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arisearosearisenawakeawokeawokenbe was /

werebeenbearborebornbeatbeatbeatenbefallbefellbef overrideoverrodeoverriddenoverseeoversawoverseen
allenbeginbeganbegunbespeakbespokebespokenbestr overtakeovertookovertakenoverthrowoverthrewovert
idebestrodebestriddenbetakebetookbetakenbitebitbitt hrownpartakepartookpartakenproveprovedproved,
enblowblewblownbreakbrokebrokencrow provenredoredidredoneredrawredrewredrawnretaker
crew crowed divedovediveddodiddonedrawdrewdra etookretakenrewriterewroterewrittenrideroderiddenri
wndrinkdrankdrunkdrivedrovedriveneatateeatenfallf ngrangrungriseroserisenriverivedriven,
ellfallenflyflewflownforbearforboreforbornforbidfor rivedsawsawedsawnseesawseenseetheseethed,
badeforbiddenforeknowforeknewforeknownforeseef sodsoddensewsewedsewn,
oresawforeseenforgetforgotforgottenforgiveforgavef sewedshakeshookshakenshearshearedshorn,
orgivenforsakeforsookforsakenforswearforsworefors shearedshowshowedshownshrinkshrankshrunkshrive
wornfreezefrozefrozengivegavegivengowentgonegra shroveshrivensingsangsungsinksanksunkslayslewslai
vegravedgravengrowgrewgrownhewhewedhewnhide nsmitesmotesmittensowsowedsownspeakspokespoke
hidhiddenchidechidchiddenchoosechosechosenknow nspringsprangsprungstealstolestolenstinkstank,
knewknownladeladedladenlielaylainmisgivemisgave stunkstunkstrewstrewedstrewnstridestrodestriddenstr
misgivenmistakemistookmistakenmowmowedmown ivestrovestrivenswearsworeswornswellswelledswoll
outdooutdidoutdoneoutgooutwentoutgoneoutgrowou enswimswamswumtaketooktakenteartoretornthriveth
tgrewoutgrownoverbearoverboreoverborneoverdoov rovethriventhrowthrewthrowntreadtrodtroddenunder
erdidoverdoneovereatoverateovereatenoverflyoverfle gounderwentundergoneunderlayunderlaidunderlaidu
woverflownoverrideoverrodeoverridden ndertakeundertookundertakenundoundidundonewake
Grammar topics with past simple verb or past PARTICIPLE:
Irregular PAST (V2) is used in:

Past Simple – I took it. (Mime what you did yesterday, last week/month/, x days ago)
reported speech - present simple -> past simple
eg: He said: ”I drink milk regularly.” -> He said that he drank milk regularly.
wish clause - I wish you were here. I wish you gave me a ring. I wish you took the bag.
It´s high time - It´s high time we went. It´s about time I finished this work.
conditional II - If she saw Tim, she would warn him. If I knew it, I would call you.


adjective - V3 +noun - broken arm, stolen jewels, written notes, long forgotten story

perfect tenses – present / past / future perfect - have / had / will have + V3
I have already written the essay. The boat had sunk before they woke up.
They will have eaten it up by dinner time .

conditional III – If + had +V3 , subject would have +V3.

- If they had seen it, they would have written a report.

reported speech - have + V3 / past simple -> had + V3

She said: “I have eaten the cake.” She said that she HAD eaten the cake.

Being / Having + V3 - Having ridden for 10 miles I felt exhausted. I did that without being seen.
perfect gerund - Verb + being +V3 - I like being treated politely.

modals + have + V3 – about past actions -

She ..... have told the news last weekend. (should, shouldn’t, might, needn’t, could, couldn’t, must)
needn’t have + V3 shouldn’t have + V3 might have + V3 can have + V3
should have + V3 could have + V3 must have + V3 can’t have + V3
The secret police must have done it. (100% yes) The secret police can’t have done it. (100% no)
The secret police needn’t have done it. (no need) The secret police shouldn’t have done it.
The secret police could have done it. The secret police might have done it. (probably, possibly)
The secret police can have done it. The secret police should have done it.

passive – is/was / have been / will be / is going to be + V3 ,,, is/was/were BEING +V3
Cars are often stolen at night. He was bitten by a wolf. It has been torn.
They will be broken soon. It will be taken out. They will be thrown away.
It is going to be risen later. The cake is going to be eaten this evening. It is being taken now.
The report has to be written. Kids should be taken to bed. Fruit can be eaten during breaks.

