E TN CBD BS 5950 90 011 PDF

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Technical Note
Shear Connectors

This Technical Note begins by defining the program's default allowable shear
connector capacity for BS 5950-90 composite beam design. Next the proce-
dure used to determine the number of shear connectors on the beam is ex-

Shear Capacity of a Shear Stud Connector

The capacity of a single shear stud is taken in the program as follows (BS
5.4.3, 5.4.6,,, Table 5):

Qp = k RLW Rm Qk, (BS 5.4.3)


Qk = The characteristic resistance of the shear connector; the

procedure to determine Qk is described later in this section
(BS 5.4.6, Table 5)

Rm = Reduction factor for the sign of moment,

0.8, for positive moment, and

Rm = (BS 5.4.3)
0.6, for negative moment,

RLW = Reduction factor for the concrete aggregate,

1.0, for normal weight concrete, and

RLW = (BS 5.4.6)
0.9, for light-weight concrete,

k = Reduction factor based on whether the stud is embedded in

a solid slab, a ribbed slab with the ribs running parallel to
the beam, or a ribbed slab with the ribs running perpen-
dicular to the beam; the procedure to determine k is de-
scribed later in this section (BS 5.4.3,,

Shear Capacity of a Shear Stud Connector Page 1 of 8

Composite Beam Design BS 5950-90 Shear Connectors

The program determines the characteristic resistance, Qk, using the parame-
ters identified in Table 1, which is adapted from BS 5950-3 Table 5 (BS 5.4.6,
BS Table 5). The program bases strength on nominal stud diameter only, ex-
cept for studs with 19 mm diameter, in which case the nominal height of the
stud is also considered.

Table 1 Characteristic Resistance Qk of Headed Studs, kN

Dimensions of Studs Characteristic Strength of Concrete, fcu, N/mm
Nominal Stud Nominal Stud 0 25 30 35 40 ≥ 40
Diameter, mm Height, mm N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

13 any 0 44 47 49 52 52

16 any 0 70 74 78 82 82

19 ≤75 0 82 87 91 96 96

19 ≥100 0 95 100 104 109 109

22 any 0 119 126 132 139 139

25 any 0 146 154 161 168 168

If the concrete shear strength, fcu, used in a model matches any of those
specified in the column headings of Table 1 (i.e., 25, 30, 35, or 40 N/mm2), the
program determines Qk from Table 1. If fcu equals a value other than any of
those specified in Table 1, the program interpolates Qk linearly within the ta-
ble for fcu. Note that fcu is always assumed to be limited to a maximum value
of 40 N/mm (BS Table 7 Note 1).

If the stud nominal diameter does not match any of the diameters given in
Table 1 (i.e., 13, 16, 19, 22, or 25 mm), the program determines strength
using the stud nominal diameter immediately larger than the diameter of the
stud for which Qk is being determined. Then the strength is adjusted in pro-
portion to the stud nominal diameter.

For the calculation of Qk, the nominal stud height is mostly ignored. The user
should be careful. For studs of diameter 19 mm, the stud shear resistance is
interpolated if the height of the stud is less 100 mm or more than 75 mm.

Shear Capacity of a Shear Stud Connector Page 2 of 8

Composite Beam Design BS 5950-90 Shear Connectors

The reduction factor k is determined as follows (BS 5.4.3, 5.4.2):

For solid slabs:

k = 1 (BS 5.4.3)

For ribbed decks with ribs running perpendicular to the beam:

 br  hs 
0.85  − 1 ≤ 1 if N R = 1,
 Dp  Dp 
 

 br  hs 
k = 0.60  − 1 ≤ 0.8 if N R = 2 , (BS
Dp  Dp 
  

 br  hs 
 − 1 ≤ 0.6
0.50 Dp  Dp 
if N R ≥ 3 ,
  


br = Average breadth of the concrete rib,

Dp = Overall depth of the profiled steel sheet (depth of the rib),

hs = Overall height of the stud; hs is taken as not more than 2Dp

and also not more than Dp + 75 mm in the calculation (BS,

hs ≤ 2Dp, (BS

hs ≥ Dp + 75 mm, and (BS

NR = Number of studs per rib.

