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Role of growth factors on periodontal repair

X. E. Dereka, C. E. Markopoulou & I. A. Vrotsos

To cite this article: X. E. Dereka, C. E. Markopoulou & I. A. Vrotsos (2006) Role of growth factors
on periodontal repair, Growth Factors, 24:4, 260-267, DOI: 10.1080/08977190601060990

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Growth Factors, December 2006; 24(4): 260–267

Role of growth factors on periodontal repair


Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Athens, Athens, Greece

(Received 22 March 2006; revised 9 October 2006; accepted 10 October 2006)

Regeneration of periodontal structures lost during periodontal diseases constitutes a complex biological process regulated
among others by interactions between cells and growth factors. Growth factors are biologically active polypeptides affecting
the proliferation, chemotaxis and differentiation of cells from epithelium, bone and connective tissue. They express their
action by binding to specific cell-surface receptors present on various target cells including osteoblasts, cementoblasts and
periodontal ligament fibroblasts. The observation that growth factors participate in all cell functions led to exogenous
application during periodontal tissue repair aiming to their use as an alternative therapeutic approach to periodontal therapy.
Cell types and cultures conditions, dose, carrier materials, application requirements are of critical importance in the outcome
of periodontal repair. The purpose of this article is to review the literature with respect to the biological actions of PDGF,
TGF, FGF, IGF and EGF on periodontal cells and tissues, which are involved in periodontal regeneration.

Keywords: Growth factors, periodontal repair, periodontal tissues, periodontal defects, therapeutic application

Introduction the use of different grafting materials and their

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease characterized
Advances in molecular and cellular biology led to
by destruction of periodontal ligament, root cemen-
the study of growth factors’ potential role in
tum and alveolar bone as a tissues response to
promoting periodontal regeneration and their use as
microbial plaque accumulation on the tooth root
an alternative therapeutic approach.
surface. The repair of the periodontal structures
Growth factors are biologically active polypeptide
constitutes a complex biological process regulated,
hormones, which affect the immune function as well
among other, by interactions between cells and growth
as the proliferation, chemotaxis and differentiation of
factors as well as between hormones and growth
factors triggering a series of cellular events leading to cells from the epithelium, bone and connective tissue
tissue formation. (Bartold et al. 2000). They bind to specific cell-
Periodontal therapy that aims at the regeneration of surface tyrosine kinases receptors (Terranova and
the periodontal tissues, i.e. the restoration of their Wikesjo 1987; Rosenkranz and Kazlauskas 1999),
initial form, architecture and function, is not achieved which are present on various target cells including
in a predictable pattern. Different cell types, cellular osteoblasts, cementoblasts and periodontal ligament
activity, microbial and cytokine environment as well as (PDL) fibroblasts (Howell et al. 1996). The effect of
host response play an important role. Therefore, a growth factors on the different cell lines seems to
wide range of therapeutic procedures has been depend on the quantity used and the type of carrier
developed to attain this primary goal. Periodontal that the growth factor is combined with, affecting also
treatment includes conventional methods such as their release time.
scaling and root planing, periodontal surgery with or Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) which consists of a
without osseous surgery and new approaches such as concentrated suspension of growth factors has been
root conditioning agents, guided tissue regeneration, demonstrated to induce healing and regeneration of

Correspondence: X. E. Dereka110 Vas. Sofias Str., Athens, Greece. Tel: 30 210 7773037. Fax: 30 210 7773038. E-mail:

ISSN 0897-7194 print/ISSN 1029-2292 online q 2006 Informa UK Ltd.

