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An abortion is the medical process of ending a pregnancy so it does not result in the birth of a baby.
It is also sometimes known as a 'termination' or a 'termination of pregnancy'.
Depending on how many weeks you have been pregnant, the pregnancy is ended either by taking
medication or by having a surgical procedure.

An abortion is not the same as a miscarriage, which is where the pregnancy is lost or ends naturally. The
loss starts without medical intervention, although medical or surgical treatment may be needed after a
miscarriage has started to help empty the womb.

Why an abortion may be needed

There are many reasons why a woman might decide to have an abortion, including:
 personal circumstances – including risk to the wellbeing of existing children
 a health risk to the mother
 a high chance the baby will have a serious abnormality – either genetic or physical

When an abortion can be carried out

Under UK law, an abortion can usually only be carried out during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy as long
as certain criteria are met (see below).

The Abortion Act 1967 covers England, Scotland and Wales but not Northern Ireland, and states:
 abortions must be carried out in a hospital or a specialist licensed clinic
 two doctors must agree that an abortion would cause less damage to a woman's physical or mental health
than continuing with the pregnancy

There are also a number of rarer situations when the law states an abortion may be carried out after 24 weeks.
These include:
 if it's necessary to save the woman's life
 to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman
 if there is substantial risk that the child would be born with serious physical or mental disabilities

Generally, an abortion should be carried out as early in the pregnancy as possible, usually before 12 weeks and
ideally before 9 weeks where possible.

NHS abortions

If you want to have an abortion through the NHS, you'll usually need to be referred to a specialist service that
deals with abortion.
You can ask your GP to refer you or you can go to your local family planning clinic or genito-urinary medicine
(GUM) clinic. Use the post code search facility to find your nearest sexual health clinic.

The law states that any doctor with a moral objection doesn't have to certify a woman for an abortion. But they
must recommend another doctor who is willing to help.
Before an abortion can proceed, two doctors must ensure that the requirements of the Abortion Act are fulfilled,
and they must both sign the relevant certificate.
This will often – but not always – be your GP and the doctor at the clinic where the abortion will take place.
Although it's often very helpful to talk through the options with your GP or a family planning nurse before
being referred, it's possible to refer yourself for an NHS abortion in some parts of the country.
You can self-refer for an NHS-funded abortion by contacting:
 the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) on 03457 30 40 30 – or email them at
 Marie Stopes UK on 0345 300 8090 (open 24 hours) or request a confidential call back via their online
 the Pregnancy Advisory Service on 0845 359 6666 – alternatively, individual clinics also have their own
local numbers you can call, or you can fill in a confidential enquiry form on the PAS website.
Please note that these telephone numbers are not necessarily free to call and can be particularly expensive if
called from a mobile.

Funding of NHS abortion services differs in various parts of the country. The level of NHS provision ranges
from more than 90% of local demand to less than 60%.

In some areas, the NHS will pay for abortions at private clinics, but in other areas you may need to pay to
have an abortion at a private clinic.

Private abortions

You can contact a private abortion clinic without being referred by a doctor. However, the NHS will not usually
pay for this, and the agreement of two doctors is still required. The clinic will make the arrangements.

Costs for abortions in private clinics vary and will depend on:
 the stage of pregnancy (earlier abortions are usually less expensive)
 whether an overnight stay is needed
 the method of abortion used

If you are considering having an abortion, it is important to talk to somebody about it as soon as possible.


