. Ten.......................Chaplain
Danny Leon..........................Chaplain Roger Fowble.....................Chaplain
George A. Negrete...............Chaplain Mark R. Woolf.....................Chaplain
Aquil F. Basheer..................Chaplain Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Tim Werle............................Chaplain

Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ..............................................................(323) 259-5290

Todd Layfer • Executive Director..............................(323) 259-5243
Victoria Johnson • Human Resources Director..........(323) 259-5247
Liberty Unciano • Controller/Treasurer..................(323) 259-5225
Bob Dillon • Operations Manager.............................(323) 259-5233
Marlene Casillas • Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217
Ana Salazar • Member Services Coordinator............(323) 259-5223

HealthSCOPE Benefits
Claims & Benefit Information...................................(866) 99-LAFRA
THE FIREMEN’S GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemen’s
Relief Association, 7470 N Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, Cal­i­for­nia 90041. Annual $48 Subscription
included with Association mem­ber­ship; Non-members: $48. Single issues $4 postpaid. Back issues $7
postpaid. Pe­ri­od­i­cals post­age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POST­MAS­TER: Send
ad­dress changes to: THE FIREMEN’S GRAPE­VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An­ge­les, CA 90041.

Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas­si­fied and Display Ad­ver­tis­ing rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231 or 232. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of
pub­li­ca­tion. The opin­ions ex­pressed here­in are those of the writ­ers and do not nec­es­sar­i­ly reflect the official
views of the Los An­ge­les City Fire De­part­ment or the Los An­ge­les Firemen’s Relief Association.

4 • January 2019
Happy New Years from all of us at LAFRA headquar- and much appreciated. Contact Valerie Lawrence or Diane Vigil
ters. We look back at last year with fondness, remembering new at (323) 259-5277.
friends made and old friends lost. Both of these events are part 2019 also brings a fresh batch of new retirements to the
of who we are and a reminder of what is really important in life. Department. In this edition of the Grapevine (pg 39), we have
Let’s start 2019 by insuring that our priorities are set and personal compiled a list of must do’s and when to do them prior to you
compass is pointed in the right direction of helping one another exiting. If you plan on retiring in the near future, please go over
when the need arises. this gathered information carefully and plan accordingly. YOU
As like most of you, I’ve made resolutions to be healthier ARE RESPONSIBLE for completing these tasks in a timely
this year. Go to the gym more, eat right and maybe a little less, matter.
and try and do the right thing for my overall health. What is so Speaking of retiring. The Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief
great is that it is all possible thanks to the new wellness benefits Association would like to say farewell and thank you to Steve
provided to us through the PPO Relief Medical Plan. At the close Domanski for all his years of service as a Trustee. Though Steve
of 2018, we introduced a new wellness benefit that not only allows will be leaving us, he has left us in good hands as we welcome
you to go to a gym for free, but the same goes for your spouse Juan Albarran in his place. Farewell Steve but not goodbye.
and qualified dependents. Take advantage of this wonderful new We still hope to see you at all the Relief’s events that are held
program. Your body and your loved ones will thank you. throughout the year.
Another benefit included in the PPO Medical Plan is a free Lastly, I want to remind you of some important events and
annual physical (if you use a network provider). If you are plan- their dates that will be here before you know it. These events are
ning to start a new work-out plan at the gym, it might be a good a vital part of what helps keep the Relief Association door’s open,
idea to take advantage of this benefit beforehand. You might even allowing us to help those members and their family in a time of
consider a full body scan (once every 3 yrs.), another benefit of need. We rely on the continued support of our fantastic corporate
the PPO Medical Plan. sponsors and of members like you to attend. We look forward to
Last year we were all inspired by 9-year old Coral Noon- seeing you all there.
an, the daughter of LAFD Captain Doug Noonan, who turned a
holiday gift she received into a fundraiser for our charity. It is 1. The 22nd Annual Buzzard Bait - January 19, 2019
my hope that we can all learn from this young lady’s selfless act 2. Hook and Ladder Ride - March 16, 2019
and do more for those who are in need. Recently, the Relief has 3. The Skechers LA Marathon and 5K - March 23, 2019
instituted another new program at the Association—The LAFRA
Family Support Group. Created to assist those who have lost a Be safe and be kind to each other.
loved one get through the grief, they also provide help to the fam-
ily in areas such as plumbing repair, roof repair, landscaping is-
sues, and so much more. If you have the skills and the will to Robert D. “Steintalker” Steinbacher
help, remember the generous act of a 9-year old girl and give of president@lafra.org
your time to help those in need. Volunteers are always needed 323.259.5200

January 2019 • 5
1. Sign Up for a Gym Membership
Whether you want to maintain your six-pack or just lose a few pounds, PPO Medical Plan
members can now join scores of gyms for no cost. LAFRA’s agreement with Sharecare includes LA
Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Gold’s and more. Go to www.lafra.org/wellness to find dozens of facili-
ties near you.

2. Get a Physical
What are you waiting for? PPO Medical Plan members get comprehensive annual physicals
that are covered at 100% if you use a network provider. There are no deductibles or copays. In
addition to the annual physical, members are eligible for a body scan – once every three years,
and a colonoscopy screening – once every five years, beginning at age 50.

3. Create or update your Will and Trust

An estate plan is essential for everyone. It gives you peace of mind to know your affairs
are in order and the comfort of knowing you’ve provided for your family. Failing to establish a
well-thought out plan could cost your family thousands of dollars and force them to suffer through
years of probate.
LAFRA offers a one-time reimbursement of up to $600 for our members or surviving spous-
es to help you get your estate plan completed. Members can also submit a request for a one-year
financial advancement of up to $1,200 for the exclusive use of trust preparation.

4. Try LiveHealth Online

Relief PPO Medical Plan members can have doctors by their side 24/7 – with no appoint-
ment necessary. All you need is the LiveHealth Online app or a computer with a webcam and in-
ternet connection. LiveHealth Online provides immediate access to board-certified doctors, secure
and private video chats, and prescriptions that can be sent to your pharmacy.

6 • January 2019
5. Get More Sleep
While not always possible, it’s important to at least try. Adequate sleep is a key part of a
healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more. Sleep can reduce stress,
improve your memory, make you more alert, and even help prevent cancer.

6. Take a Class
Take a cooking class and you’ll rule the firehouse kitchen. Take a language class and get
that bilingual premium. Take a few more classes to finish your degree and get your education
bonus. Take a class with your spouse and strengthen your bond.

7. Increase your Deferred Comp Contribution

If you are serious about improving your financial well-being, put your money to work in
a 457 account. Your contributions and the interest that compounds over time are a real path to
financial freedom. It’s never too late, but earlier is better . . . much better!

8. Volunteer
Sure you already spend 10 days a month helping others, but what about the other 20?
Your Relief Association, Credit Union and the Historical Society could all use you’re your help. So,
connect with your community, use your skills in a productive way, contribute to a cause that you
care about and make a difference.

January 2019 • 7
By Sean Millet
On February 5, 2017, our department
lost a great man, Captain II David Moorman.
Dave was a staple at the Over the Line Tourna-
ment. He was always very laid back and en-
joyed the camaraderie. As an honor to Dave, I
renamed the tournament the “Dave Moorman
It’s All Good” Over the Line Tournament.
On Nov 3rd, our annual tournament got
under way with David Moorman’s wife, Amy
coming out to get the tourney started. Twelve
teams took to the sand on a sunny morning in
Santa Monica. We played three games of round
robin and then broke the tourney into three
flights. Once the teams were divided into their
flights, the tourney went into single elimina-
The “A” Flight was taken again by the
Bintang Ballers: Casey Glenn, Trevor Insley,
Matt Rush, and Greg Felix. The “B” Flight was
won by Grey and Still Hanging: Rob Dubarry,
Chris Villavicencio, and Sean Millett. The “C”
Flight was conquered by the guys from F.S. 98:
Aaron Brownell, JP Villapando, and Richard
Cervantes. Their team name is now One and
Done. Rumors has it that they won their flight
by scoring only one run.
I would like to thank Cronies from
Newbury Park for suppling the food, Karina
for her hard work with the shirts, UFLAC for
their support, Brian for making the promo
video for social media, and to Juliet and Juan
Carlos from LAFRA for making my job easier.
I would also like to thank the fellas from Santa
Monica Beach Maintenance for grooming the
sand, and Josh and the guys from Kern Coun-
ty FD for making that 5-hour dive for the past
six years to play in our tournament. Last but
not least, there would be no way I could have
pulled off this tournament without the help
of Tommy Czbeck and Brett Davis—Thanks
Hope to see everyone come down to
San Diego this summer for the Firefighter
Olympics and to play OTL. The tourney
will be on June 24, 2019 @ Mariners Point,
Mission Bay.
8 • January 2019
January 2019 • 9
Paid Advertisement

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association Medical Plan may cover this examination.
10 • January 2019 Contact your plan provider to verify.
By Diane Vigil, LAFRA Family Support Group
The 16th Annual California Firefighters Memorial Ceremony, The California Fire Foundation hosts a Widow Luncheon on Fri-
held Saturday, September 29, 2018, recognized 37 California firefight- day to bring all the widows together and to spend some quiet time with
ers. Of those, the name of our own Captain II David T. Moorman was each other. Friday evening the LAFD Family came together for dinner at
placed on the wall. These names were added to the nearly 1,400 others the Mikuni Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar. There were lots of laughs
inscribed on the brushed limestone wall of the California Firefighters shared that evening. After dinner, we all walked over to the Memorial
Memorial. The wall, located in Sacramento’s Capitol Park, recognizes Wall. It was there that many more laughs took place, along with tears! It
California firefighters who have died in the line of duty since we became was very nice for all of us to show our support to the Moorman family
a state in 1850. and friends that evening!
David T. Moorman proudly served the Los Angeles City Fire De- On Saturday, the 29th, we started out with a breakfast hosted by
partment for 28 years, where he climbed through the ranks to Captain the CA Fire Foundation. After breakfast, all the LAFD Family met in the
II. He was a member of CATF1 Urban Search & Rescue Team and was hotel lobby and walked with the Moorman family to the Memorial.
deployed to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, and Ike. He was also de- The ceremony features a moving uniformed firefighter procession and
ployed to NYC after the 9/11 attacks. Throughout his career he received personal tributes. Our very own FF/PM Dennis Rodriguez sang the Na-
multiple letters of commendation and most notably the LAFD Medal of tional Anthem. There was a presentation of a U.S. flag to the families
Honor. of those whose names are newly added to the Memorial. John Garneca
The Moorman Family—Amy Moorman, Dave’s wife; Elizabeth presented Amy Moorman with the flag. Our Honor Guard did a beautiful
& Richard their children; and Carol Moorman, Dave’s mom, traveled job at the Memorial too.
to Sacramento escorted by the LAFD contingent. These included the The ceremony has become a touchstone for the profession, and
LAFRA Family Support Group; Relief Trustees Gene Bednarchik & Joe a chance for firefighters, families, and ordinary citizens to grieve and
Vigil; Chief Terrazas; UFLAC’s Tony Gamboa, Domingo (Alby) Albar- remember together. The CA Fallen Firefighter Memorial is a ceremony
ran Jr., Freddie Escobar, and Adam VanGerpen; the LAFD Honor Guard, that every firefighter should attend to support our LA Fire Family!
LAFD Fire Hogs, and MANY LAFD firefighters and family!

January 2019 • 11
Paid Advertisement

12 • January 2019
Members of FS 25 shutting down a sheared
hydrant. Photo by Adam VanGerpen

Six unit apartment house in the 1400 blk of Toberman St

in Pico/Union on 11/21/18. Photo by Martin Nate Rawner

Commercial fire at 210 N Center St on

11/9/18. LAFD Photo by Harry Garvin

January 2019 • 13
Run the Run, Walk, Roll or Stroll the


Brian Lee Mike Reddy Cecil Morris Kelly Wong

Brent Lovrien Peter Varnum Matt McKnight Darrayle Prosser

Sign up to walk or run in memory of an LAFD firefighter.





for information and registration visit

All proceeds benefit the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemenʼs Fund, a 112-year-old non-profit 501(c)(3) dedicated to helping our LAFD families in times of crisis

14 • January 2019
WBC Champ Deontay Wilder visited FS 3
on 11/27/18. LAFD Photo by Alex Gillman

11/22/18. E-25 tackling a rubbish fire after a

Thanksgiving dinner. Photo by Adam VanGerpen

Laura and Jordan Gammon (FS 9) welcomed

their first child into this world on 5/31/18.

