Appeal For Matthew Cantrell

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Appeal for case of MATTHEW CANTRELL

I did not 'voluntarily' leave my job; I was fired by AMAZON during striking, due to my religious
Church and Faiths' demands a spiritual elder/leader within and thereby required to obey the
tenants of the Church ordered as a result of the heretical behavior of a foreign immigrant; whom
they appointed my supervisor, who did not know or respect something 'Not from his foreign

While working for AMAZON I regularly maintained a 130-200% efficiency rating as proven by
their system and I never once had a single issue within the Picking-Department, but eventually I
earned being transferred to STOWING which had a different area head.

Efforts were made to explain that in America and particularly in corporate environments such as
AMAZON we are respectful and mindful of all faiths and practices, but this indivudal whom has
the first name AMIR sought to needlessly single out and berate my Church and myself, even after
I courteously explained to AMIR that his demeaning mannerisms and treatment of others was
out of line with Policy, Generally Disrespectful, Defaming, and Insulting unto the beliefs and
practices of the CHURCH OF HERMETICISM'S practices, even being provided with legal proof of
my status within said Church and their Legal Validity as one of the 'most ancient faiths in the

AMIR being unfamiliar and inadequately trained within American Culture of melting-pot
tolerance and unfamiliar with their own policies stated, "I do not care who you are, even if you
were the President in this building i'm above you." which shows the intention of the supervisor
in question when coupled with the absurd efficiency levels of Matthew was not to 'get work
done' nor was it to 'maintain a professional work environment' but a matter of Personal Ego for

I forwarded this issue higher up to the Senior HR, who similarly inadequately trained within their
full policies and admitted atheists initially did not want to respect nor care about said problem
until reminded of their "need to respect Religions and Church Dictions".

This was not the first incident nor the second, and due to AMIR's failure to adhere to company
policy or respect his fellows at AMAZON and the CHURCH OF HERMETICISM passed a decree the
Heretical Behavior of AMIR meant no Hermetist may be within 10,000 feet of the heretic in
question; which Matthew MUST honor as a spiritual elder and Leader within the Church;
however, due to the Senior HR's collective unaligned views with the victim in this situation they
failed to offer Reasonable Accomodation to which the Church and myself sought 'many'
compromises (Returning to Picking, working on a floor not with AMIR ever upon it to meet
Church/Amazon needs, or even another shift/duty) and when their failed to be willing to meet
any of such despite readily being able the Church informed them he would have to "Do what he
must by taking the morally proper high ground and strike until corrective measures were taken."

I 'did' the day after the strike while asleep instinctively take what is known as "VTO" (Voluntary
time off); this would be a subverise, petty and malicious attempt on AMAZON'S part to dismiss
an otherwise entirely valid case as VTO does not pay or benefit a worker and as such did not
impact his being on Strike at all.

When I tried to return several days after beginning the strike AMAZON had already disabled his
means to access the building to reasonably communicate the situation, disproving the notion he
was able to work or that they were reasonably seeking to resolve the situation.

Please overturn the denial as it would be a heinous mistake and send a very negative message
across the entirety of an entire global religion as to what is or is not acceptable within corporate
and professional atmospheres/environments.

While I is clergy outside of working standard duties, the Church is a non-profit organization that
was and is also largely funded and supported by the contributions of people like himself, and
despite knowing this Amazon viciously sought to 'make examples' of people who are honest and
hard workers who need their jobs.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and patience.


Matthew Cantrell

NOTE: Amazon Hires/Fires people quite readily and often as SDF8 has a stringent 'obey or go
away' attitude with its present fleet of managers, they do not permit workers phones as they are
afraid of exposure of the sort of behavior mentioned above making having set evidence or even
a means to communicate with one another or seek justice in such matters 'very difficult'. The
Supervisor in question was witnessed regularly responding to attempts to communicate not just
from Matthew but other workers with, "I don't care." and "I do not want compromise, I want
you to just listen to me." better expressing and proving the unusual and gregarious nature of
this individual, who an investigation would prove readily fires workers for his own reasons that
do not align properly with policy.

Apologies for the complications.

You may find more information about the reviving Church of Hermeticism at to better help your investigation.

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