No clinical procedure is entirely risk free, but abortion poses few risks to a woman's physical health,
particularly when carried out as early as possible in the pregnancy (preferably during the first 12 weeks).
Having an abortion will not usually affect your chances of becoming pregnant and having normal pregnancies
in future.
The risk of problems occurring during an abortion is low. However, there are more likely to be problems if an
abortion is carried out later in a pregnancy.
The risks associated with abortions are:
 hemorrhage (excessive bleeding) – occurs in about one in every 1,000 abortions
 damage to the cervix (the entrance of the womb) – occurs in no more than 10 in every 1,000 abortions
 damage to the womb – occurs in up to four in every 1,000 abortions during surgical abortion, and less
than one in 1,000 medical abortions that are carried out at 12-24 weeks

Risks after an abortion

After an abortion, the main risk is infection in the womb, which is usually caused by failing to completely
remove all of the foetus and associated tissue.
You can reduce the risks of infection by using sanitary pads until the bleeding stops. It is best to avoid using
tampons until your next period. You should also avoid having sex until the bleeding has stopped.
If you have an infection after an abortion, you may bleed heavily from your vagina and have some period-like
pain. Antibiotics are usually used to treat the infection.
If an infection is not treated, it could lead to a more severe infection of your reproductive organs, such as pelvic
inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancy (where a fertilized egg implants
itself outside of the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes). However, the risk of an infection can be
reduced by taking antibiotics at the time of the abortion.

Repeated abortions can cause damage to your cervix and increase the risk of late miscarriages.

After having an abortion, you may experience some period-type pains and some vaginal bleeding, which should
gradually improve after a few days. Most women are able to return to their usual activities within a day or so.
However, you should seek medical attention if:
 you have severe pain
 the bleeding becomes very heavy
 the bleeding has not stopped after 14 days
You will usually be advised not to have sex for up to two weeks, or until the bleeding has stopped. Seek advice
from your GP, a family planning clinic or a pregnancy advisory service if you experience physical or emotional
problems after having an abortion.

Post-abortion counselling

Women vary greatly in their emotional response to having an abortion. You may experience a number of
different feelings and emotions.
However, research suggests that having an abortion does not lead to long-term emotional or psychological
If you need to discuss how you are feeling after having an abortion, you can contact a post-abortion counselling
It is recommended you seek advice and counselling from a recognized counselling provider, such as the British
Pregnancy Advisory Service (bpas).
Marie Stopes UK also offer pre- or post-abortion counselling as well as grief, pregnancy, self-esteem and
relationship counselling.
Find NHS counselling services near you.

Abortion - How it is performed

How an abortion is carried out

In the UK, under The Abortion Act 1967, abortions can only be carried out in a hospital or a specialist licensed
In most cases, an abortion in hospital will be carried out as a day procedure and you won't need to stay
However, in some regions, the second part of early medical abortion (tablet) can be arranged to happen at home
(see below).

Before the abortion

When you go for your first appointment, you should be given the opportunity to talk about your situation. You'll
be informed about the different methods of abortion, and which method is suitable for your stage of pregnancy.
You will also be advised about any related risks and complications.
The doctor or nurse will take your medical history to make sure the type of abortion you are offered is suitable
for you.
You'll have a blood test to find out your blood group to see if you're anemic.
You should also be tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and may be given antibiotics to stop an
infection developing after the abortion.
Before having an abortion, you may also need to have:
 an ultrasound scan (if there is any doubt about how many weeks pregnant you are)
 a vaginal (internal) examination
 a cervical screening test for infections (if appropriate)
If you have never had a vaginal examination before, the healthcare professional examining you will be aware
you are anxious and will be as careful as possible. You should let them know if you are anxious and have not
been examined internally before.
You may also be given information and advice about which method of contraception to use after the abortion.
Finally, before having the abortion, you will be given a consent form to sign.

Methods of abortion
There are a number of different methods of abortion. The method recommended for you will depend on how
many weeks pregnant you are. This is usually calculated by counting the number of weeks from the first day of
your last period.
Broadly speaking there are two types of abortion – medical and surgical. A medical abortion is carried out using
medication while a surgical abortion involves a minor operation.
The methods of abortion are described below.