Station 25 showing it’s the little things that count—

even when loading hose. Photo compliments of FS 25

January 2019 • 15
E 14 responds into a rekindle
of a commercial fire in Batt 1.

11/29/18. E 82 battles a big rig fire on the

101 freeway. Photo by Brandon Conklin

16 • January 2019
30 acres of brush in Griffith Park on
11/9/18. LAFD Photo by Harry Garvin

Diego, son of Alex & Fina Arredondo (FPB), shows respect

for veterans during the holiday. Photo by Fina Arredondo

11/18. FF/PM Reilly taking care of business in Bell Can- US Open Surfing Champ Courtney Conlogue (left)
yon during the Woolsey Fire. Photo by Trey Glennon and team stop by FS 82. Photo compliments of FS 82

January 2019 • 17
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phone: visit: Charmaine Chavez (661) 705-9712
(800) 244-3439 www.LAFRA.org Phone: (818) 906-6900•Fax: (661) 702-1701

18 • January 2019
11/22/18. Another day of family fun on Thanks-
giving at the 88th. Photo compliments of FS 88

January 2019 • 19
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Engine 15 in Westlake Village on the Woolsey Fire.

11/26/18. Took 38 FF’s to extinguish an outside 11/23/18. An early morning fire on 38th St.
fire at a house of worship. Photo by Harry Garvin in South L.A. Photo by Yvonne Griffin

January 2019 • 21
S/T 1031A after three days on the Woolsey Fire.
Submitted by Andrew Lambert

The crew at FS 15-A enjoy a little off-duty It’s good to have friends—Orange County E-105
holiday cheer. Photo by Rob Medrano teamed up with T-26 during the recent fire storm

22 • January 2019
Vacant house in Panorama City on
10/31/18. Photo by Kyle Andrusenki

10/28/18. E 77 handles an auto fire Two story commercial building at 8100 N San Fer-
on the 5 Fwy. Photo by Kyle Andrusenki nando Rd on 11/7/18. Photo by Kyle Andrusenki

January 2019 • 23
TF 33 display the Lane Kemper Championship
banner. Photo by Juliet Brandolino

E 66 engaged in a firefight on the first

night of the Woolsey Fire. Photo by 564fire

Paid Advertisement:

24 • January 2019
NoHo apartment house fire on 11/18/18.
Photo by Kyle Andrusenki

Fire in an SFD in Sun Valley on 11/6/18. LF 89 on a technical rescue in Sun Valley

Photo by Kyle Andrusenki on 11/24/18. Photo by Kyle Andrusenki

January 2019 • 25
11/13/18. E 103 responded to a well-involved
BMW in Northridge. Photo by Jacob Salzman

11/10/18. E 103 battling the Woolsey Fire.

Photo by Brandon Buckley

FS 28 “B” spending some holiday time together.

26 • January 2019
11/23/18. A single vehicle rollover on the EB 118
FY x Porter Ranch Rd. Photo by Jacob Salzman

11/19/18. E-28, LF 96 assist in retrieving 11/24/18. An auto vs house in Granada Hills.

two people who were trapped on a lift. Photo by Leo Kaufman

January 2019 • 27
A generous civilian donated some much needed items to E-105 Two story SFD at 252 S. June St. on
during the recent firestorms. Photo by Daniela Caesar-Roden 10/14/18. LAFD Photo by Harry Garvin

Assigned to Div “A” at the Woolsey Fire, Crew 3

shows they have the LAFD Stuff. Photo by Crew 3

28 • January 2019
With the help of generous donations, The LAFD Foundation can now LAFD’s Eric scott finds a new furry friend at the
equip all 3200 FF’s with hydration backpacks. Photo by LAFD Foundation Woolsey Fire base camp. Photo by Eric Scott

11/06/18. Retired FF Phil Weireter & his son Captain/PIO Cody Weireter
Channel 11 news. LAFD photo recognized for their service to the community. LAFD photo

11/25/18. The Fire Hogs participated in the Hollywood

Christmas Parade handing out gifts. Photo by Fire Hogs

January 2019 • 29
Crew 3 and Cert work together to provide supplies
to FF’s and victims of the Woolsey Fire. LAFD Photo

11/18/18. BC Fields & Capt. Marc Shapiro with Congratulations to all the newly elected members of
CERT member during training. LAFD Photo UFLAC Local 112. Photo courtesy of Adam VanGerpen

30 • January 2019
Who Says You Can’t Go Home Again?
Anyone that grew up in the Valley dur- The coaching staff today includes JV coach come his mission, but he feels that this is an
ing the last 40 years will remember that James Eric Yang, and freshman/sophomore coach, important job that he can’t do alone. The Mon-
Monroe High School used to be a juggernaut of Karla Cortez Rodriguez, a former Monroe bas- roe girls’ basketball program needs your help.
high school sports: football, basketball, base- ketball star, and now a student at CSUN. If you would like to give to a worthy cause,
ball, track and field. That was then and this is Bob’s team doesn’t have a Booster Club please donate to this program and help a re-
now. for fundraising and there’s no Snack Shack tired firefighter help others. To donate, go to:
In 2011, the Monroe girls’ basketball parent, so he juggles all of the fundraising du- https://www.gofundme.com/629mtyg.
team won the L.A. City Championship. Since ties. So, when Coach Bob realized his players Coach Bob and all his players thank
then, the program has been saddled with finan- needed basketball shoes, he bought them him- you all very much.
cial and other issues that are hard to overcome. self. The school does provide team uniforms
There had been a revolving door of full-time for the girls, but they don’t have warm-up
coaches, and because of the changing student sweat shirts or sweat pants which are desper-
population and financial hardships now expe- ately needed. Games are sparsely attended by
rienced by many of the player’s families, some family members because both parents have to
of the students would show up to practice ill work to support their families.
equipped to play basketball. Some of the girls While Bob enjoys his coaching duties,
didn’t have the right shoes . . . or any basketball he feels that this is not just something he wants
shoes at all. To play in sanctioned tournaments, to do, he feels that this is something that he
the team has to pay an entrance fee, usually has to do. There might not be anyone to fill the
provided by the student’s family. That has also shoes if he doesn’t. He’s there to support, pro-
been a problem for many of the athletes be- tect, and guide, much like the senior firefighter
cause they just don’t have the necessary funds. does with the rookie. He has become more than
Bob Ruffino, a Monroe High School just a coach to many of the student athletes. He
alumnus, heard about the team’s dilemma. provides life lessons and advice, much like a
Bob, who married his high school sweetheart father would for his own daughters. You could
Joan and is a father to four daughters, retired say that for this Monroe High grad, his life has
as an A/O from the LAFD in 2012. He initially now come full circle.
decided to jump in and start coaching the girl’s Helping these girls with basketball and
JV team. After two years, he was offered the life’s lessons has become a very important as-
varsity coaching job and he gladly accepted. pect of Bob’s life in retirement. This has be-

The Bauman Call Box

By Mark Bauman, son of retired Captain George Bauman

Dad’s fire department career spanned Recently, we talked about the call box Dad is very proud of his time with the
a total of 34 years, from 1960 to 1994. From and decided to tackle the project—so, began LAFD. Some of his fondest memories include
1965 to 1971, he worked at the Westlake Sig- the process. We stripped the paint, repaired the working at the busier stations in Los Angeles.
nal Office. During that time, box alarms were base, painted the call box, painted the letters He truly enjoyed the camaraderie and friend-
used in the metropolitan area to transmit sig- and brought it back to life. It was a labor of love ships he made along the way with the people
nals that alerted the signal office of where a and we now have a beautifully restored piece he worked with. Dad finally retired in 1994 and
fire was located. During his tenure at the com- of Los Angeles City Fire Department history. also has two sons-in-law who have recently
munications center, he found out that the call Luckily, I was able to locate the original punch retired from the fire service. The future is
boxes were becoming obsolete and that they card (4173) that was used at Westlake Signal looking bright with a grandson who is a fire-
were removing them from the field when dam- Office. This call box, with the brass ID 4173, fighter and two more grandsons who are hope-
aged. Dad had an idea to get a hold of an out- was located at 29th Street and Normandie Ave fuls. The legacy of family in the fire service
of-service call box. After checking with his in Los Angeles. lives on.
co-workers, he found out that he could get a
call box from the salvage yard across the street
from the Fire Department repair shops. It was
there that mom and dad traded a six-pack of
beer for their piece of history. That was in
The call box sat in mom and dad’s ga-
rage until 1968. When they decided to widen
their driveway, the idea of using the call box
as a center piece was born. Mom got busy re-
furbishing the call box. It was the focal point
of our driveway for 50 years. Over time, as life
happens, the finish of the call box deteriorated.
January 2019 • 31
Van Nuys
Photos by Adam VanGerpen

A firefighter suffered a non-life threatening injury while battling a greater alarm fire on December 2, 2018, at a two-
story commercial building in Van Nuys, where flames extended through the roof of the structure.
Firefighters dispatched at 5:12 a.m. near the Van Nuys Airport to 16141 W. Covello St. had the stubborn fire out an hour
and 54 minutes after their arrival, said Amy Bastman of the Los Angeles Fire Department.
The greater alarm blaze forced firefighters into a defensive mode, utilizing heavy streams to extinguish flames which
had extended through the roof. The fire was contained to the building of origin and there were no reported civilian injuries.

32 • January 2019
January 2019 • 33
Boyle Heights
Photos by Matt Hartman and Mike Meadows

11/27/18. Batt 11. LAFD companies battle a fully involved attached garage in the 1900 blk of Lake
Shore Ave. The fire quickly spread to the attic of the main home, however, firefighter’s quick action al-
lowed them to save the home and the life of a dog found inside the occupancy. Photos by Harry Garvin

34 • January 2019
January 2019 • 35
36 • January 2019
that was engulfed with heavy smoke and As Hernandez was bringing the
was met with the chaos of the fire scene. second child down the stairs, Engine 38
Extremely emotional friends, family was making their way up the stairs with
members, and bystanders were screaming a hose line for fire attack and to search for
for help, telling Hernandez that there were the reported third trapped child.
trapped children on the second floor. After Lestelle assessed the first vic-
With little regard for his personal tim, he knew that she was in grave con-
safety, Hernandez entered the two-story dition and needed immediate transport.
duplex with heavy smoke billowing out With the help of another firefighter from
of the second-floor window. He was met Engine 85, FF/PM Lestelle moved the
with intense heat and heavy smoke as he critically injured child to the front of the
ascended the stairs, without a hose line, to house, and then into the back of RA38.
access the room where the trapped chil- The non­-emergent patient from the previ-
dren were reported to be. Hernandez had ous incident was placed in the front seat
to rush past the fire room at the top of the and RA38 immediately transported the
stairs where flames were already starting lifeless child to Harbor-UCLA Medical
FF/PM Rio-Bec Hernandez to extend into the hallway. He continued Center.
on at extreme personal risk to himself that It is not every day in our profes-
On August 31, 2017, at 1709 hours,
went far above the normal calculated risk sional or personal lives that we encounter
RA38 was dispatched non-emergency to
of the fire service. He then was able to en- situations that test our bravery. These two
an incident. After the patient was assessed,
ter the smoked filled room to search for members showed conspicuous heroism
treated, and loaded into the back of the
the trapped children. under extreme personal risk. They brought
rescue, RA38 began to transport to Kaiser
FF/PM Hernandez found one of significant credit to the LAFD and are
Hospital Harbor City at 1740 hours. While
the children unconscious on the floor and directly responsible for giving those two
enroute to the hospital, FF/PM Rio-Bec
quickly dragged her out of the smoke- children a second chance at life. If any
Hernandez noticed a large loom-up a few
filled room. As he pulled the lifeless child of us are ever faced with a similar situa-
blocks from their location. After weighing
down the hallway, Hernandez shielded her tion, I hope we will follow the example of
all of their options and knowing that their
with his own body as he hurried past the these two members and have the courage
current patient was non-emergent, RA38
fire room and down the stairs. Hernandez to make the right decision.
decided it would be in the best interest of
gently placed the girl on the ground out-
the community and the Department to re-
side and quickly went back up the stairs to For demonstrating bravery at great
spond to the loom-up and give a size-up to
search for the other trapped children. personal risk, beyond a doubt and clearly
MFC on Channel 7.
At this point, FF/PM Lestelle start- above the call of duty, FF/PM Rio Bec
The still alarm that RA 38 came
ed assessing and treating the first victim in Hernandez was awarded the LAFD’s
upon would eventually turn into incident
the rear yard. Encountering the same hot highest honor, the Medal of Valor.
number 1447, located at 721 N. Hawai-
and smoky conditions as before, Hernan-
ian Ave. As RA38 was pulling up to the
dez once again entered the smoked filled
front of the residence and giving a size-up
room and started to search for the other
to MFC, several bystanders notified them
trapped children. He found another uncon-
of potentially trapped children on the sec-
scious child on the floor in the same room
ond floor. FF/PM Hernandez quickly put
and quickly picked him up and rushed him
on his PPE while his partner, FF/PM Rik
down the stairs, once again using his body
Lestelle, moved the RA away from the
to shield him from the intense flames bil-
front of the house. Hernandez then raced
lowing out of the fire room.
down the driveway to the rear structure
January 2019 • 37
STEPHEN RUDA, Battalion Chief 15-C VINCE MANZO, Captain II, FS 21-C


Fire Station 87 Fire Station 21

10124 Balboa Blvd, Granada Hills CA 1192 E 51st St, Los Angeles CA

0800 hrs - 1100 hrs 7:00 AM - 12 PM

Last Day Breakfast - No Cost Last Day Breakfast & Taco Bar Lunch - No Cost

All are invited! All are welcome!