DOI: 10.1080/08977190601060990
Growth factors on periodontal repair 261

the periodontal tissues. It is a storage vehicle especially PDGF-BB at the concentration of 10 and 20 ng/ml
for PDGF and TGF-b. A new easy procedure to could enhance in vitro the osteoblasts proliferation but
create PRP has been developed. Consequently, the had no effect on the differentiation of these cells
preparation and application of PRP can be accom- (Strayhorn et al. 1999), while the optimal PDGF-BB
plished in dental clinic and the beneficial outcomes of concentrations stimulating PDL cells adherence to
the autologous product could be suggested as suitable periodontal diseased root surfaces found equal or
agent in the treatment of periodontal defects (Tözüm greater than 50 ng/ml (Gamal and Mailhot 2000).
and Demiralp 2003). Applied to EDTA demineralised dentin surfaces
The purpose of this article is to review the literature PDGF-BB promoted human PDL cells proliferation
concerning the main biological actions of PDGF, (Zaman et al. 1999) and increased cementoblasts
TGF, FGF, IGF and EGF on periodontal cells and mitogenesis affecting a range of events required for
tissues. Thus, it is an attempt to summarize the results periodontal tissues regeneration (Saygin et al. 2000).
of the in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrating the Concerning the effect of PDGF-BB on PDL cells
major role of these growth factors on periodontal and gingival fibroblasts the data indicated variable
repair. responses of fibroblasts to growth factor depending
upon the anatomical site within the periodontium
(Haase et al. 1998). There are cell-specific differences
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
critical to periodontal wound healing such as the
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is primary significant stimulation of PDL cells proliferation
secreted from the platelets but also from the activated whereas gingival fibroblasts seemed to respond
macrophages and fibroblasts and contains two primarily through cell migration (Mumford et al.
polypeptide chains forming three isoforms either as a 2001).
homodimer (AA or BB) or as a heterodimer (AB). In addition, as the results from our previous study
Research data indicated that PDGF A and B chains indicated, PDGF-BB at a concentration of 10 ng/ml
are present in gingival epithelium with PDGF-A acts like a strong mitogenic agent for human PDL cells
playing an important role during early stages of wound and gingival fibroblasts (Markopoulou et al. 2003).
healing process while PDGF-B appears later (Green PDGF-BB may act as a regulator of the extracellular
et al. 1997). matrix maintenance, significantly stimulating collagen
The biological effects of PDGF are mainly initiated synthesis by the human PDL fibroblasts (Boltchi et al.
