Voy 022-B - Jose To Sikka - Passage Plan

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Document Reference: Mideast / FMS

Revision No. 010/ May 2017

Company Forms Manual
Section: 3



Berth to Berth Passage Plan


Voyage No: 22B

Passage plan conference held at _______________ hrs on ______________.


Prepared by (Rank / Sign) Navigating Officer (Rank / Sign)


Navigating Officer (Rank / Sign) Approved by Master (Name / Sign) Navigating Officer (Rank / Sign)
Mideast Form No. 500
Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Form Manual Revision No. 010 / May 2017
Section: 3

Passage Plan

Vessel Name: WEDYAN ETD 05/09/2018 12:00 LT Max Dep. Draft 22.50 m
Voyage No 22B ETD Time Zone (+ / -) -4.0 Max Arrival Draft 22.50 m
From JOSE, VENEZUELA Min UKC Acceptable to
ETA 09/10/2018 14:45 LT Master
2.50 m

To SIKKA, INDIA ETA Time Zone (+ / -) 5.5

Ordered Speed 12.50 kts Weather Routeing AWT, MET MANAGER, ROUTEING CHARTS

Appraisal & Planning Checklist

Ocean Passages of the Routeing Charts TideTables Ship's manoeuvring

World Data
Sailing Directions Vessels Contingency Distance Tables Experience of
Plans Officers
Charts for intended Load-Line Chart Climatic Mariner's Handbook
passage Information
Ocean Routes Draught of Ship Navigational Aids Port Information from
available any source
Tidal stream Electronic Navigation List of Lights
YES Navigational YES Warnings YES YES
Systems Info
Weather Forecasts YES Charts corrected to UKC YES Others YES
NTM week No 37/18
Radio Signals (ALRS) YES AWRP Areas YES

Route Assessement

Option Summary of Route Distance Reason for Selecting Bunker / FW ROB on Departure
From Tables Measured Route 1
1st Route Opted Depart from JOSE VENEZUELA passing Atlantic Safest, Shortes Route for the
ocean, Cape Town, Durban , Indian ocean Gulf of month and meeting Company
Kachchh and destination Sikka 10353.9 Nm 10353.3 Nm Requirements H.O. MT

2nd Alt. Route


Sailing Directions in Use 7A, 71, 5, 2, 3, 39, 38, 39, 64,

L.O. Litres
Charts in Use - (Attach a list of T&P notices See attached list of ENC and T&P's FW Mt
applicable to the voyage charts with the
passage plan.)
Chief Engineer Sign

Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No. 010 / May 2017
Section: 3
Passage Plan

Communication Routines (Names, Type and Frequency of Routine Messages to be Sent)

Managers: Mideast Ship Management Ltd-

Owners: National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia (NSCSA)

Charterers Reliance Jamnagar

Sub Charterers: N/A

Agents: Sea Port Agency Puerto La Cruz, GAC Agency India

Navtex stations: Curacao (H), Capetown (C), Port Elizabeth (I), Durban (O), Mahe (T), Muscat (M), Karachi (P).


Mandatory Notifications: Puerto LA Cruz VTS on Departure, SISTRAM , SAFREP, Durban Port Control, UKMTO, Gulf of Kachchh, Reliance Port Control

AWRP areas transiting: Indian Ocean Transit

Local Area Information

DEPARTURE AREA VHF Channels Contingency Plans Abort Position Anchoring Plan

Place Pilots 16,12 Safety/Weather: 16

JOSE Port Control 16/14/13 Terminal: 10/09/16 VE40041 VE40041

As Marked on Chart: As Marked on Chart: As Marked on Chart:
0 0
VENEZUELA Agents 16 Emgcy response 16

ARRIVAL AREA VHF Channels Contingency Plans Abort Position Anchoring Plan

Place Pilots 78,79 Safety/Weather: 16

SIKKA Port Control 71/16 Terminal: 68/71 As Marked on Chart: IN42083A As Marked on Chart: IN42083A As Marked on Chart: IN42083A
INDIA Agents 16 Emgcy response 16

ENROUTE Area 1 VHF Channels Contingency Plans Abort Position Anchoring Plan

Place Pilots 16 Safety/Weather: 16

DURBAN Port Control 09/16 Terminal: N/A As Marked on Chart: ZA300100 As Marked on Chart: ZA300100 As Marked on Chart: ZA300100
SOUTH AFRICA Agents 16 Emgcy response 16

ENROUTE Area 2 VHF Channels Contingency Plans Abort Position Anchoring Plan

Place Pilots N/A Safety/Weather:

Port Control N/A Terminal: As Marked on Chart: As Marked on Chart: As Marked on Chart:
Agents Emgcy response

Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
Section: 3
Plan & Execution Pilotage

Passage Plan Arrival

Total Dist: 10325.7 Nm Coastal

WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

DEPARTURE cheks to be carried

out, follow company check lists.
BWL-II / III. Master on bridge.
Master conn. E/Room manned,
SBE. Nav.Pilot on board, co-
Stbd/ SEE operate close with pilot and follow
instructions/ orders. Master/Pilot
Bahia de ATTACHE
0 1&2 10 ° 9.1 ' N 064 ° 50.1 ' W 047 ° 3.5 Nm 10325.7 Nm Departure Medium 5 / 10 min GPS Radar Visual 5.0 kts exchange info to be completed &
Pozuelos/ D UKC followed . Preparation for pilot
1.9' CALC disembarkation. Avoid no go areas,
apply P.I. as marked in ECDIS.
Hand steering engaged. Echo
sounder printer on. Monitor UKC
and traffic around. Stand by on VHF
Ch 16/13/09. Pilot disembarked.


VSL A/C to 338(T). to Drop Anchor

for Inspection .Report to port control
, after vessel is anchored, status in
AIS to be changed, 1 ball fwd to be
raised, anchor lights on. BWL I - II /
Master/OOW conn. E/R Manned/
S.B.E. / F.W.E. Apply P.I. as
marked in ECDIS .Adjust position
freq. as required. Hand steering
Stbd/ Isla engaged, 2 S/G motors on. Check
stream and tides table and routeing
1 1&2 10 ° 11.5 ' N 064 ° 47.5 ' W 338 ° 5.4 Nm 10322.2 Nm Pilotage Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual 10.0 kts 10.00 m charts, strong currents in area.Echo
os/ sounder printer on. Monitor UKC.
2.8' Mark swing circle in ECDIS, and
monitor ship's position. Anti piracy
watch, thefts have been reported in
area. Pre-sailing checks to be done.
Company check lists to be followed.
AIS status to be changed. Report to
Puerto la Cruz VTS on VHF Ch
13/16 when anchor aweigh. Stand
by all times VHF Ch 16/13 & MF/HF
DSC freq. Monitor weather forecast.