Early medical abortion (up to nine weeks of pregnancy)

An early medical abortion involves taking two different medicines 36-48 hours apart. The effect of the
medication will be similar to having an early natural miscarriage – this means you will have some bleeding and
some pain when the abortion happens.
After your initial visit to see the doctor, you will have two more appointments on different days.
On your first visit you will be given an abortion pill called mifepristone, which blocks the hormone that makes
the lining of the womb suitable for the fertilized egg. After taking the first tablet, you will be able to go home
and continue your normal everyday activities.
Very little will happen while you are waiting for the second part of the treatment. A few women will have mild
cramps and a little bleeding, but most will not. If you have heavier bleeding or significant pain, you should
contact the hospital or clinic.
If it is out-of-hours, you should go to your nearest walk-in center or local hospital's accident and emergency
(A&E) department.
Two days later, on your second visit to the hospital or clinic, you will be given the second medicine,
prostaglandin. Within four to six hours of taking prostaglandin, your womb lining will break down and be lost,
along with the embryo, through bleeding from your vagina. This part of the process can be painful, but you can
take a painkiller.
Medicines used during an early medical abortion may make you feel sick and you may have diarrhea.
In some areas of the UK, the second dose of medication is administered on an outpatient basis and the abortion
can be managed at home. This will be discussed with you if that is offered by the clinic or hospital.

Vacuum aspiration or suction termination (from seven to 15 weeks of pregnancy)

Vacuum aspiration, or suction termination, is a procedure that uses gentle suction to remove the foetus from the
womb. The procedure usually takes five to 10 minutes and can be carried out under a local
anaesthetic or general anaesthetic.
Your cervix (womb entrance) will be dilated (widened) to make accessing your womb easier. A tablet may be
placed inside your vagina a few hours before the abortion to soften your cervix and make it easier to open.
Sometimes, an alternative ‘preparing’ tablet is given by mouth.
A small, plastic suction tube connected to a pump will then be inserted into your womb and used to remove the
fetus and surrounding tissue.
After having a vacuum aspiration abortion, you will usually be able to go home the same day. However,
following the procedure, you will usually experience some bleeding which can last for up to 21 days. The
average length of bleeding is about nine to 10 days.
In most cases, the bleeding will be quite heavy for two to three days before settling down. Some women only
bleed for three to four days in total. You may experience mild or moderate cramps for which you can take
simple painkillers.

Late medical abortion (from nine to 20 weeks of pregnancy)

As well as being used for early abortion, mifepristone and prostaglandin can also be used for abortion later in
pregnancy. However, the abortion will take longer and more than one dose of prostaglandin may be needed.
This type of abortion is similar to having a late natural miscarriage.
After having a late medical abortion, you will usually be able to return home on the same day. However,
sometimes an overnight stay in hospital may be required.
In rare cases, a second course of prostaglandin tablets may be required. This will be discussed with you. In a
small number of cases (less than one in 20), the placenta or afterbirth does not pass. In this case, you may need
to have a small operation under a general anaesthetic to remove the placenta.

Surgical dilation and evacuation (from 15 weeks of pregnancy)

Surgical dilation and evacuation (D&E) is a procedure carried out under general anaesthetic. Your cervix will
be gently stretched and dilated and forceps and a suction tube will be used to remove the fetus and tissue within
the womb.
Surgical D&E usually takes 10-20 minutes to perform and, if you are healthy and there are no complications,
you may be able to return home the same day. The clinic or hospital will advise if you need to stay in hospital
overnight. As with vacuum aspiration, you may experience some bleeding for up to 21 days.

Late abortion (20-24 weeks)

There are two options for a late abortion carried out at 20-24 weeks. Both require an overnight stay in hospital
and are described below.
 Surgical two-stage abortion – stage one stops the heartbeat of the fetus and softens the cervix. Stage
two is carried out the following day and involves removing the fetus and surrounding tissue. Both stages
are carried out under general anaesthetic.
 Medically induced abortion – this is similar to a late natural miscarriage and involves the medicine,
prostaglandin, being injected into your womb, making it contract strongly (as in labor). Contractions can
last six to 12 hours. You will remain awake during the procedure and will be given medicines to help
control the pain if needed. D&E may then be used to ensure the womb is completely empty.

Consider the following facts and statistics:

[1] In 2005, there were some 400,000 to 500,000 abortions in the Philippines. The World Health
Organization estimate puts the figure at nearly 800,000, one of the highest rates of unsafe abortions in Asia.