via two tyrosine kinases receptors termed alpha and 1999) exhibiting an inverse time- and dose-dependent
beta PDGF receptors (Rosenkranz and Kazlauskas effect (Ojima et al. 2003).
1999) which are differentially expressed by normal The synergistic effect of PDGF combined with
and regenerating periodontal cells indicating that other growth factors revealed the highest cell
PDGF is involved in a complex pattern in healing responses in parameters of periodontal tissues healing.
events (Parkar et al. 2001). PDGF-receptors The combination of different growth factors resulted
(PDGFR-a, -b) can be degraded via direct proteolysis in stimulating effects on different metabolic functions
on the cell surface by elastase, which is an essential of osteoblasts. The researchers found that the
factor for host defense and has the ability to degrade combination of PDGF-BB with IGF or TGF-b1
extracellular matrix proteins and this fact would not showed synergistic effect on osteoblasts activity
be advantageous for periodontal regeneration enhancing cell proliferation greater than the effects
(Nemoto et al. 2005). of the single growth factors (Giannobile et al. 1997;
Recently, two more isoforms are identified PDGF- Mott et al. 2002). In an attempt to investigate, the
C and -D, which exert their function binding to alpha- beneficial role of rhPDGF-BB/IGF-I combination as
and beta-receptor respectively (Li et al. 2000; well as the safety and the proper dose in order to
Bergsten et al. 2001). PDGF is a potent mitogen for achieve periodontal regeneration, 50 and 150 mg/ml
cells of mesenchymal origin including fibroblasts each of these growth factors were applied in human
(Oates et al. 1993; Boyan et al. 1994). osseous defects. The results indicated promotion of
The effect of recombinant human platelet-derived bone regeneration by the highest dose of rhPDGF-
growth factor individually, as well as, in combination BB/IGF-I (Howell et al. 1997). PDGF-BB and IGF-I
with other growth factors like TGF-b, IGF-I and EGF were added to extraction pockets in dogs to stimulate
was examined on rat periodontal ligament fibroblastic differentiation, migration and extracellular synthesis
(Matsuda et al. 1992). The results indicated a strong of cells involved in the healing socket events. The graft
mitogenic and chemotactic cell response to PDGF, tissue resulted with better reparative capacities was
which also stimulated collagen synthesis by PDL cells. then used to treat class II furcation bone defects. The
Furthermore, it was found that PDGF-BB isoform is findings did not reveal any statistical difference
more effective than PDGF-AA and PDGF-AB in between control and test groups but indicated a
promoting PDL cells mitogenesis, in vitro (Boyan et al. potential use of this type of graft in the treatment of
1994). periodontal lesions (Soares et al. 2005).
262 X. E. Dereka et al.

