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Topic Page
Fraction/Decimal/Signi…cant Figures/Standard Form
Changing the Subject of a Formula.........................................................
Simplifying Expressions.........................................................................
Simple Equations-Grouping-Bracket-Fraction-Worded Problems............
Simultaneous Equations.......................................................................
Quadratic Equations............................................................................
Linear and Non-Linear Simultaneous Equations....................................
Consumer Arithmetic.........................................................................
Geometry(Construction,Polygons, Similar & Congruent Shapes)............
Coordinate Geometry.........................................................................
Circle Theorem.................................................................................
Trigonometry(Trig Ratios/Sin-Cos Rule/Bearings)................................
Linear Programming.........................................................................
Completing the Squares....................................................................
Transformation & Matrix Transformation..........................................
Sequence and Patterns.....................................................................
Trigonometrical Graphs....................................................................
Answer Sheets................................................................................

Fraction/Decimal/Signi…cant Figures/Standard Form
Jan 2006
1. (a) Using Calculators,or, otherwise, calculate

2 14 4
(i) The exact value of 3 1
5 2
(ii) correct to, 3 signi…cant …gures the value of 18:75 (2:11)2
[7 marks]
May/Jun 2006
2. (a) Using a calculator, or otherwise, determine the value of
(12:3)2 (0:246 3) and write the answer.
(i) exactly
(ii) correct to two signi…cant …gures
[2 marks]
Jan 2007
3.(a) Using a calculator, or otherwise, evaluate
(i) 5:24(4 1:67)
(ii) 1:51:68
2 1:45

[5 marks]
May/Jun 2007
4. (a) Using a calculator, or otherwise, determine the exact value of
(3:7)2 (6:24 1:3)
[3 marks]

Jan 2008
5. (a) Calculate the EXACT value of
11 3
(i) 2 17 14
2 5
(ii) 2 0:15
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2008
6. (a) (i) Using a calculator
p or otherwise, determine the EXACT value of
(3:9 0:27) + 0:6724
(ii) Express as a single fraction
2 12 4
[5 marks]
Jan 2009
7. (a) Calculate the EXACT value of
3 43
2 13 5
giving your answer as a fraction
[3 marks]

May/Jun 2009
8.(a) Using a calculator, or otherwise,calculate the EXACT value of
2 2 +1 1
(i) 36 2 5
q your answer as a common fraction
(ii) 25 giving your answer in standard form
[6 marks]

Jan 2010
9. (a) Using a calculator or, otherwise, calculate the exact value of
2:76 2
0:8 + 8:7

May/Jun 2010
10. (a) Determine the EXACT value of:
11 2
(i) 4 22 35
5 4

(ii) 2:52 2:89
giving yor answers correcto to 2 signi…cant …gures
[6 marks]

Jan 2011
11. (a) Calculate the exact value of
(i) (5:82 + 1:02) 2:5
24 3
(ii) 4 92 7 3
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2011
12. (a) Using a calculator, or otherwise, determine the EXACT value of
2 1 +1 1
(i) 44 1 8 expressing your answer as a fraction
2 p
(ii) 3:96 0:25 0:0256
[6 marks]

Jan 2012
13. (a) Using a calculator, or otherwise, calculate the EXACT value of
(i) (1 43 )2 3 12 , expressing your answer as a fraction
(ii) 0:0529 + 0:216, expressing your answer in standard form
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2012
14. (a) Calculate the EXACT value of
3 51 2
2 45
giving your answer as a fraction in its lowest term
[3 marks]

Jan 2013
15. (a) Using a calculator, or otherwise, calculate the exact value of
(2:67 4:1) 1:32
[3 marks]

May/Jun 2013
16. (a) Using a calculator, or otherwise, calculate the EXACT value of
14 1
(i) 52 2 3
(ii) 1:5625 + (0:32)2
[4 marks]

Jan 2006
1. (a) Given that m = 2 and n = 4, calculate the value of (2m + n)(2m n)
[2 marks]
Jan 2007
2. (a) If a = 2; b = 3 and c = 4, evaluate
(i) ab bc
(ii) b(a c)2
[3 marks]
May/Jun 2007
3. (a) Given that a b = ab a
(i) 4 8
(ii) 2 (4 8)
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2008
4. (a) Find the value of EACH of the following when a = 2; b = 1; c = 3

(i) a(b + c)
(ii) 4ba+b+c

[3 marks]

Jan 2009
5. (a) If a b = a2 b;evaluate 5 2
[1 mark]

Jan 2010
6. (a) Given that a = 6; b = 4; c = 8; calculate the value of
(i) ac +b
[3 marks]
May/Jun 2010
7. (a) Given that a = 1; b = 2; c = 3, …nd the value of:
(i) a + b + c
(ii) b2 c2
[2 marks]

May 2011
8.(a) The binary operation * is de…ned by
a b = (a + b)2 2ab
Calculate the value of 3 4
[2 marks]

Changing the Subject of a Formula

Jan 2006
1. (a) Given the formula s = 12 (u + v)t; express u in terms of v; s and t:
[3 marks]

Jan 2009
2. (a) Make
q t the subject of the formula
p t+r
2 = g

Jan 2010
3. (a) The relationship between kinetic energy E; mass m; velocity v, for a moving particle is
E = 21 mv 2
(i) Express v in terms of E and m
(ii) Determine the value of v when E = 45 and m = 13
[5 marks]
Jan 2011
4. (a) Express p as the subject of the formula
[3 marks]

Jan 2013
5. (a) Make r the subject of EACH of the following formulae:
(i) r h = rh
(i) V = r2 h
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2013
6. (a) (i) Make C the subject of the formula F = 59 C + 32
(ii) Given that F = 113; calculate the value of C
[3 marks]

Simplifying Expressions

May/Jun 2006
1.(a) Simplify x 3 3 x 5 2
(b) Simplify a2a+3a
[6 marks]

Jan 2007
2.(a) Expand (x + 3)2 (x 4), writing your answer in descending powers of x:
[3 marks]

May/Jun 2007
3.(a) Simplify, expressing your answer in its simplest form
5p 4p2
3q q
[2 marks]

May/Jun 2008
4. (a) Change the following statements into algebraic expressions:
(i) Four times the sum of x and 5
(ii) 16 larger than the product of a and b

(b) Simplify
(i) x2 x3 px4
3 5
(ii) a 2 b 2 ab3
[6 marks]

Jan 2009
5. (a) Simplify, expressing your answer as a single fraction
(i) 2m
[3 marks]

Jan 2010
6. (a) Simplify the expression
(i) 3(x y) + 4(x + 2y)
2 4
(ii) 4x 6x33x
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2010
7.(a) Write the following phrases as algebraic expressions:
(i) seven times the sum of x and y
(ii) the product of TWO consecutive numbers when the smaller number is y:
[2 marks]

Jan 2011
8. (a) Simplify the expression
(i) 2x
expressing your answer as a single fraction
(ii) 7p5 q 3 2p2 q
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2011
9.(a) Write as a single fraction in its lowest terms
x 2 x+1
3 4
[3 marks]


Jan 2007
1. (a) A sum of money is shared between Aaron and Betty in the ration 2 : 5. Aaron received $60. How much
money was shared altogether?
(b) In St. Vincent, 3 liters of gasoline cost EC$10.40.
(i) Calculate the cost of 5 liters of gasoline in St. Vincent, stating your answer correct to
the nearest cent.
(ii) How many liters of gasoline cant be bought for EC$50.00 in St. Vincent?
Give your answer correct to the nearest whole number
[7 marks]

May/Jun 2007
2.(a) A total of 1200 students attend Top View High School.
The ratio of teachers to students is 1 : 30
(i) How many teachers are there at the school?
Two-…fths of the students own personal computers.
(ii) How many students do NOT own personal computers?
Thirty percent of the students who own personal computers also own play stations
(iii) What fraction of the students in the students in the school own play stations?
Express your answer in its lowest terms.
[8 marks]

Jan 2010
3. (a) The ingredients for making pancakes are shown below.

(i) Ryan wishes to make 12 pancakes using the instruction given above. Calculate the number of cups of pancake
mix he must use
(ii) Neisha used 5 cups of milk to make pancakes using the same instruction. How many pancakes did she make?
[5 marks]

Ratio-Direct/Inverse Variations
May/Jun 2007
1. Two variables x and y are related such that ’y varies inversely as the square of x’.
(a) Write an equation in x; y and k to describe the inverse variation, where k is the constant of variation
x 3 1.8 f
y 2 r 8
Using the information in the table above, calculate the value of
(i) k, the constant of variation
(ii) r
(iii) f
[8 marks]

Jan 2008
2. (a) The volume, V; of a gas varies inversely as the pressure ; P; when the temperature is held constant
(i) Write an equation relating V and P
(ii) If V = 12:8 when P = 500;determine the constant of variation
(iii) Calculate the value of V when P = 480:
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2010
3.(a) When y varies directly with the square of x, the variation equation is written y = kx2 ;
where k is a constant
(i) Given that y = 50 when x = 10; …nd the value of k:
(ii) Calculate the value of y when x = 30:

May/Jun 2011
4.(a) The table below shows corresponding values of the variables x and y, where y varies directly as x
x 2 5 b
y 12 a 48
Calculate thevalues of a and b
[3 marks]

May/Jun 2013
5. (a) The incomplete table below shows one pair of values for A and R where A is directly proportional to the
sqaure of R
A 36 196
R 3 5
(i) Express A in terms of R and a constant k
(ii) Calculate the value of the constant k
(iii) Copy and complete the table
[5 marks]


Jan 2006
1. (a) Factorise completely
(i) 4x2 25
(ii) 6p 9ps + 4q 6qs
(iii) 3x2 + 4x 4
[6 marks]
May/Jun 2006
2. (a) Factorise
(i) x2 5x
(ii) x2 81
[2 marks]

Jan 2007
3. (a) Factorise completely
(i) 2p2 7p + 3
(ii) 5p + 5q + p2 q 2
[3 marks]

Jan 2008
4. (a) Factorise completely
(i) x2 xy
(ii) a2 1
(iii) 2p 2q p2 + pq
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2008

5. (a) Factorise completely
(i) 6a2 b3 + 12a4 b
(ii) 2m2 + 9m 5
[4 marks]

Jan 2009
6. (a) Factorise completely
(i) 3x 6y + x2 2xy
[2 marks]

May/Jun 2009
7. (a) Factorise completely
(i) 2ax + 3ay 2bx 3by
(ii) 5x2 20
(iii) 3x2 + 4x 15
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2010
8. (a) Factorise completely
(i) 4y 2 z 2
(ii) 2ax 2ay bx + by
(iii) 3x2 + 10x 8
[5 marks]

Jan 2011
9. (a) Factorise completely
(i) a2 b + 2ab
[1 mark]

May/Jun 2011
10. (a) Factorise completely
(i) xy 3 + x2 y
(ii) 2mh 2nh 3mk + 3nk
[4 marks]

Jan 2012
11. (a) Factorise completely
(i) x2 16
(ii) 2x2 3x + 8x 12
[3 marks]

May/Jun 2012
12.(a) Factorise completely
(i) 2x3 y + 6x2 y 2
(ii) 9x2 4
(iii) 4x2 + 8xy xy 2y 2
[5 marks]

Jan 2013
13. (a) Factorise completely
(i) 25m2 1
(ii) 2n2 3n 20
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2013
14. (a) Factorise completely
(i) 2x3 8x
(ii) 3x2 5x 2 = (3x + 1) (x 2)
[4 marks]

Simple Equations-Grouping-Bracket-Fraction-Worded Problems

Jan 2007
1.(a) Solve for x where x 2 Z
(i) x2 + x3 = 5
(b) The cost of ONE mu¢ n is $m
The cost of THREE cupcakes is $2m
(i) Write an algebraic expression in m for the cost of:
(a) FIVE mu¢ ns
(b) SIX cupcakes
(ii) Write an equation in terms of m to represent the following information.
The TOTAL cost of 5 mu¢ ns and 6 cupcakes is $31.50
[6 marks]

Jan 2008
2.(a) The table below shows the types of cakes availabe at a bakery, the cost of each cake
and the number of cakes sold for a given day.


Sponge k+5 2
Chocolate k 10
Fruit 2k 14

(i) Write an expression in terms of k; for the amount of money collected for the sale of sponge cake for the day
(ii) Write an expression in terms of k; for the TOTAL amount of money collected
The total amount of money collected for the day was $140.00
(iii) Determine the value of k
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2008
3. (a) Solve the equation
(i) 15 4x = 2(3x + 1)
[2 marks]

Jan 2009
4. (a) A drinking straw of length 21cm is cut into three pieces.
the length of the …rst piece is xcm.
The second piece is 3cm shorter than the …rst piece
The third piece is twice as long as the …rst piece
(i) State, in terms of x; the length of EACH of the pieces
(ii) Write an expression in terms of x to represent the sum of the lengths of the three pieces of drinking straw
(iii) Hence calculate he value of x
[5 marks]

Jan 2011
5. (a) The students in a class sells donuts to raise money for their school project. The donuts
are in small and large boxes. The number of donuts in EACH type of box is given
in the table below:

Type of Box Number of Donuts per Box

Small Box x
Large Box 2x + 3
The students sold 8 small boxes and 5 large boxes in all.
(i) Write an expression in terms of x to represent the TOTAL number of donuts sold
(ii) The total number of donuts sold is 195. Calculate the number of donuts in a
(a) small Box
(b) large Box
[6 marks]

Jan 2012
6. (a) Tickets for a football match are sold at $30 for EACH adult and $15 for EACH child.

A company bought 28 tickets.
(i) If x of these tickets were for adults, write in terms of x:
(a) the number of tickets for children
(b) the amount spent on tickets for adults
(c) the amount spent on tickets for children
(ii) Show that the TOTAL amount spent on the 28 tickets is $(15x + 420)
(iii) Given that the cost of the 28 tickets was $660, calculate the number of adult
tickets bought by the company.
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2012
7. (a) Solve for x
(i) 2x3 3 5 2 x = 3
[3 marks]

Jan 2013
8. (a) Solve for p
(i) 2(p + 5) 7 = 4p
[2 marks]

May/Jun 2013
9. (a) 500 tickets were sold for a concert. Of these x tickets were sold at $6 each, and the
remainderat $10 each.
(i) Write an expression, in terms of x, for
(a) the number of tickets sold at $10 each
(b) the TOTAL amount of money collected for the sale of the 500 tickets
(ii) The sum of $4108 was collected for the sale of the 500 tickets
Calculate the number of tickets sold at $6 each.
[5 marks]

Simultaneous Equations
Jan 2006
1. (a) Solve the simultaneous equations
(i) 5x + 6y = 37
2x 3y = 4
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2006
2. (a) Two cassettes and three CD’s cost $175 while four cassettes and one CD cost $125.
(i) Given that one cassette cost $x and one CD
cost $y, write two equations in x and y to represent the information
(ii) Calculate the cost of one cassette
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2007
3. (a) A stadium has two sections. A and B
Tickets for Section A cost $a each.
Tickets for Section B cost $b each.
Johanna paid $105 for 5 Section A tickets and 3Section B tickets.
Raiyah paid $63 for 4 Section A tickets and 1 Section B ticket.
(i) Write two equations in a and b to represent the information above
(ii) Calculate the values of a and b:
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2009
4. (a) One packet of biscuit cost $x and one cup of ice-cream cost $y
One packet of biscuit and two cups of ice cream cost $8.00, while three packets of
biscuit and one cup of ice cream cost $9.00.

(i) Write a pair of simultaneous equation in x and y to represent the
given information above.
(ii) Solve the equations obtained above to …nd the cost of one packet
of biscuit and the cost of one cup of ice-cream
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2010
5.(a) Solve the pair of simultaneous equations:
(i) 2x + y = 7
x 2y = 1
[3 marks]

Jan 2012
6. (a) Solve the pair of simultaneous equations
(i) 3x + 2y = 13
x 2y = 1
[3 marks]
May/Jun 2012
7. (a) Solve the simultaneous equations
(i) 3x 2y = 10
2x + 5y = 13
[4 marks]

Jan 2013
8. (a) A candy store packages lollipops and to¤ees in bags for sale
5 lollipops and 12 to¤ees have a mass of 61 grams
10 lollipops and 13 to¤ees have a mass of 89 grams
(i) If the mass of one lollipop is x grams and the mass of one to¤ee is y grams, write
two equations in x and y to represent the above information.
(ii) Calculate the mass of
(a) One lollipop
(b) One to¤ee
[6 marks]

Quadratic Equations

May/Jun 2006
1.(a) A strip of wire of length 32cm is cut into two pieces. One piece is bent to form a square of side xcm.
The other piece is bent to form a rectangle of length l cm and width 3cm

(i) Write an expression, in terms of l and x for the length of the strip of wire
(ii) Show that l = 13 2x
The sum of the areas of the square and the rectangle is represented by S
(iii) Show that S = x2 6x + 39
(iv) Calculate the values of x for which S = 30:25
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2007
2. (a) The length of the rectangle below is (2x 1)cm and its width is (x + 3)cm.

(i) Write an expression in the form ax2 + bx + c for the area of the rectangle
(ii) Given that the area of the rectangle is 294cm2 ; determine the value of x
(iii) Hence, state the dimensions of the rectangle, in centimeters.
[8 marks]

Jan 2008
3.(a) The lengths, in cm, of the sides of the right angled triangle shown below are a; (a 7);and (a + 1):

(i) Using Pythagoras theorem, write an equation in terms of a to represent the

relationship among the three sides.
(ii) Solve the equation for a
(iii) Hence, state the lengths of the THREE sides of the triangle.
[9 marks]
Jan 2013
4. (a) Solve the equation
(i) 3x2 5x + 1 = 0, expressing your answer correct to two decimal places.
[4 marks]

Linear and Non-Linear Simultaneous Equations

Jan 2006
1. (a) Solve the pair of simultaneous equations
(i) 2x + y = 7
x2 xy = 6
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2006
2. (a) Solve the pair of simultaneous equation
(i) y = x + 2
y = x2
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2008
3. (a) Solve the following pairof equations for x and y :
(i) y + 4x = 27
xy + x = 40
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2009
4. (a) Solve the pair of simultaneous equations
(i) y = 4 2x
y = 2x2 3x + 1
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2011
5. (a) Solve the pair of simultaneous equations
(i) y = x2 x + 3
y = 6 3x
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2012
6.(a) Solve the pair of simultaneous equations
(i) y = 8 x
2x2 + xy = 16
(ii) State, giving the reason for your answer, whether the line y = 8 x is a tangent
to the curve 2x2 + xy = 16
[7 marks]

Consumer Arithmetic

Jan 2006
1.(a) A loan of $12000 was borrowed from a bank at 14% per annum.

