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Pharmaceutics Exam 1--This Semester!
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Pharmaceutics II Pharmacy Links 2

Exam 3 Review…

Pharmaceutics Exam 1

1. The fig on the right presents the ADME time course of a drug in the body. Which curve

describes the drug concentration change at the drug absorption site? Check graph.
2. Which of the following statements are true?
a. Pharmacokinetics is the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drug
and their mechanisms of action.
b. Pharmacodynamics is the mathematics to elucidate the time course of drug
concentration in the blood.

c. various
routes is the quantitative study of ADME after drug administration via
d. Bioavailability is how much an active drug ingredient is available at the site of
e. Absolute bioabailability refers to the availability of a drug product as compared to
another product

3. The following states are true except: Two pharmaceutical equivalents have the same\u2026
a. Two pharmaceutical equivalents have the same active ingredient(s)
b. Same dosage form
c. Same route of administration
d. Same release mechanism
e. Same strength or concentration
4. The following factors can cause low bioavailability of an oral drug product except:
a. Insufficient time in GI tract
b. Fast degradation in the GI tract
c. Fast drug absorption in the GI tract
d. Intestinal secretion of drug by transporters
e. First-pass metabolism by liver
5. Which of the following examples is a drug delivery system intended for local delivery?
a. Transdermal delivery of nicotine from a patch

b. Transdermal
d. delivery
Oral delivery of antacidof suspension
nitroglycerintofroma patchexcess
neutralize for chest pain acid
e. sublingual delivery
oral delivery of nitroglycerin
of acetaminophen for for chestpain
muscle pain

6. Which of the following routes of administration has hepatic first pass effects
a. peroral drug delivery
b. transdermal drug delivery
c. intravenous injection
d. topical delivery
e. vaginal delivery

7. Which of the following routes is used for local effect only?

a. sublingual route
b. pulmonary route
c. rectal route
d. otic route
e. nasal route

8) According to overtone\u2019s rule:

a. The cell membranes are composed of protein transporters that transport water
b. The cell membranes are compsod of protein transporters that transport ionic

c. molecules
the cell membranes are composd of lipids which are diffusible by hydrophilic
d. the more ionic a molecule is, the greater its membrane permeability
e. the more lipophilic a molecule is, the greater its membrane permeability

9. Which of the following transported do not need ATP to provide energy?

a. primary transporters

c. secondary
facilitative transporters
d. solute carrier transporters (SLC)
e. P-glycoproteins

10. The following statements are true except:

a. the polarized cells have two discrete regions of plasma with the same compositions
and functions.
b. the polarized cells on the biological barriers have apical and basolateral domains.

c. effective
cells are found in the intestine & BBB tissues

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d. Therapeutic index is the ratio
e. biggerbetween min toxic concentration and minimum
the better

11. The Pglycoprotein is located at

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a. both sides of the GI tract epitheliu cell
b. b. the basolateral side of the GI tract epithelium cell
c. c. the basolateral site of the GI tract blood vessel
 Useful  Not useful
Scribd, Inc d. The apical side of the blood vessel epithelium cell at blood brain barrier
e. Both sides of the blood vessel epithelium cell at blood brain barrier
12. The BCRP belongs to the transporter family of

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