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1. Bubble quotes

2. Chain of events

3. Concept web/ mind map

4. Flow charts

5. Mind map

6. Playoffs

7. See saw

8. Starburst

9. Venn Diagram

- Should not be seen in isolation
- Positive interdependence – feel connected
- Individual accountability
- Face to face interaction – close proximity
- Processing the learning – assess their collaborative efforts
- Social skills

10. Eight square

11. Elevator speech

- encourage sharing of information
-time to prepare then give a one-minute speech on what they have learned in lesson/unit
-then change the audience – prepare speech, etc

12. Envoy
-exchange of ideas between groups
-form students into groups to discuss topic
- select one student from each group to be the envoy
-groups discuss issue and then the envoy reports to another group and also listens to that group’s report
- envoy returns to original group and exchanges new ideas that have been discussed

13. Community circle

-allows discussion on issues
-can be used at beginning or end of day or alternative to news telling
-students sit on floor or on chairs
- 3 C’s – cares, concerns, celebrations

14. Graffiti
- to rotate around a series of recorded ideas or issues
-each group rotates to next sheet of paper. Place a question mark next to those that need clarification

15. Jigsaw
- form into Base Groups and each student is given an aspect of a topic to discuss or research
- students research their aspect and prepare to report back to their home group
- students take turns to report on their aspect of the topic

16. Expert Jigsaw

- experts form like groups to collaborate further
-Together, the Expert Group works to decide what and how to report back to their Base Groups
17. Numbered Heads
-Note: if the person does not know the answer to question, they return to group to find answer

18. Placemat
- 1 section per group member
- as each group number shares with rest of group, the person to the right of speaker summarizes and records speaker’s
main points in circle

19. Think, Pair, Share

- allows group to reach consensus

20. Three-step interview

- allowing all members the opportunity to be interviewed

21. Corners
- enable students to choose and discuss a particular dimension of a topic

a. post different dimension of topic in designated corners of the room

e.g. Who’s your favourite character?
What region would you most likely like to study?

b. each student selects a particular dimension in response to a question asked by the teacher and moves to the
appropriate corner. Once in their corner, students pair up to discuss the reasons for their choice
After discussion, the teacher randomly selects pairs from each corner to report their thinking to the class

22.Round robin
-members of group take turns in speaking on issues
- time limits can be set if needed

23. Round Table

- to prepare for debate or discussion
-students write down their thoughts, solutions, and ideas

-Pass the paper around the group. As each person reads, they initial if they agree or leave blank if they do not. When paper
returns to owner they read ideas and review their own thoughts to present an argument using new and different ideas


24. Action plans

- to assist groups to implement an agreed upon course of action
- identify each task to be completed
-assigning people to complete the task
- determining a target date

25. Decision tree

26. Issues circle

- students consider as many responses as possible
- students take it in turns to share their responses with others in the group

27. Future wheel

- to predict consequences resulting from possible events

28. Values Dilemma

-students identify and then resolve a conflict situation
- individual students form opinions about the dilemma then choose a course of action and give reasons for their choice
* consensus rank ( most to least preferred action)
* state the reason for their choice

29. Brainstorming
- generating many ideas
- anything goes/ free-wheeling/ hitch-hiking
-no criticism
- no paraphrasing

30. Call out

- all ideas are accepted
- no criticism
- no paraphrasing

31. Card clusters

- collect info / ideas in an organized visual form

Step 1 – participants write their responses to a question or concept onto card; 1 idea per card (individual or group activity)
Step 2 – facilitator clusters the cards according to responses e.g. Positive response, Negative response
- Anonymity can be preserved by collecting all cards together before clustering

32. Conferencing
-to facilitate reflection
- provides a good opportunity to give feedback on student’s learning and also to observe their achievements and

33. Consider all factors (CAF)

- Ask what are all the factors involved?

