Solutions AIATS Medical-2019 (XII Passed) Test-3 (Code-E & F) (23!12!2018)

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Test - 3 (Code E) (Answers) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical - 2019

TEST - 3 (Code E)
Test Date : 23/12/2018

1. (1) 37. (2) 73. (1) 109. (1) 145. (4)
2. (1) 38. (2) 74. (4) 110. (2) 146 (3)
3. (4) 39. (2) 75. (4) 111. (2) 147. (4)
4. (3) 40. (4) 76. (3) 112. (1) 148. (3)
5. (1) 41. (1) 77. (3) 113. (1) 149. (3)
6. (2) 42. (3) 78. (3) 114. (3) 150. (1)
7. (3) 43. (4) 79. (1) 115. (1) 151. (3)
8. (4) 44. (1) 80. (4) 116. (2) 152. (2)
9. (2) 45. (3) 81. (3) 117. (2) 153. (2)
10. (3) 46. (1) 82. (2) 118. (4) 154. (4)
11. (4) 47. (1) 83. (2) 119. (2) 155. (3)
12. (1) 48. (3) 84. (2) 120. (3) 156. (2)
13. (2) 49. (1) 85. (2) 121. (3) 157. (4)
14. (1) 50. (3) 86. (3) 122. (2) 158. (4)
15. (2) 51. (3) 87. (1) 123. (4) 159. (4)
16. (2) 52. (2) 88. (4) 124. (3) 160. (3)
17. (4) 53. (2) 89. (1) 125. (3) 161. (1)
18. (2) 54. (1) 90. (3) 126. (1) 162. (4)
19. (2) 55. (1) 91. (4) 127. (2) 163. (4)
20. (2) 56. (2) 92. (2) 128. (2) 164. (3)
21. (2) 57. (1) 93. (4) 129. (3) 165. (2)
22. (3) 58. (2) 94. (3) 130. (2) 166. (3)
23. (2) 59. (2) 95. (4) 131. (4) 167. (3)
24. (2) 60. (3) 96. (3) 132. (3) 168. (3)
25. (3) 61. (1) 97. (2) 133. (1) 169. (1)
26. (2) 62. (4) 98. (1) 134. (4) 170. (3)
27. (1) 63. (2) 99. (4) 135. (1) 171. (3)
28. (2) 64. (2) 100. (1) 136. (3) 172. (3)
29. (3) 65. (3) 101. (4) 137. (1) 173. (3)
30. (3) 66. (2) 102. (1) 138. (2) 174. (4)
31. (2) 67. (1) 103. (1) 139. (3) 175. (4)
32. (2) 68. (2) 104. (2) 140. (4) 176. (4)
33. (2) 69. (2) 105. (2) 141. (2) 177. (4)
34. (2) 70. (2) 106. (3) 142. (1) 178. (2)
35. (1) 71. (3) 107. (3) 143. (3) 179. (4)
36. (3) 72. (1) 108. (1) 144. (2) 180. (2)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)


Sol.: Since variation of g due to depth h is
 h
g  = g 1 – 
1. Answer (1)  R 
mv 2 g
Hint: Since F = g = g –  h
r R
1  g
Sol.: Since, F  g =  –   h  g ...(i)
r  R
K y = – mx + c (similar)
r Hence for equation (i) graph will be
mv K
r r
v0 =

v0  r 0 R
4. Answer (3)
2. Answer (1)
Hint: Kepler's 2nd Law Hint: v e = Re
Sol.: Since AOAB : AOCD : AOEF = 3 : 1 : 2
Sol.: Since M =   R 3
D C 3
E v 2G   R 3
Now, v e = 3  ve  R 2
RP = 3RE
B vP 9RE2
Then, = =3
F vE RE2
v P = 3v E
A 5. Answer (1)
Since, = constant
Gm1 m 2
Hint: F =
= = =K
t2 t3 t1
1 kg
2 kg
2 kg

2 kg

2 kg


3 A A 2A
= = =K 0 1 2 4 8
t2 t3 t1
Gm1 m 2
3 1 2
Now, F =  r2
= = =K
t 2 t3 t 1 1 1 1 1 
 G  1  2   2  2  2  2  ...
1 2 4 8 
6 6 6
= = =K  
2t 2 6t3 3t 1
 1  4
 2G     2G 
3t1 = 2t2 = 6t3 1
1 –  3
3. Answer (4)  4
 h 8G
Hint: g  = g  1 –  F=
 R  3

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

6. Answer (2) 
E (1, 1, 1)  (2  1)iˆ  (1  1  1) jˆ  (1  1)kˆ
Hint: U = Ufinal – Uinitial
 3iˆ  3 jˆ  2kˆ

h = Re E (1, 1, 1) = 3iˆ + 3jˆ + 2kˆ N/kg

10. Answer (3)

Hint: Use concept of variation in g due to height
Re from earth surface.
Sol.: At surface g = g0 =
GmM R2
Uinitial = –
Re g0 Gme
At height h1, g  = =
GmM 9 (R  h1 )2
U final = –
2Re g0 Gme
At height h2 , g  = =
GMm  GMm  GMm  Re 16 (R  h2 )2
U = Uf – Ui = – – =
2Re  Re  2Re  Re h1
1 =3
As g =
Re2 h1
=2 ...(i)
mg  Re R
 U =
2 h2
1 =4
7. Answer (3) R
Hint: Use the concept of trajectory. h2
=3 ...(ii)
Sol.: If v > ve R
 Then Trajectory of path will be hyperbola.
h1 2
8. Answer (4) Now, =
h2 3
Hint: ve  c
11. Answer (4)
2 Gm 2  G  (100Me ) Hint and Sol.: When particle is dropped from
Sol.: v e =  v e =
R Re satellite revolving around earth then velocity of
particle will be same as satellite which is in
Now 200  6.67  10 –11  6  1024 tangential direction of orbit. Hence particle will
= Re continue to move with same speed along the original
9  1016
orbit of space craft. (Satellite)
Re = 8.89 × 10–1 m
12. Answer (1)
Re = 0.89 m
Hint: Use gequator = g0 – Re2.
R  1m  Order of radius Sol.: For weightlessness at equator gequator = 0.
g0 = Re2
R  1010 m
9. Answer (2) g0
Hint: Two different blocks E.dr  dV
Sol.: Given V = – (x 2y + yz + xyz) J/kg
Re 64  106
 V ˆ V ˆ V ˆ T  2 = 2 = 84.6 minutes
Now, E = – i – j– k = (2xy  yz )iˆ g0 9.8
x y z
T = 1.41 hour
( x 2  z  xz ) jˆ  ( y  xy ) kˆ

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)

13. Answer (2) mg – mg + mg = 2 ma – ma

Hint: Use Hooke's law. m(g + a) = 2ma
Stress 2 ma
Sol.: E  m =
Strain g a
Strain 1
Slope = = T . 17. Answer (4)
Stress E
i.e. T2 > T1 Hint: Use concept of excess pressure.
Sol.: Since RA < RB and we know that
or T1  T2
14. Answer (1) Pexcess  PA =
Hint: U  Stress × Strain 4T
2 PB =
1 RB
Sol.: U  × Y × Strain × Strain
2 PA > PB because (RA < RB) gas goes from A to B.
1 Hence size of A decreases and size of B increases.
 × 1.1× 1011 × 0.02 × 0.02
2 18. Answer (2)
U = 2.2  107 J/m3
15. Answer (2) Hint: Velocity of efflux v =
Fl 1 – 22
Hint: l = l1 + l 2 and L = A1
Sol.: Sol.: P0 = 1 atm
2F 4F
4F 2F A1

4F 2F h v2
l l v1
P = 3 atm
Fl F l 4F l 2F l 6F l
L  l1  l 2  1 1  2 2    A2
6F l P – P0 2  105
L = h   20 cm .
AY g 10 4
16. Answer (2) Now from Bernoulli's theorem.
Hint: Use Newton's 2nd Law in both cases and
1 2 1
concept of buoyancy. P0 + gh + v1 = P0 + v 22
2 2
Sol.: For 1st Case:
from equation of continuity.
mg – B = ma ...(i)
A1v1 = A2v2
m A2 3
v1   v2  v2
a A1 2

2gh 2  10  20 400
For 2nd Case: v2     2 × 20
A 
3 1
B a 1–  2  1–  
4 4
 A1 
m – m
B – (m – m) g = (m – m) a = 40 m/s

(m – m) g v 2 = 40 m/s

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

19. Answer (2) Now when weight is put on block then

Hint: Use Pascal's Law W + (Al )g =  Al g + K(hout)
Sol.: W = ( – ) Alg + K  hout
= 300 × 64 × 10–5 + 50 × 1 × 10–2 = 0.192 + 0.5
W = 0.692 N
g 21. Answer (2)
h 3 Hint: Use equation of continuity.
2 f
C Sol.: Av = A1v1 + A2v2 + A3v3.

D B a 5 a
a5 = a2 +v   
l/2 l/2 4 2 2

PB = P0 + gh va 5a
5a = 2a + +
4 4
g l gl
PC = PB +    = P0 + gh + 20a = 8a + 5a + va
3 2 6
v = 7 m/s
2  g l gl
PD = PC +  = PC + 22. Answer (3)
3 2 3
gl gl P
= P0 + gh + + Hint: Use FRebound = = Av 2
6 3 t
gl P
PD = P0 + gh + ...(i)
2 F reb
Also, PD = PE + (2P)gh = P0 + 2gh ...(ii) FFlow
l 60°
PO + gh + g = P0  2gh v
2 v
l Q
g = gh
2 O
h= Fnet = Freb  FFlow
|Freb| = Av2 = |FFlow|
20. Answer (2)
Hint: Use Archimedes' Principle of Newton's 2nd Law Fnet = F 3 = 3 Av 2
4 cm Fnet = 3 Av 2
4 cm  23. Answer (2)
Hint: Use v T = (n)2/3 vT
Sol.: As v T  ( n )2/3  vT  (8)2/3  10  40 cm/s .

24. Answer (2)
 = 1200 kg m–3 Hint: Use concept of coefficient of expansion of
 = 900 kg m–3 length.
KSpring = 50 Nm–1 Sol.: For anisotropic solids coefficient of linear
g = 10 ms– 2 expansion  is different in each direction.
For floating case initially
Hence,  = x  y  z
Ah =  A l
900 25. Answer (3)
hin   4 = 3 cm Hint: Use equation of conduction of heat.
hout = 1 cm Sol.: If there in no heat loss through radiation.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)

Then, 3
= K (55 – T0 ) ...(ii)
(40 – T )  (80 – T )  (70 – T ) = L (T – 10) Devide eq. (i) by (ii)
190 – 3T = T – 10 4 65 – T0
4T = 200 3 55 – T0
T = 50°C 220 – 4T0 = 195 – 3T0
26. Answer (2) T0 = 25C
Hint: Use Stefan's Law U = AeT4.
29. Answer (3)
Sol.: Given, 20 = AI(400)4.
Hint: Use concept of calorimetry.
Now, P = A (0.7) (527 + 273)4.
Heat loss = Heat gain.
= 0.7(2)4 Sol.: mice ciceT + m Lf = mw cw  t
20 × 0.5 + 10 + x × 80 = 20 × 1 × 25
P = 11.2 × 20
100 + x × 80 = 500
P = 224 cal cm –2 s –1 x=5g
27. Answer (1) mw = 20  x = 25 g & mice = 20 – x = 15 g
Hint: Use concept of series combination of thermal
30. Answer (3)
L  R – R0 
R= Hint: Use t = 100  t 
KA  R100 – R0 
Sol.:  5.92 – 3.70   2.22 
Sol.: t  100    100    200°C
200°C 100°C  4.81 – 3.70   1.11 
K1 = k K2 = 3k K3 = 2k t = 200C
1m 2m 0.5 m 31. Answer (2)
Hint: Use Q = nC P  t
T1 – T2
H Sol.: H = 2 × Cv (5) ...(i)
Q = 2 × Cp (5) ...(ii)
200 – 100 200  12kA
H  by dividing equation (ii) by equation (i)
1 2 1 23
 
kA 3kA 4kA Cp 5 R /2
QH H
100  12  kA 100  12  k  23  10 –2 Cv 3 R /2
 
23 23 5H
H = 12k 3
28. Answer (2) 32. Answer (2)
Hint: Use Newton's Law cooling: Hint: Use concept of slope for adiabatic.

