Sales Contract

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The Buyer : The Seller :
Hiro Meiji Company PT. Utama Gaya Makmur
Tokyo Jl. Rawa Gelam I No. 7
Japan Indonesia

The seller confirms having concluded this contract with the buyer covering the under mentioned merchandise
on the terms and the conditions stated here under and on the reverse. The buyer is hereby requested to sign and
return the original attached here to, and if any discrepancy found by the buyer, the seller should be informed
immediately by cable.
Item Quantity Unit Price Total
Article & Description
No. Kgs (US$/Kgs) (US$)

I. Shipment : in container (1  20 feet)
1.1 Shipment – date : not later than .........
1.2 Partial – Shipment : allowed
1.3 Transhipment : allowed
1.4 Destination : TOKYO – JAPAN
1.5 Notify address : ............
1.6 Payment : By opening an irrevocable letter of credit for the seller’s
account through Bank Mandiri – Jakarta at latest on
October 24, 2018

II. Special Condition : The following documents should be rendered by seller in

Triplicate plus 3 (three) copy of them which should be
airmailed to the buyer :
1. Signed commercial invoice
2. Full set clean on board Ocean Bills of Lading
3. Certificate of Indonesia origin
4. Packing List

III. Other Condition : Shipment by Sea

IV. Reference : 77/2910/2018/EKSPOR

Tokyo, 1 October 2018 Jakarta, 1 October 2018

Confirmed by : Confirmed by :
Hiro Meiji Company PT. Utama Gaya Makmur

Import Manager Export Manager

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