(i) the interest on the loan at the end of the …rst year
(ii) the total amount owing at the end of the …rst year

A repayment of $7800 was made at the start of the second year

(iii) the amount still outstanding at the start of the second year
(iv) the interest on the outstanding amount at the end of the second year
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2006
2. (a) The table below gives information on the values and the rates of depreciation
in value of two motor vehicles.

Motor Vehicle Initial Value Yearly Rate of Depreciation Value after One Year
Taxi $40000 12% $p
Private Car $25000 q% $21250

(i) the value of p and q
(ii) the value of the Taxi after 2 years

(b) GUY $1.00 = US $0.01 and EC $1.00 = US $0.37

Calculate the value of
(i) GUY $60000 in US $
(ii) US $925 in EC $
[10 marks]

Jan 2008
3. (a) The cash price of a bicycle is $319.95. It can be bought on hire purchase by making
a deposit of $69.00 and 10 monthly installments of $28.50 EACH.

(i) What is the TOTAL hire purchase price of the bicycle?
(ii) Calculate the di¤erence between the total hire purchase price and the cash price.
(iii) Express your answer in (ii) above as a percentage of the cash price
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2008
4. (a) In this question, use CAN$1.00 = JA$72.50
(i) On a vacation in Canada, steve used his credit card to buy a camera for
What is the value of the camera in Jamaican dollars?
(ii) Steve credit car limit is $30000.00. After buying the camera, how many
Canadian dollars does he have left on his credit card for spending?
[5 marks]

b. Annie went to the post o¢ ce and bought a collection of SIX of each of the following stamps.

(i) What is the TOTAL cost of the stamps?

(c) She had to post parcels and the total cost of the postage was $25.70. What stamps can she
select from the collection, to make up this amount if she must use.
(i) as many as $4.00 stamps as possible
(ii) all her $1.00 stamps
(d) (i) What is the largest number of stamps that she can use from the collection
to post the parcels?
(ii) List the selction of stamps she can use
[10 marks]

Jan 2009
5. (a) BDS$ mean Barbados dollars EC$ mean Eastern Caribbean dollars
(i) Karen exchanged BDS$2000.00 and received EC$2700.00. Calculate the
value of one BDS$ in EC$
(ii) If Karen exchanged EC$432.00 for BDS$, calculate the amount of BDS$
which Karen would receive
[Assume the buying and selling rates are the same]
[4 marks]

(b) A credit union pays 8% per annum compund interest on all …xed deposits. A customer
deposited $24000 in an account. Calculate the TOTAL amount of money in the account
at the end of two years.
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2009

6. (a) The basic wage earned by a truck driver for a 40-hour week is $560.00
(i) Calculate his hourly rate
For overtime the driver is paid one and a half the basic hourly rate
(ii) Calculate his overtime wage for 10 hours of overtime
(iii) Calculate the TOTAL overtime wages earned by the truck driver by for a 55-hour week
[6 marks]

Jan 2010
7.(a) In a certain company, a salesman is paid a …xed salary of $3140 per month plus an
annual commission of 2% on the TOTAL value of cars sold for the year.
If the salesman sold cars valued at $720000 in 2009, calculate.
(i) his …xed salary for the year
(ii) the total amount he received in commission for the year
(iii) his TOTAL income for the year
[3 marks]

May/Jun 2010
8. (a) Mrs Jack bought 150 for $1920 from a factory
(i) Calculate the cost of ONE T-shirt

The T-shirts are sold at $19.99 each.

(ii) the amount of money Mrs Jack received after selling ALL the T-shirts
(iii) the TOTAL pro…t made
(iv) the pro…t made as a percentage of the cost price, giving your answer correct to
the nearest whole number.
[4 marks]

Jan 2011
9. (a) A company pays its employees a basic wage of $9.50 per hour for a 40-hour week.
(i) Calculate the basic weekly wage for ONE employee.
Overtime is paid at a rate of time and a half
(ii) Calculate the overtime wage for an employee who works 6 hours overtime in a
certain week.
In a certain week the company paid its 30 employees a total of $12084.00 in basic and
overtime wages. Calculate for that week:
(iii) the TOTAL paid in overtime wages
(iv) the TOTAL number of overtime hours worked by employees
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2011
10.(a) The table below shows Pamela’s shopping bill. Some of the information was not included.

Items Quantity Unit Price($) Total Cost($)
Rice 6 21 2.40 W
Potatoes 4 bags X 52.80
Milk Y cartons 2.35 14.10
Sub Total 82.50
Z%VAT 9.90
TOTAL 92.40
Calculate the values of W; X; Y and Z:
[5 marks]

Jan 2012
11. (a) A typist is paid a a basic wage of $22.50 per hour for a 40-hour week.
(i) Calculate the typist’s basic hourly rate
Overtime is paid at one and a half times the basic hourly rate.
(ii) Calculate the overtime wage for ONE hour of overtime work
To earn some extra money, the typist decided to work overtime
(iii) the wage she would earn for overtime if she worked for a TOTAL of 52 hours
during a given week
(iv) the number of overtime hours she must work during a given week to earn a
TOTAL wage of $1440.
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2012
12. (a) The table below shows the cost price, selling price and pro…t or loss as a percentage of
the cost price

Copy and complete the table below, inserting the missing values at (i) and (ii)

Cost Price Selling Price Percentage Pro…t or Loss

$55 $44 (i)________
(ii)_______ $100.00 25% Pro…t
(b) The table below shows some rates of exchange
US $1.00 = EC $2.70
TT $1.00 = EC $0.40
Calculate the value of
(i) EC $1.00 in TT $
(ii) US $80 in EC $
(iii) TT $648 in US $
[6 marks]

Jan 2013
13. (a) Mr Harry who lives in St. Kitts is planning to travel to Barbados. A travel club o¤ers the
rates shown below
Petty’s Travel Club
Holiday in Barbados
Return Air Fare US $356.00
Hotel Accommodation US $97.00 per night
(i) Calculate the TOTAL cost of airfare and hotel accommodation for 3 nights using
the rates o¤ered by Petty’s Travel Club
(ii) Another travel club advertises the following package deal.
Angie’s Travel Club
Holiday in Barbados
3 Nights Hotel Accommodation plus Return Air Fare
EC $1610.00
Calculate, in US dollars, the cost of the trip for 3 nights as advertised by Angie’s
travel club.
US $1.00 = EC $2.70

(iii) State, giving a reason for your answer, which travel club (Petty’s or Angie’s) has
the better o¤er
(iv) The EC $1610.00 charged by Angie’s Travel Club includes a sales tax of 15%.
Calculate the cost of the trip for three nights BEFORE the sales tax was added.
[8 marks]

May/Jun 2013
14. (a) Smiley Orange Juice is sold in cartons of two di¤erent sizes at the prices shown in the
table below
Carton Size Cost
350 ml $4.20
450ml $5.13
Which size carton of orange juice is the BETTER buy? Justify your answer

(b) Faye borrowed $9600 at 8% per annum compound interest

(i) Calculate the interest on the loan for the …rst year.
At the end of the …rst year, she repaid $4368
(ii) How much did she still owe at the beginning of the second year?
(iii) Calculate the interest on the remaining balance for the second year.
[7 marks]


Jan 2006

The diagram above shows the position of three cities A, B and C on the northcoast
of Africa. The scale of the map is 1:20 000 000
(i) Measure and state, in centimeters the length of the line segment, BC
(ii) Hence, calculate in kilometers, the actual shortest distance from City B
to City C.
(iii) Using protractor, determine the bearing of B from A
[8 marks]

(b) The curved surface area of a cylinder= 2 rh, where r is the raduis and h is the height, and the
surface area of sphere is 4 r2

The diagram above, not drawn to scale, shows a solid glass paperweight which consist of a
hemisphere mounted on a cylinder
The radius of the hemisphere is 3cm, the radius of the cylinder is 3cm and its height is 8cm.
Calculate using = 3:14
(i) the curved surface area of the cylinder
(ii) the surface area of the hemisphere
(iii) the TOTAL surface area of the sold paperweight
[6 marks]

Jan 2007
2.(a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a prism of length 30cm. The cross-section
W XY Z is a square with area 144cm2 :

(i) the volume in cm3 of the prism
(ii) the total surface area in cm2 , of the prism
(b) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows the sector of a circle with center O.
angle M ON = 450 and ON = 15cm

Calculate giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places

(i) the length of the minor arc M N
(ii) the perimeter of the …gure M ON
(iii) the area of the …gure M ON
[12 marks]
May/Jun 2007
3.(a) The diagram below shows a map of a golf course drawn on a grid of 1cm squares
The scale of the map is 1:4000.

Using the map of the golf course, …nd
(i) the distance to the nearest m, from South Gate to East Gate
(ii) the distance, to the nearest m, from North Gate to South Gate
(iii) the area on the ground represented by 1cm2 on the map
(iv) the actual area of the golf course, giving the answer in square meters.
(b) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a prism of volume 960cm3 : The
cross-section ABCD is a square. The length of the prism is 15cm.

(i) the length of the edge AB, in cm
(ii) the total surface area of the prism, in cm2
[11 marks]

Jan 2008
4. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a circle with center O and a square
OPQR. The radius of the circle is 3.5cm.

Calculate the area of:

(i) the circle
(ii) the square OPQR
(iii) the shaded region

[7 marks]

May/Jun 2008
5. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, represents the plan of a ‡oor.
The broken line RS, diveides the ‡oor into two rectangles A and B:

(i) Calculate the length of RS

(ii) Hence state the value of x
(iii) Calculate the perimeter of the entire ‡oor
(iv) Calculate the area of the entire ‡oor
(v) Section A of the ‡oor is to be covered with ‡ooring board measuring 1m by 20cm.
How many ‡ooring boards are needed for covering Section A?
[12 marks]

(b) In the diagram below not drawn to scale, O is the center of the circle of radius 8.5cm
and AB is a chord of length 14.5cm

(i) Calculate the value of to the nearest degree

(ii) Calculate the area of triangle AOB
(iii) Hence, calculate the area of the shaded region. [Use = 3:14]
(iv) Calculate the length of the major arc AB
[10 marks]

Jan 2009
6. A compnay makes cereal boxes in the shape of a right prism.

EACH large box has dimensions 25cm, by 8cm, by 36cm
(a Calculate the volume in cubic centimeters, of ONE large cereal box.
(b) Calculate the total surface area of ONE large cereal box.
(c) The cereal from ONE large box can exactly …ll six small boxes, each of eqaul volumes.
(i) Calculate the volume of ONE small cereal box
(ii) If the height of a small box is 20cm, list TWO di¤erent pairs of values which the
company can use for the length and width of a small box.
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2009
7. (a) The map shown below is drawn to a scale of 1:50 000

(i) Measure, and state in centimeters, the distance on the map from L to M along a
straight line
(ii) Calculate the actual distance in kilometers, fromL to M:
(iii) The actual distance between the two points in 4.5km. Calculate the number of
centimeters that should be used to represent this distance on the map.
[7 marks]

Jan 2010
8. (a) The diagram below shows a map of a playing …eld drawn on a grid of 1cm squares.
The scale of the map is 1: 1250

(i) Measure and state in centimeters the distance from S to F on the map.
(ii) Calculate the distance, in meters, for S to F on the ACTUAL playing …eld.
(iii) Daniel ran the distance from S to F in 9.72 seconds. Calculate his average speed in
(a) m/s
(b) km/h
giving your answers correct to 3 signi…cant …gures.
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2010
9. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a wooden toy in the shape of a prism,
with the cross-section ABCDE: F is the midpoint of EC, and angle BAE = angle CBA = 900 :

(i) the length of EF
(ii) the length DF
(iii) the area of the face ABCDE
[6 marks]

Jan 2011
10. (a) Fresh Farms Dairy sells milk in cartons in the shape of a cuboid with internal dimensions
6cm, by 4cm, by 10cm.

(i) Calculate in cm3 ; the volume of milk in EACH carton.
(ii) A recipe for making ice-cream requires 3 liters of milk. How many cartons of milk
should be bought to make the ice-cream?
(iii) One carton of milk is poured into a cylindrical cup of internal diameter 5cm.
What is the height of the milk in the cup? Give your answer to 3 signi…cant …gures
[Use = 3:14]
[9 marks]

May/Jun 2011
11. (a) In this question, use = 22 7
A piece of wire is bent to form a square of area 121cm2
(i) The length of each side of the square
(ii) The perimeter of the square
(b) The same piece of wire is bent to form a circle
(i) The radius of the circle
(ii) The area of the circle
[7 marks]

Jan 2012
12. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a cuboid with length 13cm, width 4cm
and height h cm.

(i) State, in terms of h; the area of the shaded face of the cuboid.
(ii) Write an expression, in terms of h, for the volume of the cuboid.
(iii) If the volume of the cuboid is 286cm3 calculate the height, h, of the cuboid.
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2012
13. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows the cross-section of a prism in the shape of a
sector of a circle, center O, and radius 3.5cm. The angle at the center is 2700 [Use = 22
7 ]

(i) the length of the arc ABC
(ii) the perimeter of the sector OABC
(iii) the area of the sector OABC

(b) The prism is 20cm long and is made of solid tin. Calculate
(i) the volume of the prism
(ii) the mass of the prism, to the nearest kg, given that 1cm3 of the tin has a mass of 7.3kg
[10 marks]

Jan 2013
14. The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a hollow cylinder with height 8cm and diameter
12cm. Use = 3:14

(a) Calculate for the cylinder:

(i) The radius
(ii) The circumference of the cross section

(b) The rectangle shown below, not drawn to scale, represents the net of the curved surface
of the cylinder shown above.

(i) State the values of a and b:
(ii) Hence, calculate the area of the curved surface of the cylinder
(c) If 0.5 liters of water is poured into the cyclinder, calculate, correct to one decimal place,
the height of water in the cylinder.
[11 marks]


Jan 2007

1.(a) f and g are functions de…ned as follows

f : x ! 7x + 4
g : x ! 2x

(i) g(3)
(ii) f ( 2)
(iii)f 1 (11)
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2007
2. (a) Given that g(x) = 2x+1
5 and f (x) = x + 4:
(i) Calculate the value of g( 2)
(ii) Write an expression for gf (x) in its simplest form
(iii) Find the inverse function g 1 (x)
[7 marks]

May/Jun 2008
3. (a) If f (x) = 2x 3; …nd the value of
(i) f (2)
(ii) f 1 (0)
(iii) f 1 f (2)
[5 marks]

Jan 2009
4.(a) Two functions are de…ned as follows
f :x!x 3
g : x ! x2 1
(i) Calculate f (6)
(ii) Find f 1 (x)
(iii) Show that f g(2) = f g( 2) = 0
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2009
5.(a) Given that f (x) = 2x 5 and g(x) = x2 31, calculate the value of
(i) f ( 2)
(ii) gf (1)
(iii) f 1 (3)
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2010
6. (a) The functions f and g are de…ned as f (x) = 2x 5 and g(x) = x2 + 3
Calculate the value of
(i) f (4)
(ii) gf (4)
(iii) Find f 1 (x)
[5 marks]

Jan 2011
7. (a) The arrow diagram shown below represents the relation f : x ! x2 k; where
x 2 f3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10g

Calculate the value of

(i) k
(ii) f (3)
(iii) x when f (x) = 95
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2011
8. (a) The functions f and g are de…ned by
f (x) = 6x + 8; g(x) = x 3 2

(i) Calculate the value of g( 12 )

(ii) Write an expression for gf (x) in its simplest form
(iii) Find the inverse function f 1 (x)
[6 marks]

Jan 2012
9. (a) Make x the subject of the formula
y = 2x+3
x 4

(b) Hence, determine the inverse of f (x) = x 4 ; where x 6= 4
(c) Find the value of x for which f (x) = 0
[6 marks]

Jan 2013
10. (a) The functions f and g are de…ned as follows:
f (x) = 2x + 5
g(x) = x 2 3
(i) f 1 (19)
(ii) gf (3)
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2013
11. (a) Given that f (x) = 3 and g(x) = 4x + 5; determine the value of
(i) f g(2)
(ii) f 1 (3)
[6 marks]

Geometry(Construction,Polygons, Similar & Congruent Shapes)

May/Jun 2006(Polygons/Constructions)
1. (a) In the quadrilateral KLM N; not drawn to scale, LM = LN = LK;
\ KLM = 1400 ; and \ LKN = 400

Giving the reason for each step of your answer, calculate the size of
(i) \ LN K
(ii) \ N LM
(iii) \ KN M
[6 marks]
(b) Using a ruler, a pencil and a pair of compasses construct the triangle ABC in which
AB = 8cm
\ BAC = 600 ; and AC = 5cm
(Credit will be given for a neat, clear diagram)
(i) Measure and state the length of BC:
(ii) Find the perimeter of 4ABC:
(iii) Draw on your diagram the line CD which is perpendicular to AB and meets AB at D:
(iv) Determine the length of CD:
(v) Calculate the area of 4ABC giving your answer to 1 decimal point.
[12 marks]

Jan 2007(Constructions)
2. (a) Using a pencil, ruler and a pair of compasses only, construct 4 ABC
with BC = 6cm and AB = AC = 8cm:
All construction lines must be clearly shown
(b) Draw a line segment AD such that AD meets BC at D and is perpendicular to BC
(c) Measure and state
(i) the length of the line segment AD
(ii) the size of angle ABC
[7 marks]

May/Jun 2007(Polygons)
3. (a) The …gure below, not drawn to scale, is a regular octagon with center X, and XY = 6cm

(i) the size of angle XY Z
(ii) the area of the triangle Y XZ, expressing your answer correct to one decimal place
(iii) the area of the octagon
[6 marks]

Jan 2008(Polygons)
4. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a quadrilateral ABCD with AB = AD,
\ BAC = 900 and \ DBC = 420 , AB is parallel to DC

Calculate giving reasons for your answers, the size of EACH of the following angles
(i) \ABC
(ii) \ABD
(iii) \BAD
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2008(Construction)
5. (a) Using a pair of compasses, ruler and a pencil, construct a parallelogram
ABCD in which AB = AD = 7cm and the angle BAD = 600
(b) Measure and wirte down the length of the diagonal AC
[6 marks]

Jan 2009(Constructions)
6. (a) The diagram below not drawn to scale, shows a rectangle PQRS with PQ = 7.0cm
and QR = 5.5cm.

