Analgesia Without Sedatives During Colonoscopies Worth Considering 2012

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Tech Coloproctol (2012) 16:271–276

DOI 10.1007/s10151-012-0834-5


Analgesia without sedatives during colonoscopies:

worth considering?
S. Eberl • B. Preckel • P. Fockens • M. W. Hollmann

Received: 11 March 2012 / Accepted: 17 April 2012 / Published online: 6 June 2012
Ó The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Colonoscopy is a proven method for bowel Introduction

cancer screening and is often experienced as a painful
procedure. Today, there are two main strategies to facilitate Screening by colonoscopy is a proven instrument for early
colonoscopy. First, deep sedation results in satisfied diagnosis of colorectal cancer. This is an important reason
patients but increases sedation-associated risks and raises why colonoscopies belong to the most frequently per-
costs for healthcare providers. Second, there is the advo- formed endoscopic procedures. In the Netherlands, there
cacy for colonoscopies without any form of sedation. This was a 64 % increase in colonoscopies from 2004 to 2009
might be an option for a special group of patients, but does [1]. However, motivating patients to participate in colon-
not hold true for everybody. Following Moerman’s oscopy screening continues to be a challenge.
hypothesis: ‘‘If pain is the crucial point, why do we need The lack of knowledge among patients about the nature
sedation?’’ this review shows the analgesic options for a of colonoscopy may be an important barrier hindering
painless procedure, increasing success rates without patients from accepting and undergoing such a screening
increasing risk of sedation. There are two agents, with the procedure. Commonly colonoscopy is associated with
potential to be a nearly ideal analgesic agent for colonos- anxiety and pain. Additionally, patients complain about
copy: alfentanil and nitrous oxide (N2O). Administration of disruption of normal daily activities by bowel preparation,
either substance causes the patient to be comfortable hangover effects from sedation [2], and need for an escort
yet alert and facilitates a short turnover. Advantages of after the procedure [3]. Dominitz et al. [4] stated that 25 %
these drugs include rapid onset and offset of action, anal- of patients, who never had a colonoscopy before, were
gesic and anxiolytic effects, ease of titration to desired willing to sacrifice, on average, 90 days of their life to
level, rapid recovery, and an excellent safety profile. avoid the screening procedure. However, after they had a
colonoscopy, this number decreased to almost 0 days.
Keywords Colonoscopy  Moderate sedation 
Alfentanil  N2O Pain and discomfort during colonoscopy

Pain during colonoscopy is considered to be visceral,

resulting from the activation of sensory afferent nerves that
innervate the intestines. The main factors involved include
S. Eberl (&)  B. Preckel  M. W. Hollmann stretching of the sigmoid wall and mesenteric attachments
Department of Anesthesiology, Academic Medical Center,
from looping of the colonoscope shaft and overinsufflation
University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9,
1100 DD Amsterdam, The Netherlands [5]. Visceral pain often triggers autonomic responses, for
e-mail: example, sweating, bradycardia, dizziness, hypotension,
and nausea.
P. Fockens
Although pain is a physiologic response to tissue dam-
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, age, it also includes emotional and behavioral responses
Amsterdam, The Netherlands based on individuals’ past experiences and cultural

