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Use of natural products in gastrointestinal therapies

Stuart M Brierley1,2,3 and Olaf Kelber4

Altered motility, discomfort and pain are common debilitating viewed by many in mainstream medicine with scepticism.
symptoms of patients with functional gastrointestinal There are many reasons for this including a historical lack
disorders. However, these conditions represent a significant of rigorous clinical trials and a perception that these ‘natural
and unmet need for mainstream medical treatment, particularly therapies’ are just non-specific actions. However, over the
after high profile therapeutic drug withdrawals due to safety last decade an enormous amount of evidence in a variety of
concerns. As such an increasing number of sufferers are fields has indicated that natural products are a valuable
turning to alternative medicines in an effort to seek relief from source of pharmacological tools, as they have actions on
their symptoms. Alternative medicines have traditionally been specific ion channels and receptors, and are therefore
looked at by mainstream medicine with cynicism. However, potentially useful leads in the development of new human
new evidence demonstrates that the active components in therapeutics.
natural products have actions on specific ion channels and
receptors, many of which are located in sensory systems Selectivity of natural products
distributed throughout the body. These findings may not only Natural products comprise compounds that have been
explain the symptomatic benefit of these alternative medicines extracted from botanical sources through to all manner
but also provide novel therapeutic targets for mainstream drug of organisms (for probiotics see review by Eamon Quigley
development. As such natural products represent a wealth of in this edition). Such compounds have allowed major
untapped potential which is waiting to be unlocked. mechanistic breakthroughs in physiology and disease in
Addresses other fields. For example, recent advances in taste mod-
Nerve-Gut Research Laboratory, Discipline of Medicine, Faculty of alities, a fundamental process we take for granted every-
Health Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia day, reveal complex mechanisms whereby several distinct
5000, Australia
2 classes of specific taste receptors and taste receptor cells are
Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Hanson Institute, Royal
Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia required to distinguish between sweet, sour, bitter, umami
Discipline of Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of (savoury) and salty compounds [1]. By contrast, more
Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia brutal natural products have evolved for prey capture and
Scientific Department, Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH, defence. Cone snails, snakes, spiders and scorpions utilise
Darmstadt, Germany
venoms containing diverse bioactive compounds to
Corresponding author: Brierley, Stuart M immobilise or kill their prey. In fact, many of these venom
( peptides have been shown to act on specific ion channels
(particularly voltage-gated sodium/potassium/calcium
channels) and other cellular receptors to impair their
Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:604–611
normal functioning [2,3]. Such studies have utilised
This review comes from a themed issue on high-throughput screening methods to identify venoms
Gastrointestinal with a desired activity to allow subsequent isolation of
Edited by L Ashley Blackshaw and Qasim Aziz bioactive molecules [4]. The successfulness of this
Available online 11th October 2011
approach has led to several different venom peptide deriva-
tives receiving FDA approval for clinical use in hyperten-
1471-4892/$ – see front matter sion (Captopril), unstable angina (Eptifibatide), Type 2
# 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
diabetes mellitus (Exenatide) and highly selective use in
DOI 10.1016/j.coph.2011.09.007 chronic pain (Ziconotide) [4]. These drug treatments are
synthetic versions of active compounds identified from the
pit viper (Bothrops jararaca), rattle snake (Sistrurus miliarius
barbouri), Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) and cone
Introduction snail (Conus magus), respectively.
Functional Dyspepsia (FD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
(IBS) are highly prevalent functional gastrointestinal dis- In the GI field we have yet to scratch the surface of
orders affecting up to 30% of the population. Although mechanistic insight to be gleamed from these developing
their aetiologies are different, altered motility, discomfort venomous compounds. To date the best insight has been
and pain are common symptoms, as are a lack of effective gained from the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin (TTX; isolated
mainstream medical therapies. Increased recognition by from the puffer fish) where animal studies have shown
patients of the current limits of conventional mainstream that sodium currents that are TTX-resistant (thought to
medicine has helped drive growing interest in alternative be mediated by NaV1.8) are enhanced in gut innervating
natural product therapies. However, such therapies are sensory neurons in inflammatory, nematode or bacterial