VSL A/C to 009(T). BWL I / II E.R.-

SBE Manned. C.O.S.P. vessel on
the way to destination Sikka, India.
Apply P.I. Avoid and observe
shallow patch in the area. as
marked in the ECDIS. Adjust
position freq. as required. Hand/
Stbd/ I. la Auto steering engaged. Echo
Borracha/ sounder printer on & off as marked
3.4'// in ECDIS. Check tide tables and
routeing charts, strong currents in
2 1&2 10 ° 16.5 ' N 064 ° 49.5 ' W 009 ° 55.1 Nm 10316.8 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual Stbd/ 12.5 kts 20.00 m area. Monitor UKC. Give wide berth
Punta of all traffic, beware of fishing
Arenas/ marks, buoys and vessels. Manual
17.9 position to be plotted.Stand by all
times VHF Ch 16 & MF/HF DSC
freq. Monitor weather forecast.
Manual position to be plotted when
vessel passing close to shore.
plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM)


A/C to 056(T).Vsl Passing NW of

Isla de Margarita, strong current
may encounter. Apply P.I. as
marked in ECDIS. Follow caution
and adjust position freq. as per
marked in ECDIS. BWL 1. E/Room
Stbd/ Manned/UMS. Give wide berth to
Robledal all traffic. Auto pilot engaged.
3 1&2 11 ° 11.0 ' N 064 ° 41.0 ' W 056 ° 70.1 Nm 10261.7 Nm Coastal Medium 30 min GPS Radar Visual 12.5 kts 35.00 m
Point/ .Monitor UKC. Stand by all times
16.8 VHF Ch 16 & MF/HF DSC freq.
Monitor weather forecast. Manual
position to be plotted when vessel
passing close to shore. Check
messages affecting route ( +- 50

Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

VSL to keep 090(T). Vsl Passing

NW of Isla de Margarita. BWL 1,
OOW conn. Follow caution and
adjust position freq. as per marked
ECDIS. BWL 1. E/Room Manned
/UMS. Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG. Beware of strong
4 1&2 11 ° 50.0 ' N 063 ° 42.0 ' W 090 ° 36.2 Nm 10191.6 Nm Ocean Medium 30 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW currents in area, check tide stream
tables and routeing charts. Current
up to 2 kts Dir W. Monitor UKC.
plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM). Celestial observation to be
obtained when weather permits.
Monitor weather forecast.

A/C to 103(T). Strong current may

encounter, up to 2 kts Dir. West.
BWL , OOW conn. Follow caution
and adjust position freq. as per
marked in ECDIS. BWL 1. E/Room
Manned/UMS. Give safe berth to
all traffic. Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG.beware of info in ECDIS.
5 1&2 11 ° 50.0 ' N 063 ° 5.0 ' W 103 ° 65.8 Nm 10155.4 Nm Ocean Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW Vessel in ocean passage celestial
observation to be obtained, when
weather permits. Check NAVTEX &
NAV WARNING, plot messages
affecting route ( +- 50 NM). Stand
by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all
times. Monitor Weather forecast.
Beware of passing through
unassessed area.


A/C to 090(T). Vessel passing

South of Grenada Island & North of
Tobago Island. Vsl may encounter
traffic in the area. BWL 1. OOW
conn. E/Room Manned/ UMS. Keep
sharp look out . Give wide berth to
Stbd/ all traffic. Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG. Bewere of info. in
6 1&2 11 ° 35.0 ' N 062 ° 0.0 ' W 090 ° 88.2 Nm 10089.6 Nm Coastal Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual Tobago/ 12.5 kts DW ECDIS. Manual position to be
14.4' plotted when vessel passing close
to shore. Check NAVTEX & NAV
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel
passing through unassessed area.


A/C to 119(T). Vsl North East of

Tabago Island. Apply P.I. as
marked in ECDIS Adjust position
freq. . BWL 1. E/Room Manned
/UMS. Keep sharp look out. Give
Stbd / wide berth to all traffic. Auto pilot
engaged. Follow COLREG. Bewere
7 1&2 11 ° 35.0 ' N 060 ° 30.0 ' W 119 ° 671.8 Nm 10001.4 Nm Coastal Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual Tobago/ 12.5 kts DW of info in ECDIS. Check NAVTEX &
13.6' NAV WARNING, plot messages
affecting route ( +- 50 NM). Stand
by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all
times. Monitor Weather forecast.
Stand by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF DSC
freq all times.

A/C to 119(T). BWL 1. OOW Conn.

E/Room Manned/UMS. Keep sharp
look out . Give wide berth to all
traffic. Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG. Beware of information in
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
8 1&2 06 ° 13.8 ' N 050 ° 36.5 ' W 119 ° 685.5 Nm 9329.6 Nm Ocean Medium 120 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
against (NW) in area up to 2 kts,
check routeing charts. Vessel exit
MARPOL Annex V, inform Ch/Off &
Galley depart. Vessel enter
SISTRAM, sailing plan to be sent.


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

A/C to 118(T).BWL 1. E/Room

Manned/UMS. Keep sharp look
out . Give wide berth to all traffic.
Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG. Beware of info in ECDIS.
plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
9 1&2 00 ° 46.5 ' N 040 ° 36.9 ' W 121 ° 531.4 Nm 8644.1 Nm Ocean Low 120 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW Weather forecast. Vessel in ocean
passage, celestial observation to be
obtained when weather permits.
Strong current against (NW) in area
up to 2 kts. SISTRAM position
reporting to be sent daily noon.
Vessel in ocean passage (Atlantic).
Master's standing & night orders to
be followed.