T dP P
 K (Tav – T0 ) –
T dV V
70 – 60  60  70  5
=K – T0 
10  2  Sol.: Now, Monoatomic = = 1.67
1 = K(65 – T0) ...(i)
Diatomic = = 1.4
(60 – 50) 5
= K (55 – T0 )
Monoatomic > Diatomic

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

Hence, A  Diatomic  N2. or O2 or CO. 1 T

Sol.: =1– 2
B  Monoatomic  He. 3 T1
Among given options T2 2
 = ...(i)
A  N2 T1 3
B  He
Source T1
33. Answer (2)
Hint: W = P(V2 – V1) for isobaric process.
Sol.: For 1 mole PV = RT + 3V W
Initially P0V1 = RT0 + 3V1 ...(i) Q2
Finally P0V2 = 2RT0 + 3V2 ...(ii)
Sink (T2)
P0(V2 – V1) = RT0 + 3(V2 – V1)
(P0 – 3)(V2 – V1) = RT0 1 (T – 100)
=1– 2
W 2 T1
(P0 – 3) = RT0
T2 100 1
– =
PT R T1 T1 2
W = 0 0
P0 – 3
2 1 100
34. Answer (2) – =
3 2 T1
Hint: Internal energy is state function.
4 – 3 100
Sol.: As initial and final states for all are same =  T1 = 600 K
6 T1
 U1 = U2 = U3
38. Answer (2)
35. Answer (1)
Hint: Use PV = nRT and P  T for isochoric R R
Hint: C  
 – 1 1– n
P = constant for isobaric
Sol.: 1
Sol.: P 
PT = constant
A B As PV  T
T  PPV = constant
Hence corresponding P B PV 1/2 = constant
P-T plot is
n = 1/2
A C R R 9R
 C  
7 1 2
36. Answer (3) – 1 1–
5 2
Hint: Use PV = nRT 39. Answer (2)
V 1 1  1  V2
=  = V
nRT P P  nRT  Hint: W   PdV
1 1
Sol.: Slope =  m Sol.: P
Hence, TA  TB  TC
37. Answer (2)
Hint: Efficiency of Carnot engine is V1 V2
T2 P0
 1– P V
T1 V1

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)
P Sol.: P (kPa)
W  V V01 VdV 200

P0 [V22 – V12 ] 150

W  3
V1 2 V(m )
2 4
40. Answer (4)
( P )( V )
PV – P2V2 W = area of loop = – 
Hint: W  1 1 and PV   constant 4
 –1
 50 2 
 –     103
Sol.: Given, P1V11.5 = P2V21.5  2 2
3/2 3/2
V   1200  W = – 25 kJ
P2  P1  1   150 kPa  
 V2   300  43. Answer (4)
P2 = 1200 kPa Hint: Use PV  = constant and PV = nRT
Now, 

5 –3 6 –3 Sol.: P  T  –1
(1.50 × 10 × 1.20 × 10 ) – (1.2 × 10 × 0.3 × 10 )
W= x
0.5 –1
As, P  T 2
3 
1.8 × 102 – 0.36 × 103  – 1 x  7/5 7
= 2   (180 – 360) Hence – 1= = =
0.5 0.5 2  –1 7 –1 2
W = – 360 J
x 9
41. Answer (1) =
2 2
Hint: For thermodynamic equilibrium
x =9
Tx = Ty and Px = Py.
44. Answer (1)
Sol.: x y
Hint: Check area under curve for calculation of work
64 g 40 g He done.
Sol.: Area under the curve is maximum for
lx ly
compression of adiabatic proces.
PV = nRT P
Px = P y

n x RTx ny RTy V
= As (Tx = Ty ) V V
Vx Vy 2

nx n mx m Hence maximum work is done for adiabatic process.

= y  = y
Al x Al y Mx l x My l y 45. Answer (3)
Hint: U = nCv T
l x mx M y 64  4 1
= = =
l y M x my 32  40 5 Sol.: P
lx 1
ly 5
P0 B
42. Answer (3)
Hint: W = area of ellipse = ab V0 3V0

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

2P0V0 Sol.: 6Fe2+ + Cr2O72 – + 14H

Ti 
nR  2Cr3+ + 6Fe3+ + 7H2O
3P V 51. Answer (3)
Tf  0 0
nR Hint: Order of reaction is an experimental quantity.
PV Sol.: Molecularity of a reaction cannot be fractional.
T  Tf – Ti  0 0
nR 52. Answer (2)
nR PV0
  2P0V0 Mass of solute
 – 1 nR Hint: Mass percentage   100
Mass of solution
2 Sol.:
 0.5  60 
1 Mass percentage     100  2.9%
 –1  1000  0.5  60 
53. Answer (2)
 Hint: PS = PA0 xA + PB0 xB
3 2
Sol.: PS  100   150   60  60  120 torr
54. Answer (1)
46. Answer (1) Hint: Number of Faraday = mole of MnO4– × n-factor.
Hint: Sphalerite has CCP structure.
Sol.: Effective number of atoms in the unit cell of Sol.: MnO4–  5e –  Mn2 
CCP structure is 4. n-factor = 5
 Octahedral voids = 4 × 1 = 4 Number of Faraday required = 0.2 × 5 = 1
47. Answer (1) 55. Answer (1)
Hint: In body centered cubic unit cell, atom at body 0.693
centre touches all corner atoms. Hint: k 
Sol.: 4r  3x
2.303 a
3 Sol.: t  log
r xÅ k a–x
4 100
48. Answer (3) t  2.303 log
0.693 100 – 90
Hint: The sum of the oxidation numbers of all the
t = 13.29 hr
atoms of a species is equal to the net charge
present on the species. 56. Answer (2)
Sol.: Let oxidation number of N in NO3– and Mn in Hint: Oxidising power  Reduction potential.
Sol.: Co3+ has highest reduction potential while Li+
MnO 2–
are x and y respectively.
has lowest reduction potential.
For NO3– : x + 3(–2) = –1  x = +5 57. Answer (1)
For MnO 2–
4 :
y + 4(–2) = –2  y = +6 Hint: Eocell  Ecathode
– Eoanode
49. Answer (1) Sol.:
Hint: The element in its highest oxidation state E0cell  E0Ag /Ag – EMg
 (0.80  2.36) V  3.16 V
cannot act as reducing agent. 58. Answer (2)
Sol.: C in CO2 is in + 4 oxidation state which is Hint: van’t Hoff factor, i = 1 + (n – 1)  and
highest for carbon.
Tf = i Kf m
50. Answer (3)
Sol.: i = 1 + (2 – 1) 0.4 = 1.4
Hint: Number of mole of Cr2O72– ion required to
Tf = 1.4 × 0.2 × 1.86 = 0.52
oxidise Fe 2+ ion can be calculated by writing
balanced chemical equation. Tf  Tfo – Tf  0.52

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)

∵ Tfo  0C C1 = C2
8 2
so, Tf = – 0.52°C
180  M
59. Answer (2) 100  103 100  103
Hint: Lower is the value of i for a given concentration, M = 45 g mol–1
lower is the boiling point of solution.
66. Answer (2)
Sol.: Sucrose is a non-electrolyte so, i for sucrose
will be 1, which is lowest in the given species,
therefore boiling point of its aq. solution will be p0 – pS pS  Vapour pressure of solution
minimum. 0
 x2  0 
p  p  Vapour pressure of liquid 
60. Answer (3)
150 – pS 0.5
Hint: Packing efficiency of FCC unit cell is 74%. Sol.:   0.2
150 50
Sol.: Vacant space in FCC unit cell 0.5 
= (100 – 74)% = 26%.
or, 150 – pS = 30
61. Answer (1)
or, ps = 150 – 30 = 120 mm Hg
2  Mass of crystal 67. Answer (1)
Hint: Number of atoms  .
Mass of unit cell Hint: Positive deviation is shown by binary liquid
Sol.: Edge length of unit cell mixture when A – B interactions are weaker than
= 100 pm = 100 × 10–10 cm = 10– 8 cm those between A – A or B – B interactions.
Volume = (10– 8)3 cm3 = 10 –24 cm3 Sol.: Molecular interaction between acetone and
Mass of unit cell = 10 –24 × 100 = 10 –22 g CS 2 is less than the average interaction of
acetone – acetone and CS2 – CS2.
Number of unit cells  68. Answer (2)
10 –22
Hint: Reducing agent is that species which is
Number of atoms  2  –22  4  1024 oxidised.
3 6
62. Answer (4) Sol.: C r(OH)3  C rO2–
Hint: Randomness increases when two or more Chromium is oxidised from +3 to + 6 oxidation state,
liquids are mixed. hence it is a reducing agent in the given reaction.
Sol.: During mixing randomness increasing hence, 69. Answer (2)
(S)mix. > 0 Hint: Oxidation states of phosphorous ranges from
63. Answer (2) – 3 to +5.
Hint: Decrease in number of solute particles per unit Sol.: In H4P2O7, oxidation state of phosphorous is +5.
volume of the solution increases the vapour pressure 70. Answer (2)
of the solution.
   
Sol.: By addition of water, the number of solute Hint:  CH3 COOH
  CH3 COONa
 HCl – NaCl
particles per unit volume of solution decreases, hence

Sol.:  CH3 COOH  (c  b – a) S cm mol .
2 –1
vapour pressure increases.
64. Answer (2) 71. Answer (3)
Hint: The concentration term which does not contain
Hint: Ecell 
volume term is independent of temperature. log K eq. and G  –nFEocell .
Sol.: Mole fraction does not contain volume term so
it is independent of temperature. Sol.: Eocell is positive, so K eq  1 and G  0.
65. Answer (3)
72. Answer (1)
Hint: For isotonic solution, 1 = 2.
  2 0.0591
Hint: Ecell 
Sol.: o
1 log K eq
(Glucos e) (A) n

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

Sol.: Eocell  ERo – ELo  (– 0.76  2.36) V  1.6 V 3.42 1000

   0.0821 300
342 250
0.0591  = 0.98 atm
Eocell  log K eq
2 80. Answer (4)
1.6  2 Hint: For electrophoresis and electro-dialysis, the
 log K eq  log Keq = 54.145
0.0591 colloidal particles should be charged.
Keq = 1.4 × 1054 Sol.: Optical property (like Tyndall effect) is
independent of the charge present on the colloidal
73. Answer (1)
Hint: Oxidising agent oxidises another species.
81. Answer (3)
Sol.: During oxidation, oxidation number of reacting
Hint: In iodometric titration the indicator used is
species increases
0 2
Zn  Z nO2– 82. Answer (2)
74. Answer (4)
Mass of silver electroplated on the metal surface
Hint: Sum of oxidation states of all atoms in a
neutral molecule is zero.  5.4 
  10 cm2  cm   10 g/cc  54 g
Sol.: For A3(BC3)2  10 
Net charge = 2 × 3 + [3 × 1 + 3 × (– 2)] × 2 = 0 Sol.: Equivalent wt. of Ag = 108
75. Answer (4)
Hint: F2 will not be oxidised.  Number of equivalent of Ag deposited 
Sol.: F2 will not undergo disproportionation reaction.
76. Answer (3) Amount of electricity required   96500
Tb K b
Hint: T  K = 48250C
f f
83. Answer (2)
Kf 1.86
Sol.: Tf  Tb  K  0.52  0.52  1.86 Hint: Catalyst does not catalyses non-spontaneous
b reactions.
Tf  Tfo – Tf  1.86 84. Answer (2)
Tf = –1.86°C 0.0591 [Ni2 ]
Hint: Ecell  Ecell
– log
77. Answer (3) 2 [Ag ]2
Hint: For zero order reaction. G = –nF E
[A t ] = [A0] – kt 0.0591 1
A0 Sol.: Ecell  (0.80  0.25) – log
2 (0.01)2

Slope = –k 0.0591 0.0591

[At ]  1.05 – log 104  1.05 – 4
2 2
= 0.932 V
78. Answer (3) G = –2 × F × 0.932 = 1.86 F
Hint: Diastase converts starch into maltose. 85. Answer (2)
79. Answer (1) Hint: H+ has exceptionally highest limiting molar
conductivity at 298 K in water.
Hint:  = CRT (C = Molar concentration of sucrose)
86. Answer (3)
3.42 / 342
Sol.:    0.0821 300 Hint: Reaction at anode

4 (aq)  S 2 O 8 (aq)  2e
2SO 2– 2–

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)

87. Answer (1) 95. Answer (4)

RT Hint: Tyloses develop in heartwood.
Hint: K f  f

1000  L fusion Solution: Tyloses are balloon like swellings of xylem

parenchyma cells in lumen of xylem vessels. These
8.314  (273 – 23) 8.314  250  250

Sol.: K f   make heartwood non-functional.