For ribbed decks with ribs running parallel to the beam:

 br
1.0, if
≥ 1.5, and

k = (BS
0.6 br  hs  b
 − 1 ≤ 1.0, if r < 1.5.
 Dp  Dp  Dp
  

where br, Dp and hs are as described previously.

Shear Capacity of a Shear Stud Connector Page 3 of 8

Composite Beam Design BS 5950-90 Shear Connectors

The detrimental effect of eccentric placement of studs on the rib and the
beneficial effect of staggered placement of studs is not considered in the pro-
gram. The user should consult the code for more details (BS

In general, the ribs can run at any angle to the beam, not just parallel or per-
pendicular. Ideally, the rib angle to the beam should be considered in deter-
mining the characteristic shear strength of the studs (BS However,
the program considers the ribs to run either parallel or perpendicular, de-
pending on the rib-to-beam angle.

If there are different decks on the left and right sides of the beam, the pro-
gram calculates Qp for each side of the beam, using the same procedure.
Then the program uses the smaller value in the further calculations.

If any of the assumptions do not satisfy the user, the user can calculate the
strength Qp and use that value in the Overwrites form to apply to any specific
composite beam.

Number of Shear Connectors Required for Full

Composite Connection
For full shear composite connection, the total number of shear connectors, Np,
required to develop the possible moment capacity of the section is the num-
ber of shear connectors on each side of the point of maximum moment be-
tween the point of maximum moment and the point of zero moment. The
program determines that number using the following equation:

Np = , (BS


Qp = Capacity of the shear connector in the positive moment re-

gion (BS 5.4.3), as determined using the procedure given in
the previous section of the Technical Note, and

Fp = Longitudinal compressive force in the concrete slab at the

point of maximum positive moment; it is determined fol-
lowing the procedure described in the section entitled
"Maximum Compressive Force in Concrete" of Technical

Number of Shear Connectors Required for Full Composite Connection Page 4 of 8

Composite Beam Design BS 5950-90 Shear Connectors

Note Composite Plastic Moment Capacity for Positive Bend-

ing Composite Beam Design BS 5950-90. In that Technical
Note, Fstud is used synonymously with Fp. However, the pro-
cedure is reproduced here in brief.

Fp is the maximum force that can be generated in the slab concrete for 100%
composite connection. It is determined as follows:

Fp = min{Fconc,max, Fsteel,max}

The maximum concrete force, Fconc,max, that can be generated in a composite

deck is calculated differently depending on whether the deck ribs are parallel
or perpendicular to the beam. If the deck ribs are perpendicular to the beam,
Fconc,max is calculated as follows (BS Note that the maximum concrete
force has contribution from the left and right sides of the beam. Those contri-
butions are treated separately because they may be different.

Fconc,max = [0.45 fcu Be (Ds − Dp)]left + [0.45 fcu beff (Ds − Dp)]right(BS

If the deck ribs are parallel to the beam, the contributions of the ribs as well
as the contributions from the slab are considered. In such cases, Fconc,max is
calculated as follows (BS

  br D p    br Dp 
Fconc,max = 0.45 f cu Be  t c + 
 + 0.45 f cu Be  t c + 

  sr  left   sr  right

The maximum steel force, Fsteel,max, that can be generated in a composite

beam is calculated differently depending on the presence or absence of a
cover plate (BS

Fsteel,max = As py (with no cover plate) (BS

Fsteel,max = As py + Bcp Tcp pycp (with no cover plate) (BS

In the preceding expressions, As is the total area of steel section alone. For
welded sections, As is computed from plate dimensions. For rolled sections, As
is given in the section definition.

Additional checks on the adequacy of the shear connection, as recommended

by the code, are made by the program at the intermediate points where a

Number of Shear Connectors Required for Full Composite Connection Page 5 of 8

Composite Beam Design BS 5950-90 Shear Connectors

concentrated load occurs within a positive moment region (BS The
program calculates the total number of shear connectors between any such
intermediate point and the adjacent point of zero moment as at least Ni.

