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Receptors, channels, and signalling

in the urothelial sensory system in
the bladder
Liana Merrill, Eric J. Gonzalez, Beatrice M. Girard and Margaret A. Vizzard
Abstract | The storage and periodic elimination of urine, termed micturition, requires a
complex neural control system to coordinate the activities of the urinary bladder, urethra,
and urethral sphincters. At the level of the lumbosacral spinal cord, lower urinary tract reflex
mechanisms are modulated by supraspinal controls with mechanosensory input from the
urothelium, resulting in regulation of bladder contractile activity. The specific identity of
the mechanical sensor is not yet known, but considerable interest exists in the contribution
of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels to the mechanosensory functions of the
urothelium. The sensory, transduction, and signalling properties of the urothelium can
influence adjacent urinary bladder tissues including the suburothelial nerve plexus, interstitial
cells of Cajal, and detrusor smooth muscle cells. Diverse stimuli, including those that activate
TRP channels expressed by the urothelium, can influence urothelial release of chemical
mediators (such as ATP). Changes to the urothelium are associated with a number of bladder
pathologies that underlie urinary bladder dysfunction. Urothelial receptor and/or ion channel
expression and the release of signalling molecules (such as ATP and nitric oxide) can be altered
with bladder disease, neural injury, target organ inflammation, or psychogenic stress. Urothelial
receptors and channels represent novel targets for potential therapies that are intended to
modulate micturition function or bladder sensation.

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and purin- The mucosal layer consists of transitional epithelial
ergic receptors are expressed in neural and non-­neural cells that line the lumen of the bladder and a lamina
elements of the lower urinary tract (LUT) and are propria beneath the basement membrane of the epi-
thought to contribute to physiological and pathological thelial cells. The transitional epithelial cells, termed
function. Targeting TRP channels and purinergic recep- the urothelium, function not only as an impermeable,
tors in the LUT could affect mechanosensation, chemo­ nonadherent barrier, but also as a sensory component
sensation, pain perception, and excitability of bladder that is capable of responding to multiple stimuli2. The
sensory nerves to modulate the afferent limb of the lamina propria of the urinary bladder contains intersti-
micturition reflex and affect the overall function of tial cells of Cajal (ICC), vasculature, and nerve termi-
the ­urinary bladder. nals that have all been proposed to integrate epithelial
and smooth muscle input to maintain normal bladder
Anatomy of the lower urinary tract function3. Cells similar to ICC, as observed in the gastro­
Department of Neurological The LUT is under both voluntary (somatic) and invol- intestinal tract, have been found in the urinary bladder
Sciences, University of untary (autonomic) control and is comprised of multiple of various species (including mouse, guinea pig, rabbit,
Vermont College of Medicine,
tissues and cell types that include the urinary blad- and human); however, whether species differences exist
89 Beaumont Avenue,
Burlington, Vermont 05405, der and the urethra. The urinary bladder is a hollow, is not known, their specific functions have not yet been
USA. smooth-muscle organ and its primary function is to determined, and much controversy currently exists
Correspondence to M.A.V. store and release soluble waste from the kidney. To sus- regarding the exact function of these cells4. tain continuous storage and elimination phases, the uri- The muscular layer is organized into three
doi:10.1038/nrurol.2016.13 nary bladder wall is organized into mucosal, m­ uscular, smooth-muscle compartments that are collectively termed
Published online 1 Mar 2016 and serosal and adventitial layers1. the detrusor. The detrusor smooth muscle is structurally