A/C to 127(T). Keep away of

shallow patch on starbrd side as per
marked on chart..BWL 1. E/Room
Manned /UMS. Give wide berth to
all traffic. Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG. Beware of information in
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
10 1&2 03 ° 47.9 ' S 033 ° 4.6 ' W 131 ° 1028.0 Nm 8112.7 Nm Ocean Low 120 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
against (NW) in area up to 2 kts.
SISTRAM position reporting to be
sent daily noon. Vessel in ocean
passage (Atlantic). Master's
standing & night orders to be


A/C to 124(T). BWL 1. E/R

Manned/UMS. Keep sharp look
out . Give safe berth to all traffic.
Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG .Beware of information in
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
11 1&2 15 ° 0.0 ' S 020 ° 0.0 ' W 124 ° 694.7 Nm 7084.7 Nm Ocean Low 120 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
against (NW) in area up to 2 kts.
SISTRAM position reporting to be
sent daily noon. Vessel in ocean
passage (Atlantic). Master's
standing & night orders to be
followed. Navarea to be changed
from V to VII

A/C to 123(T).Vsl cruising South

Atlantic ocean.BWL 1. E/Room
Manned /UMS. Keep sharp look out
. Give safe and wide berth to all
traffic. There could be small boats
or leisure boat in the area. Auto pilot
engaged. Follow COLREG. Beware
of information in ECDIS. Master's
standing & night orders to be
followed. Check NAVTEX & NAV
12 1&2 21 ° 33.0 ' S 010 ° 0.0 ' W 123 ° 656.1 Nm 6390.0 Nm Ocean Low 120 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
against (NW) in area up to 2 kts.
reports to be sent, log position, date
and time, inform Master.


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

A/C to 117(T).Vsl cruising South

Atlantic ocean.BWL 1. E/Room
Manned /UMS. Keep sharp look out
.To keep an good look out . Give
safe berth to all traffic. Vsl on auto
pilot. Follow COLREG. Bewere of
information in ECDIS. Check
messages affecting route ( +- 50
13 1&2 27 ° 33.0 ' S 000 ° 0.0 ' E 117 ° 585.8 Nm 5733.9 Nm Ocean Low 120 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF
DSC freq all times. Monitor Weather
forecast. Vessel in ocean passage,
celestial observation to be obtained
when weather permits. Strong
current against (NW) in area up to 2
kts. SAFREP position reporting to
be sent daily noon. Keep clear of
Vema Seamount stbd/side aprox 22


A/C to 112(T).Vsl cruising South

Atlantic ocean.BWL 1. E/Roon
Manned /UMS. Keep sharp look out
. Give safe berth to all traffic. Auto
pilot engaged. Follow COLREG.
Bewere of information in ECDIS.
plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
14 1&2 31 ° 56.0 ' S 010 ° 0.0 ' E 112 ° 542.0 Nm 5148.1 Nm Ocean Low 120 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW Weather forecast. Vessel in ocean
passage, celestial observation to be
obtained when weather permits.
Strong current against (NW) in area
up to 2 kts. SAFREP position report
to be sent daily noon. Vessel enter
Marpol Annex I, log down position
date and time. Vesse; passing
South Africa Cape Town. Keep min
25 NM from coast.


A/C to 075(T).BWL 1. E/Room

Manned /UMS. Keep sharp look out
. Give safe berth to all traffic. Auto
pilot engaged. Follow COLREG.
Bewere of information in ECDIS.
Bewere of information in ECDIS.
plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
15 1&2 35 ° 21.0 ' S 020 ° 0.0 ' E 075 ° 38.2 Nm 4606.1 Nm Ocean Low 30 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW Weather forecast. Vessel in ocean
passage, celestial observation to be
obtained when weather permits.
Strong current Benguela against
(SW) in area up to 2-3 kts. SAFREP
position report to be sent daily
noon. Vessel passing Cape
Agulhas, SAFREP position report to
be sent. Echo sounder printer on.
Keep vessel min. 25 NM from


A/C to 085(T). Give safe berth to all

traffic. BWL 1, OOW conn. E/Room
Manned/UMS. Auto pilot engaged.
Follow COLREG. Bewere of
information in ECDIS. Check
messages affecting route ( +- 50
NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF
P/ DSC freq all times. Monitor Weather
RACON forecast. Vessel in ocean passage,
16 1&2 35 ° 11.0 ' S 020 ° 45.0 ' E 085 ° 70.9 Nm 4567.9 Nm Ocean Medium 30 min GPS Radar Visual 12.5 kts DW
(X) / celestial observation to be obtained
12.1' when weather permits. Strong
current Benguela & Aguhas against
(SW) in area up to 3-4 kts check
routeing charts. SAFREP position
report to be sent daily noon. Keep
min. 25 NM from coast. Use P.I. for
position fix. Vessel passig South of
Alphard Banks. Manual position to
be plotted.


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

A/C to 079(T). BWL I / E/Room

Manned/UMS. Keep vessel min.
25NM away from shore. Sharp look
out. Vessel passing TSS South
Africa, keep clear of underwater
obstruction, wells, platforms and
P/ traffic. Follow COLREG. Bewere of
information in ECDIS. Check
17 1&2 35 ° 5.0 ' S 022 ° 11.0 ' E 079 ° 10.1 Nm 4497.0 Nm Ocean Low 10 min GPS Radar Visual RACON 12.5 kts DW NAVTEX & NAV WARNING, plot
(M) / 6.7' messages affecting route ( +- 50
NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF
DSC freq all times. Monitor Weather
forecast.Strong current Agulhas
against (W-SW) in area up to 4 kts.
SAFREP position report to be sent
daily noon. Echo sounde printer on.


A/C to 086(T). BWL I / II. E/Room

Manned/UMS. Maintain min. 25-Nm
away from shore. Keep clear of
wrecks and platform in the
area.keep sharp look out. Give wide
berth to all traffic. Follow COLREG .
Bewere of information in ECDIS.
P/ plot messages affecting route ( +-
18 1&2 35 ° 3.0 ' S 022 ° 23.0 ' E 086 ° 73.4 Nm 4486.9 Nm Ocean Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual RACON 12.5 kts DW 50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
(M) / 5.5' MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
Weather forecast. Vessel in ocean
passage, celestial observation to be
obtained when weather permits.
Strong current Agulhas against (W-
SW) in area up to 5 kts, check
routeing charts. SAFREP position
report to be sent daily noon. Echo
sounder printer on.