(i) Using a ruler, pencil and a pair of compasses only, cnonstruct the rectangle.
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2009(Constructions)
7. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a rhombus, P QRS, with the diagonal
P R = 6cm, and angle RP Q = 600

(i) Using a ruler, a pencil, and a pair of compasses, construct the rhombus P QRS accurately
(ii) Join QS, Measure and state, in centimeters, the length of QS:
[6 marks]

Jan 2010(Constructions)
8. (a) Using pencil, ruler, and a pair of compasses only:
(i) Construct, accurately, the triangle ABC shown below, where
AC = 6cm
\ ACB = 600
\ CAB = 600

(ii) Complete the diagram to show the kite, ABCD; in which AD = 5cm
(iii) Measure and state the size of \ DAC
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2010(Constructions/Polygons)
9. (a) Using a ruler, pencil and a pair of compasses, construct triangle EF G with
EG = 6cm
\ F EG = 600
and \ EF G = 900
(b) Measure and state
(i) the length of EF
(ii) the size of \EF G
[7 marks]

(c) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows two straight lines, P Q and RS, intersecting

a pair of parallel lines, T U and V W:

Determine, giving a reason for EACH of your answers, the value of

(i) x
(ii) y
[4 marks]

Jan 2011(Constructions)
10. (a) Using pencil, ruler and a pair of compasses only, construct a triangle LM N
with angle LM N = 600 , M N = 9cm and LM = 7cm
ALL construction lines MUST be clearly shown
(b) Measure and state the size of \M N L
(c) On the diagram, show the point, K, such that KLM N is a parallelogram
[7 marks]

May/Jun 2011(Constructions/Similar Triangles)

11. (a) Using a ruler, pencil, a pair of compasses and protractor, draw accurately
a quadrilateral EF GH using the measurements:
EF = 8cm \EF G = 1250 F G = 4cm \HEF = 700 EH = 7cm
(b) Measure and state in centimeters, the length of GH
[6 marks]

0 0
(c) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows 4OM N; and its image, 4OM N under
an enlargement with center, O, and scale factor, k. Angle ON M = 900

Using the dimensions shown on the diagram, calculate

(i) the value of k; the scale factor of the enlargement
(ii) the length of OM
(iii) the length of OM

[4 marks]

Jan 2012(Constructions/Polygons)
12. (a) Using a pair of compasses, a ruler and a pencil
(i) construct a triangle CDE in which DE = 10cm; DC = 8cm and
\ CDE = 450
(ii) construct a line, CF; perpendicular to DE such that F lies on DE:
(iii) Using a protractor, measure and state the size of \DCE
[7 marks]

(b) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows TWO triangles, JKL and M LP; with
JK parallel to M L:LM = M P; KLP is a straight line, angle JLM = 220 and angle LM P = 360

Calculate, giving reasons for your answers, the measure of EACH of the following:
(i) \ M LP
(ii) \ LJK
(iii) \ JKL
(iv) \ KLJ
[4 marks]
(c) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a regular hexagon with center, O, and AO = 5cm

(i) Determine the size of angle AOB

(ii) Calculate, to the nearest whole number, the area of the haxagon
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2012(Constructions)
13. (a) Using a ruler, pencil and a pair of compasses, construct a triangle P QR with
P Q = 8cm; \P QR = 600 \QP R = 450
(b) Measure and state the length of RQ
[5 marks]

Jan 2013(Similar Triangle)

14. (a) In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC and
angle ABC = 540 . DE is parallel to BC:

Calculate, giving a reason for your answer, the measure of:
(i) \ BAC
(ii) \ AED
(iii) Explain why triangles ABC and ADE are similar but not congruent.
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2013(Similar Triangles/Construction)

15. (a) In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, AEC and ADB are straight lines.
\ABC = \ADE = 900
AC = 10m; AB = 8m and DB = 3:2m

(i) Calculate the length of BC

(ii) Explain why triangles ABC and ADE are similar
(iii) Determine the length of DE:
[6 marks]

(b) The diagram below shows an isosceles triangle CDE: G is the midpoint of CD

(i) Measure and state in centimeters, the length of DE

(ii) Measure and state, in degrees, the size of \ECD
(iii) Determine the perimeter of the triangle CDE
(iv) Calculate the area of the traingle CDE:
[5 marks]

Coordinate Geometry

Jan 2006

1. (a) The equation of the line l is y = 4x + 5

(i) State the gradient of any line that is parallel to l
(ii) Determine the equation of the parallel line to l that passes through the point (2; 6)
[4 marks]

Jan 2007
2. (a) P the point (2; 4) and Q is the point (6; 10)
(i) the gradient of P Q
(ii) the midpoint of P Q
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2008
3. (a) The diagram shows the graph of a straight line passing through the point A and B

The equation of the line above is y = mx + c

(i) State the value of c
(ii) Determine the value of m
(iii) Determine the coordinates of the mid-point of the line segment AB

(b) The point ( 2; k) lies on the line. Determine the value of k

(c) Determine the coordinates of the point of intersection of the line y = x 2
and the line shown above
[12 marks]

Jan 2009
4. The diagram below represents the graph of a staright line which passes through the points P and Q

(a) State the coordinates of P and Q
(b) Determine
(i) the gradient of the line segment P Q
(ii) the equation of the line segement P Q
(c) the point ( 8; t) lies on the line segment P Q:Determine the value of t
The line segment, AB, is perpendicular to P Q; and passes through (6; 2)
(d) Determine the equation of AB, in the form y = mx + c
[11 marks]

Jan 2010
5. (a) A straight line passes through the point T (4; 1) and has a gradient of 53 : Determine
the equation of this line.
[3 marks]

Jan 2011
6. The equation of a straight line is given by:
3y = 2x 6
(i) the gradient of the line
(ii) the equation of the line which is perpendicular to 3y = 2x 6, and passes through
the point (4; 7)
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2011
7. (a) The diagram below shows the line segment which passes through the points A and B

(i) the coordinates of A and B
(ii) the gradient of the line segment AB
(iii) the equation of the line that passes through A and B
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2012
8. (a) The line l passes through the points S (6; 6) and T (0; 2):

(i) the gradient of the line l

(ii) the equation of the line l
(iii) the midpoint of the line segment ST
(iv) the length of the line segment, T S
[7 marks]

Jan 2013
9. (a) A line segment GH has equation 3x + 2y = 15
(i) Determine the gradient of GH
(ii) Another line segment, JK, is perpendicular to GH and passes through the point
(4; 1):Determine the equation of the line JK
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2013
10. (a) A ( 1; 4) and B (3; 2) are the end points of a line segment AB: Determine
(i) the gradient of AB
(ii) the coordinates of the midpoint of AB
(iii) the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB
[7 marks]


Jan 2006
1. (a) On a certain day, 300 customers visited a bakery that sells bread and cakes
70 customers bought cakes only
80 customers bought neither bread nor cakes

2x customers bought bread only

x customers bought both bread and cakes

(i) U represents the set of customers visiting the bakery on that day, B represents the
set of customers who bought bread, and C represents the set of customers who bought cake.
Copy and complete the Venn diagram to illustrate the information.

(ii) Write an expression in x to represent the TOTAL number of customers who

visited the bakery on that day.

(iii) Calculate the number of customers who bought bread ONLY.

[8 marks]

May/Jun 2006
2. (a) In a survey of 39 students, it was found the
18 can ride a bicycle,
15 can drive a car,
x can ride a bicycle and drive a car,
3x can do neither.

B is the set of students in the survey who can ride a bicycle, and C the set of students
who can drive a car.
(i) Copy and complete the Venn diagram to represent the information
(ii) Write an expression in x for the number of students in the survey.
(iii) Calculate the value of x
[5 marks]

Jan 2007
3. (a) Describe, using set notation only, the shaded regions in each Venn diagram below. The
…rst one is done for you

(b) The following information is given.
U = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10g
P = fprime numbersg
Q = fodd numbersg
Draw a venn diagram to represent the information above

(c) The Venn diagram below shows the number of elements in each region

Determine how many elements are in EACH of the following sets:

(i) A[ B
(ii) A \ B
(iii) (A \ B)
(iv) U
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2007
4.(a) The Venn Diagram below represents information on the type of games played by
members of a youth club. All members of the club play at least one game.

S represents the set of members who play squash.

T represents the set of members who play tennis
H represents the set of members who play hockey
Leo, Mia and Neil are three members of the youth club.
State what game(s) is/are played by
(i) Leo
(ii) Mia
(iii) Neil
(iv) Describe in words the members of the set H \ S:
[5 marks]

Jan 2008
5. (a) S and T are subsets of a universal set U such that:
U = fk; l; m; n; p; q; rg
S = fk; l; m; pg

T = fk; p; qg
(i) Draw a ven diagram to represent this information
List using set notation, the members of the set
(ii) S [ T
(iii) S
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2008
6. (a) A uiversal set, U , is de…ned as:
U = f15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25g
Sets M and N are subsets of U such that:
M = fPrime numbersg and N = fEven numbersg
(i) Draw a venn diagram to represents the sets M; N and U
(ii) List the elements of the set (M [ N )
[6 marks]

Jan 2009
7. (a) A school has 90 students is in Form 5
54 students study Physical Education
42 studetnts study Music
6 students study neither Physical Education nor Music
x students study both Physical Education and Music
(i) Copy and complete the Venn diagram shown below

(ii) Show on your Venn diagram the information relating to the students of Form 5
(iii) Calculate the number of students who study BOTH Physical Education and
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2009
8. (a) In a survey of 50 students ,
23 owned cellular phones
18 owned digital camera
x owned cellular phones and digital camera
2x owned neither
Let C represents the number of students in the survey who owned cellular phones, and D the set
the set of students who owned digital cameras

(i) Copy and complete the Venn diagram below to represent the information
obtained from the survey

(ii) Write an expression in x for the TOTAL number of students in th survey
(iii) Calculate the value of x:
[5 marks]

Jan 2010
9. (a) T and E are subsets of a universal set, U ,such that:
U = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12g
T = fmultiples of 3g
E = feven numberg
(i) Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information
List the elements of the set
(ii) T \ E
(iii) (T [ E)
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2010
10. (a) A survey was conducted among 40 tourist. The results were:
28 visited Antigua(A)
30 visited Barbados(B)
3x visited both Antigua and Barbados
x visited neither Antigua nor Barbados

(i) Copy and complete the Venn diagram below to represent the given information above

(ii) Write an expression, in x, to represent the TOTAL number of tourists in the survey,
(iii) Calculate the value of x:
[6 marks]

Jan 2011
11. (a) The universal set, U; is given as:
U = fWhole numbers from 1 to 12g
H is a subset of U , such that H = fOdd numbers between 4 and 12g:
(i) List the members of the set H
J is a subset of U ,such that J = fPrime numbersg

(ii) List the members of the set J
(iii) Draw a Venn diagram to represent the sets U; H and J; showing ALL the elements in the subsets.
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2011
12. (a) The Venn diagram below shows the number of students who study Music and Art in a
class of 35 students
U = fstudents in the classg
M = fstudents who study Musicg
A = fstudents who study Artg

(i) How many students study neither Art nor Music

(ii) Calculate the value of x
(iii) Hence, state the number of students who study Music only.
[5 marks]

Jan 2012
13. (a) A universal set U; is de…ned as:
U = f51; 52; 53; 54; 55; 56; 57; 58; 59g
A and B are subsets of U , such that:
A = fodd numbersg
B = f prime numbers g
(i) List the members of the set A
(ii) List the members of the set B
(iii) Draw a Venn diagram to represent the sets A; B and U
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2012
14. (a) In a survey of 36 students, it was found that
30 play tennis
x play volleyball ONLY
9x play BOTH tennis and volleyball
4 play niether tennis nor volleyball
(i) Copy and complete the Venn diagram below to show the number of students in the
subset marked y and z

(ii) Write an expression in x to represent the TOTAL number of students in the survey
(iii) Write an equation in x to represent the total number of students in the survey
and hence solve for x
[5 marks]

Jan 2013
15. (a) There are 50 students in a class. Students in the class were given awards for Mathematics
or Science
36 students received awards in either Mathematics or Science
6 students received awards in BOTH Mathematics and Science
2x students received awards for Mathematics only
x students received awards for Sciecne only
In the Venn Diagram below
U = f all the students in the classg
M = fstudents who received awards in Mathematicsg
S = fstudents who received awards for Scienceg

(i) Copy and complete the Venn Diagram to represent the information about the awards
given, showing the number of students in EACH subset.
(ii) Calculate the value of x
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2013
16. (a) A survey of the 30 students in Form 5 showed that some students used cameras (C) or
mobile phones (M) to take photographs.

20 students used mobile phones

4x students used ONLY cameras
x students used BOTH mobile phones and cameras
2 students did not use either cameras or phones
(i) Copy and Venn diagrams below and complete it to show, in terms of x, the number of students in each

(ii) Write an expression, in terms of x, which represents the TOTAL number of students
in the survey
(iii) Determine the number of students in Form 5 who used ONLY cameras
[6 marks]


Jan 2006
1. (a) The data below are the lengths, to the nearest centimeter, of the right foot of the 25 students in
a class

(i) Copy and complete the following grouped frequency table for the data above

(ii) State the lower boundary of the class interval 14 16

(iii) State the width of the class interval 20 22
(iv) A student’s right foot measured 16.8cm. State the class interval in which this length
would lie.
(v) A student was chosen at random from the group, and the length of his right foot was measured.
Calculate the probability that the length was GREATER THAN or EQUAL to 20cm
(vi) State the modal length of a student’s right foot
(vii) Calculate an estimate of the mean length of a student’s right foot using the midpoint of
the class intervals in (i) above.
[11 marks]

May/Jun 2006
2. (a) In an agricultural experiment, the gains in mass of 100 cows during a certain period were recorded
in kilograms as shown in the table below
Gain in Mass ( kg) Frequency Mid-Interval Values(kg)
5 9 2 7
10 14 29 12
15 19 37 17
20 24 16
25 29 14
30 34 2

(i) Copy and complete the mid-interval values column

(ii) Calculate an estimate of the mean gain in mass of the 100 cows
Hint: EACH of the 29 cows in the "10-14" interval is assumed to have a mass of 12kg
(iii) On your answer sheet, complete the drawing of the frequency polygon for the gain in mass of the cows.
(iv) Calculate the probability that a cow chosen at random from the experimental group gained 20 kg or more.

[11 marks]

Jan 2007
3. The table below shows a frequency distribution of the scores of 100 students in an examination.

(i) Copy and complete the table above to show the cummulative frequency
for the distribution.
(ii) Using a scale of 2cm to represent a score of 5 cm on the horizontal axis and a scale of
2cm to represent 10 students on the vertical axis, draw a cummulative frequency curve
of the scores. Start your horizontal scale at 20.
(iii) Using the cummulative frequency curve, determine the median score for the distribution.
(iv) What is th probabiltiy that a student chosen at random has a score greater than 40.
[12 marks]

May/Jun 2007
4. (a) A class of 32 students participated in running a 400m race in preparation for their sports day.
The time, in seconds, taken by each student is recoreded below
83 51 56 58 62 65 61 64
72 71 54 62 81 80 78 77
71 55 70 54 82 59 71 62
83 63 65 72 78 73 68 75

(i) Copy and complete the frequency table to represent this data
Time in seconds Frequency
50 54 3
55 59 4
60 64 6
65 69
70 74
75 79
80 84

(ii) Using the raw scores, determine the range for the data.
(iii) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 5 seconds on the horizontal axis and a scale of 1cm
to represent 1 student on the vertical axis, draw a frequency polygon to represent the
NOTE: An empty interval must be shown at each end of the distribution and the
polygon closed
(iv) To qualify for the …nals, a student must complete the race in less than 60 seconds.
What is the probability that a student from this class will qualify for the …nals?
[12 marks]

Jan 2008

5. In a survey, all the boys in a Book Club were asked how many books they each read during the
Easter holiday. The results are shown in the bar graph below.

(a) Draw a frequency table to represent the data shown in the bar graph.
(b) How many boys are there in the Book Club?
(c) What is the modal number of books read?
(d) How many books did the boys read during the Easter holiday.
(e) Calculate the mean number of books read.
(f) What is the probability that a boy chosen at random read THREE OR MORE books?
[12 marks]

May/Jun 2008
6. (a) At a career guidance seminar, a survey was done to …nd out the type of careers that Form 5
students were likely to choose
The results are shown in the table below.

There were 1080 students surveyed.

(i) Calculate the value of t; the number of students who were interested in becoming doctors.
(ii) The data above are to be represented on a pie chart. Calculate the size of the angle
in each sector of the pie chart.
(iii) Using a cirlce of radius 4cm, construct the pie chart to represent the data.
[10 marks]

Jan 2009
7. The table below shows the distribution of the marks on a test for a group of 70 students.

(a) Copy and complete the table to show the cummulative frequency for the distribution
(b) (i) Using a scale of 1cm to represent 5 marks on the horizontal axis and 1cm to represent
5 students on the vertical axis, draw the cummulative frequency curve for the scores
(ii) What assumptions have your made in drawing your curve through the point (0,0)?
(c) The pass mark for the test was 47. Use your graph to determine the number of students who passed the
(d) What is the probability that a student chosen at random had a mark less than or equal to 30?
[12 marks]

May/Jun 2009
8. The table below shows the time, to the nearest minute, that 80 students waited to be served at a
school’s canteen.

(a) Copy and complete the table, showing the cummulative frequency
(b) Use the values from your table to complete the cummulative frequency curve.
(c) Use your graph in (b) above to estimate
(i) the median of the data
(ii) the numberof students who waited for no more than 29 minutes
(iii) the probability that a student chosen at random from the group waited for
no more than 17 minutes.
[12 marks]
Jan 2010
9. A class of 26 students each recorded the distance travelled to school. The distance, to the nearest
km, is recorded below

21 11 3 22 6 32 22 18 28

26 16 17 34 12 25 8 19 14
39 17 22 24 30 18 13 23

(a) Copy and complete the frquency table to represent this data
Distance in kilometers Frequency
1 5 1
6 10 2
11 15 4
16 20 6
21 25
26 30
31 35
36 40

(b) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 5km on the horizontal axis and a scale of 1 cm to represent
1 student on the vertical axis, draw a histogram to represent the data.
(c) Calculate the probability that a student chosen at random from this class recorded
the distance travelled to school as 26km or more.
(d) The P.T.A plans to set up a transportation service for the school. Which average, mean
, mode or median is the most appropriate for estimating th cost of the service? Give a
reaon for your answer.
[11 marks]

May/Jun 2010
10. A class of 24 threw the cricket ball at sports. The distance thrown by each student was
measured to the nearest meter. The results are shown below.
22 50 35 52 47 30
48 34 45 23 43 40
55 29 46 56 43 59
36 63 54 32 49 60

(a) Copy and complete the table for the data shown above

Distance(m) Frequency
20 29 3
30 39 5

(b) State the lower boundary for the class interval 20 29

(c) Using a scale of 1cm on the axis to represent 5 meters , and a scale of 1cm on the
y-axis to represent 1 student, draw a histogram to illustrate the data.
(d) Determine
(i) the number of students who threw the ball a distacne recorded as 50 meters or more.
(ii) the probability that a student chosen at random threw the ball a distance recoreded
as 50 meters or more.
[11 marks]

Jan 2011
11. (a) The line graph below shows the monthly sales, in thousands of dollars, at a school cafeteria for
the period January to May 2010.