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Key points that stimulates stretch receptors (which are slowly adapt-
ing mechanoreceptors) within the bladder9. These recep-
• Complex neural pathways coordinate the activities of the urinary bladder. The bladder tors activate Aδ and C fibres (sensory afferent nerves)
reflex exists in two modes of operation, storage and elimination. The elimination phase that convey information about bladder filling and nox-
is triggered by urothelial mechanosensors ious stimuli, respectively, from the bladder neck and
• Urothelial cells exhibit specialized sensory and signalling properties enabling urethra to sacral spinal cord levels S2–S4 via the pelvic,
responses to stimuli and release of chemical mediators, and express diverse receptors pudendal, and hypogastric nerves10. Low-level afferent
and ion channels linked to mechanoceptive and nociceptive sensations
nerve discharge is present throughout bladder filling.
• The urothelium secretes many signalling molecules (including neurotrophins, During bladder filling, as hydrostatic pressure rises,
neuropeptides, acetylcholine, prostaglandins, nitric oxide, and cytokines); but ATP
thinly myelinated Aδ afferent fibres of the hypogastric
seems to be the main messenger in voiding reflexes and pain
and pelvic nerves increase their activity10 (FIG. 2). Bladder
• Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels from different subfamilies are expressed
afferent nerves that terminate peripherally in the urinary
in the bladder, exhibit specific distributions in the lower urinary tract, and are
bladder might also signal through unmyelinated C fibres
implicated in its normal and pathological physiology
that respond to nociceptive stimuli (such as chemicals,
• The urothelium expresses purinergic receptors and releases neuroactive chemicals,
inflammation, and elevated intravesical pressures).
including ATP, from its apical and basolateral surfaces in response to stimuli
C fibres are quiescent (silent C fibres) during normal
• Current research is focusing on the identification of novel targets in the sensory limb
bladder filling, but their activation might contribute to
of the micturition reflex (such as TRP channels and purinergic neurotransmission) to
treat sensory voiding disorders
the development of LUT symptoms and pathological dis­
orders of the urinary bladder10. The sensation of bladder
fullness is experienced in humans with intravesical pres-
different from that of the urethral smooth muscle in that sures of 5–15 mmHg11. On passing this tension thresh-
it consists of inner and outer longitudinal layers and a old, bladder afferent discharge increases to stimulate
middle circular layer5. The serosa surrounds the superior micturition reflexes (FIG. 2). Urinary urgency occurs in
and lateral external surfaces of the bladder wall, whereas humans when intravesical pressures reach 20–25 mmHg
the retroperitoneal bladder wall is surrounded by loose and, if not relieved, pain and/or ­discomfort occurs when
connective tissue termed adventitia1. ­pressures exceed 30 mmHg11.
The urethra functions as the outlet from the uri- Aδ and C fibres from the urinary bladder enter the
nary bladder to the external world and its tissue wall is spinal cord through the Lissauer tract and synapse in
organized into mucosal, muscular, and adventitial layers laminae (I, V, VII, and X), which contain parasympa-
(FIG. 1). The cells lining most of the urethral mucosa are thetic preganglionic neurons and neurons that project
nonkeratinized, stratified squamous epithelial cells as to the periaqueductal grey (PAG)9. Signals then travel
the urethra does not have to accommodate the mechan- from the PAG to the pontine micturition centre (PMC)
ical forces experienced by the urinary bladder6. In men, and back to the lumbosacral spinal cord to synapse on
the smooth muscle layer of the urethra is arranged into preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic neu-
inner longitudinal and outer circular layers and is termed rons9. Multiple higher brain centres project to the PAG
the internal urethral sphincter7. However, in women, the including the hypothalamus, preoptic region, central
smooth muscle layers do not seem to establish an inter- nucleus of the amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria ter-
nal sphincter7. The striated muscle layer surrounding the minalis, and prefrontal cortex. During the filling phase,
proximal urethra is termed the external urethral sphincter signals from these higher brain centres inhibit the
and provides voluntary control over bladder filling. PAG reducing excitation of the PMC, which prevents
inappro­priate voiding or incontinence10. However, dur-
Neural control of micturition ing the voiding phase, activation of the PMC suppresses
The storage and elimination of urine are important preganglionic sympathetic control (which releases the
and necessary in daily life and involve intricate neu- contraction of the sphincter and removes the inhibition
ral signalling pathways requiring coordination of the of the detrusor) and enables the parasympathetic system
urinary bladder and urethra5,8 (FIG. 1). The micturition to stimulate detrusor smooth muscle contraction and the
reflex is often referred to as a spinobulbospinal system expulsion of urine.
as information travels from the spinal cord to the brain-
stem and back to the spinal cord to relay information The sensory component of the urothelium
regarding urinary bladder filling9. During the emptying The urothelium has previously been considered a
phase of the micturition cycle, parasympathetic nerve passive barrier; however, a large and growing body of
cotransmission involving ATP and acetyl­choline acting literature now demonstrates that it has additional and
on smooth muscle P2X purinoceptor 1 (P2X1) and mus- important physiological roles12,13. Current evidence
carinic receptors (M2 and M3) mediates urinary bladder indicates that the urothelium has specialized sensory
contraction. During the storage phase of the micturition and transduction or signalling properties that enable
cycle, the sympathetic nervous system inhibits detrusor it to respond to chemical or mechanical stimuli (such
smooth muscle contraction, enabling the bladder to relax as changes in bladder pressure or tension, and tonicity
and increase in size. In addition, the urethral sphincters of urine)12,13, as well as acting as a functional barrier
contract in response to background stimulation from the against urine solutes. The distribution of anatomical
sympathetic and somatic nervous systems9. The switch to components (FIG. 1) suggests that reciprocal communi­
the emptying phase is triggered by tension in the bladder cation is possible between urothelial cells that are


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located close to bladder nerves and other cell types the urothelium and subsequent release or secretion of
such as smooth muscle cells and ICC12,14. For exam- chemical mediators have been described using the term
ple, following activation of surface proteins, evidence ‘urothelial-associated sensory web’ (REF. 12).
exists that ATP is released from the urothelium and
can bind to purinergic receptors on nerve cells within Anatomical proximity of nerve fibres to the urothelium
the bladder wall, thereby stimulating afferent nerve Findings of a 2002 study established that both sensory
activity, resulting in bladder sensation15–17. The sen- afferent and autonomic efferent nerves are located in a
sory inputs and outputs of the urothelium that result suburothelial plexus in close proximity to, and extend-
in receptor-­mediated and channel-mediated events at ing into the urothelium18 (FIG. 3). Adrenergic (tyrosine
hydroxylase positive) and cholinergic (choline acetyl-
transferase positive) nerves have also been observed
a in close proximity to the urothelium19. Additionally,
the suburothelial plexus exhibits immunoreactivity for
Storage Elimination
neuropeptides (such as calcitonin gene-related peptide,
substance P, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)), and
receptors such as P2X3 and P2X2/3 receptors and transient
receptor potential vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1)2,20,21
(FIG. 3). The sensory function of these nerve fibres was
+ sympathetic – sympathetic indicated by intravesical administration of the ultra­
+ somatomotor – somatomotor
+ parasympathetic potent C fibre neurotoxin resiniferatoxin, which reduced
the density of TRPV1 and P2X3 immunoreactive sub-
urothelial nerves in humans with neurogenic detrusor

Urothelial expression of receptors and ion channels

b Many different receptors and ion channels have been
Glycosaminoglycan layer identified in the urothelium and many are implicated
in mechanoceptive or nociceptive sensations2,12,13,24–26.
or channel These receptors and ion channels include purinergic
(such as P2X1–7 and P2Y1, P2Y2, and P2Y4)2,27 (TABLE 1),
adrenergic (α and β)2, cholinergic (muscarinic; M1–M5
Urothelium and nico­tinic α2–α10, β2 and β4)2, protease-activated recep-
tors28, acid sensing ion channels (ASIC) (such as ASIC2a

Figure 1 | An overview of micturition reflex control and

cell layers of the wall of the urinary bladder. a | Storage
Basal membrane
and elimination (voiding) of urine. The neural pathways that
control lower urinary tract function maintain a reciprocal
Lamina relationship between the urinary bladder and the urethral
propria ICC outlet. Storage reflexes are activated during bladder filling
and are organized primarily in the spinal cord, whereas
voiding is mediated by reflex mechanisms that are
vessel organized in the brain. During bladder filling and storage,
the parasympathetic innervation of the detrusor is inhibited
mucosae and the smooth and striated parts of the urethral sphincter
are activated, preventing involuntary bladder emptying.
During bladder filling the parasympathetic efferent
pathway to the bladder, including a population of CNS (for
example pontine micturition centre) neurons, is turned off.
Detrusor As bladder filling continues and a critical level of bladder
smooth distension is achieved, the afferent activity from
muscle mechanoreceptors in the bladder switches the pathway
to the elimination mode. During elimination (voiding),
parasympathetic activity is activated resulting in urinary
bladder contraction, whereas sympathetic activity and
somatomotor activity is withdrawn. b | Anatomical
components of the urinary bladder wall. Numerous
receptors (including purinergic, adrenergic, cholinergic,
Adventitia neurotrophin, and neuropeptide) and ion channels
(transient receptor potential channels) are expressed by
the anatomical components of the urinary bladder wall
including the urothelium, bladder sensory nerves,
Serosa interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), and detrusor smooth muscle.