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:604–611

Use of natural products in gastrointestinal therapies Brierley and Kelber 605

models, leading to neuronal hyper-excitability [5]. specific natural TRPV1 agonists include Resiniferatoxin,
These TTX-resistant sodium currents are also enhanced from the plant Euphorbia resinifera, which is several times
by the pro-inflammatory cytokine Tumour Necrosis Fac- more potent than capsaicin, and the venom from the West
tor-a (TNFa) [6], the levels of which are increased in Indian tarantula Psalmopoeus cambridgei (see [10] for
ulcerative colitis, FD and IBS patients. Family members details). We can all appreciate that chillis elicit burning
of NaV1.8 have also been implicated in human gut syn- pain and as such has been an area widely studied in the GI
dromes, as IBS patients with mutations in SCN5A (the field. Human studies indicate increased expression or
gene encoding NaV1.5) are more likely to report gastro- function of TRPV1 in a number of GI diseases including
intestinal symptoms, especially abdominal pain [7]. A Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease, FD, Inflammatory
NaV1.7 gain-of-function mutation in SCN9A underlies Bowel Disease (IBD) and IBS (see [11] for details).
the human condition ‘familial rectal pain syndrome’,
now renamed ‘paroxysmal extreme pain disorder’ [8]. More recently a compound called Bisandrographolide
Overall, there is a cornucopia of unexploited promise contained in extracts of the Chinese Herbal plant Andro-
waiting to be unlocked from venomous compounds, graphis paniculata has been shown to activate TRPV4
which will be extremely useful in regulating sensory [12], a channel which has been shown in animal studies
afferent and enteric neuromuscular function. to contribute to mechanically evoked visceral pain [13].
Another channel implicated in visceral signalling and pain
Clearly taste modalities and venomous compounds have is TRPA1 [14], which is activated by the pungent
specific mechanisms of action but what about botanical chemicals allyl-isothiocyanate (mustard oil and wasabi)
compounds such as herbs and spices? This is an important and allicin (from garlic). In terms of analgesic effects
question as herbal preparations are some of the most menthol, a compound obtained from peppermint oil
popular alternate therapies for gastrointestinal symptoms. (Mentha piperita), which is known for its cooling and
In the last 5 years significant progress has been made in soothing effects activates TRPM8 [9] but also inhibits
this regard, particularly with the discovery that numerous TRPA1 [15], whilst hyperforin, a key anti-inflammatory
herbs and spices activate members of the Transient Re- constituent of St. John’s wort, activates TRPC6 [16].
ceptor Potential (TRP) family of ion channels (Table 1). Other herbal extracts can also act across a variety of
TRPs are non-selective cation channels comprising 5 TRP channels, for example, eugenol (from clove oil)
subfamilies: TRPA (ankyrin), TRPC (canonical), TRPM activates TRPM8, TRPA1 and TRPV1 [10], whilst
(melastatin), TRPP (polycystin) and TRPV (vanilloid) gingerol (from ginger) activates TRPV1 and TRPA1
(for details see [9]). TRPs are now regarded as being at [10]. Camphor, from the Cinnamomum camphora tree,
the ‘frontline’ of sensory transduction as they are activates TRPV3 and TRPV1 but intriguingly sub-
expressed in sensory nerve endings throughout the body sequently desensitises TRPV1 and inhibits TRPA1
and underlie our ability to detect thermal, chemical and [10,17]. Similarly, carvacrol, the major ingredient of
mechanical stimuli. To date probably the most studied oregano (Origanum genus), activates TRPV3 and TRPA1,
natural compound is capsaicin (Table 1), the main pun- but then rapidly desensitises TRPA1 [10,18]. Other
gent ingredient in ‘hot’ chilli peppers (Capsicum annuum), herbs block TRP channels, with citral, the active ingre-
and the channel it acts on TRPV1 [10]. Other highly dient of lemongrass, blocking the agonist-evoked activity

Table 1

Herbal components identified to act on TRP channels.

