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*high school*

Choral Handbook

Throughline: Let’s make music!


Dear Music Department Parent,

Welcome to the *high school* music family! I am so excited to begin the year and promise that
your students will grow not only as musicians but also as people by providing opportunities for
independent thinking, self-expression and creativity, and a community where the focus lies in
the music.

In this packet, you will find:

Student Expectations…………………………………………………………………………………….2
Teacher Expectations…………………………………………………………………………………....2
Grading Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Classroom Responsibilities and Expectations………………………………………………………...5
Performance Opportunities and Events………………………………………………………………..7
Forms to Fill……………………………………………………………………………………………….9

It is going to be a busy year as we have many adventures ahead of us: field trips, choral
competitions, concerts and more! Parents are key to every music organization throughout the
United States. Your commitment to attend performances and events provides the students with
a tremendous sense of belonging and support. Thank you for supporting your child and the
students of *high school* music department! I am making a concerted effort this year to use the
internet and email as a first line of communications for any volunteer work that you could be
involved in that supports students and music program. At the bottom of this packet is a Parent
Volunteer Survey that you can fill out and turn in to me to take action now!

Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to work with your child. I look forward to the
year to come and meeting you at our performances, parent-teacher conferences, or somewhere
in the community. A warm-welcome to you and your child with open arms to the family here at
*high school.*

Musically yours,

Ms. Journee Cherie Smith

Student Expectations
A safe and supportive environment
A place of nourishment for your musical identity
A culture of traditions, values and shared successes

Your students will enhance their self-expression and creativity in music by learning a variety of
skills that meet the county, state, and national standards for music education.

Students will learn to:

Sing with confidence.
Sing using appropriate, healthy vocal habits.
Read music with independence and confidence.
Demonstrate knowledge of music as a written language by reading and writing music.
Learn about music theory and history.
Perform music in a variety of styles, including classical, 20th century, gospel, pop, and
jazz, as well as music from a vast variety of diverse cultures.
Perform music in a variety of languages.

Teacher Expectations
Making sure that the energy of the student is channeled into the music, where they put
individual effort to support the group as a whole

Procedures and Preparation

All students should be in their seats with music, a pencil and notebook and on task before the
bell rings. During class, students will work with the teacher by listening and following directions
in order to live up to their full potential as musicians.

Music is experiential. Being in the moment at all times creates the best experience for students.

We are an Ensemble that must work together to achieve our goals.

Grading Policy
Rehearsal Participation and Contribution: 50%
Performance Attendance and Contribution: 35%
Quizzes and Assignments: 15%

Rehearsal Participation and Contribution

Grades (50%) are earned by meeting the Classroom Responsibilities and Expectations.
Students can earn 100 points weekly for putting forth their best effort and contributing to the
productivity of the rehearsal. An ensemble is unstoppable when every student works together in
order to maintain a high standard of musicianship that defines *high school* Choir.

Points will be deducted for each occurrence of the following:

- Tardiness
- Talking when inappropriate
- Chewing gum
- Not singing
- Not participating
- Lack of focus
- Disrespectful attitude
- Poor posture
- Missing music
- Causing distractions
- And other things at the discretion of the director

Chorus is a co-curricular performance-based class. Choir students are required to attend

rehearsals and performances beyond regular school hours. Every effort will be made to advise
you of any changes to the announced rehearsal schedule well in advance so that you may plan
your time effectively. These extra rehearsals will be kept to a minimum to be respectful of your

Reasons why attendance at rehearsals is important include:

- The student gains new information each rehearsal
- Every singer matters: Each singer has the power to change both the sound and energy
of a choir. They must be present to work on blend, balance, intonation and precision.
- The culture of the ensemble is built and reinforced
- The community creates a possibility of flow
- To create a community of independent thinkers that feel an important position in the

Absence from Rehearsal:

Chorus students will not be excused from rehearsals except in cases of extreme emergency or
illness. Work, appointments, detention, meetings, homework, vacations, etc. will not be valid
excuses for missing a rehearsal. A written note from the parent/ guardian is due upon the
student’s return from any excused absence due to an emergency. A doctor’s note is due upon
the student’s return from any excused absence due to illness. If you anticipate an unavoidable
absence from rehearsal, please submit a written request to the director for approval prior to the
absence. Those on athletic teams/clubs should communicate their practice/game/meeting
schedule with Ms. Norville before the season begins to find a workable compromise. I am
thrilled to have students involved in many activities at *high school* and believe strongly that
you should have the opportunity to participate in all you can! Communication is the key!