272 Tech Coloproctol (2012) 16:271–276

background, which often seem to be resistant to analgesic responsible for sedation [17]. However, this permission
treatments. Pain is less well tolerated by younger females only concerns moderate, but not deep sedation.
with a low body mass index (BMI) and is better accepted This means deep sedation is likely to be more resource-
by older patients. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict intensive due to a higher need for specialized staff and
how painful the examination for the individual patient will monitoring [18]. The percentage of colonoscopies per-
be. formed with the participation of anesthesia professionals is
expected to rise from 23.9 % in 2007 to 53.4 % by 2015,
Sedation for colonoscopy respectively [19]. In view of this dramatic increase, health
insurance companies are attempting to restrict coverage for
Sedation during colonoscopy is currently a subject of anesthesia professional-delivered sedation [18].
debate; in the United States (US), sedation has become Deeply sedated patients may have inadequate sponta-
standard for colonoscopies, and different studies advocate neous ventilation and therefore may require assistance to
either moderate or deep sedation. Other parts of the world maintain a patent airway. Closed claim analyses of anes-
argue for medication-free colonoscopy [6–10]. In one US thesia suggest that serious injury can occur during deep
study, only 16.9 % of 434 patients were willing to undergo sedation, even with properly trained providers [20]. Coté
colonoscopy without sedation [11]. However, another et al. [21] found a percentage of 12.5 % sedation-related
study reported that in 23 % of patients, unsedated colon- hypoxemic events during propofol sedations performed by
oscopy could be performed with excellent patient satis- anesthesia nurses. In a review of over 20,000 reports in the
faction and an acceptable comfort level [12]. Eckardt et al. Clinical Outcomes Research Initiative Database, sedation-
[7] showed, in a study on 2,500 patients, that 95 % of all related complications occurred in 1.3 % [22]. The most
patients could undergo colonoscopy without sedation when common complications were respiratory depression
experienced colonoscopists and optimal equipment were (0.75 %) and cardiovascular events (0.49 %), delayed
present. Unfortunately, the authors did not report data on recovery of psychomotoric function, and delayed dis-
patient satisfaction. Nowadays, use of new colonoscopes charge. Furthermore, deeply sedated patients are not able to
[13], the water method [14], and experienced endoscopists change position from lateral decubitus to supine without
make colonoscopy without sedation possible for a moti- assistance, which makes it difficult to maneuver the patient.
vated group of patients. This finding is supported by Rex Moderate sedation was defined as a drug-induced
et al. [15]. Success rates depend on appropriate patient depression of consciousness in which patients could pur-
selection [10]. Male gender, higher levels of education, low posefully respond to verbal commands, and where spon-
preprocedural anxiety, and a personal preference for pro- taneous ventilation was adequate, without the risk of losing
cedures without sedation are predictors of a successful a patent airway [23]. The drugs most commonly used for
sedation-free procedure [11]. However, unpredictable moderate sedation are midazolam (47 %), other benzodi-
individual anatomic variations can result in inacceptable azepines (4 %), spasmolytics (11 %), and other drugs
discomfort for the patient and worse procedural conditions (5 %), mostly combined with an analgesic, for example
for the gastroenterologist. Baudet et al. [16] reported opioids (33 %) [24]. A combination of two or more anal-
increased complication rates during colonoscopy without gosedatives was used in 37 % of the procedures performed.
the use of sedation (57 vs. 22 %; P \ 0.001). This combination provides excellent analgosedation during
colonoscopy, but increases the risk of more deep sedation
Modes of analgosedation and more frequent respiratory depression.
The duration of action of the respective drugs might last
Sedation guidelines have universally defined levels of longer than the duration of the procedure, resulting in
sedation, reaching from moderate to deep sedation. prolonged recovery with a delay in hospital discharge,
Deep sedation is generally achieved using propofol, increased costs, and disruption of daily activities of the
which has a rapid onset and short duration of action, patients.
allowing for a reduced recovery time. Therefore, there is
increasing interest in propofol sedation among gastroente- The ideal agent
rologists. However, propofol has a relatively narrow ther-
apeutic range that enhances the risk of sedation-related The properties of an ideal analgesic agent for colonoscopy
cardiopulmonary events. Most states in the United States aiming at a comfortable yet alert patient and facilitating a
do not allow the use of propofol by non-anesthesiologists. rapid turnover of patients would include rapid onset and
The European guidelines concede the administration of offset, analgesic and anxiolytic effects, ease of titration to a
propofol to trained nurses or endoscopists who are solely desired level, rapid recovery, and an excellent safety profile