JACK FRY, Captain II,

Fire Station 48-A STEPHEN RUDA, Battalion Chief 15-C


Torrance Redondo Beach Marriott Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral

3635 Fashion Way, Torrance CA 555 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA

Social Hour - 11:00 AM Luncheon - 12:00 PM Retirement Mass - 11:30 AM

Reception - 12:30 PM Luncheon - 1:00 PM
Buffet Lunch - $55 pp
Menu and Cost - TBD
Call FS 48 - (310) 548-7548 or Mary Fry - (951) 526-3502
mail checks to: Mary Fry - 1550 Silver Birch Lane, All are invited!
Fallbrook CA 92028. RSVP by Jan 26, 2019

Name Assigned Date Retired Date Rank, Last Assignment

Vincent L. Manzo 12/14/1980 01/31/2019 Captain II, FS 21C
Garabed Karaoglanian 03/23/1988 01/31/2019 Firefighter III, FS 97-C
Scott L. Miller 08/10/1980 12/31/2018 Captain I, FPB PAU
William M. Harris 08/10/1980 01/31/2019 Engineer, FS 80-B
Gary W. Carpenter 11/30/1990 10/01/2018 Captain I, FPB
Derek B. LeDuff 01/08/1987 02/03/2019 Fireboat Pilot, FS 49-C
Stephen J. Ruda 09/10/1978 02/02/2019 Battalion Chief, Batt 15-C
John W. Englund, Jr. 08/10/1980 01/30/2019 Firefighter III, FS 49-B
38 • January 2019
Because the road from work to retire- and badge for this photo. This whole process duction cards for dental and life insurance.
ment isn’t always the smoothest, we’re hoping should only take about 15 minutes. They open Call (800) 252-8352 for more information, or
the following information will help to level out from 0730 to 1500. Contact Sandy Lai at (213) go to www.uflac.org
any potholes or speed bumps. 978-3765 or Sandy.Lai@lacity.org to make
your appointment. 30-60 days – Determine how you will receive
SERVICE PENSION TIMELINE your DROP account balance. If you are going
CHECKLIST 60 days – Contact Department of Pensions for to rollover all or a portion of the monies into
an appointment. Scheduling it on the same day a qualified account, set this up with your fi-
Beginning of the year you retire – depend- after your visit to Personnel will make the pro- nancial institution of choice. If you choose to
ing on your retirement date – you might want cess much more efficient, as you will need the roll it into Deferred Comp, contact them and
to adjust the amount of money going into De- Letter of Intent when you meet with Pensions. they will provide a partially filled out form for
ferred Compensation if you want to receive If you have decided what you will do with your rollover of DROP money into Deferred Com-
the maximum in the year you retire. Deferred DROP money you can fill out the form they pensation and various disbursal documents for
Comp deposits can only come from payroll de- give you and sign it right there, avoiding hav- your Deferred Compensation monies. Deferred
duction. Deferred Comp contact info is listed ing to have the document notarized. Comp is located within the Employee Benefits
below. Department at City Hall: 200 N. Spring St.
30-60 days – Contact Credit Union (or your Room 867, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Walk-ins
60-90 days –Call the LAFPP DROP/Service financial institution) for Automatic Deposit only, no appointments. They open from 0800
Pensions section at (213) 279-3100 to sched- of your pension check. For more information, to 1600. For more information, call (213) 978-
ule your appointment no less than 45 working call (800) 231-1626 or go to https://firefighters 1601 or visit la457.voya.com
days prior to your desired DROP exit date. A firstcu.org
“DROP Distribution Election Request” form 20 days – Call Department of Pensions to
will be mailed to you to elect how you would 30-60 days – Contact the Los Angeles Fire- make sure they have received any documents
like to receive your DROP account balance men’s Relief Association. They will send a you sent them and to ensure everything is pro-
(also available at lafpp.com). payroll deduction card for Relief Association gressing smoothly. You can request an exit
monthly dues deduction, a card for the LAFRA medical through the Personnel Services Sec-
60 days – Contact Personnel Services Section Medical Plan (or Kaiser) deduction and the Re- tion. If you have an existing medical problem
to make an appointment. They will prepare a lief Association Retirement Checklist form. that could require lifetime care, there is noth-
“Letter of Intent” for you to sign. They will Contact Member Services at memberser ing you need to do at this time. If your Work
keep a copy and you will bring your copy to vices@lafra.org or call (323) 259-5200 Ext. Comp doctor placed you on Permanent and/
the Pension Department for their records. You 222 or 223. or Stationary status, he/she should have ad-
can also have a new retirement identification dressed the issue of future medical care in his/
photo taken. Members are encouraged to wear 30-60 days – Contact UFLAC for pension her report to your Work Comp carrier. If not,
their shirt mailing. They should provide payroll de- you might want to contact the Medical Liaison
Unit and discuss your status.

If you don’t have the Relief Associa-

tion Fire Medical Plan (or LAFRA Kaiser)
or UFLAC dental insurance, you will have to
contact your respective carrier to provide a
new payroll deduction card.

Please note these guidelines are subject

to change and it is up to you to find out the cur-
rent steps and requirements directly from each
of the organizations and departments listed.

LAFPP Website References

DROP Handbook – www.lafpp.com/content/
DROP Program Provisions - www.lafpp.com/
DROP Entry Forms – www.lafpp.com/
DROP Exit Forms – www.lafpp.com/

Here’s to your happy and healthy retirement!

January 2019 • 39
Firefighters must train muscles to “Firefighters recognize the worth of something through applica-
work together instead of individually. Isolat- tion, relevance, and outcome,” said Captain Jordan Ponder of the Mil-
ed lifts are good for improving aesthesis, but waukee FD. “Consequently, our emergency movement training needs
not ideal for firefighter fitness. From crawl- to make direct connections with the duties and responsibilities of all
ing around small spaces, climbing unstable firefighters.” A simple piece of equipment that makes direct connec-
platforms, lifting people, and grabbing heavy tions to the field is the sandbag.
equipment, firefighters need to know how Training with sandbags is good for functional strength and
to utilize their entire body to per- conditioning. Unlike the majority of the population, firefighters need
form amazing feats. to challenge their bodies to be dynamic and adaptive in extreme cir-
cumstances. The instability of the sandbag promotes dynamic stability,
wakes up the nervous system, and transforms your functional workout.

Beauty of the Bag

One benefit of using sandbags is that they are low-tech but create
high results. You can purchase sandbags from various vendors or
make one at home for little cost. All you need is a bag and sand and
you can start your workout.

Dynamic Stability
Unlike barbells, dumbbells, or kettle bells, sandbags
have a constant shifting weight that makes the workout more
challenging. Because of this shifting weight, sandbags will
help you build dynamic stability, your body’s ability to main-
tain control when acted upon by active external stimuli.
Some popular stability workouts, like performing
squats balancing on an exercise ball, are designed to push your
body to the edge without practical function. The use of sand-
bags on the other hand, has transferable skills to be used in the
field. Pushing your body to the edge without practical purpose
is meaningless for a firefighter.
The constant external stimulus of a sandbag is simi-
lar to what a firefighter would experience out in the field, like
raising a ladder, using a saw, or lifting a person. These items
might not have a constant shifting load, but they are cumber-
some and awkward to raise and control. To control external
stimuli, you must call upon multiple muscles. Failure to do
so will create inefficiencies that will lead to injuries.

Neuromuscular Control
The constant shifting weight of the sandbag requires
your body to be adaptive, firing your nervous system to
react. This creates neuromuscular control. Captain Pon-
der said, “… our nervous system is incident command and
your movement system or body is the attack company. Communication
has to be relayed efficiently back and forth to successfully complete the
overall goal.”
Training with static and nonreactive equipment makes the body
40 • January 2019
complacent, creating dull signals between the nervous system and the Here are some exercises to create a full-body functional sandbag
rest of the body. Creating this neuromuscular control will make your workout:
body adaptive to external stimuli and prevent injury in the field. • Bear Hug Squat
• Sandbag Shouldering
Strength • Clean and Press
Training with a sandbag will promote strong legs, shoulders, and • Overhead Walking Lunge
back, all the major muscles needed for firefighter fitness. The uncon- • Windmill
ventional movements performed while using a sandbag promote good • Sandbag Get Up
hip and shoulder mobility, preventing injury in the field. Another major
benefit is that it will build your grip strength. To build an iron grip, hold Performing exercises like these will create a resilient, adaptive
the sides of the bag instead of the handles when possible. body ready for the field.

Bag Basics Make Your Own Dirt Cheap Sandbags

Sandbags don’t have to be expensive. All you need are
You can do traditional lifts like deadlifts, squats, and presses bags of sand, some trash bags and heavy tape. To pro-
with a sandbag, but you won’t be utilizing its full benefit. The benefit of mote longevity of the sandbag, place it inside a canvas
the bag is the constant shifting load, so perform movements that chal- bag with sewn handles to prevent ripping and a good
lenge your body to stabilize the bag. Matthew Palfrey of the Sandbag zipper to prevent dust.
Fitness Blog advises that to get the most out of his sandbag workouts
“means lots of overhead work and utilizing a range of different grip • Step #1: Wrap the sandbag inside the trash bag. Use the whole 50 lb bag or dump
positions.” some out.
• Step #2: Wrap tape all around the trash bag
• Step #3: Put it all inside an old duffel bag or backpack

