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Central National High School – Batasan Extension

First Periodical – Science 8

1. Which of the following statement are true of inertia List all that apply.
A. Inertia is a force
B. Inertia is a force which keeps stationary objects at rest and moving objects in motion at constant velocity.
C. Inertia is a force which brings all objects to a rest position.
D. All objects have inertia.
2. Which of the following statements are true of the quantity mass.
A. The mass of an object can be measured in pounds
B. The mass of an object is dependent upon the value of the acceleration of gravity.
C. The standard metric unit of mass is kilogram.
D. The mass of an object is variable and dependent upon its location.
3. Consider Newton’s first law of motion to determine which of the following statements are through?
A. Newton’s first law of motion is applicable to both moving and non moving objects.
B. If a football is moving upwards and rightwards towards the peak of its trajectory, then there are both
rightwards and upwards forces acting upon it.
C. It would take an unbalanced force to keep an object in motion.
D. If an object is at rest, then there are no forces acting upon the object.
4. Which of the following statements are true of the concept of force?
A. A force is a push or pull exerted upon an object which results from the interaction of that object with its
B. Forces always cause objects to move
C. Spring and tension forces are examples of field forces.
D. A force is a vector quantity
5. Consider Newton’s second law of motion to determine which of the following statements are true? List all that apply.
A. If an object is accelerating to the right, the net force on the object must be directed towards the right.
B. Accelerating objects are either slowing or speeding up.
C. The acceleration of an object is directly dependent upon its mass and inversely dependent upon its net force.
D. An object has an acceleration of 8m/s/s if the net force acting upon the object.
6. According to Newton’s third law, every force is accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction force. The reason
that these forces do not cancel each other is _____.
A. The action force acts for a longer time period
B. The two forces are not always in the same direction
C. One of the two forces is greater than the other
D. The two forces act upon different objects only forces on the same object can balance each other.
7. As you sit in your chair and study your physics., the force of gravity acts downward upon your body. The reaction
force to the force of the Earth pulling you downward is _____.
A. The force of the chair pushing you upward.
B. The force of the floor pushing you upward.
C. The force of the Earth pushing you upward.
|D. The force of your body pulling the Earth upwards.
8. Which of the following force diagrams depict ant object moving to the right with a constant speed?

9. The amount of net force required to keep a 5 kg. object moving rightward with a constant velocity of 2 mc/s is ____.
A. 0 N B. 4 N C. 2 N D. 2.5 N
10. Who is the scientist that developed the 3 laws of motion?
A. Albert Einstein B. Stephen Hawking C. Galileo Galilei D. Sir Isaac Newton
11. What is another name for first law of motion?
A. Law of movement B. Law of Motion C. Law of Inertia D. Law of Rest
12. Which formula represents Newton’s 2nd Law?
A. S=d/t B. F=ma C. V=d/f D. F=mt
13. Which law best explain we have to wear seatbelts?
A. First law B. Second Law C. Third Law D. None of the Above
14. Which law best explain why heavier objects require more force to be moved?
A. First law B. Second Law C. Third Law D. None of the Above
15. Which law explains why a picture hanging on a wall does not move?
A. First law B. Second Law C. Third Law D. None of the Above
16. A child on a swing requires less force in the push, whereas an adult on the same swing requires a great force.
A. First law B. Second Law C. Third Law D. None of the Above
17. A magician pulls a tablecloth out from underneath some dishes without disturbing them.
A. First law B. Second Law C. Third Law D. None of the Above
18. Which of Newton’s Three Law does the following example illustrate? The blood in your head rushes to your feet
when riding on an elevator this is descending and abruptly stops.
A. First law B. Second Law C. Third Law D. None of the Above
19. Which of Newton’s Laws does this situation represent? Imagine a ball moving in a straight line directly toward when
another ball collides with it. The moving ball exerts a force on the ball at rest. This causes the ball at rest to accelerate.
However, the ball at rest also exerts the same magnitude of force of the moving ball.
A. First law B. Second Law C. Third Law D. None of the Above
20. An object at rest may have ____.
A. Speed B. Velocity C. Acceleration D. None of the above
21. Which of the following statements are true about work?
A. Work is a from of energy B. A Watt is the standard metric unit of work
C. Work is a time-based quantity; it is dependent upon how fat a force displaces an object
D. An upward force is applied to a bucket as it is carried 20 m across the yard. This is an example of work being
22. Which of the following statements are true about kinetic energy?
A. Kinetic energy is the form of mechanical energy w/c depends upon the position of an object.
B. If an object is at rest, then it does not have any kinetic energy.
C. If an object is on the ground, then it does not have any kinetic energy.
D. The kinetic energy of an object is dependent upon the weight and the speed of an object.
23. Which of the following statement are true about potential energy?
A. Moving objects cannot have potential energy.
B. Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position.
C. Both gravitational and elastic potential energy are dependent upon the mass of an object.
D. If work is done on an object by a non-conservative force, then the object will either gain or lose potential
24-25 TRUE or FALSE