A/C to 078(T). BWL I / II. E/R

Manned/UMS. Maintain min. 25-Nm
away from shore. Keep clear of
wrecks, wells and platforms in the
area. Keep sharp look out. Give
swide berth to all traffic. Follow
COLREG . Bewere of information in
ECDIS. Auto pilot engaged. Check
messages affecting route ( +- 50
19 1&2 34 ° 58.0 ' S 023 ° 52.0 ' E 078 ° 88.7 Nm 4413.5 Nm Coastal Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF
DSC freq all times. Monitor Weather
forecast. Vessel in ocean passage,
celestial observation to be obtained
when weather permits. Strong
current Agulhas against (SW) in
area up to 5 kts, check routeing
charts. SAFREP position report to
be sent daily noon. Exit Marpol
Annex I, log down psn , date &


A/C to 066(T). BWL I . E/R

Manned/UMS. Maintain 25Nm away
from shore as per regulation.Keep
clear of wrecks and platform in the
area.keep sharp look out.vsl on
chared course. Auto pilot engaged.
Give safe berth to all traffic. Follow
COLREG . Bewere of information
20 1&2 34 ° 39.0 ' S 025 ° 37.0 ' E 066 ° 130.5 Nm 4324.8 Nm Ocean Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
Agulhas against (SW) in area up to
5-6kts. SAFREP position report to
be sent daily noon.


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

A/C to 043(T). BWL I . E/Room

Manned/UMS. Maintain min. 25-Nm
away from shore as per regulation.
Keep sharp look out and clear from
wells showing in ECDIS. Give wide
berth to all traffic. Auto pilot
engaged. Follow COLREG .
Bewere of information in ECDIS.
21 1&2 33 ° 45.0 ' S 028 ° 0.0 ' E 043 ° 224.8 Nm 4194.3 Nm Ocean Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
Weather forecast. Vessel in ocean
passage, celestial observation to be
obtained when weather permits.
Strong current Agulhas up to 3-4 kts
against (SW) in area up to 2 kts.
SAFREP position report to be sent
daily noon. Security level 1.


A/C to 007(T).BWL I / II. E/R

Manned. Call Master/ 1 Hr notice to
E/Room for S.B.E. Pre arrival
checks, Hand steering engaged,
S/G test, 2 S/G motors on, E/Room
Manned, S.B.E. Master Conn, BWL
2 , Call Durban port control on VHF
Ch 09 when passing 'A' reporting
line (12 NM) and pass ETA to OPL.
Report to Durban port control when
passing 'B' reporting line (6 NM) as
marked in ECDIS. Abort position as
marked in ECDIS, in case of
emergency. Keep sharp look out as
vessel is OPL . Give wide berth to
all traffic. Auto pilot engaged. Follow
22 1&2 31 ° 0.0 ' S 031 ° 0.0 ' E 007 ° 68.4 Nm 3969.5 Nm Coastal Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual 10.0 kts DW COLREG . Bewere of information in
Bluff/ 4.5' ECDIS. Echo sounder printer on.
Contingency anchorage on port
side close to The Bluff point, as
Marked in ECDIS. . Follow
COLREG . Bewere of information in
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
against (NW) in area up to 2 kts.
SAFREP position report to be sent
daily noon.

A/C to 063(T). BWL I/ II, Mater /

OOW conn. E/Room/
Manned/UMS. Keep sharp look out.
Give wide berth to all traffic. Follow
COLREG Regulation. Report to
Durban port control on VHF Ch 09
when passing 'B' & 'A' reporting
lines outbound. Bewere of
information in ECDIS. weather
forecast to monitor all the
P/ time.SAFREP position report to be
sent daily noon. Follow COLREG .
23 1&2 29 ° 52.0 ' S 031 ° 9.0 ' E 063 ° 69.8 Nm 3901.1 Nm Coastal Medium 30 min GPS Radar Visual 5.0 kts DW Bewere of information in ECDIS.
3.4' plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
09 ,MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
Agulhas against (SW) in area up to
3-4 kts. SAFREP position report to
be sent daily noon. cho sounder
printer off. Security level 1.


A/C to 041(T). BWL I / E/Room/

UMS. Keep sharp look out.vsl on
charted course. Give wide berth to
all traffic. Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG . Bewere of information in
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
24 1&2 29 ° 20.0 ' S 032 ° 20.0 ' E 041 ° 264.8 Nm 3831.3 Nm Ocean Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
against (NW) in area up to 2 kts.
Exit SAFREP, final report to be
sent. Security level 1.

Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

A/C to 032(T). BWL I / II. OOW

conn. E/Room Manned/ UMS.
Follow COLREG Regulation.
Bewere of information in ECDIS. .
Follow COLREG . Check NAVTEX
& NAV WARNING, plot messages
affecting route ( +- 50 NM). Stand
by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all
25 1&2 26 ° 0.0 ' S 035 ° 35.0 ' E 032 ° 905.7 Nm 3566.5 Nm Ocean High 120 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW times. Monitor Weather forecast.
Vessel in ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current
Aguqulhas against (SW) in area up
to 2 kts. Vessel passing
Mozambique channel. Auto pilot
engaged. Security level 1.

A/C to 040(T). BWL I. E/Room

Manned/UMS. . Follow COLREG .
Bewere of information in ECDIS.
plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
P/ Weather forecast. Vessel in ocean
Anjouan passage, celestial observation to be
26 1&2 13 ° 10.3 ' S 043 ° 59.8 ' E 040 ° 91.9 Nm 2660.8 Nm Coastal Medium 30 min GPS Radar Visual 12.5 kts DW obtained when weather permits.
Island /
6.4' Strong current against (SW) in area
up to 2 kts. Auto pilot engaged.
Vessel passing between Anjouan &
Comores Islands. Beware of fishing
vessels, nets, fishing marks in area.
Keep clear from Mayotte marine
nature reservation (PSSA). Security
level 1.


A/C to 040(T). BWL I / II . E/Room

Manned/UMS. Vessel enter AWRP,
log down date, time & psn, inform
Captain. . Follow COLREG .
Bewere of information in ECDIS.
plot messages affecting route ( +-
27 1&2 12 ° 0.0 ' S 045 ° 0.0 ' E 040 ° 156.1 Nm 2568.9 Nm Ocean Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW 50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
Weather forecast. Vessel in ocean
passage, celestial observation to be
obtained when weather permits.
Strong current against in area up to
2 kts, check routeing charts.
Security level 1.

A/C to 034(T). Vessel. BWL 1.