Bear Hug Squat Clean and Press

Shouldering Windmill Get Up

January 2019 • 41
The Merit Scholar Awards
are made possible through
the Jean Perkins Foundation,
of up to $30,000 ($7,500 per
year while studies continue).
To be eligible, a student must
be the child or stepchild of an
active or fallen LAFD sworn
employee. The student must
be a high school senior or col-
lege freshman, enrolled in the
fall as a full-time student in an
accredited college or universi-
ty. The scholarships are award-
ed on the basis of merit. The
most important factor is aca- Left to right: Dick Barrett - LAFD Merit Scholarship Fund, Brady Sedillos,
demic achievement, but other Abigail Sedellos, Simone Decker, Teagan Wasserman, Chief Ralph M. Terrazas

relevant criteria, including We would like to thank James Car- Department at Barnes and Noble. Simone is
roll III and Joe Connolly, Executive Board involved with the Interfaith Youth Leadership
personal character and extra- members of the Jean Perkins Foundation and Initiative that promotes religious tolerance and
curricular accomplishments, the LAFD Merit Scholarship Fund’s Board of serves as the LA Chapter Secretary. Simone
Directors, Dick Barrett, John Anglin, G. Louis has interned for Assemblyman Tom Lackey
are considered. Graziadio III, Vicky Leck, Tom Mizo, Robert and with Congressman Steve Knight. She is
Nicholas and Molly Taylor for their dedication currently Social Media Commissioner for the
The 2018 LAFD Merit Scholar Award
and support. We are also grateful to the LAFD QHHS ASB, Cheer Squad Captain, Multicul-
recipients are Simone Decker; Abigail Sedillos
Sertoma Club, the UFLAC, LAFD Historical tural Club, and a member of Key Club. Sim-
and Brady Sedillos; and Teagan Wasserman.
Society, the LA Firefighter’s Association, and one is a member of the National Society of
This year’s seven Runner-Up award
the Stentorians. High School Scholars and was selected for the
winners each received a one-time grant of
Award of Excellence from the National Acad-
$5,000. They are Mia Aguilar, Seth Aguilar,
MERIT SCHOLAR AWARD emy of Future Scientists and Technologists.
Nina Hernandez, Angelina Maldonado, Dela-
RECIPIENT BIOS She received Academic Excellence awards af-
nie McKeon, Derek Rueda, Anna Vidovich and
ter receiving all “A” grades in honors/advanced
Taylor Wasserman.
Simone Decker is a senior from Quartz courses. Simone graduates with a 4.9 GPA.
The winner of this year’s “Best Es-
Hill High School and is the daughter of FF/PM
say” award of $2,500, sponsored by the LAFD
Dieter Decker (FS 75). She will be attending Abigail Sedillos is a senior from Palos
Foundation, is an impressive repeat winner,
George Washington University, majoring in Verdes Peninsula High School and the daugh-
Nina Hernandez.
Political Science. Simone has volunteered with ter of Captain I Leonard Sedillos (FS 80). Ab-

the Union Rescue Mission and the Children’s bie will be attending Northeastern University,
42 • January 2019
Boston, double majoring in Environmental Captain I Leonard Sedillos (FS 80). Brady will FF/PM Curt Wasserman (FS 99). Teagan will
Studies and Political Science on the Pre-Law be attending Brown University, majoring in Bi- be attending Wagner College, in the five-year
track. She is dedicated to community service ological Sciences on the Pre-Med track. Brady advanced Physician Assistant program. Tea-
and actively volunteers at the National Char- is a Blue Jacket and a NOVA volunteer at Tor- gan is currently the secretary of EHS’s Make a
ity League, and also a Blue Jacket, assisting rance Memorial Medical Center where he Wish Club. In 2015, Teagan won Best Scientific
the Torrance Memorial Medical Center. Abbie served as the VP and Social Chair of NOVA. Invention in Edison’s World Fair and continues
has received the Gold Presidential Volunteer Brady is a jury member of Teen Court, Peer to volunteer in EHS’s Innovation Lab. Teagan
Service Award and the Ticktocked Service Leadership Uniting Students, Model United is a volunteer at Fountain Valley Regional Hos-
Award for volunteering. Abbie has participat- Nations Team Under-Secretary-General of pital, helping in multiple areas. Tegan is a wa-
ed in the following PVPHS clubs: Link Crew, Logistics. Brady is a co-founder/VP of the Go ter safety instructor at Aquatots, working with
PLUS Leadership, Teen Court and Principal’s Toberman School Club, a Game of Thrones kids with disabilities. Teagan has participated
Advisory Council. Abbie’s awards include Na- fan club. Brady’s awards and honors include: in the Modeled United Nations conference in
tional Hispanic Scholar, Sociedad Honoraria Model United Nations Conference Awards, Greece. Teagan also mentors freshman taking
Hispanica, National Honor Society, Science National Hispanic Scholar, National Honor MUN Geography courses. Teagan was the CIF
National Honor Society, California Scholar- Society, Science and Math National Honor So- Sports Conference and the OCAD Women in
ship Federation, and AP Scholar with Honors. ciety, and California Scholarship Federation. Sports Conference Representative for Edison
Abbie graduates with a 4.7 GPA. Brady graduates with a 4.8 GPA. Women’s Soccer. Teagan is the recipient of Ed-
ison Character Coalition Award Perseverance
Brady Sedillos is a senior from Palos Tegan Wasserman is a senior from winner 2017. Teagan graduates with a 4.6 GPA.
Verdes Peninsula High School and the son of Edison High School (EHS) and the daughter of

What Is The...
Extinguisher Fund?
The brain child of Ted Bailie, retired from the LAFD and LAFRA, your station’s Ex-
tinguisher Fund is a simple way to collect donations for the Widows, Orphans and
Disabled Firemen’s Fund. Ted saw the accumulation of change that the cook dumped
into the mess fund box each shift and had a better idea. If this change was instead
collected for the WODFF he figured it could really add up. With an average of 50 cents
per day per station, in a year there would be . . . well, you can do the math!
So take your turn in the cooking rotation and remember to drop all your change into
your station’s extinguisher. There should be one in every firehouse. And any loose
change in your pockets, any that you find in the TV chairs, or hoarded in the “ashtray”
of your vehicle can be thrown in for good measure.
The Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund is the heart of the Relief Associa-
tion. This fund provides assistance to our firefighters and families who are faced with
personal difficulties and tragedies. Donations are the sole means of support for this
Firefighters risk their lives to protect the community on a daily basis. Thus, they and
their families can be comforted in knowing that the “Fire Department Family,” sup-
ported by the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund, is there for them in times
of need.

January 2019 • 43
One of my fondest childhood memories heavy objects around the properties, filling in
is one of playing in a big pile of sand with my planters with dirt, or simply moving rocks to a
bright yellow Tonka toy bulldozer. So, imagine requested area. They also purchase up to 60-
how excited I got when I found out I was going 70 salvaged cars a year from Pick-a-Part, and
to do a story on the LAFD tractor unit. Offi- transport them to assist In-service Training’s
cially known as the Wildland Fuel Manage- need for props for their extrication classes. An-
ment Unit, it was originally called the LAFD other important service they provide is the ex-
Mountain Patrol. Started in 1924 to improve cavation of multiple training holes so that the
the fire safety in the hillside communities of six USAR task forces throughout the city can
the city, the unit employed both sworn person- perform mandatory training. This requires the
nel and a cadre of civilians that worked out of tractors to safely dig several Olympic swim-
Fire Station 109 and 108. At that time their
primary goal was to build fire roads, maintain
trails, install drains, and repair the fire road
Today’s Wildland Fuel Management
Unit does all of the above and so much more—
and with less personnel. A typical company
consists of a swamper, who refuels, maintains,
and keeps the tractor on task; a heavy equip-
ment boss, who assures the overall safety of the
operation; and a tractor operator, no descrip-
tion necessary.
Where are these members assigned?
Supervised by B/C Jeff Dapper, the unit falls
under the umbrella of the Disaster Response
Section that also includes the Swift Water, Ur-
ban Search and Rescue, and the FEMA TF-1
Team. There are currently seven members as-
signed to the Fuel Management Unit. Two of
the firefighters are assigned to a 4/10 schedule.
F/F Wes Schroeder is situated in a trailer on
the grounds of Fire Station 88. He runs the
day-to-day operations of the unit, schedul-
ing, receiving assignments, and executing the
requests received. F/F Paul Wingate is tasked
with running the Crew 3 Team that operates
out of Fire Station 84. The remaining five
members: F/F Andy Carter, F/F Randy Glancy,
F/F Sergio Mayorga, F/F Evan Beckman, and
F/F Brian Carr, work platoon duty and are as-
signed to Fire Station 109. When not working
with the tractors, they do double duty on the
800 series ambulance.
What are some of the other respon-
sibilities of the Wildland Fuel Management
Unit? Well, to start, they assist with fire sta-
tion construction projects, such as moving

44 • January 2019
ming pool size holes, maintain them during the erations in large structures where the fire load
training period, and then unceremoniously fill is too heavy to move by hand or where condi-
the holes in. tions are too dangerous for firefighters to enter
In addition to all of the training and without the protective cage of the tractor. All
preventative work required of the crew, they of this is accomplished with an assortment of
are also called upon to fight fire—the dozer heavy machinery they have at their disposal:
way. Using the heavy front blade of their Cat- Bulldozers, track loaders, a CAT IT 28, which
erpillar D-8 bulldozer, the three-person team can work like a forklift, and, a back hoe. They
creates wide fire breaks in an attempt to stop also have a dump truck, but according to the
fast moving brush fires. They also do structure team, what they really need is an excavator.
fires, assisting in firefighting and overhaul op- At one fire, they had to borrow one from L.A.
County Fire to battle a wharf fire at the port of
L.A. They used the heavy piece of machinery
to bust away layers of concrete and asphalt that
covered a wooden pier structure that was on
fire—thanks County! F/F Schroeder, a 15-year
veteran of the department, mentioned to me
that another much needed piece of equipment
that would benefit the unit would be the pur-
chase of two Caterpillar D-6 bulldozers that
would allow them to operate more effectively
throughout the United States and would also
allow them to facilitate much needed training
to keep members proficient at their job.
Bulldozers are not the only thing these
members move down the road. The unit is also
responsible for getting our members and equip-
ment from point A to point B when deployed
in the TF-1 configuration. Driving a tractor
trailer, they are able to move large amounts of
equipment around the country in short order,
recently as far as Virginia in preparation for
hurricane relief. They also do more locally-
based relief work, such as their deployment in
Montecito, California where they comman-
deered a backhoe to search in the mudflow for
missing people.
The fact is that fire season in California
is becoming a year-round event with the need
to be more proactive in mitigating the dangers
of the spread of wildfires and also what may
come from the aftermath of such disasters. The
Wildland Fuel Management Unit is an impor-
tant part of this equation that not only helps
prevent these disasters from happening in the
first place but also carries the heavy load when
they do.

January 2019 • 45
On Saturday, November 24, 2018, the annual Turkey Burner
Doubles Handball Tournament was held at Los Caballeros Sports Vil-
lage. This event is hosted by LAFD Handball and the United States
Handball Association as a fundraiser to support local youth handball
and the First Ace Fund. There were five divisions with 43 teams compet-
LAFD Handball was represented well with members competing
in the finals in the top three categories. Sergio Guzman (FS-50) and Pro
Qualifier John Wayne Cortez attempted to defend their 2017 title in the
“Caliente Division.” They were up against the father and son team of
current World Professional Handball (WPH) #8 Armando Ortiz Jr. and
Armando Ortiz Sr. It came down to a very exciting final, but Ortiz the
duo had too much firepower.
The “Hot Division” featured an all LAFD final with the A/O’s
from Fire Station 66 Trevor Insley and Alex Garcia, meeting Chris
Yokoyama (Quality Assurance Unit) and Roy Harvey (FPB). Both of
these undefeated teams emerged from a 12-team field to play an evenly
matched final game. Insley and Garcia scored the final six points, com-
ing from behind 15-18 to win 21-18.
John Libby Jr. (FS-80) and John Libby Sr. competed in the
“Warm Division” (also known as the Sandbagger Division) and made it
through to the finals before falling to civilians Larry Barunda and Greg
This tournament provides a great opportunity for LAFD players
to compete against the best and develop relationships in the Southern
California Handball Community. It is always a great day of handball,
food, drinks, and fun! Winners received embroidered warmup jackets Armando Ortiz Sr., Ormando Ortiz Jr., John Libby Jr., John Libby Sr.
and handball gloves from sponsor Owen Gloves.

Sergio Guzman, Armando Ortiz Sr., Armando Ortiz Sr., John Wayne Cortez Trevor Insley, Alex Garcia, Roy Harvey, Christopher Yokoyama

46 • January 2019
On December 2nd, the busiest firehouse in the nation held its the “Little Class” division. In the “No Class” division, Capt Paone and
annual “Skid Row” handball tournament. This is the longest ongoing Bryan Dominguez (73-A) defeated Elliot Ibanez (9-C) and retired Capt
tournament in the LAFD. Past and present members from the Wine-O II Joe Holguin.
Nine-O showed up for a day of handball and camaraderie. Fire Station 9 would like to thank everyone who attended and a
Retired Capt I Don Paone and retired B/C Mike Bowers defeated special thank you to the City Employees Club for sponsoring the tourna-
Ian Moore (9-C) and Daniel Stalie (9-C) to take home the trophy in ment. See you next year!

ision ision
one win No Class div win Little Class div
Dominguez and Pa Paone and Bowers
January 2019 • 47
Michael Mercado, Engineer.
Appointed November 24, 1962.
Retired on a service pension July 14, 1991 from FS 8-A.
Passed away November 7, 2018.

