Expressing Concern For Someone

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Expressing Concern for Someone


 To be able to use Words and expressions used to express sympathy.


 Concern = perhatian, keprihatinan

 Upset = sakit, gangguan, mengacaukan
 Bother = mengganggu, mengacau

A: Why weren't you at school yesterday?

B: I wasn't really feeling well.

A: What was wrong with you?

B: My stomach was upset.

A: Do you feel better now?

B: I don't really feel too well yet.

A: Do you want anything to make you feel better?

B: No, thanks. I already took some medicine.

A: I hope you feel better.

B: Thank you.

A: What reason do you have for missing school?

B: I was sick.

A: How were you sick?

Paradise Institute | Hacking English Academy | Speak English in 120 Days 1
B: I had a stomachache.

A: Did it get any better?

B: I'm still feeling under the weather.

A: Would you like anything for your stomach?

B: I took something earlier.

A: Get better.

B: Thanks a lot.

A: Why didn't you go to school yesterday?

B: I stayed home because I wasn't feeling well.

A: What was your problem?

B: My stomach was bothering me.

A: Are you feeling any better?

B: I'm still feeling a little sick.

A: I'm going to the store, would you like any Pepto Bismol?

B: That's okay.

A: I hope you feel better.

B: I'd appreciate that.

Paradise Institute | Hacking English Academy | Speak English in 120 Days 2

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