UAP Juris Doctor (2016, 1) PDF

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School of Law and Governance


(Courses, Units, Course Codes, Prerequisites)

First Year
First Semester Second Semester
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Prerequisite Course Code Prerequisite
Course Unit Course Unit
JDItL1 Introduction to Law * 1 JDOBCO1 Obligations and Contracts 5
JDPFR1 Persons and Family Relations 4 JDCON21 Constitutional Law II 3
JDCONI1 Constitutional Law I 3 JDCRM21 Criminal Law I (JDCRMI1) Criminal Law II 4
JDCRMI1 Criminal Law I 3 JDLTAL1 Legal Technique and Logic 2
JDSTAT1 Statutory Construction 2 JDLEWR1 Legal Writing and Thesis Writing 3
JDPHIL1 Philosophy of Law 2 JDBLET1 Basic Legal Ethics 3
JDLRTW1 Legal Research and Legal Writing 3
JDLEGP1 Legal Profession * 1
* Introduction to Law & Legal Profession are pre-requisites to 2nd semester and all succeeding semesters.

Second Year
First Semester Second Semester
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Prerequisite Course Code Prerequisite
Course Unit Course Unit

JDPROP2 Obligations & Contracts (JDOBCO1) Property 4 JDCIVP2 Civil Procedure 4

JDNEGO2 Negotiable Instruments 3 JDCORL2 Corporation Law 4
JDCRMP2 Criminal Procedure 3 JDTAXI2 Taxation Law I 3
Administrative Law, Law on Public Officers &
JDATAP2 Agency, Trust and Partnership 3 JDADML2 3
Election Laws
JDSALE2 Obligations & Contracts (JDOBCO1) Sales 2 JDPIL2 Public International Law 2
JDCRTR2 Credit Transactions 3 JDSIIL2 Land Titles and Deeds 2
JDLMED2 Legal Medicine 1 JDHURL2 Human Rights Law 2
JDNREL2 Natural Resources & Environmental Law 2


Course Code Prerequisite
Course Unit
JDAP123 Summer Apprenticeship I & II (240 hours) 4

Third Year
First Semester Second Semester
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Prerequisite Course Code Prerequisite
Course Unit Course Unit
Civil (JDCIVP2) and Criminal
JDSUCC3 Persons & Family Relations (JDPFR1) Succession 4 JDEVID3 Evidence 4
(JDCRMP2) Procedures
JDLBLI3 Labor Law I 3 JDLBL23 Labor Law I (JDLBLI3) Labor Law II 3

Taxation Law I (JDTAXI2), Persons

and Family Relations (JDPFR1),
JDTAX23 Taxation II 3 JDSPRO3 Civil Procedure (JDCIVP2) Special Proceedings 2
Succession (JDSUCC3) and Property

JDINSU3 Obligations & Contracts (JDOBCO1) Insurance 2 JDTRAN3 Obligations & Contracts (JDOBCO1) Transportation 2

JDTORT3 Obligations & Contracts (JDOBCO1) Torts and Damages 2 JDCOFL3 Conflict of Laws 2

Obligations & Contracts (JDOBCO1),

Property (JDPROP2), Sales (JDSALE2),
Credit Transactions (JDCRTR2),
JDELEC3 Electives 4 JDELEC3 Negotiable Instruments (JDNEGO2), Legal Forms 2
Agency, Trust and Partnership (JDATAP2),
Land Titles and Deeds (JDLTAD2) and
Insurance (JDINSU3)

JDLTAD3 Special Issues on International Law 2 JDELEC3 Electives 4

Legal Research & Thesis Writing
(JDLRTW1)and Legal Writing JDALSL3 Agrarian Law & Social Legislation 2
JDTHES1 (JDLEWR1) JD Thesis (Proposal) 1

Legal Research & Thesis Writing

JDTHES2 (JDLRTW1 ), Legal Writing (JDLEWR1) JD Thesis (Draft) 1
and JD Thesis (Proposal) (JDTHES1)



Course Code Prerequisite Summer

Course Unit

Legal Research & Thesis Writing

(JDLRTW1), Legal Writing (JDLEWR1),
JDTHES3 JD Thesis Defense 2
JD Thesis (Proposal) (JDTHES1) and JD
Thesis (Draft) (JDTHES2)


Fourth Year
First Semester Second Semester
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Prerequisite Course Code Prerequisite
Course Unit Course Unit

Constitutional Law I (JDCONI1) &

JDCONR4 Constitutional Law Review 4 JDRM24 Remedial Law Review I (JDRMRI4) Remedial Law Review II 3
Constitutional Law II (JDCON21)
JDCVRI4 All prescribed Civil Law Subjects Civil Law Review I 4 JDCVR24 Civil Law I Civil Law Review II 4
Civil Procedure (JDCIVP2); Criminal
Procedure (JDCRMP2); Evidence
JDRMRI4 Remedial Law Review I 3 JDCOMR4 All prescribed Commercial Law Subjects Commercial Law Review 4
(JDEVID3); and Special Proceedings
Labor Law I (JDLBLI3) and Labor Criminal Law I (JDCRMI1) and Criminal
JDLBRR4 Labor Law Review 2 JDCRMR4 Criminal Law Review 4
Law II (JDLBL23) Law II (JDCRM21)
All prescribed Remedial Law Subjects
JDPRCI4 Practice Court I 3 JDPRC24 Practice Court I (JDPRCI4) Practice Court II 2
and Legal Form
JDELEC4 Electives 4 JDELEC4 Electives 4


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