______ 24. For an object resting upon a non-accelerating surface, the normal force is equal to the weight of the object.
______ 25. An object which is moving rightward has a rightward force acting upon it.
( 26-35 ) Each one of Newton’s Laws can play a role in any one particular situation. However, one of the laws is often
most obviously dominant in governing the motion of a situation. Pick which of Newton’s most govern the situations
described below. ( 2 points each )A. First Law B. Second Law D. Third Law

______ 1. A helicopter must have two sets of blades in order to fly with stability.
______ 2. I you were an elevator and the cable broke, jumping up just before the elevator hit the ground would not
save you.
______ 3. You usually jerk a paper towel from a roll in order to tear it instead of pulling it smoothly.
______ 4. A student desk changes the amount of force it puts on other objects throughout a school day.
______ 5. Heavy objects are not easier to move around in a horizontal fashion on the moon than Earth.

(36-50) Computation 5 points each

1. An arrow is drawn back so that 50 Joules of potential energy is stored in the stretched bow and string. When
released, the arrow will have a kinetic energy of ______ Joules.
A. 50 B. more than 50 C. less than 50 D. 500
2. A child lifts a box up from the floor. The child then carries the box with constant speed to the other side of the room
and puts the box down. How much work does he do on the box while walking across the floor at constant speed?
A. Zero J B. 1 J C. 3 J D. 5j
3. a 1000 kg car is moving at 40 km/hr when the driver slams on the brakes and kids to a stop ( with locked brakes ) over
a distance of 20 meters. How far will the car skid with locked brakes if it is traveling at 120 km/hr?
A. 180 m B. 60 m C. 20 m D. 40 m
Central National High School – Batasan Extension
First Periodical – Math 9

Directions: Find out how much you already know. Choose the letter that you think best answers the question. Write
your answer on the space provided before each item.

