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A perfectly straight member of linear elastic material is shown if figure.

The above member has a friction less hinge at each end, its lower end being fixed
in position while its upper end is free to move vertically but prevented from
deflecting horizontally. It is assumed that the deflections of the member remain

The elastic critical load PE at which a straight compression member buckles

laterally can be determined by finding a deflected position which is one of

Basic Strut Theory

EI = −P y (1)
dx 2

Eulers critical load is obtained as

π 2 EI y
PE = (2)

*, Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT, Bangalore 54

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 1

In terms of the stress equation is

π 2E
pE = (3)
(KL / r )2
Strut with initial curvature

In practice, columns are generally not straight and the effect out of straightness on
strength is studied. Consider a strut with an initial curvature bent in a half sine
curve as shown in Figure.

If the initial deflection, at x from A is yo and the strut deflects ‘y” further under
load, P, the equilibrium equation is

EI = P( y + yo ) (4)
dx 2

 πx 
Where deflection y = sin   (5)
 l 

If δ o is the deflection at the centre and δ the additional deflection caused by P,


δ= (6)
(PE / P ) − 1
The maximum stress at the centre of the strut is given by

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 2

P P(δ 0 + δ )h
Pmax = + (7)
A Iy

Where h is shown in figure


P(δ 0 + δ )h
p y = pc + (8)
Ary 2

i.e. p y = pc + pc
(δ 0 + δ )h (9)
ry 2

pc h   1 
p y = pc + δ 1 +
2  0
 (10)
ry   ( p E pc ) − 1 

Denoting the Perry factor

δ 0h
η= (11)
ry 2

 pc 
(p − pc ) = ηp c 1 +  (12)
 ( p E pc ) 

On simplification it gave

( p E − pc )( p y − pc ) = ηp E pc (13)

The value of pc, the limiting strength at which the maximum stress equal the
design strength, can be found by solving this equation and η is the Perry factor.

The minimum value of pc after solving the quadratic equation is obtained as

pc = φ ± φ 2 − p E p y )0.5

which is of the form

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 3

pc = φ − φ 2 − p E p y ) 0.5

δ 0h
and η = (16)

the initial deflection δ 0 is taken as (1/1000)th of length of the column and hence
η is given by

 l  h  l  h 

η =  2 = (17)
 1000  ry  ry  1000ry 

 l 
and hence η = α   (18)
 ry 
 

 l 
and ζ =   (19)
r 
 y 

a lower value of α was suggested by Robertson as α = 0.003 for column designs.

This approach was suggested in British code. ξ is the slenderness ratio. The total
effect of the imperfections (initial curvature, end eccentricity and residual stresses
on strength). They are combined in to the Perry constant η and is modified as

η = 0.001a (ξ − λ0 ) (20)

 π 2E 
and λ0 = 0.02 

 y 

the value of λ0 gives the limit to the plateau over which the design strength py
controls the strut load. The Robertson’s constant ‘ a ’ is assigned different values
to give the different design curves.

As per IS 800-2007;

fy fy
f cd = χ ≤ (22)
γ mo γ mo

And χ = stress reduction factor for different buckling class, slenderness ratio and
yield stress.

χ= (23)
[φ + (φ 2
− λ2 ) 0.5

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 4

and φ = 0.5 1 + α (λ − 0.2) + λ2 ] (24)

α = imperfection factor given in Table 7, in P35, IS800:207.

λ =non dimensional effective slenderness ratio.

λ= (25)
f cc

π 2E
and f cc Euler’s buckling stress = (26)
(KL / r )2
 KL 
and   effective slenderness ratio (or) the effective length KL to appropriate
 r 
radius of gyration, r, γ mo = partial safety factor for material strength. It is noted
that the stress reduction factor χ depends on buckling class, slenderness ratio and
yield stress (Table 8, P36- 39, IS800-2007).

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 5

Ex.1 A single angle discontinuous member ISA 130x130x10mm with single
bolted connection is 2.5m long. Calculate the safe load carrying capacity of
the section. If it is connected by one bolt at each end.
f y =250Mpa. Class 7, 5.1.2, P48, IS800:2007.

λe = k1 + k 2 λvv2 + k 3λφ2

k1 = 1.25, k 2 = 0.5, k 3 = 0.60

l / rvv 2500 / 25.4

λvv = = = 1.107
π E π 2 x 2 x105
ε 1
250 250

λφ =
(b1 + b2 ) / 2t = (130 + 130) / 2(10) = 0.146
π 2E π 2 x 2 x10 5
ε 1
250 250

λe = 1.25 + 0.5 x1.107 2 + 60 x0.146 2 = 1.772

φ = 0.5[1 + α (λ − 0.2 ) + λ2 ]

= 0.5 1 + 0.49(1.772 − 0.2 ) + 1.772 2 = 2.455 ]
f y γ mo 250 1.1
f cd = =
φ + [φ − λ ]
2 0 .5
[ ]
2 0.5
2.455 + 2.455 2 − 1.772 2

f cd =
(250 1.1) = 54.71N / mm 2

54.7 x 2506
Pd = = 137 kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 6

Ex.2 In the above problem, if the single angle discontinuous strut is connected
with 2 bolts at each end connection, determine the safe load carrying capacity
of the section.

