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Angela Merkel is a German politician and cancellor of Germany

since 2005. She is the most successful female leader in the world today.
She is one of only two EU leaders who have survived the economic
crisis (she has done more than that; she has triumphed). She is set to
become Europe's longest-serving elected female head of government.
Moreover, she has twice been named the world’s second most powerful
person following Vladimir Putin by Forbes Magazine. Likewise, in
2015, she was named the person of the year, also, by Forbes Magazine.
And it is the highest ranking ever achieved by a woman. Also, she
played a control role in the negotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the
Berlin Declaration. Merkel played a crucial role in managing the
financial crisis at the European and international level, and she has been
referred to as "the decider." In domestic policy, health care reform,
problems concerning future energy development and more recently her
government's approach to the ongoing migrant crisis have been major
issues during her Chancellorship.

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