1. What is a polynomial equation of degree two that can be written in a form 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0, where a, c and c are
real numbers and 𝑎 ≠ 0.
A. Linear equation B. Linear inequality C. Quadratic equation D. Quadratic Inequality
2. Which of the following is a quadratic equation?
A. 2𝑥 2 + 4𝑟 − 1 B. 3𝑡 − 7 = 2 C. 2𝑥 2 + 4𝑟 − 1 = 0 D. 2𝑥 2 + 4𝑟 − 1 ≤ 5
3. In the quadratic equation 3𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 − 4 = 0, Which is the quadratic term?
A. x2 B. 7x C. 3x2 D. -4
4. Which of the following equation is not a quadratic equation?
A. 2𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 − 3 = 0 B. 3x(x-2)=10 c. (2X+5)(X-1) = -6 D. 2X+X+2=0
5. In a quadratic equation 3𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 − 4 = 0, What is the value of a?
A. 3 B. 3x C. 7 D. -4
6. refer the equation in no.5, which is the linear term?
A. x2 B. 7x C. 3x2 D. -4
7. Which of the following quadratic equation is written in standard form?
A. 3𝑥 − 2𝑥 2 = 7 B. −2𝑥 2 − 7 = −3𝑥 C. −2𝑥 2 + 7 − 2𝑥 = 0 D. 2𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 − 1 = 0
8. Write (x+3)(x+4)=0 into standard form of quadratic equations.
A. 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 4 B. 𝑥 2 + 6𝑥 + 12 C. 𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 12 = 0 D. 𝑥 2 + 𝑥 + 12
9. Which of the following quadratic equation is in a form 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0?
A. 2𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 = 0 B. 2𝑥 2 = 3𝑥 C. 2𝑥 2 + 3 = 5 D. 2𝑥 2 − 4 = 0
10. The following are the values of a, b and c that Edna and Luisa got when they expressed 5 − 3𝑥 = 2𝑥 2 in standard
form. ( Edna: a=2, b=3, c=-5; Luisa: a=-2, b=-3; c=5)
11. (11-13) In the equation 8𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 + 3 = 0, the value xof a is.
A. 0 B. -5 C. 8 D. 5
12. The value of b is
A. 3 B. 5 C. -5 D. 8
13. The value of c is
A. 0 B. 3 C. -5 D. 8
(14-20) In the equation 𝑥 = 0
14. The value of a is
A. 1 B. 2 C. 0 D. x
15. The value of b is
A. 1 B. 2 C. 0 D. x
16. The vale of c is
A. 1 B. 2 C. 0 D. x
17. 1 is the value of
A. b B. a C. c D. quadratic
18-20. The value of x in the equation −7𝑥 = −28
A. (-4) B. (-21) C. 4 D. 28
21. What is √16C?
A. 4 B. -4 C. ±4 D. √4
22. How many real roots does √−\16 have?
A. no real roots B. zero C. one real root D. two real root
23. 3ℎ − 147 = 0, find for the root?
A. +7,-7 B. -7,-7 C. +7,+7 D. 0, +7
24. Which of the following quadratic equation has two real roots?
A. 𝑥 2 − 16 = 0 B. 𝑥 2 + 16 = 0 C. 𝑥 2 + 2 = 0 D. 𝑥 2 + 3 = 3
25. Extract: (2s-1)2 = 225
A. 8,-7 B. -8,7 C. -8,-7 D. 8,7
26. Refer to the figure: What equation would best describe the equation?
A. 𝑠 + 𝑠 = 169𝑐𝑚2 B. 𝑠 2 + 169𝑐𝑚2 C. 𝑠 2 − 169𝑐𝑚2 = 0 D. 𝑠 = 𝑠 + 169𝑐𝑚2
27. How many real roots does a quadratic equation 𝑥 + 5𝑥 + 7 = 0
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
28. Which of the following values of x make the equation 𝑥 + 7𝑥 − 18 = 0 true?
I. -9 II. 2 III. 9
A. I & II B. II & II C. I & III D. I, II, III
29. The roots are -1 and -8, Which of the following equations has this roots?
A. 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 = −8 B. 𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 = 0 C. 𝑡 2 + 8𝑡 + 16 = 0 D. ℎ2 + 6ℎ = 16
30. Factor: 𝑥 + 7𝑥 = 0
A. 7,0 B. -7,0 C. 7,1 D. -7,-1
31. Factor: 𝑛2 + 7𝑛 + 15 = 5
A. 5,2 B. -5,2 C. 5,-2 D. -5,-2
32. Which of the following equations may be solved easily by factoring?
A. 2𝑥 2 = 72 B. 𝑡 2 + 12𝑡 + 36 = 0 C. 𝑤 2 − 64 = 0 D. 2𝑠 2 + 8𝑠 − 10 = 0
33. In solving quadratic equation by extracting square roots, If K < 0, then x = k has
A. One real solution or root C. C. no real solution or root
B. two real solution or roots D. Three real solutions or roots
34. In solving quadratic equation by extracting square roots, if K=0, then x2=k has
A. One real solution or root C. C. no real solution or root
B. two real solution or roots D. Three real solutions or roots
35. In solving quadratic equation by extracting square roots, If K > 0, then x2 = k has
A. One real solution or root C. C. no real solution or root
B. two real solution or roots D. Three real solutions or roots
36. In solving quadratic equations by extracting square roots, the solution of x2 – 16=0 is.
A. x = ±4 B. X = 4 C. x = ±16 D. X = 16
37. Transform 𝑥 + 9𝑥 = −8 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚.
A. 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 = 8 B. 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 = −8 + 8 C. 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 − 8 = 0 D. 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 + 8 = 0
38. The factor of the quadratic expression𝑥 + 9𝑥 + 8 = 0
A. A (x+1)(x+8) = 0 B. (x+1)(x-8)=0 C. (x-1)(x+8)=0 D. (x-1)(x-8)=0
39. The given quadratic equation 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 + 8 = 0 has
A. One real solution or root C. C. no real solution or root
B. two real solution or roots D. Three real solutions or roots
40. The roots or solutions of the given equation
A. 𝑥 = −1 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 = −8 B. 𝑥 = 1 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 = 8 C. 𝑥 = −1 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 = 8 D. 𝑥 = 1 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 = −8
Central National High School – Batasan Extension
First Periodical – Math 10

1. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is equal to 6 and the common difference is equal to 3. What is the formula
for the nth term?
A. An=a1+(n-1)d B. An=a1+(n+1)d C. An=a1(n-1)d D. An=a1(n-1)d
2. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is equal to 6 and the common difference is equal to 3. Find the value of 50th
A. 135 B. 531 C. 153 D. 513
3. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is equal to 200 and the common difference is equal to -10. Find the value of
20th term?
A. 20 B. 10 C. -10 D. -20
4. An arithmetic sequence has a common difference equal to 10 and its 6th term is equal to 52. Find its 15th term.
A. 412 B. 412 C. 124 D. 241
5. An arithmetic sequence has its 5th term equal to 22 and its 15th term equal to 62. Find its 100th term?
A. 420 B. 403 C. 402 D. 404
6. What is the next tem in the geometric sequence 4, -12,36?
A. -42 B. -54 C. -72 D. -108
7. Which set of numbers is ab example of harmonic sequence?
A. ½, -1/2,1/2,-1/2 B. 1/32,-1,2,-4 C. 1/3,1/9,1/27,1/81 D. 2,2/3,2/5,2/7
8. What is the next term in the harmonic sequence 1/11, 1/15, 1/19, 1/23,…?
A. 27 B. 25 C. 1/25 D. 1/27
9. What is the 6th term of the geometric sequence 2/25, 2/5, 2, 10,…?
A. 25 B. 250 C. 1250 D. 2500
10. What is the sum of the infinite geometric series 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3+…,
A. 3 B. 1 C. ¾ D. 3/7
11. Find the common difference in the arithmetic sequence 3, 13/4, 7/2, 15/4,…
A. ¼ B. ¾ C. 5/2 D. 4
12. Which term of the arithmetic sequence 4, 1, -2, -5,… is -29?
A. 9th term B. 10th term C. 11th term D. 12th term
13. What is the nth term of the arithmetic sequence 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, ….?
A. 3n+4 B. 4n+3 C. n+2 D. 2n+5
th th
14. An arithmetic sequence has its 5 term equal to 22 and its 15 term is equal to 62. Find its 100 term?
A. 420 B. 403 C. 402 D. 404
15. Find the sum of the first 20 terms of the sequence 4,6,8,10,…
A. 42 B. 420 C. 460 D. 24
16. If three arithmetic means are inserted between 11 and 39, find the second arithmetic mean.
A. 18 B. 25 C. 32 D. 46
17. If three geometric means are inserted between 1 and 256, find the third geometric mean.
A. 64 B. 32 C. 16 D. 4
18. What is he next term in the Fibonacci sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,…?
A. 13 B. 16 C. 19 D. 20
19. Find d given that a1=10 and a20 = 466
A. 24 B. 48 C. 1/24 D. 36
20. Find s30 given that a10 = 28 and a20 = 58
A. 1535 B. 3155 C. 1355 D. 1335
21. Find the sum of all the integers from 1 to 1000.
A. 1000 B. 500500 C. 100000 D. 1001000
22. Find the sum of the first 50 even positive integers.
A. 100 B. 2550 C. 5250 D. 50
23. Find the sum of all positive integers, from 5 to 1555 inclusive that are divisible by 5.
A. 311 B. 242580 C. 242850 D. 842580
24. Find the sum of the arithmetic series: 11,13,15,17,19
A. 47 B. 111 C. 75 D. 296
25. Find the sum of the arithmetic series: 4, 14, 24, 34
A. 77 B. 75 C. 76 D. 92
26. What is the sum of all the odd integers between 8 and 26?
A. 153 B. 151 C. 149 D. 148
27. Find the sum of the geometric series: -2+4-8+16…, n=7
A. -86 B. -456 C. -97 D. -89
28. Find the sum of the geometric series: -2,-12,-72,-432…, n=6
A. 18662 B. 400 C. -17354 D. -16386
29. Find the sum of the geometric series: -2,-12,-72,-432…, n=8
A. -671846 B. 1500 C. -932013 D. -784663
30. Find the sum of the geometric series: a1=3, r=-3, n=10
A. -45576 B. -5000 C. -44286 D. -50350

31-35 ( 5 points ) Determine whether the sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither, Give explanation for your
answer. 3, 15, 75, 375,…

36-40 Find Sn, The sum of the first n terms, for the following geometric series. A1 = 1944, a4= 1, r= -1/4

41-45 Calculate the missing terms in the geometric sequence, if a1=8.1, and a5 = 240.1

46-50 Find a6 for an arithmetic sequence where a1 = 3x+1 and d = 2x+6.