[2] Seventy percent of unwanted pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion, according to the WHO.
Pro-Life Philippines, an anti-abortion group, says that one of four pregnancies in the Philippines end in

[3] According to the Department of Health, nearly 100,000 women who have unsafe abortions every year end
up in the hospital.

[4] As many as 17 percent of all unsafe abortions are done on teenage or young mothers, according to the

[5] The national abortion ratio in 2000 was 18, meaning that 18 of every 100 pregnancies (live births and
abortions) ended in abortion; the low estimate is 16 and the high estimate is 21.

[6] Manila has the highest proportion of pregnancies ending in abortion (one in three), compared with
about one in five in the rest of Luzon and about one in eight in Visayas and Mindanao.

[7] 36 percent of Filipino women become pregnant before marriageand 45 percent of all pregnancies are
either unwanted or ill-timed, according to the World Health Organization.

[8] About 4 in 5 abortions in the Philippines are for economic reasons, according to a survey by the
University of the Philippines. In many cases, said Jocelyn Pacete, a spokeswoman for Likhaan, a women's
health group based in Manila, "the mother can't afford another child, so ends up choosing her five living
children over the fetus in her womb."

[9] Doctors who perform abortions clandestinely in clinics typically charge 2,000 to 5,000 pesos, or $37 to
$93, according to one report.Many Filipinos cannot afford such fees, so they turn to Quiapo Church or to one
of several other churches around the country near which abortifacients are sold.

[10] In Quiapo, the best-selling abortifacient is Cytotec, a drug for ulcers. Before it was banned largely through
the lobbying efforts of Pro-Life Philippines, Cytotec could be bought over the counter for 20 pesos. Today, it
sells on the black market for 50 to 120 pesos per tablet. Most of the Cytotec now circulating is smuggled in
from South Korea and Bangkok

These facts and statistics are from Philippines abortion crisis; Religious women turn to illegal procedures, by
Carlos H. Conde, International Herald Tribune, Asia-Pacific, May 16, 2005, and from The Incidence of Induced
Abortion in the Philippines: Current Level and Recent Trends, by Fatima Juarez, Josefina Cabigon, Susheela
Singh and Rubina Hussain; International Family Planning Perspectives, Volume 31, Number 3, September

Abortion is illegal in the Philippines

The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, specifically, Sec. 12, Art. II, pronounces that “the State shall
equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.”

Decades before the 1987 Constitution, the New Civil Code of the Philippines contained provisions protecting
the unborn. These provisions are:
Art. 40. Birth determines personality; but the conceived child shall be considered born for all purposes that are
favorable to it, provided it be born later with the conditions specified in the following article.

Art. 41. For civil purposes, the fetus is considered born if it is alive at the time it is completely delivered from
the mother’s womb. However, if the fetus had an intra-uterine life of less than seven months, it is not deemed
born if it dies within twenty four hours after its complete delivery from the maternal womb.
The Revised Penal Code has several provisions penalizing abortion. These are:

 Article 255 Infanticide

 Article 256 Intentional abortion
 Article 257 Unintentional abortion
 Article 258 Abortion practiced by the woman herself or by her parents
 Article 259 Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortives
I am not aware of any case involving abortion which has reached the Supreme Court. However, the Court of
Appeals (9th Division) tackled a medical malpractice suit involving the issues of abortion, ectopic pregnancy
and dilatation and curettage in the case of Mrs. Lourdes Rolda versus Dr. Antonio Garcia (CA-G.R. CV NO.
62980). According to the trial court’s findings (which the Court of Appeals upheld), Dr. Garcia disregarded the
ultra sound report that indicated “ectopic pregnancy if positive pregnancy test”. Dr. Garcia then proceeded to
diagnose the case as one of abortion and subsequently performed dilatation and curettage. Several days after the
D and C, after experiencing severe pain and blood discharge, Rolda was treated and operated at a hospital for
ectopic pregnancy.
In the decision’s prefatory statement, the Court of Appeals said,
Some 4,000 years ago, the Code of Hammurabi then already provided: 'If a physician make a deep incision
upon a man with his bronze lancet and cause the man’s death, or operate on the eye socket of a man with his
bronze lancet and destroy the man’s eyes, they shall cut off his hand.'