E/Room/ UMS. Give wide berth to
all traffic. Auto pilot engaged. Follow
COLREG Regulation. Bewere of
information in ECDIS. . Follow
COLREG . Bewere of information in
P/ WARNING, plot messages affecting
Assumpti route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
28 1&2 10 ° 0.0 ' S 046 ° 41.0 ' E 034 ° 362.7 Nm 2412.8 Nm Coastal Medium 30/ 60 min GPS Radar Visual on 12.5 kts DW Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
Island / ocean passage, celestial
16.9' observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Strong current in
area check routeing charts. Vessel
in Indian Ocean passage, passing
south of Assumption Island. Vessel
enter UKMTO 10'S, log down date,
time & position and inform Captain.
Security level 1.


A/C to 034(T). BWL 1. E/Room/

Manned/ UMS. BWL I, OOW conn.
Keep sharp look out. Give wide
berth to all traffic. Auto pilot
engaged. Follow COLREG
Regulation. Beware of information
in ECDIS. . Follow COLREG .
plot messages affecting route ( +-
50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 &
29 1&2 05 ° 0.0 ' S 050 ° 5.4 ' E 034 ° 1610.4 Nm 2050.1 Nm Ocean Medium 60/30/10 mi GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
Weather forecast. Vessel in ocean
passage, celestial observation to be
obtained when weather permits.
Strong current in area up to 3 kts dir
NE, check routeing charts. Vessel
enter High Risk Area, log down
date, time & position, inform Master.
Security level to be increased to
level 2. Anti piracy watch to be
maintained all times.


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

VSl to keep 034(T). BWL 1/2. E/R

mann/ums. Keep sharp look
out.Vessel on charted course. Give
wide berth to all traffic. Auto pilot
engaged. Follow COLREG
Regulation. Beware of information
in ECDIS. Vessel out of High Risk
Area, log down date, time &
position, inform master. Security
level 1. Check NAVTEX & NAV
30 1&2 17 ° 22.4 ' N 065 ° 0.0 ' E 034 ° 335.6 Nm 439.7 Nm Ocean Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts DW WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. At the end of leg,
swich on echo sounder printer,
anchor lashings off. Call Master, 1
Hr notice to E.Room for S.B.E.
Steering gear test, 2 S/G motors on.

Vsl A/C to 060(T). BWL-2 , ERoom-

manned/UMS. Keep vsl in safety
fairway.. Bewere of information in
ECDIS. Monitor UKC, echo sounder
printer on, master on bridge,
S.B.E. , 2 S/G motors on, Hand
steering engaged. Check list # 5 to
be followed. Change status
Constrained by her Draft in AIS and
cilinder up, aft mast. Expected
31 1&2 22 ° 2.0 ' N 068 ° 16.0 ' E 060 ° 35.1 Nm 104.1 Nm Coastal Medium 60 min GPS Radar Visual N/A 12.5 kts 5.00 m heavy traffic in area, fishing
vessels. Keep clear of fishing
marks, nets. Check NAVTEX & NAV
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel in
ocean passage, celestial
observation to be obtained when
weather permits. Security level 1.


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

Vsl A/C to 023(T). BWL 2, E/Room

manned, Master conn. Hand
steering engaged. Initial call to
MCC Kandla when enter sector 2
Gulf of Kachchh, in VHF Ch 16/71.
Vessel enter sector 2 Gulf of
Kachchh. Expected heavy traffic,
fishing vessel. Vessel in deep water
route, keep clear of shallows ( 24
m) post side as marked in ECDIS,
underwater obstructions, buoys.
S/ Buoy starboard side Fl. G 5s.
32 1&2 22 ° 19.7 ' N 068 ° 48.5 ' E 023 ° 16.1 Nm 69.0 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual Kachchid 12.5 kts 4.00 m Manual position to be plotted,
agh/ 6.6' visual, radar. Cnt'gcy anchorage on
port side as marked in ECDIS. Echo
sounder printer on, monitor Check
messages affecting route ( +- 50
NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & 71,
MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
Weather forecast. Manual position
to be plotted, radar, visual. Securoty
level 1. Strong current up to 2 kts
Dir. NE, check stream & tide tables
for area.


Vsl A/C to 044(T). BWL 2, E/Room

Manned, Master conn. Vessel in
sector 2 Gulf of Kachchh. Hand
steering engaged. Echo sounder
printer on, monitor UKC. Expected
heavy traffic in area, beware of
fishing vessels, nets, fishing marks.
plot messages affecting route ( +-
33 1&2 22 ° 34.5 ' N 068 ° 55.4 ' E 044 ° 3.2 Nm 52.9 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual Racon 12.5 kts 25.00 m 50 NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & 71,
(O)/ 9.8' MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
Weather forecast. Vessel passing
Gurur buoy Q(9)W 10s. starboard
side. Use P.I. for ship's plotting psn.
Security level 1. Strong current in
area check stream & tide tables for
area. Strong current, check stream
& tide tables for area.


Vsl A/C to 068(T). BWL 2, E/Room

Manned, Master conn. S.B.E.
Vessel in sector 2 Gulf of Kachchh.
Hand steering engaged. Echo
sounder printer on, monitor UKC.
Expected heavy traffic in area,
beware of fishing vessels, nets,
S/ Okha, fishing marks. Check NAVTEX &
34 1&2 22 ° 36.8 ' N 068 ° 57.8 ' E 068 ° 3.2 Nm 49.7 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual Racon 12.5 kts 25.00 m NAV WARNING, plot messages
(O)/ 9.7' affecting route ( +- 50 NM). Stand
by VHF Ch16 & 71, MF/HF DSC
freq all times. Monitor Weather
forecast. Use P.I. for ship's plotting
psn. Security level 1. Strong current
in area, check stream tides for area.
Beware, vessel passing through
unassessed area.