Robert G. Berg, Captain.

Appointed December 19, 1955.
Retired on a service pension August 1, 1976 from FS 14-C.
Passed away November 14, 2018.

Tyre N. Wood, Firefighter III.

Appointed February 20, 1960.
Retired on a disability pension April 29, 1996 from 44-C.
Passed away November 20, 2018.

John A. White, Captain II.

Appointed September 23, 1957.
Retired on a disability pension March 21, 2002 from FS 47-A.
Passed away November 24, 2018.

James R. Norman, Fire Inspector II.

Appointed December 19, 1955.
Retired on a service pension July 3, 1976 from Fire Prevention.
Passed away November 28, 2018.

Chester B. Port, Captain.

Appointed June 27, 1959.
Retired on a service pension July 8, 1984 from FS 85-C.
Passed away December 4, 2018.

James R. Klatt, Firefighter II.

Appointed November 24, 1962.
Retired on a disability pension January 23, 1984 from FS 95-C.
Passed away December 8, 2018.

Nancy Bourlier McMahon, spouse of John M. McMahon, passed away October 31, 2018.
Aletta E. O’Hanlon, surviving spouse of Lawrence D. O’Hanlon, passed away November 11, 2018.
Nanette J. Frierson, spouse of Keith A. Frierson, passed away November 13, 2018.
Maxine S. Harris, surviving spouse of Jerva D. Harris, passed away November 15, 2018.
Carole M. Rojo, surviving spouse of Reynaldo T. Rojo, passed away November 23, 2018.
Yvonne Burns, spouse of Edward A. Burns, passed away November 23, 2018.
Mary F. Luth, surviving spouse of Thomas O. Luth, passed away December 1, 2018.
Betsy Petersen, surviving spouse of John S. Petersen, passed away December 9, 2018.

48 • January 2019
ing you place on tion and practical ideas to mitigate stress in
the situation. Some order to stress less or balance out the stress in
common symptoms your life and career.
of stress include: The term “stress less” is not a vague
emotional effects, term without meaning or thought. Quite the
such as depression, contrary. The term specifically refers to: being
irritability, and prepared for stress, increasing your tolerance
hopelessness; physi- to stress, and practicing stress-minimizing ac-
cal effects, such as tivities on a daily basis. The first step toward
diarrhea, ulcers, in- balancing your stress is to learn how to recog-
creased blood pres- nize the signs of stress. The second is to take
sure, insomnia, and the proper steps to replenish and care for your-
heart attacks; and self by adopting positive lifestyle habits.
social effects, such
as isolating oneself, MAINTAIN AND USE PERSONAL
emotional detach- RESOURCES
ment, suspicious- Everyone needs a strong social support
ness, cynicism, in- network, such as family, friends, clergy, or a
creased sick days, professional counselor. People from your com-
and suicide. munity are in the best position to recognize
According to your unique signs of stress. In other words, this
Krystle Madrid, Fire support group will likely tell you when you
Los Angeles City firefighters might be Psychologist of the LAFD Behavioral Health look a wreck or seem overwhelmed.
the best trained first responders in the nation. Program, “We all experience stress from time
Being the best, however, can come at a high to time. While stress is a response, burnout AVOID CHEMICAL FIXES
price. Along with the shining reputation is the is the accumulation of excessive stressors Using alcohol to relax, sleeping pills
dim reality of the job: long hours away from over time. Burnouts occur when we feel over- to sleep, or other forms of medication to cope
home, hectic training schedules, and the day- whelmed and unable to meet constant de- with stress will not reduce stress in the long
to-day dangers of the job. And although most mands. It is a cycle of negative emotions and run. These types of chemical fixes can lead to
firefighters won’t admit it, there is one more withdrawal resulting from investing too much dependence, adding a host of new problems.
danger inherent to their job that even they re- emotionally or physically without doing any- Chemical intake impairs your judgement and
main ill-equipped to deal with—stress. thing to restore yourself. Burnout doesn’t go ability to truly cope with stress.
away after a few weeks unless you make some
WHAT IS STRESS? changes in your life. If you do notice that you GET REGULAR EXERCISE
Stress is a silent danger. Too much have been acting out of character lately then it Exercise is a great way to counter
stress, too often, can reduce performance and may be time to start assessing your work-life stress stored in your body. One study showed
impact your health. It can also take a severe balance or speaking to a professional.” that 60 percent of clinically depressed people
toll on a first responder’s family, which can who took a brisk 30-minute walk or jog at least
then bring about its own serious consequenc- STRESS LESS three times a week were no longer depressed
es. Work-related stress among firefighters and Stress management programs are a step after 16 weeks. Add movement to your life;
their families can add to a sometimes already in the right direction, but firefighters must be movement is essential for optimal health.
overwhelming burden on a marriage or family proactive with their own stress management.
relationship and this can carry back over to the To do this, you must be armed with informa- GET ENOUGH SLEEP
station and result in impairment for firefight- Too little sleep will make any adult act
ers to perform their job in a safe and effective like a tall two-year-old. Inadequate sleep will
manner. take its toll on your motivation, energy, and at-
Simply put, stress is about your attitude titude. Adequate sleep will allow you to better
and perception. You can choose to bring two cope with stress.
attitudes to a situation: a positive attitude or a
negative attitude. You can change your life by Being a Los Angeles City firefighter is,
changing your attitude. Perception is how we and always will be, a tough and stressful job. In
personally process and interpret the events in this ever-changing, politically-charged world,
our lives. The main reason some people cope there appears to be even more severe sources
with stress better than others has to do, to some of stress for us. Firefighters are not fireproof
extent, with perception. How you perceive or when it comes to stress, but they can take steps
view a situation is everything. It’s not the situ- to balance their life and, in turn, reduce their
ation that generates your stress; it’s the mean- stress.

January 2019 • 49

I have known John White for many

years, but one time stands out above all the
times that John was there to help guys on the
Department. It was when we were able to help
him. I was the floor captain at OCD when I got
a phone call from a frantic and shaken John
White. He and Jane were on their way home
from Hume Lake and had just been notified by
their daughter that she had been involved in
a serious traffic accident on the I-15 between
Las Vegas and Barstow. She and her kids were
all transported to Loma Linda Medical Cen-
ter, which for John was seven plus hours away.
He asked if there was anything we could do
to help and I told him I would get back to him
LAFRA, in memory of Deane Wickstrom. Deane and
soon, just keep driving. I had my wife go down
I worked together at old 61’s for a number of
to Loma Linda to be with John’s daughter for
Please accept this donation for the years. It was a once in a lifetime career assign-
comfort and started a chaplain on the way.
Widows. Orphans, & Disabled Firefighter’s ment that most firemen have if they’re lucky.
Most important we were able to get air ops to
Fund. I would like to acknowledge the Los An- We all meshed together and had great times on
fly up and pick up both of them and fly them to
geles Fire Department Chief Officers Associa- and off the job. He was a heck of a good fire-
be with their family. This was one time that the
tion who bestowed this gift upon me, in lieu of man.
LAFD was able to give back to John and Jane
the traditional gold watch, on the occasion of Sincerely,
for all that they had given to it.
my retirement.
Regards, Norman AKA Bob L. Stephens
Jim Littlefield
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Wrightwood, CA
Charles S. Butler
Riverside, CA
Dear Andy,
Dear Marlene, Please accept this donation to the
John White was a longtime friend. John
WODFF in memory of Sam Diannitto and
was one of the strongest men on the LAFD. If
Hope this finds you and everyone else George Fischer. Sam worked so hard for all of
you ever finger wrestled with him or threw lad-
in good health. Where has the year gone? us as a pension commissioner. After all these
ders you’d be impressed. He could not only pop
Please put this donation in the Widows, Or- years, it’s hard to find words of thanks. Then
up a 20’ straight up by the bottom rungs, but
phans, and Disabled Firefighter’s Fund in there was George who seemed to be every-
also the 24’ straight. When we had Fireman’s
memory of Mike Brumbaugh. where people needed help. Famous for the Fire
Night a Disneyland, he would entertain my
Thank you so much! & Police Olympics, and his flying ability as a
kids while waiting in line to get in. John spent
mechanic and pilot. How about you Andy. Did
a lot of time helping others, very unselfishly.
Christine Brumbaugh you get an honor flight yet?
He came to my shop to get old leaf springs to
fabricate sheet metal cutters for FD’s in Mex-
Your friend,
ico. John’s passing is the loss of a good man,
WODFF, Harry Morck
firefighter and friend. I just talked with him
Helendale, CA
at the firefighter luncheon on the 6th, as usual
Please accept this donation to the Wid-
he greeted me “Hey 10 Bears” and then with
ows, Orphans, and Disabled Firefighter’s Fund
his bear hug. Rest in Peace my friend, you will
in memory of my husband, William S. Plum- LAFRA,
missed and remembered.
lee. He passed away October 11, 2018. He will
surely be missed. Please accept this donation in memory
Bob “10 Bears’ Munoa
of Vernon “Bruce” Larson. Bruce was a re-
Temecula, CA
Sincerely, markable person and we will always be grate-
Lorene J. Plumlee ful for his friendship.


LAFRA Harold & Janeen Fliegner
Please accept this donation to the
Wrightwood, CA
WODFF in memory of Mel Leydecker. When
Please accept this donation to the Wid-
Mel arrived at FS 26-A, I was a fireman on
ows, Orphans, and Disabled Firefighter’s Fund
50 • January 2019
the “B” shift. On 4/13/75, I made engineer
and had to move on after 10 memorable years.
On 8/15/76, an opening occurred at FS 26-A
and I jumped at the opportunity to return and
work for one of the finest captains I’ve ever
been around. Mel had a very energetic crew in
those days, both on the fire ground and around
quarters. I never heard him raise his voice, and
he maintained control because of the respect
we had for him. When Bob Degenfelder was
building his new house, Mel was the one who
made the phone calls and kept a master calen-
dar full of names so that there was a full crew
available on our days off to pound nails. Mel
Leydecker—Eagle Scout, Army Veteran, col-
lege grad, explorer post leader, battalion chief,
Protect Those
and family man. I was so fortunate to be ex-
posed to the leadership that Mel brought to this with Special Needs
department. Gone but never forgotten.

Best regards,
Firefighter Justin Mendence set up a special needs trust to ensure his
Bill & Pam Finn son and entire family is taken care of in the best manner possible.
Granada Hills, Calif
“You want to think everybody’s going to take care of your kid because

Please accept this donation to the

If I handwrite a will,
everybody loves him, but unless you have a plan in place…you’re planning
to fail. Leaving it to chance is not in me and my wife’s vocabulary.”

isn’t that good enough?