Fixed condition, Cl, P48, IS800:2007

k1 = 0.20, k 2 = 0.35, k 3 = 20

l / rvv
λvv = = 1.107
π 2E

λφ =
(b1 + b2 ) / 2t = 0.146
π 2E

λe = k1 + k 2 λvv 2 + k 3 λφ2 = 0.20 + 0.35 x1.107 2 + 20 x0.1406 2 = 1.102

f y γ mo 250 1.1
f cd = =
φ + [φ − λ ]
2 0 .5
[ ]
2 0.5
1.211 + 1.2112 − 1.012 2

φ = 0.5[1 + α (λ − 0.2 ) + λ2 ]

0.5 1 + 0.49(0.012 − 0.2 ) + 1.012 2 = 1.211 ]
f y γ mo 227.27
f cd = = = 137.45 N / mm 2
φ + [φ 2 − λ ]
2 0.5 1.211 + 0.683

Pd = 137.45 x = 344.4kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 7

Ex.3 A double angle discontinuous strut ISA 150x75x10mm long leg back to
back is connected to either side by gusset plate of 10mm thick with 2 bolts.
The length of the strut between the intersection is 3.5m. Determine the safe
load carrying capacity of the section.

Ref. CL, P48, IS800:2007

Effective length factor is between 0.7 and 0.85 Assume k=0.85

Effective length of the member = 0.85x3500=2975mm

2. 6
f cd = 107 − x12.4 = 103.8 N / mm 2

103.8 x 4312
Strength of the member = = 447.6kN

Ex.4 In the above problem if double angles discontinuous strut is connected

to one side of the gusset plate determine the safe load.

Effective length l e = 0.85 x3500 = 2975mm

rmin = 2.56cm P105

le 2975
= = 116.2
rmin 25.6

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 8

Table 9c; P42; IS800

f cd = 94.6 − x10.9 = 87.87 4 N / mm 2

87.84 x 4312
Safe load = = 378.8kN

Ex.5 A rolled steel beam ISHB 300 @ 58.8 kg/m is used as a column. The
column is fixed in position but not in direction at both ends. Determine the
safe load carrying capacity in the section if the length of the column is 4.5m

t f = 10.6mm Table 10, P44, IS800:2007.

Buckling class of cross section

h 300
= = 1. 2
b 250

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 9

t f ≤ 40mm

Buckling about zz axis

Buckling class a Table 7, P35, IS800:2007.

About zz axis, α = 0.21

γ Z = 129.5mm

γ y = 54.1mm

 4500 
= 250   (π 2
x 2 x10 5 = 0.391
 129.5 

φ = 0.5[1 + α (λ − 0.2 ) + λ2 ]

= 0.5[1 + 0.21(0.391 − 0.2 ) + 0.3912] = 0.5965

( [ (
f cd = f y γ mo φ + φ 2 − λ2 )0.5
 250 
= ( 2
 0.5965 + 0.5965 − 0.391

 1.10 

f cd = 237.9 N / mm 2

About y-y axis buckling class (b) α = 0.34

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 10

f y (kL / r ) / π 2
λy =

 4500 
= 250   π 2 x 2 x105 = 0.9366
 54.1 

φ = 0.5[1 + α (λ − 0.2 ) + λ2 ]

[ ]
= 0.5 1 + 0.34(0.9366 − 0.2 ) + 0.9366 2 = 1.0638

f cd =
( (
1.0638 + 1.0638 2 − 0.9366 2 )
f cd = 356.42 N / mm 2

Table 9(a) P40, IS800:2007.

kL 4500
= = 34.75
r 129.5

f cd = 220 − x7 = 216.7 N / mm 2

kL 4500
= = 83.2
r 54.1

Table 9(b), P41, IS 800:2007.

f cd = 150 − x16 = 144.48

Strength = 144.88 x7485 = 1084.4kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 11

Ex.6 A built up column consists of two ISMC 400 @ 49kg/m and two plates of
500mmx10mm. The clear distance between back to back of channel is
200mm. One plate is connected to each flange. Determine the safe load
carrying capacity of the built u column if the effective length of column is 5m.

Area = 2(62.93) + 2(50 x1) = 225.86cm 2

 50 x13 2
I zz = 2[15082.8] + 2  + 50 x1(20 + 0.5) 
 12 
= 72198.9cm
1x50 
[ ]
I yy = 2 504.8 + 62.93(10 + 2.42 ) + 2 

 12 

= 41257.6cm 4

I min = 41257.6cm 4

rmin = = 13.5cm

kL 5000
= = 37
r 135

f cd = 211 − x13 = 201.9 N / mm 2

201.9 x 22586
Safe load = = 4560kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 12

Ex.7 Calculate the safe load of a bridge compression member of two channels
ISMC 350 @ 421.1 kg/m placed toe to toe. The effective length of member is
7m. The widths over the back of the channel is 350mm and the section is
properly connected by lacings.

