Geology: Nanograins Form Carbonate Fault Mirrors

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Nanograins form carbonate fault mirrors

Shalev Siman-Tov, Einat Aharonov, Amir Sagy and Simon Emmanuel

Geology 2013;41;703-706
doi: 10.1130/G34087.1

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Nanograins form carbonate fault mirrors

Shalev Siman-Tov1, Einat Aharonov1, Amir Sagy2, and Simon Emmanuel1
Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Geological Survey of Israel, 30 Malkhe Israel, Jerusalem 95501, Israel

ABSTRACT suggested that surface topography obeys a self-affine roughness ranging

Many faults are characterized by naturally polished, reflective, in scale from microns to kilometers (Candela et al., 2009; Power et al.,
glossy surfaces, termed fault mirrors (FMs), that form during slip. 1987). However, FM scales smaller than 1 µm have not so far been stud-
Recent experiments also find that FMs form during rapid sliding ied, although roughness at such small scales is likely to be critical for both
between rock surfaces, and that FM formation coincides with pro- the optical and frictional characteristics of these smooth surfaces.
nounced friction reduction. The structure of FMs and the mecha- For a surface to be glossy and reflect light specularly, like a mirror, it
nism of their formation are thus important for understanding the must obey the Rayleigh roughness criterion (Beckmann and Spizzichino,
mechanics of frictional sliding, particularly during earthquakes. 1963):
Here we characterize the small-scale structure of natural carbonate A< , (1)
16 cos θ
FMs from three different faults along a tectonically active region
of the Dead Sea transform. Atomic force microscopy measurements where A is the mean roughness amplitude of the surface, θ is the angle
indicate that the FMs have extremely smooth surface topography, of incident light, equal to the angle of specular reflection (measured rela-
accounting for their mirror-like appearance. Electron microscope tive to the surface normal), and λ is the light wavelength. In the case of
characterization revealed a thin (<1 µm) layer of tightly packed scale-dependent surface roughness, this criterion must be obeyed at least
nanoscale grains coating a rougher layer comprising micron-size at lateral scales, l, shorter than λ. Therefore, if a surface is observed at
calcite crystals. The crystals contain closely spaced, plastically 0° < θ < 70°, under visible light (λ = 550 nm), and appears glossy, this
formed twins that define new subgrain boundaries. The narrow sub- indicates that A < ~100 nm at least for lateral scales l < 550 nm.
grains are observed to break into submicron pieces near the sheared Extreme nanoscale smoothness may reduce friction, as observed in
surface. This observation suggests a new brittle-ductile mechanism sliding experiments on very smooth surfaces (Byerlee, 1967; Hayward et
for nanograin formation. The role of ductility during frictional slid- al., 1992). FMs were recently observed to form during experiments involv-
ing, both in forming the nanograin layer, and in the deformation ing rapid, earthquake-like slip between rock surfaces, and their formation
process of the powder, may be critical for understanding shear on was suggested to coincide with friction reduction (Han et al., 2011; Smith
geological faults. et al., 2013). Both in engineered surfaces and in natural faults the forma-
tion of mirror-like surfaces is of extreme interest; however, the structure
INTRODUCTION of FMs, their mechanism of formation, and their impact on frictional slid-
Fault mirrors (FMs) are typical of many fault surfaces, and appear ing are unclear. This paper characterizes the small-scale structure of natu-
in a variety of tectonic environments and rock types (Hancock and Barka, ral carbonate FMs from three different faults along a tectonically active
1987; Jackson and McKenzie, 1999; Power and Tullis, 1989). These natu- region of the Dead Sea transform, shedding light on possible formation
rally polished fault surfaces are a form of slickensides that is characterized mechanisms of FMs.
by high visible-light reflectivity (Fig. 1). Because FMs are well-defined
slip surfaces, ubiquitous in shear zones, they have often been examined METHODS
in case studies of fault surfaces at various scales; however, their polished Hand samples were taken from three well-preserved carbonate FMs
nature has often been overlooked. related to the Dead Sea transform (Fig. DR1 and Table DR1 in the GSA
The structure and roughness of natural slip surfaces have been stud- Data Repository1): the Kfar Giladi fault (KGF), the Nahal Avinadav fault,
ied in detail over the last few decades, in both silicate and carbonate rocks and the Yair fault. For comparison, a fault surface that is not mirror like,
(e.g., Power and Tullis, 1989; Smith et al., 2011). Previous studies have from the Nahal Uziyahu fault, was also examined (Fig. DR2).
High-resolution techniques were used to characterize the structure
and quantify roughness of FMs on scales ranging between 0.01 µm and
1000 µm. Surface topography was scanned using an optical profilometer
on the micron scale and atomic force microscopy (AFM) down to the
submicron scale. Surface structure was also studied with scanning elec-
tron microscopy (SEM). A cross-sectional foil, prepared by the focused
ion beam technique, was studied using transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) (see the expanded Methods section in the Data Repository).
Figure 1. Glossy, mirror-
like strike-slip fault sur-
face in brecciated Eo- At the outcrop scale (Fig. 1) the FMs are composed of a thin
cene limestone at Kfar (~10−2 m) ultracataclasite layer, which in general appears very smooth
Giladi quarry, Israel. and hard. At these large scales, corrugations and surface undulations
have 0.1–1 m wavelengths. Surprisingly, from the hand-sample scale
to ~1 µm, many surfaces appear very smooth (Fig. 2A) with few minor