1000  125 1000  125
96. Answer (3)
Kf = 4.16 K kg mol–1
Hint: Floridean starch is stored food of red algae.
88. Answer (4)
– Rhizophore is an intermediate organ between
w  Mass of ethylene glycol(g)
m  W  Tf root and shoot, develops in Selaginella.
w m  Molar mass of ethylene glycol
1000  K f – Living fossil - Metasequoia.
W  Mass of water (g)
– Coralloid root - Cycas.
62  2000  5.58
Sol.: w  97. Answer (2)
1000  1.86
w = 372 g Hint: Fossils play important role in elucidation of
evolutionary relationships.
89. Answer (1)
Solution: Phylogenetic system of classification is
Hint: For coagulation of negatively charged sol, based on evolutionary relationships besides other
higher is charge of cation, higher will be its criteria of classification.
flocculating power.
98. Answer (1)
Sol.: Gold sol is negatively charged solution.
Hint: In Spirogyra, dominant phase is
90. Answer (3) photosynthetic haploid gametophyte.
Hint: Leclanche cell is a dry cell in which Zn acts Solution: In Spirogyra, sporophytic generation is
as anode and graphite as cathode. represented only by the single celled zygote.
Thus Spirogyra represents haplontic life cycle.
99. Answer (4)
91. Answer (4) Hint: Organisms belonging to the same taxa have
Hint: They increase dissolved oxygen in their common ancestor.
immediate environment. Solution: In Cycas, small specialised roots are
Solution: Algae, mostly being aquatic increase present called coralloid roots. They remain
dissolved oxygen in water. They release oxygen associated with nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria.
during photosynthesis process and fix at least 50% Sphagnum often grows in acidic marshes.
of the total CO2 on earth. 100. Answer (1)
92. Answer (2) Hint: In monocot stems, within vascular bundles
Hint: Seeds producing plants are heterosporous. water containing cavities are present.
Solution: All gymnosperms as well as Solution:
angiosperms are heterosporous not homosporous. – In monocot roots, pith is large and well
93. Answer (4) developed.
Hint: Stele is the region surrounded by endodermis. – In dicot stems, bundle sheath is absent.
Solution: Stele does not include endodermis but it 101. Answer (4)
includes pericycle, vascular bundles and pith Hint: In both dicot and monocot leaves, vascular
(if present). bundles are conjoint and closed but monocot leaves
94. Answer (3) are amphistomatic.
Hint: Subsidiary cells are specialised epidermal Solution:
cells that provide support to guard cells. – In monocot leaves, mesophyll is not differentiated
Solution: Subsidiary cells do not have chloroplast into palisade & spongy parenchyma.
and do not carryout photosynthesis whereas guard – Stomata are present on both surfaces of leaves
cells have chloroplasts. (amphistomatic).

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

102. Answer (1) 110. Answer (2)

Hint: Aerenchyma is a type of parenchyma with air Hint: Double fertilization & triple fusion are advance
cavities. phenomenon found in the most advance plant group.
Solution: Aerenchyma gives buoyancy to aquatic Solution: Double fertilization & triple fusion events
plants. It also helps in gaseous exchange. are unique to angiosperms.
103. Answer (1) 111. Answer (2)
Hint: Sulphur shower is related to pollination. It Hint: Anabaena fixes atmospheric nitrogen in
appears as a yellow cloud of pollen grains. Azolla.
Solution: Sulphur shower phenomenon is related to Solution:
pine trees not to all gymnosperms. – Mannitol is stored food in phaeophyceae.
104. Answer (2) – Sporophylls arrange spirally along an axis to
Hint: Gymnosperms are adapted to xerophytic form lax /cone.
– Phenetics is numerical taxonomy involves usage
Solution: of many characters at the same time.
– Due to presence of thick culticle and sunken – In mosses, rhizoids are branched, multicellular
stomata (deeply situated stomata) gymnosperms and with oblique septa.
are well adapted to extreme conditions.
112. Answer (1)
– Transfusion tissue is found in leaves of Cycas
Hint: Marchantia has sex organs on separate thalli.
which is meant for lateral conduction.
105. Answer (2)
– Marchantia is a dioecious bryophyte.
Hint: The gametophyte of pteridophytes has some
specific requirements for growth. – Algae form association with some animals like
sloth bear.
Solution: In pteridophytes, gametophyte requires
cool, damp, shady places to grow and during – In artificial system of classification equal
fertilisation water is also required. Therefore weightage to vegetative and sexual
pteridophytes are restricted to narrow geographical characteristics were given. In fact it was a
regions. drawback.
106. Answer (3) – Pigment combination of phaeophyceae is chl
Solution: In alga Volvox, sexual reproduction is a & c and fucoxanthin.
oogamous type. 113. Answer (1)
107. Answer (3) Hint: This plant has whorled phyllotaxy.
Solution: Solution: Multilayered epidermis occurs in Nerium
– In members of chlorophyceae chlorophyll 'a' and and Ficus.
'b' are found and they appear grass green in Zea mays, wheat & grasses have single layered
colour. epidermis.
– Members of rhodophyceae (red Algae) have 114. Answer (3)
complex post-fertilisation developments. Hint: Annual rings are formed due to seasonal
108. Answer (1) variations.
Hint: Intercalary meristems are separated from Solution: Annual rings are distinct in plants
apical meristem by mature tissue. growing in temperate regions where climatic
Solution: Apical meristem is primary meristem on conditions are not uniform throughout the year.
the basis of its origin, therefore, intercalary 115. Answer (1)
meristem will be primary. Hint: In roots, xylem and phloem are arranged on
109. Answer (1) different radii but alternate to each other.
Solution: Root epidermis is termed as rhizodermis Solution: This arrangement is known as radial type
or epiblema. and vascular bundles are radial.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)

116. Answer (2) 122. Answer (2)

Hint: Vascular system transports water and mineral Hint: Cork cells have cellulosic wall in the
from root to the top of plant & food from source to beginning but at maturity there is gradual loss of
sink. living matter.
Solution: Due to loss of living matter cork cells are
Solution: Transport of water, mineral, food etc. over
dead. Later, they get deposited with fatty
long distance through the vascular system is called
substance, i.e., suberin & cell wall becomes thick.
123. Answer (4)
117. Answer (2)
Hint: Trichomes are epidermal hairs on the stem.
Hint: In endarch condition, protoxylem (first formed)
remains towards centre and metaxylem (later
– Trichomes are not related to gaseous exchange.
formed) towards periphery. Thus xylem orientation
is centrifugal. – They are usually multicellular, help in scretion in
some plants & prevent water loss.
124. Answer (3)
– Xylem parenchyma helps in radial conduction of
Hint: Bast fibres are actually phloem fibres.
– Sclerenchyma is dead and lacks protoplast.
– Coir of coconut is fibrous mesocarp. It is not a
– Tracheids are found in all vascular plants. phloem fibre.
118. Answer (4) – Jute, flax & hemp are phloem fibres.
Hint: In gymnosperms, pollination is carried out by 125. Answer (3)
abiotic agent. Hint: Companion cells are found only in
Solution: This abiotic agent is air current. angiosperms.
119. Answer (2) Solution: Pteridophytes and gymnosperms lack
companion cells but in gymnosperms in the place
Hint: Chilgoza is the edible seed of Pinus
of companion cells, albuminous cells are present.
126. Answer (1)
Hint: In diplontic life cycle dominant phase is diploid
Gemmae – Marchantia sporophyte.
Embryosac – Eucalyptus (angiosperm) Solution:
Heterosporous – Marsilea (pteridophyte) vascular A  Sporophyte (2n)
cryptogam B  Meiosis
120. Answer (3) Diplontic life cycle pattern.
Hint: Hydrocolloid, algin is obtained from giants of 127. Answer (2)
algal world. Hint: Secondary nucleus and egg cell take part in
Solution: Members of class phaeophyceae (brown events of double fertilization.
algae) are commonly known as giant of algal world. Solution: Antipodal cells of embryo sac do not
121. Answer (3) take part in fertilization and after fertilization they
Hint: Protonema is a creeping, green, branched and
128. Answer (2)
frequently filamentous stage of mosses.
Hint: In gymnosperms male & female
Solution: gametophytes do not have an independent free
– Mosses are important in plant succession on living existence.
rocky areas along with lichens. Solution:
– In gymnosperms, male and female gametophytes – In gymnosperms, male and female
develop within sporangia on sporophytes. gametophytes are dependent on sporophyte.
– In brown algae gametes are pear shaped with – Ovule represents megasporangium.
two laterally attached flagella. – Embryo sac is absent in gymnosperms.

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

129. Answer (3) – For removal of kidney stone a decoction of

Hint: Bryophytes and most of the pteridophytes are Polytrichum commune is employed.
homosporous, but few pteridophytes and all – Protostele – Rhynia.
gymnosperms are heterosporous. 134. Answer (4)
Hint: In leaves, endodermis is absent because
Marchantia  ground tissue is not differentiated.

Funaria  Bryophytes – Homosporous Solution: Distinct endodermis is a feature of dicot
Polytrichum  stems, dicot roots & monocot roots.
135. Answer (1)
Lycopodium 
 Pteridophytes – Homosporous Hint: Tracheids and vessels, both are lignified and
Dryopteris 
Selaginella Pteridophyte – Heterosporous Solution: A tracheid differ from vessels in being
single long cell with tapering ends whereas vessels
Gnetum 
 Gymnosperms– Heterosporous are long cylindrical tube like structures. Both
Ephedra 
elements transport water and minerals.
130. Answer (2)
136. Answer (3)
Hint: In open vascular bundles, cambium is present
Hint: Leucocytes exhibit pseudopodia.
between xylem and phloem. So, these are 'open' for
secondary growth. Sol.: Macrophages prominently show amoeboid
movement to engulf foreign matter. Human sperms
Solution: In dicot and monocot leaves and in
have flagella for locomotion.
monocot stem vascular bundles are closed as
cambium is absent, while in dicot stem they are 137. Answer (1)
open. Hint: Neurilemma in PNS is present in both
131. Answer (4) myelinated and unmyelinated neurons.
Solution: Sol.: Schwann cells are present around axon of
both myelinated and unmyelinated neurons.
Dicot stem Monocot stem
Unmyelinated neurons lack myelin sheath and nodes
– Hypodermis is – Vascular bundles are of Ranvier.
collenchymatous scattered in ground
138. Answer (2)
tissue region
Hint: This hormone prevents the release of growth
– Stele is eustele – Ground tissue is not hormone.
Sol.: Somatostatin is another name of Growth
– Pericycle absent hormone Inhibiting Hormone (GHIH) which is
132. Answer (3) produced by hypothalamus. Gonadotrophins (LH &
Hint: Chemistry of cell wall is a basis of FSH), somatotropin (Growth hormone) and prolactin
classification of algae. (PRL) are produced by anterior pituitary.
Solution: 139. Answer (3)
– Evolutionarily, pteridophytes are first terrestrial Hint: Vasopressin is released in response to fall in
plants to possess vascular tissues. blood pressure.
– Pteriodophytes are first successful land plants. Sol.: ADH (vasopressin) and aldosterone increase
– Bryophytes are first archegonial plants. the blood pressure. ACTH, i.e., adrenocorticotrophic
hormone is secreted by anterior pituitary. ANF (atrial
133. Answer (1)
natriuretic factor) is secreted from wall of heart and
Hint: Natural system of classification decreases blood pressure.
– Bentham & Hooker. 140. Answer (4)
Hint: Skeletal muscle is made up of number of
– Father of algology – F.E. Fritsch. myofibres.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)