A = 2(53.66 ) = 107.32cm 2

I zz = 2(10008) = 20016cm 4

I yy = 2 430.6 + 53.66(17.5 − 2.44 )
= 25201.7cm 4
I min
rmin = = 13.6cm

kL 700
= = 51.2
r 13.6

Table 9c

1. 2
f cd = 183 − x15 = 181.2 N / mm 2

181.2 x10732
Strength of the member = = 1944.6kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 13

Ex.8 A column 6m high has its ends firmly built in. The column is built up
with two channels. ISMC 300 placed back to back with 180mm gap between
them. The channels are effectively laced together. Using IS800, determine the
safe load carrying capacity of the column.

Area = 9128mm2

From SP (6)

γ min = 11.66cm

l e = 0.65(6) = 3.9m = 390cm

kL 390
= = 33.4
r 11.66

Table 9c class ‘c’

f cd = 211 − 3.4 x13 = 206.6 N / mm 2


206.6 x9128
Safe load carrying capacity = = 1885.8kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 14

Ex.9 A column height 5m is hinged at the ends. It is square in cross section
(plan) of side 360mm and consists of 4 angles of ISA 80x80x10mm at each
corner suitably laced. Find the minimum load on the column.

A = 4(15.05) = 60.2cm2

I x = 4 87.7 + 15.05(18 − 2.34 )
= 15113.98cm 4

I min
γ min = = 15.85cm

kL 5000
= = 31.5 Buckling class ' c'
r 158.5

1. 5
f cd = 211 − x13 = 209.05 N / mm 2

209.05 x6020
Safe load = = 1258.5kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 15

Ex.10 Determine the design strength of the column section ISHB 300 @ 58.8
kg/m. The effective length of the column is 3m.

f y = 250 N / mm 2

h 300
= = 1.2
bf 250

t f = 10.6 ≤ 40mm

z − z axis Buckling class ' c'

kL le 3000
= = = 23.17
r rzz 129.5

= 23.17

f cd = 224 − x13 = 219.9 N / mm 2

y − y axis Buckling class ' b'

kL 3000
= = 55.45
r 54.1

f cd = 194 − x13 = 186.9 N / mm 2

186.9 x7485
Design Strength = = 1398.9kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 16


Ex.11 Design a single angle section discontinuous strut to carry a load of

80kN. The length of the member between c/c intersection is 2.75m

Axial load = 80kN

Permissible stress = 0.4 f y = 100 N / mm 2

Area required = 800mm2

Gross area = 800x1.25= 1000mm2 = 10cm2

Try ISA 90x90x8mm A = 13.79cm2, rvv = 1.95cm

λe = k1 + k 2 λ2vv + k3λφ2

λvv =
rvv )
(0.85 x275 / 1.95) = 119.87
ε πE / 250 π 2 x 2 x105 0.1986

λφ =
(b1 + b2 / 2t ) = (90 + 90) / 2 x8
π 2E π 2 x 2 x10 5
ε 1
250 250

λe = k1 + k 2 λvv2 + k 3 λφ2 = 1.25 + 0.5(1.35 + 60(0.1267) 2

λe = 1.768

φ = 0.5[1 + 0.49(1.768 − 0.2] + 1.768 2 = 2.25

f y / γ mo 250 / 1.1
f cd = = = 38.57 N / mm 2
φ + [φ − λ 2
2 0.5
[ 2
2.25 + 2.25 − 1.768 ]
2 0.5

38.57 x1379
Pd = = 53.18kN < 80kN

Revise the section

Try ISA 100X100X10 Area = 1903mm2

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 17

λe = k1 + k 2 λ2vv + k3λφ2

k1 = 1.25; k 2 = 0.5, k3 = 60

λvv =
l / rvv
(0.85 x 275) / 1.94 = 120.49
π E 2
π 2 x 2 x105 88.81
ε 1x
250 250

λvv = 1.36

λφ =
(100 + 100) / (2 x10) = 100
= 0.1126
π x 2 x10 5 88.81

λe = 1.25 + 0.5(1.36) 2 + 60 x0.1126 2 = 1.713

φ = 0.5[1 + 0.49(1.713 − 0.2] + 1.7132 = 2.338

φ = 0.5[1 + 0.49(2.338 − 0.2 ) + 2.338 2 ]

φ = 3.756

f cd =
(250 / 1.1) = 32 N / mm 2
3.756 + 3.756 + 1.713 2
2 0.5

32 x1903
Pd = = 61kN < 80kN

Try ISA 130 x130 x10 Area = 25.06cm 2

λe = k1 + k 2 λ2vv + k3λφ2

k1 = 1.25; k 2 = 0.5, k3 = 60

λvv =
l / rvv
(0.85 x 275) / 1.94 = 2.63
π E π 2 x 2 x10 5
ε 1x
250 250

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 18

λφ =
(130 + 130) / (2 x10) = 13
= 0.1463
π x 2 x10 5 88.81

λe = 1.25 + 0.5(2.36) 2 + 60 x 0.14632 = 2.448

φ = 0.5[1 + 0.49(2.448 − 0.2] + 2.448 2 = 4.047

f cd =
(250 / 1.1) = 31.26 N / mm 2
4.047 + 4.047 + 2.448 2
2 0.5

3126 x 2506
Pd = = 78.33kN < 80kN

Try ISA 150X150X10


rvv = 2.93cm

λe = k1 + k 2 λ2vv + k3λφ2

k1 = 1.25; k 2 = 0.5, k3 = 60

λvv =
l / rvv
(0.85 x 275) / 2.93 = 0.898
π E π 2 x 2 x105
ε 1x
250 250

λφ =
(150 + 150) / (2 x10) = 15
= 0.168
π 2 x 2 x10 5 88.81
λe = 1.25 + 0.5(0.898) 2 + 60 x0.1463 2 = 1.83