PDGF-BB highly expressed in epithelium and platelets, macrophages, fibroblasts and tumor cells
connective tissue of human inflamed gingival (Javelaud and Mauviel 2004) with type 1 isoform
(Pinheiro et al. 2003) was also studied, in vitro, in being the most abundant (Roberts 2000). In period-
combination with two demineralized and one non- ontally affected tissues, increased levels of TGF-b2
demineralized freeze-dried bone allografts and it was and TGF-b3 were detected compared to healthy
demonstrated the beneficial role of these grafting tissues while no evidence of TGF-b1 was revealed (Ye
materials as carrier agents for PDGF-BB, to perio- et al. 2003).
dontal regeneration (Papadopoulos et al. 2003). The TGF-b receptors were detected by chemical
Furthermore, rhPDGF-BB incorporated in cross linking of the cell surface binding proteins and
DFDBA resulted in a complete new attachment the electrophoretic separation revealed three types of
apparatus in human class II furcations defects, which proteins named types I, II and III. TGF-b signals in
was confirmed clinically and histologically (Camelo most cases through the same serine-threonine kinase
et al. 2003; Nevins et al. 2003). A large-scale type I and II cell surface receptors (Derynck and Feng
randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating the 1997). The location of TGF-b receptors types II and
safety and efficacy of PDGF-BB for the treatment of III on the cell membrane surface and cytoplasm of the
periodontal osseous defects demonstrates that forming rat periodontal ligament as well as on the
rhPDGF-BB combined with a synthetic beta-trical- extracellular matrix suggest that TGF-b interacts with
cium phosphate matrix significantly increased the target cells during development and maturation of the
clinical attachment level, reduced gingival recession periodontium (Gao et al. 1999). Furthermore, TGF-
and improved bone fill (Nevins et al. 2005; Reynolds b receptors are differentially expressed in periodontal
and Aichelmann-Reidy 2005). tissues and cells and are increased in regenerated
Moreover, recent clinical studies in humans tissue suggesting that are involved in wound healing
investigate the effect of rhPDGF-BB on bone turnover and periodontal repair process (Parkar et al. 2001).
during periodontal repair and periodontal wound TGF-b is considered as a chemotactic agent for
repair. Data indicate a direct effect on the pyridinoline bone cells, increases matrix production and increases
cross-link of type I collagen (ICTP), a biomarker of or decreases their proliferation depending on the cell
bone turnover, released from the wound, mainly differentiation state, the culture conditions and the
during the early stages of tissue repair. Contrasting TGF-b concentration used (Cochran and Wozney
results have been found at the expression of wound 1999). TGF-b exerts its effects on cell proliferation,
fluid levels of PDGF-AB, VEGF and ICTP during differentiation, migration partly due to its ability to
periodontal healing when PDGF-BB is delivered to modulate the deposition of extracellular matrix
promote periodontal tissue engineering (Cooke et al. components (Verrecchia and Mauviel 2002).
2006; Sarment et al. 2006). TGF-b1 is expressed during the development of the
Many researchers investigated the potential of alveolar bone, PDL and cementum as well as through
PDGF gene therapy for periodontal engineering. It all stages of dental formation in the osteoblasts, PDL
was demonstrated that PDGF gene delivery enhanced cells and cementoblasts close to the apical portion of
the proliferative response of all periodontal cells and root (Gao et al. 1998). The research results indicated
further stimulated cementoblast activity and alveolar that TGF-b1 is released from human cultured gingival
bone and cementum regeneration in rat periodontal epithelial sheets in significant amounts suggesting that
defects (Giannobile et al. 2001; Zhu et al. 2001; Jin may promote wound healing and periodontal tissue
et al. 2004). regeneration (Momose et al. 2002).
The data of the in vitro and in vivo published studies It was also found that in vitro TGF-b1 mostly
imply that PDGF-BB either individually or combined supports the proliferation of human PDL and gingival
with other growth factors and especially with IGF is fibroblasts at the concentration of 10 ng/ml after 48 h
probably the most cell mitogenic agent. of cell culture (Markopoulou et al. 2003).
TGF-b stimulated PDL regeneration and repair by
increasing SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b)
cytokine/osteonectin), DNA and fibronectin levels in
Transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) represents a PDL cells (Fujita et al. 2004) but suppressed the
family of polypeptide growth factors related to bone osteoblast-like phenotype of human PDL cells (Brady
morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) but functionally et al. 1998; Fujita et al. 2004).
different (Howell et al. 1996; Lee 1997) involved in Concerning TGF-b1 participation to matrix main-
embryogenesis, inflammation and regulation of tenance, it is indicated that stimulates type I collagen
immune response, and wound healing (Scaleric et al. synthesis (Brady et al. 1998) depending on the
1997). experiment conditions, the cell line and the stage of
Three mammalian TGF-b isoforms, TGF-b1, the cell development (Javelaud and Mauviel 2004).
TGF-b2 and TGF-b3, encoded by three distinct Furthermore, TGF-b1 decreases the synthesis of
genes and structurally identical, are synthesized by matrix metalloproteinases and plasminogen activator,
Growth factors on periodontal repair 263