Performance Attendance and Contribution

Grades (35%) are earned by being present, on time, in proper uniform, and participating
positively and fully. Points can be deducted for each occurrence of the following: tardiness, not
in full chorus uniform, inappropriate behavior, or lack of musical focus. Mark your calendars now
for the concerts and dates which are the required performances in chorus. Please do not plan a
vacation during school time, missing classes and concerts can have a negative effect on your
musician’s grade. If getting a ride to these performances might be a problem, arrange a ride you
can count on, or let Ms. Smith know at least a week in advance so that she can help you find a
ride. With the given amount of students in choir, the chance that someone lives near you is very

Reasons why attendance at performances is important:

- The student will see the ultimate result of their months of hard work
- The student will create a memorable experience that can last a lifetime
- Each student is vital to the performance. There are NO substitutes.
- Although the process of how we get to performance is most important, the performance
is a significant assessment for both the student and director.
- Missing a performance negatively affects not only the individual, but the entire group.
- Performing is incredible fun!

Absence from Performance:

Performances are a large part of the student’s chorus grade. Any absence which is not brought
to the Director’s attention for approval prior to the performance will be considered unexcused.
Unexcused absences from performances result in a zero for that grade. Students who have an
excused absence from a performance may make up that part of their grade by completing a
project agreed upon by the director. If you anticipate an unavoidable absence from a
performance this year, please submit a written request to the director for approval right away.
Any excuse given within two weeks of a performance (with the exception of emergencies) will
be considered unexcused. In the case of an emergency, parents should call the chorus office at
*phone number.*

Quizzes and Assignments

Grade (15%) will be an average of the grades for all written and oral quizzes and assignments.
Students will be graded based off of solely their own personal development, without the
comparison of other students in the class. Examples of different assignments involve song-
writing, music theory assignments, sight-singing, music writing prompts, music dictation and
composition. The purpose of these activities is to reinforce concepts that have been identified
through the choral music.

Extra Credit: Students can earn extra credit for attending ANY performing arts events on or off
our campus. Just bring the program and briefly tell me about your experience.

Classroom Responsibilities and Expectations

Call or email if you are going to be absent
Let Ms. Smith know well in advance about any schedule conflicts
If you would like some extra help, just ask!

Attend All Rehearsals and Performances

Be at all rehearsals and performances on time! Present and ready to sing!
Being absent from a rehearsal or performance affects the entire team. When even one member
of a performing ensemble is gone the total musical experience is diminished for all. Attendance
at rehearsals is essential. Attendance at all scheduled performances and concerts is mandatory.
If you have conflicts because you are incredibly well rounded and involved in multiple school
activities, please let me know as soon as you recognize a schedule conflict.

Respect Each Other and Property

Respect the space and the amazing equipment we have been given.
Candy, food, gum and drinks are not permitted in the chorus room, practice/ensemble rooms, or
Do not fold, tear or damage music. You are encouraged to create musical markings in your
music, however, always use pencil, not ink!
Respect the right of others to learn and the teacher to teach by not causing an interruption to
the rehearsal.
Be positive and willing to help your chorus family members!
Create a culture of safety and empowerment.

Execute Rehearsal Procedures

Be in your seat, prepared and ready to make music when the bell rings.
Have your music folder and a pencil with you at every rehearsal.
Always sit in your correct seat for voicing purposes.
Discipline Plan for those that forget to C.A.R.E.

1. Warning
2. Conference with the student and director to develop a plan for solving the problem.
3. Phone call/conference with parent or guardian.
4. Referral to administrator.

Performance Opportunities & Special Events

Choral Calendar

Statement of Understanding
We have read the Chorus Handbook, and understand the expectations involved in
the *high school* Choral Department; including Conduct, Rehearsal
and Concert Attendance, Grading Policies, Concert Etiquette, Communications

We understand that there are three required performances: Date, date, date

Name of Student (please print)

Signature of Student

Name of Parent/ Guardian (please print)

Signature of Parent/ Guardian


Please return this Statement of Understanding to Ms. Smith on or before


Student Information
Name _________________________________________ Grade ________ _____

Address _____________________________________________________________________

Telephone ___________________________________________________________________
Home Cell
Email _______________________________________________________________________

(all information is sent to you via email, please print your address clearly)

Guardian/Parent Information
Guardian/Mother’s Name _______________________________________________________

Telephone ___________________________________________________________________
Home Cell Work ext.

(all information is sent to you via email, please print your address clearly)

Guardian/Father’s Name ________________________________________________________

Telephone ___________________________________________________________________
Home Cell Work ext.

(All information is sent to you via email, please print your address clearly.)

With whom do you live? (circle as many as apply)

Guardian Mother Father Both

This form, filled out front and back is due:


Guardian/Parent Volunteer Survey
Guardian/Parent(s) Name(s)_____________________________________________________

Student’s Name _______________________________________________________________

Grade _________ Chorus Period # ________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

City __________________________State ___________________ ZIP ___________________

Home Phone # ____________________________ Cell Phone # ________________________

Email Address _______________________________________

We all have special talents!

Here are some of the areas we will need help with this year:

Check off as many areas in which you would like to assist.

___ assisting during class rehearsals with clerical work

___ chaperoning

___ photography

___ set-up and/or clean-up for events

___ uniforms

___ ushering concerts

___ medical assistance on trips (LPN, RN, or MD)

___ other (please specify) ________________________________________________


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