Nature Reviews | Urology


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a 30

Pressure (mmHg)


b 300
Frequency (Hz)



c 100
Neurogram (μV)

50 sec
Figure 2 | Illustration of low-level afferent nerve discharge that is present throughout bladder filling.
Nature In humans,
Reviews | Urology
the sensation of bladder fullness is experienced at intravesical pressures of 5–15 mmHg. On passing this tension threshold,
bladder afferent discharge increases to stimulate micturition reflexes. Urinary urgency occurs in humans when intravesical
pressures reach 20–25 mmHg and if not relieved, pain and/or discomfort occur when pressures exceed 30 mmHg11.

and ASIC3)29, neurotrophin receptors (p75 NTR and In this Review, we discuss examples of receptors that
tropo­myo­sin receptor kinases A and B)30–33, CRF recep- are expressed in the urothelium (FIGS1,3; TABLE 1), their
tors 1 and 2 (REF. 21), transient receptor potential (TRP) responses on activation and their regulation in experi-
(including TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV4, TRPM7, TRPM8, mental models and human studies of bladder dysfunc-
TRPA1) channels2,24,34–36 (TABLE 1), neuropeptide receptors tion, where appropriate. This Review will highlight
(such as pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide several principal components (including TRP channels
(PACAP) type I receptor and vasoactive intestinal poly­ and purinergic receptors and receptor signalling) that
peptide (VIP) receptor 2)24,25,37, and chemokine recep- might underlie the afferent limb of the micturition
tors (such as CXCR4, CX3CR1)38. The expression of reflex and to describe how their modulation might influ-
these receptors and ion channels means that the urothe- ence the sensory processing of bladder filling (FIGS 1,3;
lium can respond to diverse stimuli from many sources TABLE 1).
including: stretching and distension during bladder fill-
ing2,24,34–36, soluble factors such as nerve growth factor Transient receptor potential channels
(NGF)24, neuroactive compounds such as PACAP25, VIP25, TRP channels are a superfamily of nonspecific cation
CRF21, acetylcholine2, ATP or noradrenaline2 (which are channels that are generally, but variably, permeable to
released from nerves and inflammatory cells), chemo­ Ca2+ (REFS 44,45) and might act as sensors of stretch
kines (including CXCL1, CXCL12, CX3CL1, CCL2), and/or chemical irritation in the LUT 35,46–48. More
which are released from inflammatory cells38–40, and than 50 TRP channels have been described in species
changes in pH resulting from inflammation2,41. from yeast to human and 28 have been discovered so
far in mammals49. The TRP channel superfamily con-
Urothelial secretion of transmitters and mediators sists of seven subfamilies: TRPC (canonical), TRPM
A variety of signalling molecules (such as neurotrophins, (melastatin), TRPV (vanilloid), TRPA (ankyrin),
neuropeptides, ATP, acetylcholine, prostaglandins, pros- TRPP (polycystin), TRPML (mucolipin), and TRPN
tacyclin, nitric oxide and cytokines) are secreted by the (no mechanopotential).
urothelium2,24,36,42 and it is able to communicate, possibly
in a reciprocal manner, with other cell types including TRP channels in the lower urinary tract
bladder nerves, smooth muscle cells, interstitial cells and Multiple TRP channels from different subfamilies,
inflammatory cells2,27. ATP seems to be the main mes- including TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV4, TRPM7, TRPM8,
senger released from urothelial cells during purinergic and TRPA1 are expressed in the urinary bladder, have
mechanosensory transduction that acts on P2X3 recep- specific tissue distributions in the LUT, are activated by
tors on sensory nerves to generate signals that indicate numerous exogenous and endogenous mediators34,35,50
bladder fullness, and pain17,43 (FIG. 3). (FIG. 3; TABLE 1), and might have functional roles in the


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Figure 3 | Hypothetical model of purinergic

Adenosine mechanosensory transduction and the involvement
of TRP channels in the LUT focusing on potential
P1 interactions among bladder sensory nerves, urothelial
UC ADP cells, detrusor smooth muscle cells and ICC.  Distension
P2Y activates transient receptor potential (TRP) channels
Na+ Ecto-ATPases expressed by the urothelium leading to release of ATP, which
TRP then acts on purinergic receptors (P2X2 and/or P2X3) on
ATP suburothelial sensory nerves to convey sensory and/or
ATP nociceptive signals to the central nervous system (CNS).
Ca2+ ATP Several TRP channels are expressed by the urothelium and
P2X ATP bladder sensory nerve fibres and are activated by diverse
Ca2+ stimuli. Roles in lower urinary tract (LUT) physiology have
ATP been proposed for several TRP channels; however, the exact
Cx hemichannel localization and function of TRP channels in the LUT in
Panx channel ATP health and disease are still being determined. Release of ATP
can be mediated by exocytosis (such as vesicular release),
ATP pannexin (Panx) channels and connexin (Cx) hemichannels.
P2X2 Expression of both P2X and P2Y receptors in interstitial cells
and/or Na+ of Cajal (ICC) also suggests that ATP release from the
ATP urothelium can influence the function of ICC as well as
ADP Voltage- TRP
bladder sensory nerves. The signal resulting from ATP release
gated channel depends on many factors including the purinergic receptors
P2Y channel subtypes expressed, activation of G‑protein-mediated and
Ca2+ Ca2+ -mediated signalling and by the expression of ATPases
Ca2+ and ectonucleotidases that degrade ATP. The ATP signal
signalling Afferent
Ca2+ nerve might influence sites beyond the urothelium and
terminal suburothelium. For example, gap junction proteins (such as
connexins) are expressed by ICC and detrusor smooth
muscle cells (Det) suggesting that gap junction-mediated
intercellular communication could be an underlying
ICC mechanism for long-distance spread of signals from the
Urothelium urotheial cells to Det. Stimulation of urothelial receptors and
channels can release mediators that target bladder sensory
Afferent nerve Ca2+ Na+
terminal nerves and other cell types; urothelial cells can also be
Interstitial targets for neurotransmitters released from nerves or other
cells of Cajal
cell types and can be activated by either autocrine
Cx hemichannel (autoregulation) or paracrine (release from nearby nerve
Detrusor Det fibres or other cells) mechanisms. P1, purinergic 1 receptor;
muscle TRPA1, transient receptor potential channel ankyrin 1;
Ca2+ Na+ TRPV, transient receptor potential channel vanilloid family;
TRPM8, transient receptor potential channel melastatin 8;
UC, urothelial cell.