34. Debates
- opportunity to develop their ORAL LANGUAGE, RESEARCH, and ORGANIZATION SKILLS

35. Diagrams
Types: maps, flowcharts, comic strips, mind-maps
- May draw and label e.g. life cycles of an animal

36. Goal-setting
- students and / or teachers set targets towards achieving over a period of time
e.g. behavioural goal, time management, social goal

37. Graphs
-bar, line, pie, and scatter

38. Inquiry process

- researching a focus/focused question

39. Inside-outside circle

-the person on the inside of the circle tells the person on the outside of the circle their response. Once they finish sharing
they say “Pass”. The outside circle rotates one position to the left or right

40. Interview
-student: about their knowledge, work and progress
-teacher: gain knowledge
-expert- specific info

41. Journals
-to reflect on their learning. e.g. “When we use adding in real life?”

42. KWL

43. Learning centers

- tools include learning logs, comment books, sign in charts, time limits
-for learning centers to be effective: ROUTINES, PROCEDURES, and EXPECTATIONS
-in early adolescent classrooms: e.g. CIRCUIT BOARDS, BATTERIES

44. Literature circle

- group activity used after reading
- can discuss aspects such as LIKES, DISLIKES, PATTERNS, AND PUZZLES
- the students then attempt to make link between the aspects

45. Modeling

46. Note-making Framework

- to assist with organizing info
e.g. Notes about SHARKS ( types, diet, breeding, habitat, physical characteristics, and other interesting info)

47. Open-ended activities

-encourage students to think carefully about their answers as there is usually no right or wrong solution

48. Photographs / pictures

- used as visual prompts

49. Pluses, Minuses, Interesting (PMI)

- one person’s plus may be another person’s minus

50. Problem solving

-e.g. of problem solving models
2. Choose – tools for solving the problem
3. Use

51. Role play / Simulation – e.g. songs, dance, drama

- for organizing and interpreting data gathered from observations of student performance
-a scoring guide that differentiates between levels of development in a specific area of performance or behavior

-used for developing creative, divergent and original thinking

Substitute to have another person or thing act in the place of another

Combine to bring together
Adapt to adjust for the purpose of suiting a condition of purpose
Modify to alter, change
Put to other uses to use for purpose other than originally intended
Eliminate to remove, omit
Rearrange to change order or adjust

54. Semantic grids

- are tables which have vertical and horizontal labels

55. Six Thinking Hats

- effective parallel thinking process that helps people be more productive , focused, and mindfully involved

WHITE hat – calls for info known or needed; FACTS

BLACK hat – JUDGMENT; devil’s advocate or why something may not work
- Spot the difficulties and dangers ; probably the most powerful / useful
RED hat – signifies FEELINGS, hunches, and intuition
-you can express emotions / feelings
YELLOW hat – brightness / OPTIMISM
GREEN hat – CREATIVITY, possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas
BLUE hat – used to manage the thinking process

56. Story mapping

-to develop student’s understanding of narratives and ability to summarize important info
57. Structured Overview
- relationship between key words and concepts which provides an overview of the topic

58. Surveys
-to find out s general opinion or feeling towards an issue

59. Sustained Conversation

- discuss issues in a meaningful context. Rather than just asking for a right answer, this develops student’s reasoning skills,
discussion skills, questions their VALUES and BELIEFS
e.g. What do you think?, How could you do this? Do you agree? What makes you agree?

60. Task cards

- making tasks “real life” tasks make them more meaningful
e.g. your task is to write an advertisement to persuade people to buy land in the new subdivision in town

61. The Y/T chart

- a chart that lists what the topic looks like, sounds like, feels like ( or any combination of the two for a T chart)
- clarify concepts or ideas

62. Timelines
- give a visual representation of key events, presented in chronological order

63. Alternating Groups

64. Analogy

65. Buzz Session

66. Case Studies

67. Character Profile

68. Community Immersion

69. Demonstration

70. Enhanced Lecture

71. Experiment

72. Field Trip/Field Work/ Lakbay Aral

73. Film Viewing

74. Fish Bowl

75. Gallery Walk

76. Group Dynamics/Work

77. I learned statements

78. Independent Learning

79. Uninterrupted Video Presentation

80. Jumping Board

81. Macro Teaching

82. Micro Teaching

83. Trial / Mock Demonstration

84. Mystery Box

85. Paint Me a Picture

86. PALS – Peer Assisted Learning Strategy

87. Panel Discussion

88. Pantomime

89. Peer Teaching / Tutorial

90. Picture study / analysis

91. Poetic Joust

92. Poster making

93. Puppet

94. Skills Development

95. Quiz the Expert

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