(i) Copy and complete the table below to show the sales for EACH month

(ii) Between which TWO coonsecutive months was there the GREATEST decrease in sales?
(iii) Calculate the mean monthly sales for the period January to May 2010
(iv) The TOTAL sales for the period January to June was $150 000. Calculate the sales
in dollars for the month of June.
(v) Comment on how the sales in June compared with the sales in the previous …ve months.
[11 marks]

May/Jun 2011
12. The table below shows the distribution of the masses of 100 packages

Mass(kg) No. of Packages Cummulative Frequency

1 10 12 12
11 20 28 40
21 30 30
31 40 22
41 50 8

(a) Copy and complete the table to show the cummulative frequency for the distribution
(b) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 10 kg on the x- axis and 1cm to represent 10
packages on the y axis, draw the cummulative frequency curve for the data
(c) Estimate from the graph
(i) the median mass of the packages
(ii) the probability that a package, chosen at random, has a mass which is LESS than
[12 marks]

Jan 2012
13. The histogram below shows the distribution of height of seedlings in a sample.

(a) Copy and complete the frequency table for the data in sample.

Height in cm Mid-point Frequency

1 10 5.5 18
11 20 15.5 25
21 30
31 40
41 50
(b) Determine
(i) the modal class interval
(ii) the number of seedling in the sample
(iii) the mean height of the seedlings
(iv) the probability that a seedling chosen at random has a height that is GREATER
than 30 cm.
[12 marks]

May/Jun 2012
14. The table below shows the ages, to the nearest year, of the persons who visited the clinic during
a particular week

Age(yrs) Number of person Cummulative Frequency

40 49 4 4
50 59 11 15
60 69 20
70 79 12
80 89 3 50
(a) Copy and complete the table to show the cummulative frequency
(b) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 10 years on the x axis and 1cm to represent 5
persons on the y axis, draw the cummulative frequency curve for the data
(c) Use your graph drawn at (b) above to estimate
(i) the median age for the data
(ii) the probability that a person who visited the clinic was 75 years or younger
Draw the lines on your graph to show how these estimates were obtained
[11 marks]

Jan 2013
15. The scores obtained by 100 children in a competition are summerized in the table below

Score Class mid-point(x) Frequency(f ) f x
0 9 4.5 8 36
10 19 14.5 13 188.5
20 29 25
30 39 22
40 49 20
50 59 12
Total 100
(a) (i) State the modal class interval
(ii) State the class interval in which a score of 19.4 would lie
(b) Copy and complete the table to show
(i) the class mid-point
(ii) the values of "f xx"
(iii) Calculate the mean score for the sample
(c) Explain why the value of the mean obtained in (b) (ii) is only an estimate of the true value.
(d) In order to qualify for the next round of the competition a student must score AT LEAST
40 points
What is the probability that a student selected at random quali…es for the next round?
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2013
16. The table below shows the amount, to the nearest dollar, spent by a group of 40 students at the
school canteen during a period of one week.
Amount Spent($) Number of Students Cumulative Frequency
1 10 3 3
11 20 7 10
21 30 9 19
31 40 11
41 50 8
51 60 2
(a) Copy and complete the table to show the cummulative frequency
(b) Using a scale of 1cm to represent $5 on the horizontal axis and 1cm to represent
5 students on the vertical axis, draw the cummulative frequency graph for the data
(Marks will be awarded for axes appropriately labelled, points correctly plotted, and
a smooth curve carefully drawn)
(c) Use your graph to estimate
(i) the median amount of money spent
(ii) the probability that a student chosen at random spent less than $23 during the week.
Show on your graph, using broken lines, how these estimates were determined
[11 marks]


Jan 2006
1. The points A(1; 2); B(5; 2); C(6; 4) and D(2; 4) are the vertices of a quadrilateral ABCD

(a) Express in the form
! ! ! !
(i) the position vectors OA; OB; OC and OD where O is the origin (0; 0)
! !
(ii) the vectors AB and DC
! !
(b) Calculate the jABj and hence deteremine the unit vector AB
(c) Using the answers in a(ii)
(i) state TWO geometrical relationship between the line segments AB and DC
(ii) explain why ABCD is a parallelogram
(d) Using a vector method, determine the position vector of G, the midpoint of AC:

Hence, state the coordinates of the point of intersection of the diagonals AC and BD
of parallelogram ABCD
[15 marks]

2. The diagram below shows the position vectors of two points, A and C, relative to an origin O

(a) Copy and complete the diagram to show

(i) the point B such that OABC is a parallelogram
! !
(ii) the vector u where u= OA + OC
(b) Write as a column vector, in the form
the vector
(i) OA
(ii) OC
(iii) AC
(c) Given that G is the midpoint of OB, use a vector method to
(i) determine the coordinates of G
(ii) prove, using a vector method, that A; G and C lie on a straight line
[15 marks]

Jan 2007
3. In the diagram below, M is the midpoint of ON

(a) (i) Sketch the diagram above in your answer booklet and insert the point X on OM such that
! !
OX = 31 OM
! ! !
(ii) Produce P X on Q such that P X = 4XQ
(b) Write down the following in terms of r and s
(i) OM
(ii) P X
(iii) QM
! ! !
(c) Show that P N = 2P M + OP
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2007

! !
4. OK and OM are position vectors such that OK =k and OM =m
(a) Sketch the diagram above. Show the approximate positions of points R and S such that
R is the mid-point of OK
! !
S is a point on OM such that OS = 31 OM
(b) Write down in terms of k and m the vectors
(i) M K
(ii) RM
(iii) KS
(iv) RS
(c) L is the mid-point of RM: Using a vector method, prove that RS is parallel to KL
[15 marks]

Jan 2008
5. (a) In triangle ABC, not drawn to scale. P and Q are the mid-points of AB and BC respectively.

(i) Make a sketch of the diagram and show the points P and Q
! !
(ii) Given that AB = 2x and BC = 3y; write in terms of x and y;an expression for
(a) AC
(b) P Q

! !
(iii) Hence show that P Q = 12 AC
(b) The position vectors of the points R; S and T relative to the origin are
! 3 ! 1 ! 5
OR = OS = OT =
4 6 2
(i) Express in the form the vectors
(a) RT
(b) SR
(ii) (a) The point F is such that RF = F T:Use a vector method to determine the
position vector of F
(b) Hence, state the coordinates of F
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2008
6. The position vectors A and B relative to the origin are a and b respectively.

! !
The point P is on OA such that OP = 2P A
! !
The point M is on BA such that BM = M A
(a) Copy the diagram and complete it to show the points P and M
(b) OB is produced to N such that OB = BN
(i) Show the position of N on your diagram
! ! !
(ii) Express in terms of a and b the vectors AB; P A and P M
(c) Use a vector method to show that P; M and N are collinear
(d) Calculate the length of AN if
6 1
a= and b =
2 2
[15 marks]

Jan 2009
! !
7. The diagram below shows the position vectors OP and OQ

(a) Write as column vector, in the form
(i) OP
(ii) OQ

(b) The point R has coordinates (8; 9)

! x
(i) Express QR as a vector in the form
! !
(ii) Using a vector method, show that, OP is parallel to QR
(iii) Determine the magnitude of the vector P R
(c) The point S has the coordinates (a; b)
(i) Write QS as a column vector, in terms of a and b
! !
(ii) Given that QS = OP , calculate the value of a and the value of b
(iii) Using a vector method, show that OP SQ is a parallelogram
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2009
! 2 ! 4
8. (a) The points A and B have position vectorOA = and OB = where O is the
5 2
! 1 !
origin (0; 0): The point G lies on the line AB such that AG = 3 AB
Express in the form
! !
(i) the vectors AB and AG
(ii) the position vector OG

(b) In the diagram below not drawn to scale, B is the mid-point of OX; C is the mid-point
of AB; and D is such that OD = 2DA: The vectors a and b are such that
! !
OA = 3a and OB = b

Write in terms of a and b
(i) AB
(ii) AC
(iii) DC
(c) State TWO geometrical relationship between DX and DC
(d) State ONE geometrical relationship between the points D; C and X
[15 marks]

Jan 2010
9. (a) The …gure not drawn to scale shows the points O(0; 0); A(5; 0) and B( 1; 4)
which are the vertices of a triangle OAB

(i) Express in the form the vectors
(a) OB
! !
(b) OA + OB
(ii) If M (x; y) is the mid-point of AB; determine the values of x and y
(b) In the …gure below not drawn to scale OE; EF and M F are straight lines. The point
H is such that EF = 3EH: The point G is such that M F = 5M G: M is the mid-point of
! !
The vector OM = v and EH = u

(i) Write in terms of u and.or v, an expression for:

(a) HF
(b) M F
(c) OH
(ii) Show that OG = 53 (2v + u)
(iii) Hence prove that O; G and H lie on a straight line
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2010
10. The diagram below not drawn to scale shows triangle JKL

M and N are points on JK and JL respectively such that
JM = 13 JK and JN = 13 JL
(i) Copy the diagram in your answer booklets and show the points M and N
! !
(ii) Given that JM = u and JN = v
write in terms of u and v; an expression for
(a) JK
(b) M N
(c) KL
(iii) Using your …ndings in (ii), deduce TWO geometrical relationship between
KL and M N
[8 marks]

Jan 2011
! !
11.(a) OP and OR are position vectors with respect to the origin O
! 4
P is the point (2; 7) and P R =
Write in the form the vectors
(i) OP
(ii) OR

(b) A point S has coordinates (14; 2)

(i) Find RS
(ii) Show that P; R and S are collinear
[8 marks]

May/Jun 2011
12. (a) W XY V is a parallelogram in which
! !
V Y = a and V W = b
S is a point on W Y such that W S : SY = 1 : 2

Write in terms of a and b; an expresssion for:

(i) W Y
(ii) W S

(iii) SX
(b) R is the mid-point of V W: Prove that R; S and X are collinear
[8 marks]

Jan 2012
! !
13.(a) The diagram below shows two position vectors OA and OB

Write as a column vector, in the form
(i) OA
(ii) OB
(iii) BA
(b) Given that G is the mid-point of the line AB;write as a column vector in the form :
(i) BG
(ii) OG
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2012
! 6 ! 3 ! 12
14. (a) The points A; B and C have position vectos OA = OB = and OC = respectively
2 4 2
Express in the form the vector
(i) BA
(ii) BC
(iii) State ONE geometrical relationship between BA and BC
(iv) Draw a sketch to show the relative positions of A; B and C
[7 marks]

Jan 2013
15. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a parallelogram OKLM where O is the
! !
origin. The points S is on KM such that M S = 2SK: OK = v and OM = u

Express EACH of the following in terms of u and v
(i) M K
(ii) SL
(iii) OS
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2013
16. (a) In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, P and Q are the midpoints of OA and AB respectively
! !
OA = 2a and OB = 2b

Express in terms of a and b the vectors

(i) AB
(ii) P Q
(iii) State TWO geometrical relationships that exist between OB and P Q
Give reasons for your answers
[6 marks]

Circle Theorem

Jan 2006

In the diagram above not drawn to scale. O is the center of the circle\AOB = 1300
\DAE = 300 :and AEC and BED are chords of the circle.

(a) Calculate the size of EACH of the following angles, giving reasons for EACH step of
your answers
(i) \ACB
(ii) \CBD
(iii) \AED
(b) Show that 4BCE and 4ADE are similar
(c) Given that CE = 6cm; EA = 9:1cm and DE = 5cm
(i) Calculate the length of EB
(ii) Calculate correct to 1 decimal place the area of 4AED
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2006
2. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a circle, center O: The lines BD and DCE
are tangents to the circle, and angle BCD = 700

Calculate, giving reasons for each step of your answer,

(i) \OCE
(ii) \BAC
(iii) \BOC
(iv) \BDC

[8 marks]

Jan 2007
3.(a) Two circles with centers P and Q and radii 5cm and 2cm respectively are drawn so
that they can touch each other at T and a straight line XY at S and R:

State with reasons

(i) why P T Q is a straight line
(ii) the length P Q
(iii) why P S is parallel to QR
(b) N is a point on P S such that QN is perpendicular to P S
(i) the length of P N
(ii) the length of RS
(c) In the diagram below not drawn to scale, O is the center of the circle. The measure of
angle LOM is 1100

(ii) \LM O
Calculate, giving reasons for your answers, the size of EACH of the follwing angles.
(i) \M N L
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2007
4. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, LM is a tangent to the circle at the point, T:
O is the center of the circle and angle M T S = 230

Calculate the size of each of the following angles, giving reasons for your answer
(a) angle T P Q
(b) angle M T Q
(c) angle T QS
(d) angle SRQ
[9 marks]

Jan 2008
5. (a) In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, O is the center of the circle W XY and \W XY = 500

Calculate, giving a reason for EACH step of your answer,

(i) \W OY
(ii) \OW Y
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2008
6. (a) In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, P Q is a tangent to the circle, center O:P R is
parallel to OS and angle SP R = 260

Calculate giving reasons for your answer, the size of
(i) angle P T S
(ii) angle RP Q
[4 marks]

Jan 2009
7. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a circle with center, O:
EA and EB are tangents to the circle, and angle AEB = 480

Calculate, giving a reason for your answer, the size of EACH of the following angles:
(i) \OAE
(ii) \AOB
(iii) \ACB
(iv) \ADB
[9 marks]

May/Jun 2009
8. The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a circle, center O. The line DCE is a
tangent to the circle. Angle ACE = 480 and angle OCB = 260

(i) \ABC
(ii) \AOC
(iii) \BCD
(iv) \BAC
(v) \OAC
(vi) \OAB
[6 marks]

Jan 2010
9. (a) The diagram below not drawn to scale shows two circles. C is the center of the smaller
circle, GH is a common chord and DEF is a triangle.
Angle GCH = 880 and angle GHE = 1260

Calculate, giving reasons for the answer, the measure of angle

(i) GF H
(ii) GDE
(iii) DEF

(b) Use = 3:14 in this part of the question

Given that GC = 4cm, calculate the area of
(i) triangle GCH
(ii) the minor sector bounded by the arc GH and radii GC and HC
(iii) the shaded segment
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2010
10. (a) In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, P Q is a tangent to the circle P T SR so that
\RP Q = 460
\RQP = 320
and T RQ is a straight line

Calculate, giving a reason for EACH step of your answer

(i) \P T R
(ii) \T P R
(iii) \T SR
[7 marks]

Jan 2011
11.(a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a circle cneter, O
SGH is a tangent to the circle \F OG = 1180 and \DGS = 650

Calculate, giving reasons for EACH step of your answer, the measure of
(i) \OF G
(ii) \DEF
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2011
12. (a) In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, W; X,Y and Z are points on the circumference
of a circle, center O: T Y V is a tangent to the circle at Y; \XW Z = 640 and \ZY V = 230

Calculate, giving reasons for your answer, the measure of angle

(i) XY Z
(ii) Y XZ
(iii) OXZ
[7 marks]

May/Jun 2012
13. The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a circle center, O. The like U V W is a
tangent to the circle, ZOXW is a straight line and angle U OX = 700

Calculate, showing working, where necessary, the measure of angle

(a) OU Z
(b) U V Y
(c) U W O
(d) Name the triangle in the diagram which is congruent to triangle
(i) ZOU
(ii) Y XU
[9 marks]

Jan 2013
14.(a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a circle, center O. RQ is a diameter and
P M and P/ N are tangent to the circle. Angle M P N = 540 and angle RQM = 200

Calculate, giving reasons for your answer, the measure of
(i) \M RQ
(ii) \P M R
(iii) \P M N
[7 marks]

May/Jun 2013
15. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a circle with center O: EBC is a tangent
to the circle. \OBA = 400 and \OBF = 350

Calculate, giving reasons for your answer, the measure of

(i) \EBF
(ii) \BOA
(iii) \AF B
(iv) \OAF
[7 marks]

Trigonometry(Trig Ratios/Sin-Cos Rule/Bearings)
May/Jun 2006
1. (a) A man walks xkm, due north, from point G to point H:He then walks (x + 7)km due
east from H to point F:The distance along a straight line from G to F is 13km.
The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows the relative positions
of G; H and F: The direction of north is also shown.

(i) Copy the diagram and show on the diagram, the distances xkm, (x + 7)km and 13km
(ii) From the information on your diagram, write an equation in x which satis…es Pythagoras’
Theorem. Show that the equation can be simpli…ed to give x2 + 7x 60 = 0
(iii) Solve the equation and …nd the distance GH
(iv) Determine the bearing of F from G:
[11 marks]

(b) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a vertical tower, F T; and a vertical antenna, T W;
mounted on the top of the tower. A point P is on the same horizontal ground as F; such that
P F = 28m; and the angles of elevation of T and W from P are 400 and 540 repectively.

(i) Copy and label the diagram clearly showing

(a) the distance 28m
(b) the angles of 400 and 540
(c) any right angles
(ii) Calculate the length of the antenna T W
[7 marks]

(c) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows parallelogram EF GH in which EF = 6cm
EH = 4:2cm; and angle F EH = 700

(i) the length of the diagonal HF
(ii) the area of the parallelogram EF GH
[5 marks]

Jan 2007
2. A boat leaves a dock at a point A and travels for a distance of 15km to a point B on a bearing of
The boat then changes course and then travels for a distance of 8km to a point C on a bearing of 0600
(a) Illustrate the above information in a clearly labelled diagram
The diagram should show the
(i) north direction
(ii) bearings 1350 and 0600
(iii) distances 8km and 15km
(b) Calculate
(i) the distance AC
(ii) \BAC
(iii) the bearing of A from C
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2007

(a) Three towns, P; Q and R are such that the bearing of P from Q is 0700 . R is 10km due
east of Q and P Q = 5km
(i) Calculate, correct to one decimal place, the distance P R:
(ii) Given that \QP R = 1420 , state the bearing of R from P:
[6 marks]
(b) Given that sin = 23
Express in fractional or surd form
(i) cos
(ii) tan
(iii) Hence, determine the exact value of cos
[7 marks]
Jan 2008
4. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a vertical pole, AD, and a vertical

tower, BC standing on horizontal ground XABY. The height of the pole is 2.5 meters.
From the point D, the angle of depression of B is 50 and the angle of elevation of C is 200
DE is a horizontal line.