Nature Reviews | Urology

micturition reflex46,51. Many of these channels are also the afferent limb of the micturition reflex as intravesi­
implicated in bladder disorders including overactive cal TRPA1 agonists (such as allyl isothiocyanate and
bladder (OAB) and interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syn- cinnamaldehyde) have been demonstrated to decrease
drome (IC/BPS)49,52. TRPV1 is the most widely studied micturition-­threshold pressure, intercontraction inter-
TRP channel with regards to its role in urinary bladder vals, and voided volume and increase micturition fre-
function, but other studies also suggest the involvement quency in rats53,57. These agonists might act at the level of
of TRPV4 in both normal urinary bladder function bladder afferent nerves to contract the detrusor smooth
and dysfunction46. Other TRP channels have also been muscle and alter bladder function58.
observed in the LUT (TABLE 1). TRPV2 is expressed in superficial cells of the urothe-
Members of the ankyrin, vanilloid, and canonical lium56,59, detrusor smooth muscle cells59, and nerve
families of TRP channels have distributions and func- fibres within the suburothelium59. The TRPV2 agonist
tions specific to the LUT (TABLE 1). For example, TRPA1 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been shown to reli-
is expressed in unmyelinated C fibres throughout the uri- ably induce Ca2+ influx into ATP-primed urothelial
nary bladder53 and colocalizes with TRPV1‑containing cells, suggesting that ATP might facilitate TRPV2 traf-
peptidergic nerve fibres54. TRPA1 transcripts, detected in ficking to the plasma membrane56. Patch clamp studies
the urothelium, are upregulated in the bladder mucosa also demonstrated THC-induced currents in urothelial
of humans with bladder outlet obstruction55; however, cells, supporting the functional expression of TRPV2
the results of functional experiments in mice suggest in the urinary bladder56. TRPV2 knockout mice exhibit
that TRPA1 does not contribute to mechanosensation decreased embryonic weight and perinatal viability with
in the urothelium56. TRPA1 does seem to have a role in surviving adult mice still demonstrating reduced body


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weight60. Behavioural assays and neurophysiological bladder54,55. Similar to other TRP channels, the functional
studies failed to demonstrate the necessity for TRPV2 in expression of TRPM8 in the urothelium is unclear as
the detection of noxious heat or mechanical stimulation pharmacological manipulation experiments suggest little
under normal or pathological conditions60. Additional to no functional response to agonists in urothelial cells56.
work is needed to determine the role of TRPV2 in However, TRPM8 is functionally involved in the mictur­
bladder sensation, as this receptor does not seem to ition reflex through bladder afferent nerve activation63,
be essential for heat or mechanical nociception or a cold-induced urgency reflex64 and a bladder-cooling
­hypersensitivity but is important for perinatal survival60. reflex that is observed in patients with supraspinal
TRPCs are calcium-permeable, nonselective cationic neuronal lesions65. TRPM8‑containing C fibres might
channels implicated in neuronal cell growth, remod- underlie these reflexes in humans owing to the absence
elling, axon guidance, and growth-cone signalling. of urothelial cell responses to TRPM8 agonists during
Cyclophosphamide (CYP)-induced cystitis has been Ca2+ imaging or patch-clamp experiments56 and because
shown to increase TRPC1 and TRPC4 expression in C fibre density is increased in pathological bladder
bladder sensory neurons and also increase sprouting conditions (such as spinal cord injury)55. Additionally,
of bladder sensory neurons in bladder mucosa. CYP- C‑fibre activation via TRPM8 seems to contribute to the
treated Trpc1/c4−/− mice failed to exhibit increased blad- cooling reflex in guinea pigs66, whereas, activation of Aδ
der sensory neuron sprouting and failed to demonstrate fibres might underlie this reflex in rats67. TRPM2 is a
increased voiding frequency with CYP treatment61. nonselective calcium-permeable cation channel, acti-
Members of the TRPM channel family also have vated by free intracellular adenosine diphosphate ribose
diverse functions in the LUT (TABLE  1) . TRPM8 is in response to oxidative stress and cell-death signals.
expressed in the urothelium62 and in Aδ fibres and TRPM2 mRNA expression is increased in human blad-
C fibres throughout the suburothelium of the urinary der samples from patients with non-ulcerative interstitial