which increases synthesis of TIMP and plasminogen IGF-I promotes extracellular matrix synthesis and
activator inhibitor, resulting in a decrease of connec- proliferation of gingival fibroblasts and fibroblasts
tive tissue matrix destruction (Javelaud and Mauviel deriving from regenerating soft connective tissue,
2004). which additionally proliferate faster than PDL
In an animal model, TGF-b1 production by rat fibroblasts (Ivanovski et al. 2001). In a recent study
osteoblasts was enhanced in the presence of PepGen the results showed that IGF-I stimulates human PDL
P-15 (Trasatti et al. 2004). fibroblast proliferation in a dose-and time-dependent
In an in vitro wound healing assay it was manner but does not affect cell adhesion, migration
demonstrated that Porphyromonas gingivalis infection and expression of type I collagen (Palioto et al. 2004).
obstructs wound repair process in PDL cells Cementoblasts, on the other hand, treated with IGF-I
stimulated by enamel matrix derivative (EMD) show accelerated rate of proliferation and increased
which has been shown to promote attachment and bone sialoprotein gene expression while osteocalcin
growth of PDL cells and production of TGF-b1 and and osteopontin gene expression is not affected
IGF-I as well (Inaba et al. 2004). (Saygin et al. 2000).
The in vivo regenerative potential of TGF-b, It seems that normal periodontal tissues do not
considering the published data, is rather equivocal express receptors of IGF and only weak and variable
and contradictory. The application of rhTGF-b1 expression has been noticed in the regenerated tissues
combined with guided tissue regeneration (Wikesjo (Parkar et al. 2001). However, PDL fibroblasts and
et al. 1998) as well as following surgical implantation cementoblasts of deciduous human teeth were found
(Terranova et al. 1989) in beagle dogs’ osseous defects to carry IGF-IR (Götz et al. 2001) which are
resulted in a limited alveolar bone and cementum involved during mineralized nodule formation by
regeneration. Furthermore, it was also demonstrated these cells (Nemoto et al. 2004). In a recent study,
the beneficial role of TGF-b1 in conjunction with a researchers demonstrated that the components of the
barrier membrane in class II furcation defects in IGF system could be immunohistochemically
sheep (Mohammed et al. 1998) and its effective role in detected in the rat periodontium. Moreover, the
promoting bone formation in dogs’ defects when majority of these components were localized in the
released slowly from a collagen sponge (Shigeno et al. cells and matrix of the resorption lacunae after
2002). experimentally tooth movement induction and
Taking account of the TGF-b1 multifunctional during reparative process after force removal imply-
properties, the increased expression of the growth ing that IGF system plays an important role in the
factor in the soft tissues around failing implants might early repair events (Götz et al. 2006).
be beneficial in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis IGF-I can interact synergistically with other growth
(Cornelini et al. 2003). factors such as PDGF-BB, TGF-b1 and bFGF and
TGF-b1 can be readily detected in the GCF and enhance periodontal soft and hard tissues regener-
has been found in increased levels following perio- ation. Thus, the application of IGF-I/ PDGF-BB
dontal surgery implying the potential use of the combination in monkeys’ osseous defects resulted in
changes of growth factors levels as a prognostic marker significant enhancement of new attachment and fill of
of periodontal repair progress (Kuru et al. 2004). the defects revealing the synergistic effect of these two
The results of the studies indicate that the effect of growth factors on periodontal repair (Giannobile et al.
TGF-b on cell activities is rather ambiguous depend- 1996). Furthermore, in humans’ periodontal osseous
ing on the experiment conditions, the type of the defects, the local application of the same combination
cellular population as well as the presence of other in a concentration of 150 mg/ml of each growth factor
growth factors. resulted in a significant stimulation of bone regener-
ation (Howell et al. 1997).
The results of the studies apparently indicate that
Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)
IGF alone does not significantly influence the cellular
The family of insulin-like growth factors consists of activities. IGF-I rather exerts its action as an
insulin and the peptides IGF-I, and IGF-II, which adjunctive agent mostly combined with PDGF.
bind to three separate receptors (Clemmons 2000).
They are natural biological mediators, which
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs)
regulate many of the cellular events and may enhance
periodontal wound healing and regeneration by Fibroblast growth factors are members of a large
affecting the PDL cell turnover (Han and Amar polypeptide family and considered as potent regula-
2003a,b). IGF-I exerts mitogenic effects on fibro- tors of cell growth and differentiation (Galzie et al.
blastic cell lines and appears to act as progression 1997; Davidson et al. 2005). FGFs family consists of
factor inducing cell mitosis (Cochran and Wozney at least 18 genes and there are four distinct genes
1999) and as an important regulator of bone cell encoding for their high-affinity receptors (Baird and
metabolism (Giannobile et al. 1997). Ornitz 2000). The FGFs chemotactic and mitogenic
264 X. E. Dereka et al.