Calculate, to one decimal place

(i) the horizontal distance AB
(ii) the height of the tower, BC.
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2008
5.(a) In the diagram below not drawn to scale, GH is a vertical pole standing on a horizontal
plane and H; J and K are points on the horizontal plane

GH = 12m and the angle of elevation of the top of the pole G from J and K are 320
and 270 respectively.
(i) Copy the diagram and insert the angles of elevation
(b) Calculate to one decimal place
(i) the length of HJ
(ii) the length of JK
[6 marks]

(c) A ship leaves Port R; sails to Port S then to Port T

The bearing of S from R is 1120
The bearing of T from S is 0330
The distance RT is 75 km ans the distance RS is 56 km
(i) Draw a diagram showing the journey of the ship from R to S to T
Show on your diagram
(ii) the North direction
(iii) the bearing 1120 and 0330
(iv) the points R, S and T
(v) the distances 75 km and 56 km
(d) Calculate
(i) the size of angle RST
(ii) the size of angle RT S
(iii) the bearing of R from T

(e) The ship leaves Port T and travels due west at a point X which is due north of R
(i) show on your diagram the journey from T to X
(ii) Calculate the distance T X
[15 marks]

Jan 2009
6.(a) The diagram below not drawn to scale shows two straight wires, LJ and N K;
supporting vertical, M J. LM N is a straight line on the horizontal plane. Angle
JM L = 900 , angle KM N = 300 ; LJ = 13m; LM = 5m and KN = 10m

Calculate in meters the length of

(i) M K
(ii) JK
[6 marks]

(b) On the diagram below not drawn to scale, T U = 8m; T W = 10m and V W = 11m:
angle U T W = 600 and angle W U V = 400

(i) the length of U W
(ii) the size of angle U V W
(iii) the area of triangle T U W
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2009
7. (a) The diagram below not drawn to scale, shows the position of two hurricanes
tracking stations, P and Q, relative to a point O:P is on a bearing of 0250 from O;
and OP = 400km: Q is on a bearing of 0800 from P and P Q = 700km

(i) Copy the diagram above. On your diagram label the angles that show the bearings

of 0250 and 0800
(ii) \OP Q
(iii) the length to the nearest kilometer of OQ
(iv) the bearing of Q from O
[9 marks]

Jan 2010
8. (a) The diagram below not drawn to scale, shows a triangle LM N;with LN = 12cm;
N M = xcm and \N LM = 0 The point K on LM is such that N K is perpendicular to
LM; N K = 6cm and KM = 8cm

Calculate the value of

(i) x
[5 marks]

(b) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows three stations P; Q and R; such that the bearing of
Q from R is 1160 and the bearing of P from R is 2420 . The verical line at R shows the North direction

(i) Show that angle P RQ = 1260
(ii) Given that P R = 38 meters and QR = 108 meters, calculate the distance P Q
Give your answer to the nearest meter

(c) K; L and M are points along a straight line on a horizontal plane, as shown below

A vertical pole, SK is positioned such that the angles of elevation of the top of the pole
S from L and M are 210 and 140 respectively
The height of the pole, SK; is 10 meters
(i) Copy and complete the diagram to show the poles SK and the angles of elevation
of S from L and M
Calculate correct to one deicmal place
(i) the length of KL
(ii) the length of LM
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2010
9. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a vertical ‡agpole, F T with its foot
F;on the horizontal plane EF G: ET and GT are wires which support the ‡agpoles
in its position. The angle of elevation of T from G is 550 , EF = 8m F G = 6m and
\EF G = 1200

Calculate giving your answers correct to 3 signi…cant …gures

(i) the height F T; of the ‡agpole
(ii) the length EG
(iii) the angle of elevation of T from E
[8 marks]

Jan 2011
10. (a) J; K and L are three sea ports. A ship began its journey at J sailed to K then to L and
and returned to J:
The bearing of K from J is 0540 and L is due east of K
JK = 122 km and KL = 60 km
(i) Draw a carefully diagram tor represent the above information. Show on

the diagram
(ii) the north/south direction
(iii) the bearing 0540
(iv) the distance 122 km and 60 km
(v) the measure of anlge JKL
(vi) the distance JL
(vii) the bearing of J from L
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2011
11. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows 4P QR; which represents the cross
section of a roof. QS is perpendicular to P SR
P Q = 12:6 meters QR = 8:4 meters \QP R = 150

Using the dimensions shown on the diagram, calculate, correct to 3 signi…cant …gures
(i) the length of QS
(ii) the measure of \RQS
(iii) the area of 4P QR
[8 marks]
(b) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows the route of an aeroplane ‡ying from
Portcity(P) to Queenstown(Q) and then to Riversdale(R). The bearing of Q from P is
1320 and the angle P QR is 560

(i) Calculate the value of x, as shown in the diagram

(ii) The distance from Portcity(P ) to Queenstown(Q) is 220 kilometers and the
distance from Queenstown to Riversdale (R) is 360 kilometers. Calculate the distance RP
(iii) Determine the bearing of R from P
[8 marks]

Jan 2012

12. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a vertical pole, P L; standing on
a horizontal plane, KLM: The angle of elevation of P from K is 280 , KL = 15m
LM = 19m and \KLM = 1150

(i) Copy the diagram. Show the angle of elevation, 280 and ONE right angle
(b) Calculate, giving your answer to 2 signi…cant …gures, the measure of
(i) P L
(ii) KM
(iii) the angle of elevation of P from M
[8 marks]

May/Jun 2012
13. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows the journey of a ship which started at
port P; sailed 15 km due south to port Q;then a further 20 km due west to port R

(i) copy the diagram and label it to show the points Q and R, and the distances
20 km and 15 km.
(ii) Calculate P R the shortest distance of the ship from the port where the journey
(iii) Calculate the measure of angle QP R, giving your answer to the nearest degree.
[7 marks]

(b) The diagram below not drawn to scale, shows a quadrilateral QRST in which QS = 7cm
ST = 10cm; QT = 8cm , \SRQ = 600 and RSQ = 480

(i) the length of RS
(ii) the measure of \QT S
[6 marks]

Jan 2013
14.(a) The diagram below is a scale drawing showing the line RT and the north direction on a

It is drawn to a scale of 1centimeter:30 meters

Using the answer sheet provided

(i) measure and state, in centimeters, the length of RT as drawn on the diagram
(ii) measure and state, in degrees, the size of the angle that shows the bearing of T
(iii) calculate the actual distance, in meters, on the playground that RT represents

(b) A point M on the playground is located 300 meters from R on a bearing of 1200
On the same answer sheet
(i) calculate, in centimeters, the length of RM that should be used on the scale drawing
(ii) using a ruler and a pair of compasses, draw the line RM on the scale drawing
(iii) mark and name the angle in the scale drawing that measures 1200
[12 marks]
(c) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows th position of three points A; B and C on a horizontal plane.

AB = 174 meters, BC = 65 meters and AC = 226 meters

(i) the measure of angle ABC
(ii) the area of triangle ABC
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2013
15. (a) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows three points R; S and F on the horizontal
ground. F T is a vertical tower of height 25m. The angle of elevation of the
top of the tower, T , from R is 270 . R is due east of F and S is due south of F:SF = 43:3 m

(i) Sketch separate diagrams of the triangle RF T; T F S and SF R. Mark on EACH

diagram the given measures of sides and angles
(ii) Show, by calculation, that RF = 49:1m
(iii) Calculate the length of SR correct to 1 decimal place.
(iv) Calculate the angle of elevation of the top of the tower, T; from S:
[8 marks]


Jan 2006

x 4
1. (a) The matrix L =
1 x
(i) Calculate in terms of x, the determinant of L
(ii) Calculate the values of x given that L is singular [3marks]

3 1
(b) The matrix M =
2 6
(i) Find M 1 the inverse of M
x 12
(ii) Hence calculate the values of x and y for which M =
y 8
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2006
2 3
2. (a) The value of the determinant M = is 9
1 x
(i) Calculate the value of x
(ii) For this value of x, …nd M
(iii) Show that M 1 M = I
[ 7 marks]

Jan 2007
1 9p
3. (a) Given that D = is a singular matrix, determine the value(s) of p
p 4
(b) Given the linear equations

2x + 5y = 6
3x + 4y = 8
(i) Write the equstion in the form AX = B where A; X and Bare matrices
(ii) a) Calculate the determinant of the matrix A
4 5
1 7 7
b) Show that A = 3 2
7 7
c) Use the matrix A to solve for x and y

[15 marks]

May/Jun 2007
a b 5 3 14 0
4. (a) A; B and C are three 2 2 matrices such that A = ; B= ; and C =
c d 3 2 9 5

(i) 3A
(ii) B 1
(iii) 3A + B 1
(iv) the value of a; b; c and d given that 3A + B =C
[7 marks]
Jan 2008

1 x
5. (a) A = 2 1 ,B= and C = 5 6
y 2
Given that AB = C, calculate the values of x and y.
2 1
(b) Given that the matrix R =
1 3
(i) Show that R is non-singular
(ii) Find R 1 the inverse of R
(iii) Show that RR 1 = I
(iv) Using a matrix method, solve the pair of simultaneous equations
2x y = 0
x + 3y = 7
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2008

6. (a) X and Y are two matrices where

2 0 4 1
X= and Y =
5 1 3 7

Evaluate X 2 + Y
[4 marks]
Jan 2009

1 2 1 3
7. (a) Calculate the matrix product 3AB = 3AB; where A = and B =
2 1 2 5
[3 marks]
(b) (i) Write the following simultaneous eqautions in the form AX = B where A, X and B are matrices
11x + 6y = 6
9x + 5y = 7
(ii) Hence, write the solution for x and y as products of two matrices
[4 marks]

Jan 2010

8. (a) L and N are two matrices where

3 2 1 3
L= and N =
1 4 0 2
Evaluate L N 2
x 12
(b) The matrix, M , is given as M = . Calculate the value of x for which M is singular
3 x
[5 marks]

May/Jun 2010
9. (a) A and B are two 2 2 matrices such that

1 2 5 2
A= and B =
2 5 2 1
(i) Find AB
(ii) Determine B 1 ; the inverse of B
(iii) Given that
5 2 x 2
2 1 y 3
Write as the product of TWO matrices
(iv) Hence, calculate the values of x and y
[7 marks]

May/Jun 2011
3 5
10. (a) Determine the inverse of the matrix
2 4
[2 marks]

Jan 2012

11. (a) L and M are two matrices where

3 2 1 3
L= and M =
1 4 0 2
(i) L + 2M
(ii) LM

4 2
(b) The matrix, Q, is such that Q =
1 1
(i) Find Q 1
(ii) Using a matrix method, …nd the values of x and y in the equation
4 2 x 8
1 1 y 3
[9 marks]

May/Jun 2012
a 4 2 4 2 0
12. (a) (i) Calculate the values of a and b such that =
1 b 1 3 0 2
2 4
(ii) Hence or otherwise, write down the inverse of
1 3
2 4
(iii) Use the inverse of to solve for x and y in the matrix equation
1 3
2 4 x 12
1 3 y 7
[8 marks]

Jan 2013
13.(a) A superstore sells 3 models of cell phones. Model A cost $40 each, model B cost $55

each and model C cost $120 each
The weekly sales for 2 weeks in June were:

Week 1 Week 2
2 model A no model A
5 model B 6 model B
3 model C 10 model C
(i) Wrtite down a matrix of sizes 3 2 which represents the sales for the two weeks
(ii) Write down a matrix of size 1 3 which represents the cost of the di¤erent models
of cells phones
(iii) Write down the multiplication of the two matrices which represents the superstore’s
takings from the sale of cell phones for each of the two weeks
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2013

2 1
14. (a) Given that M =
4 3
(i) Evaluate M 1 , the inverse of M:
(ii) Show that M 1 M = I
(iii) Use a matrix method to solve for r; s; t and u in the equation

2 1 r s 2 1
4 3 t u 4 1
[9 marks]

Jan 2008
1. (a) John left Port A at 0730 hours and travels to Port B in the same time zone
(i) He arrives at Port B at 1420 hours. How long did the journey take?
(ii) John travelled 410 kilometers. Calculate his average speed in kmh 1
[3 marks]

Jan 2009
2. (a) An answer sheet is provided for this question
The distance-time graph below describes the journey of a train between two train
stations, A and B. Answer the question on the answer sheet

(i) For how many minutes was the train at rest?
(ii) Determine the average speed of the train, in km/h, on its journey from A to B.
The train continues its journey away from station A and B to another station C, which
is 50 km from B. The average speed of th journey was 60 km/h.
(iii) Calculate the time, in minutes, taken for the train to travel from B to C.

(iv) On your answer sheet, draw the line segment which describes the journey of
the train from B to C.
[10 marks]
May/Jun 2009
3. (a) The table below shows two reading s taken from an aircraft’s ‡ight record

For the period of times between the two readings, calculate.

(i) the distance travelled in kilometers
(ii) the average speed of the aircraft in km/h
[4 marks]
May/Jun 2010
4.(a) The diagram below shows th speed-time graph of the motion of an athelete during a

Using th graph determine

(i) the MAXIMUM speed.
(ii) the number of seconds for which the speed was constant.
(iii) the TOTAL distance covered by the athlete during the race.
During which time period of the race was
(iv) the speed of the athlete in increasing.
(v) the speed of the athlete decreasing.
(vi) the acceleration of the athlete zero?
[7 marks]
May/Jun 2011
5.(a) The speed -time graph below, not drawn to scale, shows the three stage journey of a racing car over a
period of 60 seconds.

During the FIRST stage of the journey, the car increased its speed from 0m/s to 12m/s in x seconds accelerating
at 0.6m/s2
(i) Calculate the value of x
(ii) What is the gradient of the graph during the SECOND stage?
Explain, in one sentence, what the car is doing during this stage.
(iii) Calculate the distance travelled by the car on the THIRD stage of the journey.
[6 marks]

Jan 2012
6. (a) The following is an extract from a bus schedule . The bus begins its journey at Belleview,
travels to Chagville and ends its journey at St. Andrews.

Town Arrive Depart

Belleview 6:40 a.m
Chagville 7:35 a.m 7:45 a.m
St. Andrews 8:00 a.m
(i) How long did the bus spend in Chagville?
(ii) How long did the bus take to travel from Belleview to Chagville?
(iii) The bus travelled at an average speed of 54 km/hour from Belleview to Chagville.
Calculate, in kilometers, the distance from Belleview to Chagville.
[4 marks]

MayJun 2013

7. (a) A car, travelling along a straight road at a constant speed of 54km/h, takes 20 seconds to travel the between
two sign post.
(i) the speed of the car in m/s
(ii) the distance, in meters, between the two sign posts.

[4 marks]

Jan 2006
1. (a) The path a ball thrown in the air is given by the equation h = 20t 5t2 where h is the
vertical distance above the ground (in meters) and t is the time (in seconds) after the ball was
The table below shows some of the values of t and the values of h; correct to 1 decimal

(a) Copy and complete the table of values
(b) Draw the graph of h = 20t 5t2 for 0 t 4: You may proceed as follows:
(i) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 0.5 seconds, draw the horizontal t-axis for
0 t 4
(ii) Using a scale 1cm to represent 1 meter, draw the vertical h axis for
0.0 h 21:0
(iii) Plot the points from your table of values on the axes drawn.
(iv) Join the points with a smooth curve.

(c) Using your graph calculate estimates of

(i) the GREATEST height above the ground reached by the ball.
(ii) the number of seconds for which the ball was MORE than 12 meters above the
(iii) the interval of time during which the ball was moving upwards.
[11 marks]

MayJun 2006
2. The diagram below shows the graph of the function f (x) = x2 2x 3 for a x b. The tangent
to the graph at (2, -3) is also drawn.


-2 -1 1 2 3 4




Use the graph to determine the

(a) values of a and b which de…nes the domain of the graph
(b) values of x for which x2 2x 3 = 0
(c) coordinates of the minimum point on the graph
(d) whole number values of x for which x2 2x 3 < 1
(e) gradient of f (x) = x2 2x 3 at x = 2
[11 marks]
Jan 2008
3. Given the y = x2 4x, copy and complete the table below.
x -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 5 -3 -4 0
(b) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 1 unit on both axes, draw the graph of the
function y = x2 4x for -1 x 5

(c) (i) On the same axes used in (b) above, draw the line y = 2
(ii) State the x - coordinates of the two points at which the curve meets the line
(iii) Hence, write the equation whoose roots are the x-coordinates stated in (c) (ii)
[11 marks]

May/Jun 2008
4. (a) The temperature, K; of a liquid t minutes after heating is given in the table below.

(i) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 10 minutes on the horizontal axis and a scale
of 2cm to represnt 10 degrees on the vertical axis, construct a temperature-time
graph to show how the liquid cools in the 60 minute interval

Draw a smooth curve through all the plotted points.

(b) Use your graph to estimate
(i) the temperatue of the liquid after 15 minutes
(ii) the rate of the cooling of the liquid at t = 30 minutes
[7 marks]
May/Jun 2009
5. (a) Given that y = x2 + 2x 3
(i) Copy and complete the table below

(ii) Using scale of 2cm to represent 1uint on the x axis and 1cm to represent
1 unit on the y axis, draw the graph of y = x2 + 2x 3 for 4 x 2
[7 marks]

Jan 2010
6. (a) The graph shown below represents a function of the form f (x) = ax2 + bx + c

Using the graph above determine
(i) the value of f (x) when x = 0
(ii) the values of x when f (x) = 0
(iii) the coordinates of the maximum point
(iv) the equation of the axis of symmetry
(v) the values of x when f (x) = 5
(vi) the interval within which x lies when f (x) > 5: Write your answers in the form a < x < b
[11 marks]

May/Jun 2010
7. (a) The diagram below shows the graph of y = x2 + 2x 3 for the domain 4 x 2

Use the graph above to determine
(i) the scale used on the axis
(ii) the value of y when x = 1:5
(iii) the values of x when y = 0
(iv) the range of values of y; giving our answer in the form a y b, where a and
b are real numbers.
[7 marks]
Jan 2012
8. The table below shows corresponding values of x and y for the function y = x2 2x 3, for integer values of x
from -2 to 4
x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
y 5 -3 -4 0 5
(a) Copy and complete the table
(b) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis, and 1cm to represent 1 unit on the y-axis,
plot the points whose x and y values are recorded in your table, and draw a smooth curve through your points
(c) Using your graph,estimate the value of y when x = 3:5. Show on your graph how the values was obtained
(d) Without furthur calculations,
(i) write the equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph
(ii) estimate the minimum value of the function y
(iii) state the values of the solution of the equation: x2 2x 3 = 0
[11 marks]

Jan 2013
9. (a) The table below shows corresponding values of x and y for the function
y = x3 ; x 6= 0
where y represents the velocity of a particle after x seconds

x(sec) 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6

y(m=s) 12 3 1.5 0.75 0.5

(i) Copy and complete the table for the function

(ii) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 1 unit on the x axis and 1cm to represent 1
unit on the y axis, plot the points from your table, drawing a smooth curve through
all points.
[7 marks]


Jan 2007
1.(a) Solve for x where x 2 Z
(i) 4 x 13
[3 marks]

Jan 2008
2. (a) (i) Solve the inequality: 3 2x < 7
(ii) If x is a whole number, determine the SMALLEST value that satis…es the
inequality in (a) (i) above
[3 marks]

Jan 2010
3.(a) (i) Solve the inequality x 3 < 3x 7
(ii) If x is an integer, determine the SMALLEST value of x that satis…es the inequality above.
[4 marks]

May/Jun 2011
4. (a) (i) Solve the inequality: 5 2x < 9
(ii) If x is an integer, determine the SMALLEST value of x that satis…es the inequality

[3 marks]

Linear Programming

Jan 2006
1. (a) A shop stocks x Sonix and y Zents radio. It has shelf space for 20 radios
(i) Write an inequalitiy to represent this information.
The owner of the shops spends $150 to purchase each Sonix radio and $300 for each
Zent radio, she has $4500 to spend on the purchase of these radios
(ii) Write an inequality to represent this information.