Causative - have something done I am having my car repaired.

He will not have the house painted. I won‘t have this house turned into a mess.

Seemed to have + V3 – She seemed to have been anxious.

Happened to have + V3 – They happened to have flown there before.
Pretended to have + V3 – I pretended to have read the report.
Appeared to have + V3 – He appeared to have been drunk.

Passive - are/is v3 + TO HAVE + V3

is believed , considered, found, known, reported, said, supposed, thought, understood to HAVE V3
- He is said to have flown to Africa. - She is supposed to have written this story.
- She is understood to have left her family. - They are believed to have taken it.

perfect passive – was/had been + V3 + V-ing - The boy was seen entering the house.
was to have been … + V3 – The room was to have been painted, but it isn’t.
verb + BEING + V 3 - He likes being shaken. This horse hates being ridden on hot days.
Be made / forced TO V - He was made to have supervised visits.
had V3... before He is in Africa. When I came
hotel – build bite – by a
START The day We have „George stole phone –
recently she arrived mosquitto
Anthem – out of the
the car“ –> She invent in ... He must have sing -at bushes, all my
before I had ... already….
said that .... ….. there. football clothes were ...

The story hasn’t

been .... yet.
The painting

Mona Lisa shrunk ..., Name 5 past Past perfect - can’t have is not here. bore – 1998 Present
Roof – blow Name 5 past “I didn’t do it”.
…………… participles away by the negative They must perfect - participles
shown ...., V3 affirmative +
ending in -en hurricane have.... question He said that...
in 1911. interrogative ? ending in -wn
drunk ...

mistakes –
forgot - yet

He is said to have Name 5 past never If he hadn’t V3, They seem to

Passive – Conditional Hidden hint, had sunk Who has .....
...... to Paris. participles been ......V3 we would have have .............
might have negative III unknown....., before .... this cake?
ending in -un V3
V3 - past forbidden....

Camels –

ride- in Sahara
If they had
Passive - You would Name irregulars It was true,
FINISH kids - have
“I bought the
swimming pool”
broken arm,
have given... ,
V3, we would
similar to: i-a-u
Future should have
stolen...., future perfect
if... have V3 .... had been V3
– grow up so He informed us swollen.... tense
fast that .... V3
had V3... before He is in Africa. When I came
hotel – build bite – by a
START The day We have „George stole phone –
recently she arrived mosquitto
Anthem – out of the
the car“ –> She invent in ... He must have sing -at bushes, all my
before I had ... already….
said that .... ….. there. football clothes were ...

The story hasn’t

been .... yet.
The painting

Mona Lisa shrunk ..., Name 5 past Past perfect - can’t have is not here. bore – 1998 Present
Roof – blow Name 5 past “I didn’t do it”.
…………… participles away by the negative They must perfect - participles
shown ...., V3 affirmative +
ending in -en hurricane have.... question He said that...
in 1911. interrogative ? ending in -wn
drunk ...

mistakes –
forgot - yet

He is said to have Name 5 past never If he hadn’t V3, They seem to

Passive – Conditional Hidden hint, had sunk Who has .....
...... to Paris. participles been ......V3 we would have have .............
might have negative III unknown....., before .... this cake?
ending in -un V3
V3 - past forbidden....

Camels –

ride- in Sahara
If they had
Passive - You would Name irregulars It was true,
FINISH kids - have
“I bought the
swimming pool”
broken arm,
have given... ,
V3, we would
similar to: i-a-u
Future should have
stolen...., future perfect
if... have V3 .... had been V3
– grow up so He informed us swollen.... tense
fast that .... V3
1. BUT I HAVE JUST DONE THAT! (passive + present perfect)
S1: The room must be cleaned.
S2: But I have just / already cleaned it!
Milk-drunk, leaves-blown away, spell broken, car driven to park, sandwich eaten, kite flown, rows forgotten, sins
forgiven, information given, crops grown in the garden, magic book hidden, chairperson chosen, horse ridden, bell
rung, all hands risen, all hips shaken, all homework shown, all pens stolen, bags taken away, paper torn, rubbish
thrown out, school uniform worn, essay written.  PLEASE note - some phrases are a bit silly!


S1: Had you drunk all milk before you left home?
S2: Yes, I had drunk all milk and I had eaten all cakes. :-D

3. Mime what you have already / just done

S1: mimes an activity.
S2: Have you swam? Have you torn some paper? Have you thrown a ball?
S1: Yes, I have thrown a volleyball in the park.