WODFF in memory of William (Bill) Plum-
lee, a good friend & fireman for over 70 years.
We started our fire department career at FS
A Special Needs Trust Helps You:
41 in West Hollywood and worked there for
several years until promotions moved us on.
• Set up long-term funding for living expenses & care
Bill was one of three generations to serve the
LAFD: His dad Ike, his brother Jack, and his
• Determine who will be the primary caregiver
son Bruce, all served with the LAFD. Bruce
also had a son on a fire department in Orange
• Create an advisory group of experts to help caregivers make
County and one of his daughters is married to sound decisions
a retired LAFD Capt. So, you can see the fire
service runs deep in his blood stream. Along • Ensure your child’s assets are protected & well-managed
with being a good fireman and engineer, he
was a good all-around builder and mechanic, • Ensure your child maintains eligibility for special services
building several homes, and at one time keep-
ing a 1937 Ford 60 HD automobile running—
“I sleep a little bit easier at night knowing that my son is set up for his
no easy task. Our families became very good
friends and we spent a lot of time together entire life,” Justin said.
away from the job. Our children also became
good friends and attended Poly High together.
So, you can see the fire service was a big part
of the Plumlee family. Bill was a man’s man,
always ready to help others and with a great
smile and laugh. He will be missed

Dan Downen Whether you care for a child or adult with special needs or not,
Woodland Hills, CA everyone should consider setting up an estate plan. Ask for a
“Getting Started Kit” today by emailing Relief Association
Development & Marketing Director Marlene Casillas at
MCasillas@lafra.org or calling (323) 259-5217.
January 2019 • 51
Donations to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund - December 2018


JERRY HUTCHINSON RICHARD RUSH in memory of Jack Grieve SHIRLEY MISER in memory of Billy Miser


Charles “Bud” Debenham
Retired Firefighters’ Breakfast GREGORY ALPER
BRUCE W. PLUMLEE in memory of JOHN & MARGARET BENTZ in memory of
Bill Plumlee Gerald McHale SHIRA NACHSHON

ROBERT J. DE FEO in memory of GARY BOWIE in memory of John White REBEKAH NEIL
Lowell Johnson & Gerald McHale
Fire Extinguisher Fund MICHELLE CANTOR
DANIEL J. KEMP in memory of Bruce Blackwell CHRIS CARSON in honor of Gene Bednarchik
Lowell Johnson AMY SANKOWSKI
ROGER G. GILLIS in memory of Jim O’Neill, CHERYL SAPHOS
Jim Mullen, & Dean Cathey BRYAN DAVIDSON
SUZETTE SHEEHAN C/O DAVID FORD in memory of Bruce Blackwell
ROBERT A. FITCH in memory of ROSE SNOW in honor of Rhett Male
ROSE SNOW in honor of Lori Male
VERONICA B. CHAVEZ TERI GALLUS in memory of Wendy Cummings
ROSE SNOW in honor of Richard Male
LON F. ROBERTS KARYN GROSS in honor of Gerry & Patty Malais
ROBERT D. BASSETT in memory of PETER HABIB in honor of Dave Habib
Bruce Blackwell JOHN SPOKES
JAMES & MARIE HAWORTH in memory of
SHARON LEXAU in memory of Gerald McHale Gerald McHale JODHI TARR

of Bruce Blackwell
WILLIAM C. JOHNSON in memory of Milt Joffe
WILLIAM C. ROBINSON in memory of



JULIE CROGHAN in memory of Fred Croghan GERRY & GIRLEN MCCLANAHAN in memory FIRE STATION NO. 10 from the
of Nick & Jan Baumgartner Fire Extinguisher Fund
TIM LARSON in memory of Elsworth Almany Mike McGinley

52 • January 2019
Submitted by Frank Borden • Director of Operations, LAFDHS

LAFD HISTORY – “On the Waterfront: New Power for the “Scott”

By Bill Dahquist, Pilot, Fireboat 2 “C” 6. Improved intercommunication system the project becomes apparent.
Fireman’s Grapevine, August 1978 between pilot house, engine room and Even more remarkable was the fact that
deck stations. Boat 2 was on duty during the entire overhaul.
Frank’s Note: Bill Dahlquist has been retired When work began on this project back This period encompassed numerous events,
for many years and has been our restoration in 1975, it was estimated that it would take including the Sansinena tanker fire. During
supervisor on the Boat. Our great volunteers about five years to complete, however, as of one six hour wharf fire, a pump engine was
have been working on the restoration of Old July 28, 1978, exactly three years since the first suspended by chains as the boat swept up and
Fireboat No. 2 “The Ralph J. Scott”, since engine was removed, the work is 98% com- down the wharf throughout the day.
it came out of the water in 2003. They have plete. Boat 2 was originally powered with
logged in thousands of volunteer hours. Now The words ”changing an engine” roll seven 350 hp, six cylinder in line Winton en-
we are a year or less of finishing the project easily off the tongue, but the actual work nec- gines. These were replaced in the late forties
when the Boat will be ready for display to the essary to accomplish this action was long and with five 275 hp six cylinder in line Hall Scotts
public. We have some issues to deal with this involved. Hatches, heavy deck structures, and and two 625 hp, V – 12 Hall Scotts. The new
year about its permanent location, but we will the engine room ladder had to be removed, as diesel engines feature three 380 hp 6 cylinder
prevail! This boat is a National Historic Land- well as several other systems and structures in line Cummins, two 525 hp V-12, 2 cycle De-
mark and deserves to be on display in an ap- including the “quiet room,” a sound insulated troits and two 700 hp, V-12 Cummins.
propriate setting for all to see. engineer’s station located in the engine room. The conversion to diesel fuel repre-
My story for this month is about one of After the old engine was dismantled and re- sents a major improvement in safety, economy,
the many upgrades the fireboat has undergone moved, these structures all had to be replaced and dependability through the elimination of
to keep it in service for 78 years in the Port of only to be removed again when the dismantled the more hazardous gasoline. The new twin
LA. This story is about the engines that propel new engine was ready to install one piece at a disc 3.5:1 reduction main drive transmissions
the boat, pump water and provide auxiliary time, then replace the structure when the new provide for greater stopping power, replacing
services. engine was ready. Of course, all the engine thirty year old planetary types which were
beds had to be prepared and altered to accom- restricted to 1000 rpm in reverse and occasion-
“New Power for the Scott” modate the new engines. Five thousand pounds ally slipped at critical moments.
The completion of a three-year up- of ballast had to be brought aboard to keep the For many years, the crews on Boat
grading program for Fireboat 2 has provided vessel trim and then moved with each major 2 have been subjected to a heavy barrage of
this venerable dreadnaught with a tremendous weight change. noise and exhaust gases due to the water level
improvement in performance and safety. Over Throw in modifications to the fuel, unmufflered wet system formerly in use. This
the years, the thought of packing 2,156 gallons electrical, air induction, pneumatic, hydraulic, has been replaced by a high level dry exhaust
of gasoline to waterfront fires has never been and fresh & salt water cooling systems, multi- system fully mufflered and heat and sound
comforting to the men assigned to this float- ply all this times seven, and the immensity of insulated. The three inch insulation around
ing fire department, but that is a thing of the
past now, as a result of the outstanding efforts
of the shops, the mechanics, and a handful of
dedicated fire personnel.
The program consisted of six major
1. Replacement of seven engines over 30
years old.
2. Conversion from gasoline to diesel
3. Installation of main drive
4. Conversion of water level wet exhaust
to high level dry exhaust systems.
5. Noise level reduction through
installation of mufflers and sound Pilot Bill Dahlquist (left) and Engineer Paul Mechanics Bob Farrier (left) and Ken Bacon
proofing materials. McLaughlin (right) checking the wiring diagram. (right) check mounting on new engine.

January 2019 • 53
each underdeck muffler and pipe consists of
an 11/2” layer of heavy fiber glass mat, a thin
layer of lead sheeting, and another 11/2” layer
of glass and an air-ball outer covering. The
nine stacks range in size from 31/2” to 8” and
are made of thin wall aluminum to increase
Tremendous credit must be given to all
the people involved in this challenging pro-
gram: to retired Jim Cosgrove, to Bob Finn,
Clarence Blain, Bob Berg, George Jordan
and all the staff at Supply and Maintenance;
to mechanics Kenny Bacon and Bob Farrier
whose high level of craftsmanship guaranteed
success.; to sheet metal men Carlos Pena and Mark Howell and Gordon Briggs working around
Jim Araki; to electricians Lyle Anderson and the stern on the upper part of the hull.

Fireboat 2 engine room in 1945 showing two of This is the fireboat engine room as it looks today. Not all engines are seen in the
the engines. They are two V-12’s. photo. Nine beautiful engines and the original Byron Jackson pumps from 1925.

Carlos Pena (left and Jim Araki (right) install

new exhaust system.

Bill Pickens and blacksmith Larry Boyd; to the

men of Fire Station 112 on all platoons; and
especially to the dedicated marine engineers
assigned to Boat 2. These engineers represent a
long line of diligent workers who have labored
long hours to keep our fireboats constantly
ready for action. They have never really re-
ceived the credit due them for their sacrificial
contributions to the Department.
An outstanding performer for 50 years,
Fireboat 2 has been greatly enhanced by these Franks note: With the upgrades recommended
improvements. With 3774 horse power, she can by Captain Warner Lawrence completed and
thunder out 16,668 gallons of water per minute with the new engines, the Boat was able to
and still have power to maneuver. She bristles Pump telegraph from Fireboat 2 used by the Captain
serve the Port for nearly 78 years helping to
with some of the biggest guns in the fire ser- on deck to signal the Engineer in the engine room.
make it a National Historic Landmark.
vice (up to a 6” tip”). Her 100 foot length slices The telegraph was used in the 1920’s and 30’s.
through the water at 14 knots. With her heavy
streams, great pumping capacity, numerous Old Fireboat 2 Artifact Donation Fireboat Pilots Frank Baker and Bill Dahlquist
backup systems, underwharf nozzles, thrust- We recently received the donation of we determined that the telegraph used by the
ers, tower turret, lift basket, foam, CO2, lights, two major artifacts that were part of the origi- Captain was located on deck behind the pilot
blowers and miscellaneous equipment, she nal equipment of Fireboat 2 from the 1920’s, house and the receiver was located on the for-
ranks as one of the most versatile and modern They are a pump telegraph system that the cap- ward bulkhead in the engine room. We found
fireboats to be found anywhere in the world, tain would signal the engineer in the engine the old photo of the engine room from Bill’s
Her hull is sound, her hardware is new and room what pressure to pump. Through much archives that shows it there.
sophisticated and she is capable of providing research to identify the telegraph and receiver. These items are of great historic signif-
the constantly expanding Port of Los Angeles We first knew they from Boat 2 because of an icance and we are very grateful for the dona-
with a high level of protection for many years old F175 tag indicating the shop number 28 tion. They will certainly be placed in a promi-
to come. (yes, Boat 2’s shop number). Talking to retired nent place to display in the future.

54 • January 2019
The telegraph receiver in the engine room. The Engi-
neer could see the indicator pointing to the desired
The engine room with the original Winton engines. You can see the telegraph receiver mounted on the bulkhead.
pressure and make the appropriate adjustments.

Frank’s Note: An appeal from our Board of The LAFD Historical Society is a non- LAFDHS 2019 Calendar of Events
Directors and our volunteers: profit organization, with a Board of Directors
elected by the LAFDHS membership to set the January
WANTED: MORE VOLUNTEERS!!!! course and guide the organization toward com- • LAFDHS Volunteer of the Year 2018 Event
WHAT IS IN THE FUTURE? pleting its goals. We look forward to hearing Sun. Jan. 27
from you and seeing you at the Museum. Call
We opened the Hollywood Museum at 323 464 2727 or email us at info@lafdmuse May
Old FS 27 on October 11, 2001 and the Harbor um.org. • Pancake Breakfast & Fire Service Day, Sat.
Museum on August 13,2003.We are still oper- May 11 – Museum 27
ating both Museum, the Memorial and restor- We are reaching out for a helping hand from you.
ing Old Fireboat 2 with nearly the same core June
group of volunteers we started with more than • Retired LAFD Member Luncheon, Thu.
20 years ago. We have some really dedicated June 20 – Museum 27
people with an average age of 77 years old so • RJS Fundraiser, Sun. June 30
we need to look into the near future for re-
placements. You know about waiting for your August
replacement in the fire station when it is close • “Fleet Week” starts, RJS Open House. Fri.
to 0800 and you say where is my replacement? Aug. 30, Sat. Aug. 31
Same story - you are 80 years old or more and
you say where is my replacement in the mu-
seum? Our ability to stay open each week and
maintain our special event schedule at both January 2019
museums is dependent on the number of volun-
teer staff we have to be tour guides, help with
the maintenance, and coordinate activities. We
want to at least maintain our current schedule
and would like to expand the days we are open
at both museums and be able to accommodate
the many special events we have going on now,
which means that we need more volunteers.
Please give us a call or email and sign up for a
rewarding day at one of our Museums.
“JUST GIVE US A DAY!” is our re-
quest. The Museums are definitely “A work
in progress” and a challenge to all who are
involved to make them a world-class location.
We are sure it will give you a sense of pride
and accomplishment as a volunteer. These are
your Museums and Memorial. Think about all
you have received by being part of the history
of the LAFD. Now is the time to “Give Back”.
The museums are a place to learn about our
heritage and remember those who made the
supreme sacrifice. Be a part of it, and watch
it grow as a Hollywood and San Pedro, Los
Angeles, United States, and worldwide attrac-
tion. Closing our doors in the future is not an

January 2019 • 55
November 7, 2018

CALL TO ORDER so moved. Rick Godinez seconded. There healthcare.