GSA Data Repository item 2013193, detailed geological settings, expanded
methods, and additional power spectral density analysis, is available online at, or on request from
or Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

GEOLOGY, June 2013; v. 41; no. 6; p. 703–706; Data Repository item 2013193 | doi:10.1130/G34087.1 | Published online 16 April 2013
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Figure 2. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron mi- Figure 3. Surface roughness analysis for a fault mirror surface from
croscopy scans of fault mirrors. A: AFM scan of fault surface from Kfar Giladi quarry, Israel. A: Power spectral density (PSD) analysis
Yair fault, Israel. Darker colors represent lower regions; brighter col- based on three atomic force microscopy (AFM) scans (1, 10, and 100
ors represent higher regions (see gray-scale bar). Surface is very μm side width), and one profilometer scan. Blue points are analysis
flat except for several scratches and few prominent grains (seen results of slip-perpendicular profiles; red points are results of par-
as white blotches). B: One-dimensional profile from surface (white allel profiles. Four colored lines are drawn above data points, with
dashed line in A) demonstrates flatness, scratches, and grains. C: slopes β = 1.6, 2.4, 3, and 4, corresponding to Hurst exponent H =
Closeup of smooth region (black rectangle) shows typical ampli- 0.3, 0.7, 1, and 1.5, respectively, illustrating that slope steepens with
tudes <20 nm. D: Micron-size parallel striations at Kfar Giladi quarry. decreasing wavelength. B: Root mean square (RMS) analysis of sur-
Rougher, nonstriated regions are exposed micron-size calcite crys- faces from Kfar Giladi fault (KGF; lower curve, x), and Nahal Uziyahu
tals of original rock. E: At submicron scale, fault mirror material of fault (upper curve, squares), using AFM 10 µm scan width. Gray box
Kfar Giladi fault (KGF) is composed of packed rounded nanograins; marks region that obeys Rayleigh roughness criterion. KGF surface
no scratches are observed. F: Nahal Avinadav fault material shows obeys this criterion and is reflective, while the non–fault mirror sur-
characteristics similar to those of KGF material. face of Nahal Uziyahu fault is outside this region.