φ = 0.5[1 + 0.49(1.83 − 0.2] + 1.83 2 = 2.574

f cd =
(250 / 1.1) = 51.84 N / mm 2
2.574 + 2.574 − 1.83 2
2 0.5

Strength = 150.5kN>80

Try ISA 130x130x10 A+25.06cm, rvv=2.54cm

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 19

λvv =
l / rvv
(0.85 x 275) / 2.54 = 92.03 = 1.036
π E 2
π 2 x 2 x105 88.81
ε 1x
250 250

λφ =
(130 + 130) / (2 x10) = 13
= 0.1463
π x 2 x10 5 88.81

λe = 1.25 + 0.5(1.036) 2 + 60 x0.14632 = 1.752

φ = 0.5[1 + 0.49(1.752 − 0.2] + 1.752 2 = 2.415

f cd =
(250 / 1.1) = 43.89 N / mm 2
2.415 + 2.415 + 1.752[ 2
2 0.5

Safe strength = 43.89x2506/1000=110kN>80kN

Ex.12 Design a double angle discontinuous strut to carry a load of 125kN, the
length between the intersection is 3.8m

Axial load = 125kN

Permissible stress 0.4 f y =100Nmm2

Area Required = 125000/100=1250mm2

Gross area required = 1250x1.25=1562.5mm2 = 15.63mm2

Try two ISA 75x75x6 area = 17.32cm2

γ min = 2.3cm

Effective length kL = 0.85 x380 = 323cm

= 140.4

Table 9(c) f cd = 66.2 N / mm 2

66.2 x1732
Safe strength = = 114.7kN < 125kN

Hence revise the section, Try two angle of ISA 80x80x8

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 20

Area = 24.42cm2

γ min = 2.44cm

kL 323
= = 132.4
rmin 2.44

Table 9(c) f cd = 74.3 − x8.1 = 72.4 N / mm 2

Safe strength = 72.4 x 2242 / 1000 = 162.3kN > 125kN

Ex.13 A column connects four equal angles arranged in the form of a square
section of side 400mm. Design the section if the column is to carry an axial
load of 800kN. The length of the column is 5m. Both the ends of the column
are restrained in position but not in direction.

Axial load = 800kN

Allowable compressive stress = 0.4x250=100N/mm2

Area of 4 angles = 800x103/100=800mm2

Area of 1 angle = 2000mm2 = 20cm2

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 21

Increase this area by 25%, Gross area of l angle = 20x1.25=25cm2

Try 4 angle of ISA 130x130x12mm A = 29.82cm2

[ ]
I x = I y = I min = 4 473.8 + 29.82(20 − 3.66 ) = 33742cm 4

γ min = = 16.82cm
4 x 29.82

kL 500
= = 29.7
rmin 16.82

f cd = 211.39 N / mm 2

Strength of the member = 211.39x4x2982/1000=2521>800kN

Hence revise the section

Try 4 angles of ISA 100x100x12 A = 22.59cm2

[ ]
I min = 4 207 + 22.59(20 − 2.92 ) = 27188.4cm 4

rmin = = 17.35cm
4 x 22.59

kL 500
= = 28.8
rmin 17.35

f cd = 212.56 N / mm 2

Safe load = 212.56x4x2259/1000=212.6>80kN

Try 4 angles of ISA 90x90x10 A = 17.03cm2

[ ]
I min = 4 126.7 + 17.03(20 − 2.59 ) = 21154.5cm 4

rmin = = 17.62cm
4 x17.03

kL 500
= = 28.4
rmin 17.62

8. 4
f cd = 224 − x13 = 213.08 N / mm 2

Safe load = 213x4x1703/1000=1450>800kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 22

Try 4 angles of ISA 80x80x10 A = 15.05cm2

[ ]
I min = 4 87.7 + 15.05(20 − 2.34 ) = 19125.7cm 4

rmin = 17.82cm

kL 500
= = 28
rmin 17.82

f cd = 224 − x13 = 213.6 N / mm 2
Safe load = 213.6x4x1505/1000=1285.2>800kN
Try 4 angles of ISA 80x80x8 A = 12.21cm2
[ ]
I min = 4 72.5 + 12.21(20 − 2.27 ) = 15642.99cm 4

rmin = 17.89cm

kL 500
= = 27.95
rmin 17.89

f cd = 224 − x13 = 213.67 N / mm 2

Safe load = 213.67x4x1221/1000=1043.6kN>800kN

Try 4 angles of ISA 60x60x10 Area = 11cm2

[ ]
I min = 4 34.8 + 11(20 − 1.85) = 14633.79cm 4

rmin = 18.24cm

kL 500
= = 27.41
rmin 18.24

f cd = 224 − x13 = 214.38 N / mm 2

Safe load = 214.38x4x1100/1000=943.2kN>800kN

Try 4 angles of ISA 60x60x8mm A = 8.18cm2

[ ]
I min = 4 29 + 8.96(20 − 1.77 ) = 12026.8cm 4

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 23

rmin = 19.17cm

kL 500
= = 26
rmin 19.17

f cd = 224 − x13 = 216.2 N / mm 2

Safe load = 216.2x4x818/1000=707kN<800kN

Hence revise the section.