Central National High School – Batasan Extension
First Periodical – MAPEH 10
______________ 1. Made use of the whole – tone scale. It also applied suggested, rather than deficted reality. It
created a mood rather than a definite picture.
______________ 2. Revealed the composer’s mind, instead of presenting an impression of the environment.
______________ 3. Was a practical return to a classical form of writing music with carefully modulated dissonances. It
made use of a free server note diatonic scale.
______________ 4. Style was associated.
______________ 5. Was a looser form of 20th century music development that focused on nationalist composers and
musical innovators who sought to combine modern techniques with folk materials.
______________ 6. Father of American Jazz.
______________ 7. Was a Neo-Classical, Modern Nationalist, and primitivist composer who adopted Hungarian Folk
______________ 8. Regarded today as a combination of neo-classicist, nationalist, and avant – garde composer.
______________ 9. Was a successful composer for piano, voice, and choral music.
______________ 10. Is a commercial successful minimalist and avant – garde composer.
11. Was an art movement that emerged in the second half of the 19th century among a group of Paris – based artists.
12. The name impressionism was coined from the title of a work by French painter Claude Monet, Impression.
13 – 20 What are the elements and Principles of Art in Impressionism.
21-30 Read the Health information below. Draw a cross on the GO column if it is scientifically true and proven,and draw
across on the STOP column if it is not.
Warts are contagious
Chocolates cause acne and pimples
Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis
Healthy people who eat a balanced diet do not need supplements
Sleeping with wet hair causes mental disorders.
Jumping from the third step of the stairs from the first day of menstruation reduces the
number of bleeding days.
Circumcision is done for hygienic purposes only.
Touching hands of people with HIV may infect you with such.
Putting toothpaste on burns causes irritation.
Sleep need varies depending on the individual

31-40 Choose the correct answer from the box.

Type BMI Warm Up Body Mass Index Weight Gain

Cardiovascular Weight Loss Eating Habits Weight Agility

31. Part of the FITT formula that refers to mode of physical activity.
32. Preliminary activity done to prepare the body for actual physical activity; can be general or sports specific
33. Energy consumed is greater than energy expended ( i.e. more food intake but less physical exertion )
34. Energy consumed is less than energy expended ( i.e. More physical exertion but less food intake )
35. energy consumed equals energy expended ( i.e. physical maintenance exertion is the same with food intake )
36. Skill –related component of physical fitness that refers to the ability to start ( or accelerate), stop ( or decelerate and
stabilize), and change direction quickly, while maintaining posture.
37. A rough measure of body composition that is useful for classifying the health risks of body weight; also based on the
concept that a person’s weight should be proportional to height; calculated by dividing your body weight ( expressed in
kilograms ) by the square of your height ( expressed in meters )
38. The ability of an individual to perform prolonged work endurance continuously,
39. skill-related component of physical fitness that refers to the ability to perform complex motor skills with a smooth,
flow of motion
40. Patterns of behavior with regards to eating like choosing available food, preparing it, deciding where to eat, which
rules to follow, and who to dine with.
Central National High School – Batasan Extension
First Periodical – Araling Panlipunan 7
I-Panuto: Mula sa krossalita ay subukan mong hanapin, sa anumang direksyon, ang salita na tinutukoy sa bawat bilang.
Bilugan ang salita at pagkatapos ay isulat ito sa nakahandang patlang bago ang bilang.

____________ 1. Bigkis o pagtutulungan para sa kapwa kapakinabangan.

____________ 2. Ang pangunahing taga linang ng kapaligiran para sa kanyang kabuhayan at pagtugon sa
____________ 3. Kalikasan, ang ekolohikal na komposisyon ng daigdig.
____________ 4. Maunlad na yugto ng kulturang panlipunan, moral at kultural.
____________ 5. Pag-aaral sa katangiang pisikal ng mundo.
____________ 6. Katutubo o tagapagsimula.
____________ 7. Pag-unawa at pag-hanga sa sining, kaugalian, paniniwala, gawaing panlipunan.
____________ 8. Ang malaking masa ng lupain sa mundo.
____________ 9. Ang pinaka malaking kontinente sa sukat at populasyon.
____________ 10. Katangiang nakikita at nahahawakan.