The owner of the book shop decides to stock at least 6 Sonix and at least 6 Zents
(iii) Write TWO inequalities to represent this information.

(b) (i) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 5 Sonix radios and 2cm to represent
5 Zent radios, draw the horizontal axis for 0 x 30 and the vertical axis
for 0 y 25:
(ii) On these axes, draw the four boundary lines for the four inequalitites written in
a(i),(ii) and (iii) above.
(iii) Shade the region on your graph that satis…es ALL four inequalities written in
a(i),(ii) and (iii) above
(iv) State the coordinates of the vertices of the shaded region.

(c) The owner of the shop sells the radios to make a pro…t of $80 on each Sonix and $100
on each Zent radio
(i) Express the TOTAL pro…t in terms of x and y
(ii) Calculate the MAXIMUM pro…t.
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2006
2. (a) The Owner of a parking lot wishes to park x vans and y cars for persons attending a function.
The lot provides parking space for no more than 60 vehicles.
(i) Write an inequality to represent this information

To get a good bargain, he must provide parking space for at least 10 cars.
(ii) Write an inequality to represnt this information.

The number of cars parked must be fewer than or equal to twice the number of vans parked.
(iii) Write an inequality to represent this information.
(iv) (a) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 10 vans on the x axis and 2cm to represent 10
cars on the y axis, draw the graph of the lines associated with the inequality
(i),(ii) and (iii) above.
(b) Identify, by shading, the region which satis…es all three inequalities.

The parking fee for a van is $6 and for a car is $5.

(v) Write an expression in x and y for the total fees
charged for parking x vans and y cars.
(vi) Using your graph write down the coordinates
of the vertices of the shaded region.
(vii) Calculate the maximum fees charged.
[15 marks]

Jan 2007
3. (a) Pam visits the stationery store where she intends to buy x pens and y pencils
Pam must buy at least 3 pens
(i) Write an inequality to represent this information
The TOTAL number of pens and pencil must NOT be more than 10
(ii) Write an inequlaity to represent this information

EACH pen cost $5.00 and EACH pencil cost $2.00. More inforamtion about the
pens and pencils is represented by:
5x + 2y 35
(iii) Write the information represented by this inequality as a sentence in your
own words.

(b)(i) On the answer sheet provided, draw the graph of TWO inequalities obtained
in a(i) and a(ii) above.
(ii) Write the coordinates of the vertices of the region that satis…es the four
inequalities (including y 0)

(c) Pam sells the x pens and y pencils and makes a pro…t of $1.50 on EACH pen and
$1.00 on EACH pencil.
(i) Write an expression in x and y to represent the pro…t Pam makes.
(ii) Calculate the maximum pro…t Pam makes.
(iii) If Pam buys 4 pens, show on your graph the maximum number of pencils she
can buy.
[15 marks]

May /Jun 2007

4. A company manufactures gold and silver stars to be used as party decorations. The stars
are placed in packets so that each packet contains x gold star and y silver stars.

The condition for packaging are given in the table below:

Condition Inequality
(1) Each packet must have at least 20 gold stars x 20
(2) Each packet must have at least 15 silver stars
(3) The total number of stars in each packet must not be more than 60
(4) x < 2y

(a) Write down the inequality to represent conditions (2) and (3)
(b) Describe in words, the condition represented by th inequality x < 2y
(c) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 10 units on both axes, draw the graphs of ALL
FOUR inequalities represented in the table above.
(d) Three packets of stars were selected for inspection. Their content are shown below
Packet No. of gold stars(x) No. of silver star(y)
A 25 20
B 35 15
C 30 25

Plot the points A,B and C on your graph. Hence determine which of the three packets
satisfy ALL the conditions.
[15 marks]

Jan 2008
5. (a) A school buys x balls and y bats.
The total number of balls and bats is no more than 30
(i) Write an inequality to represent this information.

The school budget allows no more than $360 to be spent on balls and bats. The cost of
a ball is $6 and the cost of a bat is $24.
(ii) Write an inequality to represent this information
(b) (i) Using a scale of 2cm on the x-axis to represent 10 balls and 2cm on the
y axis to represent 5 bats, draw the graphs of the lines associated with the
inequalities at (a)(i) and (ii) above.
(ii) Shade the region which satis…es the two inequalities at a(i) and (ii) and the
inequalities x 0 and y 0
(iii) Use your graph to write the coordinates of the vertices of the shaded region.

(c) The balls and bats are sold to students. The school makes a pro…t of $1 on each ball
and $3 on each bat. The equation P = x + 3y represents the total pro…t that may be
collected from the sale of these items
(i) Use the coordinates of the vertices given at (b) (iii) above to determine the
pro…t for each of those combinations.
(ii) Hence, state the maximum pro…t that may be made.
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2008
6. (a) The shaded region below shows the solution of a set of inequalities
in x and y. The variable x represents the number of boys in a cricket club and y represents
the number of girls in the cricket club.

(b) Use the graph to answer the questions which follow.

(i) State, using argument based on the graph, whether the cricket club can
have members:

(a) 10 boys and 5 girls

(b) 6 boys and 6 girls

(ii) Write down the set of THREE inequalitites that de…ne the shaded region

(iii) A company sells uniform for the club and makes of pro…t of $3.00 on every boy’s
uniform and $5.00 on every girl’s uniform
(a) Write an expression in x and y that represents the total pro…t made by the
company on the sale of uniforms.
(b) Calculate the minimum pro…t the company can make.
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2009
7. (a) The owner of a shop wishes to buy x guitars and y violins. To satisfy the demands of
customers, the number of violins must be less than or eqaul to the number of guitars.
(i) Write an inequality to represent this information.
The cost of one guitar is $150 and the cost of one violin is $300. He has $4500 to
spend on the purchase of these instruments.

(ii) Write an inequality to represent this information.

To get a good bargain the owner of the shop must buy at least 5 violins
(iii) Write an inequality to represent this information.

(b) (i) Using a scale of 2cm on the horizontal axis to represent 5 guitars and 2cm on the
vertical to represent 5 violins, draw the graph of the lines associated with the THREE
inequalities written in a(i),(ii) and (iii) above.

(ii) Shade the region on your graph that satis…es all THREE inequalities
(iii) State the coordinates of the vertices of the shaded region.

(c) The owner of the shop sells instrument to make a pro…t of $60 on each guitar and
$100 on each violin.
(i) Express the total pro…t in terms of x and y:
(ii) Calculate the maximum pro…t.
[15 marks]

Jan 2010
8. (a) The manager of a pizza shops wishes to make x small pizzas and y large pizzas. His oven
holds no more than 20 pizzas

(i) Write an inequality to represent the given condition

The ingredients for each small pizzas cost $15 and for each large pizzas cost $30. The manager
plans to spend no more than $450
(ii) Write an inequality to represent this condition.

(b) (i) Using a scale of 2cm on the x axis to represent 5 small pizzas and 2cm on the
y axis to represent 5 large pizzas, draw the graph of the lines associated with the THREE
inequalities written in a(i) and a(ii) above.

(ii) Shade the region which is de…ned by the all THE following combined:
- the inequalities writtin in a(i) and a(ii) above
- the inequalities x 0 and y 0:

(iii) Using your graph, state the coordinates of the vertices of the shaded region.

(c) The pizza can makes a pro…t of $8 on the sale of EACH small pizza and $20
on the sale of EACH large pizza. All pizzas that were made were sold.
(i) Write an expression in x and y for th eTOTAL pro…t made on the sale of the
(ii) Use the coordinates of the vertices given at b(iii) to determine the MAXIMUM
[15 marks]

May/Jun 2010
9. (a) A farmer supplies his neighbors with x pumpkins y melons daily, using the following condition
First condition: y 3
Second condition: y x
Third condition: the total number of pumpkins and melons must not exceed 12
(i) Write an inequality to represent the third condition
(ii) Using a scale of 1cm to represent 1 pumpkin on the x axis and 1cm
to represent 1 melon on the y-axis, draw the graphs of the THREE lines
associated with the THREE inequalities.
(iii) Identify, by shading, the region which satis…es the THREE inequalities.
(iv) Determine, from your graph, the minimum values of x and y which satisfy the
[8 marks]

Jan 2012

10. (a) The diagram below shows the graphs of three lines and a shaded region de…ned by three
inequalities associated with these lines.
The inequality associated with the line 3y = x is 3y x

(i) State the other TWO inequalities which de…ne the shaded region.
The function p = 4x + 3y satis…es the solution set represented by the closed triangular

(ii) Identify the three pairs (x; y) values for which p has a maximum or a minimum
(iii) Which pair of (x; y) values makes p a maximum? Justify your answer.

[9 marks]

May/Jun 2012
11. (a) A ‡orist bouquets each consisting of x roses and y orchids. For each
bouquet, she applies the following constraints.

- the number of orchids must be at least half the number of roses

- there must be at least two roses
- there must be no more than 12 ‡owers
(i) Write THREE inequalities for the constraints given
(ii) On the answer sheet provided, shade th region of the graph which represents
the solution set for the inequalities in a(i).
(iii) State the coordinates of the points which represents the vertices of the region
showing the solution set.
(iv) The ‡orist sells a bouquet of ‡owers to make a pro…t of $3 on each rose and $4 on
each orchid. Determine the MAXIMUM possible pro…t on the sale of a bouquet.
[8 marks]

May/Jun 2013
12. (a) Trish wishes to buy x oranges and y mangoes which she intends to carry in her bag. Her
bag has space for only 6 fruits.
(i) Write an inequality to represent this information
To get a good bargain, she must buy AT LEAST 2 mangoes.
(ii) Wrtie an inequality to represent this information.
More information about the number of oranges and mangoes associated with the good
bargain is represented by

y 2x
(iii) Write the information represented by this inequality as a sentence in your own words.
(iv) On the answer sheet provided, draw the lines associated with the two inequalities
obtained in (i) and (ii) above.
(v) Shade on your graph the region which represents the solution set for the three inequalities
[8 marks]

Completing the Squares

Jan 2006
1.(a)(i) Express 4x2 12x 3 in the form a(x + h)2 + k; where a; h and k are real numbers.
Using your answer in a(i) above or otherwise, calculate
(ii) the minimum value of 4x2 12x 3
(iii) the value of x for which the minimum occurs
(iv) the values of x for which 4x2 12x 3 = 0 expressing your answers to 3 signi…cant …gures.
[9 marks]

Jan 2007
2. (a) Given that f (x) = 2x2 + 4x 5

(i) write f (x) in the form f (x) = a(x + b)2 + c; where a; b; c 2 R

(ii) state the equation of the axis of symmetry
(iii) state the coordinates of the minimum point
(iv) sketch the graph of f (x)
(v) on the graph of f (x) show clearly
(a) the minimum point
(b) the axis of symmetry
[9 marks]

Jan 2009
3. (a)(i) Express the function 2x2 4x 13 in the form f (x) = a(x + h)2 + k:

Hence, or otherwise, determine

(ii) the values of x at which the graph cuts the x-axis
(iii) the interval for which f (x) 0
(iv) the minimum value of f (x)
(v) the value of x for which f (x) is a minimum
[12 marks]

May/Jun 2009
4.(a)(i) Express 2x2 3x + 1 in the form f (x) = a(x + h)2 + k where a; h; and k are real numbers

(b) Using your answer above or otherwise, calculate

(i) the minimum value of 2x2 3x + 1
(ii) the value of x for which the minimum occurs

(c) Sketch the graph of y = 2x2 3x + 1, clearly showing

- the coordinates of the minimum point
- the value of the y-intercept
- the values of x where the graph cuts the x axis
[9 marks]

Jan 2010
5. (a) Given g(x) = 3x2 8x + 2
(i) write g(x) in the form a(x + b)2 + c, where a; b and c 2 R
(ii) solve the equation g(x) = 0 writing your answer(s) correct to 2 decimal places
(iii) A sketch of the graph of g(x)is shown below

Copy the sketch and state
(iv) the y coordinate of A:
(v) the x- coordinate of C:
(vi) the x and y coordinate of B:
[10 marks]

Jan 2011
6. (a) (i) Express the quadratic function 1 6x x2 , in the form k a(x + h)2 , where a;
h and k are constants.

Hence state
(ii) the maximum value of 1 6x x2
(iii) the equation of the axis of symmetry of the quadratic function.
(iv) determine the roots of 1 6x x2 = 0 giving your answers to 2 decimal places.
[8 marks]

May/Jun 2011
7. (a) (i) Express the function f (x) = 4x2 8x 2 in the form a(x + h)2 + k; where a; b and
k are constants.
(ii) the minimum
(iii) the values of x for which f (x) is a minimum.
[4 marks]

Jan 2013
8. (a) (i) Write f (x) = 3x2 5x + 1 in the form a(x h)2 + k where a; h and k are constants
to be determined .
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, determine the minimum value of f (x) and the value of x for
which f (x) is a minimum.
(iii) Solve the equation
3x2 5x + 1 = 0 expressing your answer correct to two decimal places.
[8 marks]

May/Jun 2013
9. (a) (i) Write 3x2 12x + 8 in the form a(x + h)2 + k where a; h and k are constants
(ii) Sketch the graph of y = 3x2 12x + 8; showing on your sketch
(a) the intercept on the y-axis
(b) the coordinates of the minimum point.
[7 marks]

Transformation & Matrix Transformation

Jan 2006
0 0 0 0
1. (a) The diagram below shows a quadrilateral P QRS; and its image, quadrilateral P Q R S ; after it
has been rotated.

(i) State the coordinates of the points R0 and S
(ii) Describe the rotation completely.
00 00 00 00
(iii) On the answer sheet provided, draw and label quadrilateral P Q R S which is the
0 0 0 0
image of P Q R S after it has been re‡ected in the x-axis.
(iv) Describe completely the single transformation that maps quadrilateral P QRS onto
00 00 00 00
P Q R S :
[10 marks]
(b) The image, (x; y) of any point, (x; y), under any transformation N is given by the equation
x 2 0 x 2
0 = +
y 0 2 y 1

0 0
(i) the image (x ; y ); of (3; 1) under N:
(ii) the coordinates of the point, (x; y); which is mapped by N onto (7; 4):
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2006
0 0
2.(a) The graph below shows the line segment AC and its image A C after a transformation by
p q
the matrix
r s

(i) Write in the form of a single 2 2 matrix the coordinates of
(a) A and C
0 0
(b) A and C
(ii) Using matrices only, write an equation to represent the transformation
0 0
of AC onto A C :
(iii) Determine the value of p; q; r and s:
[8 marks]

Jan 2007
0 0 0
3. (a) On the answer sheet provided, 4ABC is mapped onto 4A B C under a re‡ection.
(i) Write down the equation of the mirror line.
0 0 0 00 00 00
4A B C is mapped onto 4A B C by a rotation of 1800 about the point (5; 4):
00 00 00
(ii) Determine the coordinates of the vertices of 4A B C
00 00 00
(iii) State the transformation that maps 4ABC onto 4A B C

9 C C'

6 A B B' A'

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

[6 marks]

May/Jun 2007
0 0 0
4. (a) L M N is the image of LM N under an enlargement.

(i) Write on your answer sheet

(a) the scale factor for the enlargement
(b) the coordinates of the center of the enlargement.
00 00 00
L M N is the image of LM N under a re‡ection in the line y = x
00 00 00
(ii) Draw and label the triangle L M N on your answer booklet
[5 marks]

8 L'
6 N'

4 L M'

2 M

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


(b) The diagram below shows a parallelogram EF GH and its images after undergoing
two successive transformation.

(i) Describe in words, the geometric transformations

0 0 0 0
(a) J which maps EF GH onto E F G H
0 0 0 00 00 00 00
(b) K which maps E F G H onto E F G H
(ii) Write the matrix which represents the transformation described above as

(a) J
(b) K
(iii) The point P (6; 2) is mapped onto P by the transformation J: State the
coordinates of P
(iv) The point Q(5; 4) is mapped onto Q by the transformation K: State the
coordinates of Q
[8 marks]

Jan 2008
5. The diagram below shows a pattern made of congruent right-angled triangles. In
each triangle, the sides meeting at a right angle are 1 unit and 2 units long.

(i) Describe FULLY the single transformation that will map triangle BCL, onto
triangle FHL.
(ii) Describe FULLY the single transformation that will map triangle BCL onto
triangle HFG.

[6 marks]

May/Jun 2008
6. (a)(i) The …gure labelled P , undergoes a transformation, such that its image is Q:
Describe this transformation completely.

(ii) On the answer sheet provided, draw and label.
(a) the line y = x
(b) S the image of P under a re‡ection in the line y = x
[6 marks]

(b) The vertices of triangle DEF are

D(5; 12); E(2; 7) and F (8; 4)
(i) The triangle DEF underogoes an enlargement with center, O; and scalefactor, k, its
0 0 0
iamge is D E F where
D(5; 12) ! D (7:5; 18):
(a) Determine the value of k
0 0
(b) Hence write down the coordinates of E and F
0 0 0
(ii) D E F undergoes a clockwise rotation of 900 about the origin.
(a) Determine the 2 2 matrix that represents a clockwise rotation of 900
about the origin.
00 00 00 0 0 0
(b) Determine the coordinates of D E F the image of D E F under this rotation
00 00 00
(c) Determine the 2 2 matrix that maps triangle DEF onto triangle D E F
[9 marks]

Jan 2009
7. (a) The diagram below shows three triangles labelled L; M:and N
L is mapped onto M by a translation.

(i) State, in the form ; the vectors which represents the translation.
(ii) L is mapped onto N by an enlargement.
(a) Find and label on your answer sheets the point G; the center of the
enlargement. Show your method clearly
(b) State the coordinates of G:
(c) State the scalefactor of the enlargement.
[6 marks]

(b) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows a triangle, ABC whose coordinates are

Triangle ABC undergoes two successive transformation, V followed by W , where
2 0 1 0
V = and W =
0 2 0 1
(i) State the e¤ect of V on triangle ABC:
(ii) Determine the 2 2 matrix that represents the combined transformation of V
followed by W:
(iii) Using your matrix in b(ii), determine the coordinates of the image of triangle
ABC under this combined transformation.
[8 marks]

May/Jun 2009
8. (a) The diagram below shows triangles A; B and D. The line y = x is also shown.

