HCMT Constitution

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Article I: Organization Name

1. The name of the organization shall be Harvard College Musical Theater,

hereinafter referred to as HCMT.

Article II: Purpose

1. The purpose of HCMT shall be to promote and support the production of
musical theater by sponsoring at least one full-scale production and a cabaret
performance each semester, collaborating with other arts organizations, and
fostering the development of student-written musical work.

Article III: Membership

1. Membership in this organization shall be open to all students in good
standing currently enrolled in Harvard College, regardless of race, creed,
color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical disability.
2. Members must be students of Harvard University.
3. Membership shall be retained until the student severs relations with the
University whether by graduation or otherwise. Membership will be retained
during the vacation and recesses of the university.
4. All students who have been involved in an HCMT production or event shall
automatically be granted membership in HCMT.

Article IV: Officers

1. The officers of this group shall consist of President, Vice President, Treasurer,
Publicity Chair, Historian, and two Cabaret Chairs.
2. All officers shall be registered undergraduates in Harvard College.
3. The President shall be the chief executive officer of HCMT. This officer shall
supervise all HCMT activities, represent HCMT at official functions, set the
agenda for each semester, preside over executive board meetings, and
oversee HCMT’s financial practices along with the Treasurer.
4. The Vice President shall assist the President and assume his or her duties
when the President is unable to serve. This officer shall also act a liaison to
the greater Harvard arts community, maintaining communication with other
performance organizations and assisting with the recruitment of musicians.
5. The Treasurer shall manage and keep a record of HCMT’s finances, apply for
grants when necessary, and spearhead at least one fundraising initiative each
6. The Publicity Chair shall oversee HCMT’s social media accounts, e-mail, and
website, publicize HCMT events, and manage the official HCMT mailing list.
7. The Historian shall document the history of HCMT, record notes during all
HCMT-related meetings, manage alumni relations, and maintain a record of
all HCMT productions by taking photos and collecting show-related
documents such as space applications, scripts, programs, and posters.
8. The two Cabaret Chairs shall organize a small-scale cabaret performance
every semester. They shall recruit performers, select a theme, and secure a
venue for the event.
Article V: Advisor
1. HCMT shall have at least one faculty advisor every semester.
2. The faculty advisor shall serve as a resource to connect members with
academic resources relevant to musical theater and ongoing productions.

Article VI: Elections

1. Officers shall be elected annually by the members of the group. Elections
shall be held during the month of October.
2. The term for officers shall begin at the start of the following semester and
shall last one year.
3. Candidates must declare their intention to run within eight days prior to the
election date. All candidates are required to submit a statement.
4. Candidate statements shall be distributed to the wider HCMT membership
over the mailing list seven days prior to the election date.
5. Members shall be strongly encouraged to attend elections and cast their
ballot in person. However, should any member be unable to attend, they will
be permitted to cast an absentee ballot any time after candidate statements
are released and before elections take place.
6. The outgoing President shall preside over elections for all positions except
those for which the President is running. In that case, the newly elected or
outgoing Vice President shall preside.
7. Floor nominations for a given position shall only be allowed during elections
if no absentee votes were cast or there are no candidates running for the
position in question.
8. All candidates for a given position shall deliver a short speech prior to the
9. After speeches for a given position, candidates shall leave the room while the
presiding officer shall moderate an open discussion on the candidates.
10. Once the discussion has concluded, a blind vote shall be held. An absolute
majority shall be required to elect officers.
11. Outgoing officers shall present a transition handbook to their successors.
12. When resignation, removal from office, unsatisfactory academic standing or
other causes disqualify an officer before the natural expiration of the term of
the office, the executive board shall determine the appropriate procedure for
replacement of the officer.
13. An officer of the HCMT may be removed from office by a vote of two-thirds of
the membership present at an open meeting.

Article VII: Productions

1. The production selection committee shall consist of all executive board
members except those who are applying to direct, music direct, or produce a
show through HCMT.
2. An affirmative majority vote by the selection committee shall be required to
grant a production support from HCMT.
3. The committee shall select as many productions as it is able to support.
4. It is the responsibility of the executive board to collaborate with the staff of
each production to determine the level of involvement that the production
team requires from the executive board.
5. Directors, Music Directors, and Producers of HCMT productions shall be
encouraged to use the executive board as a support system throughout the
production process.
6. A post-mortem meeting shall be held following the closing of each HCMT

Article VIII: Meetings

1. Meetings of the executive board shall be held on a weekly basis for the
purpose of determining policy, activities, programs, and other business.
2. The President may call open meetings for all members at any time.
3. Any member may petition for an open meeting, and the matter shall be
decided by the President.
4. The President shall chair all meetings. In the President’s absence, the Vice
President shall chair.
5. Notice of open meetings shall be communicated to all members of the group
by the Publicity Chair.
6. All members shall have one vote with respect to any resolutions put forward
during a meeting.
7. Resolutions put forth in meetings shall be approved by a simple majority.

Article IX: Amendments

1. Any member of HCMT may propose an amendment. Proposals shall be filed
in writing with the President.
2. An amendment shall be officially introduced, discussed, and drafted at an
open meeting, but final voting shall only be held at least a week after the
introduction of the amendment to ensure all members are notified.
3. A second open meeting shall be held to vote on the proposed amendment.
Members not in attendance may submit an absentee ballot or vote by proxy.
Amendments shall be ratified by two-thirds of the vote.

Article X: Ratification
1. This constitution becomes effective immediately after it is ratified by two-
thirds of members present at an open meeting.

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