Table 1 | Properties of major TRP channels and purinergic receptors and channels in the LUT2,10,14,22,23,32,33,44
Channel or Major activators Distribution Function
TRPV1 Heat (>43 °C), pH ≤5.9, fatty acids (such as UC*, Det*, C Bladder distension, bladder
anandamide), vanilloids (such as Cap and fibres hyper-reflexia, pain, and
RTX), and endocannabinoids thermosensation
TRPV2 Noxious heat (>52 °C), mechanical (such as UC, Det, BSN UC mechanosensation,
stretch or swelling), THC, and 2‑APB chemosensation, and thermosensation
TRPV4 Moderate heat (>24 °C), hypotonic cell UC, Det, BSN Det contractility, bladder distension,
swelling, shear stress, phorbol esters (such voiding dysfunction, detrusor sphincter
as 4α‑PDD), BAA, EETs, and synthetic dyssynergia, and pain
compounds (such as GSK1016790A)
TRPM7 Fluid flow, pH <6.0, and the δ opioid UC UC mechanosensation, and sheer stress
antagonist naltriben
TRPM8 Cold (8–25 °C), cooling compounds (such as UC, Aδ fibres, Bladder cooling reflex, voiding
geraniol, lemonol, and eucalyptol), menthol, and C fibres dysfunction, and pain
icilin, lipidergic mediators, and PIP2
TRPA1 Noxious cold (<17 °C), mechanical (such as UC*, Aδ Det contractility, urethral
stretch, or swelling), allyl isothiocyanate, fibres, and C mechanosensation, and bladder
and aldehydes (such as acrolein and fibres hyper-reflexia
Purinergic receptor or channel
P2X (1–7) ATP UC, Det, ICC, Visceral mechanosensation, and BSN
and BSN‡ sensitivity
P2Y (1, 2, 4, ATP and nucleosides (ADP, UTP, and UDP) UC, Det, ICC, Visceral mechanosensation, and BSN
and 6) and BSN‡ sensitivity
P1 Adenosine UC, Det, Voiding threshold
and  SubU‡
2‑APB, 2‑aminoethoxydiphenyl borate; 4α‑PDD, 4α‑phorbol 12,13‑didecanoate; BAA, bisandrographolide; BSN, bladder sensory
nerves; Cap, capsaicin; Det, detrusor smooth muscle cells; EETs, epoxyeicosatrienoic acids; ICC, interstitial cells of Cajal; LUT,
lower urinary tract; P, purinergic; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5‑bisphosphate; RTX, resiniferatoxin; SubU, suburothelium; THC,
tetrahydrocannabinol; TRP, transient receptor potential; TRPA, transient receptor potential ankyrin-type channel; TRPM, transient
receptor potential melastatin-type channel; TRPV, transient receptor potential vanilloid-type channel; UC, urothelial cells; UDP,
uridine diphosphate; UTP, uridine triphosphate. *Species differences. ‡Lack of consensus in the literature.


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cystitis68. TRPM2 overexpression resulted in apoptosis of bladder capacity; however, treatment resulted in severe
T24 bladder cancer cells, suggesting that it is a potential side effects (including bladder pain, suprapubic burn-
therapeutic target for bladder carcinogenesis69. TRPM7 ing, bladder overactivity, and hot flashes)34,46,80 making
is expressed in the cytoplasm of urothelial cells51 and its treatment poorly tolerated. Findings from two stud-
expression was proven to be higher in a cancer cell line ies82,83 have demonstrated that interaction between
generated from bladder than in normal urothelial cells. TRPV1 and anoctamin‑1 (ANO1), a calcium-­activated
TRPM7 expression in bladder cancer cells might act as a chloride channel, is a pain-enhancing mechanism in
negative regulator of cell proliferation and prevent excess sensory neurons, suggesting that blockade of TRPV1–
mechanical stress enabling cells to be maintained in a ANO1 interactions might be a novel analgesic target.
healthier state70. TRPV1 is the most widely studied TRP channel regard-
ing its role in urinary bladder function, but other studies
TRPV1 and TRPV4 expression in the lower urinary tract also suggest the involvement of TRPV4 in both normal
TRPV1 has been detected in all human genitourinary ­bladder function and dysfunction46.
tract tissues and most LUT structures in mice46,52, but its The expression of TRPV4 has also been established
expression pattern has recently been questioned, par- in different tissues and systems throughout the body
ticularly in the urothelium. TRPV1 expression has been including the central nervous system (CNS) and periph-
observed in neuronal and non-neuronal human and eral nervous system (PNS). Within the urinary blad-
rat LUT tissues including the urothelium, suburothelial der, TRPV4 was first demonstrated to be expressed in
nerve plexus, detrusor smooth muscle, ICC, and sensory basal and intermediate urothelial cells84 and expression
afferent neurons46,52 (FIG. 3; TABLE 1). The expression and in the urothelium has been subsequently confirmed
function of TRPV1 channels in the bladder, specifically by other studies51,72,76,85,86. The functional expression of
in the urothelium, is controversial34,46. Birder et al.18 TRPV4 in urothelial cells has been established follow-
described ATP release from cultured rat urothelial cells ing measurements of ionic currents and Ca2+ signal-
on application of the TRPV1 agonist, capsaicin, which ling events induced by agonists (such as 4α‑phorbol
was blocked by co‑administration of the TRPV1 antag- 12,13‑­didecanoate (4α‑PDD) or GSK1016790A) or
onist, capsazepine. Furthermore, capsaicin activation stretch72,78,85. TRPV4 is also expressed in the detrusor
of TRPV1 induced increased intracellular calcium and smooth muscle; however, transcript levels were found to
inward cation currents in cultured urothelial cells from be approximately 20‑fold to 36‑fold higher in the urothe-
rats and humans71,72. The expression of TRPV1 in the lium than the detrusor smooth muscle78,87 perhaps sug-
urothelium has been reported using several methods gesting a more prominent role in urothelial function.
including quantitative PCR, immunohistochemistry, and TRPV4 expression has also been observed in the DRG
western blotting in different species71,73,74. However, the neurons innervating ­viscera76,88–90 but functional evidence
specificity of TRPV1 antibodies has been questioned and is lacking88.
absence of appropriate controls (such as use of knock-
out animals) has been criticized75. Considerable support TRPV and bladder function
exists for TRPV1 expression in small diameter bladder Pharmacological approaches and the use of Trpv1‑­
afferent fibres in close proximity to the urothelium and knockout mice have started to demonstrate the roles of
in bladder sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia TrpV1 in the micturition reflex52. Investigation of bladder
(DRG) but not by the urothelial cells51,76,77. Moreover, function of Trpv1‑knockout mice has revealed a higher
two independent groups did not record TrpV1‑induced frequency of nonvoiding bladder contractions than in
calcium currents in cultured urothelial cells from guinea wild-type mice, as well as a reduction in reflex voiding
pigs and mice56,78. In 2011, Cavanaugh et al.79 designed during bladder filling18. Additionally, the Trpv1‑knockout
a Trpv1‑reporter mouse that enables the expression of a mouse model does not develop bladder overactivity
nuclear β‑galactosidase (lacZ) and the placental alkaline during acute bladder inflammation, suggesting that
phosphatase with the putative TrpV1 expression pattern TrpV1 is involved in b ­ ladder hyperreflexia in response
without disturbing TrpV1 function. These investigators to inflammation52.
reported that TrpV1 is primarily restricted to nocicep- CYP-induced cystitis results in significantly increased
tors in the DRG, with minimal expression in a few brain TrpV1 and TrpV4 expression 4 h and 48 h after injec-
regions, and no TRPV1 expression in urinary bladder. tion (acute cystitis), and in models of chronic cystitis
The intravesical administration of the TRPV1 acti- (P = 0.01); however, Trpv1 transcript expression was
vators, capsaicin or resiniferatoxin (TABLE 1), which significantly reduced in urothelial and suburothelial
desensi­tize afferent neurons, has been introduced into tissues from rats that underwent 4 h and 48 h acute cys-
clinical practice for treatment of neurogenic detrusor titis but significantly increased in detrusor tissue from
overactivity (NDO) resulting in symptom improve- rats with chronic CYP-induced cystitis (P <0.01)36. The
ment and major adverse effects34,46,80, emphasizing the lack of correlation between Trpv1 transcript and protein
need for the identification of additional targets (such expression might reflect changes in post-transcriptional
as TRPV, TRPM, and TRPA channels and purinergic and post-translational mechanisms including increased
receptors and/or channels) (TABLE 1) that could result protein stability36. The increased Trpv1 expression
in improved urinary bladder function81. Intravesical demonstrated with CYP-induced cystitis is consistent
instillation of capsaicin in patients with NDO reduced with the hypothesis that TRPV1 contributes to bladder
urinary frequency and urge incontinence and increased hyperreflexia in response to inflammation52.