grooves; subparallel striations (Fig. 2D), which are typically found on Candela et al., 2009). Such scale dependence in the PSD curve, together
many slip surfaces, were infrequently observed. The few striations that with the clear morphological differences observed at the nanoscale, sug-
were observed were oriented mostly parallel to the long axis of the cor- gests a fundamental scale-dependent structural difference. In addition,
rugations (Sagy and Brodsky, 2009). In contrast, we found Reidel shears, the typical roughness anisotropy between slip-perpendicular and slip-
branching from the FMs, covered by prominent striations. One difference parallel directions (Power et al., 1987; Renard et al., 2006) is absent
between the Riedel shears and the FMs is the possibly different amount of here (Fig. 3A). This may not be surprising, because our measurements
slip on the surfaces. Previous studies found that roughness decreases with focused on naturally polished non-striated mirror surfaces (Figs. 1 and
increasing slip (Sagy et al., 2007). 2A).
At scales smaller than ~1 µm, SEM and AFM images reveal a dif- In addition to the power spectral density analysis, root mean square
ferent picture. Instead of a relatively planar surface with a few minor (RMS) analysis (Candela et al., 2009), which provides an approximation
grooves (Fig. 2A), the surface is composed of particles with diameters of for the roughness amplitude, was performed on the topography of two
tens to hundreds of nanometers; no small-scale striations or grooves are fault samples (Fig. 3B; Fig. DR2). Figure 3B shows, as expected, that
observed (Figs. 2E and 2F). Similar images were found in high-velocity RMS increases with increasing lateral scale of measurement, l. According
shear experiments on limestones (Tisato et al., 2012). to the roughness criterion, a surface is reflective if undulations at scale l <
In order to quantify the observed scale-dependent geometry, power 550 nm have amplitudes <100 nm. For the KGF, both the topography pro-
spectral density (PSD) analyses of surface roughness were performed files (similar to those observed at Yair fault shown in Figures 2B and 2C)
(Sagy and Brodsky, 2009). Mean PSD values were obtained by averag- and the RMS values show roughness <20 nm at l ~ 550 nm, explaining
ing the PSD of each of the 512 AFM and ~550 profilometer profiles for the high reflectivity of the surface. In contrast, the Nahal Uziyahu fault, a
slip-parallel and slip-perpendicular directions. Figure 3A plots the mean non-FM surface, shows RMS values >100 nm at l ~ 550 nm, explaining
PSD versus wavelength for the KGF for nearly five orders of magnitudes its poor reflectivity.
(see Fig. DR4 for PSD analyses for the Yair and Nahal Avinadav faults). In order to further investigate the scale-dependent structural differ-
For self-affine surfaces, the PSD is expected to scale as a power law ence detected in Figure 3, we probed the KGF interior (i.e., the subsur-
of the wavelength, producing a constant slope on a log-log plot over a face) using bright-field TEM images (Viti, 2011) of the cross-section foil
wide range of scales. In self-affine surfaces when the horizontal direction (Fig. 4A). Two distinct layers, separated by a rough boundary, are found
x is viewed at magnification λ, the vertical direction z must be magnified beneath the FM: an outermost layer composed of nanograins (Fig. 4B),
by λH in order to maintain scale invariance, such that δx → λδx, δz → and a deeper layer consisting of micron-size calcite crystals (Fig. 4C). The
λHδz, where H is the Hurst exponent (Barabási and Stanley, 1995). The nanograin layer comprises highly packed particles with diameters of tens
Hurst exponent is related to the PSD slope β via H = (β − 1)/2. Figure 3A to hundreds of nanometers and has a variable thickness of <1 µm. No pref-
shows that the slope is not constant, but instead steepens for decreasing erential orientation is observed in the particles. Chemical analysis and dif-
wavelengths. Therefore, the measured surfaces are not self-affine at all fraction patterns indicate that the layer is composed of calcite nanograins
the scales measured here; i.e., at the nanoscale, FMs are smoother than surrounded by a matrix comprising mainly silicon and aluminum. By con-
would be expected from extrapolation based on the self-affine behav- trast, the deeper layer consists entirely of micron-size calcite crystals, with
ior observed in previous studies of larger scales (Renard et al., 2006; pores observed along crystal boundaries (Fig. 4C). The calcite crystals

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Formation of Naturally Polished Surfaces

Natural FMs may be formed by processes similar to those that facili-
tate the fabrication of mirror-like surfaces in industrial polishing (Ada-
chi and Kato, 2000). A typical industrial polishing process involves three
stages: (1) brittle abrasion during which the overall roughness is reduced
by removing surface asperities, although striations are often formed; (2)
reduction of wear particle sizes and formation of a nanograin layer; and (3)
formation of smooth hard surfaces within the nanograin layer by smear-
ing and sintering of the nanograins. Ultimately, brittle scratches on the
surface are filled by nanograins, resulting in roughness amplitudes <100
nm. Similarly, our observed natural FMs have features that are consistent
with these three stages (Fig. 4), as do fault mirrors formed in experimental
shearing of rocks at high shear rates (Han et al., 2011; Hirose et al., 2012;
Smith et al., 2013).

