Diagnosing Endometriosis MO 18aug15 PDF

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Red flags

• Recurring pelvic pain or

chronic pelvic pain with
onset of 6 months+
• Infertility
• Worsening/recurring
dysmenorrhoea while
taking OCP
• Ovulation pain
• Deep dyspareunia
• Cyclic bladder or bowel

8–10 years. This delay may be due endometrial cells to migrate to endometriomas, bowel involve- such as hysterectomy and bilat-
to society’s normalisation of this the pelvic region causing wide- ment and deep infiltrating endo- eral salpingo-oophorectomy are
type of pain, a reluctance to com- spread inflammation. The endo- metriosis (DIE), but standard less common and only consid-
plain on the part of the patient, or metrial cells adhere to structures ultrasound may return a negative ered in patients with very severe
a lack of awareness in the primary such as the pelvic peritoneum, result, due to the small size of the disease progression.
Head of Gynaecological Endoscopy and
care community. recto-vaginal septum, bladder, plaque-like lesions found in less
Endometriosis Surgery, Monash Health; While some women who have bowel and ovaries. Lesions or advanced cases. MEDICATION
Immediate Past President, Australasian endometriosis may be asymp- plaques form, which may increase The main benefit of a diagnos- Surgeries followed by medication
Gynaecological Endoscopy & Surgery
Society (AGES); Senior Infertility
tomatic, many will present with in size and form nodules. tic laparoscopy is that a visual such as GnRH analogues before
& IVF Specialist, Melbourne IVF worsening dysmenorrhoea, cyclic diagnosis of endometriosis can an IVF cycle are of benefit. Ovar-
CPP, cyclic bladder or bowel symp- SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS be confirmed and treatment car- ian hyper stimulation may cause
toms and deep dyspareunia. • Recurring pelvic pain or ried out immediately. an increase in symptoms though,
Timely laparoscopic
Cyclic pain and subfertility are chronic pelvic pain with onset The aim of surgery is to as endometriosis is reactive to
diagnosis and treatment the key markers for this condition. of six months+ remove as many spots of endo- oestrogen levels.
of endometriosis is key Early intervention is advocated • Worsening dysmenorrhoea metriosis and adhesions in Hormone therapy to stop ovu-
to limiting complications. with endometriosis, due to its pro- while taking hormonal the pelvis as possible, careful lation and bleeding may reduce
gressive nature. contra­ceptives removal of cysts and nodules and the severity of symptoms and
INTRODUCTION Adopting a “wait and see” • Infertility repairing any damage found. halt the progression of endome-
SEVERE dysmenorrhoea is not attitude can have a devastating • Presenting with period pain If DIE involving extensive triosis but the condition may
normal. It has a detrimental effect effect on a patient’s quality of • Heavy, irregular or extended invasive lesions into the bowel, return after an initial period of
on a patient’s quality of life and life and fertility prospects. Ovar- bleeding bladder or other structures is relief.
warrants early investigation. ian reserve and function can be • Ovulation pain discovered, further surgery with Commonly used medications
Patients who present with compromised if the condition is • Deep dyspareunia a multidisciplinary team will be include Implanon, Mirena IUD,
recurring or worsening dysmenor- allowed to progress. • Cyclic bladder or bowel recommended. GnRH analogues such as Zoladex
rhoea may be among the estimated IVF is recommended in older symptoms. Recovery times after laparos- (>6 months), Provera, progestins,
8–15% of the female population patients keen to start a family copy are short in comparison to danazol, and pain relief NSAIDs.
who have endometriosis. but counselling may be advised if DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT open procedures, on average 5–6
This condition is the most com- ovarian damage has occurred, as A full history needs to be taken days in most cases, but for more PRACTICE POINTS
mon cause of chronic pelvic pain this adversely affects IVF success to rule out other causes of CPP, extensive procedures expect • Endometriosis affects an
(CPP) in females in Australia and rates. Menopause halts endome- such as pelvic inflammatory dis- around 7–10 days. estimated 176 million women
is defined by the presence of endo- triosis, but if the patient takes HRT, ease or irritable bowel disease, Fertility is greatly enhanced worldwide.
metrial stroma and glands outside symptoms often reappear. alongside screening for STIs and after surgery, with pregnancy • Delayed diagnosis is closely tied
the uterine cavity. urinalysis. usually achievable. to poorer patient outcomes.
The average time between PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The gold standard for diag- A recent UK study has discov-
first presenting with symptoms to While the aetiology is unknown, nosis of endometriosis is lapa- ered, however, that women diag-
Jean Hailes for Women’s Health
diagnosis for adults is an alarming the main causative factor of roscopy by an experienced nosed with endometriosis appear

is a national, not-for-profit organisa-

7–9 years for this heterogeneous endometriosis is considered to endoscopic gynaecologist. Trans- to have a greater risk of ectopic tion focusing on clinical care, innova-
tive research and practical educational
condition. In adolescent females, be retrograde menstruation via vaginal ultrasound is use- pregnancy and miscarriage. opportunities for health professionals and
the diagnosis time may be a long as the fallopian tubes. This allows ful, especially in diagnosing Radical surgical interventions women. www.jeanhailes.org.au

14 AUGUST 2015

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