4. Mime what you haven’t done yet.

S1: Haven’t you driven the car yet?
S2: I haven’t driven the car yet and I haven’t hidden a treasure box either.

5. What is being done? Progressive Passive

S1: mimes an activity
S2: The car is being driven. The kids are being woken. The test is being written.
S3: writes notes and after 10 sentences S3 reports: The car was being driven. The test was being written...

6. Life of a Celebrity – game

Bring some photos of famous Brits / Americans. Students tell /write down the sentences with V3. Extra points for
the correct name of the celebrity.
Eg: Bill Gates is rich and famous but he hadn’t worn expensive clothes when he was a young boy....
Similar game – Imaginary friend – photo from a magazine – write about the person

7. Creative adverts – ask ss to write down SILLY adverts with V3. Categorise – make groups of similar irregulars.

8. Something has to be done!

S1: Something has to be written!
S2: A novel has to be written? A short story? A play script? A poison letter? A poem?
S1: Nods.
S2: OK. A poem has to be written!

9. Past Modals drill – Twins / Quite the Opposite

Uncertainty - may have / may not have / might have / might not have / could have
Possibility (which thanks God didn’t happen) – might have – Careful! You might have cut me with that knife!
Possibility (but didn’t happen) – could have passed,,, couldn’t have,
Assumption – would have – That would have been the book I need.
Certainty – 100% yes - must have - She must have written the valentine, I am absolutely sure.
Certainty – 100% no - can’t have - 100% sure he didn’t write it – He can’t have written this story.
Annoyance – might have - They might have told me about it.
Unnecessary action which was actually done – needn’t have – You needn’t have watered the artificial flowers.
Criticism – shouldn’t have / ought not to have / should have
Expectation – should have – He should have shown it by now.
S1 makes a sentence, S2 makes a similar / opposite sentence
S1: He must have lost the wallet at school.
S2: No! He can’t have lost the wallet there!
10. Irregular ball – students sit in a circle and pass a ball. S1 says an irregular verb, S2 says past, S3 past participle,
S4 chooses another irregular verb, S5 says the past simple, S6 says the past participle...
Similar – 1 student in the middle throws a ball a shouts an irregular verb, S2 shouts V2 and V3 and throws the ball
back. Keep the pace pretty fast. The student who makes a mistake must go to the centre and throw the ball.

11.DO IT as I said – will have + V3

Write down future events. One student is a coach and shouts out sentences in future perfect. Others obey and mime
the activity. Eg: We will have eaten the sandwiches by the end of the break.
One student is a reporter and writes down all the sentences on the blackboard.

12. Battleships or Tic tac toe

Choose 10 verbs, each past participle -V3 is a battleship, draw a battlefield tables and play the game.
Tictactoe – each square represents one irregular verb. Ss make sentences and correct each other. X O

13. Comments please! – past modals

Watch a popular film, no sound, mute, when the scene ends ask ss to comment the story. Eg. The old man was
walking slowly. He must have been tired and hungry. He can’t have been very rich. He could have slept under the
stars the night before, because his clothes were dirty... – possibility, assumptions, (un)certainty... modals

14. Wipe it out – take an easy short story, white out all irregulars / V3 and ask ss to complete the story. Take turns.
Make a new super-funny story! Great fun with madlibs!

15. The Magnificent Seven - pairs of gunfighters make 5 steps, turn around and fire their “pistols” – they make
correct sentences with V3
16. Liar, Liar! – S1 tells a wrong sentence and S2 corrects him.

17. The Deaf Auntie – Reported Speech - S1 – uses past simple, present perfect, past perfect
S1 says a sentence and S2 says reported speech –
S1: I drank the tea slowly.
S2: She said she had drank it slowly.

18.Making pairs – write V3 on one side of the blackboard and nouns on the other. Each team links the participle and
noun and make a sentence – Last winter we found a frozen bird in the garden. + mime that

19.Crossfire - Wink / Shoot game – SS sit in a circle, T points at one student and says a verb (eg write), the student
bends down and the “neighbours” – the student on the right and the student on the left look at each other and
shout a phrase/sentence (or V2 + V3), and point a toygun at each other, the first correct answer – scores a point.
Optional: ss don’t have toyguns, they wink.