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The deletion of Trpv4 in mice has also helped to eluci- ATP and purinergic receptors
date its physiological role in diverse functions, including The urothelium releases neuroactive transmitters, in
the micturition reflex. Authors of studies have reported particular ATP, from its apical and basolateral surfaces
mild phenotypic effects in Trpv4‑knockout mice such as in response to physical and chemical stimuli2,95. ATP
abnormal responses to both osmotic and somatosensory and other nucleosides (including ADP, UTP, and UDP)
mechanical stimuli where hyperalgesia is absent, deficits that are derived from the urothelium can be released
in osmotic homeostasis leading to cell-size changes and through several mechanisms that include ­transporters,
functional abnormalities, increased blood osmolarity ion channels, or vesicular exocytosis 96,97 (FIG.  3) .
causing dehydration, alkalosis, or acidosis, increased Extracellular ATP that is not degraded by ectonucleo­
bone mass, ageing-related hearing impairment, and tidases or exonucleo­tidases is then able to stimulate
reduced water consumption, all potentially being fatal45,52. autocrine or paracrine pathways that might aid in sen-
Urodynamic measurements showed that Trpv4‑knockout sory transduction to the CNS98. The transduction path-
mice have abnormal urine voiding patterns characterized ways within the urinary bladder are affected by receptor
by a decreased frequency of voiding contractions and subtype expression and their proximity to the urothe-
increased frequency of nonvoiding contractions, longer lium. The tissues and cell types that might contribute
intermicturition intervals and increased total urine vol- to purinergic or pyrimidinergic signalling include the
ume per void45,84,85. Pharmacological manipulation has urothelium98,99, ICC27, smooth muscle cells100,101 and
also been an effective tool to help define the role or roles ­suburothelial nerve fibres2,24 (FIG. 3).
of TRPV4 in bladder function. Administration of the Nucleosides and their metabolites seem to have an
TRPV4 agonist 4α‑PDD to conscious rats resulted in an intricate role in ATP release and purinergic receptor
increase in the amplitude of reflex bladder contractions signalling in the urothelium. More specifically, ADP
during cystometry85. GSK1016790A, a highly selec- has been demonstrated to evoke ATP release from the
tive TRPV4 agonist that is ~300‑fold more potent than urothelium, whereas adenosine inhibits ATP release via
4α‑PDD, similarly induced bladder hyperactivity in vivo A1 receptors98,102. The urothelium also expresses diverse
in mice87 and rats91. Systemic administration of the selec- purine and pyrimidine receptor subtypes enabling dis-
tive and potent TRPV4 antagonist HC‑067047 decreased tinct signal transduction103–106. The activation of P2Y,
voiding frequency and increased bladder capacity in mice but not P2X, receptors on the urothelium causes ATP
and rats following CYP-induced cystitis45. release, suggesting urothelial P2Y receptors might con-
tribute to purinergic neurotransmission103,107. However,
TRPV1, TRPV4 and purinergic signalling P2X2 and P2X3 receptor expression is altered in urothe-
Studies suggest that TRPV1 and TRPV4 regulate ATP lium from patients with interstitial cystitis indicating
release from the urothelium that occurs in response to that P2X receptors are involved in urinary bladder
bladder distension18,84. Sensory neurons terminating in ­sensory transduction in bladder injury or disease105.
the bladder wall were originally thought to initiate the ICC in the lamina propria (ICC‑LP) of the urinary
micturition reflex; however, the urothelium has now bladder also express P2X3, P2Y2, P2Y4, and P2Y6 receptors
been proven to participate in the sensory response to and are proposed to form a functional syncytium with
bladder filling76,92. Mechanical stretch evokes the release smooth muscle cells108,109. In response to ATP, ICC‑LP
of ATP from urothelial cells and mechanosensitive generate P2Y‑dependent intracellular calcium transients
contributions of TRPV4 and possibly TRPV1 channels followed by inward currents109. These ATP-generated
present on the urothelial cell surface might contrib- transients could then propagate to smooth muscle cells
ute to this process (FIG. 1). Functional evidence in sup- via gap junctions to alter contractility110. The mechanism
port of TRPV4 involvement in the release of ATP was coupling ICC‑LP to sensory activity is not yet known,
demonstrated with the administration of 4α‑PDD to but the localization of ICC‑LP and their responsiveness
cultured urothelial cells, which subsequently released to ATP suggest they have a regulatory role in the afferent
ATP, an effect that was blocked by ruthenium red, a pan limb of the micturition reflex110. In addition to the func-
inhibitor of TRP channels85. Similarly, capsaicin evoked tional syncytium with ICC‑LP, urinary bladder smooth
ATP release from cultured urothelial cells18 and bladder muscle cells express P2X1 to P2X6 receptors and P2Y
mucosal strips93 that was abolished with the coadminis- receptors111. P2X1 receptors are the predominant recep-
tration of the TRPV1 antagonist, capsazepine, suggesting tors in purinergic cotransmission mediating bladder con-
a role of TRPV1 in ATP release. The influence of TRPV1 tractility112. P2Y6 receptors have also been demonstrated
and TRPV4 on ATP release has also been confirmed in to augment P2X‑mediated bladder contraction, suggest-
knockout mice. ATP release is suppressed in response ing that extracellular UDP and P2Y6-receptor activation
to a hypotonic stimulus18 or mechanical stretch86 of cul- might have a role in pathological bladder c­ onditions
tured urothelial cells from Trpv1-knockout and Trpv4- involving smooth muscle tone113.
knockout mice. The importance of transmembrane Ca2+ Bladder afferent nerves that terminate throughout
flux through TRPV channels is still disputed86,94, studies the layers of the urinary bladder have been shown to
provide support for TRPV-mediated sensory transduc- express P2X1–7, P2Y1, P2Y2, and P2Y4 receptors114–116.
tion at the level of the urothelium that results in ATP The proximity of afferent nerve terminals to the basal
release86,94. Subsequent P2X receptor signalling on blad- layer of the urothelium indicates that sensory nerves
der sensory neurons (among other cell types) might have a role in purinergic sensory transduction, but the
contribute to the afferent limb of the micturition reflex. data are not yet conclusive. Studies have established


