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Name & Number ____________________

Interview Project
To interview someone is to talk to a person and ask him/her
questions to learn more about that person and his or her life. Your
assignment is to talk someone you know and ask them some questions.
Record (write) the results of your questions on paper and bring it when
you come back to school on January 7. You will use what you learned from
your interview for a writing project in January.


Please choose an older person to interview. It can be a family

member (grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.), a friend of your family, someone
you know at church, or a neighbor. Do NOT interview a stranger. Listed
below are some questions you can use, but please think of other questions
of your own to ask. Remember to be respectful when asking the questions
and during the conversation. Assignment is due January 7, 2019.

1. Where did you live growing up and what was your neighborhood like?

2. What did you like to do for fun when you were growing up?

3. What was school like when you were in elementary school, middle
school, and high school?
Name & Number ____________________

4. Did you go to college or some other school after high school? Where
was that school? Did you live at home or at the school?

5. What holidays did you celebrate as a kid and what were your
celebrations like?

6. What was your first job?

7. What are some of the most important choices you made in your life?

8. What are some important lessons you learned during your life?

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