was no discussion or objections.
President Bob Steinbacher called the 2) Todd Layfer reported on the Open
meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Motion carried to approve the Board Enrollment and indicated that the LAFRA
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association Meeting Minutes of October 10, 2018. Plan received 66 new members and 7
to order at 10:15a.m. termed.
ROLL CALL 3) Todd Layfer presented the 6-month
1) Bob Steinbacher presented plaques to 2018 LAFRA financials for the Board’s
MEMBERS PRESENT: Loan Tran and Ana Salazar for their 20 review.
Bob Steinbacher, President plus years of service to LAFRA.
Trustee Jim Duffy 2) Bob Steinbacher referred to the Open REPORT
Trustee Frank Aguirre House and indicated that it was a success
Trustee Henry Gasbarri in which Craig White and Bruce Galien Frank Aguirre presented the following
Trustee Tim Freeman were this year’s honorees. motions.
Trustee John Jacobsen
Trustee Mike Sailhamer 3) Bob Steinbacher provided an updated The committee recommends and I so
Trustee Chris Stine on the Pension Department status and the move to pay the usual and customary bills
Trustee Joe Vigil contract negotiations which were agreed in the amount of $979,480.29. There was
Trustee Kenneth Breskin upon. no discussion or objections.
Trustee Rick Godinez
Trustee Craig White 4) Bob Steinbacher informed the Board of Motion carried to pay the usual and
Trustee Gene Bednarchik the L.A. Retired Fire & Police Association customary bills in the amount of
Trustee Steve Berkery Annual Holiday Celebration on December $979,480.29.
Trustee Gayle Sonoda 8th at the Sportsmen’s Lodge.
Trustee Danny Wu The committee recommends and I so
Trustee Steve Domanski - Pension VICE PRESIDENT REPORT move to approve $7,000 in start-up funds
Trustee Tim Larson – Pension for the Buzzard Bait Ride. There was no
Todd Layfer - Executive Director 1) Jeff Cawdrey referred to the Election discussion or objections.
and indicated that they will be counting
MEMBERS ABSENT: ballots at the LAFRA office on November Motion carried to approve $7,000 in
Trustee David Peters 29th. He indicated that they need to clarify start-up funds for the Buzzard Bait Ride.
Trustee Doak Smith – Pension the process of the election when voting for
Trustee Tyler Tomich Retirees. MEDICAL COMMITTEE REPORT
Trustee Richard Moody
Liberty Unciano – Controller-Treasurer INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Frank Aguirre presented the following
REPORT motion.
INVOCATION & Flag Salute
Garth Flint and Mike Breller of Beacon The committee recommends and I so
Rick Godinez led the invocation. Craig Pointe Advisors presented the 2018 3rd move to accept the applications to the
White led the flag salute. Quarter Investments for LAFRA. Medical Plan. There was no discussion
and no objections.
Motion carried to accept all applications
Bob Steinbacher entertained a motion 1) Todd Layfer informed the Board that to the Medical Plan.
to ratify and approve the Board Meeting he is currently working with the City
Minutes of October 10, 2018. Steve Berkery on the Employer Mandate reporting for The committee recommends and I so move

56 • January 2019
to approve all the medical bills totaling William Plumlee the LAFRA Medical Plan and retirement
$771,484.98. There was no discussion or Nicholas S. Baumgartner planning.
objections. Forrest K. Weaver
Motion carried to approve all the medical Ronald C. Derby REPORT
bills totaling $771,484.98. Wallace B. Hasha
Rick Godinez provided an update on the
The committee recommends and I so ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE Marketing & Development efforts with the
move to send all initial disabled dependent Eternal Flame Society and the receiving
appeals for dependents over the age Steve Berkery presented the following of a soft pledge from an anonymous donor.
threshold not considered a permanent motions. He indicated that they are working on
disability or considered disabled by teams for the L.A. Marathon and have
Medicare to MRIoA for review. There was The committee recommends and I so move raised $8,000 for the WODFF.
no discussion or objections. to accept the donations in the amount of
$19,474.54 to the Widows, Orphans & SETTING OF DATES
Motion carried to send all initial disabled Disabled Firemen’s Fund. There was no
dependent appeals for dependents discussion or objections. 1) Buzzard Bait Ride – January 18 – 20
over the age threshold not considered 2) Hook & Ladder – March 16th
a permanent disability or considered Motion carried to accept the donations in 3) St. Baldrick’s – March 30th
disabled by Medicare to MRIoA for the amount of $19,474.54 to the Widows,
review. Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund. RETIREMENT DINNERS