Sol.: Skeletal muscle in our body is made of a Sol.: Vasopressin is produced by supraoptic nuclei
number of muscle bundles or fascicles held together of hypothalamus. Erythropoietin is produced by JG
by a common collagenous connective tissue called cells and stimulates erythropoiesis. Thymosin is
fascia. Each muscle bundle contains numerous produced by thymus gland and is important for
myofibres, each of which is made up of numerous differentiation of T-lymphocytes.
myofibrils. Each myofibril contains numerous
145. Answer (4)
Hint: Sympathetic branch nervous system works
141. Answer (2)
during emergency conditions.
Hint: Neurons can be classified on the basis of
Sol.: Stimulation from parasympathetic nervous
number of dendrites and axons present in them.
system causes salivation, contraction of urinary
bladder and constriction of pupil.
146 Answer (3)
Multipolar neuron : Found in cerebral
Hint: At rest, axolemma bears positive charge
with usually one axon & cortex
towards ECF.
multiple dendrites
Sol.: Efflux of K+ ions takes place through voltage
Bipolar neuron : Found in retina of gated K+ channels. during repolarisation phase which
One axon and one eye restores the membrane potential.
dendrite 147. Answer (4)
Unipolar neuron : Found in Hint: Visceral organs contain non-striated muscles.
Sol.: Biceps and thigh muscles are multinucleated
Cell body with one axon embryonic stage
(skeletal) muscles while cardiac muscles are striated
only and found in heart. Stomach contains smooth
Pseudounipolar neuron : Dorsal root muscles that are fusiform, uninucleated and
Have single process which ganglion of spinal unbranched.
148. Answer (3)
divides to form an axon cord
Hint: Thinning of bones occurs due to loss of
and a dendron
minerals from bone.
142. Answer (1)
Sol.: Parathormone mobilises Ca 2+ from bones
Hint: Identify a hormone deficiency disorder. leading to high Ca2+ level in blood and thinning of
Sol.: Cushing's syndrome and Conn's syndrome bones. Calcitonin causes decrease in blood Ca2+
(Aldosteronism) are caused due to hypersecretion of levels and its further deposition in bone while
cortisol and aldosterone respectively. Addison's cacitriol (Vitamin D3), stimulates increased absorption
disease is caused due to deficiency of of Ca2+ from food in gastrointestinal tract, which
glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Bronze like increases blood Ca2+ level.
pigmentation is seen in Addison's disease. 149. Answer (3)
143. Answer (3) Hint: Steroid hormones act via intracellular receptors.
Hint: Both extensor muscles of human back and Sol.: Estrogen is a steroid hormone; able to cross
eyeball muscles are skeletal muscles. the plasma membrane and bind to their receptor
Sol.: Extensor muscles are red muscle fibres having present in cytoplasm. This hormone-receptor
high myoglobin content and higher number of complex then binds to the gene and regulates the
mitochondria as compared to white muscle fibres of expression of many genes. Epinephrine, glucagon
eyeball. Red muscle fibres carry out aerobic and FSH are water soluble hormones with extra
oxidation while white muscle fibres carry out cellular receptors.
anaerobic oxidation. 150. Answer (1)
144. Answer (2) Hint: At resting stage, neuronal cell membrane is
Hint: Hormone released by posterior pituitary more permeable to K+ ions and nearly impermeable
regulates osmolarity. to Na+ ions.

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

Sol.: Na + /K + pump plays an important role in 157. Answer (4)

maintaining resting potential of neuronal membrane Hint: Diabetes insipidus is characterised by
by transporting 3Na+ to extracellular fluid and 2K+ production of large volume of dilute urine.
into the cell at expense of one ATP molecule. Thus,
Sol.: Diabetes mellitus is characterised by presence
maintaining a negative resting membrane potential.
of glucose and ketone bodies in urine. Posterior
151. Answer (3) pituitary (Pars nervosa) is under direct neural
Hint: A band is present between two I-bands in a regulation of hypothalamus. Goitre is simply an
sarcomere. enlarged thyroid gland. It may be associated with
Sol.: During muscle contraction, when thin filaments hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
slide over thick filaments towards M line, then length Progesterone & prolactin regulate the growth of
of H-zone decreases, myofilaments of actin slide mammary glands & formation of milk in them.
over myosin but their length remains unchanged.
158. Answer (4)
152. Answer (2)
Hint: Diabetogenic hormones raise blood sugar level.
Hint: Single long fibre arising from cell body of a
Sol.: Growth hormone, cortisol and glucagon cause
neuron lacks protein synthesizing granular bodies.
increase in blood sugar level. Insulin stimulates
Sol.: Cell body (cyton) and dendrites contain Nissl's glucose uptake by cells and further its utilisation for
granules. Nissl's granules comprise of RER and
energy or conversion into glycogen leading to a
decline in blood glucose level.
153. Answer (2)
159. Answer (4)
Hint: Melatonin helps in maintaining diurnal rhythm
Hint: Myosin head binds to new molecule of ATP
of our body.
releasing actin.
Sol.: When a person travels across different time
Sol.: During relaxation of muscle fibres, Ca2+ pumps
zones, then due to alteration in timing and duration
actively transport Ca2+ ions from sarcoplasm into
of day and night; secretion of melatonin is disturbed
sarcoplasmic reticulum. With removal of Ca2+ ions,
which affects the diurnal rhythm of our body.
troponin-tropomyosin complex again cover myosin
Melatonin secretion increase during night.
binding site on actin. Binding of new ATP molecule
154. Answer (4)
to myosin head causes breakdown of actomyosin
Hint: Neurotransmitters allow transmission of crossbridges.
impulse at chemical synapses.
160. Answer (3)
Sol.: At electrical synapse, impulse travels from one
Hint: Identify a structural feature of human forebrain.
neuron to other via gap junctions through ions. Size
of synaptic cleft is greatly reduced (~ 6 nm) in case Sol.: 'A' is corpus callosum that is tract of nerve
of electrical synapse as pre-synaptic and post- fibres.
synaptic membranes are connected by gap Foramen of Monro connects 1st ventricle and 2nd
junctions. ventricle to 3rd ventricle.
155. Answer (3) Thalamus is the relay centre for sensory and motor
Hint: Meromyosin is a monomer of myosin. signalling of cerebral cortex.
Sol.: I-band of a sarcomere in skeletal muscle fibres Medulla regulates cardiovascular reflexes, gastric
is made up of actin filaments, troponin and secretion and respiration.
tropomyosin. Thick filaments in A- band are made up 161. Answer (1)
polymers of meromyosin. Hint: Hormones secreted by adrenal medulla like
156. Answer (2) adrenaline and noradrenaline are known as
Hint: Light enters eye through the pupil. catecholamines.
Sol.: Iris regulates the amount of light entering our Sol.: Adrenaline increases our heart rate, thereby
eye by regulating the size of pupil. Sclera, the reducing the duration of a single cardiac cycle. It
"white" of eye gives shape to the eyeball and causes the breakdown or lysis of proteins, lipids and
protects its inner parts. Ciliary body and suspensory glucose to generate energy and prepare our body for
ligaments hold the lens in place. emergency situations.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions)

162. Answer (4) 169. Answer (1)

Hint: Thymosins help in differentiation of Hint: In autoimmune disorder, immune system starts
T-lymphocytes. destroying self cells/structures.
Sol.: Atrophy (degeneration) of thymus leads to Sol.: In Myasthenia gravis, immune system starts
deficiency of thymosin. Thymosins are important for
producing antibodies which attack the acetylcholine
maturation of T-lymphocytes which are important for
cell mediated immunity. receptors present on the sarcolemma. As result,
acetylcholine can no longer bind to its receptors.
163. Answer (4)
Consequently, transmission of impulse at
Hint: All ribs have two articulating heads on dorsal
neuromuscular junction is impaired.
side (bicephalic) to interact with vertebral column.
170. Answer (3)
Sol.: First seven pairs of ribs known as true ribs
articulate with sternum on ventral side & with Hint: Rods are chiefly used for vision in dim light.
vertebral column dorsally. Vertebrochondral ribs/False Sol.: Choroid coat is deeply pigmented with
ribs (8th, 9th and 10th pair) articulate with 7th pair of melanin which prevents the reflection of light rays
within eye. At blind spot, no photoreceptor cells are
164. Answer (3) present; and at this point optic nerve leaves the eye
Hint: Knee jerk reflex is a monosynaptic reflex. and blood vessels enter the eye.
Sol.: In knee jerk reflex, impulse from receptor organ 171. Answer (3)
is carried by afferent neuron towards dorsal root
ganglion of spinal cord. Efferent neuron carries Hint: Endocrine part of pancreas secretes hormones
impulse from spinal cord to effector organ. like insulin and glucagon.
165. Answer (2) Sol.: Secretin acts on exocrine part i.e. pancreatic
Hint: A cranial bone forming base of skull anteriorly. acinar cells and stimulates secretion of water and
bicarbonate ions. Leydig cells or interstitial cells are
Sol.: Appendicular skeleton includes bones of limbs
and girdles like clavicle, Ilium and scapula. Ethmoid present in spaces between two seminiferous
bone is a part of axial skeleton. tubules. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone and it acts
166. Answer (3) via intracellular receptors, cAMP is a secondary
messenger required by water - soluble hormones.
Hint: This disease is related to low blood Ca2+ level.
Sol.: Acromegaly is caused due to hypersecretion of 172. Answer (3)
growth hormone in adults. Cretinism is caused due Hint: Cartilaginous joint is present between adjacent
to deficiency of thyroid hormone whereas vertebrae.
exopthalmic goitre is caused due to excessive
Sol.: Fibrous joints are present between cranial
secretion of thyroxine. Diabetes mellitus is caused
bones. Pivot joint is present between atlas and axis.
by deficiency of insulin while diabetes insipidus is
caused by deficiency of ADH. Saddle joint is present between carpal and
metacarpal of thumb. Gliding joint is present in
167. Answer (3)
between carpals.
Hint: Identify a U-shaped bone present at the base
of buccal cavity. 173. Answer (3)
Sol.: Hyoid is an unpaired bone. Parietal and Hint: Pia mater is in contact with brain tissue.
temporal are paired cranial bones while zygomatic is Sol.: Dura mater is the outermost layer of cranial
paired facial bone. meninges. It is thick and tough made up of fibrous
168. Answer (3) tissue. Middle layer is arachnoid followed by Pia
Hint: Oval window connects middle and inner ear. mater which is thin and highly vascular.
Sol.: Stapes is in contact with oval window. 174. Answer (4)
Inner ear consists of endolymph filled membranous Hint: Elbow jerk reflex is a monosynaptic reflex.
labyrinth and perilymph filled bony labyrinth.
Sol.: Interneuron is not a part of elbow jerk reflex. A
Vestibular apparatus is composed of 3 semi-circular
canals and the otolith responsible for equilibrium single synapse is present between afferent and
while cochlea is responsible for hearing. efferent neuron.

Test - 3 (Code E) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

175. Answer (4) Renin is a hormone which is produced by JG cells

Hint: Corticoids regulate water and electrolyte and catalyses the conversion of Angiotensinogen to
balance. Angiotensin I. Grave's disease is an autoimmune
disorder resulting in hyperthyroidism.
Sol.: Cortisol is a glucocorticoid and produces anti-
inflammatory reactions and suppresses the immune 178. Answer (2)
response. Hint: Cochlea helps to perceive different sound
176. Answer (4) waves.
Sol.: Vestibular apparatus comprises macula &
Hint: Identify the main baroreceptors.
cristae which are concerned with maintaining
Sol.: Olfactory receptor bulb help in detecting odor. dynamic and static balance of body.
Meissner's corpuscles are found beneath skin
179. Answer (4)
epidermis and are light pressure receptors. Pacinian
corpuscles are scattered deep in dermis and are Hint: Brain stem is composed of midbrain and
deep pressure receptors. portion of hindbrain.
177. Answer (4) Sol.: Brain stem is made up of midbrain, pons and
medulla. Cerebrum is a part of forebrain.
Hint: In menopausal women, deficiency of ovarian
hormone is seen. Cerebellum is not a part of brain stem.

Sol.: Deficiency of estrogen in menopausal women 180. Answer (2)

causes an increase in activity of osteoclast cells Hint: Term for patches of grey matter in white matter
which results in resorption of bone. Adrenal medulla in CNS.
is a modified sympathetic ganglion of autonomic Sol.: Nuclei and ganglia are clusters of cell bodies
nervous system and is ectodermal in origin. of neurons in CNS and PNS respectively.