20. Conversation – present perfect + progressive passive

A: Billy has invented a new computer game. A: I hope Bert will keep his promise.
B: Has he really? B: What promise?
A: Yes, he has. It is being widely advertised. A: He said he would take me to Wien when he had
B: How interesting! bought a car. And now he HAS bought a car.
B: Perhaps he has forgotten about it.
drink sold at all supermarkets teach me German -passed his exam
interactive book lent/read at libraries mend my bike mended his own
motor boots patented right away pay for my course had promotion
pen offered by all the stationers paint my portrait held his exhibition
chocolate asked for everywhere show me his collection written his e-mails
material produced by Bata make me a dress made himself one

21. Conditional III – write 5x5 irregulars on the board and S makes C-III sentences. When the sentence is ok, cross
out the verb. Student tries to form a line of three crosses.
22. Conditional Anaconda - I would have swum in this lake if you had spoken to the headmaster. I’d have spoken to
the headmaster if you had worn a pink dress. I would have worn a pink dress if Madona had flown to Africa...
Sentences from Sherlock Holmes detective stories:

seem to have V3

They seem to have been of a most interesting character

You seem to have done the thing very completely. I must compliment you."
"I seem to have dropped into a sort of council of war."
They seem to have covered their tracks. There has, I fear, been preconcerted management here."
Straker was excited at hearing the account, although he does not seem to have quite realized its true significance.
You seem to have made a vast impression upon my brother Arthur,' said he.
"Your discoveries seem to have left the business more obscure that it was before.
Well, you seem to have cross-examined her pretty thoroughly.
You have the drop on me this time. I seem to have knocked up against something hard.
Your servant seems to have quite recovered.
Your visitor seems to have left traces in your bedroom as well as in your sitting-room.
Mr. Smith, a very young man straight from the University, seems to have been just what his employer wanted.
Lestrade seems to have observed something of interest.
By thunder, the whole country-side seems to have been out to see me do my wooing at that!

be said to have V3

Sir Charles was a widower, and a man who may be said to have been in some ways of an eccentric habit of mind.
The circumstances connected with the death of Sir Charles cannot be said to have been entirely cleared up by the
A tall, dark, thin man, so taciturn and aloof that none can be said to have been his friend.
For some years he has practically withdrawn from the business, in which he is said to have amassed considerable
I have no doubt that it is the daughter, Miss Alice, if I remember right, who was said to have gone to America.

He took us both to show us the spot where the legend of the wicked Hugo is supposed to have had its origin.
The huge monoliths which are supposed to have marked their temples.
They are supposed to have belonged to some of the marauding Barons of Holdernesse in the Middle Ages.

Both windows and doors were found to be fastened in the morning.

"The injury from which the unfortunate veteran was suffering was found to be a jagged cut some two inches long.
Nothing was found to implicate him in any way, and there the matter dropped.
His bedroom (which is on the ground floor) were found to be open.
A devoted medical man, if sufficiently paid, would easily be found to take charge of the sufferer.

He was known to have been at the foot of the stair within a very few seconds of her husband's appearance at the
Silas Brown, the trainer, is known to have had large bets upon the event, and he was no friend to poor Straker.
He is known to have held papers which he used for blackmailing purposes. These papers have all been burned by the
He is known to have shot three men in the States and escaped from penitentiary through political influence.
My uncle Elias emigrated to America when he was a young man and became a planter in Florida, where he was
reported to have done very well.
An apparent clue was at once obtained, since a boy and a young man were reported to have been seen leaving a
neighbouring station by an early train.

Having + V3

Having done this, you must at once put the box out upon the sundial, as directed.
Having once made up my mind, you know the steps which I took in order to put the matter to the proof.
Two years ago, having served my time, and having also come into a fair sum of money through my poor
"Finally, having drawn every other cover and picked up no scent, I tried my luck with the housekeeper.
Having shaken hands with each of us, he was about to sit down when his eye rested upon the paper with the
curious markings, which I had just examined and left upon the table.
The habit grew upon him, as I understand, from some foolish freak when he was at college; for having read
De Quincey's description of his dreams and sensations, he had drenched his tobacco with laudanum in an
attempt to produce the same effects.
Although it was reported as having cleared from London, the name is that which is given to one of the
states of the Union.
He denied strenuously having ever seen Mr. Neville St. Clair
"No, but this horrible man confessed to having been there, and the Lascar was at the foot of the stairs."
"Had he ever showed any signs of having taken opium?"
"You certainly have the air of something unusual having occurred," said Holmes.
John Horner, a plumber, was accused of having abstracted it from the lady's jewel-case.
And now--and now I am myself a branded thief, without ever having touched the wealth for which I sold
my character.
All efforts were in vain, for she slowly sank and died without having recovered her consciousness.
I was angry with my wife that night for having held me back when I might have caught the skulking rascal.
"As to you, friend Watson, I owe you every atonement for having allowed your natural curiosity to remain
so long unsatisfied.
I am sure, Mr. Holmes, that we are very much indebted to you for having cleared the matter up. I wish I
knew how you reach your results.