Tech Coloproctol (2012) 16:271–276 273

with the existence of a specific, rapidly acting antagonist— significant bradycardia, and impaired oxygen saturation
all this without the need for additional personnel. levels were additional disadvantages of remifentanil bolus
Following the hypothesis ‘‘If pain relief is adequate injection. Nonetheless, gastroenterologist and patient sat-
during colonoscopy, sedation is no longer being required’’ isfaction was higher, and duration of colonoscopy was
[25], the question arises whether analgosedation could be shorter compared with the propofol group. This could be
achieved using analgesics alone. Various studies on seda- explained by better cooperation of the patients. Similar
tion regimens have been published, but only a few con- results were reported by Fanti et al. [31] using remifentanil
centrated solely on analgesic agents [26–28]. patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) (0.5 lg/kg) in combi-
nation with midazolam.
Meperidine Moerman et al. [25] compared high-dose remifentanil
(0.5 lg/kg followed by 0.2 lg/kg/min) with propofol
Meperidine is a synthetic analgesic, which has its peak (1 mg/kg followed by 10 mg/kg/h). Adequate conditions
onset of action within 10–15 min and then lasts for 2 h for colonoscopy could be obtained using both drugs.
with a plasma half-life of 3–4 h. It is rapidly metabolized Emergence times and recovery of cognitive function were
to normeperidine, which undergoes renal excretion with an faster with remifentanil, and hemodynamic disturbances
elimination half-life of 17 h. The pharmacokinetic profile were reduced compared to propofol. Remifentanil-induced
strongly argues against the use of meperidine for relatively respiratory depression was found to be a significant prob-
short procedures like colonoscopies [29]. lem in this study. Patient satisfaction was significantly
higher in the propofol group than in the remifentanil group,
Fentanyl probably due to a deeper level of sedation after use of
propofol. Greilich et al. [32] compared remifentanil versus
Fentanyl is an opioid that has a faster recovery profile than meperidine in older patients undergoing colonoscopy.
meperidine. Onset of action is within about 1–2 min, peak Although overall satisfaction was the same in both groups,
effect occurs at 3–5 min, and duration of action ranges verbal pain and anxiety scores during parts of the proce-
between 30 and 60 min. dure were higher in the remifentanil group compared to the
For colonoscopies, fentanyl is usually combined with a meperidine group.
benzodiazepine or propofol. Only Lazaraki et al. [26] In a recent study by Manolaraki [33], the safety and
evaluated the efficacy and safety of fentanyl alone efficacy of remifentanil (loading dose of 1 lg/kg over 60 s
(\0.5 lg/kg, mean 36 lg) in comparison with midazolam followed by continuous infusion at a rate of 0.05–0.2 lg/
(2 mg, mean 4.6 mg). Fentanyl provided more rapid kg/min) during colonoscopy were compared with the
recovery than midazolam, combined with lower mean standard combination of midazolam and pethidine.
discomfort (0.4 vs. 1.0) and pain scores (2.59 vs. 4.43). No Although mean levels of pain with remifentanil were
adverse events occurred in the fentanyl group, whereas in higher than those with midazolam and pethidine, there was
the benzodiazepine group, a decrease in oxygen saturation no difference in patient and endoscopist satisfaction
was noted in 35 % of the patients. between the two groups. Patients in the remifentanil group
experienced significantly less respiratory depression, most
Remifentanil likely due to a careful titration of remifentanil to reach the
desired sedation level. It is important to note that a much
Remifentanil is an ultra short-acting synthetic opioid (onset faster discharge of patients in the remifentanil group was
30–60 s, peak effect after 2.5 min) with an analgesic observed. The necessity for continuous application and the
potency similar to that of fentanyl, and is metabolized by drug’s negative side effects (nausea, vomiting and possible
nonspecific esterases. Owing to remifentanil’s rapid sys- hemodynamic and respiratory complications) are serious
temic elimination, with a half-life of 8–10 min, it should limitations for routine use of remifentanil. Because only
have pharmacokinetic advantages in clinical situations trained users (anesthesiologists and anesthesia nurses)
requiring predictable termination of effect. Akcaboy et al. would administer remifentanil, additional staffing costs
[30] showed that low-dose remifentanil (0.05 lg/kg/min) will be associated with this analgesic regimen.
continuous and bolus injection—in combination with 2 mg
midazolam—can provide adequate sedation, amnesia, and Alfentanil
better analgesia with lower discomfort scores than propofol
infusion during colonoscopy. However, remifentanil Alfentanil is a short-acting l-opioid analgesic chemically
induced nausea and vomiting during the recovery phase related to fentanyl, but less lipophilic. Comparable to
and delayed patients’ discharge. Hemodynamic instability, remifentanil, alfentanil has a rapid onset of action. The
consisting of a significant drop in blood pressure and maximal analgesic and respiratory depressant effect occurs