Natural compound Botanic origin Primary effect

Capsaicin Hot chilis (Capsicum annuum) Activates TRPV1
Resiniferatoxin Plant (Euphorbia resinifera) Potently activates TRPV1
Bisandrographolide Chinese Herb (Andrographis paniculata) Activates TRPV4
Allyl-isothiocyanate Mustard and wasabi Activates TRPA1
Allicin Garlic (Allium sativum) Activates TRPA1
Cinnamaldehyde Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) Activates TRPA1
Menthol Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Activates TRPM8 but also inhibits TRPA1
Eucalyptol Eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus polybractea) Activates TRPM8
Hyperforin St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) Activates TRPC6
Vanillin Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) Weak activator of TRPV3
Eugenol Clove oil (Eugenia carophyllata) Activates TRPM8, TRPA1 and TRPV1
Gingerol Ginger oil (Zingiber officinale) Activates TRPV1 and TRPA1
Camphor Camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) Activates TRPV3 and TRPV1, then desensitizes TRPV1.
Also inhibits TRPA1
Carvacrol Oregano (Origanum genus) Activates TRPV3 and TRPA1, then rapidly desensitizes TRPA1
Citral Lemongrass (Cymbopogon) Blocks TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV3, TRPV4, TRPM8, and TRPA1
Curcumin Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Blocks TRPV1 Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:604–611

606 Gastrointestinal

of TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV3, TRPV4, TRPM8, and This region-specific action is thought to be mediated by
TRPA1 [19] whilst curcumin, the major component of actions on different types of calcium channels.
turmeric, blocks capsaicin-induced TRPV1 activation
[20]. Although this is not an exhaustive list and new STW 5 also has contrasting effects on intestinal muscle
interactions are being discovered rapidly these studies function depending on the location and experimental
indicate how herbs can provide potential therapeutic conditions. In intestinal muscle, STW 5 has a relaxant
benefit through activation or inhibition of individual or effect on contraction stimulated by different agents
multiple channels. It may also explain why synergistic (acetylcholine, prostaglandin F2a and substance P)
effects are observed in some herbal treatments with [32], in which all constituent extracts of STW 5 are
multiple components (see below). Furthermore, a recent involved. These spasmolytic effects from mouse ileum
meta-analysis also concluded that the therapeutic benefit are also apparent in guinea-pig ileum and colon [33] and
of alternative products is not due to an enhanced placebo in human colonic tissue [30]. These effects are likely
effect [21]. To date the best studied herbal treatments for mediated by inhibition of action potentials and slow
GI therapy are Iberogast1 and peppermint oil, with the waves, which was observed in mouse ileum in vitro,
later studied either alone or in combination with caraway and an inhibitory effect on fast and slow inhibitory
oil. Other potential natural product treatments for GI junction potentials, which was observed in colon
therapy include curcumin, artichoke leaf extract and [34,35]. By contrast, in relaxed ileal preparations tonicis-
various Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan and African Herbal ing effects are observed, which point to a partial agonist
remedies which are discussed below. action in addition to the inhibitory action, and may result
in a normalizing effect on muscle activity [33,36]. Sim-
IberogastW ilarly, in vitro studies on guinea-pig lower oesophageal
Is the trading name of STW 5 a fixed combination of a fresh sphincter show STW 5 has tonicising effects, whilst not