Being + V3

Lestrade, being rather puzzled, has referred the case to me, and hence it is that two middle-aged gentlemen
are flying westward at fifty miles an hour instead of quietly digesting their breakfasts at home.
The key being turned, however, the hole was not entirely closed.
It was one of four which stood back some little way from the street, two being occupied and two empty.

This fault was soon remedied, and he was seized and searched, without anything being found which could
incriminate him.
Anyone might stay there, or take a train without being observed.
You could not celebrate him without being known yourself.
I can leave without being ashamed to look others in the face
I got quite close to them without being seen.
I turned it every way in my mind without being able to make anything of it.

On being asked where this old shipmate lived, he was unable to give any satisfactory reply.
On being arrested he volunteered that statement that he had come down to Dartmoor in the hope of getting
some information
Afterwards he insisted upon being taken to his rooms in Baker Street.
I could rely upon being freed.

Do not join in it. It will end in my being conveyed into the house.
I had no difficulty in being directed to Charlington Heath.
The chances are that she would be as averse to its being seen by Mr. Godfrey Norton, as our client is to its
coming to the eyes of his princess.

I might have suspected him of being addicted to the use of some narcotic.
He has died within ten seconds of being bitten.
They must have thought that there was some chance of their being followed, for they would never go out
I'm tired of people telling me what to do.= I'm tired of being told what to do.
He is accused of being concerned in the beating of old Editor Stranger.
I think that we have had a close shave ourselves of being arrested for the crime.
A few minutes after I found, rather, I confess, to my relief, that instead of being identified as Mr. Neville St.
Clair, I was arrested as his murderer.
It may be the more worthy of being placed upon record, even if it gave my friend fewer openings for those
deductive methods of reasoning by which he achieved such remarkable results.
It is more handy than a label, as there is no risk of the number being lost or transposed.

He appeared presently, looking a little irritable at being disturbed in his slumbers.

You recollect how annoyed I was at being balked by so small a thing?"

I suppose you are arresting me for being concerned in the death of that scoundrel Drebber.
neither there nor on the road was any human being to be seen.
It was cleaned before being sent to me.
The bust was taken outside before being broken.

I remembered a German being found in New York with RACHE written up above him.

I arrest you in the queen's name as being concerned in the death of your brother.
She distinctly saw his face, which she describes as being terribly agitated.
The transport ship Gloria Scott was set down by the Admiralty as being lost at sea,
Douglas had given him the impression that some danger was hanging over his head, and he had always
looked upon his sudden departure from California, and also his renting a house in so quiet a place in
England, as being connected with this peril.

Progressive passive – IS BEING V3, WAS being V3, WERE BEING V3

“Interesting," said Lestrade, in the injured tone of one who suspects that he is being laughed at. (passive)
This is the first volume of a gazetteer which is now being published. (passive)
It is being prosecuted by Mr. Athelney Jones, of Scotland Yard. (passive)
The lamps were just being lighted as we paced up and down in front of Briony Lodge.
From this convenient retreat the watchers were being watched and the trackers tracked.
I observed as I was dressing how the last remaining leaves were being whirled from the solitary plane tree.
It was one thing to knock the soldiers over with their muskets in their hands, and it was another to stand by
while men were being killed in cold blood.
I suppose the local investigation was relaxed while this false clue was being followed up?
The window was being opened.
While a horse was being put into a trap at the local inn we snatched a hurried breakfast
He meets a violent death during the very hours when we know that that drama was being enacted.
And yet the more I thought of the lady's face and of her manner the more I felt that something was being
held back from me.
It was I, then, and not Sir Henry, who was being dogged by this secret man.
She had learned something of the death of the convict, and she knew that the hound was being kept in the
out-house on that evening
I was still conscious that I was being watched.
A fresh bottle was being sent to Professor Presbury.