Vsl A/C to 090(T). BWL 2, E/Room

Manned, S.B.E. Master conn.
Vessel in sector 2 Gulf of Kachchh.
Hand steering engaged. Echo
sounder printer on, monitor UKC.
Expected heavy traffic in area,
beware of fishing vessels, nets,
fishing marks. Check NAVTEX &
NAV WARNING, plot messages
affecting route ( +- 50 NM). Stand
by VHF Ch16 & 71, MF/HF DSC
freq all times. Monitor Weather
S/ Okha, forecast. Use P.I. for ship's plotting
35 1&2 22 ° 38.0 ' N 069 ° 1.0 ' E 090 ° 8.1 Nm 46.5 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual Racon 10.0 kts >4 m psn. Security level 1. Strong current
(O)/ 9.9' in area, Dir ENE up to 3 Kts, check
stream tides for area. Beware,
vessel passing through unassessed
area. Call Jamnagar Marine
Terminal on VHF Ch 16/71, and ask
berthing instructions. Security level
1. Contingency anchorage on port
side. Keep vessel in deep water
channel. At the end of leg keep
clear of 23 m depth port side as
marked in ECDIS, adjust speed as
necessary. Chandri buoy VQW


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

Vsl A/C to 112(T). BWL 2, E/Room

Manned, Master conn. S.B.E.
Vessel in sector 2 Gulf of Kachchh.
Hand steering engaged. Echo
sounder printer on, monitor UKC.
Expected heavy traffic in area,
beware of fishing vessels, nets,
fishing marks. Check NAVTEX &
NAV WARNING, plot messages
affecting route ( +- 50 NM). Stand
S/ Trikum
36 1&2 22 ° 38.0 ' N 069 ° 9.8 ' E 112 ° 3.2 Nm 38.4 Nm Coastal Medium 5 min GPS Radar Visual 12.0 kts 3.00 m by VHF Ch16 & 71, MF/HF DSC
Tuk/ 9.1' freq all times. Monitor Weather
forecast. Use P.I. for ship's plotting
psn. Security level 1. Strong current
in area, check stream tides for area.
Beware, vessel passing through
unassessed area. Keep vessel in
deep water channel. Shallow patch
port side 24.5 m keep clear.
Kachchh buoy VQ(9) W 10s port


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

Vsl A/C to 112(T). BWL 2, E/Room

Manned, Master conn. S.B.E. Hand
steering engaged. Vessel in sector
2 Gulf of Kachchh. Hand steering
engaged. Echo sounder printer on,
monitor UKC. Expected heavy
traffic in area, beware of fishing
vessels, nets, fishing marks. Check
messages affecting route ( +- 50
NM). Vessel enter sector 3 Gulf of
S/ Trikum Kachchh, report to Gulf of Kachchh
37 1&2 22 ° 36.8 ' N 069 ° 13.0 ' E 119 ° 3.7 Nm 35.2 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual 12.5 kts 7.00 m in VHF Ch 17.Stand by VHF Ch16
Tuk/ 9.1'
& 17, MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Use P.I.
for ship's plotting psn. Security level
1. Strong current in area up to 2 kts
SE , check stream tides for area.
Beware, vessel passing through
unassessed area. Keep vessel in
deep water channel. Keep clear.
Paga buoy VQ(3) W 5s stbd side.
VLCC buoy Q(6) + LFl(1)W15s port


A/C to 090(T). BWL II / III. E.R.

Manned. Master conn. S.B.E. Hand
steering engaged. Apply P.I. and
avoid shallow patch and no go
areas as marked in ECDIS. Follow
reporting points for VTS as marked.
Observe traffic for Vsl'S coming out
bound and numerous fishing boats
in the area. Keep vsl on charted
track. Bewere of information in
S/ Nora
38 1&2 22 ° 35.0 ' N 069 ° 16.5 ' E 090 ° 2.5 Nm 31.5 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual 12.5 kts 20.00 m ECDIS. Monitor UKC, echo sounder
Tapu/ 3.5' printer on. Check NAVTEX & NAV
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Security
level 1. Vessel passing south of
VLCC buoy. Strong current up to 4
kts Dir ENE, check stream tide
tables. Vessel sector 3 Gulf of


A/C to 071(T). BWL-II / III. E.R.

Manned. S.B.E. . Hand steering
engaged. Apply P.I. and avoid
shallow patch and no go areas as
marked in ECDIS. Follow reporting
points for VTS as marked on chart.
Observe traffic for Vsl'S coming out
bound and numerous fishing boats
in the area. Keep vsl on charted
track. Bewere of information in
S/ Nora
39 1&2 22 ° 35.0 ' N 069 ° 19.2 ' E 071 ° 8.2 Nm 29.0 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual 12.5 kts 10.00 m ECDIS. Monitor UKC echo sounder
Tapu/ 3.0' printer on. Check NAVTEX & NAV
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & 17 MF/HF DSC freq all
times. Monitor Weather forecast.
Security level 1. Vessel passing
North of Dhani buoy VQW. Vessel
passing through unassessed area.
Strong current in area Dir NE up to
3 Kts.


A/C to 086(T). BWL-II / III. E.R.

Manned. Master conn. S.B.E. Hand
steering engaged. Apply P.I. and
avoid shallow patch and no go
areas as marked in ECDIS. Follow
reporting points for VTS as marked
in ECDIS. Observe traffic for Vsl'S
coming out bound and numerous
fishing boats in the are. Keep vsl on
charted track. Bewere of
S/ Dhani information in ECDIS. Monitor UKC,
40 1&2 22 ° 37.7 ' N 069 ° 27.5 ' E 086 ° 4.2 Nm 20.8 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual Bet / 12.5 kts 20.00 m echo sounder printer on. Check
12.4' NAVTEX & NAV WARNING, plot
messages affecting route ( +- 50
NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & 17
MF/HF DSC freq all times. Monitor
Weather forecast. Security level 1.
Contingency anchorage port side.
Vessel passing North of Dhani
VQW & Tilburn buoys. Vessel in
sector 3 Gulf of Kuchchh. Strong
current in area up to 3 Kts, Dir E,
check stream tides tables.


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

A/C to 108(T). BWL-II / III. E.R.

Manned. S.B.E. Master Conn.
Hand steering engaged. Vsl using
Safety fairways. Apply P.I. and
avoid shallow patch and no go
areas as marked in ECDIS. Follow
Reporting points for VTS as marked
in ECDIS. Observe traffic for Vsl'S
S/ coming out bound and numerous
Kodiath fishing boats in the are. Keep vsl on
41 1&2 22 ° 38.0 ' N 069 ° 32.0 ' E 108 ° 4.3 Nm 16.6 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual 10.0 kts 20.00 m
Point / charted track. Bewere of
8.4' information in ECDIS. Monitor UKC,
echo sounder printer on. Security
level 1. Strong current in area Dir E
up to 2 kts. Vessel in secor 3 Gulf of
Kuchchh. Check NAVTEX & NAV
WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & 17 MF/HF DSC freq all
times. Monitor Weather forecast.