plant extract from bitter candytuft (Iberis amara) and drug influencing pyloric tone [30].
extracts from greater celandine herb, angelica root, lemon
balm leaves, peppermint leaves, caraway fruit, liquorice An important mechanism by which STW 5 can relieve
root, chamomile flower and milk thistle fruit [22]. STW 5 is dyspeptic and bowel symptoms in patients is by its action
best known for its beneficial effect in FD, for a detailed on sensory afferents innervating the gut. Oral adminis-
review of the clinical evidence see [23], and has also been tration of STW 5 reduces rat jejunal afferent sensitivity to
shown to be beneficial in IBS [24,25]. In a meta-analysis, mechanical distension, serotonin and bradykinin [37,38],
STW 5 has also been shown to be effective in treating an effect partially mediated by the component I. amara
heartburn as a symptom of functional dyspepsia [26] and [39]. STW 5 also influences secretion. In a model of
due to its proven tolerability, it is also successfully used by indomethacin-induced gastric hyperacidity, STW 5
children [27]. Overall, STW 5 has a remarkable set of decreases acid secretion, whilst stimulating mucin
effects on motility, sensory afferents, and secretion, in secretion [40]. In human colonic preparations STW 5
addition to anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. also enhances chloride secretion via a direct effect on
epithelial chloride channels [41], suggesting STW 5 is a
In terms of specificity, STW 5 selectively inhibits binding secretogogue in the human intestine.
to 5-HT4 and muscarinic M3-receptors, whilst affinity to
5-HT3 receptors is low [28]. In addition, STW 5 has Subclinical inflammation is a potential aetiological factor
affinity to the adenosine A2A receptor. These effects for functional gastrointestinal disorders [36] and STW 5
result from the properties of the individual components, has significant anti-inflammatory effects [42,43], redu-
with the fresh plant extract of bitter candy tuft (I. amara) cing; first, reflux-induced oesophagitis, second, gastric
selectively inhibiting binding to muscarinic M3 receptors, ulcers and third, TNBS-induced or DSS-induced colitis
extracts of celandine herb and chamomile flower to 5- [40,44–46]. In the case of colitis, STW 5 has comparable
HT4 receptors, and liquorice root to 5-HT3 receptors [28]. effects to sulfasalacin [44]. In another study of TNBS-
induced inflammation, STW 5 administration decreases
STW 5 and its components have region-specific effects on TNF-a expression and restores disturbed acetylcholine-
muscle from the gastric fundus, corpus and antrum. In the induced contraction, whilst its component I. amara stimu-
corpus and fundus, STW 5 has a significant, concen- lates Interleukin-10 mediated anti-inflammatory effects.
tration-dependent muscle relaxant effect, whilst in antral Additionally, STW 5 decreased TNFa release in Escher-
muscle STW 5 stimulates phasic contractility, with find- ichia coli lipopolysaccharide-stimulated human mono-
ings consistent across guinea-pig [29] and human muscle cytes [47]. Several in vitro and in vivo models show
[30]. These region-specific effects were also confirmed in STW 5 has anti-oxidant effects, which may also contrib-
a clinical pharmacological study, where STW 5 (single ute to its anti-inflammatory effects [46,48,49,50].
oral dose) has a relaxing effect in the proximal stomach,
together with a significant and long lasting stimulation of Overall, STW 5 appears well tolerated in humans and due
antral motility starting 10 min after administration [31]. to its combination of extracts has numerous mechanisms of