‰ ‰ ‰

Test - 3 (Code F) (Answers) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical - 2019

TEST - 3 (Code F)
Test Date : 23/12/2018

1. (3) 37. (2) 73. (2) 109. (2) 145. (3)
2. (1) 38. (4) 74. (4) 110. (2) 146. (3)
3. (4) 39. (3) 75. (1) 111. (1) 147. (1)
4. (3) 40. (2) 76. (3) 112. (3) 148. (3)
5. (1) 41. (1) 77. (2) 113. (1) 149. (3)
6. (4) 42. (3) 78. (2) 114. (1) 150. (3)
7. (2) 43. (4) 79. (1) 115. (2) 151. (2)
8. (2) 44. (1) 80. (2) 116. (2) 152. (3)
9. (2) 45. (1) 81. (1) 117. (1) 153. (4)
10. (3) 46. (3) 82. (1) 118. (1) 154. (4)
11. (1) 47. (1) 83. (2) 119. (3) 155. (1)
12. (2) 48. (4) 84. (2) 120. (3) 156. (3)
13. (2) 49. (1) 85. (3) 121. (2) 157. (4)
14. (2) 50. (3) 86. (3) 122. (2) 158. (4)
15. (2) 51. (2) 87. (1) 123. (1) 159. (4)
16. (3) 52. (2) 88. (3) 124. (1) 160. (2)
17. (3) 53. (2) 89. (1) 125. (4) 161. (3)
18. (2) 54. (2) 90. (1) 126. (1) 162. (4)
19. (1) 55. (3) 91. (1) 127. (4) 163. (2)
20. (2) 56. (4) 92. (4) 128. (1) 164. (2)
21. (3) 57. (1) 93. (1) 129. (2) 165. (3)
22. (2) 58. (3) 94. (3) 130. (3) 166. (1)
23. (2) 59. (3) 95. (4) 131. (4) 167. (3)
24. (3) 60. (3) 96. (2) 132. (3) 168. (3)
25. (2) 61. (4) 97. (3) 133. (4) 169. (4)
26. (2) 62. (4) 98. (2) 134. (2) 170. (3)
27. (2) 63. (1) 99. (2) 135. (4) 171. (4)
28. (2) 64. (1) 100. (1) 136. (2) 172. (2)
29. (4) 65. (3) 101. (3) 137. (4) 173. (3)
30. (2) 66. (2) 102. (3) 138. (2) 174. (1)
31. (2) 67. (2) 103. (4) 139. (4) 175. (2)
32. (1) 68. (2) 104. (2) 140. (4) 176. (4)
33. (2) 69. (1) 105. (3) 141. (4) 177. (3)
34. (1) 70. (2) 106. (3) 142. (4) 178. (2)
35. (4) 71. (3) 107. (2) 143. (3) 179. (1)
36. (3) 72. (2) 108. (4) 144. (3) 180. (3)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)


x  7/5 7
PHYSICS Hence – 1= = =
2  –1 7
1. Answer (3) –1 2
Hint: U = nCv T
x 9
Sol.: P =
A 2 2
x =9
4. Answer (3)
P0 B
Hint: W = area of ellipse = ab
V Sol.: P (kPa)
V0 3V0
2P0V0 200
Ti 
3P V 3
Tf  0 0 V(m )
nR 2 4
P0V0 ( P )( V )
T  Tf – Ti  W = area of loop = – 
nR 4
nR PV0  50 2 
  2P0V0  –     103
 – 1 nR  2 2
1 W = – 25 kJ
–1 5. Answer (1)
1 Hint: For thermodynamic equilibrium
 –1
2 Tx = Ty and Px = Py.
3 Sol.: x y
2 64 g 40 g He
2. Answer (1) O2

Hint: Check area under curve for calculation of work lx ly

done. PV = nRT
Sol.: Area under the curve is maximum for
compression of adiabatic proces. P=
Px = P y

n x RTx ny RTy
= As (Tx = Ty )
Vx Vy
V V nx n mx m
= y  = y
2 Al x Al y Mx l x My l y
Hence maximum work is done for adiabatic process.
3. Answer (4) l x mx M y 64  4 1
= = =
Hint: Use PV  = constant and PV = nRT l y M x my 32  40 5

Sol.: P  T  –1 lx 1
–1 ly 5
As, P  T 2

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

6. Answer (4) 9. Answer (2)

1 1 – P2V2
Hint: Efficiency of Carnot engine is
Hint: W  and PV   constant
 –1 T2
 1–
Sol.: Given, P1V11.5 = P2V21.5 T1

V 
 1200 
3/2 1 T
P2  P1  1   150 kPa  Sol.: =1– 2
V  3 T1
 2  300 
P2 = 1200 kPa T2 2
 = ...(i)
Now, T1 3
5 –3 6
(1.50 × 10 × 1.20 × 10 ) – (1.2 × 10 × 0.3 × 10 ) Source T1
0.5 Q1
3 
1.8 × 102 – 0.36 × 103  – 1 W
=  2   (180 – 360)
0.5 0.5 Q2
W = – 360 J Sink (T2)
7. Answer (2) 1 (T – 100)
=1– 2
2 T1
Hint: W   PdV
V1 T2 100 1
– =
Sol.: P T1 T1 2
2 1 100
– =
P0 3 2 T1
V1 V2 4 – 3 100
=  T1 = 600 K
P0 6 T1
P V
V1 10. Answer (3)
Hint: Use PV = nRT
W   0 VdV V 1 1  1 
V =  = V
P  nRT 
V1 1
P0 [V22 – V12 ] 1 1
W  Sol.: Slope =  m
V1 2 nRT T
8. Answer (2) Hence, TA  TB  TC
R R 11. Answer (1)
Hint: C  
 – 1 1– n Hint: Use PV = nRT and P  T for isochoric
1 P = constant for isobaric
Sol.: P 
T Sol.:
PT = constant V C
As PV  T
 PPV = constant A B
PV 1/2 = constant T
n = 1/2 Hence corresponding P B
P-T plot is
R R 9R
 C   A
7 1 2 C
– 1 1–
5 2 T

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)

12. Answer (2)  5.92 – 3.70   2.22 

Sol.: t  100    100    200°C
Hint: Internal energy is state function.  4.81 – 3.70   1.11 
Sol.: As initial and final states for all are same
t = 200C
 U1 = U2 = U3
17. Answer (3)
13. Answer (2)
Hint: Use concept of calorimetry.
Hint: W = P(V2 – V1) for isobaric process.
Heat loss = Heat gain.
Sol.: For 1 mole PV = RT + 3V
Sol.: mice ciceT + m Lf = mw cw  t
Initially P0V1 = RT0 + 3V1 ...(i)
20 × 0.5 + 10 + x × 80 = 20 × 1 × 25
Finally P0V2 = 2RT0 + 3V2 ...(ii)
100 + x × 80 = 500
P0(V2 – V1) = RT0 + 3(V2 – V1)
(P0 – 3)(V2 – V1) = RT0
mw = 20  x = 25 g & mice = 20 – x = 15 g
(P0 – 3) = RT0
P0 18. Answer (2)
Hint: Use Newton's Law cooling:
W =
P0 – 3 T
 K (Tav – T0 )
14. Answer (2)
70 – 60  60  70 
Hint: Use concept of slope for adiabatic. Sol.: =K – T0 
10  2 
dP P
– 1 = K(65 – T0) ...(i)
dV V
5 (60 – 50)
Sol.: Now, Monoatomic = = 1.67 = K (55 – T0 )
3 40
Diatomic = = 1.4
5 3
= K (55 – T0 ) ...(ii)
Monoatomic > Diatomic 4
Hence, A  Diatomic  N2. or O2 or CO. Devide eq. (i) by (ii)
B  Monoatomic  He.
4 65 – T0
Among given options =
3 55 – T0
A  N2 220 – 4T0 = 195 – 3T0
B  He T0 = 25C
15. Answer (2) 19. Answer (1)
Hint: Use Q = nC P  t Hint: Use concept of series combination of thermal
Sol.: H = 2 × Cv (5) ...(i) resistance.
Q = 2 × Cp (5) ...(ii) L
by dividing equation (ii) by equation (i) KA
Cp 5 R /2 Sol.:
QH H
Cv 3 R /2 200°C 100°C
5H K1 = k K2 = 3k K3 = 2k
16. Answer (3) 1m 2m 0.5 m

 R – R0 
Hint: Use t = 100  t  T1 – T2
 R100 – R0  Req

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019
200 – 100 200  12kA Fnet = Freb  FFlow
H 
1 2 1 23
  |Freb| = Av2 = |FFlow|
kA 3kA 4kA

100  12  kA 100  12  k  23  10 –2 Fnet = F 3 = 3 Av 2

 
23 23
Fnet = 3 Av 2
H = 12k
20. Answer (2) 25. Answer (2)

Hint: Use Stefan's Law U = AeT4. Hint: Use equation of continuity.

Sol.: Given, 20 = AI(400)4. Sol.: Av = A1v1 + A2v2 + A3v3.
Now, P = A (0.7) (527 + 273)4. a 5 a
a5 = a2 +v   
P 4 2 2
= 0.7(2)4
P = 11.2 × 20 va 5a
5a = 2a + +
4 4
P = 224 cal cm –2 s –1
20a = 8a + 5a + va
21. Answer (3)
Hint: Use equation of conduction of heat. v = 7 m/s

Sol.: If there in no heat loss through radiation. 26. Answer (2)

Then, Hint: Use Archimedes' Principle of Newton's 2nd Law.
 (40 – T )  (80 – T )  (70 – T ) =
(T – 10) 4 cm
190 – 3T = T – 10
4 cm 
4T = 200
T = 50°C
22. Answer (2) 
Hint: Use concept of coefficient of expansion of
 = 1200 kg m–3
Sol.: For anisotropic solids coefficient of linear
expansion  is different in each direction.  = 900 kg m–3
Hence,  = x  y  z KSpring = 50 Nm–1
g = 10 ms– 2
23. Answer (2)
For floating case initially
Hint: Use v T = (n)2/3 vT
Ah =  A l
Sol.: As v T  ( n )2/3  vT  (8)2/3  10  40 cm/s .
24. Answer (3) hin   4 = 3 cm
Hint: Use FRebound = = Av 2
t hout = 1 cm
P Now when weight is put on block then
Freb W + (Al )g =  Al g + K(hout)
FFlow W = ( – ) Alg + K  hout
60° = 300 × 64 × 10–5 + 50 × 1 × 10–2
v = 0.192 + 0.5
W = 0.692 N

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)

27. Answer (2) from equation of continuity.

Hint: Use Pascal's Law. A1v1 = A2v2
Sol.: A2 3
E A v1   v2  v2
A1 2

2gh 2  10  20 400
g v2     2 × 20
A 
3 1
h 3 1–  2  1–  
4 4
2 f  A1 
C = 40 m/s

D B v 2 = 40 m/s
l/2 l/2 29. Answer (4)
PB = P0 + gh Hint: Use concept of excess pressure.
g l gl Sol.: Since RA < RB and we know that
PC = PB +    = P0 + gh +
3 2 6 4T
Pexcess  PA =
2  g l gl RA
PD = PC +  = PC +
3 2 3 4T
PB =
gl gl RB
= P0 + gh + +
6 3 PA > PB because (RA < RB) gas goes from A to B.
PD = P0 + gh + ...(i) Hence size of A decreases and size of B increases.
30. Answer (2)
Also, PD = PE + (2P)gh = P0 + 2gh ...(ii)
Hint: Use Newton's 2nd Law in both cases and
l concept of buoyancy.
PO + gh + g = P0  2gh
2 Sol.: For 1st Case:
l mg – B = ma ...(i)
g = gh
h= m
28. Answer (2)
2gh mg
Hint: Velocity of efflux v =
A2 For 2nd Case:
1 – 22
B a
Sol.: P0 = 1 atm
m – m
A1 B – (m – m) g = (m – m) a

(m – m) g
h v2
mg – mg + mg = 2 ma – ma
P = 3 atm v1 m(g + a) = 2ma
A2 2 ma
P – P0 2  10 5 m =
h   20 cm . g a
g 10 4
Now from Bernoulli's theorem. 31. Answer (2)

1 2 1 Fl
P0 + gh + v1 = P0 + v 22 Hint: l = l1 + l 2 and L =
2 2 AY

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

Sol.: 36. Answer (3)

4F Hint: Use concept of variation in g due to height
4F 2F 2F from earth surface.
Sol.: At surface, g = g 0 =
4F R2
4F 2F
2F g0 Gme
l l At height, h1, g  = =
9 (R  h1 )2
F1 l1 F2 l 2 4F l 2F l 6F l
L  l1  l 2      g0 Gme
AY AY AY AY AY At height, h2 , g  = =
16 (R  h2 )2
6F l
L = h1
AY 1 =3
32. Answer (1)
=2 ...(i)
1 R
Hint: U  Stress × Strain
2 h2
1 =4
1 R
Sol.: U  × Y × Strain × Strain
2 h2
=3 ...(ii)
1 R
 × 1.1× 1011 × 0.02 × 0.02
h1 2
U = 2.2  107 J/m3 Now, h2 3
33. Answer (2) 37. Answer (2)
Hint: Use Hooke's law.  
Hint: Two different blocks E.dr  dV
Stress Sol.: Given V = – (x 2y + yz + xyz) J/kg
Sol.: E 
Strain  V ˆ V ˆ V ˆ
Strain 1 Now, E = – i – j– k = (2xy  yz )iˆ
Slope = = T . x y z
Stress E
i.e. T2 > T1 ( x 2  z  xz ) ˆj  ( y  xy ) kˆ

or T1  T2 E (1, 1, 1)  (2  1)iˆ  (1  1  1) ˆj  (1  1)kˆ
34. Answer (1)
 3iˆ  3 jˆ  2kˆ
Hint: Use gequator = g0 – Re2.

