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Alaa Sultan Risk Domains Questions

1- You are a Project manager in your organization "Delta”, during the planning meeting you and the risk
manager developing process and tools to determine the stakeholders risk tolerance ,One of the core
team ask why are you determining the tolerance?

A- To assess the attenuated and Cognitive bias.

B- To assess the threshold and set criteria for risk level.
C- To prioritize the risk.
D- To measure the risk management effectiveness .

PL Answer B.

2-You are a project manager of a project in your organization ABc inc.You start to produce risk
management plan for the project on the basis of inputs such as project information, external factors,
stakeholder inputs, and industry policies and procedures to ----- ----------------.

A- Define, fund, and staff effective risk management processes for the project that align with other
project plans.
B- Ensure the consistent application of risk processes.
C- Measure effectiveness of the project risk.
D- lmprove risk management effectiveness.

PL Answer A.

3-You are a project manager of a project in your organization Alfa inc.You start to develop and
recommend project risk strategy based on project objectives to --------------------.

A- Improve risk response execution.

B- Ensure the consistent application of risk processes.
C- Establish the outline for the risk management plan.
D- Improve risk management effectiveness.

PL Answer C.

4-You are a project manager of a project in your organization Beta inc.You start to update risk policies
and procedures using information such as lessons learned from projects and outputs of risk audits in to -

A- Improve risk response execution.

B- Ensure the consistent application of risk processes.
C- Measure effectiveness of the project risk.
D- Improve risk management effectiveness.

PL Answer D.
5-You are a project manager and the Risk manager are establishing risk evaluation criteria for risk
management process based on objectives and baselines to-------------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Enhance project success.

PL Answer B.

6- You are a project manager of a project in your organization Beta inc.You start to Promote a common
understanding of the value of risk management by using interpersonal skills to---------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- Foster an appropriate level of shared accountability, responsibility, and risk ownership.
D- Enhance project success.

SH Answer C.

7- Sara is a project manager of a project in her organization KEME inc. She is starting to train, coach, and
educate stakeholders in risk principles and processes to-----------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Create shared understanding of principles and processes, and foster engagement in risk
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Enhance project success.

SH Answer B

8- You are a project manager of a project in your organization Beta inc.You start to Coach project team
members in implementing risk processes in order to-----------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- ensure the consistent application of risk processes.

SH Answer D.
9- You are a project manager of a project in your organization Rtk inc.You start to Assess stakeholder
risk tolerance using processes and tools such as interviewing stakeholders and reviewing historical
stakeholder behaviors to -------------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Identify project risk thresholds.
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Enhance project success.

SH Answer B

10- Jones is a project manager of a project in an organization Beta inc. He started to Identify stakeholder
risk attitudes and cognitive biases using stakeholder analysis techniques to-------------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- manage stakeholder expectations and responses throughout the life of the project.
D- Enhance project success.

SH Answer C.

11- You are a project manager of a project in your organization Beta inc.You start to Engage
stakeholders on risk prioritization process based on stakeholder risk tolerance and other relevant
criteria to---------.

A- Enhance project success.

B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Optimize consensus regarding priorities.

SH Answer D.

12-You are a project manager of a project in your organization EED inc.You start to provide risk-related
recommendations to stakeholders regarding risk strategy and planning, risk process facilitation, risk
reporting, and specialized risk tasks by using effective communication techniques in order to--------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- support effective risk-based decision making
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Enhance project success.

SH Answer B.
13- KELLY is a project manager of a project in her organization Astra inc.She decided to Promote risk
ownership by proactively communicating roles and responsibilities and engaging project team members
in the development of risk responses to----------------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- improve risk response execution.
D- Enhance project success.

SH Answer C.

14- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to Liaise with
stakeholders of other projects by using effective communication techniques and sharing information on
project risk performance to -------------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

SH Answer D.

15- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to apply risk
assessment processes and tools to--------------.

A- Identify project risk thresholds.

B- quantify stakeholder risk tolerances and determine risk levels.
C- Optimize consensus regarding priorities.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

RPF Answer B

16- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to facilitate risk
identification using a variety of techniques to -------------.

A- Enable the project team and stakeholders to understand and determine the risk exposure of the
B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Enhance project success.

RPF Answer A.
17- Jones is a project manager of a project in an organization Beta inc. He started to facilitate the
project team’s evaluation of the identified risks’ attributes using qualitative and quantitative tools and
techniques to---------------.