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Use of natural products in gastrointestinal therapies Brierley and Kelber 607

action in symptom relief, which appears to be advantageous Overall, peppermint oil appears to be well tolerated and
for heterogeneous conditions such as FD and IBS with effective in relieving symptoms in IBS patients. It is
complex aetiologies [42,43]. readily available making it an appealing cost-efficient
treatment [59]. However, as with many herbs metabolites
Peppermint oil [60] and bio-activation [61] must be considered, whilst
Peppermint oil is an extract of peppermint (M. piperita), enteric-coated capsules may be preferential as they con-
which has long been thought to act as an intestinal trol the release of peppermint oil to the bowel reducing
smooth muscle relaxant [51]. As such peppermint oil the risk of heartburn. Because of its muscle relaxant
has been the subject of study as an attractive therapy for effects peppermint oil may induce gastro-oesophageal
GI symptom relief, where it is commonly commercially reflux due to relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphinc-
available in an enteric-coated preparation for the treat- ter [55]. Some studies have also shown that peppermint
ment of IBS. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of oil provides therapeutic benefit in combination with car-
earlier placebo-controlled randomised trials supported away oil, providing global symptom improvement for
peppermint oil’s effectiveness in relieving IBS symp- patients with FD [62,63], whilst in an animal model of
toms; although some trials had methodological flaws, IBS oral treatment with peppermint oil and caraway oil
weakening the findings (for detailed reviews see [52– reduces post-inflammatory colonic hyperalgesia synergis-
55]). Recent, more stringent clinical studies have shown tically [64].
a clear benefit of daily use enteric-coated peppermint
oil capsules in improving IBS symptoms [56,57]. One Artichoke leaf extract
randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study of Cynara scolymus has traditionally been used to treat dys-
57 IBS patients showed two enteric coated peppermint peptic symptoms and has been shown to increase bile flow
oil capsules, twice a day, for 4 weeks led to significantly and have antioxidant effects. In a double-blind, random-
higher response rates and a significant reduction in ised controlled trial of 247 patients with FD those orally
bloating, abdominal distension, difficulty at evacuation, administered a commercial artichoke leaf extract prep-
pain at evacuation and the feeling of incomplete aration showed a significantly greater improvement of
evacuation [56]. Another randomised, double-blind, dyspeptic symptoms and global quality-of-life scores
placebo controlled study of 90 outpatients with IBS during a 6-week treatment period when compared with
one capsule of enteric-coated, delayed-release pepper- placebo [65]. Although potentially promising for FD
mint oil three times daily for 8 weeks led to a significant treatment this is a single study and the precise mechan-
reduction in symptoms (including abdominal pain) and ism of action needs to be elucidated. In a more recent
improvement in quality of life compared to placebo animal study two specific artichoke extracts were tested
[57]. on rat ileum contractility. One extract, a hydrophilic
component termed 36_U evoked ileal contraction, whilst
Since these studies were conducted menthol, a major a lipophilic extract termed 36_EB relaxed rat ileum [66].
component of peppermint oil, has been identified as a
potent activator of TRPM8 [9]. This mechanism is respon- Curcumin
sible for the cooling or soothing sensation of menthol when Curcumin is a constituent of the spice turmeric (Curcuma
inhaled, eaten or applied topically to the skin. Recently, longa), one of the principal ingredients found in curry
TRPM8 has been located on a select population of powder. It has multiple identified biological targets and
nociceptive neurons innervating the colon [58]. This cellular effects and in cell line studies has numerous anti-
study also showed incubating colonic nociceptive endings inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties
with icilin, a synthetic more potent version of menthol, (see [67] for detailed review). Potentially the most
reduced nociceptor mechanosensitivity. Furthermore, a notable for GI disease are curcumin’s ability to reduce
subpopulation of TRPM8 colonic nociceptors also co- the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6, IL-
expressed TRPV1 and TRPA1, two major TRP channels 8 [67] and as such has been of interest as an IBD
implicated in colonic pain [11]. Pre-incubation of these treatment. In animal models curcumin attenuates colitis
colonic nociceptive endings with icilin subsequently in a variety of inflammatory models [67] and in one
reduced the magnitude of response elicited by the TRPV1 human study significantly reduced clinical relapse in
agonist capsaicin, whilst preventing the mechanical hyper- patients with quiescent IBD [68]. Curcumin’s therapeutic
sensitivity evoked by the TRPA1 agonist mustard oil value in IBS remains unclear with contrasting reports of
[58]. Therefore, this study identified three novel mech- efficacious outcomes in human studies [69,70]. As with
anisms by which TRPM8 activation can reduce colonic many other natural compounds randomised controlled
pain. As menthol also inhibits TRPA1 [15], which plays a clinical studies with large patient cohorts are needed
key role in colonic pain [14], there are a variety of to fully determine clinical efficacy. Most recently curcu-
mechanisms responsible for the visceral anti-nociceptive min has been shown to block capsaicin-induced TRPV1
properties of peppermint oil in animal models and human activation [20] and therefore may be useful in FD where
studies. patients are hypersensitive to capsaicin challenge [71,72] Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:604–611