Panuto: Isulat ang letra ng tamang sagot sa katapat na bilang.

____ 11. Alin sa mga sumusunod na rehiyon sa Asya ang kilala sa katawagang Moslem World.
A. Hilagang Asya B. Timog Asya C. Silangang Asya D. Kanlurang Asya
____ 12. BAkit itinuturing ang Hilagang Asya na The Soviet Union?
A. Dahila ang Hilagang Asya ay matatagpuan sa Soviet.
B. Dahil ang mga Bansa sa Hilagang Asya ay kabilang sa Soviet Union.
C. Dahil ang mga bansa sa Hilagang Asya ay United.
D. Dahil ang Hilagang Asya ay may maiinit na panahon.
____ 13. Dahil sa paniniwalang taglay ng mga pilosopiya at relihiyong umusbong dito gaya ng Hinduism, Buddhism,
Jainism at Sikhismang rehiyong Timog Asya ay nakilala sa katawagang
A. Father India B. Little China C. Moslem World D. Land of Mysticism
____ 14. Ang Asya ay hango sa salitang Aegean na _ nangangahulugan “ Lugar na Sinikatan ng Araw” o Bukang
A. Aso B. Asu C. Asi D. Ase
____ 15. Sa iyong pagtingin sa mapa, Paano mu ilalarawan at bibigyang interpretasyon ang kinalalagyan ng kontinente
ng Asya?
A. ang hugis at anyo ng mga lupain sa bawat bahagi ng kontinente ay pare-pareho.
B. Karamihan sa bansa sa Asya ay may mainit na panahon.
C. Ang malaking bahagi ng hangganan ng Asya ay mga anyong tubig.
D. Insular ang malaking bahagi ng Asya.
____ 16. Ang mga sumusunod ay mga katangi-tanging lawa sa Asya maliban sa
A. Tundra B. Caspean Sea C. Lake Baikal D. Aral Sea
17-25 Magbigay ng Anyong Lupa na matatagpuan sa Asya.

Panuto: sa bilang na 26-35 ay may mga nirambol na letra na may kaugnayan sa mga Vegetation Cover ng Asya. Ayusin
ang mga Letra upang mabuo ang mga salita.

36-40 Paano naimpluwensiyahan ng kapaligirang pisikal ng Asya ang pamumuhay ng Asyano.

Panuto: Bilugan ang titik ng tamang sagot.

41. Pagkakaiba-iba at katangi tanging anyo ng lahat ng buhay na bumubuo sa natural na kalikasan.
A. Etnolinguwistiko B. Natural Resources C. Biodiversity D. Ecosystem
42. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hinde direktang dahilan ng mabilis na pagkawala ng biodiversity sa Asya?
A. Patuloy na pagtaas ng populasyon B. Pagkakalbo at Pagkasira ng kagubatan o deforestation
C. Walang habas na pagkuha at paggamit sa mga likas na yaman.
D. Introduksiyon ng mga species na hindi likas sa isang particular na rehiyon.
43. Ang hindi wastong pagtatapon ng solid waste o basura ay isang malaking suliraning pangkapaligiran. Alin sa
sumusunod ang malaking epekto ng walang habas na pagtapon ng baura kung saan-saan?
A. Nahaharangan ang mga estero at ilog na daluyan ng tubig.
B. NAnunuot sa lupa ang ilang maasido at maorganikong material.
C. Nakokontamina o narurumihan ang hangin, tubig at maging ang lupa.
D. Nahahalo ang nakakalasong katas nito sa tubig na iniinom at sa mga irigasyon.
44. Ito ay isa rin sa mga problemang kinakaharap ng mga bansa sa Asya dulot ng pagkasira ng kagubatan at erosion ng
lupa kung saan parami na deposito ng banlaik na dala ng umaagos na tubig sa isang lugar.
A. Red Tide B. Deforestation C. Siltation D. Salinization
45. Suliraning pangkapaligiran kung saan lumilitaw sa ibabaw ng lupa ang asin o kaya naman inaanod ng tubig paunta sa
A. Red Tide B. Deforestation C. Siltation D. Salinization
46-50 Bilang isang mag-aaral paano mo ipapakita ang pangangalaga sa kalikasan?

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