Citazioni Varie Love

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"The best portion of a good man's life is his little,

nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of

love" (William Wordsworth). Let the the sweet things
that you do in your emotional life now bring the
sweetest results back to you, Kjersti…

Are you wrestling with something awkward in your

emotional life? Your every effort to resolve a difficult
situation seems to make it more complicated. Were it
not for the fact that you are made of such stern stuff,
you might have given up long ago. Yet perhaps you are
being too hard on yourself. Allow a little natural magic
to work in your favour.

I would love her to understand…how beautiful can be

working together, nurture and make grow a newborn
love, a love in the beginning made of total passion…
and then after help that love to change, together,
protecting it from the time passing by…that is the
main foe of all relationships… but still fighting at the
same time to keep that sparkle ofpassion alive and
don't make it fade away! But I can't do that alone! SHe
has to want to be in the fight with me

Love & other drugs

Sometimes the things you want the most don't happen
and what you least expect happens. I don't know - you
meet thousands of people and none of them really
touch you. And then you meet one person and your life
is changed forever.

I'm full of shit, okay? No I'm... I'm *knowingly* full of

shit. Because, uh... because uh, uh... I have... I have
*never* cared about anybody or anything so much
more than myself in my entire life, except my Morgan.
And the thing is, everybody just kind of accepted that.
WHen I disappeared, when I didn't call, when I was
alone by myself or far away… They got to accept that…
Like, "That's just IVAR". And then you!... WTF. *You*.
You. You didn't see me that way. I have never known
anyone who actually believed that I was a "power"
that could make another person feel happier, stronger
and more satisfied with life. Until I met you. And then
you made me believe it, too. So, uh…unless you
haven't changed your minds (like I happen to think
lately)….so unfortunately... I need you. And you need
You need someone to take care of you…even with his
absence as I am doing, with my silent presence,
lately… You need someone to share all the best part
that are embedded in you but you wouldn't admit with
almost anybody, even the dirtier and darkest…and you
need someone who's willing to dive together with you
into the core of the excitation (and lust) that life can
give… You may have not admitted or aknowledged it
yet in your mind…but you need me. AS I need you!
And I could stay hours, days, months…of mylife by your
side in total silence…just with you by my side…that is
my solar battery!

Let's just say in some alternate universe, there's a

couple just like us, okay? Only that he is the perfect
man I am not….and she's no flaws at al and never get
discouraged or distracted when she thinks about
him..and from the common project of building a life
And their world is about how much they're going to
spend on vacation or who's in a bad mood that day, or
whether they feel guilty about having a cleaning lady.
BUT I don't want to be those people. I want us. You.
This perfectly imperfect you! Me. This. ANd what will

Non sono più quella di ieri, non so come sarò domani.
Ma posso dirti come sono oggi, con i miei ieri.Alda

Mi piacciono quelle persone che ci sono. Senza grandi

scene. Senza grandi parole. Ci sono e basta. E le senti
e ti senti felice. E son lì adagiate sulla parte del cuore
cha fa piu' male, per soffiarne via il dolore. Io li chiamo
amici .

Da "La finestra di fronte", di Ozpetek

Dev'essere bello potere crescere quell'amore che

all'inizio era solo passione, aiutarlo a cambiare,
proteggerlo dal passare del tempo...
Non si accontenti di sopravvivere. Lei deve pretendere
di vivere in un mondo migliore, non soltanto sognarlo.

I don't know what your eyes are feeling and

seeing..about yourself, about us, about the world
around you…I just can sense a part of it sometimes.

It is beautiful work together, nurture and make a

newborn love, a love in the beginning made of total
passion, and then help that love to change, together,
protecting it from the time passing by…
Don't you be satisfied of just "surviging". You have to
demand to live in a better world, not just dream of it!


Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Do you feel bad, do I make you unconfortable if I think

that I'd love to got to the point to fight for this thing in
between the two of us. I believe in the beauty of
having the chance to see growing up a love that in the
beginning was just pure passion growing, in the
unicity of helping it to change, to adapt, protecting
and defending it against the harshness of time passing
by… That is to me, like in the piece of that movie is
said, very beautiful.
I do not want just to be satisfy just "surviving"…You
should insist on demanding to live in a better world,
not just dream of it. Would you love and be along with
me in this fight? ;)

But remember: you do not have just to be satisfied

accepting a love who's "surviving"…You should insist
on demanding to live in a better world, not just dream
of it.