Formation of Nanograins by Plastic-Brittle Deformation

Although nanograins have been previously observed in fault rocks
(Chester et al., 2005; Power and Tullis, 1989; Viti, 2011; Wilson et al.,
2005) and in shear experiments (Han et al., 2010; Tisato et al., 2012),
their origin is debated. The difficulty in explaining the formation of
nanograins arises because a fragmentation process due to Griffith cracks
is not expected to form particles smaller than ~1 μm. Instead, at scales
below this grinding limit, plasticity is expected to dominate deformation
(Sammis and Ben-Zion, 2008). As a result, different mechanisms have
been proposed to explain formation of nanograins in general and in faults
in particular (Han et al., 2010; Koch, 1997; Sammis and Ben-Zion, 2008):
(1) mineral decomposition during shear heating; (2) rapid solidification
from melt caused by shear heating; (3) crystallization of amorphous
phases; (4) brittle fracturing by tensile shock loading near a propagating
Figure 4. Cross section of Kfar Giladi quarry, Israel. A: Transmis- fault tip associated with seismic motion; and (5) subcritical crack growth.
sion electron microscope image of foil showing two different lay- An additional mechanism that is often used in industrial pro-
ers, outer (B in white box) and deeper (C in white box), separated cesses to produce nanograins and that does not need high temperatures
by rough (black dotted) line. Outer layer comprises nanograins and invokes mechanochemical effects obtained by mechanical milling. Mill-
determines surface tiny roughness. B: High-resolution image of
outer layer, which comprises highly packed rounded nanograins (50 ing involves repeated grain impacts, producing numerous crystal defects
nm white scale bar, marked by black arrow, indicates particle diam- that form nanoscale grain boundaries. When subjected to further shear a
eter) with no observed preferred orientation. Lighter homogeneous nano powder forms from the grains (Koch, 1997). The TEM images in
solid line represents carbon and platinum (Pt) sample coatings. our study suggest that nanograins may form in a two-step process similar
C: High-resolution image of deeper layer. Microcalcite crystals are
twinned (100 nm black scale bar, marked by white arrow, indicates
to mechanical milling: (1) strain-induced plasticity in crystals, that creates
twin width) and pieces of beam-like subgrains have broken to form long beams, and (2) beam breaking by brittle fracture (Fig. 4D). As twin
nanograins (marked by black ellipses). D: Schematic illustration of formation introduces anisotropy, Griffith’s criterion no longer holds and
A. Deeper layer comprises twinned calcite crystals (twins drawn as the fracturing of crystals at very small scales becomes easier; the length
gray parallel bands), while outer layer comprises nanograins that scale of particles formed during this stage is determined by the width of
cover rougher surface of large crystals and smooth fault surface.
At least some nanograins form by breaking of beam-like subgrains, the twins (50 ± 30 nm).
defined by twins within crystals (circular inset). Formation of crystal defects and nanograins by milling occurs both
at high and low strain rates: twins are sometimes thought to indicate slow
strain rates, yet they also form during calcite fracturing (Dickinson et al.,
1991) and at high-shear-rate experiments in carbonates (Han et al., 2010).
comprise a series of parallel bands, reflecting subgrain boundaries prob- Han et al. (2010) found crystals with dense mechanical twinning border-
ably formed by mechanical twinning. In some pores, tiny sections of the ing the slip zone, similar to natural FMs, suggesting that milling may have
twinned crystals are observed, presumably broken off from much larger operated concurrently with decarbonation to form nanograins, in a com-
subgrains (black ellipses in Fig. 4C). bined formation process that could also operate in natural FMs. Shen et al.
Our analysis of FMs implies that both their roughness and structure (1995) showed that milling produces nanograins at loading and unload-
change critically at the submicron scale. At this small scale, the FMs do ing times of ~10−5 s. At the other end of the slip-rate scale, creep rates
not follow the self-affine behavior and striations are not observed, which much below seismic slip velocities are also observed to form nanograins
contrasts with previous observations at larger scales. Instead the FMs are by mechanical milling (Tisato et al., 2012).
extremely smooth, conforming to the Rayleigh roughness criterion. The
deep grooves (hundreds of nanometers; Figs. 2A and 2B) do not signifi- Ductile Deformation within the Nanograin Layer
cantly reduce this extreme reflectivity as they represent only a small por- Once the nanograin layer is in place, and assuming shear localizes
tion of the total surface area. Thus, we suggest a rule of thumb for esti- upon it (e.g., Chester et al., 2005), several observations point to the impor-
mating fault surface roughness in the field: an FM implies that the mean tant role that ductility plays in its subsequent deformation. (1) Scratches
roughness, A, at least for lateral scales below 550 nm, is <100 nm. are observed at scales larger than 1 µm (Fig. 2A), but disappear at the

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cycle (Tre Monti fault, Central Apennines, Italy): Pure and Applied Geo-
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