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How To Become Immortal: 5 Ways!



How To Become Immortal: 5 Ways!

1. The matter of ‘how to become immortal’ has been the topic of discussion
since the beginning of history.

The beginning of history… It is quite interesting how we are taught to believe in

concepts that may not always be true. For instance, you are taught that there
is a beginning. And then, of course, logically any "beginning" consequently has
an "end". You  say “thank you” when someone gives you something. You are
trained  to react to a sad situation with sad feelings. Growing up you learned
that you are made of your body and mind. And therefore you are your mind and

We learned that death exists and nobody can escape it.


Usually, you look around and you do things that other people do. You get a job,
get married, have kids, get divorced, struggle to make money and so on. You
also live in a hurry all the time, because time not only exists but passes very
quickly. And, of course, if time passes you subsequently form the belief that
you will get old and eventually die…

Many times, because of the routine of your thoughts, the idea of how to
become immortal is not introduced  into your conscious mind. It remains
hidden in your subconscious. This may happen because you are not yet ready
to discover the secret of immortality (

For the whole article on ‘how to become immortal’ please read Is Immortality

Possible? (   

2. Science is another way by which you can approach the very subject

2. Science is another way by which you can approach the very subject
discussed here: how to become immortal.

Science talks about telomeres and how the degradation of the body is strictly
related to these telomeres ( Here is an
interesting video about this subject. For some strange reasons, I don't know
why the video ends suddenly...

Telomeres & Immortality Living Longer

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3. How to become immortal: Proof that people can live longer than


According to Wikipedia, Li Ching-Yuen (

Yuen) was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor, known for his
supposed extreme  longevity.  He claimed to be born in 1736, while disputed
records suggest 1677. Both claimed lifespans of 197 and 256 years old. Quite
interesting, huh?

Another interesting story is the story of Ben Abba

year-old-man-1898000.html), a man who claimed that he found an immortal
man of 2800 years old. He could not disclose his identity because of security

Abba says he has learned three important lessons from this immortal man:

a. Do not believe in fear. Believe instead in the “opposite of fear” which is love.

b. Do not believe in death. Believe instead in the “opposite of death” which is life.
c.  Do  not  live  your  lives  believing  in  fear  and  in  death,  but  instead,  live  your  lives
believing in love and in life.

This is a very interesting interview with Ben Abba talking about the secrets of
how to become immortal.

Ben Abba - Immortals living amoung us living amoung us

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4. The fourth method of becoming immortal is with the help of homeopathy


Homeopathy is a system of complementary medicine in which the pills are

made by diluting the matter. The more you dilute the matter, the more energy
you obtain in a pill. Before I continue with the explanation of what homeopathy
is, please watch the video below to see that we are all made of energy.

The Universe Is A Super Hologram. Everything Is Energy And Energ...

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So, when a pill is diluted you obtain more energy which interacts with your
body (which is also energy). Homeopathy has the principle that like attracts
like. In other words, if you do not suffer from a liver condition and you receive a
treatment  that is created  to cure a liver ailment, you could get your liver
sick. According to the video below, the same principle is created, but this time
with the purpose of  defeating death. A frog that died from natural causes is
used, and by obtaining a dilution (according to the principles of homeopathy)
you obtain a substance that can prevent death. Please see the video below for

Как сделать эликсир бессмертия (Elixir of Immortality)

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5. The 瀀㔄fth way in which you can become immortal is by reading the eBook

Even though I have presented other methods which may be helpful for you, I
have only experienced this one. Thus, I can say that you can discover the real
secret of 'how to become immortal' in the eBook
 Immortality by Chris George (

If you are interested in:

√ Spirituality

√ Dreams

√ Quantum Physics

√ Psychology

√ Esoteric ἀ渄eld

√ Lucid Dreaming

√ Law of Attraction

√ Paranormal

√ Deja-Vu

√ Metaphysics

Click the image or the text below!


Immortality - Revealed! (








How To Become Immortal: 5 Ways!

How To Become Immortal!

How to become immortal: 5 Ways!

Written by:

Chris George
Updated on: August 21, 2016
Published on: August 4, 2016

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