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the functional contributions of P2X2 and P2X3 recep- void volume and increased voiding frequency130. In
tors to the afferent limb of the micturition reflex117. addition to urodynamic changes following RVS expo-
P2X3-receptor-mediated mechanisms contribute to sure, TrpV4 expression in the urothelium also increased.
mechanosensory transduction in the urinary bladder The intravesical administration of the TRPV4 antago-
because intravesical‑α,β‑methylene-ATP, a P2X3 agonist, nist HC067047 improved bladder capacity and voiding
potentiates both low-threshold, non-nociceptive fibres frequency, suggesting TRPV4 might contribute to blad-
and high-threshold, nociceptive fibres118. Furthermore, der dysfunction following RVS130. Systemic administra-
mice lacking P2X2 or P2X2/3 receptor subunits exhibit tion of HC067047 also increased bladder capacity and
decreased urinary bladder reflexes and decreased pelvic decreased voiding frequency in mice with CYP-induced
afferent nerve activity in response to bladder disten- cystitis, suggesting that TrpV4 might have a ­fundamental
tion119. The functional contributions of P2Y2 recep- role in bladder function following injury45.
tors to bladder sensory neuron sensitization have also Stress is also known to potentiate the immune
been demonstrated120. P2Y2 receptor activation is able response, and RVS increased inflammatory mediators
to facilitate P2X2-evoked currents through G‑protein- in the urinary bladder including NGF130. The role of
coupled mechanisms, whereas the facilitation of P2X3- NGF in the inflammatory milieu of the urinary bladder
evoked currents was independent of G‑protein-coupled is well established, and NGF has also been suggested as
mechanisms120. These results suggest that UTP might a potential biomarker for IC/BPS131,132. We have shown
prime P2X receptor signalling to contribute to neuron previously that urinary-bladder-derived NGF modulates
hyperexcitability in pathological bladder conditions120. several TRP channels, including TRPV4 (REFS 36,89);
In summary, purinergic signalling through P2X recep- therefore, NGF in the urinary bladder after RVS might
tors contributes to mechanosensory transduction within contribute to increased TRPV4 expression, but future
bladder afferent nerves and contractility within detrusor studies are necessary to address this possibility.
smooth muscle cells, whereas, P2Y receptors contrib-
ute to altered ATP release from the urothelium, calcium Purinergic receptor expression and signalling
transients in ICC‑LP, and the sensitization of P2X recep- Increased levels of urinary ATP have been demonstrated
tors in detrusor smooth muscle cells and afferent nerve in patients with interstitial cystitis133, OAB134, and other
terminals. The variety of cell types involved in puriner- functional disorders of the urinary bladder95. Primary
gic and pyrimidinergic neurotransmission in the urinary bladder urothelial cells taken from these patients also
bladder suggests a fundamental role in the sensory pro- exhibit increased ATP release in response to mechanical
cessing of micturition function making purinergic and stretch133, hypotonic stress135, or electrical field stimula-
pyrimidinergic receptors potential targets to improve tion136. In addition to increased urothelial-derived ATP
voiding dysfunction. release, changes in P2X receptor subtype expression
within various bladder tissues have also been demon-
Roles in urinary bladder dysfunction strated in patients with interstitial cystitis (P2X2 and
TRPV1 and TRPV4 channels P2X3)106, detrusor instability (P2X2)137 or bladder outlet
Studies of TRP channels (such as TRPA1, TRPV1, and obstruction (P2X1)138. The established role, or roles of
TRPV4) in the LUT have suggested functional roles purinergic signalling in bladder sensation suggest that
in symptoms of OAB46, and IC/BPS49,52. In particular, these neurochemical alterations might contribute to the
TRPV1 and TRPV4 exhibit plasticity in LUT expression development of LUT symptoms in these patients. Thus,
in patients with NDO, OAB, and IC/BPS. Patients with an alternative therapeutic approach to improve bladder
NDO were found to have increased TRPV1 immuno­ function might be to target purinergic neurotransmission
reactivity in suburothelial nerve fibres and basal within sensory components of the micturition reflex139.
cell ­layers of urothelium compared with controls121.
Localized treatment with intravesical instillation of Targeting receptors and/or channels
capsaicin improved symptoms in 84% of these patients, Determining the distribution and function of purin-
but side effects, including suprapubic burning, urgency, ergic receptors or channels and TRP channels in the
and hot flashes, lasted for 2 weeks after treatment80. An LUT (TABLE 1) in preclinical studies has the potential to
increase in TRPV1 transcript levels in trigonal mucosa produce safe and effective treatments for sensory void-
is also observed in patients with OAB122. In addition, ing disorders. Based on the distribution and function
patients with IC/BPS have an increase in the numbers of purinergic receptors and TRP channels in urothelial
of suburothelial TRPV1‑immunoreactive nerve fibres49. cells and bladder sensory nerves (TABLE 1), targeting
Intravesical capsaicin treatment significantly (P <0.01) these receptors and channels could alter mechanosen-
improved frequency and nocturia symptoms in these sation (such as urgency), chemosensation and pain per-
patients, but not urgency or pain123. ception (such as pain that is attributed to the urinary
Some studies also suggest that alterations to TRPV4 bladder), and/or the excitability of bladder sensory
expression after stress might contribute to urinary blad- nerves, therefore, modulating the afferent limb of the
der dysfunction. Individuals with IC/BPS or OAB exhibit mictur­ition reflex to the CNS and the overall function of
symptom exacerbation (such as urinary frequency) the urinary bladder. Clinical studies are determining the
during times of stress124–127. Repeated variate stress risks and benefits of purinergic receptor and TRP chan-
(RVS)128,129 in rats produces urinary bladder dysfunction nel antagonists in patients with IC/BPS. For example,
characterized by decreased bladder capacity, decreased results from a phase II clinical trial (NCT01569438)140


