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Tetanus immune
 preformed Ig

C. botulinum
Botulism “flaccid paralysis”, Spores, in soil, Botulinum toxin ingested Antitoxin, Watch swollen
descending weakness, diplopia, inadequate sterilization preformed. Tox spreads ventilatory support cans!
flaccid paralysis, resp failure. of canned foods. in blood, to nerves blocks
Wound botulism- spores to Alkaline veggies, Ach RELEASE NO
wounds, germinate, release toxin smoked fish. PENICILLIN!!
Infant botulism- ingestion of  Toxin can be used to Tx Will burst cells
spores in honey- floppy baby torticollis, blepharospasm and release toxin
C. perfingens
Gas gangrene (myonecrosis): Results in Normal flora of colon Alpha tox- lecithinase Morphology, Debridement, O2
war wounds, septic abortions crepitus- gas and vagina degrades cell membranes- exudate smears, gas, Penicillin
 production and hemolytic culture, sugar 
Food poisoning- ingestion of  Hemolysis fermentation,
cooking resistant spores in organic acid
foods. Watery diarrhea,  production
cramps, little vomiting
C. difficile
Antibiotic associated  Normal flora in 3% of  Suppression of normal ID C-diff tox in Metronidazole-
pseudomembranous colitis- esp  people flora allows overgrowth, stool  poorly absorbed
in hospitalized pts. usually by clindamycin, orally, inc. colonic
ampicillin, dose
 Exotox A (severe
diarrhea Vancomycin

Master Your Semester with Scribd & The New York Times Exotox B (damage to
colonic mucosa)
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