Adopt 4 angles of ISA 60x60x8mm

Ex.14 A rolled steel beam ISHB 300@ 58.8kg/m is used as a column. The
column is fixed in position but not in direction at both ends. Determine the
safe load carrying capacity of the section if the length of column is 4.5m

I zz = 12545.2cm 4

I yy = 2193.6cm 4

A = 74.85cm2
h 300
= = 1.2, t f = 10.6mm < 100mm
b f 250

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 24

For the buckling about zz axis – ‘b’

rzz = = 12.95cm

le 450
= = 34.75
rzz 12.95

f cd = 216 − x10 = 211.25 N / mm 2

For the buckling about yy axis class ‘c’

ryy = = 5.41cm

le 450
= = 83.18
ryy 5.41

f cd = 136 − x10 = 131.2 N / mm 2

Strength of the member = 131.2x7485/1000=982kN

Ex.15 Design a built up column consisting of two channel sections placed

back to back with a clear spacing of 250mm between them. The column
carries an axial load of 1000kN and is having an effective height of 6m.
Design the lacing for the column.

Axial load = 1000kN

Assume the permissible compressive stress = 0.5 f y =125N/mm2

Area required = 1000x103/125=8000mm2 = 80cm2

Area of one channel = 45cm2

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 25

Try 2 channels of ISMC 350; area = 2x53.65=107.3cm2

rzz = 13.66cm ryy = 15.21cm

About zz axis

le 600
= = 43.92
rzz 13.66

f cd = 198 − x15 = 192.15 N / mm 2

About yy axis

le 600
= = 39.34
ryy 15.21

9. 4
f cd = 211 − x3 = 208.18 N / mm 2

Safe load = 192.15x10730/1000-2061.76>1000kN hence OK

Try ISLC 300 A = 84.22cm2

rzz = 11.98cm ryy = 15.32cm

le 600
= = 50
rzz 11.98

f cd = 211 − x13 = 210.78 N / mm 2

le 600
= = 39.17
ryy 15.32

Safe load = 183x8422/1000=1541kN>1000kN

Hence adopt the section.

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 26

Design of lacing

Cl 7.6.2 Minimum width of lacing bar = 3x16 (dia of bolt) = 48 say 50mm

Cl 7.6.4 Angle of inclination = 40 0 ≤ θ ≤ 70 0 = θ = 45 0

Cl 7.6.3 Thickness of lacing bar =

[spacing + g + g ] = 1 [250 + 60 + 60] = 6.17mm say 10mm
60 60


Spacing of lacing
≤ 50
rmin of one component of member
 l 
≤ 0.7 e 
 rmin  whole
(250 + 60 + 60) = 12.89 ≤ 50 ≤ 0.7(39.17 ) = 27.42


 kL 
  ≤ 145
 r  flat

0.7l 0.7 x37 2

λ of the lacing bar = = = 126.86 ≤ 145
t 120 1 12

Check the bars for lacing in compression

2. 5
Shear force = x1000 = 25kN

S 25
Force on the lacing bar = cos ecθ = cos ec45 = 8.84kN
2n 2 x2

For the flat angle, for λ = 127

f cd = 83.7 − x9.4 = 77.15 N / mm 2

Safe load = 77.12x50x10/1000=38.6kN>8.84kN

Check for the flat in Tension

= (b − d )tf y / γ m =
(50 − 18)10(410 ) = 105kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 27

Or f y Ag / γ mo = 250 x50 x10 / 1.1 = 113.4kN > for in the lacing bar

Ex.16 Design a battened column for the column shown in figure. Assume that
the channels are kept back to back.
 kL 
The effective slenderness ratio   of battened columns shall be 1.1 times the
 r 
maximum actual slenderness ratio of the column.

 kL 
  = 1.1x39.17=43
 r 
f cd = 198 − x15 = 193.5 N / mm 2

Safe load = 193.5 x = 1629.7 kN > 1000kN

Maximum spacing of the batten  l 

≤ 0.7 e 
rmin of one component of member  rmin  whole

Maximum spacing of batten = 143.5cm = 0.7(2.87)43= 86.4cm

Provide the battens at a spacing of 850mm

Provide 20mm bolts. For rolled, machine flameout, P74, Cl ⇒ 1.5xhole
diameter = 1.5x20=33mm

Effective depth of batten

= 250+2(23.5)=297mm>2(100)=200mm

Overall depth of batten = 297+2(33)=363mm=370mm

Required thickness of batten = 1/50 (distance between inner most bolts.)