Sol.: For weightlessness at equator gequator = 0. E (1, 1, 1) = 3iˆ + 3jˆ + 2kˆ N/kg
g0 = Re2 38. Answer (4)
g0 Hint: ve  c
2 Gm 2  G  (100Me )
Sol.: v e =  v e =
R 64  106 R Re
T  2 e = 2 = 84.6 minutes
g0 9.8
200  6.67  10 –11  6  1024
T = 1.41 hour Now = Re
9  1016
35. Answer (4)
Re = 8.89 × 10–1 m
Hint and Sol.: When particle is dropped from
satellite revolving around earth then velocity of Re = 0.89 m
particle will be same as satellite which is in
R  1m  Order of radius
tangential direction of orbit. Hence particle will
continue to move with same speed along the original
orbit of space craft. (Satellite) R  1010 m

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)

39. Answer (3) 4

Sol.: Since M =   R 3
Hint: Use the concept of trajectory. 3
Sol.: If v > ve 4
2G   R 3
 Then Trajectory of path will be hyperbola. 3
Now, v e =  ve  R 2
40. Answer (2) R
Hint: U = Ufinal – Uinitial RP = 3RE
Sol.: vP 9RE2
Then, = =3
h = Re vE RE2

v P = 3v E
43. Answer (4)
 h
Hint: g  = g  1 – 
 R 
Uinitial = – Sol.: Since variation of g due to depth h is
 h
GmM g  = g 1 – 
U final = –  R
GMm  GMm  GMm  Re g = g – h
U = Uf – Ui = – – = R
2Re  Re  2Re  Re
 g
g =  –   h  g ...(i)
GM  R
As g = 2
Re y = – mx + c (similar)
mg  Re Hence for equation (i) graph will be:
 U =
41. Answer (1)
Gm1 m 2
Hint: F =
1 kg
2 kg
2 kg

2 kg

2 kg

Sol.: R
44. Answer (1)
0 1 2 4 8 Hint: Kepler's 2nd Law
Gm1 m 2 Sol.: Since AOAB : AOCD : AOEF = 3 : 1 : 2
Now, F =  r2 C
1 1 1 1  E
 G  1  2   2  2  2  2  ... v
 1 2 4 8 
  m
 1  4 O
 2G     2G 
1 – 1  3 B
 4 F
8G A
F= Since, = constant
3 t
42. Answer (3) AOAB AOCD AOEF
= = =K
t2 t3 t1
Hint: v e = Re
3 A A 2A
= = =K
t2 t3 t1

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

3 1 2 50. Answer (3)

= = =K
t 2 t3 t 1 Hint: Reaction at anode

4 (aq)  S 2 O 8 (aq)  2e
2SO 2– 2–
6 6 6
= = =K
2t 2 6t3 3t 1 51. Answer (2)
3t1 = 2t2 = 6t3 Hint: H+ has exceptionally highest limiting molar
45. Answer (1) conductivity at 298 K in water.
52. Answer (2)
mv 2
Hint: Since F =
r 0.0591 [Ni2 ]
Hint: Ecell  Ecell
– log
Sol.: Since 2 [Ag ]2
1 G = –nF E
r 0.0591 1
Sol.: Ecell  (0.80  0.25) – log
K 2 (0.01)2
r 0.0591 0.0591
2  1.05 – log 104  1.05 – 4
mv 0 K 2 2
r r = 0.932 V
K G = –2 × F × 0.932 = 1.86 F
v0 =
m 53. Answer (2)
Hint: Catalyst does not catalyses non-spontaneous
v0  r 0
54. Answer (2)
Hint: Mass of silver electroplated on the metal
46. 46. Answer (3) surface
Hint: Leclanche cell is a dry cell in which Zn acts
 5.4 
as anode and graphite as cathode.   10 cm2  cm   10 g/cc  54 g
 10 
47. Answer (1)
Sol.: Equivalent wt. of Ag = 108
Hint: For coagulation of negatively charged sol,
higher is charge of cation, higher will be its 54
 Number of equivalent of Ag deposited 
flocculating power. 108
Sol.: Gold sol is negatively charged solution. 54
Amount of electricity required   96500
48. Answer (4) 108
Hint: = 48250C
55. Answer (3)
w  Mass of ethylene glycol(g)
m  W  Tf Hint: In iodometric titration the indicator used is
w m  Molar mass of ethylene glycol
1000  K f starch.
W  Mass of water (g)
56. Answer (4)
62  2000  5.58
Sol.: w  Hint: For electrophoresis and electro-dialysis, the
1000  1.86 colloidal particles should be charged.
w = 372 g Sol.: Optical property (like Tyndall effect) is
49. Answer (1) independent of the charge present on the colloidal
Hint: K f  57. Answer (1)
1000  L fusion
Hint:  = CRT (C = Molar concentration of sucrose)
8.314  (273 – 23)2 8.314  250  250
Sol.: K f   3.42 / 342
1000  125 1000  125 Sol.:    0.0821 300
Kf = 4.16 K kg mol–1 1000

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)

3.42 1000 65. Answer (3)

   0.0821 300
342 250 2.303RT
Hint: Ecell 
 = 0.98 atm log K eq. and G  –nFEocell .
58. Answer (3)
Sol.: Eocell is positive, so K eq  1 and G  0.
Hint: Diastase converts starch into maltose.
59. Answer (3) 66. Answer (2)
   
Hint: For zero order reaction. Hint:  CH3 COOH
  CH3 COONa
 HCl – NaCl
[A t] = [A0] – kt

Sol.:  CH3 COOH  (c  b – a) S cm mol .
2 –1
67. Answer (2)
Slope = –k
Sol.: Hint: Oxidation states of phosphorous ranges from
[At ]
– 3 to +5.
Sol.: In H4P2O7, oxidation state of phosphorous is +5.
60. Answer (3) 68. Answer (2)
Hint: Reducing agent is that species which is
Tb K b
Hint: T  K oxidised.
f f
3 6

K 1.86 Sol.: C r(OH)3  C rO2–

Sol.: Tf  Tb  f  0.52   1.86
Kb 0.52 Chromium is oxidised from +3 to + 6 oxidation state,
hence it is a reducing agent in the given reaction.
Tf  Tfo – Tf  1.86
69. Answer (1)
Tf = –1.86°C Hint: Positive deviation is shown by binary liquid
61. Answer (4) mixture when A – B interactions are weaker than
Hint: F2 will not be oxidised. those between A – A or B – B interactions.
Sol.: F2 will not undergo disproportionation reaction. Sol.: Molecular interaction between acetone and
62. Answer (4) CS 2 is less than the average interaction of
acetone – acetone and CS2 – CS2.
Hint: Sum of oxidation states of all atoms in a
neutral molecule is zero. 70. Answer (2)

Sol.: For A3(BC3)2 Hint:

Net charge = 2 × 3 + [3 × 1 + 3 × (– 2)] × 2 = 0 p0 – pS pS  Vapour pressure of solution

 x2  0 
63. Answer (1) p  p  Vapour pressure of liquid 
Hint: Oxidising agent oxidises another species.
150 – pS 0.5
Sol.: During oxidation, oxidation number of reacting Sol.:   0.2
150 50
species increases 0.5 
0 2
or, 150 – pS = 30
Zn  Z nO2–
or, ps = 150 – 30 = 120 mm Hg
64. Answer (1)
71. Answer (3)
Hint: Ecell 
log K eq Hint: For isotonic solution, 1 = 2.
Sol.: Eocell  ERo – ELo  (– 0.76  2.36) V  1.6 V Sol.: 
1  2
(Glucos e) (A)

0.0591 C1 = C2
Eocell  log K eq
2 8 2
1.6  2 180 M
 log K eq  log Keq = 54.145 
0.0591 100  103 100  103
Keq = 1.4 × 1054 M = 45 g mol–1

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

72. Answer (2) ∵ Tfo  0C

Hint: The concentration term which does not contain
So, Tf = – 0.52°C
volume term is independent of temperature.
79. Answer (1)
Sol.: Mole fraction does not contain volume term so
it is independent of temperature. Hint: Eocell  Ecathode
– Eoanode
73. Answer (2) Sol.:
Hint: Decrease in number of solute particles per unit
E0cell  E0Ag /Ag – EMg
 (0.80  2.36) V  3.16 V
volume of the solution increases the vapour pressure
of the solution. 80. Answer (2)
Sol.: By addition of water, the number of solute Hint: Oxidising power  Reduction potential.
particles per unit volume of solution decreases, hence Sol.: Co3+ has highest reduction potential while Li+
vapour pressure increases. has lowest reduction potential.
74. Answer (4) 81. Answer (1)
Hint: Randomness increases when two or more
liquids are mixed. Hint: k 
Sol.: During mixing randomness increasing hence,
2.303 a
(S)mix. > 0 Sol.: t  log
k a–x
75. Answer (1)
4 100
2  Mass of crystal t  2.303 log
Hint: Number of atoms  . 0.693 100 – 90
Mass of unit cell
t = 13.29 hr
Sol.: Edge length of unit cell
82. Answer (1)
= 100 pm = 100 × 10–10 cm = 10– 8 cm
Hint: Number of Faraday = mole of MnO4– × n-factor.
Volume = (10– 8)3 cm3 = 10 –24 cm3
Mass of unit cell = 10 –24 × 100 = 10 –22 g Sol.: MnO4–  5e –  Mn2 
200 n-factor = 5
Number of unit cells 
10 –22 Number of Faraday required = 0.2 × 5 = 1
200 83. Answer (2)
Number of atoms  2   4  1024
10 –22 Hint: PS = PA0 xA + PB0 xB
76. Answer (3)
3 2
Hint: Packing efficiency of FCC unit cell is 74%. Sol.: PS  100   150   60  60  120 torr
5 5
Sol.: Vacant space in FCC unit cell
84. Answer (2)
= (100 – 74)% = 26%.
77. Answer (2) Mass of solute
Hint: Mass percentage   100
Hint: Lower is the value of i for a given concentration, Mass of solution
lower is the boiling point of solution.
Sol.: Sucrose is a non-electrolyte so, i for sucrose
will be 1, which is lowest in the given species,  0.5  60 
Mass percentage     100  2.9%
therefore boiling point of its aq. solution will be  1000  0.5  60 
85. Answer (3)
78. Answer (2)
Hint: Order of reaction is an experimental quantity.
Hint: van’t Hoff factor, i = 1 + (n – 1)  and
Sol.: Molecularity of a reaction cannot be fractional.
Tf = i Kf m
86. Answer (3)
Sol.: i = 1 + (2 – 1) 0.4 = 1.4
Hint: Number of mole of Cr2O72– ion required to
Tf = 1.4 × 0.2 × 1.86 = 0.52 oxidise Fe 2+ ion can be calculated by writing
Tf  Tfo – Tf  0.52 balanced chemical equation.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)