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with the selective, non-narcotic, and orally-­administered antagonist HC030031 reduced urinary bladder hyper­
P2X3 receptor antagonist AF‑219 showed a significant algesia as demonstrated by visceromotor reflexes quanti-
(P = 0.034) reduction in urinary urgency and a posi- fied by abdominal muscle electromyography146. TRPM8
tive trend in the improvement of pain in patients with might also be a target, as preclinical studies suggest that
IC/BPS141. The distribution of the P2X3 receptor is TRPM8 antagonists reduce urinary frequency147,148, but
restricted to sensory nerves, including bladder sensory they have not advanced to clinical trials. Additional
nerves (TABLE 1), making it an ideal target for affecting clinical evaluation of purinergic-receptor, purinergic-­
bladder sensory nerve excitability. channel, and TRP-channel antagonists is necessary to
TRPV1 has been considered a promising target in determine whether these targets can be effective and safe
IC/BPS based on the function of TRPV1 in the LUT and treatments for s­ ensory voiding disorders.
the benefits of intravesical vanilloids in NDO81. However,
intravesical capsaicin and its ultrapotent analogue RTX Conclusions
failed to improve pain scores or symptoms in patients Urinary bladder function is often taken for granted and
with severe pelvic pain or interstitial cystitis124,142. By given little thought, but attention is quickly redirected
contrast, hydrodistension combined with intravesical when neural injury, disease, or psychogenic stress dis-
RTX significantly reduced pain at 1 month (P = 0.022) rupts this function. Normal urinary bladder reflex func-
and 3 months (P = 0.041) follow‑up duration in patients tion as well as how the micturition reflex is affected by
with IC/BPS143. Disappointing results with TRPV1 ago- pathology is not yet completely understood, and much
nists have resulted in the pursuit of TRPV1 antagonists is still to be learned. For example, the identity of the
for clinical development. Unfortunately, use of TRPV1 sensory transducer at the level of the urothelium that
antagonists (such as AMG517 and XEND0501) pro- responds to urinary bladder distension is a critical first
duced marked and persistent hyperthermia resulting step in the micturition reflex and is not known. That
in early termination of clinical trials44,144. Intravesical activation of the urothelium can result in the release
administration could circumvent systemic adverse of chemical mediators including ATP is better under-
effects but its effects on pain and bladder dysfunction stood, although studies focusing on ATP release mech-
in IC/BPS patients need to be determined. The func- anisms from the urothelium are less well understood.
tion of another member of the TRPV family, TRPV4, The micturition reflex is altered with bladder pathol-
in the LUT (TABLE 1) in preclinical studies also suggests ogy and numerous changes to the urothelium have been
that TRPV4 antagonists could be an effective treatment documented. Changes in the urothelial cell expression
for LUT storage disorders; however, no clinical studies of channels and receptors including TRP and purin-
have been reported. Preclinical studies with HC067047, ergic channels and receptors are observed in IC/BPS,
a selective antagonist of TRPV4, have demonstrated OAB, NDO, and stress. Intensive research efforts are
significant (P ≤0.01) improvement in urinary blad- underway focused on identifying urothelial receptors
der function (such as reduced urinary frequency) in and/or channels that can be targeted by pharmaco­
rodents treated with CYP-induced or RVS-induced logi­c al tools to improve urinary bladder function.
bladder dysfunction45,145. Similarly, TRPA1 antagonists Such a strategy requires a clearer understanding of the
need clinical validation in LUT dysfunction but pre- identity and function of urothelial TRP channels and
clinical studies are suggestive of a clinical benefit. For ATP release m ­ echanisms in normal and pathological
example, in CYP-induced cystitis in mice, the TRPA1 LUT physiology.

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and sympathetic ganglia. Neurosci. Lett. 256, 136. Kumar, V., Chapple, C. R., Rosario, D., Tophill, P. R. Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The
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