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 28

1/50(250+2x60)=7.4 say 8mm

Length of the batten = 250+2(100) =450mm

Provide 450x370x8mm
Size of intermediate batten

Effective depth = 3/4x297=222.75mm>2x100=200mm

Hence an effective depth of 225mm

Overall depth = 225+2x33=291say 300mm

Provide 450x300x8mm intermediate battens

Design forces

Transverse shear = V = 2.5/100x1000=25kN=25000N

Vt C 25000 x85
Longitudinal shear Vb = = = 28.72kN
NS 2 x370

Vt = transverse shear = 25000N

C = c/c of battens, longitudinally = 850mm

N = number of parallel planes = 2

S = minimum distance between the centroid of the bolt = 370mm

Vt c 25000 x850
Moment M = = = 5312500 Nmm
2N 2 x2

For end batten

Shear Stress = 28720/370x8=9.7N/mm2 < = 131.2 N / mm 2
3 x1.1

 6 M  6 x5312500 250
Bending stress =  2  = 2
= 29.10 N / mm 2 < = 227 N / mm 2
 td  8 x 370 1 . 1

Hence safe

For Intermediate battens

Shear stress = 28720/300x8=11.97N/mm2 < 131.2N/mm2

Bending stress = 6x53/2500/8x3002=44.27N/mm2 < 250/1.1=227N/mm2

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 29


Strength of the bolt = 45.3kN

Required number of bolts = 28.72/45.3 < 1.0

As the bending moment is also present, provide 3 bolts

Force in each bolt due to shear = 28.72/3=9.57kN

Adopt a pitch of 100mm

M r
Force due to moment =
5312500 x100
= = 26.56kN
100 2 x100 2

Resultant force = 9.57 2 + 26.56 2 = 28.23kN < 45.3kN

Hence safe.

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 30

Encased I sections or filled hollow sections carries more load. In cased columns,
the advantages derived from the properties of concrete and steel are used. The
concrete is strong in stronger in compression and it provides greater rigidity. The
solid concrete casing assists in carrying the load and the entire load is resisted by
concrete and steel. The design of the above columns is currently based on IS
11384-1985. As the above code is on working stress method the guide lines given
in BS5950, Part I is presented here. The role of concrete is that it acts as a fire
protection for the encased steel columns and also prevents the column from
buckling about the weak axis. As per the BS5950, Part I the column must satisfy
the following specifications.

(i) The steel section is either a single rolled or fabricated I or H section

with equal flanges, channels and compound sections can also be used.
(ii) The steel section should not exceed 1000mmx500mm. The dimension
100mm is in the direction of web.
(iii) Primary structural connections should be made in the steel section.
(iv) The steel section is unpainted and free from dirt, grease, rust, scale etc.
(v) The steel section is encased in concrete of at least Grade 20, to BS
(vi) The cover on the steel is to be not less than 50mm. The corners may be
(vii) The concrete extends the full length of the member and is thoroughly
(viii) The casing is reinforced with bars not less than 5mm diameter at a
maximum spacing of 200mm to form a cage of closed links and
longitudinal bars. The reinforcement is to pass through the centre of
the cover.
(ix) The effective length is not to exceed 40bc, 100b2c / dc or 250 r
whichever is the least, where
bc = minimum width of solid casing.
dc = minimum depth of solid casing.
r = minimum radius of gyration of steel section.

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 31

BS5950, Part I guidelines for estimating the compressive strength of column.

a) The radius of gyration about yy axis is shown in figure, ry should be taken

as 0.2bc but not more than 0.2 (B+150) where B = overall width of flange.
The radius of gyration for the zz axis should be taken as that of the steel
b) The compression resistance Pc is

 f A
Pc =  Ag + 0.45 cu  pc ≥ Pcs
 p y 

 f 
Pcs =  Ag + 0.25 cu Ac  p y
 py 
 

Where Ac = gross sectional area of concrete. Casing in excess of 75mm from the
steel section is neglected. Finish is neglected.

Ag =gross area of the steel section

f cu =characteristic strength of the concrete at 28 days. This should not exceed


p c =compressive strength of steel section determined using rx and rz in the

determination of which p y ≤ 335 N / mm 2

p y = design strength of steel

Cased Column

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 32

Ex.17 An internal column in a building has an actual length of 4.5m centre to
centre of floor beams. The steel section is ISHB250 @ 51kg/m. Calculate the
compression resistance of the column if it is cased in accordance with the
codal provision. M25 concrete grade has been use. The casing has been made
325mm square.

Properties of ISHB 250


rzz =10.91cm

ryy =5.49cm

For the above cased column;

ry = 0.2(325) = 65mm
≠ 0.2(250 + 150 ) = 80mm

i) effective length = 0.7 (4500) = 3150mm of cased column

ii) 40 bc =40(325) = 13000mm

iii) 100 =100x325=32500mm

iv) 250 r =250x54.9=13725mm

kL 3150
slenderness ratio = = = 48.46
r 65

refer Table 9(c) in P42, IS800:2007.

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 33

f cd = 198 − x15 = 185.3 N / mm 2

The gross sectional area of concrete

Ac = 325 x325 = 105625mm 2

Compressive strength of concrete

 25  185.3
Pc =  6496 + 0.45 x x105625  = 2084.5kN
 250  1000

Short column strength

 25 x105625  250
Pcs =  6496 + 0.25 x  = 2284kN
 250  1000

Compressive strength of column = 2084.5kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 34

Column with axial load and moment
Ex.18 A stanchion carries an factorial axial load 500kN and a factored
bending moment of 250kNm. Design the section if the length is 6m and one
end of the column is restrained in position and direction whereas, other end is
restrained only in position but not in direction.

