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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov

Series VI: Medical Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 - 2016



Abstract: Ureterorenoscopy (URS) is a common procedure in the

urological practice. The objectives of this retrospective study were to
investigate number of patients who underwent ureteroscopy and also to point
out the complications of this procedure. 148 ureteroscopy were performed
and we identified 86 (58,10%) cases in the year 2015 and 62 patients
(41,89%) in the year 2016.The female/male ratio: 63 (42,56%): 85 (57,44%).
The mean patient age was 55,4 ± 8,2 in the female group compared to 61,2 ±
8,6 in the male group. All ureterorenoscopy were done in therapeutic (136
cases, 91,9%) or diagnosis (12 cases, 8,1%) purpose. The incidence of the
complications was 12,2 %. Rigid ureteroscopy is a procedure that is
demonstrated to be safe and efficient and it can easily be carried out to treat
upper urinary tract calculi or other pathologies.

Key words: ureterorenoscopy, ureteral stones, ureteral JJ stent.

1. Introduction nephrolithotomy [6]. The endoscopic

treatment of lithiasis is a technique with
Ureterorenoscopy (URS) is a common low morbidity, between 5 and 10 % [4].
procedure in the urological practice. The
technique was first described by Hugh 2. Objectives
Hampton Yang in 1912, using a rigid
cystoscope [9]. Improvements in the The objectives of this retrospective study
ureteroscopy design have made this were to investigate number of patients who
technique a high success rate procedure underwent ureteroscopy and also to point
with minimum morbidity and mortality [5]. out the complications of this procedure in
Urinary calculi are a common disease, the Emergency County Hospital, Braşov
affecting the patients in a ratio of 3 males Clinic of Urology.
to 1 women, with a higher incidence
between 40 and 50 years of age. 3. Material and Method
Ureteroscopy can be performer in case of
ureteral calculi or kidney calculi, being The retrospective study was performed
thus a serious alternative to percutaneous between 01 January 2015 – 30 October

Clinic of Urology, Emergency County Hospital, Brasov.
Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Faculty of Medicine, University Transilvania Brasov
* Correspondent author:
18 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VI • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 - 2016

2016 at Emergency County Clinical patients. The form of anesthesia used in

Hospital. The hospital medical registry was most of patients was general sedation,
reviewed for records of patients while in other selected cases we used
undergoing ureterorenoscopy. The spinal anesthesia.
inclusion criteria were: male and female Antibiotherapy (third generation
patients above 18 years old who had cephalosporin) were given to all patients
undergone ureterorenoscopy. It was before sedation and it was maintained at
included also information regarding patient least 24-48h after anesthesia.
demographic, characteristics of their We used a rigid ureteroscop (Karl Storz)
disease, details of surgery and as showed in Figure 1. The small calculi
postoperative period. were removed intact with forceps, while
All patients underwent laboratory and the large calculi were fragmented with
radiographic investigations (complete ballistic lithotripter in order to be
blood count, renal function test, urography, eliminated. The disintegrated fragments
reno-vesical x-ray, ultrasound, computer were either removed artificially (with
tomography). The follow-up data was forceps) or spontaneously eliminated.
collected and included information Depending on the patient condition and the
regarding: location of double J stent (if it medical decision, at the end of the
was placed), results of laboratory procedure a double J stent was placed.
investigations, presence of residual
fragments, presence of postoperative 3. Results
complications, days of hospitalization.
Postoperative complications included: Between 1 January 2015 and 30 October
urinary infection/sepsis, urine reflux, 2016, 148 ureteroscopy were performed in
hematuria. our clinic. The demographic characteristic
The ureterorenoscopy performed in our of the patients is showed in Table 1.
center were made after obtaining the
informed consent forms signed by all

Demographic characteristics of the study group Table 1

2015 2016
FEMALE 36 (41,8%) 50 (58,2%) 55,4± 8,2 28,2 ±3,6
MALE 27 (43,5%) 35 (56,5%) 61,2± 8,6 27,4±4,1

After the analysis of the study data we females and 85 (57,44%) males. The mean
identified 86 (58,10%) cases in the year patient age was 55,4 ± 8,2 in the female
2015 and 62 patients (41,89%) in the year group compared to 61,2 ± 8,6 in the male
2016. We consider important the analysis group.
of the male/female ratio: 63 (42,56%)
l. maxim et al.: Ureterorenoscopy: Indications and Complications 19



2015 2016

Fig. 2. Distribution of patients according to the year of study

All ureterorenoscopy were done in figure 3 are identified all the indications
therapeutic (136 cases, 91,9%) or for ureteroscopy included in this study.
diagnosis (12 cases, 8,1%) purpose. In