M − Ms
Ni = Np ≥ 0. (BS,
M c,100 − M s


Np = Number of shear connectors required on one side of the point

of maximum moment between a point of maximum moment
and a point of zero moment,

M = Factored moment at the point of concentrated load,

Ms = The moment capacity of steel alone, i.e., the moment capac-

ity for 0% composite connection,

Mc,100 = Plastic moment capacity for 100% composite connection.

Note that the preceding equations for Np and Ni are applicable only when each
stud has the same strength Qp. This condition does not exist when the num-
ber of studs per row varies in a ribbed slab that has ribs running perpendicu-
lar to the beam. In such cases, the strength Qp would not be unique (BS The program successfully handles dissimilar strengths of studs by
comparing Fp with the total stud resistance directly, instead of comparing Fp
with NpQp or NiQp.

For negative moment, the longitudinal tensile force carried by the concrete
slab is calculated to be zero, because the contribution from the longitudinal
reinforcement of the slab is conservatively ignored in the program. In such
cases, the required number of shear studs between the point of maximum
negative moment and the point of zero moment is taken as zero. However,
studs are placed based on maximum spacing requirements (BS

When the strength is based on elastic stress distribution, the number of studs
is calculated using the same procedure described previously.

The program places the total number of shear connectors uniformly spaced
along the length of the beam (BS In addition, the minimum and
maximum spacing requirements are satisfied (BS,

Number of Shear Connectors Required for Full Composite Connection Page 6 of 8

Composite Beam Design BS 5950-90 Shear Connectors

Number of Shear Connectors Required for Partial

Composite Connection
For partial composite connection, the total number of shear connectors, Na,
required to develop the positive moment capacity of the section is the number
of shear connectors at each side of the point of maximum moment between
the point of maximum moment and the point of zero moment. The program
determines this value using the following equation:

Na = PCC (BS, 5.5.2)


PCC (Percent Composite Connection) is the ratio expressing the level

of composite connection. It is expressed as a percentage.

PCC = , where

Fc = Concrete force required to develop the required positive

moment capacity at the point of maximum positive moment
in the span,

Fp = Concrete force required to develop full composite connec-

tion; this is also described in the previous section,

Qp = Strength of a single stud as described in a previous section.

The program calculates the total number of shear connectors between a point
of concentrated load and the adjacent point of zero moment as at least Ni (BS

Fp M − Ms
Ni = PCC ≥ 0. (BS, 5.5.2)
Qp M c , PCC − M s

where Mc,PCC is the plastic moment capacity of the composite beam section for
the designed level of composite connection (PCC). All other terms are as de-
fined in the previous section.

Number of Shear Connectors Required for Partial Composite Connection Page 7 of 8

Composite Beam Design BS 5950-90 Shear Connectors

For design, the value of PCC is determined such that the moment capacity is
satisfied. The value of PCC is taken as at least PCCmin. The default value of
PCCmin is taken from the following equation (BS 5.5.2). Note that the user can
overwrite this value using the Overwrites form.

40% if L ≤ 10 m,
PCCmin = x 100% if 10 m < L ≤ 16 m, (BS 5.5.2)
100% if L < 16 m
The number of required shear connectors and their distribution over the
length of the beam is affected by different factors, especially dissimilar con-
nector strength on ribbed slabs, the presence of negative moment on the
span, the elastic or plastic stress distribution on the composite section, and
the uniformity of spacing. This is described in the previous section and also
applies here.

PCC for Design and Check Problems

When the user specifies the stud distribution for a composite beam, the pro-
gram checks the beam for adequacy strength, deflection, vibration and other
criteria. The program does not determine the PCC for those criteria. Hence,
PCC is determined from geometric description and the associated material
strengths and the checks are based on those criteria. No iteration is involved
in determining the PCC.

When the user does not specify the stud distribution, but rather lets the pro-
gram solve that problem, the program both checks the adequacy of the com-
posite beam for strength, deflection, vibration, and other criteria and also
determines the PCC required for those criteria. Hence, the PCC is determined
first based on the criteria. Then, checks are performed based on the calcu-
lated PCC, thus resulting in iteration to determine the final PCC.

PCC for Design and Check Problems Page 8 of 8

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