A- To assess the attenuated and Cognitive bias.

B- To assess the threshold and set criteria for risk level.
C- To prioritize the risk.
D- Prioritize the risks for response planning

RPF Answer D.

18- KELLY is a project manager of a project in her organization Astra inc.She decided to facilitate the
development of an aligned risk response strategy and related risk actions by risk owners from the
information gathered during risk analysis to------------.

A- Measure the risk management performance.

B- Ensure timely and defined action when required.
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Enhance project success.

RPF Answer B.

19- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to facilitate the
formulation of project contingency reserve based on the risk exposure of the project to---------.

A- Identify project risk thresholds.

B- quantify stakeholder risk tolerances and determine risk levels.
C- Have the capability and resources to respond to realized risks.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

RPF Answer C.

20- Jones is a project manager of a project in an organization Beta inc. He started to provide risk data to
cost and schedule analysts/estimators to-----------.

A- Ensure that project risk is properly reflected in cost and schedule estimates for the project.
B- Measure the effectiveness of risk management process.
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Enhance project success.

RPF Answer A.
21- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to use scenarios to
validate potential risk responses and evaluate key dependencies and requirements to ----------.

A- Identify project risk thresholds.

B- Enhance the likelihood of project success.
C- Optimize consensus regarding priorities.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

RPF Answer B

22- KELLY is a project manager of a project in her organization Astra inc.She decided to document and
periodically update project risk information using standard tools (including but not limited to risk
register, risk database) and techniques to-----------.

A- Ensure timely and defined action when required

B- quantify stakeholder risk tolerances and determine risk levels.
C- Maintain a single, current repository of all project risk information.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

M&R Answer C.

23- Jones is a project manager of a project in an organization Beta inc. He started to coordinate with
project manager using communication techniques in order to

A- Identify project risk thresholds.

B- quantify stakeholder risk tolerances and determine risk levels.
C- Have the capability and resources to respond to realized risks.
D- Integrate risk management throughout the project.

M&R Answer D.

24- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to create periodic
standard and custom reports using risk-related metrics as specified in the risk management plan in order

A- Identify project risk thresholds.

B- Communicate risk management activities and status.
C- Have the capability and resources to respond to realized risks.
D- Ensure timely and defined action when required.

M&R Answer B.
25- Jones is a project manager of a project in an organization Beta inc. He started to monitor risk
response metrics by analyzing risk response performance information, and present to key stakeholders

A- Ensure resolution of risk and develop additional risk response strategies to address residual and
secondary risks.
B- Enhance project success.
C- Have the capability and resources to respond to realized risks.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

M&R Answer A.

26- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to analyze risk
process performance against established metrics in order to---------.

A- Ensure timely and defined action when required

B- drive risk process improvements.
C- Have the capability and resources to respond to realized risks.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

M&R Answer B.

27- KELLY is a project manager of a project in her organization Astra inc.She decided to update the
project risk management plan using relevant internal and external inputs to---------.

A- keep the plan current.

B- Quantify stakeholder risk tolerances and determine risk levels.
C- Enhance project success.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

M&R Answer A.

28- Jones is a project manager of a project in an organization Beta inc. He started to capture risk lessons
learned through comprehensive review of the project risk management plan, risk register, risk audits,
risk process performance reports, and other associated reports to------------.

A- Identify project risk thresholds.

B- Enhance project success.
C- Incorporate into future risk planning.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

M&R Answer C.
29- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to evaluate the
attributes of identified risks using advanced quantitative tools and specialized qualitative techniques to -

A- Estimate overall risk exposure of the project..

B- support effective risk-based decision making
C- Evaluate the metrics.
D- Enhance project success.

PSRA Answer A.

30- KELLY is a project manager of a project in her organization Astra inc.She decided to analyze risk data
produced during the project using statistical analyses and expert judgment to------------.

A- keep the plan current.

B- Quantify stakeholder risk tolerances and determine risk levels.
C- Determine strengths and weaknesses of risk strategy and processes and recommend process
improvements when indicated.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

PSRA Answer C.

31- You are a project manager of a project in your organization TERA inc.You start to perform specialized
risk analysis using advanced tools and techniques to------------------.

A- Identify project risk thresholds.

B- Support stakeholder decision making for the project.
C- Incorporate into future risk planning.
D- Inform them of implications for their projects.

PSRA Answer B.

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