WAS + V3 - passive
Boat was seen swinging in the trough of a wave, with the letters "L. S." carved upon it, and that is all which
we shall ever know of the fate of the "Lone Star."
She was seen walking with this very woman afterwards. The man was seen by a milkboy.
People saw the suspect enter the house.=The suspect was seen to enter the house.
Tales were told in the City of the weird figure which was seen prowling about the suburbs
It laid an egg after it was dead—the bonniest, brightest little blue egg that ever was seen.
They gave and exchanged the lodge sign = The lodge sign was given and exchanged as they met.
They gave it to me = It was given to me.
They gave him the information he needed.= He was given the information he needed.
The thief handed over the stolen goods to the police.= The stolen goods were handed over to the police.

Like / love / hate BEING V3

My little sister likes it when I read her fairy tales.=My little sister likes being read fairy tales.
My kids hate when I throw them high up into the air. = My kids hate being thrown into the air.

Rare expressions:
They made me feel like part of the family.= I was made to feel like part of the family.
Johnson was proud that they had promoted him.=Johnson was proud to have been promoted.


Now it’s your turn. Go to Project Gutenberg website and download your favourite book and find a few sentences with past
participles (V3) – passive, conditional, perfect tenses, past modals...

Open the file and “Ctrl+F” – type in the phrase –

eg: “seem to have”, “said to have”, “having”, “being”, “has been”, “is going to be”, “will not have”, “must have”,
“can’t have”, “said to have”, “if he had”, “if they had”, “would have”, “is being”....

FILL IN: 17. gr_ w gr_ w gr_ wn

1. b_ w_ s/ w_ r_ b_ _ n 18. h_ d_ h_ d h_ dd_ n
2. b_ g_ n b_ g_ n b_ g_ n 19. ch_ _ s_ ch_ s_ ch_ s_ n
3. b_ t_ b_ t b _ tt _ n 20. kn_ w kn_ w kn_ wn
4. bl_ w bl_ w bl_ wn 21. l_ _ l_ y l_ _ n
5. br_ _ k br_ k_ br_ k_ n 22. r_ d_ r_ d_ r_ dd_ n
6. d_ d_ d d_ n_ 23. r_ ng r_ ng r_ ng
7. dr_ w dr_ w dr_ wn 24. r_ s_ r_ s_ r_ s_ n
8. dr_ nk dr_ nk dr_ nk 25. s_ _ s_ w s_ _ n
9. dr_ v_ dr_ v_ dr_ v_ n 26. sh_ k_ sh_ _ k sh_ k_ n
10. __t _ t_ _ _ t_ n 27. sh_ w sh_ w_ d sh_ wn
11. f_ ll f_ ll f_ ll_ n 28. shr_ nk shr_ nk shr_ nk
12. fl y fl _ w fl _ w n 29. s_ nk s_ nk s_ nk
13. f_ rg_ t f_ rg_ t f _ r g _ tt _ n 30. sp_ _ k sp_ k_ sp_ k_ n
14. f_ rg_ v_ f_ rg_ v_ f_ rg_ v_ n 31. st_ _ l st_ l_ st_ l_ n
15. g_ v_ g_ v_ g_ v_ n 32. sw_ m sw_ m sw_ m
16. g_ w_ nt g_ n_ 33. t_ k_ t_ _ k t_ k_ n
34. t_ _ r t_ r_ t_ rn 36. w_ _ r w_ r_ w_ rn
35. thr_ w thr_ w thr_ wn 37. wr_ t_ wr_ t_ w r _ tt _ n

