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‘As dated in ou rang, new now have cotmed wo ar unaware wre Be asus ced ad woud a gre hs ct on ero ‘isomer we or By tare to cone egaat Ke Es pl My eral efi wok carened we vt know wher a auseen cn. _ Suing win anol gun tr oan be HOM canis bner an whege reing Gxonen cane 9 a ‘men : = Pai eh * teteene Al (On Aug 31, 2018, 21 829 AM Dasa Chestnut Ce:; Chestnut, Lisa ; webber, sally ‘;; Julle Rezek ; Matt ‘Wimmer ‘Subject: RE: Ko Easement Vacation and Fence Installation Lean meet next Wednesday 8/24 at 7:00. Karl From: Darin Chestnut x Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 11:54 AM To: Karl Undor Cer l63@comeast net; Chestnut, Lisa; webber, sally;; Julle Rezek; Matt Wimmer ‘Subject: RE: Ko Easement Vacation and Fence Installation Karl -1 would like to delay the HOA meeting that has been scheduled for tomorrow night the 17" to the following week on the 24”. | will not have a copy of the easement from the County by tomorrow and | think Its important to have a copy of the easement language before we meet, Please let me know if delaying the meeting is acceptable and what new date will work? ‘Thank you, Darin Chestaut HOA 000112 CL Construction Services, Inc. 1p 425-519-7344 | € 760-419-8016 hi Lcom Connect with us on: Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Sharing your vision. Bullding success. From: Julie Rezek (] ‘Sent: Monday, August 08, 2016 2:51 PM ‘To: Matt Wimmer Ce:; Lindor, Karl; Chestnut, Lisa; Darin Chestnut; webber, sally; ‘Subject: Re: Ko Easement Vacation and Fence Installation Likewise. I'm flying back that day from a business trip and given the delta airlines situation I'm not sure of my ETA. On Aug 8, 2016, at 5:07 PM, Matt Wimmer wrote: {will do my best to be there! Next week we welcome 300 6-9" graders for our next to last week of camp for the summer © Matt Wimmer Executive Director & CEO SAMBICA {425) 746-9110 x 13 (p) | (425) 746-7082 (f) ‘www From: ( ‘Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2016 11:59 AM To: Lindor, Karl Ce: Chestnut, Lisa ; Chestnut, Darin ; webber, sally <; Rezek, Julle ;; Matt & Cindy Wimmer ‘Subject: Re: Ko Easement Vacation and Fence Installation, Works for me, Julie From: "Karl Lindor’ ‘Lisa Chestnut" , “sally weber" , "julie rezek" mi63@comcast net,, matt@sambica com HOA 000113 Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2016 11:13:21 AM Subject: Re: Ko Easement Vacation and Fence Installation Yes, let's plan on Wednesday 8/17 at 7:00PM at my house for those who can make it. Thanks, Karl Lindor 206-890-8227 (mobile) 425-643-5600 (office) On Aug 6, 2016, at 9:02 AM, "Lisa Chestnut” wrote: We are unable to meet that evening. Can we do the next evening, Wednesday the 47th? Thank you, Darin and Lisa On Aug 5, 2016, at 10:40 PM, Karl Lindor wrote: ‘Thanks forthe detaled email Darn. | propose we have a “special meeting" on Tuesday 6/16 at 7:00PM at my home, 17816 SE 40th place. — Please RSVP your availabilty | will ask Sally to forward this email to those board members not on this email distribution, Thanks, al Lindor 206-880-8227 (mobile) 425-643-5800 (offce) wo Kat indor com ‘On Aug 5, 2016, at 6:17 PM, ‘Darin Chestnut” wrote: Karl ~ 1 was thinking lastnight about the fence and Ko's comments about not responding. The dates don't sdd ‘up. He already had made up his mind on installing the fence before | was able o provide my comments to him on the ‘Attached Is a photo of Ke's signed contract forthe fence. It's dated June 12th, 2016. My last email ‘correspondence with Ko was on June 13th in which | indicated to him that | would get back fo him by the end of the ‘week, which would have been June 17h, 5 days affer he had already signed the contract tonsa the fence. At that time i was sil walling for feedback from my attomey. In order to have a quote on a fence, Ko had to contact the {fencing contractor the week of June 6th, only 3 days after his proposed agreement was sent 0 him | would have a response back to him. He was already pissed off and had already mada up his mind. Here are the dates: ‘9103/15. Ko request to vacate the easement emailed to Strandvik President ‘SIS116 Strandvik HOA meeting where Ko's request presented HOA 000114

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