Sol.: 6Fe2+ + Cr2O72 – + 14H Solution:

 2Cr3+ + 6Fe3+ + 7H2O – Father of algology – F.E. Fritsch.
87. Answer (1) – For removal of kidney stone a decoction of
Hint: The element in its highest oxidation state Polytrichum commune is employed.
cannot act as reducing agent. – Protostele – Rhynia.
Sol.: C in CO2 is in + 4 oxidation state which is 94. Answer (3)
highest for carbon. Hint: Chemistry of cell wall is a basis of
88. Answer (3) classification of algae.
Hint: The sum of the oxidation numbers of all the Solution:
atoms of a species is equal to the net charge – Evolutionarily, pteridophytes are first terrestrial
present on the species. plants to possess vascular tissues.
Sol.: Let oxidation number of N in NO3– and Mn in – Pteriodophytes are first successful land plants.
MnO are x and y respectively.
– Bryophytes are first archegonial plants.
For NO3– : x + 3(–2) = –1  x = +5 95. Answer (4)
For MnO 2–
4 :
y + 4(–2) = –2  y = +6
Dicot stem Monocot stem
89. Answer (1)
– Hypodermis is – Vascular bundles are
Hint: In body centered cubic unit cell, atom at body
collenchymatous scattered in ground
centre touches all corner atoms.
tissue region
Sol.: 4r  3x – Stele is eustele – Ground tissue is not
r xÅ – Pericycle absent
96. Answer (2)
90. Answer (1)
Hint: In open vascular bundles, cambium is present
Hint: Sphalerite has CCP structure.
between xylem and phloem. So, these are 'open' for
Sol.: Effective number of atoms in the unit cell of secondary growth.
CCP structure is 4.
Solution: In dicot and monocot leaves and in
 Octahedral voids = 4 × 1 = 4 monocot stem vascular bundles are closed as
cambium is absent, while in dicot stem they are
97. Answer (3)
91. Answer (1)
Hint: Bryophytes and most of the pteridophytes are
Hint: Tracheids and vessels, both are lignified and
homosporous, but few pteridophytes and all
gymnosperms are heterosporous.
Solution: A tracheid differ from vessels in being
single long cell with tapering ends whereas vessels
are long cylindrical tube like structures. Both Marchantia 
elements transport water and minerals. 
Funaria  Bryophytes – Homosporous
92. Answer (4) Polytrichum 
Hint: In leaves, endodermis is absent because
ground tissue is not differentiated. Lycopodium 
 Pteridophytes – Homosporous
Solution: Distinct endodermis is a feature of dicot Dryopteris 

stems, dicot roots & monocot roots.
Pteridophyte – Heterosporous
93. Answer (1)
Hint: Natural system of classification Gnetum 
 Gymnosperms– Heterosporous
– Bentham & Hooker. Ephedra 

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

98. Answer (2) 105. Answer (3)

Hint: In gymnosperms male & female Hint: Protonema is a creeping, green, branched and
gametophytes do not have an independent free frequently filamentous stage of mosses.
living existence.
– Mosses are important in plant succession on
– In gymnosperms, male and female
rocky areas along with lichens.
gametophytes are dependent on sporophyte.
– Ovule represents megasporangium. – In gymnosperms, male and female gametophytes
develop within sporangia on sporophytes.
– Embryo sac is absent in gymnosperms.
– In brown algae gametes are pear shaped with
99. Answer (2)
two laterally attached flagella.
Hint: Secondary nucleus and egg cell take part in
events of double fertilization. 106. Answer (3)
Solution: Antipodal cells of embryo sac do not Hint: Hydrocolloid, algin is obtained from giants of
take part in fertilization and after fertilization they algal world.
degenerate. Solution: Members of class phaeophyceae (brown
100. Answer (1) algae) are commonly known as giant of algal world.
Hint: In diplontic life cycle dominant phase is diploid 107. Answer (2)
Hint: Chilgoza is the edible seed of Pinus
Solution: gerardiana.
A  Sporophyte (2n)
B  Meiosis
Gemmae – Marchantia
Diplontic life cycle pattern.
Embryosac – Eucalyptus (angiosperm)
101. Answer (3)
Heterosporous – Marsilea (pteridophyte) vascular
Hint: Companion cells are found only in
Solution: Pteridophytes and gymnosperms lack 108. Answer (4)
companion cells but in gymnosperms in the place Hint: In gymnosperms, pollination is carried out by
of companion cells, albuminous cells are present. abiotic agent.
102. Answer (3) Solution: This abiotic agent is air current.
Hint: Bast fibres are actually phloem fibres. 109. Answer (2)
Solution: Hint: In endarch condition, protoxylem (first formed)
– Coir of coconut is fibrous mesocarp. It is not a remains towards centre and metaxylem (later
phloem fibre. formed) towards periphery. Thus xylem orientation
– Jute, flax & hemp are phloem fibres. is centrifugal.
103. Answer (4) Solution:
Hint: Trichomes are epidermal hairs on the stem. – Xylem parenchyma helps in radial conduction of
Solution: water.
– Trichomes are not related to gaseous exchange. – Sclerenchyma is dead and lacks protoplast.
– They are usually multicellular, help in scretion in – Tracheids are found in all vascular plants.
some plants & prevent water loss.
110. Answer (2)
104. Answer (2)
Hint: Vascular system transports water and mineral
Hint: Cork cells have cellulosic wall in the
beginning but at maturity there is gradual loss of from root to the top of plant & food from source to
living matter. sink.
Solution: Due to loss of living matter cork cells are Solution: Transport of water, mineral, food etc. over
dead. Later, they get deposited with fatty long distance through the vascular system is called
substance, i.e., suberin & cell wall becomes thick. translocation.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)
111. Answer (1) 118. Answer (1)
Hint: In roots, xylem and phloem are arranged on Hint: Intercalary meristems are separated from
different radii but alternate to each other. apical meristem by mature tissue.
Solution: This arrangement is known as radial type Solution: Apical meristem is primary meristem on
and vascular bundles are radial. the basis of its origin, therefore, intercalary
112. Answer (3) meristem will be primary.
Hint: Annual rings are formed due to seasonal 119. Answer (3)
variations. Solution:
Solution: Annual rings are distinct in plants – In members of chlorophyceae chlorophyll 'a' and
growing in temperate regions where climatic 'b' are found and they appear grass green in
conditions are not uniform throughout the year.
113. Answer (1)
– Members of rhodophyceae (red Algae) have
Hint: This plant has whorled phyllotaxy. complex post-fertilisation developments.
Solution: Multilayered epidermis occurs in Nerium 120. Answer (3)
and Ficus.
Solution: In alga Volvox, sexual reproduction is
Zea mays, wheat & grasses have single layered oogamous type.
121. Answer (2)
114. Answer (1)
Hint: The gametophyte of pteridophytes has some
Hint: Marchantia has sex organs on separate thalli.
specific requirements for growth.
Solution: In pteridophytes, gametophyte requires
– Marchantia is a dioecious bryophyte. cool, damp, shady places to grow and during
– Algae form association with some animals like fertilisation water is also required. Therefore
sloth bear. pteridophytes are restricted to narrow geographical
– In artificial system of classification equal regions.
weightage to vegetative and sexual 122. Answer (2)
characteristics were given. In fact, it was a
Hint: Gymnosperms are adapted to xerophytic
– Pigment combination of phaeophyceae is chl
a & c and fucoxanthin. Solution:
115. Answer (2) – Due to presence of thick culticle and sunken
stomata (deeply situated stomata) gymnosperms
Hint: Anabaena fixes atmospheric nitrogen in
are well adapted to extreme conditions.
Solution: – Transfusion tissue is found in leaves of Cycas
which is meant for lateral conduction.
– Mannitol is stored food in phaeophyceae.
123. Answer (1)
– Sporophylls arrange spirally along an axis to
form lax /cone. Hint: Sulphur shower is related to pollination. It
appears as a yellow cloud of pollen grains.
– Phenetics is numerical taxonomy involves usage
of many characters at the same time. Solution: Sulphur shower phenomenon is related to
– In mosses, rhizoids are branched, multicellular pine trees not to all gymnosperms.
and with oblique septa. 124. Answer (1)
116. Answer (2) Hint: Aerenchyma is a type of parenchyma with air
Hint: Double fertilization & triple fusion are advance cavities.
phenomenon found in the most advance plant group. Solution: Aerenchyma gives buoyancy to aquatic
Solution: Double fertilization & triple fusion events plants. It also helps in gaseous exchange.
are unique to angiosperms. 125. Answer (4)
117. Answer (1) Hint: In both dicot and monocot leaves, vascular
Solution: Root epidermis is termed as rhizodermis bundles are conjoint and closed but monocot leaves
or epiblema. are amphistomatic.

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

Solution: Solution: Subsidiary cells do not have chloroplast

– In monocot leaves, mesophyll is not differentiated and do not carry out photosynthesis whereas guard
into palisade & spongy parenchyma. cells have chloroplasts.
– Stomata are present on both surfaces of leaves 133. Answer (4)
(amphistomatic). Hint: Stele is the region surrounded by endodermis.
126. Answer (1) Solution: Stele does not include endodermis but it
Hint: In monocot stems, within vascular bundles includes pericycle, vascular bundles and pith
water containing cavities are present. (if present).
Solution: 134. Answer (2)
– In monocot roots, pith is large and well Hint: Seeds producing plants are heterosporous.
developed. Solution: All gymnosperms as well as
– In dicot stems, bundle sheath is absent. angiosperms are heterosporous not homosporous.
127. Answer (4) 135. Answer (4)
Hint: Organisms belonging to the same taxa have Hint: They increase dissolved oxygen in their
common ancestor. immediate environment.
Solution: In Cycas, small specialised roots are Solution: Algae, mostly being aquatic increase
present called coralloid roots. They remain dissolved oxygen in water. They release oxygen
associated with nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria. during photosynthesis process and fix at least 50%
of the total CO2 on earth.
Sphagnum often grows in acidic marshes.
136. Answer (2)
128. Answer (1)
Hint: Term for patches of grey matter in white matter
Hint: In Spirogyra, dominant phase is in CNS.
photosynthetic haploid gametophyte.
Sol.: Nuclei and ganglia are clusters of cell bodies
Solution: In Spirogyra, sporophytic generation is of neurons in CNS and PNS respectively.
represented only by the single celled zygote.
137. Answer (4)
Thus Spirogyra represents haplontic life cycle.
Hint: Brain stem is composed of midbrain and
129. Answer (2) portion of hindbrain.
Hint: Fossils play important role in elucidation of Sol.: Brain stem is made up of midbrain, pons and
evolutionary relationships. medulla. Cerebrum is a part of forebrain.
Solution: Phylogenetic system of classification is Cerebellum is not a part of brain stem.
based on evolutionary relationships besides other
138. Answer (2)
criteria of classification.
Hint: Cochlea helps to perceive different sound
130. Answer (3)
Hint: Floridean starch is stored food of red algae.
Sol.: Vestibular apparatus comprises macula &
Solution: cristae which are concerned with maintaining
– Rhizophore is an intermediate organ between dynamic and static balance of body.
root and shoot, develops in Selaginella. 139. Answer (4)
– Living fossil - Metasequoia. Hint: In menopausal women, deficiency of ovarian
– Coralloid root - Cycas. hormone is seen.
131. Answer (4) Sol.: Deficiency of estrogen in menopausal women
Hint: Tyloses develop in heartwood. causes an increase in activity of osteoclast cells
which results in resorption of bone. Adrenal medulla
Solution: Tyloses are balloon like swellings of xylem
is a modified sympathetic ganglion of autonomic
parenchyma cells in lumen of xylem vessels. These
nervous system and is ectodermal in origin.
make heartwood non-functional.
Renin is a hormone which is produced by JG cells
132. Answer (3)
and catalyses the conversion of Angiotensinogen to
Hint: Subsidiary cells are specialised epidermal Angiotensin I. Grave's disease is an autoimmune
cells that provide support to guard cells. disorder resulting in hyperthyroidism.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)