A/C to 142(T). BWL-II / III. E.Room

Manned. S.B.E. Master conn. Hand
steering engaged. Apply P.I. and
avoid shallow patch and no go
areas as marked in ECDIS. Follow
reporting points for VTS as marked
in ECDIS. Observe traffic for Vsl'S
coming out bound and numerous
S/ Nara fishing boats in the are. Keep vsl on
charted track. Bewere of
42 1&2 22 ° 36.7 ' N 069 ° 36.4 ' E 142 ° 2.4 Nm 12.3 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual Creek / 10.0 kts 15.00 m information in ECDIS. Monitor UKC,
4.4' echo sounder printer on. Check
messages affecting route ( +- 50
NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF
DSC freq all times. Monitor Weather
forecast. Security level 1. Vessel in
sector 3 Gulf of Kuchchh. Vessel
passing North of Narara buoy


A/C to 082(T). BWL-II / III. E.Room

Manned. S.B.E. Hand steering
engaged. Vsl using Safety
fairways. Apply P.I. and avoid
shallow patch and no go areas as
marked in ECDIS. Follow reporting
points for VTS as marked in ECDIS.
Observe traffic for Vsl'S coming out
bound and numerous fishing boats
in the area. Keep vsl on charted
S/ Racon track. Bewere of information in
ECDIS. Monitor UKC, echo sounder
43 1&2 22 ° 34.8 ' N 069 ° 38.0 ' E 082 ° 8.4 Nm 9.9 Nm Coastal Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual ( B )/ 6.0 kts 12.00 m printer on. Security level 1. Vessel
2.2' enter sector 4 Gulf of Kuchchh,
report to VTS on VHF Ch 73. Check
messages affecting route ( +- 50
NM). Stand by VHF Ch16 & MF/HF
DSC freq all times. Monitor Weather
forecast. Vessel out of Deep water
channel. At the end of leg vessel
approaching pilot station. Strong
current in area, Dir. SE up to 2 kts,
check stream tide tables.


A/C to 110(T). BWL-II / III. E.Room

Manned, S.B.E. Hand steering
engaged. Apply P.I. and avoid
shallow patch and no go areas as
marked in ECDIS. Follow reporting
points for VTS as marked in ECDIS.
Observe traffic for Vsl'S coming out
bound and numerous fishing boats
in the are. Keep vsl on charted
S/ Racon track. Bewere of information in
ECDIS. Monitor UKC, echo sounder
44 1&2 22 ° 36.0 ' N 069 ° 47.0 ' E 110 ° 1.5 Nm 1.5 Nm Pilotage Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual ( B )/ 5.0 kts 10.00 m printer on. Check NAVTEX & NAV
2.7' WARNING, plot messages affecting
route ( +- 50 NM). Stand by VHF
Ch16 & MF/HF DSC freq all times.
Monitor Weather forecast. Vessel at
pilot station. Pilot on board. Co-
operate close with pilot, resp.
remain with Master and OOW. Abort
position in this leg. Security level 1.
Strong currents in area, check
stream tide tables.


Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc

Vessel arrived at SPM #2. Brigde to

be secured. BWL 1. F.W.E. Main
engine control in engine room side.
Engine room on short notice. AIS,
VHF on low power mode, GMDSS
console off air, radars off. Change
SEE status in AIS (MOORED). Ship's &
S/ Racon SPM position to be monitored, any
45 1&2 22 ° 35.5 ' N 069 ° 48.5 ' E Arrival Medium 10 min GPS Radar Visual ( B )/ changes of SPM must be brought to
D UKC master and pilot's attention. Stand
CALC by VHF Ch16/69/71 all times.
Monitor Weather forecast
frequently, any detterioration of
weather, call master and pilot.
Discharge operation in progress.
Expect vetting inspection, inspector
will board vessel upon arrival SPM.

























Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No.010 / May 2017
WP No GPS # Lat Lat Long Long True Co Dist Dist To-go Location Risk FIX FREQ / METHODS || Index ESTD SPD Expected Current- Remarks Information Gathered from the Section: 3
(Degree) (Minutes) (Degree) (Minutes) Level Info min UKC Dir & Rate actual passage and
Freq Main Alt1 Alt2 Nav Aids, Restriction, Cautions, Correctly Executed? OOW

N /S

( Less than Traffic density, Weather, UKC, Tide, Initial.
___ Minutes) BW Level, ME status etc












Mideast Form No. 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No. 010 / May 2017
Section: 3

ECDIS Settings
Safety Settings Display Settings
From WP To Cross Trcak Safety Safety Depth Shallow Deep Contour Danger Detection Vector Danger Detection Sector Setting in use Display Settings 1 Display Settings 2 Display Settings 3
WP Error XTD Contour (mtrs) Contour (mtrs) Length (min) Width Radius (min) Width
(nm or mtrs) (mtrs) (mtrs) (nm or mtrs) (deg *)

List display objects selected List display objects selected List display objects selected
No Description No Description No Description
0-1 0.5 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 1 Airport Data 1 Standard display 1 Standard display
1-2 0.5 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 200.00 m 12 45 ° 3 2 CG or Rescue Stations 2 CG or Rescue Stations 2 CG or Rescue Stations
2-3 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 200.00 m 12 45 ° 3 3 Continental shelf 3 Continental shelf 3 Current Information
3-4 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 4 Current Information 4 Current Information 4 Depth contours / areas
4-5 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 5 Depth Contours/Areas 5 Depth contours / areas 5 Distance Mark
5-6 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 6 Distance Mark 6 Distance Mark 6 Gridiron
6-7 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 7 Docking Features 7 Fishery zone 7 Label-Safety / Sounding contours
7-8 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 200.00 m 12 45 ° 3 8 Fishery Zone 8 Fishing features 8 Low accuracy data
8-9 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 9 Fishing Features 9 Gridiron 9 Magnetic Information
Label-Safety /
9-10 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 10 Gridiron 10 10 Nautical Publication
Sounding contours
10-11 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 11 Harbour Type, etc 11 Land topography 11 Obtructions (known & unknown)
11-12 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 12 Harbours, etc 12 Low accuracy data 12 Soundings
12-13 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 13 Inland Water 13 Magnetic Information 13 Submarine cables, etc.
13-14 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 14 Label - Saftey Contour 14 Nautical Publication 14 Territorial areas
Obtructions (known &
14-15 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 15 Label - Stns. Contours 15 15 Water turbulence
15-16 2.0NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 16 Land Topography 16 Radar or radio stations
16-17 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 17 Land-based Routes 17 Seabed area
17-18 1.0NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 min 200.00 m 12 min 45 ° 3 18 Low Accuracy Data 18 Small craft facilities
18-19 0.5 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 min 200.00 m 12 min 45 ° 3 19 Magnetic Information 19 Soundings
20 Nautical Publication 20 Spring & seaweed