274 Tech Coloproctol (2012) 16:271–276

within 1–2 min. Alfentanil is metabolized mainly within Nitrous oxide (N2O)
the liver, with only 1 % of the active substance found non-
metabolized in the urine. Thus, in patients with liver dys- Nitrous oxide is an inert gas of low solubility which is
function, a more prolonged and pronounced effect can be rapidly absorbed (within 60 s) and eliminated unchanged
expected. The terminal elimination half-life is 90–111 min. via the lungs. Available in a fixed 50:50 combination with
Dose dependency allows for achieving different levels of oxygen (EntonoxÒ/RelivopanÒ/LivopanÒ), it has been
awareness, cooperation, and psychomotor capacity more widely used as an analgesic in obstetric and dental practice
easily. for more than 160 years [37]. It has a rapid on and offset,
The only study addressing the use of alfentanil with minimal side effects. The analgesic effect is attributed
(10 lg/kg) for colonoscopies as a mono-drug was per- to the inhibition of N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA)—
formed by Di Palma et al. [27]. The authors compared receptors—and the anxiolytic and sedative effect to the
alfentanil with midazolam/alfentanil (n = 11) and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)—recep-
meperidine/midazolam (n = 11). Patients receiving tors. In animal studies, N2O induced the release of opioid
alfentanil (n = 13) were less likely to require oxygen peptides in the brainstem followed by the activation of
supplementation because of desaturation (8 vs. 55 % with descending noradrenergic inhibitory pathways. Hence,
alfentanil/midazolam and 27 % with meperidine/midazo- N2O modifies pain processing in the spinal cord and
lam) and suffered from less pain. There were no differ- induces analgesia—without loss of consciousness [38, 39].
ences in tolerance and discomfort, ease in operation, Welchman et al. [40] performed a systematic review
recovery time, complications, electrocardiogram (ECG) comparing N2O to intravenously administered opiates with
changes, and effects on blood pressure, and therefore, the or without midazolam in patients undergoing colonoscopy.
authors concluded that alfentanil alone had no further Unfortunately, only a small number of patients were
advantage. However, the safety aspect—significantly less included and great diversity existed among them. In addi-
desaturation episodes—makes the substance worth to be tion, no validated scores were used to assess patient satis-
examined in more detail. faction [41]. The data showed that N2O use on demand was
Usta et al. [34] compared patient-controlled analgesia not sufficient to adequately reduce pain, probably because a
(PCA) with alfentanil (mean 1,000 lg) versus fentanyl short lag time exists before analgesia is reached by N2O.
(mean 80 lg) for colonoscopies. Both opioids were given Løberg et al. [42] showed that N2O on demand is not an
in combination with midazolam (2.34 ± 0.96 mg in the effective substitute for intravenous medication in patients
alfentanil group and 2.16 ± 0.9 mg in the fentanyl group). undergoing colonoscopy. Combining a loading dose of
It is worth mentioning that analgesia was not completely N2O for 2 min with self-administration on demand there-
patient-controlled. Patients received a loading dose of after revealed N2O to be superior to standard fentanyl/
500 lg alfentanil and were then asked to request a further midazolam analgosedation in terms of pain scores, patient
bolus (by pushing the button) when they felt pain. If the satisfaction, and willingness to undergo the same procedure
sedation score exceeded 3 (OAA/S), further midazolam again using the same sedation regimen [43]. In contrast,
was added. Patients in both groups had the same satisfac- Forbes et al. [44] reported that EntonoxÒ was less effective
tion score after colonoscopy and were willing to undergo than meperidine/midazolam with respect to pain scores, but
the procedure again with the same analgesic regimen. No allowed for faster recovery. Prediction of painful maneu-
adverse events (e.g., respiratory depression and hemody- vers during colonoscopy is difficult, and the patient might
namic changes) were observed. As expected, recovery was use N2O too late to achieve an adequate pulmonary
significantly shorter with the use of alfentanil compared to concentration necessary for subsequent pain reduction.
fentanyl. The authors’ conclusion focused on alfentanil, Maslekar et al. compared continuous inhaled Entonox with
although midazolam was also administered as a sedative patient-maintained target controlled infusion with propofol.
agent. They found no differences between N2O and propofol
No other studies addressed the use of alfentanil for regarding pain relief, sedation, and mobility of the patients
colonoscopies. In neurosurgical patients undergoing ste- [45].
reotactic brain biopsy, Bilgin et al. [35] compared the N2O for short-acting procedures is considered safe [46].
effects of alfentanil, fentanyl, and remifentanil analgose- Onody et al. [47] analyzed 35,828 questionnaires and
dation combined with midazolam on hemodynamic and demonstrated an incidence rate of all adverse effects of
respiratory parameters. Alfentanil (10 lg/kg) initially led 4.4 %, 86 % of which were gastrointestinal (nausea,
to a reduction in minute volume and blood oxygen satu- vomiting) and neuropsychiatric (dizziness, headache, and
ration (SpO2), though without any clinically relevant hallucinations) disturbances.
respiratory depression. This effect was aggravated by The only proven toxic effect of N2O concerns interac-
additional sedation using benzodiazepines [36]. tion with vitamin B12, which also depends on duration