608 Gastrointestinal

and a TRPV1 G315C polymorphism increases the Table 2

susceptibility of developing FD [73]. List of the individual components contained within combined
herbal preparations used in gastrointestinal therapy.
Chinese herbs Combined herbal Individual components
Traditional Chinese Medicine is probably the most preparation
widely known and practised of all the natural alternate Iberogast1 bitter candytuft (Iberis amara)
therapies. Numerous formulations have been documen- greater celandine herb
ted for treating GI symptoms. The first mainstream angelica root
clinical study utilised a capsule containing 20 individual lemon balm leaves
peppermint leaves
Chinese herbs (for details see Table 2), which when taken
caraway fruit
(5 capsules, 3 times a day) had significant global im- liquorice root
provement and improved IBS symptom scores [74]. A chamomile flower
recent meta-analysis reviewed the effectiveness of milk thistle fruit
another Chinese herbal medicine Tong-Xie-Yao-Fang Tong-Xie-Yao-Fang rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae
(TXYF; a combination of 4 herbs, Table 2) in 12 clinical radix paeoniae alba
studies. It concluded although there was some evidence pericarpium citri reticulatae
radix saposhnikoviae
to indicate the potential usefulness of TXYF for IBS
patients, results were limited by the poor quality and Tong-xie-ning rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae
heterogeneity of these studies and further carefully radix paeoniae alba
pericarpium citri reticulatae viride
designed, randomised double-blinded placebo-controlled bulbus allii macrostemoni
studies were needed to determine TXYF effectiveness
Padma1 Lax Aloes extractum siccum normatum
for IBS [75]. A more recent randomised, double-blind Kaolinum ponderosum
placebo-controlled trial of 60 diarrhea-predominant IBS Calumbae radix
patients determined the effectiveness of another very Condurango cortex
similar preparation Tong-xie-ning (TXNG; a combi- Helenii rhizome
nation of 4 herbs Table 2) in symptom relief. Oral Gentianae radix
Myrobalani fructus
administration of 5.0 g of TXNG 3 times daily for 3 Natrii hydrogenocarbonas
weeks significantly reduced the frequency and duration Natrii sulfas
of pain and reduced stool frequency compared with Piperis longi fructus
placebo [76]. In contrast, another randomised placebo- Frangulae cortex
Rhamni purshianae cortex
controlled trial of 119 diarrhea-predominant-IBS patients
Rhei radix
found that an 11 Chinese herb formulation did not lead to Strychni semen
global symptom improvement after 8 or 16 weeks of Zingiberis rhizome
treatment [77]. Rikkunnshi-to Atractylodes Lancea Rhizome
Tibetan herbs Pinellia Tuber
Padma1 Lax is a Tibetan herbal formula comprising 15 dry Poria Sclerotium
extracts (Table 2), which has been manufactured and used
Citrus Unshiu Peel
in Europe for several decades. In a randomised, double- Glycyrrhiza
blind placebo-controlled pilot study of 61 constipation- Ginger
predominant-IBS patients significant improvements were Dai-kenchu-to Ginseng
demonstrated after 3 months in the Padma1 Lax group Zanthoxylum Fruit
compared to placebo in constipation, severity of abdominal Dried Ginger
pain and its effect on daily activities, incomplete evacua- Hangeshasin-to Pinellia Tuber
tion, abdominal distension and flatulence [78], but further Scutellaria Root
studies are needed. In a recent animal study Padma1 Lax Processed Ginger
altered the contractile properties of smooth muscle strips of
rat proximal colon via a cholinergic mechanism. However, Ginseng
Padma1 Lax did not alter small bowel, distal colon or rectal Coptis Rhizome
contractility and did not affect visceral sensitivity as the Combined Chinese Codonopsis pilosulae, radix
visceromotor response to colorectal distension was unal- herbal treatment Agastaches seu pogostemi, herba
tered in healthy rats [79]. (from [74]) Ledebouriellae sesloidis, radix
Coicis lachryma-jobi, semen
Bupleurum chinense
Japanese herbs
Artemesiae capillaris, herba
Numerous herbal medicines are prescribed in Japan for a Atractylodis macrocephalae, rhizoma
variety of GI complaints (see [80] for detailed review). Magnoliae officinalis, cortex
One such preparation Rikkunnshi-to is prepared from Citri reticulatae, pericarpium

