Activating A Wish

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YOUR CHOSEN GIFT TO THE ELEMENTS, SPIRITS OR DEITIES (Tis ight be suitable cyst plang une or pe of metal) CE TO: ‘Before yu begin you will need to have given some thought to your with Be very specifi in sting what you want okerwie you may get more than you bana! for Sete your wish clearly and as briefly as pestbly, adresing your deity or spirit by mame or te # you can, for instance Tae Euan eae mannan Os it —) Pan and spirits of the woodland ee 2 re re Ce ia adie se ee] tite ee When you make your fering, be aprogrie your with i for material goods or Finance you could we 2 ey or coin and bury i 0 signify the ngialiy of your dese TF your wish hasan emional content then yes might throw your offering fiwa rnin water. If your with i for knowledge or information then signify this by geting op to. high glace and using the curens of ain (Yeas might for instance chor to eater some plant seeds to elp restore the scolagial balance) 1f choosing tote the elnent of fire cutie then be resgonsble, use only dead wood ane! never ple your ize close w plants or klding. Bo Be BE re an ne < ER as ER xy Repeat your wih thre times This 0 that any negative stacked vo your dese should have dropped away ly the tied raguat and by then you wal ako te mere aware of your own feclngs and wheter yar rally want what yous ae aking for st Ren i Making i a) ceremony. As you get to know Your own capabilities you willbe able to take advantage of the moments which are presented to you. HE ae a oe < eo Q een

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