Tech Coloproctol (2012) 16:271–276 275

(6 h) and extent of exposure. Animal studies suggest a ventilation together with efficient active scavenging
problem associated with chronic exposure to N2O. The systems.
exact level of exposure that induces patient harm cannot be Alfentanil is a strong analgesic, facilitating a fast turn-
predicted. Only long-term exposure to N2O in sufficient over of satisfied, pain-free patients, who are able to coop-
concentrations seems to produce irreversible, toxic changes erate with the endoscopist. Its respiratory depressant effects
and has been associated with reproductive, hematologic, are without clinical impact. Moreover, all actions of
immunologic, neurologic, liver, and kidney disorders. alfentanil can be immediately reversed by naloxon, making
Hence, administration of N2O to patients for a short-term the substance safe in general use.
colonoscopic procedure seems to be safe. Attention should Further studies are needed to assess efficiency and last
be paid to the safety of personnel working in environments but not least patient and physician satisfaction levels with
in which N2O is used the whole day, especially without an use of these two forms of analgesia.
adequate extraction system.
The safety level for N2O exposure is yet not clearly Conflict of interest This study does not have any financial support
from manufacturer or other sources. None of the authors has any
defined. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and conflict of interest to declare.
Health recommended an exposure limit for N2O of 25 parts
per million (ppm) as a time-weighted average for a normal Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
8-h workday and a 40-h workweek [48]. The American Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, dis-
tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists has author(s) and the source are credited.
assigned N2O a threshold limit value of 50 ppm as a time-
weighted average. In Germany, the Occupational exposure
limit is 100 ppm [49]. Lacking exact data, it is important to
minimize exposure. References
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