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:604–611

Use of natural products in gastrointestinal therapies Brierley and Kelber 609

Table 2 (Continued )
References and recommended reading
Combined herbal Individual components Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
preparation have been highlighted as:
Zingiberis offinicinalis, rhizoma  of special interest
Fraxini, cortex  of outstanding interest
Poriae cocos, sclerotium (Hoelen)
Angelicae dahuricae, radix
Plantaginis, semen 1. Yarmolinsky DA, Zuker CS, Ryba NJP: Common sense about
Phellodendri, cortex  taste: from mammals to insects. Cell 2009, 139:234-244.
Yarmolinsky et al. (2009). Excellent review of the receptors and mechan-
Glycyrrhizae uralensis, radix isms responsible taste perception.
Paeoniae lactiflorae, radix
Saussureae seu vladimirae, radix 2. Bingham J-P, Mitsunaga E, Bergeron ZL: Drugs from slugs —
Coptidis, rhizoma  past, present and future perspectives of [omega]-conotoxin
research. Chem-Biol Interact 2010, 183:1-18.
Schisandrae, fructus Bingham et al. (2010). Excellent review illustrating how such a seemingly
simple snail has yielded a highly effective clinical drug.
3. Dutertre S, Lewis RJ: Use of venom peptides to probe ion
channel structure and function. J Biol Chem 2010,
8 crude herbs (Table 2) and is reported to be beneficial for
4. Vetter I, Davis JL, Rash LD, Anangi R, Mobli M, Alewood PF,
nausea and vomiting. Dai-kenchu-to prepared from 3  Lewis RJ, King GF: Venomics: a new paradigm for natural
crude herbs (Table 2) is beneficial for constipation, as products-based drug discovery. Amino Acids 2011, 40:15-28.
it accelerates intestinal motility [80], whilst Hangeshasin- Vetter et al. (2011). Excellent review detailing the technological develop-
ments in establishing a high-throughput pipeline for venoms-based drug
to prepared from 7 herbs (Table 2) is used as an anti- discovery.
diarrhoeal [80]. However, randomised controlled clinical 5. Beyak MJ: Visceral afferents — determinants and modulation
studies with large patient cohorts are needed to fully  of excitability. Auton Neurosci 2010, 153:69-78.
determine clinical efficacy. Beyak (2010). Detailed review discussing the mechanisms by which
sensory neurons innervating the viscera become hyperexcitable.
6. Ibeakanma C, Vanner S: TNFalpha is a key mediator of the
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The bark extract from Garcinia buchananii tree is a ulcerative colitis on colonic DRG neurons. Gut 2010,
traditional African remedy for diarrhea, dysentery,
abdominal discomfort and pain. In a recent animal study 7. Saito YA, Strege PR, Tester DJ, Locke GR 3rd, Talley NJ,
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GABAergic mechanisms [81]. However, further studies allelic variants underlie distinct channel defects and
phenotypes. Neuron 2006, 52:767-774.
are required to characterise the bioactive components and Fertleman et al. (2010). Details the allelic variants which underlie distinct
elucidate the mechanisms of action, whilst clinical studies channel defects and phenotypes.
are required to determine efficacy and safety. 9. Dhaka A, Viswanath V, Patapoutian A: TRP ion channels and
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Conclusions 10. Vriens J, Nilius B, Vennekens R: Herbal compounds and toxins

 modulating TRP channels. Curr Neuropharmacol 2008,
Natural herbal preparations offer considerable potential 6:79-96.
in the alternate and mainstream treatment of functional Vriens et al. (2008). Detailed review of herbal compounds and toxins
modulating TRP channels.
gastrointestinal disorders. In general, more stringent
clinical studies are needed, in addition to isolating and 11. Brierley SM, Hughes PA, Harrington AM, Rychkov GY,
Blackshaw LA: Identifying the ion channels responsible for
identifying the bioactive components, the receptors/ signaling gastro-intestinal based pain. Pharmaceuticals 2010,
channels they act on and the overall mechanism of action 3:2768-2798.
in symptom relief. In the case of Iberogast1 and pep- 12. Smith PL, Maloney KN, Pothen RG, Clardy J, Clapham DE:
permint oil an increasing body of literature now exists  Bisandrographolide from Andrographis paniculata activates
TRPV4 channels. J Biol Chem 2006, 281:29897-29904.
to support their use in FD and/or IBS, although their Smith et al., (2006). Detailed study which screened a library of extracts
full mechanisms of action need to be determined. Per- from 50 Chinese herbal plants to find compounds active on TRPV4.
haps the overriding lesson for mainstream medicine is the 13. Brierley SM, Page AJ, Hughes PA, Adam B, Liebregts T,
clinical efficacy of these multi-component preparations,  Cooper NJ, Holtmann G, Liedtke W, Blackshaw LA: Selective role
for TRPV4 ion channels in visceral sensory pathways.
suggesting multi-target therapy may be prudent for multi- Gastroenterology 2008, 134:2059-2069.
factorial disorders. Brierley et al 2008. First study to show a key role for TRPV4 ion channels in
the mechanosensitivity of gut sensory afferents and specifically within
colonic nociceptors.
Acknowledgements 14. Brierley SM, Hughes PA, Page AJ, Kwan KY, Martin CM,
SMB is supported by a NHMRC Australian Biomedical Fellowship and by  O’Donnell TA, Cooper NJ, Harrington AM, Adam B, Liebregts T
NHMRC Australia Project grants (1008100 and 626960). et al.: The ion channel TRPA1 is required for normal Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:604–611

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