be was / were been být

bear bore born nést, snášet, plodit, (narodit se)
beat beat beaten biti, tlouci
begin began begun začít
bite bit bitten kousat, okusovat, leptat,
blow blew blown vát, foukat, nafukovat
break broke broken rozbít, zlomit, změnit se
dive dove dived potápět se, ponořit se
do did done dělat
draw drew drawn táhnout, čerpat, kreslit
drink drank drunk pít, napít se, pohlcovat
drive drove driven řídit, pohánět, hnát, svézt
eat ate eaten jíst, chutnat, sežrat
fall fell fallen (s)padat, opadnout, svažovat se
fly flew flown letět, vlát,
forbid forbade forbidden zakázat, znemožnit
forget forgot forgotten zapomenout
forgive forgave forgiven odpustit, prominout
forsake forsook forsaken opustit, (za)nechat
forswear forswore forsworn zříci se, křivě přísahat
freeze froze frozen mrznout, zmrazit, zadržet
give gave given dát, věnovat, zasvětit
go went gone jít, chodit, podít se
grave graved graven vyrýt, vštípit, pohřbít
grow grew grown růst, pěstovat, zakořenit se
hide hid hidden skrýt (se), schovat, zatajit
choose chose chosen vybrat /si, zvolit /si,
know knew known znát, vědět,
lie lay lain ležet, být umístěn
mistake mistook mistaken nesprávně pochopit, zmýlit se
mow mowed mown sekat (trávu), kosit, žnout
overtake overtook overtaken předhonit, předjet, předběhnout
overthrow overthrew overthrown svrhnout (vládu)
prove proved proven dokázat, prokázat, ukázat se
rewrite rewrote rewritten přepsat, přestylizovat
ride rode ridden jet (kolo, kůň), jezdit, projet
ring rang rung zvonit, cinknout
rise rose risen stoupat, povstat, vycházet (slunce)
saw sawed sawn řezat pilou, přeříznout
see saw seen vidět, spatřit, chápat
sew sewed sewn šít, sešívat
shake shook shaken třást, (za)chvět se, třepat
show showed shown ukázat, převést, předložit (doklad)
shrink shrank shrunk srazit (textil), smrštit, stáhnout se
sing sang sung zpívat, opěvovat
sink sank sunk klesat, potopit (se), svažovat se
sow sowed sown sít, zasévat
speak spoke spoken mluvit, promluvit, vyjadřovat se
spring sprang sprung (vy)skočit, vytrysknout, pramenit
steal stole stolen (u)krást, přikrást se, odloudit
stink stank, stunk stunk páchnout, zapáchat, sedět
swear swore sworn klít, přísahat,
swell swelled swollen opuchnout, nabobtnat, kynout
swim swam swum plavat, plout
take took taken vzít, brát, uchopit, dostat
tear tore torn roztrhnout, rozervat, trhat
throw threw thrown házet, po/ s/hodit, vrhat
undertake undertook undertaken ujmout se, převzít, zavázat se
undo undid undone zrušit, anulovat, odčinit
wake woke woken vzbudit (se), probudit se
wear wore worn nosit (na sobě), opotřebovat
weave wove woven tkát, splétat, spřádat, proplétat se
write wrote written psát
1. be was / were been být
2. begin began begun začít
3. bite bit bitten, bit kousat, okusovat, leptat,
4. blow blew blown vát, foukat, nafukovat
5. break broke broken rozbít, zlomit, změnit se
6. do did done dělat
7. draw drew drawn táhnout, čerpat, kreslit
8. drink drank drunk pít, napít se, pohlcovat
9. drive drove driven řídit, pohánět, hnát, svézt
10. eat ate eaten jíst, chutnat, (se)žrat
11. fall fell fallen (s)padat, opadnout, svažovat se
12. fly flew flown letět, vlát,
13. forget forgot forgotten zapomenout
14. forgive forgave forgiven prominout, odpustit
15. give gave given dát, věnovat, zasvětit, ...
16. go went gone jít, chodit, podít se, ...
17. grow grew grown růst, pěstovat, zakořenit se
18. hide hid hidden skrýt (se), schovat, zatajit
19. choose chose chosen vybrat /si, zvolit /si,
20. know knew known znát, vědět,
21. lie lay lain ležet, být umístěn
22. ride rode ridden jet (kolo, kůň), jezdit, projet
23. ring rang rung zvonit, cinknout
24. rise rose risen stoupat, povstat, vycházet (slunce)
25. see saw seen vidět, spatřit, chápat
26. shake shook shaken třást, (za)chvět se, třepat
27. show showed shown ukázat, předvést
28. shrink shrank shrunk zmenšit se, zcvrknout se
29. sink sank sunk klesat, potopit (se), svažovat se
30. speak spoke spoken mluvit, promluvit, vyjadřovat se
31. steal stole stolen (u)krást, přikrást se, odloudit
32. swim swam swum plavat, plout
33. take took taken vzít, brát, uchopit, dostat, ...
34. tear tore torn roztrhnout, rozervat, trhat
35. throw threw thrown házet, po/ s/hodit, vrhat
36. wear wore worn nosit (na sobě), opotřebovat
37. write wrote written psát

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