Try section ISWB 600@ 133.7kg/m

kL 0.8 x6000
= = 91.43
r 52.5

Yura suggested

Mz My
peff = P + 2 + 7.5 for initializing the size of the column. If the BM is
d b
predominant then the equivalent BM can be found out from

M eq = M z + Pu

In this case;

Mz 250
Peff = P + 2 = 500 + 2 x = 1333.33kN
d 0.6

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 35

Check the above section

h 600
= = 2. 4 > 1. 2
b 250

t c = 21.3mm < 40

Buckling about yy axis, buckling class ‘b’

f cd = 134 − x16 = 131.7 N / mm 2

Compressive strength of the trial section=131.7x17038/1000=2244kN>1333.33kN

Section properties

A = 177.38cm2

I zz = 1.06(10 ) cm 4

I yy = 47.7(10 ) cm 4

Z pz = 2bt t f (H − t t ) / 2 + t w (H − 2t f )/ 4

Z pz = 2(250 )21.3(600 − 21.3) / 2 + 11.2(600 − 2 x 21.3) / 4 = 3986.66cm 3


(P138, IS800:2007)

250 3 11.2 2
Z py = 2t f b 2f / 4 + (H − 2t f )t w3 4 = 2(21.3) + (600 − 2 x 21.3) = 683.1cm 3
4 4

Cross section classification

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 36

2.50 250
ε= = = 1.0
fy 250

Outstanding flanges

b 250 / 2
= = 5.87 < 9.4ε (Table 2, P18)
tf 21.3

Hence the flange is plastic


d = H − 2t f − 2r1 = 600 − 2(21.3) − 2(18) = 521.4mm

d 521.4
= = 46.6 < 84ε
tw 11.2

Hence the cross section is plastic

Refer d for plastic and compact sections

N My M
+ + z ≤ 1.0
N d M dy M dz

N = factored applied axial force = 500kN

Ag f y
N d = design strength in compression =
γ mx

170.38 x10 2 x 250

= = 3872.3kN

1x3986.66 x10 3 x 250

M dz = = 906.05kNm
1.1x10 6

500 250
∴ + = 0.4 < 1.0
3872.3 906.05

Member buckling resistance in compression

Effective length of member = 0.8x6000=4800mm

kLz 4800
= = 19.22
rz 249.7

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 37

kLy 4800
= = 91.43
ry 52.5

h 600
= = 2.4; t f = 21.3 < 40mm
b 250

Buckling about zz axis (Buckling class ‘a’)

f cd = 227 − x1 = 226 N / mm 2
Buckling about minor axis (Buckling class ‘b’)

f cd = 134 − x16 = 131.7 N / mm 2

131.7 x17738
Safe compressive strength = = 2336kN > 500kN

Hence the section is conservative.

Member buckling resistance in bending

M d = β b Z p f bd

β b = 1.0 for plastic sec tion

α LT = Imperfection parameter = 0.21 for rolled steel section P54, cl 8.2.2

f cr ,b = extreme fibre bending compressive stress

1.1π 2 E  
1  LLT / ry 
f cr ,b = 1+   
(LLT ry )  20  h f / t f
2 
 

= 91.43

1.1π 2 x 2 x10 5  1  91.43  

f cr ,b = 1 +   
91.43 2  20  600 / 21.3  

= 259.48[1 + 0.527 ]
= 320.64 N / mm 2

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 38

λ L,T = Non dimensionless slenderness ratio

fy 250
= = 0.883
f cr ,b 320.64

φ LT = 0.5[1 + α LT (λ LT − 0.2) + λ2LT ]

[ (
Strength reduction factor = 0.5 1 + 0.21 0.883 − 0.2 + 0.863 2 )]
φ LT = 0.96

χ LT = bending stress reduction factor to account for lateral Torsional buckling

2 2
φLT + φLT − χ XL

χ LT = = 0.748
0.96 + 0.96 2 − 0.853 2

fy 250
f bd = χ LT = 0.748 x = 170 N / mm 2
γ mo 1.1

Elastic lateral buckling moment

M cr = β b Z p f cr ,b

M cr = Elastic lateral buckling moment

3986.66 x10 3 x320.64

M cr = = 1278.3kNm > 250kNm
10 6

Hence it is safe

Moment amplification factors

k Z 1 = 1 + (λ − 0.2 )

 500 
= 1 +  0.883 − 0.2  = 1.146
 2336 
P 500
k ZZ = 1 + 0.8 = 1 + 0.8 X = 1.171
Pdz 2336

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 39

ψz = =0

C mz = max[(0.6 + 0.4ψ ),0.4]

C mz = 0.6

P M 250
+ k z C mz 1 = 0.21 + 1.146 x0.6 x = 0.34 < 1
Pdz M cr 1278.3

Hence the section is safe against bending moment and axial force.