(i) Describe FULLY the single transformation which maps triangle A onto
(a) triangle D
(b) triangle B

(ii) State the coordinates of the vertices of triangle C; the image of triangle A after a
re‡ection in the line y = x:

[10 marks]

1 0
(b) The transformation R is represented by the matrix
0 1
0 1
The transformation S is represented by the matrix
1 0
a b
(i) Write a single matrix in the form to represent the combined
c d
transformation S followed by R:
(ii) Calculate the image of the point (5; 2) under the combined transformation in
b(i) above.
[5 marks]
Jan 2010
9. (a) (i) Using scale of 1cm to represent 1 unit on both axes, draw the trinagle ABC
with vertices A(2; 3); B(5; 3) and C(3:6):

(ii) On the same axis used in (a)(i), draw and label the line y = 2:

(iii) Draw the triangle ABC under a re‡ection in the line y = 2. Label the
0 0 0
. image A B C :
00 00 00 00 00
(iv) Draw a new triangle A B C with vertices with A ( 7; 4), B ( 4; 4) and
C ( 6; 7):

(v) Name and describe the single transformation that maps triangle ABC onto
00 00 00
triangle A B C :
[9 marks]

(b) A geometric transformation, R; maps the point (2; 1) to ( 1; 2):

0 p
Given that R = , calculate the values of p and q
q 0
(c) A translation T = maps the point (5; 3) onto (1; 1); Determine the values of r and

(d) Determine the coordinates of the image of (8; 5) under the combined transformation.
R followed by T:
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2010
0 0
10. The diagram below shows triangle LMN, and its image, triangle L0 M N , after undergoing
a rotation.

(i) Describe the rotation FULLY by stating
(a) the center
(b) the angle
(c) the direction

(ii) State TWO geometric relationships between triangle LM N and its image, triangle
0 0 0
(iii) Triangle LM N is translated by the vector
Determine the coordinates of the image of the poin L under this transformation.
[7 marks]

Jan 2011
0 0 0
11.(a) The diagram below shows triangle RST and its image R S T after a transformation.

(i) Wrtite down the coordinates of R and R
0 0 0
(ii) Describe completely the transformation which maps triangle RST onto triangle R S T
(iii) RST undergoes an enlargement, center, (0; 4); scale factor 3
00 00 00
(a) On your answer sheet, draw triangle R S T , the image of triangle RST under
the enlargement.
(b) Given that the area of triangle RST is 4 square units, calculate the area of triangle
00 00 00
R S T :
00 00 00
(c) State TWO geometrical relationship between triangles RST and R S T :
[12 marks]

a b
(b) Under a matrix transformation, M = ; the point, V and W are mapped onto
c d
0 0
V and W such that:
V (3; 5) ! V (5; 3)
W (7; 2) ! W (2; 7)

(i) Determine the values of a; b; c and d:

(ii) State the coordinates of Z such that Z (x; y) ! Z (5; 1) under the transformation
(iii) Describe FULLY the geometric transformation M:
[7 marks]

May/Jun 2011
0 a 0 0
12. (a) The transformation, M = ; maps the point R and T onto R and R such that:
b 0
R(7; 2) ! R (2; 7) and
T ( 5; 4) ! T (4; 5)
(i) Determine the values of a and b
(ii) Describe fully the transformation, M:
[5 marks]

Jan 2012
0 0 0
13. (a) The diagram below shows a triangle, P QR, and its image P Q R :

(i) State the coordinates of P and Q:

0 0
(ii) Describe fully the transformation that maps triangle P QR onto triangle P Q R:
(iii) Write down the coordinates of the images of P and Q under the translation

May/Jun 2012
14. (a) The graph below shows triangle LM N and its image P QR after an enlargement.

On the answer sheet provided

(i) Locate the center of enlargement, showing clearly your method clearly.
(ii) State the scale factor and the coordinates of the center of enlargement.
(iii) Determine the value of Area of P QR
Area of LM N
(iv) Draw and label the triangle ABC with coordinates ( 4; 4); ( 1; 4); and ( 1; 2) respectively.
(v) Describe fully the single transformation which maps triangle LM N on to triangle
[11 marks]

Jan 2013
0 1
15. (a) The matrix J = represents a single transformation.
1 0
The image of the point P under transformation J is (5; 4):
Determine the coordinates of P
(b) (i) Write down a matrix, H; of size 2 2 which represents an enlargement of scale
factor 3 about the origin.
(ii) Determine the coordinates of the point (5; 7) under the combined transformation
H followed by J
[6 marks]

May/Jun 2013
0 0 0
16. (a) The graph below shows triangle LM N and its image L M N after undergoing a single


6 N N'

4 L M M' L'

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0 0 0
(i) Describe fully the transformation that maps 4LM N onto 4L M N :
00 00 00
(ii) On the answer sheet provided, draw triangle L M N the image of triangle
LM N; after a translation by the vector

(iii) Name and describe a combination of TWO transformation which may be used
00 00 00 0 0 0
to map 4L M N onto 4L M N :
[7 marks]

Sequence and Patterns

May/Jun 2006
1.(a) The drawing below shows a sequence of square made from toothpicks.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Length, n, of Pattern for Total number
one side of calculating the of toothpicks
square Number of tooth picks In square
In square
1 1x2x2 4
2 2x3x2 12
3 3x4x2 24

n r
s 220

(i) draw the next shape in the sequence

(ii) insert appropriate values in column 2 and 3 when
(a) n = 4
(a) n = 7

(b) Complete the table by inserting appropriate values at

(i) r
(ii) s
[10 marks]

Jan 2007
2. (a) A large equilateral triangle is subdivided into a set of smaller equilateral triangle by the
following procedure:
The midpoint of the sides of each equilateral triangle are joined to form a new set of smaller triangles.
The procedure is repeated many times.
The table shows the results when the above procedure has been repeated twice, that is
when n = 2

(i) Calculate the number of triangles formed when n = 3:
(ii) Determine the number of triangles formed when n = 6
A shape has 65536 triangles.
(iii) Calculate the value of n
(iv) Determine the number of small triangles in a shape after carrying out the procedure
m times.
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2007
3. Rectangle W XY Z below represents one whole unit which has been divided into seven smaller
parts. These parts are labelled A; B; C; D; E; F and G:

(a) Copy and complete the following table, stating what fraction of the rectangle each
part represents.
Part Fraction
C 24
G 18

(b) Write the parts in order to the size of their perimeters.

(c) The area of G is 2 square units. E,F and G are rearranged to form a trapezium
(i) What is the area of the trapezium in square units?
(ii) Sketch the trapezium clearly showing the outline of each of the three parts.
[10 marks]

Jan 2008
4. (a) The table below shows the work done by a student in calculating the sum of the …rst n
natural numbers.

Information is missing from some rows of the table. Study the pattern and complete,
in your answer booklet, the rows marked (i) and (ii)

(b) After doing additional calculation, the student stated that:
13 + 23 + 33 = 36 = 62 and 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 = 100 = 102
Using the pattern observed in these two statements, determine the sum of the series
(i) 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 + 63 + 73 + 83
(ii) 13 + 23 + 33 + :::n3
(c) Hence, or otherwise, determine the EXACT value of the sum of the series
13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + ::: + 123
[10 marks]

Jan 2009
5. The …gure below shows the …rst three diagrams in a sequence. Each diagram is made up of dots
connected by line segments. In each diagram, there are d dots and l line segments.

On the answer sheet provided

(a) Draw the fourth diagram in the sequence
(b) Complete the table by inserting the missing values at the rows marked (i) and (ii)

(c) (i) How many dots are in the sixth diagram of the sequence?
(ii) How many line segments are in the seventh diagram of the sequence?
(iii) Write the rule which shows how l is related to d:
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2009

6. The drawing show the …rst three diagram in a sequence. Each diagram in the sequence
is obtained by drawing a 1-unit square on each side that forms the perimeter of the previous
diagram .
For example, Diagram 2 is obtained by drawing a 1-unit square on each of the four sides of
Diagram 1.

(i) Draw diagram 4 in the sequence

(ii) Complete the table by inserting the appropriate values at the rows marked (i),(ii) and
[10 marks]

Jan 2010
7. Bianca makes hexagons using sticks of equal length. She then creates pattern s by joining the
hexagon together. Pattern 1,2 and 3 are shown below:

The table below shows the number of hexagons in EACH pattern created and the number of
sticks used to make each pattern.

(a) Determine the values of

(i) x
(ii) y
(iii) z
(b) Write down an expression for S in terms of n, where S represents the number of sticks
used to make a pattern of n hexagons.
(c) Bianca uses 76 sticks to make a pattern of h hexagon. Determine the value of h:

May/Jun 2010
8.The diagram below shows the …rst three …gures in a sequence of …gures. Each …gure is made
up of square of side 1cm

(a) On your answer sheet draw the FOURTH …gure (Fig 4) in the sequence.
(b) Study the pattern in the table shown below, and on the answer sheet provided, complete
the rows numbered (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).

[10 marks]

Jan 2011
9. The answer sheet shows a rectangle A; of area 20 square units and perimeter 24 square units.

Use the information below to complete the table on the answer sheet, which shows the
length, width, area and perimeter of rectangles B; C; D and E:

(a) On your answer sheets

(i) Draw and label
(a) rectangle B of area 27 square units and perimeter 24 units
(b) rectangle C of area 32 square units and perimeter 24 square units.

(ii) Complete the table to show the dimensions of rectangle B and C; drawn
at (a) (i) above.

(b) Rectangle D has a perimeter of 24cm, with length, l and width, w. If the area of the
rectangle D is to be as large as possible, determine the values of l and w: In the table
write the values of l; w and the area of rectangle D:

(c) Rectangle E has a perimeter of 36cm, with length, l and width, w. If the area of the
rectangle E is to be as large as possible, determine the values of l and w: In the table

write the values of l; w and the area of rectangle E


May/Jun 2011
10. The …gure below shows the the …rst three diagram in a sequence. Each diagram is made up of
sticks joined at the ends by thumb tacks. The sticks are represented by lines and the thumb
tacks by dots. In each diagram, there are t thumbs tacks and s sticks.

On the answer sheet provided:

(a) Draw the FOURTH diagram in the sequence

(b) (i) How many sticks are in the SIXTH diagram?
(ii) How many thumb tacks are in the SEVENTH diagram?
(c) Complete the table by inserting the missing values at the rows marked (i) and (ii) .

(d) Write the rule, in terms of s and t, to show how t is related to s:

Jan 2012
11. Sarah is making a pattern of squares using straws. She uses four straws for the sides and two
longer straws for the diagonals. The …rst three …gures in her sequence of shapes are shown

(a) On your answer sheet, draw Figure 4, the FOURTH shape in the pattern
(b) On your answer sheet, complete the TWO rows in the table for
(i) Figure 4
(ii) Figure 10

(c) Which …gure in the sequence uses 106 straws?
(d) Obtain an expression in n, for the total number of straws used in the nth pattern.
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2012
12. The diagram below shows the …rst three …gures in a sequence of …gures. Each …gure is an
isosceles triangle made of rubber streched around pins on a geo-board. The pins are
arranged in rows and columns, one unit apart.

(a) On the answer sheet provided, draw the fourth …gure (Figure 4) in the sequence.
(b) Study the patterns in the table below and on your answer sheet, complete the rows
numbered ( i) ,(ii), (iii) and (iv). The breaks in columns are to indicate that the rows
do not follow one after the other.

[10 marks]

Jan 2013
13. The …rst three diagrams in a sequence are shown below

(a) In your answer booklet, draw the FOURTH diagram in the sequence.
(b) The table below shows the number of squares in EACH diagram.

Determine the values of
(i) a
(ii) b
(iii) c
(c) Write down, in terms of n; the number of squares in the nth diagram of the sequence.
[10 marks]

May/Jun 2013
14. The drawings below show the …rst three diagrams in a sequence.

Each diagram is made up of wires of equal length which are joined at the ends by balls of plasticine.
Diagram 1 is made of 12 wires and 8 balls. Each new diagram in the sequence is formed by …tting
the frame shown below to the right of the previous diagram.

Thus, Diagram 2 has 8 more wires and 4 more balls than Diagram 1.
On the answer sheet provided:
(a) Draw a sketch of Diagram 4, the fourth diagram in the sequence.
(b) Complete the table by inserting the missing values at the rows marked (i) and (ii).

(c) Write the rules which may be used to …nd the values of W and of B where N is known.
(i) W = _____________
(ii) H = _____________
[10 marks]

Trigonometrical Graphs

Jan 2009
1.(a)(i) Copy and complete the table for the graph of
y = 12 tan x for 100 x 600

x 100 200 300 400 500 600

y 0.13 0.29 0.60 0.87

(ii) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 100 (10 degrees) on the horizontal axis and
10 cm to represent 1 unit on the vertical axis, plot the values from the table
and draw a smooth curve throught your points.

(iii) Use your graph to estimate the value of x when y = 0:7

[6 marks]

Fraction/Decimal/Signi…cant Figures/Standard Form
1.(a)(i) 18 (ii) 14.3

2.(a)(i) 151.208 (ii) 150

3.(a)(i) 12.2092 (ii) 2.1

4.(a)(i) 8.89
5(a)(i) 14 (ii) 0.4
6.(a)(i) 1.873 (ii) 15

7.(a)(i) 2

29 2
8.(a)(i) 48 (ii) 3.2 10

9. (a)(i) 79.14
10.(a)(i) 3 (ii) 6.1
11.(a)(i) 86.65 (ii) 21

12.(a)(i) 4 (ii)
49 1
13.(a)(i) 96 (ii) 4.46 10
14.(a) 21

15.(a) 9.257
16.(a)(i) 18 (ii) 1.3524


1.(a) 0

2.(a)(i) 6 (ii) - 12

3.(a)(i) 30 (ii) 45

4.(a)(i) 4 (ii) - 2

5.(a) 21

6.(a) 4 13 or 4.333:

7.(a)(i) 2 (ii) 5

8.(a) 25

Changing the Subject of a Formula

1.(a) u = t v

2. (a) t = 4 r

3.(a)(i) v = m (ii) 2.63
4.(a) p = qt + r

p v
5.(a)(i) r = 1 h (ii) r = h

6.(a)(i) C = 59 (F 32) (ii) 45

Simplifying Expressions

2x 19
1.(a)(i) 15

2.(a)(i) 7x2 19x 36

3.(a)(i) 12p

4.(a)(i) 4(x + 5) (ii) ab + 16 (b)(i) x b(ii) a2 b4

5.(a)(i) 3n

6.(a)(i) 7x + 5y (ii) 2x3

7.(a)(i) 7(x + y) (ii) y(y + 1)

8.(a)(i) 15 (ii) 14p7 q 4

7x 5
9.(a)(i) 12



1.(a) $210 b(i) $17.35 b(ii) 14

2.(a)(i) 40 (ii) 720 (iii) 25

3.(a)(i) 3 (ii) 30

Ratio-Direct/Inverse Variations

1.(a) y = x2 b(i) 18 b(ii) 5.6 b(iii) 1.5

2.(a)(i) V = P (ii) 6400 (iii) 13 13

3.(a)(i) 2 (ii) 450

4.(a) a = 3; b = 8

5.(a)(i) A = kR2 (ii) k = 4 (iii) A = 100; R = 7


1.(a)(i) (2x + 5)(2x 5) (ii) (3s 2)(3p + 2p) or (3p + 2q)(2 3s) (iii) (x + 2)(3x 2)

2.(a)(i) x(x 5) (ii) (x 9)(x + 9)

3.(a)(i) (2p 1)(p 3) (ii) (p q + 5)(p + q)

4.(a)(i) x(x y) (ii) (a 1)(a + 1) (iii) (p 2)(p q) or (p q)(2 p)

5.(a)(i) 6a2 b(2a2 + b2 ) (ii) (m + 5)(2m 1)

6.(a)(i) (x + 3)(x 2y)

7.(a)(i) (2x + 3y)(a b) (ii) 5(x 2)(x + 2) (iii) (x + 3)(3x 5)

8.(a)(i) (2y z)(2y + z) (ii) (x y)(2a b) (iii) (x + 4)(3x 2)

9.(a)(i) ab(a + 2)

10(a)(i) xy(x + y 2 ) (ii) (m n)(2h 3k)

11.(a)(i) (x + 4)(x 4) (ii) (x + 4)(2x 3)

12.(a)(i) 2x2 y(x + 3y) (ii) (3x 2)(3x + 2) (iii) (4x y)(x + 2y)

13.(a)(i) (5m + 1)(5m 1) (ii) (2n + 5)(n 4)

14.(a)(i) 2x(x 2)(x + 2) (ii) (3x + 1)(x 2)

Simple Equations-Grouping-Bracket-Fraction-Worded Problems

1.(a)(i) x = 6 b(i)(a) 5m b(i)(b) 4m b(ii) 5m + 4m = 31:50

2.(a)(i) 2(k + 5) (ii) 2(k + 5) + 10k + 4(2k) (iii) k = 6:5

3.(a)(i) x = 10

4.(a)(i) x; x 3; 2x (ii) x + x 3 + 2x (iii) x = 6

5.(a)(i) 8x + 5(2x + 3) (ii) a = 10; b = 23

6.(a)(i)(a) (28 x) (a)(i)(b) 30x (a)(i)(c) 15(28 x) a(iii) x = 16

7.(a)(i) 7

8.(a)(i) 32

9.(a)(i)(a) 500 x (a)(i)(b) 6x + 10(500 x) a(ii) x = 2277

Simultaneous Equations

1.(a)(i) x = 5; y = 2

2.(a)(i) x = $20

3.(a)(i) 5a + 3b = 105 (ii) a = 12; b = 15
4a + b = 63

4.(a)(i) x + 2y = 8 (ii) x = $2; y = $3

3x + y = 9

5.(a)(i) x = 3; y = 1

6.(a)(i) x = 3; y = 2

7.(a)(i) x = 4; y = 1

8.(a)(i) 5x + 12y = 61 (ii) x = 5; y = 3

10x + 13y = 89

Quadratic Equations

1.(a)(i) 4x + 2l + 6 (iv) x = 3:5orx = 2:5

2.(a)(i) 2x2 + 5x 3 (ii) x = 11 (iii) length = 21cm, width = 14cm

3.(a)(i) (a 7)2 + a2 = (a + 1)2 (ii) a = 12 or a = 4 (iii) Sides are 5, 12 and 13cm

4.(a)(i) x = 1:43; or x = 0:23

Linear and Non-Linear Simultaneous Equations

2 25
1.(a)(i) ( 3 ; 3 ) , (3; 1)

2.(a)(i) ( 1; 1) , (2; 4)

3.(a)(i) (5; 7) , (2; 19)

4.(a)(i) ( 32 ; 1) , ( 1; 6)

5.(a)(i) (1; 3) , ( 3; 15)

6.(a)(i) ( 4; 12) (ii) The line is a tangent to the curve because it touches the curve at one point