I believe in the beauty of having the chance to see

growing up a love that in the beginning was just pure
passion (like mine now maybe), of see it growing,
believe in the unicity of helping it to change, to adapt,
protecting and defending it against the harshness of
time passing by…but that requires a continue struggle.

Il modo tuo d’amare

è lasciare che io ti ami.
Il sì con cui ti abbandoni
è il silenzio. I tuoi baci
sono offrirmi le labbra
perché io le baci.
Mai parole o abbracci
mi diranno che esistevi
e mi hai amato: mai.
Me lo dicono fogli bianchi,
mappe, telefoni, presagi;
tu, no.
E sto abbracciato a te
senza chiederti nulla, per timore
che non sia vero
che tu vivi e mi ami.
E sto abbracciato a te
senza guardare e senza toccarti.
Non debba mai scoprire
con domande, con carezze
quella solitudine immensa
d'amarti solo io...

Nazim Hilmet
Because of you
every day is a slice of melon, smelling of a delicious
Because of you
every fruit stretches to my hands as though I were
made of sun
Because of you I collect honey from hope alone.
The beating of my heart is because of you.
Because of you, even during my worst nights
the Anatolian kilim smiles down from the wall.

Because of you, reaching the end of my road

into the city, I rested in a rose garden.
And because of you I’m not letting in Death,
who’s put on his softest slippers and is at the door,
singing gentle summons to great comfort.


My soul
softly shut your eyes
and as if sinking deeply into water
naked and white, enter sleep
the most beautiful dream awaits you
so go to sleep...

My soul,
softly shut your eyes
let yourself go, as if you were on my lap
and sleep,
in sleep don’t forget me
just sleep...
softly shut your eyes
your green hazel eyes
and sleep, my soul,
go to sleep.

You’re above
in the budding branches
your green eyes full of sun
your lips covered with honey
I’m beneath the tree
with a foot in the grave
I’ll be gone long before you,
and you’ll remain, growing old without me.

You are my enslavement and my freedom
You are my flesh burning like a raw summer night
You are my country
You are the green silks in hazel eyes
You are big, beautiful and triumphant
And you are my sorrow that isn't felt
the more I feel it.




My soul
softly shut your eyes
and as if sinking deeply into water,
enter sleep naked and dressed in white

the most beautiful dream awaits you

so go to sleep...

My soul,
softly shut your eyes
let yourself go, as if you were on my lap
and sleep,
in sleep don’t forget me
just sleep...
softly shut your eyes
your green hazel eyes
and sleep, my soul,
go to sleep.

Anima mia
chiudi gli occhi
piano piano
e come s’affonda nell’acqua
immergiti nel sonno
nuda e vestita di bianco
il più bello dei sogni
ti accoglierà

anima mia
chiudi gli occhi
piano piano
abbandonati come nell’arco delle mie braccia
nel tuo sonno non dimenticarmi
chiudi gli occhi pian piano
i tuoi occhi marroni
dove brucia una fiamma verde
anima mia.

my soul
close your eyes
floor plan
and as the water was swallowed
Immerse yourself in your sleep
naked and dressed in white
the most beautiful of dreams
you welcome
my soul
close your eyes
floor plan
abandoned as over my arms
do not forget me in your sleep
close your eyes slowly
your brown eyes
where a flame burns green
my soul.



The most beautiful sea
hasn’t been crossed yet
The most beautiful child
hasn’t grown up yet
Our most beautiful days
we haven’t seen yet
And the most beautiful words
I wanted to tell you
I haven’t said yet


I don’t love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz

or arrow of carnations the fire shoots off:
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never bloom but carries
in itself the light of hidden flowers,
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or
so I love because I know no other way
than this: where I does not exist, nor you
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
[translated by Stephen Tapscott]

Pablo Neruda

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