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 40

Questions on Compression members, Column Splices, Slab &
Gusset Bases and Connections between beams & columns

1. Design a single angle discontinuous strut (equal & unequal angle) to carry a
compressive force of 500kN. The c/c distance between the joints is 3m.
Design also the connections using
a) M24 bolts of property class 5.6
b) M24 HSFG bolts of property class 10.9
c) Equivalent welded connections

2. Repeat the above problem using double angles (on same side & on either side
of gusset plate) for a force of 1000kN.

3. A discontinuous double angle strut is placed back to back on the same side of
the gusset plate 8mm thick. The angles are ISA 125x95x8 with c/c distance
between the joints =3m. Calculate the safe load when:
a) connected by one bolt at each end
b) connected by two or more bolts at each end
What will the % change of load if the above angles are placed on either side of
the gusset plate?

4. A single angle discontinuous strut ISA 130x130x12 is 3m between centre to

centre of intersections. Calculate the safe load when:
i) connected by one bolt at each end
ii) connected by two or more bolts at each end

5. A truss member has a length of 3.5m between the centre of joints. The force in
the member is 150kN compression due to DL & IL; 200kN due to DL & WL.
Design the member and the connection to a 10mm thick gusset plate. Adopt
single equal angle; single unequal angle; double equal angles & double
unequal angles.

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 41

6. Compute the strength of the column shown in figure

7. Design a builtup column to carry an axial load of 1400kN with the length of
column being 8m. The column is effectively held in position at both ends, but
not restrained against rotation at both ends. The C/S of the column is:

a) Two channels back to back (heel to heel)

b) Two channels toe to toe separated & unseparated
c) Two I- sections - ISHB & ISMB
d) I- section with cover plates
e) Four angles – equal & unequal (arranged as square or rectangular
In all the cases, design also the lacings and battens, if applicable. Also, check
other end conditions as specified in the code. (Connections can be bolted or

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 42

8. a) Design a builtup column carrying an axial load of 1300kN. The height of
column is 7m & is effectively held in position at both ends, but restrained
against rotation at one end only. Adopt two channels toe to toe with the
width over the back of the channels being 400mm. Also, design a suitable
lacing and battens. Connections can be bolted or welded.

b) Repeat the design in 7a) with two channels back to back with a clear
spacing of 300mm between them.

9. Design a suitable slab base and gusset base in problems (6) & (7) assuming
plain concrete pedestal of grade M15. Design the pedestal also. Adopt suitable
bolts. SBC of soil is 150kN/m2.

10. Design a column using an ISHB section with cover plates to carry a
compressive load of 3000kN. The effective length of the column is 6m. Also,
design a suitable gusset base & plain concrete pedestal of M15 grade. Adopt
suitable bolts. SBC of soil is 200kN/m2

11. An upper storey column ISHB300 @ 58.8 kg/m carries a load of 1000kN & a
BM of 40kNm. It is spliced with a lower storey column ISHB400 @ 82.2
kg/m. Ends of the columns are machined. (Milled) Design a suitable splice.
Adopt suitable bolts or welds.

12. a) A column section ISHB400 @ 82.2 kg/m carries an axial load of 1200kN &
BM of 50kNm. Design a suitable column splice. Adopt bolts or welds of
suitable size.
b) Design a suitable splice for a 5m effective length ISHB450 @ 87.2 kg/m
column carrying an axial load of 1000kN & a BM of 50kNm. Assume the
surfaces to be unmilled. Adopt bolts or welds of suitable size.

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 43

13. An ISMB600 @ 122.6 kg/m transfer a reaction of 300kN framing into the
flange of a column ISHB400 @ 82.2kg/m. Design a suitable
a) Stiffened seated connection;
b) Unstiffened seated connection (simple seated)
c) Framed connection.
Adopt bolts or welds of suitable size.

14. Two secondary beams ISMB300 @ 58.8kg/m are directly welded on either
side of the web of the girder ISMB600 @ 122.6 kg/m. Each secondary beam
transfer an end reaction of 250kN. Design fillet field welded connection.

15. Repeat the above problem as a framed connection adopting bolts or welds of
suitable size.

16. A secondary beam ISMB400 @ 62.6 kg/m transmit an reaction of 300kN to a

main beam ISMB550 @ 86.9 Kg/m. Design a suitable framed connection
using bolts or welds of suitable size.

17. A stanchion factorial axial load of 750kN and factored Bending moment of
300 kNm. The effective length of the column is 5 m. Design the stanchion as
per IS 800:2007

18. A column of effective length 6.5m shown in fig is subjected to the design data
as follows.

Factored axial load at the top = 1250kN

Factored axial load at the bottom = 600kN

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 44

Moment about the major axis at the top = 100kNm
Moment about the major axis at the bottom = 55kNm
Check the adequacy of the section.

19. A column between the floor is provided with ISHB 300 @ 58.8kg/m.
Investigate its adequacy if the ultimate design loads and moments are as
Axial compression = 2500kN
Ultimate Moments at Top
About Major axis = 350kNm
About Minor axis = 50kNm
Ultimate Moments at Bottom
About Major axis = 175kNm
About Minor axis = -75kNm
Effective length of the column = 6.0m

Dr. K.U. Muthu

Sri H. Narendra

Department of Civil Engineering, MSRIT. KUM 45

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