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Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the study, the conclusions based on

the findings and the recommendations drafted from the conclusions.

The study was conducted to assess the marketing strategies of balut and fishball vendors

in Angeles city. The descriptive study assess these marketing strategies using a questionnaire. The

study covered all the balut and fishball vendors around Angeles City specifically in Brgy. Pandan,

Salapungan and Lourdes. Fifteen (15) balut and fishball vendor were included in the study and a

total of 30 respondents.

The data collected were organized, tallied and analyzed using frequency counts, percentage

and mean.

The following are the major findings of the study:

1. Demographic profile of School Head Respondents

1.1 Age

The mean age of the balut vendors is 47.5 years old. The oldest is 66 years old and

the youngest is 25 years old. While the mean age of fishball vendor is 39.53 years old.

The oldest is 56 years old and the youngest is 16 years old.

1.2 Sex

The male balut vendors are 11 or 73.3% and 4 or 26.67% are female balut vendors.

While 90 or 60% are male fishball vendors and 4 or 40% are female fishball vendors.
1.3 Years of Selling

11 or 73.33% of 15 balut vendor respondents are 5 years and above in the business

and 1 or 6.67 % respondents are 3.5 years in the business. While the 6 or 40 % of 15

respondents are 3 to 5 years in the business and 4 or 26.67% respondents are 3 to 5

years in the business.

1.4 Place of Selling

6 or 40% of the balut vendors sell at near school areas and 2 or 13.33% of the

vendors sell at street corners and others. While 7 or 46.67% of the fishball sells at street

corners and only one or 6.67 % sells fishball in others.

` 1.5 Hours of Selling

10 or 66.67% of vendors sells for more than 5 hours and 2 or 13.33% sell balut for

1 to 3 hours. While 14 or 93.34 % sells for more than 5 hours and 0 sell fishball for 1

to 3 hours.

1.6 Start of selling

9 or 60% of the balut vendor starts selling balut between 4 pm to 6 pm and only 1

balut vendor starts selling balut between 12 noon to 2 pm. While 14 or 93.34% of the

fishball vendors starts selling fishball at others and only 1 or 6.66% of fishball vendor

starts selling between 12 noon to 2pm between 2pm to 4pm.

1.7 Arrived at home

Most of the balut vendors arrived at home in the time of 8:30 pm, 12 am and 2 am.

While most of the fishball vendors arrived at home in the time of 7 pm.
2. Strategies in maintaining cleanliness of balut and fishball vendors

73.33% of the Balut vendor respondents answered availability of trashcans, 0% answered

wiping the spilled sauce and 26.68% answered always monitoring the cleanliness of the store area.

In fishball vendor respondents, 53.33% answered availability of trashcans, 0% answered wiping

the spilled sauce and 46.67% answered always monitoring the cleanliness of the store area. This

indicates that the Balut and Fishball vendors Uses Trashcans as a strategy in maintaining the


3. Interaction of Vendors with customers

The Balut vendor respondents answered always smiling with a percentage of 53.33%,

26.67% answered having a small chat and 20% answered normal delivery in terms of interacting

with customers. In fishball vendor respondents 53.33% answered always smiling, 33.33%

answered having a small chat and 13.34% answered normal delivery. This indicates that the Balut

and Fishball Vendors always smile at their customers as a form of interaction.


On the foregoing findings the following conclusion are drawn:

1. Among the three barangay in Angeles City the demographic profile of the vendors were

described in terms of:

Age: the average age of balut vendor is 47.5 years old and the average age of the fishball vendor

is 39.53 years old.

Sex: 11 of the balut vendors are male and 4 are female. On the other hand, 9 of the Fishball Vendors

are male and 6 are female.

Years of selling: The longest are 11 balut vendors are 5 years and above in the business and the

shortest is 1 which is 3.5 years in the business. On the other hand, 6 fishball vendors are 5 years

and above the business while the shortest is 4 respondents are 3.5 years in the business

Place of selling: Most of the balut vendors sell near school areas and the least are 2 wherein they

sell at street corners. In fishball vendors most of them sells at street corners which is 7 vendors.

Hours of selling: The longest hour is more than 5 hours with 10 Balut vendors and 14 Fishball


Start of selling: Most of the balut vendors start selling between 4pm to 6pm and in fishball vendors

14 of them answered others

Arrived at home: Most of the balut vendors arrived at home in the time of 8:30, 12 am and 2 am

and most of the fishball vendors arrived at home in the time of 7 pm

2. Strategies in maintaining cleanliness of balut and fishball vendors

73.33% of the Balut vendor respondents answered availability of trashcans and 26.68 %

answered always monitoring the cleanliness of their store area. In fishball vendor respondents,

53.33% answered availability of trashcans and 46.67% answered always monitoring the

cleanliness of the store area. This indicates that the Balut and Fishball vendors Uses Trashcans as

a strategy in maintaining the cleanliness.

3. Interaction of Vendors with customers.

The percentage of 53.33% of Balut vendor respondents answered always smiling and

26.67% answered having a small chat in terms of interacting with their customers. In fishball

vendor respondents 53.33% answered always smiling, 33.33% answered having a small chat. This
indicates that the Balut and Fishball Vendors always smile at their customers as a form of



Based on the foregoing results, following recommendation are presented:

1. The fishball and balut vendors must consider the schedule of workers and student's break time

and dismissal. Also the place where there are more people.

2. Vendors must use personal protective equipment to look neatly. Vendors must have a trade mark

in their business or a gimik for advertising and uniqueness.

3. Vendors must be more accommodating and entertaining to the customers.

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