Subsequently, Hippocrates wrote what was to become part of the healer’s oath: 'I will follow that method of
treatment which according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain
from whatever is deleterious and mischievous…… While I continue to keep this oath unviolated may it be
granted me to enjoy life and practice the art, respected by all men at all times but should I trespass and violate
this oath, may the reverse be my lot.' At present, the primary objective of the medical profession is the
preservation of life and maintenance of the health of the people.”
Inter-generational responsibility; implications on the sanctity of life

In the landmark case of Oposan vs. Factoran, the Supreme Court recognized the concept of inter-
generational responsibility.Essentially, the principle means that the present generation holds the natural
resource treasures of the earth in trust for the benefit, enjoyment and use of the generations of
humankind yet to come. It is therefore a trust endowed upon the present generation as trustee and depository
to use and enjoy. While the present generation has the right to use the earth’s resources, as a trustee and
depository, it is also duty bound not to misuse or exhaust it, so that those of our species to come in much later
years will still have something to use.

In this case, the petitioners, all minors, sought the help of the Supreme Court to order respondent factoran, then
Secretary of DENR, to cancel all existing Timber License Agreement (TLA) in the country and to cease and
desist from receiving, accepting, processing, renewing or approving new TLAs. They alleged that the massive
commercial logging in the country was causing vast abuses on rainforest. They furthered the rights of their
generation and the rights of the generations yet unborn to a balanced and healthful ecology.

Among other things, the Supreme Court justices said that they found no difficulty in ruling that the
minors can, for themselves, for others of their generation and for the succeeding generations, file a class
suit. Their personality to sue in behalf of the succeeding generations can only be based on the concept of
inter-generational responsibility insofar as the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is concerned.

While the case revolved the issue of massive deforestation brought about by logging, ecology and the
preservation of natural resources, the Court (to my mind)was in effect ruling on the sanctity of life. It
would be absurd for our judicial system to uphold the right the people to a balanced and healthful
ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature without recognizing the sanctity of life,
especially of the unborn.

HB 3227 (The Moses Law): stopping abortion and child abuse

House Bill 3227 or "The Safe Haven Act or The Moses Law" (authored by Rep. Eduardo Zialcita) permits
parents to entrust the custody of their babies, who are up to two months old, to any hospital, medical emergency
facility, police or fire station and other government agencies.
The "unwanted" babies will then be taken into the custody the Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD). The parents will not be required to give their names to the recipient of the child, and will be protected
from arrest. Rep. Zialcita said he filed the bill "to address the moral degeneration of society as a result of the
tragedies caused by abortion, child abuse, neglect and other forms of anti-life and anti-child acts."

Insightful articles and helpful websites on the abortion issue

Psalm 139 is perhaps the Bible’s most eloquent statement against abortion. The psalm goes like this:

1. O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

2. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
3. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
4. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. 5. Thou hast beset me
behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
6. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
7. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8. If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
9. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
11. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
12. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both
alike to thee.
13. For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul
knoweth right well.
15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest
parts of the earth.
16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written,
which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
17. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
18. If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

What Is the Abortion Pill?

"Abortion pill" is the popular name for using 2 medicines to end a pregnancy – mifepristone and misoprostol. In
general, it's used up to 63 days — 9 weeks — after the first day of a woman's last period. (A few states have
laws that limit the use of the abortion pill to 49 days.) Women who need an abortion and are more than 9 weeks
pregnant can have an in-clinic abortion.

How Effective Is the Abortion Pill?

You can feel confident in knowing that medication abortion with the abortion pill is very effective. It works
about 97 out of every 100 times. You'll follow up with your health care provider after your abortion so you can
be sure that it worked and that you are well. In the unlikely case that it doesn't work, you will need to have an
aspiration abortion to end the pregnancy.