capability on cells of mesodermal origin as well as their (Murakami et al. 1999; Takayama et al. 2001;
angiogenetic effect render these factors very important Fijimura et al. 2002; Murakami et al. 2003). The
during healing and repair of periodontal tissues. The topical application of bFGF with fibrin glue in
predominant FGF products are FGF-1 or acidic delayed-replanted monkey teeth did not significantly
(aFGF) and FGF-2 or basic (bFGF). promote the complete healing although the inhibition
The receptor FGF-RI binds both aFGF and bFGF, of replacement resorption could be speculated (Sae-
which function in mitogenesis, formation of extra- Lim et al. 2004).
cellular matrix and angiogenesis in vivo. No expression In conclusion, bFGF seems to promote the
of this receptor was found in human normal gingival proliferation of PDL cells and osteoblasts in a dose-
and PDL and only small amounts were found in dependent manner but does not provoke any
regenerated tissues (Parkar et al. 2001), while in a significant effect on cell differentiation.
previous study, the results indicated that bFGF
receptors are present in PDL cells but their density
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
can change during cell culture (Takayama et al. 1998).
Furthermore, bFGF can bind to other types of FGFR EGF is a small polypeptide growth factor found to be
in addition to FGF-RI and continues to influence cell involved in control of epithelial growth and differen-
activities (Parkar et al. 2001). tiation of periodontal tissues (Nordlund et al. 1991).
FGFs are related with growth enhancement effect EGF and EGF-receptors which are transmembrane
mainly on fibroblast cell lines triggering angiogenesis, tyrosine-kinase proteins activated by binding to the
cell migration and wound healing (Cochran and growth factor (Schlessinger 2002), are localized in the
Wozney 1999). dental follicle, alveolar bone and ameloblasts implying
bFGF is produced primarily by fibroblast and their important role at the stages before and during
endothelial cells in human PDL and its levels are tooth eruption (Shroff et al. 1996).
decreased during chronic periodontal inflammation High levels of EGF and EGF-receptors were
(Gao et al. 1996). bFGF enhances PDL cells detected in cells derived from healthy junctional
proliferation but inhibits cell differentiation by epithelium while PDL fibroblasts also express a large
inhibition of cell alkaline phosphatase activity (Oka- number of EGF-receptors (Irwin et al. 1991; Tajima
moto et al. 1997) and mineralized nodules formation et al. 1992; Garant 2003).
by these cells (Murakami et al. 1999). EGF appeared to enhance slightly chemotaxis and
bFGF has a dose-dependent migratory effect on to suppress matrix synthesis in rat PDL cells (Matsuda
PDL cells and gingival fibroblasts (Nishimura and et al. 1992). However, EGF restricted cell differen-
Terranova 1996) and exhibits an inverse time- and tiation and up-regulated EFG-R expression, which is
dose-dependent effect on PDL cells concerning the down regulated in the process of differentiation
gene expression of collagen I and MMP-1 (Palmon (Matsuda et al. 1993). EGF receptors decrease
et al. 2000). bFGF is trapped in the extracellular when cells differentiate into cell types capable of
matrix between gingival epithelium cells where it forming mineralized tissues suggesting that EGF
adheres to heparansulfate proteoglycan playing an receptors may participate in the phenotype stabiliz-
important role in homeostasis, cytodifferentiation and ation of PDL cells (Matsuda et al. 1993). The
wound healing (Takayama et al. 2002). bFGF in vitro interaction between mechanical stress and the
found to enhanc the proliferation of human osteo- EGF/EGF-receptor system might participate in
blast-like cells while this effect was increased when it the osteoblastic differentiation of human PDL cells
was combined with DFDBA and DFBA (a Greek and regulate PDL as a source of cementoblasts and
allograft of cancellous origin) (Dereka et al. 2004). osteoblasts (Matsuda et al. 1998a,b). The EGF/EGF-
Furthermore, bFGF plays in vitro an important role in receptor system promotes osteogenic cells prolifer-
hyaluronan production by human PDL cells resulting ation but suppresses cell differentiation by ceasing the
in induction of cell proliferation, enhancement of expression of osteoblast markers (Chien et al. 2000).
structural component of extracellular matrix and EGF-R appeared to be present in very low amounts in
improvement of tissue repair (Shimabukuro et al. the gingival connective tissue and the epithelium of
2005). normal gingiva, while increased levels of EGF-R were
In a histometric study bFGF found to promote observed in cells from regenerated tissues (Parkar et al.
regeneration in dogs’ class III furcations defects, 2001).
which were filled with mineralized and non-miner- The mitogenic response of human PDL cells to
alized tissues (Rossa et al. 2000). Further studies EGF seems to be associated with the rapid and
indicated that bFGF considerably stimulated perio- selective activation of ERK (extracellular-related
dontal regeneration in primate models) and in beagle kinase)1/2 pathway (Matsuda et al. 1998,b). In
dogs’ class II furcation defects with no ankylosis or addition, the results of a recent study showed that
root resorption observed, while combined treatment EGF could support osteoblastic cells proliferation
with BMP-2 led to increased bone formation (Winter et al. 2005).
Growth factors on periodontal repair 265

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