140. Answer (4) 147. Answer (1)

Hint: Identify the main baroreceptors. Hint: In autoimmune disorder, immune system starts
Sol.: Olfactory receptor bulb help in detecting odor. destroying self cells/structures.
Meissner's corpuscles are found beneath skin Sol.: In Myasthenia gravis, immune system starts
epidermis and are light pressure receptors. Pacinian producing antibodies which attack the acetylcholine
corpuscles are scattered deep in dermis and are receptors present on the sarcolemma. As result,
deep pressure receptors.
acetylcholine can no longer bind to its receptors.
141. Answer (4) Consequently, transmission of impulse at
Hint: Corticoids regulate water and electrolyte neuromuscular junction is impaired.
balance. 148. Answer (3)
Sol.: Cortisol is a glucocorticoid and produces anti-
Hint: Oval window connects middle and inner ear.
inflammatory reactions and suppresses the immune
response. Sol.: Stapes is in contact with oval window.
142. Answer (4) Inner ear consists of endolymph filled membranous
Hint: Elbow jerk reflex is a monosynaptic reflex. labyrinth and perilymph filled bony labyrinth.
Vestibular apparatus is composed of 3 semi-circular
Sol.: Interneuron is not a part of elbow jerk reflex. A
canals and the otolith responsible for equilibrium
single synapse is present between afferent and
efferent neuron. while cochlea is responsible for hearing.
143. Answer (3) 149. Answer (3)
Hint: Pia mater is in contact with brain tissue. Hint: Identify a U-shaped bone present at the base
of buccal cavity.
Sol.: Dura mater is the outermost layer of cranial
meninges. It is thick and tough made up of fibrous Sol.: Hyoid is an unpaired bone. Parietal and
tissue. Middle layer is arachnoid followed by Pia temporal are paired cranial bones while zygomatic is
mater which is thin and highly vascular. paired facial bone.
144. Answer (3) 150. Answer (3)
Hint: Cartilaginous joint is present between adjacent Hint: This disease is related to low blood Ca2+ level.
Sol.: Acromegaly is caused due to hypersecretion of
Sol.: Fibrous joints are present between cranial growth hormone in adults. Cretinism is caused due
bones. Pivot joint is present between atlas and axis. to deficiency of thyroid hormone whereas
Saddle joint is present between carpal and exopthalmic goitre is caused due to excessive
metacarpal of thumb. Gliding joint is present in
secretion of thyroxine. Diabetes mellitus is caused
between carpals.
by deficiency of insulin while diabetes insipidus is
145. Answer (3) caused by deficiency of ADH.
Hint: Endocrine part of pancreas secretes hormones
151. Answer (2)
like insulin and glucagon.
Hint: A cranial bone forming base of skull anteriorly.
Sol.: Secretin acts on exocrine part i.e. pancreatic
acinar cells and stimulates secretion of water and Sol.: Appendicular skeleton includes bones of limbs
bicarbonate ions. Leydig cells or interstitial cells are and girdles like clavicle, Ilium and scapula. Ethmoid
present in spaces between two seminiferous bone is a part of axial skeleton.
tubules. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone and it acts 152. Answer (3)
via intracellular receptors, cAMP is a secondary
Hint: Knee jerk reflex is a monosynaptic reflex.
messenger required by water - soluble hormones.
Sol.: In knee jerk reflex, impulse from receptor organ
146. Answer (3)
is carried by afferent neuron towards dorsal root
Hint: Rods are chiefly used for vision in dim light.
ganglion of spinal cord. Efferent neuron carries
Sol.: Choroid coat is deeply pigmented with impulse from spinal cord to effector organ.
melanin which prevents the reflection of light rays
within eye. At blind spot, no photoreceptor cells are 153. Answer (4)
present; and at this point optic nerve leaves the eye Hint: All ribs have two articulating heads on dorsal
and blood vessels enter the eye. side (bicephalic) to interact with vertebral column.

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

Sol.: First seven pairs of ribs known as true ribs 159. Answer (4)
articulate with sternum on ventral side & with Hint: Diabetes insipidus is characterised by
vertebral column dorsally. Vertebrochondral ribs/False production of large volume of dilute urine.
ribs (8th, 9th and 10th pair) articulate with 7th pair of
Sol.: Diabetes mellitus is characterised by presence
of glucose and ketone bodies in urine. Posterior
154. Answer (4) pituitary (Pars nervosa) is under direct neural
Hint: Thymosins help in differentiation of T- regulation of hypothalamus. Goitre is simply an
lymphocytes. enlarged thyroid gland. It may be associated with
Sol.: Atrophy (degeneration) of thymus leads to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
deficiency of thymosin. Thymosins are important for Progesterone & prolactin regulate the growth of
maturation of T-lymphocytes which are important for mammary glands & formation of milk in them.
cell mediated immunity.
160. Answer (2)
155. Answer (1)
Hint: Light enters eye through the pupil.
Hint: Hormones secreted by adrenal medulla like
Sol.: Iris regulates the amount of light entering our
adrenaline and noradrenaline are known as
eye by regulating the size of pupil. Sclera, the
"white" of eye gives shape to the eyeball and
Sol.: Adrenaline increases our heart rate, thereby
protects its inner parts. Ciliary body and suspensory
reducing the duration of a single cardiac cycle. It
ligaments hold the lens in place.
causes the breakdown or lysis of proteins, lipids and
glucose to generate energy and prepare our body for 161. Answer (3)
emergency situations. Hint: Meromyosin is a monomer of myosin.
156. Answer (3) Sol.: I-band of a sarcomere in skeletal muscle fibres
Hint: Identify a structural feature of human forebrain. is made up of actin filaments, troponin and
tropomyosin. Thick filaments in A- band are made up
Sol.: 'A' is corpus callosum that is tract of nerve
polymers of meromyosin.
162. Answer (4)
Foramen of Monro connects 1st ventricle and 2nd
ventricle to 3rd ventricle. Hint: Neurotransmitters allow transmission of
Thalamus is the relay centre for sensory and motor impulse at chemical synapses.
signalling of cerebral cortex. Sol.: At electrical synapse, impulse travels from one
Medulla regulates cardiovascular reflexes, gastric neuron to other via gap junctions through ions. Size
secretion and respiration. of synaptic cleft is greatly reduced (~ 6 nm) in case
of electrical synapse as pre-synaptic and post-
157. Answer (4)
synaptic membranes are connected by gap
Hint: Myosin head binds to new molecule of ATP junctions.
releasing actin.
163. Answer (2)
Sol.: During relaxation of muscle fibres, Ca2+ pumps
Hint: Melatonin helps in maintaining diurnal rhythm
actively transport Ca2+ ions from sarcoplasm into
sarcoplasmic reticulum. With removal of Ca2+ ions, of our body.
troponin-tropomyosin complex again cover myosin Sol.: When a person travels across different time
binding site on actin. Binding of new ATP molecule zones, then due to alteration in timing and duration
to myosin head causes breakdown of actomyosin of day and night; secretion of melatonin is disturbed
crossbridges. which affects the diurnal rhythm of our body.
158. Answer (4) Melatonin secretion increase during night.
Hint: Diabetogenic hormones raise blood sugar level. 164. Answer (2)
Sol.: Growth hormone, cortisol and glucagon cause Hint: Single long fibre arising from cell body of a
increase in blood sugar level. Insulin stimulates neuron lacks protein synthesizing granular bodies.
glucose uptake by cells and further its utilisation for Sol.: Cell body (cyton) and dendrites contain Nissl's
energy or conversion into glycogen leading to a granules. Nissl's granules comprise of RER and
decline in blood glucose level. protein.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019 Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions)

165. Answer (3) 171. Answer (4)

Hint: A band is present between two I-bands in a Hint: Sympathetic branch nervous system works
sarcomere. during emergency conditions.
Sol.: During muscle contraction, when thin filaments Sol.: Stimulation from parasympathetic nervous
slide over thick filaments towards M line, then length system causes salivation, contraction of urinary
of H-zone decreases, myofilaments of actin slide bladder and constriction of pupil.
over myosin but their length remains unchanged.
172. Answer (2)
166. Answer (1)
Hint: Hormone released by posterior pituitary
Hint: At resting stage, neuronal cell membrane is regulates osmolarity.
more permeable to K+ ions and nearly impermeable
Sol.: Vasopressin is produced by supraoptic nuclei
to Na+ ions.
of hypothalamus. Erythropoietin is produced by JG
Sol.: Na + /K + pump plays an important role in
cells and stimulates erythropoiesis. Thymosin is
maintaining resting potential of neuronal membrane
produced by thymus gland and is important for
by transporting 3Na+ to extracellular fluid and 2K+
differentiation of T-lymphocytes.
into the cell at expense of one ATP molecule. Thus,
maintaining a negative resting membrane potential. 173. Answer (3)
167. Answer (3) Hint: Both extensor muscles of human back and
Hint: Steroid hormones act via intracellular receptors. eyeball muscles are skeletal muscles.

Sol.: Estrogen is a steroid hormone; able to cross Sol.: Extensor muscles are red muscle fibres having
the plasma membrane and bind to their receptor high myoglobin content and higher number of
present in cytoplasm. This hormone-receptor mitochondria as compared to white muscle fibres of
complex then binds to the gene and regulates the eyeball. Red muscle fibres carry out aerobic
expression of many genes. Epinephrine, glucagon oxidation while white muscle fibres carry out
and FSH are water soluble hormones with extra anaerobic oxidation.
cellular receptors. 174. Answer (1)
168. Answer (3) Hint: Identify a hormone deficiency disorder.
Hint: Thinning of bones occurs due to loss of Sol.: Cushing's syndrome and Conn's syndrome
minerals from bone. (Aldosteronism) are caused due to hypersecretion of
Sol.: Parathormone mobilises Ca 2+ from bones cortisol and aldosterone respectively. Addison's
leading to high Ca2+ level in blood and thinning of disease is caused due to deficiency of
bones. Calcitonin causes decrease in blood Ca2+ glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Bronze like
levels and its further deposition in bone while pigmentation is seen in Addison's disease.
cacitriol (Vitamin D3), stimulates increased absorption
175. Answer (2)
of Ca2+ from food in gastrointestinal tract, which
increases blood Ca2+ level. Hint: Neurons can be classified on the basis of
number of dendrites and axons present in them.
169. Answer (4)
Hint: Visceral organs contain non-striated muscles.
Sol.: Biceps and thigh muscles are multinucleated Multipolar neuron : Found in cerebral
(skeletal) muscles while cardiac muscles are striated with usually one axon & cortex
and found in heart. Stomach contains smooth multiple dendrites
muscles that are fusiform, uninucleated and Bipolar neuron : Found in retina of
unbranched. One axon and one eye
170. Answer (3) Unipolar neuron : Found in
Hint: At rest, axolemma bears positive charge Cell body with one axon embryonic stage
towards ECF. only
Pseudounipolar neuron : Dorsal root
Sol.: Efflux of K+ ions takes place through voltage Have single process which ganglion of spinal
gated K+ channels. during repolarisation phase which divides to form an axon cord
restores the membrane potential. and a dendron

Test - 3 (Code F) (Hints and Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2019

176. Answer (4) 178. Answer (2)

Hint: Skeletal muscle is made up of number of Hint: This hormone prevents the release of growth
Sol.: Somatostatin is another name of Growth
Sol.: Skeletal muscle in our body is made of a hormone Inhibiting Hormone (GHIH) which is
number of muscle bundles or fascicles held together produced by hypothalamus. Gonadotrophins (LH &
by a common collagenous connective tissue called FSH), somatotropin (Growth hormone) and prolactin
fascia. Each muscle bundle contains numerous (PRL) are produced by anterior pituitary.
myofibres, each of which is made up of numerous 179. Answer (1)
myofibrils. Each myofibril contains numerous Hint: Neurilemma in PNS is present in both
myofilaments. myelinated and unmyelinated neurons.
177. Answer (3) Sol.: Schwann cells are present around axon of
both myelinated and unmyelinated neurons.
Hint: Vasopressin is released in response to fall in Unmyelinated neurons lack myelin sheath and nodes
blood pressure. of Ranvier.
Sol.: ADH (vasopressin) and aldosterone increase 180. Answer (3)
the blood pressure. ACTH, i.e., adrenocorticotrophic Hint: Leucocytes exhibit pseudopodia.
hormone is secreted by anterior pituitary. ANF (atrial Sol.: Macrophages prominently show amoeboid
natriuretic factor) is secreted from wall of heart and movement to engulf foreign matter. Human sperms
decreases blood pressure. have flagella for locomotion.

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