What Happens During a Medication Abortion?

It's common for women to be nervous about having a medication abortion — or any other medical procedure.
But many of us feel better if we know what to expect. Your health care provider will talk with you and answer
your questions. Here's a general idea of how it works and what to expect.
Before taking the abortion pill, you will need to
 discuss your options
 talk about your medical history
 have laboratory tests
 have a physical exam. This usually includes an ultrasound.
 read and sign papers
You will also be given a medication guide, instructions, and other information to take home with you, including
a 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week telephone number you can call if you have any questions or concerns.
Medication abortion is a process that begins immediately after taking the first pill.
There are three steps:


Your health care provider will give you the first medicine at the clinic. You will also be given some antibiotics.
Mifepristone works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of
the uterus breaks down, and pregnancy cannot continue.


You will take a second medicine — misoprostol. It causes the uterus to empty.
You'll take the second medicine 24-48 hours after taking mifepristone. Your health care provider will give you
instructions on how and when to take the second medicine.
The second medicine — misoprostol — will cause you to have cramps and bleed heavily. Some women may
begin bleeding before taking the second medicine. But for most, the bleeding and cramping begin after taking it.
It usually lasts a few hours. You may see large blood clots or tissue at the time of the abortion.
More than half of women abort within four or five hours after taking the second medicine. For others, it takes
longer. But most women abort within a few days.
It's normal to have some bleeding or spotting for up to four weeks after the abortion. Only use pads for bleeding
after an abortion.


For most women, medication abortion is like an early miscarriage. It is normal for you to have bleeding and
cramping. You might also
 feel dizzy
 feel strong cramps
 feel nauseous or vomit
 have diarrhea
 feel temporary abdominal pain
 have temporary mild fever or chills
 Acetaminophen (like Tylenol) or ibuprofen (like Advil) can reduce most of these symptoms. Do not take
You may feel more at ease if you have a trusted loved one with you during the abortion.


You will need to follow up within two weeks. Follow-up is important to make sure your abortion is complete
and that you are well. You will need an ultrasound or blood test.
In the unlikely event that you are still pregnant, your health care provider will discuss your options with you. It's
likely you will need to have an aspiration abortion if the medication abortion did not end the pregnancy.

Abortion Worldwide
Annually, 46 million babies die from abortion worldwide. That’s approximately one baby being aborted every
two seconds.
Abortion in the United States
An estimated 48 million babies have been aborted since 1973. Approximately 24% of all U.S. pregnancies end
in abortion.
Characteristics of Women Having Abortions
 Over half (56%) of all women having abortions between 15-44 are in their 20’s.
 Nearly eight in 10 U.S. women obtaining an abortion report a religious affiliation.
 43% are Protestant
 27% are Catholic
 8% are other religions
 41% of women having abortions are white, 32% are black, and 20% are hispanic.

 Black and Hispanic women have higher abortion rates than non-Hispanic white women. Black women’s
abortion rates are 49 per 1,000, Hispanic women’s are 33 per 1,000 and non-Hispanic white women’s
are 13 per 1,000.
 According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the most recurrent characteristics of women having
abortions over time are nonwhite, poor and unmarried.

Reasons For Abortion

 98% Personal Choice (unwanted or inconvenient)

 1.7% Life/Health of Mother or Child
 .3% Rape/Incest

Abortion by Gestational Age

African American Community

 According to the CDC, each year 616,074 African Americans are born.
 458,500 babies will have died from abortion.
 284,877 blacks will have died that same year through anything from natural causes to heart disease.
 There are 743,377 Africans Americans dying yearly. This number is 127,303 more than those that are
 From 1973 to 2004, nearly 30% of the black population were erased through abortion. Out of the
average 4,400 babies dying daily that are reported abortions, an estimated 1,300 are African American.
They account for 32% of women having abortions yearly, yet make up only 13% of the American
population. African American women are 3 times as likely to have an abortion as other women.

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