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End of Year Test B* 14 I wear this dress tonight, but

I’m not sure.

a ’ll b won’t c might
Part 1 15 You come with me. I can get
Grammar there on my own.
a mustn’t b haven’t
Choose the correct answers. c don’t have to
1 I never fish. I hate it! 16 to school by bus?
a eat b eats c am eating a Do you always go
2 Mom will call you later. She b Are you always going
dinner at the moment. c Do you go always
a cook b cooks c ’s cooking 17 I’ll be outside, Mom. I read in
3 I don’t mind you. the yard.
a I help b to help c helping a ’m going to b ’ll c go to
4 Jim to music when his CD 18 If we now, I think we’ll be
player stopped working. there in an hour.
a listened b was listening a will leave b leave
c has listened c would leave
5 anyone interesting at the party 19 There be any people in the
last night? streets at this hour. It’s midnight!
a Did you meet b Have you met a not b don’t c won’t
c Were you meeting 20 How many text messages last
6 I can’t wear these jeans. They’re year?
. a sent b were sent
a too small b small enough c were sending
c enough small 21 your coat made of wool?
7 John is student in the class. a Were b Does c Is
a friendly b friendlier 22 If I enough money, I’d buy a
c the friendliest sports car.
8 That picture is better this one. a have b had c was having
a from b than c that 23 How long in Portugal?
9 Anna likes horses, but she a are you living b have you lived
one. c you’re going to live
a never rode b ’s never riding 24 Elaine eats too chocolate.
c has never ridden a much b many c lots
10 What about the movie last 25 He’s the man invented the
night? World Wide Web.
a you think b did you think a who b which c where
c have you thought
11 Don’t go in the kitchen! I the
a just washed
b was just washed
c ’ve just washed
12 We’ve lived in this apartment
a long time.
a for b since c by
13 Hurry up! We be late!
a mustn’t b haven’t
c don’t have to
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Vocabulary 43 Oliver felt about his exams.
a sadly b grateful c confident
26 There is a small bookcase on the 44 We can’t wear T-shirts with on
outside my room. them at school.
a ceiling b landing c floor a banners b placards
27 It was cold, so we sat in front of c slogans
the in the living room. 45 Jane always agrees her older
a fireplace b drive c lawn sister.
28 Charlie put his socks and T-shirts a about b with c to
in his . 46 She’s a relaxed person. She
a blind b rugs c dresser doesn’t worry anything.
29 I’m afraid dogs. a about b for c of
a of b on c with 47 “Did you enjoy the concert?” “No,
30 Ellen is in snowboarding. it was !”
a interested b keen c excited a awful b excellent c furious
31 Are you good math? 48 He fell and now he’s got a
a at b for c with sprained .
32 It was very , so I bought it. a face b ankle c neck
a bargain b sale c cheap 49 “How do you turn on the
33 I asked the for a smaller size. machine?” “You press this
a helper b officer here.’
c salesperson a button b control c plug
34 I love those earrings, but I can’t 50 Leonardo da Vinci the Mona
to buy them. Lisa.
a sell b afford c spend a painted b painter c painting
35 You can download the interview
as a and listen to it again.
___/50 marks
a flash b website c podcast
36 The athlete smiled when he
won the race.
a happy b happier c happily
37 I didn’t have time to read the
articles, but I read the .
a headlines b presenters
c journalists
38 We aren’t going this summer.
It’s too expensive.
a luggage b abroad c sight
39 I love traveling, but I hate my
a packing b staying c putting
40 We can’t into the hotel before
a book b check c write
41 After dinner I have to the
a clear b mow c load
42 I always my bed before I
leave the house.
a lay b make c sweep

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Part 2 Part 3
1 Complete the email with the Complete the dialogue with the
correct form of the verbs in words in the box.
believe bit how if
Hi Marcus, place really crazy
that’s what’s win
Guess what! We’re in Portugal, and we
(have) an awesome time. At the Ian Hi, Megan!
moment I 2 (sit) on the beach and I Megan Oh, hi, Ian! I haven’t seen
(look) at the ocean. Yesterday you for months! Where
Brian and I 4 (drive) into town and have you been?
(see) the sights. I was exhausted at
Ian We’ve moved to another
the end of the day. I 6 (never / walk)
for so many hours before! We 7 part of town – Dunfield.
(also / have) dinner at some fantastic restaurants Megan No, 1 ?
here since we arrived. I 8 (love) it like?
Portuguese food! Ian It’s a 3 far, and
I hardly ever see my old
Tomorrow we 9 (take) a train to
Coimbra. I’m sure it 10 (be) great, friends.
too. Megan too bad.
Ian But the house is amazing
See you soon. and there’s a swimming
James pool.
Megan I don’t 5 you!
Ian It’s true. I can show you
2 Choose the correct options.
some photos.
I’ve 1just / for / since come home from
Megan Well, let’s go somewhere
school, and I’m very tired, but I must
2 and have a cup of coffee.
study / to study / studying for a test on
You can show me the
Friday. It’s a history test, and there are
3 photos there.
a lot / many / much of facts and dates
Ian Where’s a good
to learn. My best friend says she 6
4 to sit and
might / has / is come to my house and
study with me, but she isn’t sure yet.
5 Megan Bella’s Café.
If / Do / Is she comes, I’ll be so 7
Ian can we get
Gerry and Erica want to go to the Ian We can walk.
movies tonight. Erica is going 6call / to Megan Is it OK 8 we
call / called Ian and invite him to join go to the bank first? I
them. Gerry wants to see the new don’t have any money.
horror movie. It’s about a boy 7who / Ian I’ll pay for the coffee.
which / where lives in Africa. His home Megan But you paid for coffee
is in an area 8who / which / where the last time. I never pay.
there are a lot of snakes. But Erica Ian That’s 9 ! You
isn’t interested 9on / in / about horror can pay next time.
movies. She thinks they’re 10enough / Megan You 10 ! Now
too / much scary. She prefers let’s go.
___/10 marks
___/20 marks
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Total: /80 marks

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