RELIEF COMMITTEE REPORT The committee recommends and I so 1) Andrew P. Fox – Wednesday, November
move to approve the financial assistance 7th C @ The Odyssey Restaurant (White)
Steve Berkery presented the following applications for surviving spouses, active 2) Jack Fry – Saturday, February 9th B
motion. and retired members. There was no @ Torrance Redondo Beach Marriott
discussion or objections. (Godinez)
The committee recommends and I so
move to pay: Motion carried to approve the financial EXECUTIVE SESSION
assistance applications for surviving
The Sick & Injury benefits in the amount spouses, active and retired members. The Board entered into Executive Session
of $29,105.08 at 11:47 a.m.
The Estate Planning benefit in the amount ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE The Board adjourned from Executive
of $3,575 REPORT Session at 12:20 p.m.
The Life & Accident Death Withdrawal in
the amount of $3,069 The committee recommends and I so Member updates were discussed during
The Relief Death Benefits in the amount move to advance funds for both active and Executive Session. No actions were taken.
of $45,000 retired members. There was no discussion
or objections. ADJOURNMENT
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to advance funds for Bob Steinbacher entertained a motion
Motion carried to pay the above Relief both active and retired members. to adjourn. John Jacobsen so moved.
benefits. Frank Aguirre seconded. There was no
GRAPEVINE COMMITTEE discussion and no objections.
Steve Berkery read the names of members REPORT
who recently passed and asked for a Motion carried to adjourn. The Board
moment of silence from the Board. Danny Wu indicated that Dave Wagner of Trustees meeting adjourned at 12:21
was going to place a “To Do” list in the p.m.
MEMORIALS Grapevine at the beginning of the year to
Freeman K. Dierlam remind members of their wellness benefit,
Norman M. Schultz task plan, payroll deductions, updating Bob Steinbacher, President
Ray L. Merriett their beneficiaries, long-term care with
January 2019 • 57
EXECUTIVE RETIREMENT TuckerMackenzie@rocket
SOLUTIONS, (ERS INC.) mail.com
We are a professional planning
organization that specializes in WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS
“tax-free” and secure retirement - vinyl replacement windows
plan strategies which allow the & Patio doors. I also carry
For advertising information, please contact: public to benefit from competent aluminum, wood and entry door
Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 - eric@lafra.org and ethical financial planning. systems. Rick Brandelli, Capt.
We have offices in Palos Verdes LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 667-
and Simi Valley, California. Call 6676. www.GeeWindows.com
MERCHANDISE Captain 56A at 661.373.6569, Todd Ford (424) 772-6050 or fax
(424) 242-0002 or email:
FOR SALE dianafuentesrealtor.com,
diana@nchal.com. I also
specialize in Probate Sales.  A
generous donation, at close of
MH 34H. 350 Caterpillar, MH BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom,
escrow to Adopt-A-Station. – Call us when a loved one
Allison 3000 6 speed on a 2 bath, 2 story. Sleeps 6-8.
Cal-BRE License 01794244. passes, moves to a nursing facil-
Freightliner chassis. One owner, About 6 miles from ski slopes
ity or downsizes. Our profession-
non-smoker, 77,500 miles, & lake. Fireplace/wood, cable,
BUSY BEAVER TREE AND al staff can handle every aspect
transferrable extended war- full kitchen - furnished. $100
LANDSCAPE. Tree trimming of estate liquidation. We have
ranty. Full body paint, always per night M - Th. $110 per night
and removal, stumpgrinding, and worked with many fire families
covered. New cover included. F-Sun. Weekly available. Sheri
firewood sales. Mixed firewood, and are here to help. Rebecca
Many extras, 2, 130 watt solar (909) 851-1094 or (760) 948-
eucalyptus and oak. Delivery Martin, (818) 216-3637
panels, 2 TV’s, Direct TV auto 2844.
available or pick up. Licensed www.firefamilyestatesales.
satellite locator. All service com
and insured. Dwayne Kastor, FS
records along with oil sample BIG BEAR - Beautiful decked
63-B - (818) 535-6368.
records every year since new. 2 story cabin. 2 bedroom, 1
$78,500 OBO. Located in La bath. Sleeps six. Pets OK. Near
Habra, CA. Must sell do to lake, slopes, shopping. Fire-
Weddings, Family, Maternity, ERS. Have you considered own-
medical reasons. Roy Francis place/wood, cable/WiFi. Fully
Newborns Lifestyle + Portrait ing a franchise? Most brands
562-5051413 email: furnished except linens. Winter
Photography offer 1st Responder and Veteran
royfrancis73@yahoo.com $120/$700. Summer $110/$600.
CALIHIPHOTOGRAPHY.COM discounts. Let me help you sort
2 night minimum. Call Donna/
Contact: through the options for free! The
2012 KAWASAKI NINJA 650. Beep (760)723-1475.
calihi@calihiphotography.com franchisor pays me. I’m the son
Red, 1960 miles. $5500. Chris- www.schaffercabin.com
Follow on Instagram: and grandson of LAFD, Army
tian (310) 548-3671. veteran and multi-unit franchi-
@ calihi_photography
LAFD FIRE FAMILY see. andy@thefranchisecon
Deluxe lakeside townhouse,
REAL ESTATE sultingcompany.com
2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable
TVs, HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood
AIR - Free estimates, residen- GARAGE DOOR INSTALLA-
burning fireplaces, laundry room,
tial, commercial. Great rates for TION & SERVICE. Garage
UNIQUE 20 ACRE PROPERTY tennis court, indoor pool, sauna,
LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877) doors and openers. Need to
suited for private estate between spa, boat dock. Fully equipped,
891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX replace your broken springs?
Los Angeles and San Diego on including all linens. Sleeps 6.
(661) 298-3069. State License or does your door need repair,
the Reagan Ranch properties. 310-541-8311 or nmbigbear@
No. 527114 even replaced? We do it all from
Twenty minutes from Tem- gmail.com
new product to repairing old.
ecula Wine Country, you will find
DEFERRED COMPENSATION Call (661) 860-4563 Grassroots
privacy and beauty. Located in BULLHEAD CITY, AZ. Home for
MANAGEMENT: Introducing Garage Doors, Inc. Lic# 950020.
Tenaja Valley, enjoy miles of hik- rent with river access, 15 min-
My Deferred Compensation Son of 35 year veteran fireman.
ing and equestrian trails, groves utes to casinos. Google search
of oak trees and seasonal Manager® AL HEWITT, INC., a
airbnb 17558148 for pictures
FEE-ONLY Financial Planning IT’S TAX TIME AGAIN! Spe-
running streams. On a water and more info. Call for Grape-
and Investment Management cializing in Firefighter and Para-
table, so well-ready. Excellent vine rates. Contact Lewis Smith
Firm, offers Comprehensive medic Returns, Electronic Filing
retirement property with multiple 112-B (310)261-0894
Deferred Compensation Man- available, year round bookkeep-
options.Contact LAFD Engineer
agement using Elite Institutional ing and accounting, business
Chad Logan (562)537-9644 CATALINA BEACH COTTAGE
Money Managers. Personalized and partnership returns, payroll.
- 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block
portfolio selection and ongoing All computerized processing
BEAUTIFUL 3200+ S.F. HOME to beach, view, fully equipped
management of your deferred with over 30 years experience.
on 2-1/2 S. Whidbey Island WA housekeeping unit. Marci (818)
compensation assets. Invest- Call early for an appointment
acres. (360)341-2234. MLS# 347-6783 or Clarence (310) 510-
ment Management of other around your schedule. Robert
1346788 2721.
retirement and non-retirement Sanchez LAFD-OCD retired
assets is also available. We (818) 367-7017, cell (818) 216-
SERVICES charge a fixed flat advisory 1040.
ILTON COVE. Ocean front, 1
fee to manage your deferred
bed, 1 1/2 bath, sleeps 4. Steps
to beach, pool, gym, putting
BUY, SELL, INVEST IN A charge a percentage of assets SITTING & PET SITTER. Short
course, tennis and more. Newly
HOME?  Call me, Diana Fuen- under management. (800) 573- or extended stays. For Reserva-
refurbished, fully equipped.
tes, Realtor® and wife to Fire 4829. www.ALHEWITT.com tions, call (661)703-7154
58 • January 2019
Includes golf cart, WiFi. Contact Holiday Rates. Cleaning Fee in- Across from Eagle Lodge, Win- MAMMOTH CONDO AT MAM-
Bart @ (310) 510-0190. Ham- cluded. Call John (323)449-4473 ter $110 per night, Summer $80 MOTH ESTATES, 4BR/3BA,
iltoncove.com. Ask for “LAFD per night plus $65 cleaning fee sleeps 10, fully furnished, 2
8-89” discount. Owner active LAKE HAVASU LANDING and 13% tax. All linens included. TVs, DVDs, WiFi, towels/linens,
LAFD. RESORT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Drew or Nancy Oliphant (661) fireplace. Full kitchen. Walk to
waterfront house, boat, moor- 513-2000 or mammoth241@ Gondola Village and shuttle.
COEUR D’ALENE IDAHO ing out front, fully furnished, aol.com Complex has pool, spa, sauna,
Lakeside Resort Town. 1909 laundry, gas BBQ, launch ramp, laundry. Winter $335/night, Sum-
Vintage Vacation Home walking gated community, grocery MAMMOTH CONDO - 2 bdrm, mer $215/night, plus cleaning.
distance to lake and downtown store, hardware store. No pets, 2 bath, 2 TV’s, phone, garage, Includes city bed tax. No pets,
entertainment. Sleeps 12 with no smoking. Email Kathy at pool, jacuzzi, fully furnished - ex- no smoking. Dory Jones (310)
5 Bed-2 Ba, 3000 sq ft Fully scarkj@yahoo.com or call ept linens. Near shuttle/chair 15. 918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran
Furnished including Hot Tub. (760) 858-4470 Winter $125/night. Weekends (310) 619-5355
Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall and Holidays $110 midweek.
easily accessible from Spokane LARGE LAKE HAVASU HOME Summer $95/night. $495/week. MAMMOTH CONDO. Updated
Airport. www.vacasa.com/unit. FOR RENT – 5 bedroom, 3 No smoking. No pets. Jim John- 2 bedroom 1 bath old mammoth/
php?UnitID=11928 bath, 2900 sqft home with ame- son (818) 992-7564, FS 80C. eagle lodge area. Sleeps 6. Fully
http://www.vacasa.com/unit. nities & pool that easily sleeps equipped kitchen, wifi, pool, spa,
php?UnitID=11928 14+ people. Centrally located, MAMMOTH CONDO- SEA- laundry. Walk to restaurants,
LAFD Family Owned 1 mile from the lake, close to SONS FOUR RESORT. bars, stores, park and trolly.
downtown shops and restau- Charming and cozy furnished Winter $150 summer $130 plus
JUNE LAKE CABIN - 2BR/2BA rants. Check out home at 1 Bedroom sleeps 5. Updated cleaning fee, holiday rates vary,
cabin with Carson Peak https://www.vrbo. unit with amenities including multiple night discounts. No
view. Close to fishing & ski- com/4648549ha wifi, sauna, jacuzzi, phone, pets.Contact Will Nevins 26”B”
ing. Furnished, wood deck, Call Julie 818-268-7906 for spe- rec room, 2 flat screens , DVD (714) 697-2587
equipped kitchen, wood burning cial firefighter family rates. players. W/D on site. Shuttle
stove, tree swing, cable /DVD/ stop. Walking distance to village. MAMMOTH LAKES - One
phone. Garage/ample parking. LAKE HAVASU LANDING RE- $120/night + $80 Cleaning fee bedroom, extremely charming
$100/night plus cleaning fee. SORT BEACHFRONT HOME Bobby@310-350-5552. wildflower condo. Full amenities,
Email for pictures. Jeff Easton with boat mooring. Swim, ski close to shuttle. Antiques, art,
LAFD retired (805) 217-5602. or fish from front yard. 4 bed/2 MAMMOTH CONDO Cozy 2 satellite TV, fireplace. Sleeps 4.
junebound@gmail.com bath, fully furnished. DirectTV/ bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully fur- Winter $110, Summer $85 plus
DVD/WiFi, pool table, laundry, nished, WIFI, 3 TV’s, pool, spa, cleaning fees. Call Bill Clark
LAKE HAVASU BEAUTY FOR BBQ. Gated community with ca- walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth (818) 371-6722
RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sino, groceries, marina, launch area. Winter $115, Summer Email: shakesong@aol.com
sq.ft. Fully furnished with all ramp and off-road trails. No $90, plus cleaning fee $139 and
amenities- Laundry & BBQ. pets, no smoking. $350 Bowen/ 14% city tax. Includes linens. No MAMMOTH SKI & RACQUET:
13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3 car boat-deep Garner email: smoking. Call (310) 540-4648. Studio/loft, 2 bath, king bed,
garage. 3 miles from launch havasulanding27@gmail.com sleeps 4. Full kitchen, TV, VCR,
ramp. Close to downtown shops MAMMOTH CONDO NEXT TO DVD. Garage parking. Walk to
& restaurants. View of the lake. LAKE NACIMIENTO. Oak THE GONDOLA VILLAGE – Canyon Lodge. Ski back trail.
Quiet street in good neighbor- Shores gated community. 3 Fully furnished, three bedroom, 2 night minimum. Winter $100/
hood. No pets. No smoking. bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, large loft. two bath with towels and linens, nite, $125 Fri, Sat & Holidays.
Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661) 3minute drive to main marina in internet cable TV, pool and Summer $60/nite. Plus $120
510-6246 Oak Shores. Large flat driveway. Jacuzzi. Walk to the gondola, cleaning & linens. Jeff & Lisa
Fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, shops, restaurants and ski in on Moir (661) 254-5788.
LAKE HAVASU LANDING- washer/dryer, TV/DVD. No the new comeback trail. Park-
WATERFRONT, steps to the cable. No pets/smoking. $225/ ing at the front door. 2018/19 MAMMOTH SKI & RACQUET:
water. Boat mooring out front, night. $150 cleaning fee. 3 night RATES: Winter: $275/night. Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio
off-road desert behind house. minimum. Call Ben (805) 444- Summer $175/night. Holidays loft sleeps 4. Queen beds, full
3 bed/3 bath, fully furnished w/ 2264. $325/night. Cleaning is included. kitchen, 2 baths, garage parking,
linens. Direct TV/DVR, BBQ, Mike Whitehouse, Retired, TV, VCR, DVD. Winter Sun-
Casino, Grocery/Meat Market, LAKE MOHAVE / BULLHEAD email: btkwhitey@yahoo.com or Thurs $100.nite; Fri & Sat $115/
Launch Ramp, Marina with Boat CITY. 4 bedroom, 3 full bathroom, Bruce Galien, Retired, 661-645- nite plus cleaning fee $100. Non
House, Gated Community. No 2200 sq/ft Located in private 7448, email: luvbaja2@aol.com smoking complex. Joel Parker,
pets/smoking. $350 Dan Cook community w/ private marina and LAFD retired.
(310) 418-1577. launch ramp. Directly across from MAMMOTH CONDO. 2 bed- email: cat25sailor@gmail.com
the river, backs to large park with room & large loft, 3 full baths, or (213) 399-6534.
LAKE HAVASU HOME FOR grass. Fully equipped kitchen, sleeps 8. 5 minute walk to Can-
RENT- 3 BED/2 BATH, Fur- BBQ, Washer/Dryer, TV/DVD. No yon Lodge. Fully furnished, TVs, MAUI BEACH FRONT CONDO
nished Modern Home, Sleeps 9. cable. No pets, No Smoking. Call VCR/DVD, pool, spa, rec room, ON NAPILI BAY - 50’ from
2 Car Garage, Covered Boat Kevin (805) 279-2430 sauna, linens included. Winter water. Studios and 1 bedroom.
Parking . Laundry, BBQ, TVs, $175 weekdays, $195-week- Luxury furnishings + full kitchen.
Cable. Quiet Cul-De-Sac Street. MAMMOTH - 1 bedroom Sum- ends/holidays; summer $125, All the amenities! Maui’s best
3 miles to London Bridge, mit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient plus cleaning. No smoking; no snorkeling/beach. All island
located near Golf Course. Lake underground garage parking. Ja- pets. Craig Yoder (909) 948- activities & Kapalua within 4
View. No pets, No Smoking. cuzzis, gym (pool/tennis in sum- 3659. minutes. 5-day minimum, from
Summer/Winter/Snowbird/ mertime), shuttle right outside! $150 per night (regularly $310/
January 2019 • 59
night). Call Sherrie or Bill for to Broadway St, hockey and NFL Call Shawn or Rose Agnew at rent. Serving family and friends
info/reservations (805) 530-0007 stadium. Contact Wayne, LAFD (661) 250-9907 or (661) 476- for over 15 years. LAFD, LASD,
or email: pmimaui@aol.com @ (805) 796-7863 for availability 6288. IPD, OXPD, OXFIRE, LACO,
or visit: and price. LACITY, LACITY SKI CLUB.
www.napilibaymaui.com SUNSET RANCH PALM Visit us at www.so-calrv.com
PALM SPRINGS- 3Bdr/3Ba DESERT. 163 acre ranch or call 661-297-2398 as for Jeff.
MAUI’S MOST BEAUTIFUL pool home with great back yard private ski lake. Perfect for Make money with your mo-
BEACH - Napili Bay. Beautiful to BBQ. Fully furnished w/WiFi, Family vacations. Ranch house torhomes to offset your payment.
furnished condo that sleeps 4. Big screen cable TV and pool accommodates large groups. We sub-lease RV’s.
Lanai/balcony, full kitchen, king Table. Pets Ok on gated proper- Amenities: pool, AC, billards,
bed, flat screen TV’s/DVD, AC’s ty. Close to Palm Springs Aerial TV, fishing, pet friendly. Nearby WANTED
free WiFi (internet), complimen- Tramway, Casino and Down- golf, casinos, ATV riding. Also,
tary maid service, complimen- town. Call property manager for Premier lodging for Coachella LOOKING FOR A RETIRED
tary coffee every morning and Barefoot Bungalow and ask for music festivals. *Seasonal duck FIREFIGHTER OR INSPECTOR
breakfast on Fridays. Special seasonal pricing. Permit #3394 hunting club. See website for with high rise experience and a
firefighters’ discount - Best value (760) 608-8400 / (844) 4MY- rates and info: passion for training. Part time,
in West Maui! Nice pool & BBQ PSVH sunsetranchoasis.com $300-$700/day. Mainly So-Cal
area - Close to beach! or call Nick Davidson area with possiblity of travel to
(800) 336-2185 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Ro- (424) 237-4121 SF, CO & AZ. Certificate of Fit-
www.napilivillage.com mantic Chalet Family getaway. ness preferred, but not required.
Don Sprenger - retired LAFD 3 bed/2 bath plus loft. Sleeps
(949) 929-0989 8–10. Cable TV, washer/dryer,
VACATION Contact Olga @ Sure-Path Solu-

microwave, woodburning stove.

VEHICLES tions to join our fun team! (951)
277-1761 or
NASHVILLE CONDO. Two bed- 7 minutes to casinos and Heav- olga@surepathsolutions.net
room condo, sleeps 6, in Down- enly. Located in Tahoe Paradise.
Several Class C’s & Class A’s for
town Nashville. Walking distance $115 per night plus cleaning.

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60 • January 2019
Fire Station 7

1911 Engine 7 at Benefit Program for Needy Widows & Orphans Engine Company No. 7 - 328 East 24th Street - Corner Maple Avenue and Twenty-fourth St.
Driver Valencia, Engineer Hewitt, Stoker Hof Opened November 25, 1899. Land Cost: $ 1,200. Construction Cost: $ 4,660

Engine Company No. 7 - 328 East 24th Street Engine Company No. 7 - 2824 South Main Street
1915 – 1949 1949-1969. Picture Circa 1950

Present Crew Circa 2018 - 14630 Plummer Street


January 2019 • 61
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
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Los Angeles CA 90041-1725

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