Consumer Arithmetic

1.(a)(i) $1680 (ii) $13680 (iii) $5880 (iv) $823.20

2.(a)(i) p = $35200 , q = 15 (ii) $30976

3.(a)(i) $354 (ii) $34.05 (iii) 10.64%

4.(a)(i) $18125.00 (ii) $163.79 (b)(i) $52.20 (c)(i) 5-$4 , 1-$2.50 , 1-$1.20 , 2-$1.00
(c)(ii) 6-$1.00 , 6-$1.20 , 5 -$2.50 d(i) 17 stamps (d)(ii) 6-$1.00 , 6-$1.20 , 5-$2.50

5.(a)(i) EC $1.35 (a)(ii) BDS $320 (b) $27933.60

6.(a)(i) $14 (ii) $210 (iii) $875

7.(a)(i) $37680 (ii) $14400 (iii) $52080

8.(a)(i) $12.80 (ii) $2985 (iii) $1065 (iv) 55%

9.(a)(i) $380 (ii) $85.50 (iii) $684 (iv) 48 hours

10.(a)(i) W = $15:60 X = $13:20 Y =6 Z = 12%

11.(a)(i) $900 (ii) $33.75 (iii) $405 (iv) 16 hours

12.(a)(i) 20% (a)(ii) $80 (b)(i) TT $2.50 (b)(ii) EC $216 (b)(iii) US $96

13.(a)(i) US $647 (ii) US $596.30 (iii) Angie since $596.50 < $647 (iv) $1400

450 350
14.(a)(i) 450 ml since, for the dollar; 5:13 > 4:20 (b)(i) $768 (b)(ii) $6000 (b)(iii) $480


1.(a)(i) BC = 6cm (a)(ii) 1200km (a)(iii) 550 (b)(i) 150.72cm2 (b)(ii) 56.52cm2
(b)(iii) 207.24cm2

2.(a)(i) 4320cm3 (a)(ii) 1728cm2 (b)(i) 11.78cm (b)(ii) 41.78cm (b)(iii) 88.31cm2

3.(a)(i) 120m (a)(ii) 232m (a)(iii) 1600m2 (a)(iv) 41600m2 (b)(i) AB = 8cm (b)(ii) 608cm2

4.(a)(i) 38.5cm2 (ii) 12.25cm2 (iii) 2.625cm2

5.(a)(i) RS = 6m (ii) x = 4m (iii) 40m (iv) 74m2 (v) 250 (b)(i) = 1170 (b)(ii) 32.19cm2
(b)(iii) 41.54cm2 (b)(iv) 36.03cm

6.(a)(i) 7200cm3 (b) 2776cm2 (c)(i) 1200cm3 (c)(ii) 60cm2

7.(a)(i) 5.5cm (ii) 2.75km (iii) 9cm

8.(a)(i) 6.5cm (ii) 81.25m (iii)(a) 8.36m/s (iii)(b) 30.1km/h

9.(a)(i) EF = 3cm (ii) DF = 4cm (iii) 42cm2

10(a)(i) 240cm3 (ii) 13 cartons (iii) 12.2cm

11.(a)(i) 11cm (a)(ii) 44cm (b)(i) 7cm (b)(ii) 154cm2

12.(a)(i) 4h cm2 (ii) 52h cm3 (iii) 5.5cm

13.(a)(i) 16.5cm (ii) 23.5cm (iii) 28.875cm2 (b)(i) 577.5cm3 (b)(ii) 4216 kg

14.(a)(i) 6 cm (ii) 37.68cm b(i)a = 37:68cm , b = 8cm (b)(iii) 301.44cm2 (c) h = 4:4cm


1(a)(i) 6 (ii) -10 (iii) 1

3 2x+9 5x 1
2.(a)(i) 5 (ii) 5 (iii) 2

3.(a)(i) 1 (ii) 2 (iii) 2

4.(a)(i) 3 (ii) x + 3

5.(a)(i) -9 (ii) -22 (iii) 4

6.(a)(i) 3 (ii) 12 (iii) 2

7.(a)(i) k = 5 (ii) 4 (iii) x = 10

1 x 8
8.(a)(i) 2 (ii) 2x + 2 (iii) 6

4y+3 4x+3 3
9.(a)(i) x = y 2 (ii) x 2 (c) x = 2

10.(a)(i) 7 (ii) 4

11.(a)(i) 9 (ii) 4

Geometry(Construction,Polygons, Similar & Congruent Shapes)

1.(a)(i) 400 4KLN is isosceles (ii) 400 (iii) 1100 isosceles triangle

3.(a)(i) 450 (ii) 12cm2 (iii) 101.6cm2

4.(a)(i) 900 - Co-interior angles (ii) 480

9.(a)(i) x = 540 alternate angles, y = 65 Co-interior angles

11.(c)(i) scalefactor = 2 (ii) 10cm (iii) 20cm

12.(b)(i) 720 (ii) 220 (iii) 720 (iv) 860 (c)(i) 600 (c)(ii) 65cm2

14.(a)(i) 720 (ii) 540 (iii) Similar since corresponding are equal and not congruent because
length of corresponding sides are unequal.

15.(a)(i) 6m (ii) angle A is the same size and lies in both triangles (iii) 3.6m
(b)(i) 5cm (b)/(ii) 340 (b)(iii) 18cm (b)(iv) 12cm2

Coordinate Geometry

1.(a)(i) 4 (ii) y = 4x 14
2.(a)(i) 2 (ii) (4, 7)
3.(a)(i) 7 (ii) 2 (iii) (1 , 3.5) (b) 14 (c) (2 , 0)
4.(a)(i) P(0 , 3) Q(-2 , 0) (b)(i) 2 (b)(ii) y = 23 x + 3 (c) t = 9 (d) y = 2
3 x +6

5.(a)(i) y = 35 x 7
5 or 5y = 3x 7
2 3
6.(a)(i) 3 (ii) y = 2 x + 13
7.(a)(i) A( 2; 3) , B(4; 6) (ii) 2 (iii) y = 12 x + 4
8.(a)(i) 3 (ii) y = 43 x 2 (iii) (3 , 2) (iv) 10
9.(a)(i) 2 (ii) 3y = 2x 5 or y = 32 x 5

10.(a)(i) 2 (ii) (1 , 3) (iii) y = 2x + 1





2x x 70


(ii) 3x + 150 (iii) 100


18-x x 15-x


(ii) 2x + 33 (iii) 3

4 6 8 10
2 5 1 9

0 0 0
3.(a)(i) A[B (ii) (A[B) or A \B (iii) (A[B)\A
(c)(i) 17 (c)(ii) 4 (c)(iii) 21 (c)(iv) 25

4.(a)(i) Tennis and Hockey (ii) Squash and Tennis (iii) Hockey (iv) Members who play squash
and tennis only



L m K q

n r

(ii) {k, l, m, p, q} (iii) {n, q, r}


(ii) {15, 21, 25}


6 M

54 - x x 42 – x

(iii) x = 12



23 – x x 18 – x


(ii) 41 + x (iii) x = 9


3 9 6 10 2 4

(ii) {6 , 12 } (iii) {1}


(ii) 58 2x (iii) x = 9

11.(a)(i) {5, 7, 9, 11} (ii) {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}

12.(a)(i) 4 (ii) x = 9 (iii) 14

13.(a)(i) A = f51; 53; 55; 57; 59g (ii) B = f53; 59g

14.(a)(i) y = 30 9x , z = 4 (ii) x + 34 (iii) x = 2


(ii) x = 10


2 M

4x x 20 – x

(ii) 4x + 22 (iii) 8


1.(a)(i) 17 - 19 - 6; 23 - 25 - 5 (ii) 13.5 (iii) 3 (iv) 17 - 19 (v) 5 (vi) 22cm (vii) 20.4

32 8
2.(a)(i) 22, 27, 32 (ii) 17.85 kg (iv) 100 or 25

32 8
3.(a)(i) Cumulative Frequencies [5, 23, 46, 68, 89, 100] (iii) 36 (iv) 100 or 25

4.(a)(i) Frequencies [3, 7 ,4, 5] (iv) 32


(b) 36 (c) 2 (d) 76 (e) 2.111 (f) 36

6.(a)(i) t = 105 (ii) 800 ; 630 ; 350 ; 720 ; 1100

7.(a)(i) Cummulative Frequencies [30, 46, 58, 66, 70] (b)(ii) No student got a mark of less than 0.5
or 1
(c) 30 (d) 16 8
70 or 35

8(a)(i) Cummulative Frequencies [4, 11, 22, 30. 52, 62, 67, 70]

6 3
9(a)(i) Frequencies [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 3, 2, 1] (c) 26 or 13 (d) Mean


(b) 19.5 (d)(i) 8 (d)(ii) 3


(ii) March and April (iii) $25000 (iv) $25000


80 4
(c)(i) 24 kg (c)(ii) 100 or 5


34 17
(b)(i) 11 - 20 (ii) 100 (iii) 24.2 (iv) 100 or 50

14.(a) 35 and 47 (c)(i) 64 yrs (c)(ii) 60

15.(a)(i) modal class 20 - 29 (ii) 19.4 lies in the class of 10 -19 (b)(i)

(b)(ii) 31.4 (c) The calculated mean is an estimate because the assumption was made that
32 8
the scores in all the intervals are the midpt values. (d) 100 or 25

16(a)(i) Cummulative Frequencies [3, 10, 19, 30, 38, 40]


1 5 6 2 4
1.(a)(i) ; ; ; (ii) (b) 4 units
2 2 4 4 0
! ! ! !
(c)(i) AB is parallel and equal to DC (c)(ii) AB and DC are opposite to each other and are equal and
parallel to each other
! 3:5
(d) OG = ; G = (3:5; 3)

6 0 6
2.(b)(i) (b)(ii) (b)(iii) (c)(i) (3 , 3)
2 4 2

3.(b)(i) r + s (b)(ii) 31 s 2
3r (b)(iii) 56 r 7
12 s

4.(b)(i) k m (b)(ii) m 2k (b)(iii) 13 m k (b)(iv) 31 m 1

2 4
5.(a)(ii)a) 2x + 3y (a)(ii)b) x + 32 y (b)(i)a) (b)(i)b) (b)(ii) F (4; 1)
6 2
6.(b)(ii) b a; 31 a; 12 b 1
6a (d) 20units

3 1 9 p a+1
7.(a)(i) (ii) (b)(i) (b)(iii) 74 (c)(i) (c)(ii) a = 2; b = 5
2 3 6 b 3

6 2 3
8.(a)(i) ; (b)(i) 3a + b (b)(ii) 2 a + 12 b (b)(iii) 1
2 a + 12 b (b)(iv) 2a + 2b
3 1
! ! ! !
(c) DX is parallel to DC; DX =4DC (d) They are co-linear

1 4
9.(a)(i)a) (a)(i)b) (b)(i)a) 2u (b)(i)b) v + 3u (b)(i)c) 2v + u
4 4

10.(a)(ii)a) 3u (a)(ii)b) u+v (a)(ii)c) 3u + 3v (iii) KL is parallel to MN; KL = M N

2 6 8
11.(a)(i) (a)(ii) (b)(i)
7 4 6

12.(a)(i) b+a (ii) 13 ( b + a) (iii) 13 (b + 2a)

1 5 6 3 2
13.(a)(i) (ii) (iii) (b)(i) (b)(ii)
3 1 2 1 2

3 9 ! !
14.(a)(i) (ii) (iii) BC = 3BA
2 6

15.(a)(i) u+v (ii) 23 u + 13 v (iii) 31 u + 23 v

16.(a)(i) 2a + 2b (ii) b (iii) OB is parallel to PQ; OB = 2PQ

Circle Theorem

1.(a)(i) 650 (ii) 300 (iii) 650 (c)(i) 10.92 cm (c)(ii) 22.7 cm2

2.(a)(i) 900 (ii) 700 (iii) 1400 (iv) 400

3.(a)(i) PTQ is a straight line because T is a common point of cantact of two circles
and a common tangent drawn through T will be perpendicular to both PT and QT
(ii) 7 cm (iii) PS is parallel because PSR = QRS = 900 . The corresponding angles
are equal. p
(b)(i) 3cm (b)(ii) 40 (c)(i) 550 (c)(ii) 350

4.(a)(i) 900 (Angles in a semicircle) (b) 900 ( Angles between tangent and radius)
(c) 23 ( Angles between tangent and chord) (d) 1130 (Opposite angles in a cyclic Quadrilateral)

5.(a)(i) 1000 (Angle at the center of a circle is twice the angle at circumference)
(ii) 400 (WOY isosceles)

6.(a)(i) 640 (ii) 380

7.(a)(i) 900 (ii) 1320 (iii) 660 (iv) 1140

8.(a)(i) 480 (ii) 960 (iii) 640 (iv) 640 (v) 420 (vi) 220

9.(a)(i) 440 (ii) 540 (iii) 540 (b)(i) 7.99cm2 (b)(ii) 12.28cm2 (b)(iii) 4.29cm2

10.(a)(i) 460 (ii) 560 (iii) 1240

11.(a)(i) 310 (ii) 560

12.(a)(i) 1160 (ii) 230 (iii) 260

13.(a) 350 (b) 550 (c) 200 (d)(i) 4Y OK (d)(ii) 4ZU X

14.(a)(i) 700 (ii) 200 (iii) 630

15.(a)(i) 550 (ii) 1000 (iii) 500 (iv) 150

Trigonometry(Trig Ratios/Sin-Cos Rule/Bearings)

1.(a)(iii) 5km (iv) 067.40 (b)(ii) 15cm (c)(i) 6.03cm (c)(ii) 23.68cm2

2.(b)(i) 18.7km (ii) 50.8 (iii) 290.80

p 1
3.(a)(i) 5.6km (a)(ii) 108km (b)(i) 2 (b)(ii) 3 (b)(iii) 2

4.(a)(i) 28.6m (ii) 12.9m

5.(b)(i) 19.2m (b)(ii) 4.4m (d)(i) 1010 (d)(ii) 47.140 (d)(iii) 2600 (e)(ii) 73.9km

6.(a)(i) 5m (a)(i) 7m (b)(i) 9.17m (b)(ii) 32.40 (b)(iii) 34.6m2

7.(a)(ii) 1250 (ii) 985km (iii) 060.60

8.(a)(i) 10cm (a)(ii) 300 (b)(ii) 128m (c)(i) 26m (c)(ii) 14.1m

9.(a)(i) 8.57m (ii) 12.2m (iii) 46.90

10.(a)(v) 1440 (a)(vi) 174.15km (a)(vii) 245.70

11.(a)(i) 3.26m (a)(ii) 67.20 (a)(iii) 32.40 (b)(i) 760 (b)(ii) 299km (b)(iii) 218.50

12.(b)(i) 7.98m (b)(ii) 28.8m (b)(iii) 230

13.(a)(ii) 25km (a)(iii) 530 (b)(i) 6cm (b)(ii) 440

14.(a)(i) 5.8 cm (a)(ii) 650 (a)(iii) 174m (b)(i) 10cm (b)(iii) NRM (c)(i) 137.10
(c)(ii) 3849.5m2

15. (a)(iii) 65.5m (a)(iv) 300

3 1
1.(a)(i) x2 4 (a)(ii) x = 2 (b)(i) 8
3 (b)(ii) x = 5; y = 3
8 16

1 1
2.(a)(i) x = 3 (a)(ii) 3 3
1 2
9 9

2 2 5 x 6 16 2
3. (a) p = 3 (b)(i) = (b)(ii)(a) -7 (b)(ii)(c) x = 7 ;y = 7
3 4 y 8

3a 3b 2 3 3a + 2 3b 3
4.(a)(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) a = 4; b = 1; c = 2; d = 0
3c 3d 3 5 3c 3 3d + 5
3 1
5.(a) x = 4; y = 3 (b)(ii) 7 7 (b)(iv) x = 1; y = 2
1 2
7 7

8 1
2 8

15 39 11 6 x 6
7.(a)(i) (b)(i) = (b)(ii) x = 12; y = 23
12 33 9 5 y 7

2 1
8.(a) (b) x = 6
1 0

1 0 1 2 x 1 2 2
9.(a)(i) (ii) (iii) = (iv) x = 8; y = 19
0 1 2 5 y 2 5 3
2 2
10.(a) 3
1 2

1 8 3 13 2 1
11.(a)(i) (a)(ii) (b)(i) 1 (b)(ii) x = 1; y = 2
1 8 1 11 2 2
2 2
12.(a)(i) a = 3; b = 2 (ii) 1 (iii) x = 4; y = 1
2 1
0 1 0 1
2 0 2 0
13.(a)(i) @5 6A (ii) 40 55 120 (iii) 40 55 120 @5 6A
3 10 3 10
3 1
14.(a)(i) 2 2 (iii) r = 1; s = 2; t = 0; u = 3
2 1


1(.(a)(i) 6 hrs : 50 mins (a)(ii) 60 km/h

2.(a)(i) 20 min (ii) 150 km/h (iii) 50 min

3.(a)(i) 126 km (ii) 630 km/h

4.(a)(i) 12m/s (ii) 4 sec (iii) 102 m (iv) 0 - 6 sec (v) 10 - 13 sec (vi) 6 - 10 sec

5.(a)(i) x = 20 sec (ii) Gradient is 0, the car traveled at a constant speed of 12m/s for 5 seconds
(iii) 210 m

6.(a)(i) 10 min (ii) 55 min (iii) 49.5 km

7.(a)(i) 15 m/s (ii) 300 m


t 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

h 0.0 8.8 15 18.8 20 18.8 15 8.8 0.0


h 20


0 1 2 3 4

(c)(i) 20m (c)(ii) 2.5 sec (c)(iii) 2 sec

2.(a) a = 2; b = 4 (b) x = 1; x = 3 (c) (1, -4) (d) x = f0; 1; 2; 3g (e) 2

x -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 5 0 -3 -4 -3 0 5


y 4

-1 1 2 3 4 5


(c)(ii) x = 0:4; 4:4 (c)(iii) x2 4x = 2


K 80





0 10 20 30 40 50 60

(b)(i) 500 (b)(ii) 0.660 C= min

x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
y 5 0 -3 -4 -3 0 5

(a)(ii) x2 + 2x 3


-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2


6.(a)(i) f (x) = 3 (ii) x = 0:5 (iii) (-1.3, 6.1) (iv) x = 1:3 (v) x = 2; 0:5 (vi) 2<x<

7.(a)(i) 2cm : 1unit (ii) y = 3:75 (iii) x = 3; x = 1 (iv) 4 y 5

x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
y 5 0 -3 -4 -3 0 5



-2 -1 1 2 3 4


(c) y = 2:25 (d)(i) x = 1 (d)(ii) y = 4 (d)(iii) x = 1; x = 3

x(sec) 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6

y(m/s) 12 6 3 1.5 1 0.75 0.6 0.5



1 2 3 4 5 6


1.(a) x 9

2.(a)(i) x 2 (ii) Smallest whole number is 0

3.(a)(i) x > 2 (ii) Smallest whole number is 3

4.(a)(i) x > 2 (ii) Smallest integer is -1


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