Extrinsec ureteral stenosis due to 3

invading tumors

Uretero-pelvic junction stenosis

Ureteral stent migration


Renoureteral lithiasis

Unclear images after IVP 4

Haematuria 8

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Diagnostic Therapeutic

Fig.3. Distribution of ureteroscopies regarding their purpose

In our clinic, we performed diagnostic cases (91,9%) in Emergency County

ureterorenoscopy in order to determinate Clinical Hospital. The indications for
the etiology of undiagnosed by other intervention were: Reno ureteral lithiasis
methods, of hematuria in 8 cases (5,4%) or (122 cases), post ESWL (4 cases), ureteral
in case of unclear images after intravenous stent migration (2 cases), ureteropelvic
pyelography (4 cases, 2.7%). junction stenosis (5 cases), and extrinsic
The ureterorenoscopy procedure was ureteral stenosis due to invading tumors (3
used in therapeutically purpose in 136 cases).
20 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VI • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 - 2016

Reno ureteral calculi: Extrinsic ureteral stenosis due to

Ureterorenoscopy was the main invading tumors
indication for ureteral stones, the In 3 cases (2,2%) where it was not possible
procedure being necessary in 122 cases to pass the stenosis area with the JJ stent, we
(89,7%). In 112 cases (91,8) we found performed rigid ureteroscopy, which allowed
single ureteral stones while in 10 cases us the installation of the stent.
(8,2%) we identified multiple stones. Ascended ureteral stents
Using this procedure for the treatment of We also found 2 cases (1,4%) of JJ stent
ureteral lithiasis we had stone- free rate of ascension, being considered a complication
81,2%. It is also well known that the of ureteroscopy or other interventions that
migration of the proximal ureteral calculi required ureteral stenting. In this cases we
are a cause of ureteroscopic failure, in our performed rigid ureteroscopy and it was
study we identified 4,05% cases. In a performed either the stent extractions,
percentage of 74,6% cases we identify either the reposition of the stent.
residual fragments after ureteroscopy and Post ESWL Stein Strasse
we applied double J stent. The rate of A condition which occurs in the moment
postprocedural early complications were when the fragments of the disintegrated
12,2% and were represented by: persistent calculus in the kidney or upper ureter
hematuria, ureteral reflux, septic descends down the ureter and lies one on
complications. top of the other appearing like a street
Uretero-pelvic junction stenosis packed with stones. We identified this
We performed ureteroscopy in 5 cases condition ion 4 cases (2,9%) We also
(3,6%) of uretero-pelvic junction stricture. investigated the cases where, during the
Primary stenosis was found in 4 cases and ureteroscopy, it was placed a JJ stent.
secondary stenosis (patients with personal From the total cases, in 121 it was
history of pyeloplasty and pyelolitotomy) required a placement of a JJ stent and in 27
in 1 case. The average length of the cases we didn’t performed this procedure.
uretero-pelvic junction stenosis was ~ 1 cm The distribution of the cases is exemplified
in Figure 4.



JJ stent placed Without JJ stent

Fig. 4. Distribution of cases according to the placement of a JJ stent

L. MAXIM et al.: Ureterorenoscopy: Indications and Complications 21

The incidence of the complications was didn’t identify any ureteric injury, stricture
another objective of our retrospective or ureteric perforation during our study.
study. Our results were according to the The distribution of the complications is
literature, with an incidence of 12,2% of shown in figure 5.
complications after ureteroscopy. We

Ureteroscopy 3


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Hematuria Stone migration

Vesical-ureteral reflux on stent Sepsis
Without complications

Fig. 5. Distribution of complications of ureteroscopy during the study period

4. Discussions investigated the free rate calculi after

ureteroscopy, and concluded that in 87.8%
Since the first use of ureteroscopy in of patients treated with this method, the
1912, performed by Hampton Young [9], cases were solved [7]. The technological
this technique has developed, becoming a advances of the ureteroscopy had led to an
useful method in the management of easy access to the upper urinary tract
ureteric calculi, used worldwide but also (kidney and urethra), with the absence of
for other urinary tract pathologies [3]. The surgical incision. The main advantage of
technique has become as effective as open URS is that the contra-indications for this
surgery, with low rates of mortality and procedure are minimum, almost all areas
morbidity. of the urinary tract being accessible.. The
A study of Fasihuddin Q et al from 2002, ureteral stricture is the main
on 125 patients treated with ureteroscopy contraindication for the ureterorenoscopy.
pointed out that the fragmentation and The literature points out the benefits of
extraction of ureteral calculi was URS, indicating that this procedure has
successful in 93,8% of cases [2], in 2,5 % low rates of complications, short
it was pointed out a stripping of mucosa hospitalization period and low rates of
[2]. Another study from 2003, on 30 morbidity and mortality [4].
patients with ureteral calculi concluded In the literature, it was also investigated
that the fragmentation of the calculi was the rate of complications of this procedure.
done in 95% of cases using Probably the most feared and also rare
ureterorenoscopy [8]. Park et al also complication of ureteroscopy is ureteral
22 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VI • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 - 2016

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