Explanation notes:
1. It is understood that different legs of the passage may have different safety settings, hence these must be detailed as per the WP legs
2. Display settings : It is accepted that different objects maybe selected for different legs of the passage and hence it is recommended that these are
pre-defined as per settings 1, 2 and 3 and identified against each leg

Mideast Form No 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No. 010 / May 2017
Section: 3

ECDIS Settings
Safety Settings Display Settings
From WP To Cross Trcak Safety Safety Depth Shallow Deep Contour Danger Detection Vector Danger Detection Sector Setting in use Display Settings 1 Display Settings 2 Display Settings 3
WP Error XTD Contour (mtrs) Contour (mtrs) Length (min) Width Radius (min) Width
(nm or mtrs) (mtrs) (mtrs) (nm or mtrs) (deg *)

List display objects selected List display objects selected List display objects selected
No Description No Description No Description
19-20 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 1 Airport Data 1 Standard display 1 Standard display
20-21 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 200.00 m 12 45 ° 3 2 CG or Rescue Stations 2 CG or Rescue Stations 2 CG or Rescue Stations
21-22 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 200.00 m 12 45 ° 3 3 Continental shelf 3 Continental shelf 3 Current Information
22-23 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 4 Current Information 4 Current Information 4 Depth contours / areas
23-24 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 5 Depth Contours/Areas 5 Depth contours / areas 5 Distance Mark
24-25 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 6 Distance Mark 6 Distance Mark 6 Gridiron
25-26 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 7 Docking Features 7 Fishery zone 7 Label-Safety / Sounding contours
26-27 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 200.00 m 12 45 ° 3 8 Fishery Zone 8 Fishing features 8 Low accuracy data
27-28 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 9 Fishing Features 9 Gridiron 9 Magnetic Information
Label-Safety /
28-29 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 10 Gridiron 10 10 Nautical Publication
Sounding contours
29-30 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 11 Harbour Type, etc 11 Land topography 11 Obtructions (known & unknown)
30-31 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 12 Harbours, etc 12 Low accuracy data 12 Soundings
31-32 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 13 Inland Water 13 Magnetic Information 13 Submarine cables, etc.
32-33 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 14 Label - Saftey Contour 14 Nautical Publication 14 Territorial areas
Obtructions (known &
33-34 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 15 Label - Stns. Contours 15 15 Water turbulence
34-35 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 16 Land Topography 16 Radar or radio stations
35-36 1.0 NM 30.00 m 50.00 m 20.00 m 140 30 2.00 NM 30 60 ° 3 17 Land-based Routes 17 Seabed area
36-37 0.5 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 140 12 min 200.00 m 12 min 45 ° 3 18 Low Accuracy Data 18 Small craft facilities
19 Magnetic Information 19 Soundings
20 Nautical Publication 20 Spring & seaweed

Explanation notes:
1. It is understood that different legs of the passage may have different safety settings, hence these must be detailed as per the WP legs
2. Display settings : It is accepted that different objects maybe selected for different legs of the passage and hence it is recommended that these are
pre-defined as per settings 1, 2 and 3 and identified against each leg

Mideast Form No 500

Document Reference: Mideast / FMS
Company Forms Manual Revision No. 010 / May 2017
Section: 3

ECDIS Settings
Safety Settings Display Settings
From WP To Cross Trcak Safety Safety Depth Shallow Deep Contour Danger Detection Vector Danger Detection Sector Setting in use Display Settings 1 Display Settings 2 Display Settings 3
WP Error XTD Contour (mtrs) Contour (mtrs) Length (min) Width Radius (min) Width
(nm or mtrs) (mtrs) (mtrs) (nm or mtrs) (deg *)

List display objects selected List display objects selected List display objects selected
No Description No Description No Description
37-38 0.5 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 100.00 m 3 min 100.00 m 3 min 30 ° 3 1 Airport Data 1 Standard display 1 Standard display
38-39 0.5 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 100.00 m 3 min 100.00 m 3 min 30 ° 3 2 CG or Rescue Stations 2 CG or Rescue Stations 2 CG or Rescue Stations
39-40 0.5 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 100.00 m 3 min 100.00 m 3 min 30 ° 3 3 Continental shelf 3 Continental shelf 3 Current Information
40-41 0.2 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 100.00 m 3 min 100.00 m 3 min 30 ° 3 4 Current Information 4 Current Information 4 Depth contours / areas
41-42 0.3 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 100.00 m 3 min 100.00 m 3 min 30 ° 3 5 Depth Contours/Areas 5 Depth contours / areas 5 Distance Mark
42-43 0.3 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 100.00 m 3 min 100.00 m 3 min 30 ° 3 6 Distance Mark 6 Distance Mark 6 Gridiron
43-44 0.3 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 100.00 m 3 min 100.00 m 3 min 30 ° 3 7 Docking Features 7 Fishery zone 7 Label-Safety / Sounding contours
44-45 0.3 NM 30.00 m 26.00 m 20.00 m 100.00 m 3 min 100.00 m 3 min 30 ° 3 8 Fishery Zone 8 Fishing features 8 Low accuracy data
9 Fishing Features 9 Gridiron 9 Magnetic Information
Label-Safety /
10 Gridiron 10 10 Nautical Publication
Sounding contours
11 Harbour Type, etc 11 Land topography 11 Obtructions (known & unknown)
12 Harbours, etc 12 Low accuracy data 12 Soundings
13 Inland Water 13 Magnetic Information 13 Submarine cables, etc.
14 Label - Saftey Contour 14 Nautical Publication 14 Territorial areas
Obtructions (known &
15 Label - Stns. Contours 15 15 Water turbulence
16 Land Topography 16 Radar or radio stations
17 Land-based Routes 17 Seabed area
18 Low Accuracy Data 18 Small craft facilities
19 Magnetic Information 19 Soundings
20 Nautical Publication 20 Spring & seaweed

Explanation notes:
1. It is understood that different legs of the passage may have different safety settings, hence these must be detailed as per the WP legs
2. Display settings : It is accepted that different objects maybe selected for different legs of the passage and hence it is recommended that these are
pre-defined as per settings 1, 2 and 3 and identified against each leg

Mideast Form No 500

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